Levi Aron is not criminally responsible

Levi Aron is Not Criminally Responsible – Psychiatry is the Culprit
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Levi Aron is a Hasidic Jew in Brooklyn who is accused of kidnapping and then
killing Leiby Kletzky, an 8 year old Jewish boy to whom he gave a ride.
Levi Aron is insane and has been made that way by the psych meds he was on,
which cause mental illness. He has every right to plead not guilty, because the real
culprit here is psychiatry and their toxic drugs; that is what this trial needs to bring
Levi said he intended to bring Leiby home, but panicked when he saw all the
missing posters so he decided to kill him. His story has the ring of truth. His
thinking was obviously hardly clear. But this is what the psych meds do; they
confuse people & make it hard to think clearly. I know from personal experience;
I've been on them & know many others. They put people in a fog.
Nobody on psych meds is in their right mind. Hence they are not criminally
Psych meds put people in a hypnotic trance. This opens them up to demonic
Mental & physical illnesses are caused by spirits whose assignments are the names
of those diseases. Jesus rebuked them & gave his followers authority to do it. It
works; I have done it.
The spirits also transmit thru verbal & physical contact. I have picked up spirits of
depress- from someone who had it, rebuked it & it left. I have rebuked other
diseases, like canc-, asthma, & been immediately healed.
All drugs which affect the mind are openings for demonic oppression, spirits which
can affect our thoughts, emotions & bodies. This includes caffiene, nicotine,
alcohol, pot, lsd, speed, etc & all psych meds. This is why psych meds cause
mental illness rather than cure it.
The first time I went to a psych hospital the Holy Spirit said to me 'the covering
over this place is sorcery'. The Old Testament (Deut 18) says sorcery is an
abomination. The definition says it is using drugs to invoke demonic spirits to
control people. The root word for pharmacy, pharmakeia, translates as drugs,
Levi Aron gave Leiby a cocktail of drugs, and that is what killed him. This is
exactly what doctors do to patients; give them a mixture of drugs. This often
causes liver damage, which is deadly. Many psych patients are on multiple drugs.
This is murder.
Levi's sister, allegedly schizophrenic, died of suicide in a psych hospital; she did
not die of schizophrenia; her suicide was caused by the drugs; so in one family, we
see the fruit of psychiatric abuse; suicide and homicide.
Levi's flat affect is a product of the drugs, not an illness. The drugs make people
numb. I know this from personal experience with them and what others on them
have also told me. The drugs are torture; some of the side effects, like akathesia,
are so awful that they drive people to homicide and suicide. Akathesia is a
restlessness that makes a person feel like they want to jump out of their skin.
People on psych meds typically live 20 years less than others. It is not the illness
that does this; it is the drugs. Nobody dies from schizophrenia; people with bipolar
just self-medicate with other drugs like caffeine and alcohol, which are actually
less toxic than the psych meds.
You can walk into any psych ward and see the patients sitting there looking like
zombies; to any independent observer there is clearly something wrong with the
'treatment'. The dr's are in denial about what they are really doing to their patients.
Every school shooter was ON psych meds, or had taken them earlier, including
Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter.
The Columbine shooters were on psych meds. They were also taking a “death
education” class at school. One of them said he had nightmares about shooting
people after taking that class. The drugs put people in a hypnotic trance, easy to
The students were hypnotized by the drugs and then programmed by that class.
See article
Quotes showing the Real Agendas behind Mental Health & Education
The same social engineers run mental health & education; their agendas include
mind control, genocide, atheism, world government.
Canadian psychiatrist George Brock Chisholm, 1st head of World Federation
of Mental Health, in l948, said the purpose of therapy is to 'eradicate morality'. He
was anti-God, anti-family, anti-patriotic. He said the purpose of education is to
prepare people for world government.
Sigmund Freud, the atheist father of psychiatry/psychotherapy, said
"I consider myself to be the greatest danger to religion".
He was speaking the truth.
The social engineers want a totalitarian society where everyone is controlled &
drugged, as described in Aldous Huxley's prophetic book Brave New World. He
was an insider; he knew their agendas. His brother Julian, an atheist, belonged to
the eugenics & euthenasia societies, & was head of UNESCO, the UN arm for
education. Huxley said "a scientific fascism will be easy to sell the masses." That
scientific fascism is the mental health system.
The social engineers know the drugs cause suicide/homicide; they use it to argue
for mental health screening to drug more people, and to argue for gun control laws.
