Stillpoint Staff Application - Stillpoint Literary Magazine

Please submit your application by e-mail to or place a hard copy in the
folder outside Room 111, Park Hall by MIDNIGHT, SEPT. 21st.
Part 1.
Birth date:
Expected graduation date:
Activities/Clubs/Organizations in which you participate:
Part 2.
Why do you want to join the Stillpoint staff?
Please list any relevant experience, skills, or coursework you feel would make you a valuable addition to
our staff.
Please rank (1-4) the areas of magazine production in which you are most interested.
___ Public Relations & Advertising
____ Layout & Design
___ Selection of works
____ Web Maintenance & Technology
Part 3.
Please read the following poems, both of which were published in a previous issue of Stillpoint. On a
separate sheet, describe which poem you would select for publication and why. Please limit your
response to one page.
what more can there be to the sputtering
Thackeray, Thackeray,
of dove-like clusters dusting
I dreamed you were but a bird
the black vacuum?
Kept in a cage, sat ’top
i raise my chin to them, i watch them pulsing
Antoinette’s head; when
softly, twitching like children, tiny fists rubbing
They cut it off, you fell.
the ink of sleep out of stinging eyes that leak,
Oh, Thackeray.
heavy as plums.
these incandescent masses burn quietly
Knew such beauty, such heartache,
against the monstrous drapery oiled with tar;
Such an end to your tune.
scorched and torn and breathless, there is no echo Oh—
after the cudgeling of titans, not one exhale,
Thackeray, Thackeray.
only the icy prickle of a needle lost in hay.
I’m no better you,
yet upon this dewy grass is the apex:
But a bird-chested boy,
the crest of all mammalian life,
’Til they chucked the ball
an opera in three acts.
At me too fast. And I coughed up
my hips arch in the direction of
Some blood and two feathers.
your animal breath, which hovers
softly, skimming the plush articulation
Dead was the song. Dead were you, too,
of rainy thighs.
Thackeray, oh—
it is the fog and the collision and the settling,
and i am sinking into damp earth,
I keep your bones, still.
through an eternity of mud, bearing witness
Bird bones in a cage
to the first gasps of earthworms, shaking hands with That I built. Not the heart
tree roots - the dust of doves on my tongue like
To bury you yet, Thackeray.
And I wrap them in quilts,
When the weather gets cold,
Because one night I lie awake,
And I heard them shake.
Thackeray, Thackeray,
She dead carried you.
Now I alive carry you dead.
When I dead am gone too,
Thackeray, then where will be you?
Stillpoint is a student-run literary magazine that has served as a forum for the creative work of UGA
undergraduates since 1969. Our annual publication, released in springtime, includes poetry, short fiction,
art, and creative non-fiction. Stillpoint also holds monthly readings and other events, such as Creative
Writing Faculty lectures, throughout the academic year. Our staff is small (about 15) but dedicated, and
we are looking for people who are passionate about the arts and who are interested in participating in and
promoting UGA’s community of student writers and artists.
A few things to consider before applying:
We will typically hold one staff meeting and one event per month at times generally agreed upon
No staff member or editor may miss more than three meetings/events per semester without
extenuating circumstances or previous permission.
During our selection period, no member may miss more than one meeting.
All members are required to help with the distribution of the magazine, the placement of
advertising materials, and the dispersal of information regarding events and submission
We may offer the opportunity for staff members and editors to contribute a short piece of writing
to our website—a book review, reading review, or pre-event blurb, etc.
Thank you for your application!
The Stillpoint staff