Course & Syllabus - Center for Student Success & First

The University of Mississippi
Center for Student Success and First-Year Experience
EDHE 101, Academic Skills for College
Office Hours:
Nino Jakhaia, M.Ed.
209 Hill Hall, Monday-Wednesday, 1 pm to 2 pm, or by appointment
Center for Excellence and First-Year Experience, 106 Hill Hall,
 Required Course Packet, available at Sam/Gerard Hall. Estimated cost is $9.00
 Students are encouraged to explore readings and outside sources to broaden their understanding of the
issues discussed in class. Additional relevant readings will be assigned at the instructor’s discretion.
 Developing and improving academic-related skills
 Exploring the various behaviors and use of resources associated with student success
 Practicing variety of study skills and techniques such as goal setting, test taking and time management.
 Applying study skills to academics, career and personal situations.
Attendance and participation (35% of grade). All students are expected to participate in class by
demonstrating engagement in discussion and activities, and attentiveness to lecture. Students may lose a portion
of their daily participation points if engaged in an inappropriate behavior (ex. texting, using social media in
Presentations: Students will present preliminary versions of their critical reflection paper. 5% of final grade.
Papers: Students will write two papers over the course of the semester. 1) Critical Reflection Paper. A 2-3 page
reflective paper on the topic of their choice. 10% of final grade. 2) Career Paper: Students will write 2-3 page paper
(at least 500 words), reflecting on career, personality and personal plans. 10% of final grade.
Quizzes. Students will take 5 quizzes over the course of the semester based on the external readings that will be
posted on blackboard. 15% of final grade.
Midterm/Final Exam: On a due date students will take an in-class midterm. 12.5% of final grade. Final Exam due
date and specifics will be announced later in the semester. 12.5% of final grade.
The final grade for the class will be based upon the percentages of points earned. The modified +/--- grading system
will be employed to determine the grade:
90 to 100 A
80 to 86.9 B
70 to 76.9 C
87 to 89.9 B+
77 to 79.9 C+
60 to 69.9 D
< 60 F
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Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the date indicated in the outline. The student is
responsible for all material assigned even if it is not discussed in class. If you are absent, you are responsible for
finding out the assignments that you missed and/or turning in due work.
Quizzes/tests missed because of an unexcused absence may not be made up. Quizzes/tests assignments missed
due to an excused absence will be made up in the instructor’s office during a pre-arranged appointment. They
must be made up within a week of when they were missed.
Honesty and fairness are essential elements of the academic environment of The University of Mississippi. If
either principle is diminished, the academic experience is devalued. In addition, it is important to recognize that
applications for graduate and professional school, and applications for employment and professional school, and
applications for employment and professional licenses, frequently require the applicant to state whether he or
she has been found guilty of academic dishonesty. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is taken seriously at The
University of Mississippi. Every member of the University community is charged with upholding high
standards of honesty and fairness in all academic matters. Any action that is contrary to these standards is
subject to academic discipline, as are actions that are harmful to the facilities that support the academic
environment. Mutual respect and fairness are the basis of the instructor-student relationship at The University
of Mississippi. The complete University Academic Discipline Policy (ACA.AR.6001.01 Student Academic
Conduct and Disci0pline) may be found in the University’s online policy directory through the following link:
It is the responsibility of the student with a disability to contact the Office of Student Disability Services
(662.915.7128). Reasonable accommodations will be made available to students with disabilities who bring an
Instructor Notification of Classroom Accommodation form to class. No accommodations may be made without
such notification from the Office of Student Disability Services.
EDHE 101
This outline is subject to change. All changes will be announced in class prior to implementation.
Week 1
Due Dates
Course & Syllabus Overview
Monday, August 24
Wednesday, August 26
Map the GPA
Calculate GPA
Friday, August 28
Course Information Sheets
Complete Course Information Sheets
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Week 2
Monday, August 31
Understanding Visuals
Read “Learn Through Multiple
Wednesday, September 2
Mastering the Map
Work with Concept Map/Index Cards
Friday, September 4
Mastering the Map
Quiz 1
Week 3
Monday, September 7
Labor Day _ No Class
Wednesday, September 9
Reading for Comprehension
Read “Can You Call 911”
Create SQ4R based on the reading
Friday, September 11
Critical Reflection Presentations
Critical Reflection Paper
Presentations Due
Monday, September 14
Week 4
Note Taking
Wednesday, September 16
Friday, September 18
Read “When Gaming is Good for You”
Violence Prevention Workshop
Create Cornell Notes
Week 5
Monday, September 21
Reliability of Information
Wednesday, September 23
Writing Arguments
Friday, September 25
Logical Fallacies
Critical Reflection Papers Due
Monday, September 28
Week 6
Preparing for Exam
Read “Preparing for Exam”
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Wednesday, September 30
Study Guides
Create Study Guides
Friday, October 2
Reading #2
Quiz 2
Week 7
Monday, October 5
How the Brain Works
Wednesday, October 7
Midterm Exam
Friday, October 9
How the Brain Works
Week 8
Monday, October 12
Wednesday, October 14
Improving Concentration
Friday, October 16
Read “Improving Concentration”
Quiz 3
Week 9
Monday, October 19
Time Management
Time Management Worksheet and
Time Management
Time Management
Quiz 4
Week 10
Read “Getting Motivated”
Wednesday, October 21
Friday, October 23
Monday, October 26
Wednesday, October 28
Friday, October 30
Quiz 5
Week 11
Monday, November 2
Personality Types
Wednesday, November 4
Learning Styles
Meyers Briggs Learning Styles
Friday, November 6
Learning Styles
Complete Learning Style
Week 12
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Monday, November 9
Library Session
Wednesday, November 11
Research Paper Guidelines
Friday, November 13
Monday, November 16
Week 13
What is “knowing?”
Wednesday, November 18
Friday, November 20
Levels of Learning
Levels of Learning
Analyze Cases of Plagiarism
Career Paper Due
Analyze Your Test
Week 14
Monday, November 23
Thanksgiving Break _No Class
Wednesday, November 25
Thanksgiving Break _No Class
Friday, November 27
Thanksgiving Break _No Class
Monday, November 30
Week 15
Test Anxiety Workshop
Wednesday, December 2
Stress and Anxiety Management
Greatest Successes
Friday, December 4
Stress and Anxiety Management
Complete A-B-C-D-E worksheet
Final Exam
Final Project Due
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