Jim Marrs in his best-selling book The Rise of the 4th Reich , documents all the
mass shooters and the drugs they were on.
Psychiatry, Nazis & the 4th Reich: Interview with Jim Marrs, author of The
Rise of the 4th Reich
Marrs documents Operation Paperclip, a program that brought nazi scientists to
the US after WWII, where they run NASA & the CIA. In the CIA they did &
continue to do mind control experiments like MKULTRA where they used drugs
to program assassins. Bill Clinton apologized for MKULTRA. It continues under a
different name.
Marrs says "it makes you wonder who won the war."
Germany may have lost, but the Nazis won by stealth thru infiltration, something
they predicted they would do. Their goal of a worldwide fascist socialist society
has proceeded, using mental health as a tool for control & genocide. The nazis
changed the name of their Institute for Racial Hygiene to Mental Hygiene after
WWII; mental hygiene is a name for the mental health system.
Robert Whitaker in his book Anatomy of an Epidemic also documents the same
list of shooters & the drugs they were on. His book shows that as mental health
treatments have gone up, so has mental illness, because they cause it. He says there
is no evidence for chemical imbalances before treatment, only after, because
the drugs cause it; the same with abnormal brain scans.
The psych meds cause suicide and homicide, psychosis, brain damage, kidney,
liver damage & more and are deadly, BY DESIGN. This is because psychiatry is a
FRONT for Nazi Genocide and has been since WWII. The Nazis killed mental
patients using psych meds, before the Jews. This agenda has continued worldwide
ever since.
Dr. Peter Breggin at http://www.breggin.com has written many books warning
about toxic psych meds. He also exposed how the nazis killed the mentally ill with
psych meds in the secret T4 euthenasia program. These same dr’s then ran the
concentration camps.
This genocide has continued worldwide since, using Mental Health as a cover.
NEVER AGAIN? IT NEVER STOPPED! Reply to Never Again! The real
truth about psychiatry by Peter Breggin, MD
Breggin has testified that psych meds cause mental illness, including suicide &
homicide. In a recent case in Canada, due to his testimony, a judge ruled that a
teenager who killed a friend did it because he was on prozac, which caused severe
personality changes and leads to impulsive dangerous behavior.
Judge rules psych meds cause homicide
The judge’s ruling in that case is at:
Nathaniel Lehrman is another psychiatrist on LI, NY who has testified against the
psych meds. He calls them "dreadful". He has written articles warning about
'mental health screening'. He also says that the premise that mental illness is caused
by chemical imbalances is a BIG LIE.
The Mental Health System is a FRONT For Nazi Genocide
Excerpts & comments from The Men Behind Hitler – a German Warning to
the World by Bernhard Shrieber
Shrieber is talking about psychiatrists, and social engineers from the UK & US
who supported eugenics, euthenasia, sterilization and abortion who supported the
nazis, and how they have been using mental health as a cover for their continued
worldwide genocide.
Psychiatry is atheism masquerading as science
They claim mental illness is caused by chemical imbalances; this is a BIG LIE
to sell drugs.
Schizophrenia is a label given anyone who claims to hear voices. This is not
It is actually normal Christian theology to hear voices; Jesus said
"my sheep hear my voice:" John 10:27.
SCHIZOPHRENIA is NOT a “Serious Mental Disorder”
ALL Christians would be called schizophrenic by atheistic doctors, and millions
have. Dr's 2nd question is always "do you hear voices?" and anyone who says they
hear God or demons is thought to be having auditory hallucinations, a supposed
symptom of psychosis.
But in truth, EVERYONE hears voices, as THOUGHTS in our heads. They come
from the spiritual realm. The word "inspiration" means "a spirit goes into it".
For 50 years, atheistic and Jewish psychiatrists, most of whom are ignorant of
Christian theology, have been falsely calling their patients schizophrenic, often
forcibly treating them with the drugs.
The drugs cause psychosis in many cases because ALL drugs are openings for
demonic oppression, which is what causes mental illness, according to the bible.
This includes caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, pots, etc and psych meds. The biblical
answer to mental illness is to rebuke the spirits in Jesus name. It works. I know
from experience.
All diseases, both mental & physical are caused by demonic spirits whose
‘assignment’ is the name of the disease. Jesus rebuked them & gave his followers
authority to do it. I have done it; it works. I have rebuked canc-, asthm-, depress-.
See article
How to be Healed, Saved & Born again (Jesus Heals)
In the Levi Aron case the Jews were horrified that a Jew killed another Jew,
thinking this is rare.
