Keenwick Sound Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting Friday, October 7, 2011 Board Members Present: Carol Griffin, President; Pete Weaver, Vice President & Grounds Committee Chairperson; Diane Schoen, Treasurer; Eileen McCabe, Director & Clubhouse Chairperson; Ron Schaefer, Director & Roads Chairperson; John McGee, Director, Pool Committee & Maintenance Chairperson Committees represented: Marge DiNenna, Sunshine Committee & $6 Sales Chairperson; Charlie Knighton, Ponds Committee Chairperson; John Mandato, ARC Committee Chairperson; Janice Fyock, Welcome Committee & Nominating Committee Chairperson; Laila Skofteland, Newsletter Chairperson The purpose of this meeting was to conduct scheduled quarterly committee reports and other business. President Carol Griffin called the meeting to order at 1:05pm and a motion to dispense reading of the Minutes of July 9, 2011, that were approved by email from board members and posted on the website, was made by Diane Schoen. The motion was seconded by Pete Weaver and was unanimously carried. TREASURER’S REPORT - Diane Schoen Diane Schoen presented the Treasurer’s report from July 1, 2011 through October 7, 2011 which started the fiscal year with a cash balance of $88,238, as of June 30, 2011. The Total Income is $47,139 and Expenses are $15,955, leaving an Operating Balance of $31,184. The income of $40,080 in the Capital Fund is from dues and interest. The net balance in the Capital account combined with the money leftover from 2010 Fair is $128,318. Our total cash balance is $159,502, as of October 7, 2011. Update on Dues: There are 4 homeowners’ dues that are unpaid. Diane sent out certified letters requesting payment by the end of September. Noncompliant owners will be referred to the Attorney to have liens against properties. Two owners have actually sold their properties. Dues and late fees will be reimbursed at settlement. Diane sent information to start legal action to the Attorney for the two owners who have not paid; however, one owner had filed for bankruptcy and those monies would not be recovered. Diane remarked that our present Attorney, Mr.Witzel had not responded to phone calls as of the meeting. Non-Profit Status of KSHA – Need to pursue. Diane Schoen reported that John Corcoran, who used to do the KSHA taxes, has had a lot of medical issues and cannot do our taxes any longer. He was unable to do this year’s and last year’s taxes. With this information, Diane expediently proceeded to have the taxes done by Robert A.Waegele of Shore Tax Services in Rehoboth Beach. Taxes have been filed and are currently up to date. Mr.Waegele does not charge Homeowners Association for handling their taxes since he considers this as part of his community service. Mr. Waegele asked that we acknowledge his service in our newsletter. AD HOC COMMITTEES Sunshine Committee Report - Marge DiNenna. Marge reported that from August 1st through October 7, 2011 there were 2 get well and 3 sympathy cards were sent out. Fundraising Update : Everything $6 Sale - Marge DiNenna. Marge reported a net profit of $615 from July sales. Marge asked about having a yard sale in December and it was decided against by the Board because of the time of year. The $6 sale is scheduled for December 3rd, 2011. Ads will be sent in to local papers and flyers will be dispersed at different functions such as the Women’s Club luncheon. Marge will have flyers by November. Cruise – John McGee. John reported that 46 people had signed up for this trip but he would like to have 50. It takes 48 people to get credit for 3 cruise fairs credited to the Association as a cash refund. Date for the cruise is March 19, 2012. There is a bus leaving from the Clubhouse to Bayonne, New Jersey, the cruise departure port. There are still some seats available. Luggage would be brought to the Clubhouse the day before leaving. Other Fundraiser: President Carol Griffin was contacted by Kim Schuler, demonstrator for Thirty One and showed the magazine to members present – we would get 30% of sales. Discussion ensued and it was suggested to have this person have a table at the Fair. Everyone agreed to not have this fundraiser at this time. Fair: Carol Griffin reported that Carol Jordan is interested in co chairing and wanted to have someone with experience help her to co-chair. Carol will contact Marie Cocci to find out about co chairing the fair. The format for the Fair has been streamlined and was very successful with this new format. Commitments need to be made by February 2012. Welcome Committee – Janice Fyock. Janice reported that there were 5 new homeowners in the community. Marycryst Birao & Dave Velez. They are both physical therapists and moved from Rehoboth and now reside at 37197 E. Stoney Run. Andrew & Lara Quillen, were both born and raised here. Andrew as a youngster visited and played here in Keenwick Sound. Kim and Michael Fackett who now lives in a new home on West Pond, are weekenders. David & Genny Hines who reside full time at 36800 W. Bluewater Run. One more visit to be made is Adriano and Josephine Cariotti on East Pond, they only come on weekends. Newsletter – Laila Skofteland . Laila has sent out 7 renewals and 3 new solicitations for advertisers and gave them until Oct. 14th for their responses. At present there have been two checks received. Laila requested that all articles be submitted to her by October 21st. so she can send the master copy to the printer by October 28th. This would get the newsletters to her by Nov. 11th to be distributed. Laila reviewed last year’s newsletters for all