Elizabethtown High School Band Student Handbook 2013-2014 “A Tradition of Excellence” Mr. Mark R. Webster, Director of Bands Elizabethtown Independent Schools Letter from the Director: Dear Elizabethtown High School Band Students and Band Boosters, Greetings and Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! It is the goal of the directors, instructional staff, parents, and students to make this the finest year in the history of the Elizabethtown High School Band program. As members of our program you will have several opportunities and privileges throughout the year, but we have many expectations and responsibilities to fulfill. With your participation, we can make the Elizabethtown Band one of the most successful programs in the state of Kentucky. Our main fall-semester activity is centered on the award-winning EHS Marching Band. Marching Band is required for all members of the EHS Band program, unless specifically exempted due to a school sports conflict, because each member is essential to the success of the group. This ensemble will travel frequently, compete regularly, and perform for a wide variety of audiences. Marching Band students are required to attend all rehearsals and performances. Several other performance opportunities are available to our band members throughout the year; they include the Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, various “chamber” ensembles, Winterguard, and Pep Band. Students also have several “individual” opportunities through out the year; these include participation in the KMEA All-State Band, All-District Band, Solo and Ensemble Festival, various Honor Bands, and a variety of other opportunities throughout the year! This handbook is designed to provide as much information as possible to assist you in understanding the Elizabethtown High School Band program. It may be necessary to add or edit portions of this document throughout the year with notice, via e-mail, regular mail, newsletter, minutes of meetings and/or booster meeting announcements as not all circumstances may be addressed specifically. It is expected all families and students have a working knowledge of this book, and agree to follow the guidelines listed. Again, with your participation and assistance, we can work to make the E-town High School Band Program one of the best in Kentucky! Musically yours, Mark Webster Director of Bands Mark.Webster@etown.kyschools.us HOW TO CONTACT THE BAND PROGRAM Mailing Address: ELIZABETHTOWN HIGH SCHOOL BAND 620 North Mulberry Street Elizabethtown, KY 42701 Phone: 270-769-3381 Email: Mark.Webster@Etown.Kyschools.Us Booster Mailing Address: ELIZABETHTOWN BAND BOOSTERS P.O. Box 234 Elizabethtown, KY 42702 Information Available on-line: E-town Band Web-site: On Twitter: @EtownBand Elizabethtown High School Band Mission Statement The mission of the Elizabethtown High School Band, along with the school community, is to offer our students chances to mature musically, intellectually, socially, and emotionally by providing high quality musical and visual experiences. Elizabethtown High School Band Vision Statement The vision of the Elizabethtown High School Band is to make a positive difference in the lives of its band members by providing musical and visual experiences and performances, and to assist them in achieving their potential as they develop confidence, cooperation, leadership and responsibility while maintaining the highest standards of musical and personal excellence. Elizabethtown High School Band Program EHS Marching Band Solos & Ensembles Music Classes Theory, Improv, Tech Concert Band Percussion Tech. Jazz Ensemble Pep Band Winter Guard & Percussion The concert ensembles – Concert Band and Wind Ensemble – are the foundation of the E-town Band Program. The many co-curricular ensembles and music classes are offered to supplement the basic concert ensemble experience. Elizabethtown Band Student and Parent Handbook The Elizabethtown High School Band has developed a reputation for excellence both on the marching field and in the concert hall. As a member of the Elizabethtown Band, you become a part o that winning tradition. You will get to meet people who will become your closest friends, and you will learn how it feels to lose and what it takes to win. You will experience the fun of being with friends, taking trips, and at the end of the year you will experience the success of several months of hard work and self-sacrifice. This handbook describes the expectations under which our program will be administered. Students and parents in the band are encouraged to read and study the by-laws presented in this booklet and to adhere to the tradition of excellence established by the past and present members of the ensemble. MEMBERSHIP Participation is open to students in grades 9-12. Seventh and eighth grade students may participate if needed, at the discretion of the directors. Color guard and field conductors must audition each year for placement within the band. Those auditioning for field commander must have at least two years experience in both the Elizabethtown High School Concert and Marching Bands and have satisfactorily completed a Leadership Seminar requirement Upon acceptance of membership in the Elizabethtown High School band the student agrees to: 1. Participate in the band program for the entire year (through marching season for non-musicians); 2. Follow and uphold all expectations set forth in this handbook; 3. Accept the financial obligations of the group 4. Attend ALL rehearsals and performances. During marching season alternates must attend all rehearsals and performances. Alternates may function as equipment personnel, band aides, sideline percussion, etc. All alternate members will perform with the band in the stands at home football games. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: 1. Marching Band: Marching band begins primarily in July and concludes in early November. This groups will perform at Friday night home football games, and for parades and community events. Rehearsals are regularly Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:30 – 5:30, and are scheduled well in advance so all students can avoid unnecessary conflicts. Sectional rehearsals are regularly scheduled and will be announced well in advance for Percussion and Color Guard members. 2. Concert Band: Concert Band begins in August when school starts and concludes at the end of the school year. This group is evaluated at regional and state levels during the month of March. After school rehearsals are scheduled well in advance to allow students to avoid any conflicts. Sectionals can be scheduled by the director with up to one weeks advanced notice. 3. Percussion Techniques: This is the band class for percussionists. During this time percussion students will get individualized instruction on all facets of their performance. This is a sectional type class. Literature studied will be primarily wind band music and percussion ensemble music. 4. Pep Band: Pep band plays at the majority of the boys and girls basketball games (regular season and tournament), and at the football playoff games. Each student is expected to be in attendence for a minimum of 8 regular season and ALL tournament games unless specific arrangements are made with the director in advance. 5. Winterguard, Percussion Ensemble, and Jazz Band: These are supplementary units for our band program. Specific information concerning these groups will be available in late October. ALL BAND GROUPS ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN PERFORMANCES AND CONCERTS THROUGH THE SCHOOL YEAR. ATTENDANCE Regardless of grade level or playing ability, attendance is something every band member carries an expectation in. Band is a CO-Curricular obligation and attendance counts as a part of every band member’s academic grade. Band members are expected to be at every rehearsal and perforamnce. This includes all after school rehearsals and performances. Note: Sectionals are considered after school performances and will be weighted accordingly. Unexcused tardiness at rehearsals will not be tolerated An absence excuse form (available outside the band office) must be filled out and signed by the parent or guardian for all after school absences. This should be filed in the band office within three (3) days of the asence. Failure to do tis will result in the absence being unexcused. NO ORAL EXCUSES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Note: Students who are employed should make the necessary arrangements with their employers so that they are able to attend all practices and performances. It takes the devoted attendance of each member of the band at each session to make the band successful. I appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we try to schedule our students for success. Conflicts can be avoided by communication, if another activity is planned, please notify me immediately. REHEARSALS Only illness, death, or sever emergency in the immediate family, orders of the court, nonsocial church activities (see note below), or other school activities as approved by the principal and band director, may be accepted as an excused absence. Students participating in another school activity should submit a schedule to the director prior to a rehearsal being missed. Other absences should be discussed at least three (3) days in advance of the absence for consideration as an excused absence. If a student misses two rehearsals in succession, yet is in attendence during the school day, a doctors statement will be needed for a student to return to their position in the band with no penalty. If a student receives unexcused absences for twenty (20) percent of more of the after school rehearsals for a competitive season, the student and parents will need to meet with the director to remain in the performing group An unexcused absence from a rehearsal may result in one or more of the following actions being taken: 1. Not being allowed to perform at a football game or performance 2. Conference with the director/principal 3. Band Detention 4. Loss of credit for missed work NOTE: Social church activities (youth group, mission trips, etc) will not be considered for excused absence credit. Every effort is made to schedule events so that they do not conflict with church activities, however, it’s impossible to totally avoid conflicts with every church in the community. Students will be allowed to complete additional assignments to make up the points missed for these absences. No more than two make-up assignments will be assigned per semester. PERFORMANCES Only extreme illness (with doctors statements) or death/severe emergency in the immediate family will be accepted as an excused absence. State and Regional level activities for another activity take precedence over band performances ONLY if they do not conflict with our State and Regional events. Other school activities will not be excused – it is our belief that the students should be involved in as much as the can be, and we will try to avoid scheduling conflicts with important events (Belle, Prom, etc) but it is impossible to avoid conflicts with all other activities. An absence excuse form (available outside the band office) must be filled out and signed by the parent or guardian for all after school absences. This should be filed in the band office within three (3) days of the asence. Failure to do tis will result in the absence being unexcused. NO ORAL EXCUSES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Performances will count as exams during each grading period. An unexcused absence from a performance may result in one of the following actions being taken: 1. Students not being permitted to make up the missed exams. Two unexcused absences will cause the student’s overall grade to be lowered by 20% 2. A meeting with parents and the director 3. Dismissal from the band Attendance at graduation rehearsals and performances is mandatory for all high school band members in grades 9-11. Note: Tardiness to rehearsals or performances should not occur. The director will fully implement the Student Discipline/Attendance Code as adopted by the Elizabethtown Board of Education: 1. First Tardy: Director reviews the policy with the Band member and an alternate assignment may be given. 