I. Grade Level/Unit Number: Physics Unit 1 II: Unit Title: One-Dimensional Motion III. Unit Length: (traditional schedule) 10 days (block schedule) or 18 days IV. Major Learning Outcomes: This unit is focused on the concept of one dimensional motion. Students will learn about the relationships among the concepts of position, velocity and acceleration. Students will examine the graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration and relate them to the motion of a mass and to each other. Specifically students will be able to: Velocity Identify a frame of reference for measurement of position and identify the initial position of the object. Develop the definition of velocity as the rate of change of position conceptually, mathematically and graphically (see 2.04). Apply the equation developed to several applications where objects are moving with constant velocity: v x t x f x i vt Velocity as a Vector Define vector and scalar, incorporating magnitude and direction. Apply concepts of speed and velocity to solve conceptual and quantitative problems. Distinguish between distance and displacement conceptually and mathematically. Clarify that a positive value for velocity indicates motion in one direction while a negative value indicates motion in the opposite direction. Acceleration Develop the definition for constant (uniform) acceleration as the rate of change of velocity conceptually, mathematically, and graphically (see 2.04). Analyze visual representations of constant and changing velocity. (see 2.04) Use kinematics equations for acceleration: x f xi vit 1 at 2 2 a v t 2 v f vi2 2ax Apply concepts of constant (uniform) acceleration to objects in free fall. Application of Graphical and Mathematical Tools Constant velocity: Measure position versus time of an object moving with constant velocity. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 1 Plot a position versus time graph of the measurements. Recognize that the relationship is linear and construct a best-fit line. Identify the slope of the line as the change in position over time (velocity) and the y-intercept as the initial position for the given time interval. Using the slope y-intercept equation (y = mx + b) from the graphs above, derive the mathematical relationships: o final position=average velocity*time + initial position o final position - initial position=average velocity*time v x t Define change in position as displacement and show the average velocity o equation ( v x ). t Constant acceleration: Measure position and time of an object moving with constant acceleration. Plot a position vs. time graph of the measurements. Recognize that the relationship is not linear but fits the shape of a parabola indicating that position is proportional to time squared. At various points on the curve, draw lines tangent to the curve and develop the concept of instantaneous velocity (represented by the slope of the tangent line at that time instant). Give several examples of and compare position vs. time, velocity vs. time and acceleration vs. time graphs. Recognize that the slope of the line on an instantaneous velocity vs. time graph is the acceleration. Develop the equations for objects that are experiencing constant acceleration (rolling down an inclined plane or objects falling toward the earth): x f xi vit 1 at 2 a v t 2 2 2 v f vi 2ax V. Content Objectives Included (with RBT Tags): COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry. 1.01 Identify questions and problems that can be answered through scientific investigations. (RBT B2, B3, C2, C3) Physics- Unit 1 This goal and these objectives are an integral part of each of the other goals. In order to measure and investigate scientific phenomena, students must be given the opportunity to design and conduct their own investigations in a safe laboratory. The students should use questions and models to formulate the relationship identified in their investigations and then report and DRAFT 2 share those finding with others Students will be able to: Develop questions for investigation from a given topic or problem. 1.02 Design and conduct scientific investigations to answer questions about the physical world. • Create testable hypotheses. • Identify variables. • Use a control or comparison group when appropriate. • Select and use appropriate measurement tools. • Collect and record data. • Organize data into charts and graphs. • Analyze and interpret data. • Communicate findings. (RBT C2, C3, ,C4, C5, C6) 1.03 Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models using logic and evidence to: • Explain observations. • Make inferences and predictions. • Explain the relationship between evidence and explanation. (RBT B2, B6, C2, C6) 1.04 Apply safety procedures in the laboratory and in field studies: • Recognize and avoid potential hazards. • Safely manipulate materials and equipment needed for scientific investigations. (RBT B3, C3) 2.01 (RBT B4) Physics- Unit 1 Distinguish and appropriately graph dependent and independent variables. Discuss the best method of graphing/presenting particular data. Use technology resources such as graphing calculators and computers to analyze data. Report and share investigation results with others. Use questions and models to determine the relationships between variables in investigations. Use evidence from an investigation to support a hypothesis. Predict safety concerns for particular experiments o Electricity o Projectiles Relate physics concepts to safety applications such as: o Transportation: seat belts, air bags, speed… o Short circuits, circuit breakers, fire hazards Analyze velocity as a rate of change of position: • Average velocity. • Instantaneous velocity. DRAFT 3 2.02 (RBT B4) Compare and contrast as scalar and vector quantities: • Speed and velocity. • Distance and displacement. 2.03 Analyze acceleration as rate of change in velocity. (RBT B4, C4) 2.04 (RBT C3, C4, C5, C6) Honors Using graphical and mathematical tools, design and conduct investigations of linear motion and the relationships among: • Position. • Average velocity. • Instantaneous velocity • Acceleration. • Time. Suggested Honors Project: Crazy Car Construction VI. English Language Development Objectives (ELD) Included: NC English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standard 4 (2008) for Limited English Proficiency Students (LEP)- English Language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of science. Suggestions for modified instruction and scaffolding for LEP students and/or students who need additional support are embedded in the unit plan and/or are added at the end of the corresponding section of the lessons. The amount of scaffolding needed will depend on the level of English proficiency of each LEP student. Therefore, novice level students will need more support with the language needed to understand and demonstrate the acquisition of concepts than intermediate or advanced students. VII. Materials/Equipment Needed: Most of the activities for this unit use inexpensive and simple materials. Those materials can be found here. Air pucks (http://www.flinnsci.com/store/Scripts/hs_createOrder.asp?find=catalog&strSe arch=AP5619) or Fisher item # S52178 http://www.flinnsci.com/store/Scripts/hs_createOrder.asp?find=catalog&strSe arch=AP6917) Washers, pennies or other small masses Meter sticks or measuring tape Timers (If you don’t have stopwatches there is a nice program that can be loaded on TI graphing calculators. Go to the following website and look up “stopwatch”: http://www.ticalc.org/pub/83/basic/programs/) Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 4 VIII. Vernier LoggerPro software (http://www.vernier.com/soft/lp.html). Powerful software package. Cost is only $159 from Vernier. The $159 gets you a site license for you AND your students and can be used in activities throughout the year. Motion sensors (Vernier or similar) with data collection interface (LabPro or similar). Cost is $78. Digital video camera (perhaps your media center has one you can check out). If you do not have access to a digital video camera, www.physicstoolkit.com is a free site that has sample videos as well as the software used to analyze them. Bulletin board paper or a roll of “butcher paper” Magic markers Access to computer lab with internet capabilities. Objects to drop (bean-bag like balls, tennis balls, baseballs, etc.) Misc. supplies such as masking tape and graph paper. Free graph paper can be downloaded at: www.mathematicshelpcentral.com/graph_paper.htm . Flip buggies (any vehicle that moves at constant velocity) Detailed Content Description: Please see the detailed content description for each objective in the Physics Support Document. The link to this downloadable document is in the Physics Standard Course of Study at: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/science/scos/2004/27physics IX. Unit Notes: Overview of Unit One This unit is focused on the concept of one dimensional motion. Students will learn about the relationships among the concepts of position, velocity and acceleration. Students will examine the graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration and relate them to the motion of a mass and to each other. The Unit Guide below contains the activities that are suggested to meet the Standard Course of Study (SCOS) Goals for Unit One. The guide includes activities, teacher notes on how to implement the activities, and resources relating to the activities which include language objectives for LEP (Limited English Proficient) students. Teachers should also consult the Department of Public Instruction website for English as a Second Language at: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/esl/ to find additional resources. If a teacher follows this curriculum (s)he will have addressed the goals and objectives of the SCOS. However, teachers may want to substitute other activities that Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 5 teach the same concept. Teachers should also provide guided and independent practice from the textbook or other resources. Physics Support Document Teachers should also refer to the support document for Physics at http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/science/scos/2004/27physics for the detailed content description for each objective to be sure they are emphasizing the specified concepts for each objective. Reference Tables The North Carolina Physics Reference Tables were developed to provide essential information that should be used on a regular basis by students, therefore eliminating the need for memorization. It is suggested that a copy be provided to each student on the first day of instruction. A copy of the reference tables can be downloaded at the following URL: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/curriculum/science/scos/2004/physics/referenceta bles.pdf Essential Questions for Unit One Essential questions are those questions that lead to student understanding. Students should be able to answer these questions at the end of an activity. Teachers are advised to put these questions up in a prominent place in the classroom. The questions can be answered in a journal format as a closure. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What information can be determined from analyzing the slopes of position vs. time and velocity vs. time graphs? How does constant velocity affect the position of an object traveling in a straight line? How does distance differ from displacement? How does speed differ from velocity? What is the relationship between position vs. time and velocity vs. time graphs? How does the rate of change of velocity reflect an object’s acceleration? How can the concept of constant acceleration apply to the study of gravity? Safety No object should be thrown at another person at any time unless part of a lab activity. Hard-toed shoes should be worn in physics labs. Read all instructions before starting the lab activity. If lab equipment appears to be malfunctioning, contact the science teacher immediately. All students should be aware of what others are doing when lab activities are taking place. Keep lab area as clean as possible. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 6 Modified Activities for LEP Students Those activities marked with a have a modified version or notes designed to assist teachers in supporting students who are English language learners. Teachers should also consult the Department of Public Instruction website for English as a Second Language at: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/esl/ to find additional resources. Computer Based Activities Several of the recommended activities are computer based and require students to visit various internet sites and view animations of various biological processes. These animations require various players and plug-ins which may or may not already be installed on your computers. Additionally some districts have firewalls that block downloading these types of files. Before assigning these activities to students it is essential for the teacher to try them on the computers that the students will use and to consult with the technology or media specialist if there are issues. These animations also have sound. Teachers may wish to provide headphones if possible. Web Resources The web resources provided on this page were live links when the unit was designed. Please keep in mind that as individuals make changes to websites, it is possible that the websites may become inactive. These resources are provided to supplement the activities in the unit. Some of the resources can be used as to supplement your teacherled discussions by projecting them for the class. Other activities require students to have access to computers. There are many video resources available online. Two particularly useful ones are: 1. Kinematics Video Streaming from Monterey Institute http://www.hippocampus.org/?course=23 The Monterey Institute provides many free, excellent interactive videos which may be used as classroom presentations or as individual review modules. Select the kinematics section under General Physics I. This video contains 10 segments. The first 6 relate to motion along a line. They may be used as a whole as an overview to the unit of motion along a line or as segments to emphasize different topics within the unit. Vector engages the viewer with real life situations and the use of vectors in the discussion of motion. Equations of Motion explores the use of equations as descriptors of motion. Slowing Car explains the use of the kinematics equation to the specific problem of a slowing car Freefall, Unknown Planet, and Ball Toss Simulation elaborates on the concept of acceleration as it relates to the acceleration of gravity and allows students to evaluate the appropriate equation as a problem solving tool. 2. Motion & Forces Video from United Streaming http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 7 United Streaming is a paid online subscription for video streaming. Check with your media specialist about availability for your school. This video contains 8 segments. They may be used as a whole as an introduction to the unit of motion along a line or as segments to emphasize different topics within the unit. Introduction (00:45 min) Engages viewer with real life situations and the importance of motion in the student’s life. Bodies in Motion (02:12 min) Explores force briefly as that part of physics that changes motion. Reference Points (03:49 min) Explains the use of a reference frame in describing motion Calculating Motion & Rate of Speed (05:46 min) Elaborates on the concept of speed and magnitude of acceleration. Review: Calculating Average Speed (03:56 min) Elaborates on the concept of average speed and evaluates the average speed. Velocity (04:36 min)-- Elaborates on the concept of average velocity and evaluates the average velocity. Acceleration (05:07 min)-- Elaborates on the concepts of acceleration and evaluates acceleration. Review: Acceleration (01:28 min)—Evaluates the acceleration of an object from the rate of change in velocity. Resource Website Web Activity: The Moving Man http://phet.colorado.edu/new/simulations/sims.php?sim=The_Moving_M an Study position, velocity and acceleration with “the moving man“ Website: The Physics Classroom http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/class/1DKin/1DKinTOC.html An excellent presentation of the main ideas of motion with interactive sections of sample problems and concept understanding. Websites: Vectors http://id.mind.net/~zona/mstm/physics/mechanics/vectors/introduction/in troductionVectors.html http://home.nc.rr.com/enloephysics/vector.htm http://wps.prenhall.com/esm_walker_physics_2/0,7966,802031-,00.html Websites: Kinematics http://www.dl.ket.org/physics/companion/thepc/compan/kinevel/index.htm Website: Freefall http://carladler.org/galileo/ http://www.nep.chubu.ac.jp/~nepjava/javacode/OneDimMotion/contents. html Applet creates graphs of freefall under different circumstances. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 8 Kinematics Practice Resources and Tutorials Website: Class Activity “Ramp & Roll” http://wps.prenhall.com/esm_walker_physics_2/12/3132/801832.cw/ind ex.html http://www.dctech.com/physics/help/kinematics/ http://perc.ph.msstate.edu/scripts/kinematicstutorial.pl http://cwx.prenhall.com/giancoli/ http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~jasmin-g/physics/rollball/applet/applet.html Website: MIT site for “Classroom Home” http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/hs/physics/a/index.htm Website: PowerPoint Resources http://folks.harbornet.com/jlamoreux/accelinertia.ppt Website: Dune Buggy source http://www.kipptoys.com//ProductBrowse/ProductDetail.aspx?TID=0&SI D=0&PID=16563 Resources for summary of content http://www.physclips.unsw.edu.au/ Math and science “Gizmos” http://www.explorelearning.com This site contains “gizmos” (web applets) that are correlated to the NCSCOS for all science content areas. It is a paid subscription site, but you can get a 30 day free trial that grants student access to the site. X. Global Content: Aligned with 21st Skills: Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 9 One of the goals of the unit plans is to provide strategies that will enable educators to develop the 21st Century skills for their students. As much as students need to master the NCSOS goals and objectives, they need to master the skills that develop problem solving strategies, as well as the creativity and innovative thinking skills that have become critical in today’s increasingly interconnected workforce and society. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills website is provided below for more information about the skills and resources related to the 21st Century classroom. http://www.21stcenturyskills.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=27&Ite mid=120 NC SCS Physics 21st Century Skills Communication Skills Goal 1, 2.01, Conveying thought or opinions 2.02 effectively Goal 1, 2.01-2.04 When presenting information, distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant information Goals 1-8, 2.01 Explaining a concept to others 2.01 Interviewing others or being interviewed Computer Knowledge Goals 1-8, esp. Using word-processing and Goal 1 database programs Goals 1-8, esp. Developing visual aides for Goal 1 presentations Goal 1, 2.01-2.04 Using a computer for communication 2.01-2.04 Learning new software programs Employability Skills Goals 1-8, 2.01- Assuming responsibility for own 2.04 learning Goals 1-8, esp. Persisting until job is completed Goal 1, 2.04, 3.02, 3.05, 4.07, 6.04, 7.01, Goal 8 Goals 1-8 Working independently Developing career interest/goals Goal 1, 2.01 Responding to criticism or questions Information-retrieval Skills Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT Activity “Explain” section in all activities All activities Team Quiz Team Quiz Rollin on the Ramp Rollin on the Ramp All activities All activities Team Quiz 10 Goal 1, 2.01-2.04 Searching for information via the computer Goal 1 2.01-2.04 Goals 1-8, 2.012.04 Goals 1-8, 2.012.04 Goals 1-8 Goal 1 Goals 1-8 Goals 1-8 Goals 1-8, 2.012.04 Goals 1-8, esp. Goal 1 Goals 1-8, esp. Goal 1 Goal 1 1.04, 2.01-2.04 Goal 1, 2.04, 3.02, 3.06, 4.06, 6.01, 6.04, 7.01, 8.02, 8.03, 8.04, 2.01-2.03 Goal 1, 2.04, 3.02, 3.06, 4.06, Physics- Unit 1 Searching for print information Searching for information using community members Language Skills - Reading Following written directions Identifying cause and effect relationships Summarizing main points after reading Locating and choosing appropriate reference materials Reading for personal learning Language Skill - Writing Using language accurately Organizing and relating ideas when writing Proofing and Editing Synthesizing information from several sources Documenting sources Developing an outline Writing to persuade or justify a position Creating memos, letters, other forms of correspondence Teamwork Taking initiative Working on a team DRAFT Rollin on the Ramp Rollin on the Ramp Most of the activities can be presented as opportunities for students to follow written directions. The teacher will have to work with most students to develop this skill over time. All lab activities All lab activities Explain/Evaluate” sections in all lab activities Team Quiz All lab activities Most of the activities are designed to be done and 11 6.01, 6.04, 7.01, 8.02, 8.03, 8.04, 2.01-2.03 Goals 1-8, 2.012.04 Goals 1-8, 2.012.04 Goals 1-8 1.01, 2.04, 3.02, 3.06, 4.06, 6.01, 6.04, 7.01, 8.0204 discussed in teams. The following activities are well suited to developing team interdependence skills: Thinking/Problem-Solving Skills Identifying key problems or questions Evaluating results Team Quiz All lab activities Team Quiz All lab activities Team Quiz All lab activities Developing strategies to address problems Developing an action plan or timeline Activity 1: Moving on Air I (Position vs. Time Graph at Constant Velocity) Materials: Meter sticks Timers/stopwatches Flip Buggy or Air Pucks (or equivalent) Introduction: This activity (Moving on Air I- Position vs. Time Graph at Constant Velocity) is an introductory activity for constant velocity. It helps students visualize the connection between constant velocity motion and its position vs. time graph. The students use air pucks as tools for analyzing constant velocity. The data collected is used to create and interpret position vs. time graphs. This activity addresses the following objectives from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Physics: 2.01 Analyze velocity as a rate of change of position: Average velocity. Instantaneous velocity. 2.04 Using graphical and mathematical tools, design and conduct investigations of linear motion and the relationships among: Position. Average velocity. Instantaneous velocity Acceleration. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 12 Time. Specifically, students should be able to: Recognize and implement appropriate frames of reference. Compare instantaneous and average velocity. Attribute velocity to change of position during a time interval. Create position vs. time graphs for various scenarios. Interpret the shape of position vs. time graph as it relates to velocity. This activity is designed to lead students to an understanding of position vs. time graphs for objects moving at constant velocity. Through this activity, students should discover that the slope of a position vs. time graph is a measure of velocity. Air pucks are suggested because they are inexpensive (4 for $36.65 or 30 for $64.50 at Flinn Scientific). You can also build your own air pucks (www.exo.net/~pauld/activities/frictionless_cd_puck.html). If battery operated cars are available, they are excellent in this activity because they provide a truly constant velocity. Sources are found at http://www.kipptoys.com//ProductBrowse/ProductDetail.aspx?TID=0&SID=0&PID=1 6563 and also at Pasco Scientific. If you have stopwatches then use them but if not there is a program available for TI83/TI-84 calculators that can turn them into timing devices. See the link in the materials section for more info. There is also an online stopwatch at http://phoenix.phys.clemson.edu/labs/stopwatch.html If you’re not sure how to get a program off the web and into a calculator, ask your students. Many will be able to do this for you. Once the program is in a single calculator, they can pass it on to each other. Caution … the calculator timer program is only accurate when using a fresh set of batteries. Otherwise, times will be off slightly. This is a great time to talk with students about believing what every “black box” that has the ability to collect data tells them. Another alternative to stopwatches are the timers provided on most cell phones. Check with an administrator to determine if students can use the stopwatches on their personal phones. Depending on available space you may need to spread out into the hall or move some desks. The gym floor is an excellent surface for air pucks or the flip buggy. Check with your administrator about the availability of the gymnasium. LEP Objectives: Think-pair-share verbally the steps used in activity. Ex. “First we…., then we….” Identify steps in writing, using a flowchart template provided by teacher Complete graph using data and verbally explain their interpretation of graph. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 13 Explore: Have students determine the total change in position (displacement) of their dune buggy/ air puck for each of the following times: Car # Time (s) Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Averages ΔX1(m) ΔX2(m) ΔX3(m) ΔXAVG(m) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Note: Modify the chart as needed. I suggest using no more than 6 seconds because of room limitations, the pucks may run out of air, and it will interfere with an activity that takes place later. There is also a place on the chart to record the flip buggy/puck number (place on the pucks with a magic marker). This is to insure that for Part II of this activity students get the same object back. Explain: Once the data is collected you can have conversation about methods that were used among the groups. A sample of discussion questions: Briefly explain the procedure you used. What steps of your data collection introduce procedural error? Upon reflection, what is the best way to start the car at the starting line? Explain the procedure you used to measure distances. How could that procedure be improved? Elaborate and Evaluate: Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 14 Students should use their data to generate a position vs. time graph. This is a good time for review of graphing rules. Once the points are plotted they can add their line of best fit and determine the equation that fits their line. Lead them into a discussion of the meaning of slope in a position vs. time graph (slope = velocity). Include in thed discussion what it would mean to have a zero slope and what it would mean to have a vertical line (no slope). NOTE: An excellent alternative lab is found at http://staff.imsa.edu/science/adphysweb/ToyCarRubric.pdf It is very open ended and yet provides a hand out. Evaluate: This is an excellent point to assign problems from the physics text focusing on constant velocity! Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 15 ON LINE ACTIVITY for Constant Velocity (Alternative to Moving on Air I: Position vs. Time Graph at Constant Velocity) The applet is found at http://physics.gac.edu/~chuck/PRENHALL/Chapter%202/chapter2.html Background Information: For motion in one dimension velocity is the change in position divided by the change in time or v = Δx/Δt. In the applet, two objects are moving along a line. Using the pause button to collect data is effective. The time appears on the screen in stopwatch format. The following is from the Walker Applet Site. 1. 2. 3. 4. Trials Find out how far each ball moves over a specific time interval. Divide the distance traveled by the time it takes to move that distance. Which ball (red or blue) moves faster according to your calculations? Does this result agree with what you appear to see in the animation? Change in Position (m) Change in Time (s) Average Velocity (m/s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 16 TEACHER GUIDE FOR ROLLIN’ ON THE RAMP (Alternative or Enrichment Activity) The following is a web-based research activity that could be used as an alternative or enrichment activity. Rollin’ on the Ramp applet http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~jasmin-g/physics/rollball/applet/applet.html This activity addresses the following objectives from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Physics: 2.03 Analyze acceleration as rate of change in velocity. 2.04 Using graphical and mathematical tools, design and conduct investigations of linear motion and the relationships among: Position. Average velocity. Instantaneous velocity Acceleration. Time. Specifically, students should be able to: Attribute change in velocity to acceleration. Create position vs. time graphs for objects experiencing constant acceleration. Interpret the shape of position vs. time graph as it relates to velocity. Infer the relationship of slope in a position vs. time graph to velocity ENGAGE Before the lab starts, have a student roll a can of soup down an incline plane and ask the class some questions about the motion of the can. Changing the angle of the incline will offer more thought opportunities to students. Some sample questions are included below. (1) What is the starting velocity of the can? (2) Does the speed increase or decrease? (3) What direction does the object roll? EXPLORE Students work on the animation to create the ramps that match the graphs that are listed in the activity sheet. Walk around the classroom and interact with the students as they explore checking to make sure they are thinking of concepts. One way to do this is to ask “why did you place the ramp in that position?” EXPLAIN Students will answer the questions at the end of the lab. ELABORATE Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 17 Students build on the connection to the previous concept of velocity (as a rate of change in position) to the new concept of acceleration (as a rate of change in velocity). EVALUATE Ask students to compare their answers with each other before turning in their labs. This is an excellent time to assign problems that emphasize the concepts of position, velocity, and acceleration relationships. Students should be ready to complete problem sets using the following equations: average v x , average a v , and t t x f x i vt . Your textbook is an excellent source of sample problems. Student should also be given further opportunities to construct and analyze position v. time and velocity v. time graphs. KEY to Questions on Rollin’ on the Ramp 2 1. A positive velocity is to the right; a negative velocity is to the left. 2. When the slope of position, time changes from positive to negative, the velocity changes from positive to negative. 3. The velocity increases. 4. Student answer. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 18 Student Worksheet for Rollin’ on the Ramp NAME: Period: Background: Graphs are important tools in physics and in many other areas of knowledge as well. Graphs display information so that we may see how trends can be interpreted and we can discover relationships. In studying motion, graphs of position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time yield visual connections to the equations describing the motion and to the real life movement of the object. The following chart summarizes some important relationships. If your graph is a graph Then the slope of the graph (or the of slope of the tangent to the graph) gives you And the area gives you Position vs. time Velocity at a given time No relationship Velocity vs. time Acceleration at a given time Position over a time interval Acceleration vs. time “ A jerk” -- Google the word “jerk” to learn more Velocity over a time interval Remember the following as well: Slope is the change in the “y” variable (dependent) divided by the change in the “x” variable (independent). The area that you are looking for is the area between the graph and the time axis. Area can be negative in this case. Some commonly used area shapes are rectangles (A = b h) and triangles (A = ½ b h). An example: You are holding a tennis ball and you release it so that it falls to the floor. Sketch the graphs of position vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time. You know that acceleration is constant in a downward direction. a (m/s2) The area increases with b x h = t x a =v (the area gives velocity). v (m/s) t (s) t (s) The area of v vs. t gives position. The graph forms a triangle and A = ½ v t = ½ (t x a) t = ½ a t2 (a parabola). v (m) t (s) Now you will create graphs to match the motion for the problems (on the next page) Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 19 Rollin’ On the Ramp Problems NAME: Instructions: You are given a challenge to translate five descriptions of motion into a motion of a ball rolling along an adjustable ramp. Think about three things: 1) What starting position does the ball occupy? 2) What direction does the ball roll (and what connection does that have to velocity of the ball)? 3) How does velocity change? There are two parts this change. First what direction is the change? Is it to the right or to the left? The next part is to ask how large is the change in velocity? What do we call the change in velocity per unit time? To Meet Your Challenge: (Do this for each of the five situations). 1) Discuss with your lab team about how to draw your ramp. Shade the ramp in pencil! 2) Note and label the starting position and starting velocity. 