Small Group Calendar Fall 2013 Format: Small groups are designed to help students feel more comfortable and provide important student and life skills. Please review what is expected for each week. Each week tutors are to conduct an assigned activity, icebreaker, or 1-on-1 meetings with their small group. o Directions and materials for all assigned activities are given (check with your site supervisor or look in your folder). o All tutor-led icebreakers are for you to lead discussion topics or other activities (which can be found in activities folder) of your choice. o 1-on-1 questions will be provided if you are unsure what to ask student. You may join or collaborate with other small groups. BE PREPARED! Your students (and your supervisor) will notice if you aren’t. You set the tone for your small group, so be positive and creative. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure that you bring the materials you’ll need to make your small group a success; you may use UB materials, which will be available in our office and/or bring your own. Any borrowed materials should be returned to your supervisor or the UB office at the end of the night, so that they are available for others to use. Please notify us ASAP if you cannot attend a scheduled tutoring session. Small Group Discussion Topics Cheating & Plagiarism Time Management Racism & Diversity Problem Solving Techniques Nutrition & Healthy Living Organizational Skills Student Rights & Responsibilities Test Taking Skills Stress Management Sexuality and Identity Current Events Analysis Cliques Procrastination Facebook: Securing Your Life and Safety Environmental Issues Peer Pressure: Sex, Drugs, & Alcohol WEEK 1: SEPT 29 – OCT 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat 29 30 OCT 1 2 3 4 5 HT LT S/T LT *S* Site supervisors welcome and review expectations and schedule; introductions of new staff and students; explain study guides; break into small groups Tutor-led ICEBREAKERS in small groups (15 min) Students complete “FALL 2013 GOAL SHEETS” IN PENCIL and turn them in to tutors; discuss revisions with students (30 min) ALL STUDENTS MUST bring their PLANNERS to tutoring NEXT WEEK! Students complete Study Guides and Goal Sheets; please give these to your supervisor Remind students of the Saturday Event this Saturday Sun Mon 6 7 HT Mon 13 Sat 11 12 *HNY opt* 14 HT WEEK 3: OCT 13 – 19 Tue Wed Thurs 15 16 17 S/T LT *PSAT* Fri Sat 18 19 *PSAT* Announcements Tutor-led ICEBREAKERS in small groups (15 min) Check student planners; note missing or incomplete planners on Study Guide Tutors submit completed Study Guides to supervisors Sun Mon 20 Fri Announcements and re-introductions of staff Tutor-led Who Knows UB?—Attentiveness and being Resourceful Activity in small groups (15 min) Finish Goal Sheets if not done Check student planners; note missing or incomplete planners on Study Guide Tutors submit completed Study Guides to supervisors Sun WEEK 2: OCT 6 – OCT 12 Tue Wed Thurs 8 9 10 S/T LT 21 HT WEEK 4: OCT 20 – 26 Tue Wed Thurs 22 23 24 S/T LT Fri 25 *CV* Announcements Tutor-led HOT SEAT ACTIVITY in small groups (15 min) Remind and help students who may want to practice for the PSAT/ACT Check student planners; note missing or incomplete planners on Study Guide Tutors submit completed Study Guides to supervisors Sat 26 *ACT* Sun Mon 27 28 HT Mon 3 4 HT Mon 10 2 *CV* WEEK 6: NOV 3 – 9 Tue Wed Thurs 5 6 7 S/T LT Fri Sat 8 9 *S* 11 HT WEEK 7: NOV 10 – 16 Tue Wed Thurs 12 13 14 S/T LT Fri Sat 15 16 Announcements Tutor-led 1-on-1 meetings (for Holmen) Listening Skills Activity in small groups (15 min) Check student planners; note missing or incomplete planners on Study Guide Tutors submit completed Study Guides to supervisors Sun Mon 17 Sat Announcements Tutors conduct 1-on-1 meetings with students to check in on goal progress (20 min) Check student planners; note missing or incomplete planners on Study Guide Tutors submit completed Study Guides to supervisors Sun Fri NOV 1 Announcements Ask students about their thoughts on Saturday Event Tutor-led ICEBREAKERS in small groups (15 min) Remind and help students who may want to practice for the ACT Check student planners; note missing or incomplete planners on Study Guide Tutors submit completed Study Guides to supervisors Sun WEEK 5: OCT 27 – NOV 2 Tue Wed Thurs 29 30 31 S/T LT 18 HT WEEK 8: NOV 17 – 23 Tue Wed Thurs 19 20 21 S/T LT Fri Sat 22 23 Announcements Ask students about their thoughts on Saturday Event Tutor-led ICEBREAKERS in small groups (15 min) Check student planners; note missing or incomplete planners on Study Guide Tutors submit completed Study Guides to supervisors Sun Mon 24 25 WEEK 9: NOV 24 – 30 Tue Wed Thurs 26 27 28 NO TUTORING – THANKSGIVING BREAK Fri Sat 29 30 Sun Mon 1 Fri Sat 6 7 Announcements Tutor-led Critical Thinking Skills—Think Fast Activity in small groups (15 min) Check student planners; note missing or incomplete planners on Study Guide Tutors submit completed Study Guides to supervisors Sun Mon 8 2 HT WEEK 10: DEC 1 – 7 Tue Wed Thurs 3 4 5 S/T LT 9 HT WEEK 11: DEC 8 – 14 Tue Wed Thurs 10 11 12 S/T LT Fri Sat 13 Announcements Tutors conduct 1-on-1 meetings with students to check in on goal progress (20 min) Check student planners; note missing or incomplete planners on Study Guide Tutors submit completed Study Guides to supervisor 14 *ACT* Week 2: Who Knows UB?