2. Second Tardy: Same as above, but with the addition of Band Detention 3. Third Tardy: Band Members will be assigned a one day detention and receive an unexcused absence and one for each unexcused tardy thereafter. Band Detention: Band detention is a punitive policy that will allow students to complete tasks for the good of the Band such as organization, inventory, cleaning, etc that will neither degrade nor demean the student but will allow them to fulfill their commitment to the band program in a positive manner. It shall be used at the discretion of the Director. Possible reasons for band detention are included above. FIRST AID It is the mission of the Elizabethtown High School Band program to provide our students with a safe and healthy environment. To these ends, we try to have someone with rudimentary medical knowledge on all of our trips. Health forms (located in the back of this booklet) are on file for each student participating in band activities. These forms will be taken on all trips in the care of the Head Chaperone. TRANSPORTATION School buses transport students to and from contests and competitions. Students are assigned to buses and a seating chart for each bus is left in the band room for general information. There is no billable cost to students for transportation. Students MUST ride the bus to contests. Students may return home only with their parents/guardians if given permission by the band director. Students must bring a note from their parents and the parents need to see the band director or head chaperone before leaving with the student. If a student needs to ride home with a family member other than the parents, arrangments must be made with the band director and principal prior to the specific trip. This ensures the safety of our students. Each student is expected to conform to the code of conduct set forth by the State Board of Education, Elizabethtown Independent Schools, and the Bus Driver. We encourage all guests to attend band related functions. However, only performing members of the ensemble and chaperones are allowed to ride the band buses. Chaperones cannot and will not be held lioable for students that are not performing band members on EHS Band trips. DRIVERS Bus drivers are usually band parents who have been through the mandatory bus training and are certified by the State Board of Education. The band also owns a tractor-trailer, Blue. The driver of this vehicle has been fully trained to drive the vehicle and holds a valid CDL drivers license. If you would like to train to be a driver, please let us know. CHAPERONES Parents serve as chaperones on band trips. There is one chaperone for every 10 students. Chaperones will be in charge of the students for the duration of the trip. Chaperones have complete authority to esnure that rules are enforced and that every student conducts him/herself in a manner that promotes our positive image. Band Chaperones are not responsible for student supervision while the students are in “warm-up” or performances. CODE OF CONDUCT Our students are a representation of our community, of our school, and because of that the following expectations and code of conduct has been developed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Rehearsals and classes start ON TIME. Have instruments and all necessary equipment and supplies. Follow all applicable laws, rules and teacher instructions. Store instruments, music, equipment, etc. in the correct place. Lock all lockers. Only instrument cases and music are allowed in locker overnight. All other items must be taken home at the end of the school day. Do not talk during rehearsals unless asked to do so. Do not leave class without permission. Do not deface (write on, etc.) walls, stands, equipment or furniture. Do not use the Band Room as your playground. Do not consume drinks or food or chew gum in the Band Room. Non-Band members are NOT allowed in the Band Room Do not use band hall supplies for personal use. The band hall music library is for directors only. Additionally we pride ourselves on offering a safe haven for our students. Therefore the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or drugs will not be tolerated. Anyone caught using such items may be dismissed from the band for the remainder of the school year. Additional penaklites will fall under the school alcohol and tobacco policy. No profane language, gestures, or disrespectful actions will be tolerated. When on trips all school and bus rules will be observed. Students are expected to behave in a manner that is courteous and cooperative. Remember that as a member your student is a representative of our school and community. UNIFORM DRESS CODE To achieve the goals of the Band, Band uniforms must, at all times, be carefully cared for and be worn properly and with pride. Issued Band uniform items will be stored and kept during the school year at the school. Each Band member is responsible for his/her issued uniform at all times and must be sure to store it at the school. When not in use, the uniform should be properly hung, the hat should be boxed and all items should be properly stored in the school’s uniform room. During each use of the uniform, members must promptly put on and remove the uniform and not leave it, or parts of it, in other locations where it may be damaged or soiled. All students wearing band uniforms must wear black socks and a white undershirt. Jewelry, make up, and nail polish will not be worn while in uniform. There will be no exceptions