3) Sketch (in pencil) the graph of position, time. Discuss the graphs with your team. 4) Sketch (in pencil) the graph of velocity, time. Once again, discuss the graphs with your team. 5) Sketch (in pencil) the graph of acceleration, time. Once again, discuss the graphs with your team. Open the URL http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~jasmin-g/physics/rollball/applet/applet.html to enter your work and check your responses. Evaluate yourself as to how well you did at the space provided after each description. Descriptions: 1. A ball starts at 100 m with an initial speed of 10 m/s and moves to the right with a constant velocity. Your Self Evaluation: 2. A ball starts at 50 m with an initial speed of 10 m/s and moves to the left with a constant velocity. Your Self Evaluation: 3. A ball starts at 100 m with an initial speed of 0 m/s (at rest) and speeds up at the rate of 0.5 m/s for every second. Your Self Evaluation: 4. An object starts at -100 m with an initial velocity of + 15 m/s and slows down at the rate of 1.0 m/s every second. Your Self Evaluation: 5. An object starts at -200 with an initial velocity of – 10 m/s and slows down at the rate of 2.0 m/s every second, stops for one minute instant in time, then speeds up to the right at the rate of 2.0 m/s every second. Your Self Evaluation: Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 20 GRAPH WORKSHEET NAME: PERIOD: To sketch the ramp: darken the post blocks, draw connecting lines, and write the number of blocks on the line below each post. GRAPH DESCRIPTION # 1 Initial Position ______ m X (m) Initial Velocity _______ m/s 500 400 300 200 100 0 V m/s 15 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) 250 t (s) 10 5 0 -5 50 100 150 200 -10 -15 a m/s2 15 10 5 0 -5 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) -10 -15 Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 21 GRAPH DESCRIPTION # 2 Initial Position ______ m Initial Velocity ______ m/s X (m) 500 400 300 200 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) V m/s 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 a m/s2 15 10 5 0 -5 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) -10 -15 Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 22 GRAPH DESCRIPTION # 3 Initial Position ______ m X (m) 500 Initial Velocity _______ m/s 400 300 200 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) V m/s 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 a m/s2 15 10 5 0 -5 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) -10 -15 Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 23 GRAPH DESCRIPTION # 4 Initial Position ______ m X (m) Initial Velocity _______ m/s 500 400 300 200 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) V m/s 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 a m/s2 15 10 5 0 -5 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) -10 -15 Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 24 GRAPH DESCRIPTION # 5 Initial Position ______ m X (m) Initial Velocity _______ m/s 500 400 300 200 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) V m/s 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 a m/s2 15 10 5 0 -5 50 100 150 200 250 t (s) -10 -15 Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 25 QUESTIONS: 1. How do you decide which direction the ball will move when you click the start button? 2. By looking at a position versus time graph, describe how can you know when the velocity changes from positive to negative? 3. How does a velocity versus time graph change when the slope of the ramp is increased? 4. What is most difficult for you about matching the ramp and drawing the graph? Be specific! Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 26 Teacher Guide for Team Quiz 1 INTRODUCTION: Using the Team Quiz idea allows students to work together to understand application of equations to problem solving. In some way, the teacher creates teams of 2 to 4 students. Included are Team Quiz cards that should cover classes from size 4 to 32 students. The teacher selects the cards to fit the class enrollment. In addition, if a student is absent then the flexibility is there. Every student gets a copy of the problem but each fills in blank 1 and blank 2 with unique numbers. In this way, students work together without copying. ENGAGE: Place this quote on the board before students enter the class. “When a team outgrows individual performance and learns team confidence, excellence becomes a reality.” from football coach Joe Paterno. Discuss the value of team work in science. Does a scientist work alone on research or is she part of a team? What are the advantages of working in a team? What are the disadvantages? EXPLORE: Students look for solutions and discuss different ways to approach problem solving as a team. EXPLAIN: Students must explain to others their approach to an answer and help each other develop a correct approach. Discussion is important in this activity. ELABORATE: Students may qualify for an extra credit problem if they reach the correct team total. The teacher selects one from homework similar to the team quiz. The students draw to see who gets to work the extra credit. If correct then all in the team receive the credit. EVALUATE: The evaluation component is used as an incentive for team work in this activity. The teacher evaluates each student individually (see spreadsheet) and then rewards each 100% correct team with an extra credit opportunity. PROCEDURE: 1. Cut up card sheet. If desired, staple each Quiz Card to a note card to make them more durable for use year after year. 2. Give each student a copy of the problem. 3. Explain how to fill in blanks. Each student selects a row and works each part of the problem with the given data. 4. Explain the difference between individual totals and team totals. Individual total equals the sum of the answers to all parts “a”-“d” and Team Total equals the sum of all individual totals. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 27 5. Emphasize that all work must be shown for credit and that work as well as answers will be checked. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 28 Team Quiz 1: Kinematics NAME: ___________________________________ My Individual Total: ______ Fill in each blank with the data from one row of your team card. Each team member should choose a different row. Find your individual total by adding the numeric value of all your answers. The team total is the sum of all individual totals. Work together to get the correct team total! Please show all work for credit. A car starts at rest and accelerates at a uniform rate reaching a velocity of Blank 1= m/s in Blank 2= seconds. Find the following. a) The acceleration of the car: __________ b) The distance covered in the first 10 seconds: ________ c) The velocity at the end of 10 seconds: __________ d) The distance covered from t = 10 seconds to t = 20 seconds: __________ Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 29 TEAM 1 Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Blank 1 6 8 10 7 Blank 2 8 12 14 5 TEAM 2 Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Your Team Total = 745.0 Blank 1 4 11 3 8 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Blank 2 3 4 8 6 TEAM 4 Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 Your Team Total = 1027.5 Blank 1 8 12 9 13 Blank 2 3 5 7 3 TEAM 6 Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Blank 2 2 7 2 8 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Blank 2 3 4 5 2 TEAM 1A Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Your Team Total = 2556.6 Blank 1 12 8 5 Blank 2 2 6 6 Your Team Total = 1723.2 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Physics- Unit 1 Blank 1 10 4 7 3 Your Team Total = 1993.2 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Blank 1 14 7 6 9 Blank 2 4 3 3 2 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Your Team Total = 2254.7 TEAM 7 Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Blank 1 9 7 12 4 Your Team Total = 3288.1 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 TEAM 5 Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Blank 2 11 6 8 6 Your Team Total = 843.2 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 TEAM 3 Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Blank 1 5 11 3 8 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 DRAFT 30 TEAM 2A Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Blank 1 11 3 6 Blank 2 7 7 2 TEAM 3A Blank 1 Person 1 16 Person 2 11 Person 3 6 Your Team Total = 1055 Your Team Total = 2400.9 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 TEAM 4A Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Blank 1 10 7 5 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Blank 2 8 6 9 TEAM 5A Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Your Team Total = 627.1 Blank 1 14 6 4 Blank 2 11 11 3 TEAM 7A Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Blank 2 11 9 15 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Blank 2 6 12 15 TEAM 1B Person 1 Person 2 Your Team Total = 436.8 Blank 1 8 3 Blank 2 13 13 Your Team Total = 257.5 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Physics- Unit 1 Blank 1 4 8 9 Your Team Total = 390.9 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Blank 1 11 6 4 Blank 2 2 3 12 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Your Team Total = 665.0 TEAM 8A Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Blank 1 13 8 10 Your Team Total = 2110 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 TEAM 6A Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Blank 2 3 2 11 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 DRAFT 31 TEAM 2B Person 1 Person 2 Blank 1 7 11 Blank 2 8 6 Your Team Total = 2556.6 KINEMATICS QUIZ 1 Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 32 FOR TEACHER USE ONLY The spreadsheet is included so that individual answers may be checked. Significant digits are not used in the spreadsheet answers as students are checking for accuracy not precision. SPREADSHEET ANSWERS TEAM Blank 1 Blank 2 a x Vf delta x sum 1 6 8 0.75 37.5 7.5 112.5 158.25 1 8 12 0.666667 33.33333 6.666667 100 140.6667 1 10 14 0.714286 35.71429 7.142857 107.1429 1 7 5 1.4 70 14 150.7143 210 295.4 Team Total 745.031 2 5 11 0.454545 22.72727 4.545455 68.18182 95.90909 2 11 6 1.833333 91.66667 18.33333 275 386.8333 2 3 8 56.25 79.125 2 8 6 200 281.3333 Team Total 843.2008 200 281.3333 412.5 580.25 0.375 18.75 3.75 1.333333 66.66667 13.33333 3 4 3 1.333333 66.66667 13.33333 3 11 4 3 5 9 0.555556 27.77778 5.555556 83.33333 117.2222 3 3 13 0.230769 11.53846 2.307692 34.61538 48.69231 2.75 137.5 27.5 Team Total 1027.498 4 9 4 4 7 3 Physics- Unit 1 2.25 112.5 2.333333 116.6667 DRAFT 22.5 337.5 474.75 23.33333 350 492.3333 33 4 12 3 4 200 40 600 844 4 14 2 7 350 70 1050 1477 Team Total 3288.083 26.66667 400 562.6667 24 360 506.4 5 8 3 2.666667 133.3333 5 12 5 5 9 7 1.285714 64.28571 12.85714 192.8571 271.2857 5 13 3 4.333333 216.6667 650 914.3333 Team Total 2254.686 750 1055 2.4 120 5 250 43.33333 6 10 2 50 6 4 7 6 7 2 3.5 175 35 525 738.5 6 3 8 0.375 18.75 3.75 56.25 79.125 Team Total 1993.196 46.66667 700 984.6667 0.571429 28.57143 5.714286 85.71429 4.666667 233.3333 120.5714 7 14 3 7 7 4 1.75 87.5 17.5 262.5 369.25 7 6 5 1.2 60 12 180 253.2 7 9 2 4.5 225 45 675 949.5 Team Total 2556.617 900 1266 1A 12 2 1A 8 6 1.333333 66.66667 13.33333 200 281.3333 1A 5 6 0.833333 41.66667 8.333333 125 175.8333 Team Total 1723.167 Physics- Unit 1 6 300 DRAFT 60 34 2A 11 7 1.571429 78.57143 15.71429 235.7143 331.5714 2A 3 7 0.428571 21.42857 4.285714 64.28571 90.42857 2A 6 2 3A 16 3 3A 11 2 3A 6 11 3 150 5.333333 266.6667 5.5 275 30 450 633 Team Total 1055 53.33333 800 1125.333 55 825 1160.5 0.545455 27.27273 5.454545 81.81818 1.25 2400.924 187.5 263.75 175 246.1667 10 8 4A 7 6 1.166667 58.33333 11.66667 4A 5 9 0.555556 27.77778 5.555556 83.33333 325 12.5 Team Total 4A 6.5 62.5 65 115.0909 117.2222 Team Total 627.1389 975 1371.5 5A 13 2 5A 8 3 2.666667 133.3333 26.66667 400 562.6667 5A 10 12 0.833333 41.66667 8.333333 125 175.8333 Team Total 2110 6A 14 11 1.272727 63.63636 12.72727 190.9091 268.5455 6A 6 11 0.545455 27.27273 5.454545 81.81818 115.0909 6A 4 3 1.333333 66.66667 13.33333 200 281.3333 Team Total 664.9697 7A Physics- Unit 1 4 11 0.363636 18.18182 3.636364 54.54545 DRAFT 76.72727 35 7A 8 9 7A 9 15 8A 11 6 8A 6 12 8A 4 15 0.888889 44.44444 8.888889 133.3333 0.6 30 6 1.833333 91.66667 18.33333 0.5 25 5 0.266667 13.33333 2.666667 187.5556 90 126.6 Team Total 390.8828 275 275 75 105.5 40 56.26667 Team Total 436.7667 1B 8 13 0.615385 30.76923 6.153846 92.30769 166.8462 1B 3 13 0.230769 11.53846 2.307692 34.61538 80.69231 2B 7 8 2B 11 6 Physics- Unit 1 0.875 43.75 8.75 1.833333 91.66667 18.33333 DRAFT Team Total 247.5385 131.25 184.625 275 386.8333 Team Total 571.4583 36 Activity 2: Moving on Air II (Position vs. Time with Constant Acceleration) Materials: Air pucks (same as from activity 1) or dynamics cart String Small washers or other small masses (1g to 5g) for air puck or masses (20 to 100 g) for dynamics cart Timer Meter stick Graph paper Chalk for marking positions For more information about ordering materials for this activity, please see Activity 1: Moving on Air I. Introduction: This activity is an introductory activity for constant acceleration. It helps students visualize the connection between accelerated motion and its position vs. time graph. The students use air pucks as tools for analyzing constant acceleration. The data collected is used to create and interpret position vs. time graphs. This activity is designed to lead students to an understanding of position vs. time graphs for objects moving at constant acceleration. Through this activity, students should discover that constant acceleration causes the velocity to change, therefore the slope of this type of position vs. time graph is increasing. See activity 1 for teacher notes on purchasing or creating your own air pucks. This activity addresses the following objectives from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Physics: 2.03 Analyze acceleration as rate of change in velocity. 2.04 Using graphical and mathematical tools, design and conduct investigations of linear motion and the relationships among: Position. Average velocity. Instantaneous velocity Acceleration. Time. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 37 Specifically, students should be able to: Attribute change in velocity to acceleration. Create position vs. time graphs for objects experiencing constant acceleration. Interpret the shape of position vs. time graph as it relates to velocity. Infer the relationship of slope in a position vs. time graph to velocity LEP Objectives: Write in paragraph form explaining the relationship between accelerated motion and time based on the activity completed. Explain verbally how they created their graph, recorded their data, and what information their graph provides. ENGAGE: Before the lab activity starts, engage students’ interest with a dollar bill drop activity. Use a nice new dollar bill and have a student try to catch a dollar bill with their fingers starting at the midpoint when you drop it. It takes about 0.12 seconds for the dollar bill to accelerate out of the student's grasp - faster than a typical reaction time of 0.50 s. If you want a real attention getter, then tell the student that he or she can keep the dollar bill if caught. EXPLORE: Students tie the washers (or small masses) to the end of a string that is 5.0 cm longer than the table length. The other end of the string is taped to the top of the air puck or dynamics cart. The air puck/cart is placed 1.25 meters from the edge of the table so that the washers are just hanging off the table to provide acceleration to the air puck. Students hold the puck until ready to take data so that the puck/cart is released from rest. Positions are marked at indicated times. If space allows, students should mark the position of the puck every one to two seconds. We suggest that each lab group have four students: one to release the puck, one to operate the timer, and two to mark positions. Puck # Time (s) 0 1 2 Physics- Unit 1 Run 1 ΔX1(m) Run 2 ΔX2(m) DRAFT Run 3 ΔX3(m) Averages ΔXAVG(m) 38 3 4 5 6 Teacher’s Notes: Modify the chart for time intervals as needed. I suggest using no more than 6 seconds because of room limitations, the pucks may run out of air, and it will interfere with an activity that takes place later. If you use a dynamics cart then space is also a limitation. You may need to add mass to the puck, to control its acceleration. There is also a place on the chart to record the puck number (placed on the pucks with a magic marker or with masking tape). This is to insure that for Part II of this activity students get the same puck or cart back. This is an excellent place to assign some entry level problems focusing on constant acceleration. EXPLAIN and ELABORATE: Once the data is collected you should have conversations about methods that were used among the groups. A sample of discussion questions: Briefly explain the procedure you used. What steps of your data collection introduce procedural error? Upon reflection, what is the best way to start the car from rest? Explain the procedure you used to measure distances. How could that procedure be improved? Discuss what is happening to the slope of the position vs. time graph. Be sure to explain why this graph is so different from the graph in Activity 1. EVALUATE: Students should use their data to generate a position vs. time graph. Once the points are plotted they can add their line of best fit and determine the equation that fits their curve. Lead them into a discussion of the meaning of the shape of this position vs. time graph (slope = velocity). Include in the discussion what it would mean to have a zero slope and what it would mean to have a vertical line (no slope). A handout for students is included on the next page. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 39 Activity: Moving on Air II (Position vs. Time with Constant Acceleration) Name: ____________________________________ Observations: 1) Does the velocity of the object change? If yes, is the change small or large? 2) Does the distance traveled for each constant time interval the same? Why or why not? 3) What affects the velocity of the object? Explore and see what situation makes it easiest for you to mark positions of the object every 1 or 2 seconds. Results: Puck # Time (s) Run 1 ΔX1(m) Run 2 ΔX2(m) Run 3 ΔX3(m) Averages ΔXAVG(m) Explain: Explain the procedure you used to measure distances. How could that procedure be improved? Evaluate: Use your data to generate a position vs. time graph. Once the points are plotted can add your line of best fit and determine the equation that fits your curve. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 40 Teacher guide for Finding Acceleration due to Gravity LEP Objectives: Verbally or in written form define the term misconception and make a prediction of the relationship between mass and acceleration. Verbally and in written form, brainstorm predictions and out comes after dropping objects of varying masses. Teacher Notes This is an introductory activity for acceleration due to gravity. It is designed to correct the common misconception that an object’s mass affects its acceleration due to gravity. Students drop objects with varying masses to determine the relationship between mass and acceleration due to gravity. The following is a web-based video segment that can be used as an alternative or enrichment activity: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/hs/physics/a/index.htm EXPLORE Students are asked to work together to develop a procedure to determine the acceleration due to gravity on their school’s campus. The following materials should be made available during this activity: tennis balls (or any other small object that can be dropped), stopwatches, measuring tapes or meter sticks. When choosing a site for this activity, keep in mind that students will likely have less error the longer the object is in the air. For this reason, it is best to drop the objects from a high point, such as the top of the bleachers. EXPLAIN Post lab questions are designed to help students process the data they collected and develop their understanding of the factors that affect acceleration due to gravity. EVALUATE After completion of the post lab questions, students should compare data and analysis with another group. During this time, the teacher should circulate between the groups and help to guide discussion. This is an excellent time to have them critique one another’s lab methods and develop a better way to conduct the experiment. At this time, it is appropriate to assign problem sets using the following equation: xf = xi + vit + 1/2 at2 Key to Finding Acceleration due to Gravity questions Pre-lab 1. Any high points such as bleachers are appropriate. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 41 2. stopwatches, measuring tape, objects to drop 3. time, distance traveled, initial velocity 4. answers will vary 5. answers will vary 6. answers will vary Post-Lab 1. answers will vary, but should be near 9.8 m/s2 2. no, it would be different at the poles, in high mountains, and below sea level 3. answers will vary. Students should use 9.8 m/s2 as the theoretical value and the average they calculated for #1 as the experimental value 4. reaction time, other inaccurate measurements 5. student answers will vary, but should center on ways they could improve their techniques Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 42 Lab: Finding Acceleration due to Gravity Objectives: design an efficient, accurate experiment collect, record, and analyze data choose and apply appropriate equations apply the concepts learned in class to determine the value of acceleration due to gravity on the campus of our school Pre-Lab Questions (no pre-lab = no lab!) 1. What areas of the campus would be appropriate for this experiment? Why? 2. What equipment will you need to complete this experiment? 3. What types of data are appropriate to collect during this experiment? 4. Briefly outline the methods you intend to use to complete this experiment. Keep in mind that there are multiple ways to do this, and there is no one correct method. 5. What safety concerns are associated with your experiment? 6. What are some possible sources of error in this experiment? What can be done to reduce error? Data (feel free to create your own table if this one does not work for you) Trial 1 Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 43 Trial 2 Trial 3 Analysis: Show all calculations Trial 1: Trial 2: Trial 3: Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 44 Post-lab Questions 1. According to your experiment, what was the average acceleration due to gravity? 2. Would you expect acceleration due to gravity to be the same everywhere on earth? If not, where might it be different? 3. Using the following equation, calculate the percent error in your experiment: % error = (theoretical – experimental) x 100 theoretical 4. What factors may account for your percent error? 5. How could your experiment be improved? Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 45 1. Teacher Guide for Mass and Acceleration due to Gravity ENGAGE Before beginning the activity, have students write down a prediction for which object in each of the following pairs would be expected to hit the ground first if they are dropped at the same time from equal heights: a. baseball or bowling ball b. wadded piece of paper or an orange To facilitate discussion, this could be done as a think, pair, share activity with their lab partner. EXPLORE Students work in pairs to test the effect of mass on acceleration due to gravity. Provide a variety of objects that can be dropped as well as stopwatches and measuring tapes so that data can be collected. When choosing a site for this activity, keep in mind that students will likely have less error the longer the object is in the air. For this reason, it is best to drop the objects from a high point, such as the top of the bleachers. During the activity, walk around and interact with the students to ensure that they are thinking about the necessary concepts. EXPLAIN The post lab questions at the end of the lab are designed to help the students make sense of their observations. EVALUATE Students should compare their data and answers with those of another group. This is an excellent opportunity for them to discuss any differences and clear up misconceptions. At this time, it is appropriate to assign problems that use the following equations: xf = xi + vit + 1/2 at2 and vf2=vi2 +2ax Key to Mass and Gravity Lab Pre-lab questions are provided to help students begin thinking about the concepts involved in the lab. The correct answers are provided, but students shouldn’t necessarily be expected to answer them correctly before doing the lab. Pre-Lab 1. Most students will say that mass does affect gravity, and will predict that the heavier object will hit the ground first. Both objects actually accelerate at the same rate, therefore they have equal velocities. 2. Light objects will be affected more by air resistance and wind. 3. Yes, if they aren’t it isn’t a valid comparison. 4. Initial velocity is zero because it is starting from rest. 5. Various answers about not dropping items on people. 6. Human error, reaction time, air resistance, not dropping items from exactly the same height. Post-lab Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 46 1. No. (there may have been a very small difference that can be attributed to slight differences in initial height or reaction time). 2. Students should explain at this time that there is no relationship between the mass of the object and acceleration due to gravity. 3. At the instant before impact, all three objects should have the same final velocity. 4. Sources of error will vary, but should include things like reaction time, not starting all objects from the same height, and external factors like wind. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 47 Investigation: Is acceleration due to gravity affected by mass? To determine if mass effects acceleration due to gravity, we are going to go to the stadium and drop objects with different masses. By comparing the time it takes for the different objects to hit the ground, we can determine whether their masses matter. Pre-lab questions: 1. Do you think the mass will have an affect? Which would you expect to fall faster, a bowling ball, or a tennis ball? 2. Why might it be a bad idea to use an extremely lightweight object, such as a piece of paper? 3. Is it important to drop each object from the same height? Why or why not? 4. When an object is dropped, what is its initial velocity? Why? 5. What are the safety concerns for this lab? 6. What do you think will be the significant sources of error? How can you help prevent error? Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 48 Data Tables Trial 1 Mass 1: (kg) _________ Mass 2: (kg) _________ Mass 3: (kg) _________ Mass 1: (kg) _________ Mass 2: (kg) _________ Mass 3: (kg) _________ Mass 1: (kg) _________ Mass 2: (kg) _________ Mass 3: (kg) _________ Time (s) Trial 2 Time (s) Trial 3 Time (s) Post-lab 2. Was there a significant difference between the times it took for the three masses to hit the ground? 3. How can you determine the relationship between mass and gravity using the information you gathered (don’t do this mathematically; explain the concept)? 4. Without doing any calculations, what could you predict about the velocities of the three objects just before they hit the ground? What were the actual sources of error? How could this experiment be improved to reduce error? Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 49 Teacher’s Guide to Crazy Car Construction This activity is designed to be an inexpensive, fun activity that allows students to apply the fundamental concepts of physics to a practical problem. As it is written here, it is designed to be used with Unit 1: One Dimensional Motion, but it could easily be modified to be used with Unit 4: Energy. Engage: This activity is designed to set up a friendly competition within the class to increase interest in the concepts of motion. The structure of the activity allows students to incorporate their prior knowledge and to develop questions about the design of the car and how that relates to motion. Once the project has been introduced, a class discussion should be used to help students to start brainstorming ideas for their cars. Students should discuss the following: materials to be used for the car’s body, methods of propulsion, materials to be used for wheels, external factors that might affect the cars. Explore: During this activity, students work in small collaborative groups to design and test small cars using household materials. The structure of the activity forces students to make predictions (eg. The car will travel further if we give it large wheels; etc), test those predictions, and use the data gathered to create a product. Explain: The written component of this project allows students an opportunity to analyze all of the cars in the class, and determine why the winning designs were so great. They should be encouraged to really look at the mechanism that makes each car work, so that a true analysis can be completed. After the competition, time should be allotted for the different groups to look at one another’s cars, and to ask questions of each other. Elaborate: In the written component of this activity, students should be required to analyze the performance of their car, and to explain the ways that it could be improved. Evaluate: Because this activity contains both a physical product and a written analysis of the competition, it allows students to showcase their knowledge in a variety of ways. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 50 Crazy Car Construction Design Brief Mission: You will build a car that will run faster and farther than any other car in the class. When placed at the starting line (on the floor), the car must start under its own power. You are allowed to have some sort of trigger device or switch that will start the car; however, the trigger device must be independent of your body. The initial movement may not come from a push, pop, or kick on your part. Regulations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No rockets, animal powered vehicles, or motors are acceptable. No CO2 cartridges. NO BATTERIES. You may not build the car from a kit (that includes the body). You must make it yourself. You may NOT use Kinex pieces. Propulsion mechanism must be internal. (that means no ramps) Evaluation: Rough Drawings and Ideas: (10 points) Before beginning construction, each group must submit a detailed proposal of what their car will look like and how it will run. This needs to include measurements, labels, and descriptions. (Due _________________) Practice run: (10 points) For the practice day, you are expected to have your completed product with you. If your car is not ready at this time, you receive 0 points for this portion of your grade. If the car is here, and it moves, you will receive 10 points. Car’s Performance: (10 points maximum) 1 point for each car length the car moves We also will have a competition in the following categories: fastest car greatest distance traveled greatest distance traveled relative to car length Most original/attractive (this will be judged by a panel of teachers) Winners will receive extra credit points. Originality: (20 points) Be creative! A rectangular block of wood is not creative, and will not get points for creativity. The higher the quality of your car’s design and construction, the more points you will receive for this component. Data Evaluation: (50 points) You are required to collect and analyze data from your car’s performance. You will be required to write a paper compiling data from all of the cars, explaining the physics behind your car, and an explanation of why you think the winning design won. More information about the written component will be provided soon. The final race will be on _______________________. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 51 EVALUATE: ASSESSMENT: Unit One Name: Part 1: Position vs. time Use the following graphs to answer the questions 1-5. _______ 1. Select the graph(s) where velocity is positive and constant. _______ 2. Select the graph(s) where velocity is negative and constant. ________3. Select the graph(s) where velocity is increasing. ________4. Select the graph(s) where acceleration is zero. ________5. Select the graph(s) where velocity is zero at t = 0 seconds. Part 2: Velocity vs. time Use the following graphs to answer questions 6-9. ________ 6. Select the graph(s) where acceleration is constant. ________ 7. Select the graph(s) where acceleration is always changing toward the negative direction. _______ 8. Select the graph(s) where acceleration is zero at a point in time. ________ 9. Select the graph(s) where the acceleration has a magnitude of 2 m/s 2. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 52 ASSESSMENT: Unit One Name: TEACHER KEY Part 1: Position vs. time Use the following graphs to answer the questions 1-5. ____A__ 1. Select the graph(s) where velocity is positive and constant. ____C__ 2. Select the graph(s) where velocity is negative and constant. ____B___3. Select the graph(s) where velocity is increasing. _A & C_ 4. Select the graph(s) where acceleration is zero. ____B__5. Select the graph(s) where velocity is zero at t = 0 seconds. Part 2: Velocity vs. time Use the following graphs to answer questions 6-9. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 53 __B & C_ 6. Select the graph(s) where acceleration is constant. ___A___ 7. Select the graph(s) where acceleration is always changing toward the negative direction. ___A___ 8. Select the graph(s) where acceleration is zero at a point in time. ___B___ 9. Select the graph(s) where the acceleration has a magnitude of 2 m/s2. Physics- Unit 1 DRAFT 54