articles including committees and letter from President, Treasurer’s report, etc. Some revisions will be made for the $6 sales for dates. Discussion ensued on past articles to be updated, removed or not repeated as well as adding new article about dumping in the wetlands and restrictions. Laila will call Paul Fowler asking him to write an article about the wetlands. Laila also mentioned that all articles should be sent as a word document attachment. There were some discussions on the subject. PONDS COMMITTEE – Charlie Knighton Charlie reported that the aerators on Pond 1 quit working and were repaired by Solitude Lake Management. The company changed the filters in the compressor and got it started. Solitude Lake Management recommended that based on the size of the pond it would cost $5,000 to supplement the pond with new aerators. Charlie mentioned that this would not include the electric and we would be required to get Delaware Electric to install a line and a meter. An electrician would have to run a line from the meter to the compressor. The board discussed the purchase for new compressors in all ponds and decided to leave as is for the present time. Charlie also mentioned that there are four gum trees by the big pond and the gum balls that fall into the pond cause more damage. John McGee and Pete Weaver suggested getting a price quote from Lawson to cut the trees. Also the pond by the construction on Route 54 was discussed. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the State to request that it be cleaned. The water was supposed to drain into Derickson Creek and has now been diverted to drain into Roy Creek Carol Griffin mentioned that whoever is concerned about it should complain to DNREC. ARC COMMITTEE – John Mandato John Mandato reported that they approved one outdoor shower and one shed. John reminded everyone to notify him if new construction is observed in backyards without approval. It was suggested that John add a reminder in the Newsletter. Carol thanked John for his report. 2 Ron Schaefer reported on the dumpsters in front of property that caught on fire and found out from Eduardo that the Restoration Company stopped working because of a major problem with the billing to the insurance company. Ron also reported that he saw two men remove metal that was in the dumpster and upon being discovered left in a hurry dropping the metal on the ground only to return later to take their findings. Another observation Ron made was that the dumpster was filled with yard waste from neighbors in the area. A landscaping company also dumped yard waste from a job they did in that same neighborhood. Discussions followed and conclude that the property owner is responsible for the dumpster overflow since it is in his property. Diane Schoen recommended that a letter be written to owner of said property regarding the problem. Carol will write the letter. NEW BUSINESS Computer Purchase: Diane Schoen explained that the database, gate system and financial information are on Diane’s computer and are backed up on disk. Since this is taking a lot of space on her computer, Diane is requesting the purchase of a laptop to maintain the database and gate system so it could be used by another person in case of emergency. Carol also suggested having the minutes and files that she has on her computer transferred to the laptop. John McGee made the motion to purchase a laptop computer. The motion was seconded by Eileen McCabe and was unanimously agreed. Emergency Planning/Response Team – Milt Warren suggestion: Resident Email Addresses Milt Warren attended the Sussex Local Emergency Planning Committee Meeting and learned that there is a course that will be available in Ocean City that he wants to pursue regarding emergencies in case of future storms. Milt will automatically loan us a two way radio that will be utilized in case of power outage. Milt will also have information in the newsletter regarding this new committee. Carol has received a fair amount of email address responses and will add request for email addresses in the newsletter. Carol has asked if anyone would like to be at a meeting headed by Milt Warren for explanation of the Emergency Planning Response Committee. This committee being formed is in the event of hurricane or other emergency - the committee would check on the residents if evacuation is necessary and be cognizant of property while owners are away. Carol and John are already on the committee and asked if anyone else would like to join. Milt Warren wants to have a meeting to let us know of what he has learned. Carol took names of those who would like to attend the meeting. Clubhouse Rental Concern/Pool Use: Carol reported that she received complaints this year and last year from residents regarding people renting the clubhouse who had many children overcrowding the pool. John McGee stated that there was a birthday party and people used the pool and did not follow the rules. Carol asked about a ruling, based on concerns from residents, to exclude the pool from the rental contract. The explanation given is that if residents want to have a party at their home then it is okay to use the pool; but the number of people for a Clubhouse rental would be more people than would fit in a house. Discussion ensued and many opinions were given. The board agreed that it should be stated in the rental contract that the common area can be used but that the pool privilege is not included. This should be addressed at the time of rental stating that there has been a Board decision to exclude pool use. Carol will have an