—Attentiveness and being Resourceful Activity Welcome or welcome back to UB! In UB we stress how important it is to not only listen but learn how to be resourceful as these two skills will be fundamental when you are a college student. This activity will tell us how well did you pay attention during your orientation session? Did you read your Student Handbook? Do you go on the website or Facebook page to keep yourself updated? How well do you listen to Kate, Paul, or Lisa when they provide information to you? Do you know how to find information that is available to you rather than asking UB staff? This activity will test just that. 1. UB is a federally funded educational program for high school students in preparing them for success in high school as well as college. True or false? 2. What programing does UB offer during the academic year? 3. What is the academic standard expected for freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors? 4. What happens to students who do not meet the academic standard expectations? 5. When can you be dismissed from UB? 6. After a year in UB you can only be on probation once. If you are on probation the second time you will be dropped from the program. True or false? 7. Excused absences from UB events are ____________________ (Notices need to be made prior to event from parent or guardian). A. Illness B. Pre-planned family activities C. Weather D. School sponsored events and sports E. Special school or church/religious sponsored events F. All the above 8. Students are subject to stipend deductions if they _______________________________. A. Are late to UB events. B. Do not turn in completed study guides at tutoring sessions. C. RSVP to events in a timely manner. D. Complete their monthly Cyber Bound activity. E. All of the above. 9. Everyone in UB can attend College Visits? True or false? If false, who can and cannot attend and what do they need in order to attend? 10. Tutoring and Saturday Events are mandatory for ALL UB students? True or false? 11. Lisa is the Student Advisor who meets with students either at their schools or at tutoring. How often are you required to meet with Lisa? 12. How many weeks is summer UB? 13. Students who participate and do well in the summer session will have the priority when we are selecting work-study participants and ______________________? 14. What four classes do students take when attending summer UB? 15. During the academic year students earn $7 for each weekly tutoring session they attend, how much can students earn in a week during the summer session? 16. During the summer session, what is one thing you cannot bring with you? 17. The Bridge Program is for recent high school graduates, who have participated in previous summer sessions, which get the opportunity to take college credit classes, live on campus, work for the program as office aides and tutor assistants, participate in service and recreational activities and receive a weekly stipend as well as receiving support for their transition from high school to college. True or false? 18. What is the UB website URL? 19. Who is the Director of UB? What is their contact information? 20. Where is the UB office located? ANSWERS: 1. UB is a federally funded educational program for high school students in preparing them for success in high school as well as college. True or false? 2. What programing does UB offer during the academic year? Tutoring, college visits, Saturday Events, and an online classroom and discussion forum. 3. What is the academic standard expected for freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors? Frosh/Soph: at least a 2.5 UB GPA w/ NO D’s or F’s. Jun/Sen: at least a 2.75 UB GPA w/ NO D’s or F’s. 4. What happens to students who do not meet the academic standard expectations? You will be placed on probation for the subsequent quarter/term (and possibly on contract if you are not at the minimum at the end of the quarter/term). 5. When can you be dismissed from UB? If you do not meet the terms of your contract and/or you if you have fallen below the minimum for the third time. 6. After a year in UB you can only be on probation once. If you are on probation the second time you will be dropped from the program. True or false? 7. Excused absences from UB events are ____________________ (Notices need to be made prior to event from parent or guardian). A. Illness B. Pre-planned family activities C. Weather D. School sponsored events and sports E. Special school or church/religious sponsored events F. All the above 8. Students are subject to stipend deductions if they _______________________________. A. Are late to UB events. B. Do not turn in completed study guides at tutoring sessions. C. RSVP to events in a timely manner. D. Complete their monthly Cyber Bound activity. E. All of the above. 9. Everyone in UB can attend College Visits? True or false? If false, who can and cannot attend and what do they need in order to attend? Only Soph – Seniors can attend. However, you must be in good academic standing and Seniors may only attend if they have applied to the specific college. 10. Tutoring and Saturday Events are mandatory for ALL UB students? True or false? 11. Lisa is the Student Advisor who meets with students either at their schools or at tutoring. How often are you required to meet with Lisa? Twice p/month. 12. How many weeks is summer UB? 6 weeks long 13. Students who participate and do well in the summer session will have the priority when we are selecting work-study participants and ___Bridge students____? 14. What four classes do students take when attending summer UB? Language Arts, math, science lab, and world language or senior seminar. 15. During the academic year students earn $7 for each weekly tutoring session they attend, how much can students earn in a week during the summer session? $10 p/week. 16. During the summer session, what is one thing you cannot bring with you? No personal computers/laptops! 