Minutes of KSHA Meeting Board of Directors January 8, 2011 – Clubhouse Members present: Carol Griffin, President, John McGee, Vice President, Maintenance & Recreation/Pool Committees Chairperson; Diane Schoen, Treasurer & Finance Chairperson, Eileen McCabe, Director & Clubhouse Chairperson; Pete Weaver, Director & Grounds Chairperson; Francine Offutt Secretary. Committee: Marge DiNenna, Sunshine Committee; Charlie Knighton, Ponds Chairperson Absent: Larry Feeheley, Director & Roads Chairperson, Nick Bartolomeo, Arc Committee, Chairperson. Resident in Attendance: Quarterly Meeting. President Carol Griffin called the meeting to order at 9:10am Pete Weaver made the motion to dispense reading of the Board of Directors Minutes of October 9, 2010 and was seconded by John McGee and was unanimously carried. President Carol Griffin stated that any corrections to the Treasurer’s report included in those minutes will be sent to board members through email. TREASURER’S REPORT – Diane Schoen Diane Schoen presented the Treasurer’s report of October 9, 2010 through January 8, 2011. The beginning balance is $118,455.00 and ending balance is $114,089. The Operating fund as of today is $28,363.00. Diane Schoen reported that the Clubhouse Income was over budget and that there were no capital expenditures for this period. Diane also mentioned that she received a bill for $950.00 for snow removal and it will be paid in January. The budget for snow removal is $1,500. AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORT SUNSHINE COMMITTEE – Marge DiNenna. Marge reported that from October 2nd, 2010 through January 8, 2011, she sent out 4 get well cards. FUNDRAISING UPDATES - $6 SALE ADVERTISING PLAN. Carol Griffin mentioned that we can advertise in the local papers upcoming events sections at no charge for all our fund raisers just as we did for the Fair. Carol was able to get the help of Joan Saur who agreed to handle sending the notices to local newspapers provided we give her the dates and names of specific fundraisers. Carol felt that this type of advertisement would generate more people to come to these fundraisers. FAIR Update – Carol Griffin. o Chairperson needed next year: Carol reported that no one stepped up to chair this event this year. Jane Bartolomeo is willing to do the raffle again and Barbara Lindamood would handle the books. o Volunteer solicitation: No one has come forward to chair the Fair for 2011 therefore. President Carol Griffin stated that there will not be a 2011 Fair unless someone volunteers to chair the event. Advertising for a chairperson was in the Winter Newsletter. The board discussed ways or ideas on how to get people to volunteer. John McGee asked to advertise on the Keenwick Sound Website. There will also be a mention at the Monday night Bingo. POOL COMMITTEE – John McGee. The pool was covered and winterized. John is actively seeking a management company to handle the pool for the Summer. CLUBHOUSE - Eileen McCabe The cleaning lady is requesting her own key for the clubhouse. The board discussed the request. John McGee made a motion to deny the request for a key and was seconded by Francine Offutt and was unanimously carried. The Board asked Eileen to have the cleaning company provide a cleaning schedule (day and time) in writing and communicate to her that she should notify Eileen after her work is completed. Mallard Lake: Diane Schoen reported that Mallard Lakes has paid for the year’s rental of the Clubhouse for their Board meeting. PONDS UPDATE – Charlie Knighton. Virginia Lake Management has changed their name to Solitude Lake Management. Diane Schoen reported that Bob Lowe replaced the vein in one of the ponds in December and gave the bill to Diane Schoen for reimbursement. Carol stated that she met with DNREC regarding Del Dot’s permit request for drainage of storm water into pond #1. DNREC informed her that it was for a low amount of water and for a short period of time while they did the work. It should be a very small pump and if we see anything larger it would be a deviation from the permit. They also discussed the water issues coming into Roy’s Creek during high tide and flowing into pond #1. Carol was given a contact name of Elaine Webb to discuss the overflow into Roy’s Creek. When speaking with Elaine Webb they discussed the filling of the ditches along Roy creek and the addition of the Harris Teeter and Brandywine projects, all of which affect water levels in Roy Creek. DNREC is now looking at the pile up effect of the water flow from all these areas. At the onset of the project, DNREC evaluated each request separately and did not look at the cumulative effect of storm water drainage and the effect of high winds and the resulting high tides. DNREC is now going into the next phase of storm water management and will be looking at the cumulative effect of drainage and water levels in all these areas. Elaine Webb told Carol that they will pull out records, and research our concern. Important meetings are scheduled within the next several weeks and she will present these issues and will get back to Carol with the findings. Carol felt overall very positive regarding the conversation with Elaine Webb. Carol’s position following an article in the Wave is to have open communication with DNREC and ask for help rather than make demands and antagonize the Dept. Carol’s approach is to have a good relationship with all government agencies. Charlie Knighton saw a news article on a local station about DelDot helping out with snow removal by reimbursing costs on dedicated roads. He also said that if we need road work done you can go to your representative, he knows that each councilman has a certain amount of money they can grant to have road work done, but the road work has to be done by the State. Carol mentioned that this is worth investigating and for Charlie to work from his end and she will also check into it in her spare time. Carol said that the Deldot website is also a good place to go for help. GROUNDS REPORT – Pete Weaver Pete Weaver reported that 7 persons volunteered in November to do the cleanup of leaves by the Clubhouse. A total of 40 bags of leaves were collected. Pete mentioned that we have to find a way to dispose of the yard waste after January 1st and that he read in the newspaper that it will be no longer acceptable to have yard waste and regular trash mixed up for the normal trash pickup. John McGee said that he received notice from his trash company of the same information. Several names of companies were mentioned but would have to be looked into for the next cleanup. ROADS REPORT – Larry Feeheley (absent) Snow Removal Issues/Complaints and Driveway Clearing arrangements: Diane Schoen has not received a bill from Roy Evans for snow removal at the Clubhouse. Carol had secured Roy Evans for clearing the parking lot at the clubhouse when requested – without contract. Bruce Bennet has a contract to plow the roads. Bruce Bennett charges $100 per hour for plowing. John will ask Bruce Bennett to provide a separate bill for plowing of perimeter of commercial center - Bluewater Run and Breakwater Run adjacent to the center - so it can be submitted for payment. Driveway Clearing Arrangements: John raised the question as to whether we had a contract with Roy Evans and will ask him if a contract is needed in order to secure his services. Carol found that Bruce Bennett’s charge of $75 to clear driveways for home owners was too expensive so she talked to Roy who would charge $35 to $50. Carol gave Roy a list of homeowners who wanted to have their driveways cleared after the snow in December. Technically, Ron Schafer would be handling the list of names for Roy Evans. Roy agreed to clear the driveways, but no contract was ever established. It was also mentioned that there will be no salt or chemicals on the roads as it would ruin the asphalt in the long run. John McGee recommended that we do not plow to bare pavement as it would tear up the roads. Homeowners have experienced other contractors coming into the neighborhood to clear driveways and those same contractors left more snow on the road which made for difficult passage. It was recommended that if homeowners hire contractors that they ask that snow not be pushed into the roads since the roads have already been cleared. Road Repairs/Road Assessment: Is put aside at this time. ARC COMMITTEE – Nick Bartolomeo (Absent) Carol Griffin stated that the Arc Committee has nothing to report at this time. LEGAL Commercial Property/Tony Hall/Easement agreement – Snow Removal: It has not been 60 days notice regarding snow removal expenses, so we will not be billing the Commercial Center for the snow in December. ARC Regulations – Amendment to Covenants: Carol compiled all the emails suggestions for recommendations to incorporate the ARC regulations into the Amendments to Covenants. Carol asked to review the comments and extract information to amendment format. Laila has volunteered to help out with the amendment form. #3: Decks and Patios: proposed material should be approved by the Arc Committee #4: Alterations: Christmas decorations should not be an Arc issue and is covered in the CC&R’s Wind Turbine – not an issue Section II – Article 5: Chimeneas, fire pits. After discussion, John McGee stated that homeowners who sign the ARC Agreement give the authority to the Arc Committee to inspect properties and this should be stated in the Amendments. Carol will revise this and turn it over to Laila Skofteland. Resubdivision of property adjacent to boat ramp: Is on hold until the Amendments are completed. MAINTENANCE ISSUES John McGee wanted to know about power washing the clubhouse. The use of Jomax was discussed. It was determined that whoever does the outside cleaning of the clubhouse can use whatever means they choose to do the work. OLD BUSINESS Non-profit status of KSHA – Need to pursue. Work in process. Security/vandalism concerns: Carol stated that there were some security and vandalism issues in the Summer and Fall. At the suggestion to have a Neighborhood Crime Watch Sign at the entrance of our neighborhood, it was suggested to bring up this information at the Annual Meeting for homeowners to comment. Message/Sign Board Rental/Purchase: Carol Griffin presented a picture of a swinging message board (size shown was 54x44x30) approximate cost of $350.00 Also mentioned that we could look at Grand Rental Station company and who has rental signs or we could possibly purchase from them. There was also another company named Philips Sign. Carol asked that if someone knows of a local company that sells sign to look into it and bring the info to the board. Relocation of K.S. Signs – River Run: Charles Knighton spoke to Roy Evans and his brother and they recommended that we do not reuse the stones, it would be cheaper to use the interlocked block system and they would put the footer and the blocks. Charlie is waiting for a warm day to do the sign removal work. The new sign might be closer to where the trees are located and therefore some of the trees might need to be taken down in order to properly reposition this sign when the road work is completed. Charlie is waiting for an estimate for reconstruction of the sign. Bluewater Run: Roy Evans can elevate the sign so the base is 6 feet above the ground using wood posts or build blocks and face with bricks but he would not be responsible for the sign because it faces the prevailing winds that can cause damage during a nor’easter or high winds. It was recommended that the Board look into a different kind of sign. It was determined to have this project put on hold for now. NEW BUSINESS Bocce Court Usage – Request from “Italian Club”: Jane Bartolomeo called Carol to find out if the Italian Club could use our Bocce court. Discussion ensued and the Board agreed that the use of the Bocce Court should be for residents in the Keenwick Sound community only. Meeting with DNREC . Pursuant to a complaint from a resident Carol stated that no one on the board should have to deal with abuse from residents. Complaints should be sent in writing and complaints will be addressed at a meeting. No Bingo on January 17, 2011 – Post on sign. Thank you letter from the Lions Club for letting them use the sign for their Spaghetti Dinner advertisement free of charge. Letter from Amy Hunger, Development Officer, from Atlantic General would like to speak to the board and at the Annual Meeting regarding fund raising. This item will be discussed at the next meeting. Water on Breakwater: Carol mentioned that a complaint was received recently regarding the road flooding, as well as concern that storm water was possibly draining into the pond at a slower rate due to clogged pipes. Any required pipe cleaning should be done in the Spring. Annual Meeting: John received a phone call from the Fire house to use a different hall that was originally assigned to us was changed to a smaller hall near the entrance. John explained that the hall is smaller but there is no change to meeting date. Next meeting date is Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 9:00am. A motion to adjourn the meeting at approximately 11:30am was made by John McGee and seconded by Eileen McCabe. Respectfully submitted, Francine Offutt Secretary _________________________ Carol Griffin President