Problem 33- hallucinations


33. Hallucinations/disordered thinking

Perceptual disturbance

Perception = process of making sense of physical information we receive with our 5 senses

Illusion = misconception of a real external stimuli e.g. dressing gown on door in dark room looks like a stranger

Pseudohallucination = perception in subjective inner space where patient knows the perception is false

Hallucination = perceptions occurring in the absence of an external stimuli in the objective outer space

Visual hallucinations – causes: commonly in organic conditions e.g. delirium, dementia, epilepsy; as well as LSD, alcoholic hallucinosis.

Charles Bonnet = pts experience complex visual hallucinations assoc with no other psychiatric symtoms, usually in elderly

Hypnagogic hallucination = false perceptions that occur going to sleep (normal)

Hypnopompic hallucination = false perceptions occur as a person wakes (normal)

Auditory hallucinations –

Audible thoughts (first person) – patients hear their own thoughts spoken out loud

Second person – patients hear a voice talking directly to them; assoc with mood disorders

Third person – patients hear voices talking about them


– false perceptions of smell and taste – rule out epilepsy

Somatic – hallucinations of bodily sensations – superficial (tactile, thermal, hygric), visceral and kinaesthetic

Thought disturbance

Overvalued idea = plausible belief that a patient becomes preoccupied with to an unreasonable extent; which causes considerable distress to pt. e.g. anorexia nervosa

Delusion = an unshakable false belief that is not accepted by other members of the patients culture

Delusions are categorized into four different groups:

 Bizarre delusion: A delusion that is very strange and completely implausible; an example of a bizarre delusion would be that aliens have removed the affected

 person's brain.

Non-bizarre delusion : A delusion that, though false, is at least possible, e.g., the

 affected person mistakenly believes that he is under constant police surveillance.

Mood-congruent delusion : Any delusion with content consistent with either a depressive or manic state, e.g., a depressed person believes that news anchors on television highly disapprove of him, or a person in a manic state might believe

 he is a powerful deity.

Mood-neutral delusion : A delusion that does not relate to the sufferer's emotional state; for example, a belief that an extra limb is growing out of the back of one's head is neutral to either depression or mania.


In addition to these categories, delusions often manifest according to a consistent theme. Although delusions can have any theme, certain themes are more common.

Some of the more common delusion themes are: [6]

Delusion of control: This is a false belief that another person, group of people, or external force controls one's thoughts, feelings, impulses, or behavior.

Nihilistic delusion: This is a false belief that one does not exist or has become deceased.


Delusional jealousy (or delusion of infidelity): A person with this delusion falsely believes a spouse or lover is having an affair.

Delusion of reference: The person falsely believes that insignificant remarks, events, or objects in one's environment have personal meaning or significance.

Erotomania A delusion where someone believes another person is in love with them.

Grandiose delusion : An individual is convinced he has special powers, talents, or abilities. Sometimes, the individual may actually believe he or she is a famous

 person or character (for example, Napoleon).

Persecutory delusion : These are the most common type of delusions and involve the theme of being followed, harassed, cheated, poisoned or drugged, conspired against, spied on, attacked, or obstructed in the pursuit of goals.

 Religious delusion : Any delusion with a religious or spiritual content. These may be combined with other delusions, such as grandiose delusions (the belief that the affected person is a god, or chosen to act as a god, for example).

Somatic delusion : A delusion whose content pertains to bodily functioning, bodily sensations, or physical appearance. Usually the false belief is that the body is somehow diseased, abnormal, or changed

—for example, belief that ones bowels are rotting.

Delusions of parasitosis (DOP) or delusional parasitosis: a delusion in which one feels infested with an insect, bacteria, mite, spiders, lice, fleas, worms, or other organisms. Affected individuals may also report being repeatedly bitten. In some cases, entomologists are asked to investigate cases of mysterious bites.

Sometimes physical manifestations may occur including skin lesions.

 Delusions of Control (1 st rank schizophrenia symptoms) – false belief that ones thoughts, feelings, actions or impulses and controlled or “made” by an external agency – thought insertion, thought withdrawal and thought broadcasting

Disorganised thinking

 Thought Blocking – Interruption of train of speech before completion. e.g. "Am I

 early?" "No, you're just about on..." (silence)

Circumstantiality – Speech that is highly detailed and very delayed at reaching its goal. Can be normal

 Clanging – Sounds, rather than meaningful relationships, appear to govern words or topics. Excessive rhyming, and/or alliteration. e.g. "Many moldy mushrooms

 merge out of the mildewy mud on Mondays." "I heard the bell. Well, hell, then I fell."

Derailment (also Loose Association and Knight's Move thinking ) – Ideas slip off

 the topic's track on to another which is obliquely related or unrelated. e.g. "The next day when I'd be going out you know, I took control, like uh, I put bleach on my hair in California."

Echolalia – Echoing of one's or other people's speech that may only be committed once, or may be continuous in repetition. This may involve repeating only the last few words or last word of the examiner's sentences. This can be a symptom of Tourette's Syndrome. e.g. "What would you like for dinner?", "That's a good question. That's a good question . That's a good question . That's a good question ."

