Chapter 10

Chapter 10
Intellectual Development During the First
Section 1
Understanding Intellectual Development of Infants
Give an example of how perception changes as babies age.
Give an example of a pleasant association a baby might have.
Give an example of an unpleasant association.
Create a chart of the intellectual development of Birth to Twelve months.
After creating the chart answer the follow:
Identify which skills have to do with sight, hearing, and hand control.
What skills listed in the chart reveal a baby's growing sense of self?
Which comes first responding to language or generating language?
Why do you think that is the pattern?
How is the skill "Obeys simple commands or directions" related to improved memory?
Make a list of toys or activities that help infants learn cause and effect.
How does attention span help in learning?
How is that true not only of infants, but also of older children?
Create a chart that shows Piaget's 4 periods, approximate ages, and characteristics of each
Piaget called children in the sensorimotor period "egocentric". They think only about themselves
and see others in relation to themselves. Please give examples of this tendency.
Why might children in the preoperational period be able to understand such abstract terms as
love and beauty?
What abstract terms might be harder for them to understand?
Create a chart of the Sensorimotor Period: Birth to Age Two
According to Piaget, symbolic thinking does not begin until about age eleven. What are the
implications for teaching of that fact?
What is one criticism of Piaget's ideas?
Why do most people never fully develop their potential for learning?
Is this "a waste" or "just normal?
What could people do to further develop their potential?
Compare and contrast the learning during the concrete operations and formal periods.
What is perception?
Give an example of how a baby's perception changes during the first year of life.
How can pull toys help a baby learn cause and effect?
Explain what attention span is?
What are Piaget's four periods of learning and what are their approximate time spans?
What do babies use to learn during Piaget's first period of development?
Give an example of how a person can use abstract thinking, which begins in Piaget's fourth
What is the significance of Piaget's findings about symbolic thinking?
What learning ability does the game pat-a-cake build?
How does the game of peekaboo contribute to the development of object permanence?
How is memory linked to object permanence?
Define the following:
Attention span
Cause and effect
Concrete operations period
Formal operations period
Object permanence
Preoperational period
Sensorimotor period
Symbolic thinking
Give examples of signs of intellectual growth in infants.
Identify and give examples of Piaget's stages of learning.
Explain how caregivers can make use of Piaget's ideas.