17. The Bridge Program is for recent high school graduates, who have participated in previous summer sessions, which get the opportunity to take college credit classes, live on campus, work for the program as office aides and tutor assistants, participate in service and recreational activities and receive a weekly stipend as well as receiving support for their transition from high school to college. True or false? 18. What is the UB website URL? 19. Where is the UB office located? 176 Murphy Library 20. Who is the Director of UB? What is their contact information? Kate Oganowski phone: 608-785-8763 cell: 608-792-5047 email: Week 4: HOT SEAT ACTIVITY How well do you know each other? Let’s find out. This is a simple and fun activity for everyone to get to know one another. Form a circle and have one person volunteer to go to the middle. They are in the “hot seat”. Everyone in the circle gets a chance to ask the person in the middle questions and the person in the hot seat quickly answers the first thing they can think of. Try not to take too much time thinking about your answer but be honest. Questions can range from simple ones like favorite color or food to complex questions like if you could choose what you would be if you were reincarnated, what would you want to be. Please be respectful when asking questions as well as answering them. Have fun and get to know each other. Once everyone asks their question you the person in the hot seat will take someone’s seat and that person is next in the hot seat for questioning. Some questions to ask: If you could be a Disney princess/hero, which one would you be and why? If someone gave you 1 million dollars and said you can go anywhere in the world but you cannot return to the US, would you do it and if so, where would you go? If you were a number, what number would you be? If you had a superpower, what would your superpower be? Monsters, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, or zombies? Which one are you most afraid of and which one would you be able to live with if you had to choose? What would you have for your last meal? Do you have a secret talent? If so, will you share what it is? Week 7: Listening Skills Activity Partner up with someone and distinguish who will listen and who will speak. When signaled, the speaker will have one minute to speak. You must speak throughout the whole minute about the given topic. This is your time to say what is on your mind or give your viewpoint without worrying about interruptions. The listener will give the speaker their undivided attention for that whole minute. You are to listen to the speaker and not think about your reaction to the shared topic. You should not be thinking about your response or comments. Switch roles after your minute is up. Afterwards, report back to your group and discuss the following: Were you able to talk the whole minute? Why or why not? Can you listen to others without interrupting them? What was the most challenging thing about being the listener? What was the most challenging thing about being the speaker? Week 10: Think Fast— Critical Thinking Skills Activity 1. Four boy scouts troops totaling 42 boys went camping. If the same number of boys were in each van, how many vans did it take to get the boys to camp? 2. How do you write the standard form of eight million seven hundred twenty five thousand four hundred and ninety two? 3. What is the next number in this sequence 7512, 7514, 7518, 7524, 7532, 7534? 4. Is this a true statement 25,471 < 25,147? 5. If a new movie sells 563 tickets on Friday night, 1297 tickets on Saturday night, and 316 tickets on Sunday night, how many more tickets were sold on Saturday than on Friday? 6. A boy needs to be at school by 8:15 am. If it takes him 15 minutes to take a bath, 20 minutes to get dressed, 25 minutes to eat, and 15 minutes to ride his bike to school, what time does he need to get up? 7. If Darla has enough money to purchase 8 cd's per week, how many weeks would it take her to purchase 72 cd's? 8. If George has 12 minutes to get to school, how many seconds does he have? 9. If you begin a problem with a one-digit integer, multiply the number by 4, add 7, divide by 3, subtract 5, and get an answer of 0, what is the beginning integer? 10. A local church is collecting clothes for the needy. The church plans to help 32 families. If each family has 4 people and the church gives them 3 outfits per person, how many outfits does the church need to collect? 11. If 376 people went to the mall on Saturday and three times as many people went to the mall on Sunday, how many people went to the mall for the whole weekend? 12. Jane had $20.00 to buy her mother something for her birthday. If she bought a rose for $2.10 and a purse for $15.95, how much money would she have left to buy her mother a birthday card? 13. If your grades in math are a 97, 82, 79, and 60, what is your average? 14. If there are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute, how many seconds are in an hour? 15. Grandma has 8 apples. If she uses 6 1/4 apples to make an apple pie, how many apples does she have left? Brain Teasers Worksheet Answer Sheet 1. 6, (6 x 7 = 42) 2. 8,725,492 3. 7538 4. No, (it is > greater than) 5. 734, (1297 - 563 = 734) 6. 7am, (8:15 - 75 minutes (15+20+25+15)) 7. 9, (8 x 9 = 72) 8. 720, (12 minutes x 60 seconds per minute = 720) 9. 2, (2 x 4 = 8 + 7 = 15 / 3 = 5 -5 = 0) 10. 384, (32 x 4 x 3 = 384) 11. 1128, (376 x 3 = 1128) 12. $1.95 ($20.00 - $2.10 = $17.90 - $15.95 = $1.95) 13. 79.5 (97 + 89 + 72 + 60 = 318 / 4 = 79.5) 14. 360, (60 minutes x 60 seconds = 360) 15. 1 3/4 (8 - 6 1/4 = 3/4)