Flight of Ideas – A sequence of loose associations or extreme tangentiality where the speaker goes quickly from one idea to another seemingly unrelated idea. To the listener, the ideas seem unrelated and do not seem to repeat. Often pressured speech is also present. e.g. "I own five cigars. I've been to Havana.

She rose out of the water, in a bikini."

Word salad – Speech that is unintelligible because, though the individual words are real words, the manner in which they are strung together results in incoherent

 gibberish

Neologisms – New word formations. These may also involve elisions of two words that are similar in meaning or in sound. e.g. "I got so angry I picked up a dish and threw it at the geshinker."

Perseveration – Persistent repetition of words or ideas. e.g. "It's great to be here in Nevada, Nevada, Nevada, Nevada, Nevada." This may also involve repeatedly giving the same answer to different questions. e.g. "Is your name Mary?" "Yes."

"Are you in the hospital?" "Yes." "Are you a table?" "Yes." Perseveration can include palilalia and logoclonia and is often an indication of organic brain disease

 such as Parkinson's.

Pressure of speech – An increase in the amount of spontaneous speech compared to what is considered customary. This may also include an increase in the rate of speech. Alternatively it may be difficult to interrupt the speaker; the

 speaker may continue speaking even when a direct question is asked.

Tangentiality – Replying to questions in an oblique, tangential or irrelevant manner. e.g.: Q: "What city are you from?" A: "Well, that's a hard question. I'm from Iowa. I really don't know where my relatives came from, so I don't know if

I'm Irish or French."

Differential diagnosis of the psychotic patient

1. schizophrenia

2. schizoaffective disorder

3. delusional disorder

4. affective disorders

5. delirium and dementia


personality disorder


4 types:

1. paranoid – dominated by delusions and hallucinations

2. hebephrenic – disorganised thoughts, disturbed behaviour, inappropriate flat affect – early onset (15-25years) and poor prognosis

3. Catatonic – rare in developed countries

4. Residual – 1 year of predominately negative symptoms but preceded by 1 psychotic episode

Incidence: 15-20 / 100k; M=F; peak incidence teens  early adulthood.

First rank symptoms

Auditory hallucinations in 3 rd

person or

Chronic phase schizophrenia (negative symptoms) a running commentary

Somatic hallucinations

Thought beliefs: thought withdrawal , broadcast , spoken aloud

Delusional perception . insertion

Not first rank but diagnostically useful:

Delusions of persecution / grandeur

Ideas of reference

2 nd person auditory hallucinations

, hears thoughts

Passivity phenomena (feeling of actions being controlled)

Apathy, poor motivation

Social withdrawal

Blunted affect (decreased emotional expression)

Decline in skills associated with activities of daily living (ADLs) e.g.

 hygiene, budgeting, cooking etc.

Cognitive impairments: concentration and memory deficits

Frontal lobe deficits: inability to formulate and execute complex plans

Thought disorder: derailment

Differential diagnosis:

1. Brain pathology (organic disease) especially that associated with temporal lobe epilepsy can result in a delusional disorder resembling schizophrenia.

2. Dementia

3. Delusional disorder – there are five types listed in DSM-IV. Auditory and visual hallucinations (if present) must not be prominent and symptoms must have been present for at least 1 month (3 in ICD-10). The five types are:


Jealous (‘Othello’ syndrome): an abnormal belief that the partner is being unfaithful

– held on irrational grounds (unsound evidence and reasoning) and unaffected by rational argument . Often there is no idea who the supposed lover might be. M>F

Erotomanic (rare): the belief that a (usually inaccessible) person is in love with the patient. The person is often famous. F>>M

Somatic: The belief that the patient suffers from a physical disease or deformity.


Mixed and unspecified other categories that may be used.

4. Bipolar disorder: can present with psychotic symptoms including 40% who present with a first rank symptom e.g.: ideas of reference, 3 rd person hallucinations, and/or delusions of persecutio n (e.g. doctor is jealous of patient’s


Useful Questions to ask in history taking :


Have you experienced anything strange or unusual?

Thought insertion

Are thoughts put into your head that you know are not your own?

Where do they come from?

Thought withdrawal

Do your thoughts disappear or seem to be taken from your head?

Where do they go?

Thought block

Do your thoughts sometimes stop suddenly so your mind is blank even though your thoughts were flowing freely before?

Why does this happen?

Thought broadcast

Do others hear your thoughts or read your mind?

Can you send messages to other people with your mind?

How do you explain this?


Are you always in control of your thoughts and actions?

Who else controls these?

How do they do this?

What do they get you to do/think/say?

Delusional perception:

 When you saw … how did you know what it meant?

Somatic hallucinations:

Have you had any strange or unusal feelings in your body?

Does your body function normally?

Auditory hallucinations

Have you ever heard anything you believe other people cannot?

Do you hear voices?

Whose voices are they?

Are they clear?

How many are there?

Do they come from inside or outside your head?

Do they talk to you or about you?

What sorts of things do they say?

Do they give commands?

Do you have to obey them?

Other hallucinations:

Do you ever see, feel or smell something that you cannot explain?

Antipsychotic drugs

Typical - Block dopamine D2 receptors (leading to EPSEs) e.g. haloperidol, chlorpromazine

Atypical - Block dopamine D2 receptors and serotonin 2A receptors e.g. risperidone, clozapine (SE: agranulocytosis therefore check FBC regularly)


Location of dopamine D2 receptors

Function Clinical effect of dopamine D2receptor antagonism

Mesolimbic pathway Treatment of psychotic symptoms

Mesocorital pathway

Nigrostriatal pathway

(basal ganglia/striatum)

Involved in delusions/ hallucinations/ thought disorder, euphoria and drug depedance

Mediates cognitive and negative symptoms

Controls motor control

Tuberoinfindibular pathway Controls prolactin secretion

(dopamine inhibits release)

Chemoreceptor trigger zone

Controls nausea and vomiting

Worsening of cognitive and negative symptoms

Extra-pyramdial SEs (EPSEs):

Parkinsonian symptoms

Acute dystonia


Tardive dyskinesia

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome


(galactorrhoea, amenorrhea, infertility, sexual dysfunction)

Anti emetic effect: some phenothiazines e.g. prochlorperazine are effective at treating n+v

Other SEs:

Anti-cholinergic: muscurinic receptor blockade

Dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision

Alpha-adrenergic receptor blockade

Histaminergic receptor blockade

Cardiac effects

Dermatological effect


Postural hypotension

Sedation, weight gain

Prolonged QT-interval, arrhythmias, myocarditis, sudden death

Photosensitivity, skin rashes (esp chlorpromazine: blue-grey discolouration in sun)

Lowering seizure threshold, hepatotoxicity, cholestatic jaundice, pancytopenia, agranulocytosis


For dementia to be present there must be memory loss

In addition to this there must be one of the following four:

Apraxia: problems with movements as evidenced by the drawing part of the MMSE

Agnosia: problems in recognition e.g. faces, names etc of friends or relatives

Aphasia: problems in speech or communication, either fluent or non-fluent

Associated symptoms: e.g. problems planning

Amnesia, apraxia, agnosia, aphasia and associated symptoms are the ‘5 As’ of dementia.

In addition, there should be a decline in function over time and should cause problems in social or occupational operation.

Differentials: (the ‘4Ds’): Depression, delirium, drugs, and dementia.

The most common drugs are alcohol, antiepileptics and antipsychotics

Common types

Alzheimers (~60%)

Gradual onset with progressive cognitive decline

Diagnosis of exclusion of other causes of dementia

Vascular (~20%)

Stepwise onset with successive infarcts

Focal neuro signs

Lewy body (~5%)

Vivid visual hallucinations

Increased falls


Parkinsonian symptoms

Very sensitive to neuroleptic drugs


Eatrly decline of social and personal conduct

Early emotional blunting

Early loss of insight

Sparing of other cognitive functions






Pulse (e.g. for AF)

Blood pressure

Focal neuro signs


5% of dementias are caused by reversible factors – it is important to screen for these




Serum [Ca 2+ ]

Serum B


Serum Folate

Blood glucose

Thyroid function

Liver function (LFT)

Syphilis serology


Impairment of consciousness with reduced ability to focus or maintain information

Feature Delirium Dementia





Perceptual disturbance

Sleep-wake cycles


Hours to weeks






Months to years

Progressive deteriation


Occurs in late stages

Usually normal

Mental Health Act 1983

Section Applies to

Patient in community,


3 with a suspected but undiagnosed mental disorder*

Patient in the community, with a diagnosed mental disorder*

Used by

Social worker +

2 doctors. One must be section

12.2 approved and the other should ideally be a psychiatrist.

Next of kin must be informed in section 3.

Used For

Assessment and treatment

Treatment for 3 months with further treatment allowed with patient consent or after consultation with an independent psychiatrist


Up to 28 days

Up to 6 months


A non-admitted patient, with suspected or known mental disorder* e.g. in A&E or

Outpatients dept.

Social worker + doctor

72 hours



An admitted patient with suspected or known mental disorder* e.g. a voluntary patient

An admitted patient with suspected or known mental disorder* e.g. a voluntary patient


Nurse with mental health training

Detaining a patient who wishes to leave until formal assessment under section 2 or 3. No treatment can be given without consent.

72 hours

6 hours



Person in a private dwelling

Person in a private dwelling

Police with a magistrates order


Removal of person to a ‘safe place’ to await formal assessment under section 2 or 3. No treatment can be given without

72 hours

72 hours consent.

*causing such severe problems that they are a risk to their own health or the health and safety of others, refusing to be hospitalised.

There is a right to appeal against sections 2 and 3, usually taking 1-2 weeks or 4-5 weeks respectively to resolve.
