The following is a synopsis of the: HAMILTON COUNTY POLICE ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 10, 1999 ST. BERNARD MUNICIPAL BUILDING MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: President Schaefer called the meeting to order at 09:00 hours. MEMBERS PRESENT: Schaefer, Hayhow, Bauer, Gerrety, Jefferies, Monahan, Cragwall, Vonderhaar, Laage, Greer, Petrey MINUTES FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING: MOTION MADE TO ACCEPT THE NOVEMBER ’98 MINUTES BY MRS. GERRETY, SECONDED BY MR. GREER. MOTION PASSED. BOARD VOTE: UNANIMOUS Note: there are no Board meetings in December or January, due to Christmas luncheon and Installation banquet. TREASURER’S REPORT: Mrs. Gerrety reported a balance in all accounts of $63,007.21. A complete report is attached to these minutes. MOTION MADE TO ACCEPT THE TREASURER’S REPORT BY MR. BAUER AND SECONDED BY MR. GREER. MOTION PASSED. BOARD VOTE:UNANIMOUS SECRETARY’S REPORT: Mr. Hayhow reported that the HCPA web site is up and running. Address is Again, thanks to Sgt. Glen Smyth. Also, in the future it is our hope that all committee chairs have a page of information on the site. Mr. Hayhow reported that starting in March all approved Board meeting minutes will reside on our site. He also sees the web site as a chance to save the HCPA money by decreasing the amount of U.S. mail sent each month. The hope is that there will be members that can pull the meeting notice off the web site, saving time and money. Currently we send out 240 envelopes a month. Mr. Hayhow reported that on behalf of the HCPA Board, he sent a thank you letter to One Net Communication for allowing our web site to reside with them. COMMITTEE REPORTS: SWAT: Mr. Greer reported that on January 21, 1999 they assisted both local and federal agencies with the execution of a federal search warrant and numerous local search and arrest warrants. (see attached) Mr. Greer reported that on January 6, 1999 training was conducted at the Greater Cincinnati - Northern Kentucky Airport range. It included many scenarios in less than desirable conditions. Also, Jan. 20th the Team gave a safety talk for teachers at the St. Bernard Elementary School. Mr. Greer reported that the 1998 annual report is complete. (see attached) Mr. Greer reported that he had received a correspondence from Swat Field Commander in reference to his future retirement from law enforcement and the Swat Team. MOTION TO PICK A COMMITTEE OF THREE TO CHOOSE A SUCCESSOR WAS MADE BY MR. GREER AND SECONDED BY MR. PETREY. MOTION PASSED. BOARD VOTE: UNANIMOUS. The committee will be Mr. Monahan, Mr. Vonderhaar and chaired by Mr. Bauer. They are to report back, with their recommendation, to the Board at the March Board meeting. SOCIAL: Mr. Bauer reported that the March meeting will be held at the R.G. Cribbet Center-Fairfax Recreation center, 5903 Hawthorne Ave. UNDER WATER SEARCH AND RECOVERY: No report LEGISLATIVE: No report. CRIME PREVENTION: Mr. Vonderhaar reported that there has been a problem with the financial institutions, in reference to the "hold up alarm procedure". He stated the complaint had come from the communications center. He advised that he would be setting up a training program with the banks, etc. to teach them the robbery response procedure. Also, when the financial institutions change names, they need to contact the communications center, so there is no delay in emergency response. Mr. Vonderhaar reported that training from a variety of State and Federal agencies has moved to the Scarlet Oaks Campus. Also, in July there will be a conference at the Sharonville Convention Center, regarding violence in the schools. They expect many teachers and administrators to attend. TRAINING: Mr. Schaefer reported that Chief Mike Allen has resigned from the Training/Education Committee. Mr. Keith Coy will take over Chief Allen’s duties with the assistance of Board Member Tom Bauer. Mr. Bauer reported that there will be a basic finger print class Feb 22 nd ; in March a "statement analysis"; "Interview and interrogations" in May and a "Mental health" class at the Scarlet Oaks Campus, to be announced. MOST WANTED: No report MEMBERSHIP: Mr. Hayhow reported that he had accepted an application, for associate membership, from the Symmes Township Police Department, Chief Greg Huber.The Membership committee recommended approval. The Board unanimously agreed to accept the department as associate members and bring the application to the full membership for a vote. AT THE FEBRUARY 11TH , 1999 MEMBERSHIP MEETING, SYMMES TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT WAS GRANTED ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP STATUS BY A UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. POLICE CLERGY: No report PRESIDENT’S BUSINESS & CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Schaefer appointed the committee chairs for 1999; SWAT-Greer Social: Bauer & Monahan USRU: Jefferies & Robertson Legislative: Laage & Brady Community Policing : Vonderhaar Education: Bauer & Coy Most Wanted: Gerrety & Petrey Membership: Hayhow & Petrey Clergy: Fryman Mr. Schaefer received the following correspondence; The Swat Commander (see SWAT report) Col. Mike Allen (see Training report) Mr. Schaefer received a request from the Mt. Healthy Police Department for the SWAT and UWSR to participate at the Heritage Days Festival on May 16, 1999. Mr. Schaefer stated he sent a thank you note to the following for their services, Embassy Suites Hotel, Judge Shannon, Ken Trulock, Greg Niehaus, and Dave Lichtenfeld. Mr. Schaefer reported that he and Mr. Bauer will be attending the retirement party for Col. Mike Snowden and will be presenting him with a plaque on behalf of the Hamilton County Police Association. NEW BUSINESS: None OLD BUSINESS: None MEMBERS ILL OR IN DISTRESS: Mr. Schaefer reported that Howard Makin is out of the Hospital and that a basket of fruit was sent on behalf of the organization GOOD OF THE ORDER: Mr. Schaefer reported that it was imperative that the entire membership get out and vote for the up coming communications tax levy. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION MADE AT 10:01 HRS. TO ADJOURN THE MEETING BY MR. HAYHOW AND SECONDED BY MR. JEFFERIES. MOTION PASSED. BOARD VOTE: UNANIMOUS Respectfully Submitted, Gerald E. Hayhow Secretary / Executive Board