article in Newsletter regarding rental property for the Spring. Discussion also ensued regarding rental owners and use of the pool during summer. Unbuildable Lots/W. Stoney Run : Carol reported that there are three lots on West Stoney along Roy Creek that were sold by Atkins in 2004 to Attorney Borkowski for $5,000 a piece. The attorney has legally pursued a change to reinstate them as building lots. Once the attorney completes the legal process, he will notify the Association and start paying homeowners fees. The Association has been cutting the grass which was actually supposed to be cut by another resident, who has been observed 3 mowing the lots at times. Discussion ensued about the history of the lots and Carol expects to know the outcome of these lots in about 6 months. MAINTENANCE ISSUES Lawn Maintenance/Foreclosure: Already mentioned. Drainage Pipe between McCabe & Bonadonna: President Carol Griffin reported that there may be another problem involving the drainage pipe in that area and Eileen commented that she did not notice anything major. Carol will keep an eye on the situation. Clubhouse Repairs/Renovation: Carol Griffin mentioned that repairs should be made to the Clubhouse where sliding glass door frames and windows are rotting as well as some nails sticking out in the paneling. It was suggested to remove the sliding glass doors and replace with regular windows. Discussion ensued on cost effective way to do changes and eliminate the one door that is nailed shut. The installation of vinyl siding on the outside areas where windows would replace the sliding doors and other cosmetic issues in the Clubhouse would need to be considered. John McGee and the Maintenance Committee will look into getting estimates. Possible future maintenance on air conditioning and heating systems; acquiring a power washer for outside buildings and ramp were discussed but not decided. Boat Ramp Pier: Pete Weaver stated that stairs should be replaced and will be revisited in the Spring. POOL REPORT – John McGee John reported that the pool has been winterized and the invoice was given to Diane Schoen. Light Pole Evaluation – John McGee: John sent in a request to add two lights from Delaware Electric. Discussion ensued. Cost would be about $18.00 a month. Diane Schoen made a motion to purchase 2 light poles by the pool and Bocce Ball area, motion seconded by Pete Weaver and was unanimously carried. CLUBHOUSE REPORT – Eileen McCabe Eileen McCabe reported that there will be 2 rentals coming up: October 12, and the other in November before Thanksgiving which would involve cooking and the use of oven and stove. Diane pointed out that there were ants in the Clubhouse the previous week and utensils left out in the sink. Bingo and the Singles are using the clubhouse and need to be told to clean up before they leave the premises. GROUNDS COMMITTEE - Pete Weaver Pete Weaver had 7 or 8 people help with clean up after Hurricane Irene. John McGee was able to borrow a chipper from a friend (John Scherer). John McGee will get a thank you card and a gift certificate of $25.00 for the use of chipper. Fall Cleanup is scheduled for Nov. 17, rain date Nov. 18 at 9am. Disposal of material would go to Blue Hen or Selbyville. Using biodegradable bags was recommended. The outside tables will be left out for the winter. ROADS COMMITTEE – Ron Schaefer The work contracted for the road repairs is done. There has been an oil leak from the equipment used to do patching. Seal Tech had a power wash company who did not do a good job. Seal Tech left a message to Ron that they hired another company to do clean up again and apologized for the trouble that it caused. The company will use steam and chemicals to remove the oil on West Pond and East Pond intersection. The speed bump has been painted. The snow removal contract has been signed for the 3” removal of snow. Ron will be away in November and December. Carol Griffin will cover for Ron Schaefer while he is away. Carol will send the notice to Tony Hall in the event we have to plow and will be billed for the snow removal. Darrin should be coming out here to sketch out the area. They will come here to put in markers when snow is 4 forecasted. Ron will have the article suggesting that residents purchase reflectors to mark property lines, mailboxes, etc. LEGAL Arc Regulations – Amendment to Covenants: work on it during the winter. Diane and Carol are still on hold and will OLD BUSINESS Non-Profit Status of KSHA – Need to pursue: John Corcoran will not work on this. Carol has been communicating with Bill Spear and his expertise is not in this field. He suggested contacting a corporate attorney. There are two possibilities to pursue this matter: Contact Mr. Witzel, who has not been responsive to other issues; or contact Mr. Borkowski, the attorney previously mentioned who currently has an office in Georgetown. Carol and Diane will try to communicate with Borkowski and will give us an update. Increase Insurance Coverage – Umbrella Policy: The insurance has been paid for and coverage in place. Compliance Letters/Owners’ Responsibility: Compliance letter has some success but is still and ongoing process. Other: Combination for the Shuffleboard was given out to Board Members NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting is January 14, 2012 at 9:00am Motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:45pm was made by Pete Weaver, was seconded by Francine Offutt and was unanimously carried. Respectfully submitted by Francine Offutt Secretary _____________________________ Carol Griffin President 5