But in truth, JEWISH Psychiatrists have been killing their patients for 50 years by
putting them on psych meds, and in their theological ignorance, calling them crazy
when they weren't. This case is an opportunity to expose this and it is God's will to
do so.
God sent me in to the psych system ll years ago to be a witness against atheistic
psychiatry and their toxic drugs. A court clinician said to me, "if you believe in the
bible, you're mentally ill". This is how they think. 90 percent of dr's are atheists.
What I saw is that 90 percent of patients are NOT ill; they are Christians or others
with spiritual experiences.
God had me write a FREE book about this;
Manual for Transformational Healing-God's Answer to Psychiatry.
It exposes atheist psychiatry which falsely calls Christians & anyone with spiritual
beliefs and experiences schizophrenic, a nonsense label, and their genocide by
drugs which are Deadly By Design, and tells how to heal mental & physical illness
through prayer & worship.
David Berkowitz, known as the “Son of Sam” was a mentally ill Jew who went
on a killing rampage in the l970’s in NYC. He says he was crazy because he
dabbled in the occult as a child, opening himself to demonic possession. He
became a born-again Christian 11 years ago, and is no longer crazy or dangerous.
He calls himself “Son of Hope”. His story is a powerful testimony to the healing
power of Jesus Christ to deliver people from mental illness. Drugs are NOT the
answer: Jesus IS. He should be released so that more people can hear his
Governor Andrew Cuomo Needs to Pardon David Berkowitz the Son of Sam
The Mental Health laws are completely unconstitutional:
They violate the 1st amendment for religious freedom, since they Falsely call
Christians & others with spiritual beliefs & experiences mentally ill, and forcibly
treat them;
The 13th ANTI-SLAVERY amendment, since patients are used as involuntary
medical experiment guinea pigs; this is involuntary servitude, or slavery.
State psych hospitals all hold people for Years for insurance money. It is insurance
fraud a violation of the federal false claims act. This is SLAVERY.
Pilgrim Psych Center on LI, which used to be the oldest psych hospital in the
country does this. I know; I was there. They need to be investigated.
In the case of children, it violates the CHILD labor laws and is child abuse;
The 8th amendment against cruel and unusual punishment, since the drugs are
torture &deadly;
The 6th & 14th due process amendments because of the unethical procedures in
mental health hearings where they allow hearsay (medical records) & deny a
person the right to confront witnesses against them; they use the "competency to
stand trial" procedure as a way of denying someone their right to a hearing on the
charges & the right to confront witnesses against them.
Chapter 1 of my Free book Manual for Transformational Healing-God’s
Answer to Psychiatry has legal issues.
The atheistic unconstitutional mental health system – legal issues – ch 1 of
Manual for Transformational Healing-God’s Answer to Psychiatry
Also see
Manual of Help for Lawyers to Win Hearings for Mental Patients
The Incompetent to Stand Trial procedure is a process used to deprive the
accused of their right to a hearing on the charges; it is a way of doing an end run
around people's legal rights and avoiding trial, frequently used in political cases
where they want to avoid trials that would expose the truth. Declaring someone not
competent and sending them to a psych hospital is a way of making them
disappear; many people end up in hospitals for years over minor charges, or in
situations where they would have been found NOT GUILTY if a trial had
The people who judge competency are psychiatrists; the same ones who brainwash
them into committing crimes in the first place. How convenient.
The Sharon Tate murders were unusual because in that case, Charles Manson
was found guilty of murder even though he had not touched anyone; he
brainwashed the others to do it. So we have a precedent to find psychiatrists guilty
of the same thing, and we need to do it.
THE CIA, which has been run by nazi scientists who came to the US under
Operation paperclip, has been brainwashing assassins with drugs for years; they
are behind many murders such as RFK, MLK, John Lennon & more. They did
mind control experiments under MKULTRA. Bill Clinton apologized for it. It still
continues under another name. Sirhan Sirhan, RFK's alleged killer, had no memory
of the shooting & was reported to seem brainwashed by forensic psychiatrists
I suggest that the Tucson shooter, Jared Loughner was probably also
brainwashed; the real target was John Roll, the judge who was anti-gun control. It
was to send a message to other judges to not stand in the way of gun control
legislation. It was reported that someone called Roll & asked him to join Giffords
before the shooting. I think he was set up.
There may have been another shooter (CIA). Lougher called his school 'my
genocide school" (maybe he was taking a death education class like the one the
Columbine shooters took?). He also said the "government manipulates thru
grammar". He's right. They use loaded language to deceive people, and Orwellian
doublespeak (they call mental health drugs "treatment' when it is really torture and
genocide). He also may have been referring to their use of trigger words for
hypnotic brain washing. Hypnosis operates this way.
The significance of the shooting in Tucson, mental health parity laws &
conspiracy issues
Our country is becoming a fascist dictatorship and gun control legislation is always
used in fascist countries; Hitler did it and our laws have followed his playbook.
Also the nazis used a false flag- they set their parliament, the Reichstag on fire and
blamed Poland, to justify going to war with Poland and giving Hitler Dictatorial
powers. 911 was the same thing; a false flag used to justify passing the Patriot
Act, which was already written and violates the constitution.
A false flag is an act done by the rulers where they blame someone else. Every war
has been started this way. Robert McNamara, Nixon's Sec of Defense, admitted
that the Gulf of Tonkin incident, used an excuse to start the Vietnam War, never
happened. It was a lie.
A supernatural prophetic warning about the Dept of Homeland Security
appeared in the Boston Globe in Oct 2001; an article about the new Dept of
Homeand Security that had a picture of George Bush & Tom Ridge, in front of a
flag. What appeared was NOT an American flag but a swastika! This was a
warning from God about the spirit behind Homeland Security- nazism, fascism,
It was also a "false flag", meaning 911 which was used as an excuse to pass the
patriot act, was a false flag, an inside job. Cheney knew about it; he had issued a
standdown order to the airforce NOT to intercept any rogue aircraft, and repeatedly
affirmed the stand down even after the hijacked planes were spotted. I think Bush
was brainwashed & they did it behind his back.
The prophetic book The End of America by Naomi Wolf (2008) says there are
10 criteria for a fascist society, and we are there. She refers to all the fascist laws
that have been passed, shredding the constitution. (the Patriot Act, Bush's executive
orders, now the NDAA)
The New World Order – Prophetic Warning to Jews, Christians & Everyone
The Citizen's Commission on Human Rights documents psychiatric abuse.
They have a booklet on terrorism that documents how every terrorist has had
psychiatric “handlers” including Bin Laden, the Unabomber, & others. The
Unabomber was given LSD by Timothy Leary at Harvard; Leary admitted he was
funded by the CIA.
The people doing all the brainwashing of terrorists are psychiatrists.
MindFreedom, an organization of psychiatric "survivors" has horrific testimonies
of psychiatric abuse. The "treatments" are all torture. http://www.mindfreedom.org/
http://www.Antipsychiatrycoalition.org has articles about psychiatric abuse.
Listen to
Restoration Songs a prayer
I sing in tongues and like the Chasids sing. You can feel the Peace of God on it.
Praying & Singing in Tongues IS of God & is for all Christians
http://www.1prophetspeaks.com free books, music & articles
http://www.1prophetspeaks7.blogspot.com articles in most recent order
Restoration Songs a prayer
I sing in tongues and like the Chasids sing. You can feel the Peace of God on it.
Praying & Singing in Tongues IS of God & is for all Christians
How to be Healed, Saved & Born again (Jesus Heals)
The Ouija board killed my mother
Get rid of Harry Potter, Pokemon, Tarot cards & Ouija boards – they bring
curses & cause mental & physical illness
Quotes showing the Real Agendas behind Mental Health & Education
Psychiatry, Nazis & the 4th Reich: Interview with Jim Marrs, author of The
Rise of the 4th Reich
Judge rules psych meds cause homicide
The judge’s ruling in that case is at:
The Mental Health System is a FRONT For Nazi Genocide
Excerpts & comments from The Men Behind Hitler – a German Warning to
the World by Bernhard Shrieber
NEVER AGAIN? IT NEVER STOPPED! Reply to Never Again! The real
truth about psychiatry by Peter Breggin, MD
SCHIZOPHRENIA is NOT a “Serious Mental Disorder”
Manual for Transformational Healing-God's Answer to Psychiatry.
Governor Andrew Cuomo Needs to Pardon David Berkowitz the Son of Sam
The atheistic unconstitutional mental health system – legal issues – ch 1 of
Manual for Transformational Healing-God’s Answer to Psychiatry
Manual of Help for Lawyers to Win Hearings for Mental Patients
The significance of the shooting in Tucson, mental health parity laws &
conspiracy issues
The New World Order – Prophetic Warning to Jews, Christians & Everyone
Message to Families of Mental Patients
Drop the charges against David Tarloff – message to the judge, DA & jury