to this ruyle. Uniform items the members furnish shall be kept by the members and washed or cleaned as necessary. Each time a uniform is to be worn, each member must bring with the issued items clean Band shoes, black socks, black wind shorts, Band T-shirt, and all other items as announced. Band Officers The following positions will be selected by the band directors and students. This select group of students plays an important role in the success of our music program. Drum Major: The Drum Major will serve as the student conductor of the Marching Band. The Drum Major should possess extraordinary leadership and teaching skills. This person will be able to assist with teaching marching fundamentals and leading sectional rehearsals. Section Leaders (Brass, Woodwind, Percussion): These are the other student leaders of the Marching band. The Section Leaders should possess extraordinary leadership and teaching skills. These persons will be able to assist with teaching marching fundamentals and leading sectional rehearsals. President: The president should have great leadership qualities, be dedicated to the success of the band program, and will preside over any student meetings that are called. He/She will also oversee the band camp awards ceremony and serve as a liaison between band students and the directors. Vice President: This person shoukd great leadership qualities, be dedicated to the success of the band program, and will preside over any student meetings that the president can not attend. He/She will also serve as a liaison between band students and the directors. Treasurer: The treasurer will handle all transactions regarding the purchasing of supplies from the Band Store. This person will also serve as the inventory keeper of the band store and will collect money for special events/awards. Secretary: The secretary will keep minutes of each meeting held by the band council and will post those minutes to the board and the web-site. Also this person will help with the correspondence to boosters and community groups. Representatives: All freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors will vote for two students to serve as their class representatives. These representatives will act as liaisons between their class and the band council. They will be responsible for calling class members if needed. BAND BOOSTER ORGANIZATION WE NEED YOUR HELP! The band booster organization is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose membership is composed of all parents and guardians of the students in the Band Program. The booster’s goals are to promote interest, goodwill, and financial support for the EHS Band. There is no fee charged to be a band booster member. The group operates on a budget developed by the officers, board of directors, band directors, and approved by the general membership. Upon request the budget is available for review. We are asking that everyone has at least ONE member of their adult household at each Band Booster meeting. Booster meetings are held on the fourth thursday of every month, except MAY and NOVEMBER when they are held on the THIRD Thursday. The following is a list of some of the things that the Boosters provide the band program: Assists in purchasing new instruments Assists in purchasing new uniforms Incidental expenses for Band Vehicles Fuel Expenses for buses and band vehicles Instructors Parent/Student Acknowledgement Form I have read the guidelines in the Elizabethtown Band Student and Parent handbook and will follow and help uphold all the rules and expectations set forth by the band directors. Furthermore, I will do my part in fulfilling my commitment to the band by remaining in the performing group for the duration of each season. I understand that it is my responsibility to remain informed of the procedure that will be enforced via this handbook. I will do my very best to adhere to these expectations and I support the Elizabethtown Band and Mr. Webster in these decisions. Student Signature: _____________________________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________ EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT RELEASE/HEALTH HISTORY FORM Elizabethtown High School Dear Parent/Guardian: Please complete, sign, and return this form to the Band Office by July 19th 2013. Student’s Complete Name: _________________________________________________ Student’s Address: _______________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________________ Grade: ___________ Family Physician: ___________________________ Physician’s Phone: _____________ Physicians Address: _______________________________________________________ Medication Allergies: _____________________________________________________ Student has a history of the following: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Please describe these conditions: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Other Pertinent Health information: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ In case of emergency, accident, or serious illnes of the named child, I request the school to contact me. If I am unable to be reached, I authorize the school/district personel to obtain the emergency medical treatment necessary to maintain the student’s health. Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: __________________________ Relationship to Student: __________________ Home Phone: ______________________ Work Phone: _________________________ ABSENT REQUEST FORM Name: _______________________________ Today’s Date: _________________ Date Absent:__________________________ Section:________________________ Reason for Absence: Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________ After filling out this form please turn it into the Band Office - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___________ EXCUSED ___________ UNEXCUSED Directors Signature: _______________________________________________________ COMMENTS: