~ Pricing Cheat Sheet ~
How should I price my things? That is a question that we get asked a lot  and the
answer is not as black and white as you may think. There are many factors that have to
be considered when pricing your children’s things. Some consignors are more concerned
with cleaning out the clutter in their home than making a lot of money, while others rely
more heavily on the money earned for life’s necessities. It is fine to price your items
lower to increase the likelihood that they will sell. On the other hand, there is nothing
wrong with pricing your items on the higher end of the scale to possibly increase your
payout in the end. Whichever pricing strategy you choose, if you stay within the pricing
guidelines below, you will price your items appropriately for our event.
Pricing Guidelines
For our events, you can generally price an item  to  of the original selling price. You
should consider age, condition and popularity. Off-brand clothing and sizes under 2T
should be priced on the lower end of the range, due to the abundance of these items and
the relatively lower demand. Very popular toys like Thomas the Tank Engine and Little
Tikes outdoor playhouses may be priced a bit higher because there is a higher demand for
these types of toys.
The price suggestions below are based on what I have seen at local resale shops. My
suggestions are a bit lower than those that I found but, with the Snuggle Bugs &
Company payout, you stand to make just as much, if not more. Pricing slightly under the
competition also offers an additional incentive to shoppers in making their decisions.
Kids 3T+
$3 - $6
$4 - $8
$4 - $8
$4 - $15
$3 - $6
$3 - $7
$5 - $15
$4 - $10
$2 - $4
$2 - $6
Newborn to 2T
$2 - $3
$2 - $6 (Outfits)
$2 - $3
$3 - $5
$2 - $3
$3 - $5
$3 - $6
$3 - $8
$2 - $3
$2 - $3
Keep in mind that there are brands that will sell higher than others. For example, a Circo
brand shirt from Target will sell for the lower end of the scale, whereas a dress from
TOMMY Hilfiger will sell for the higher end of the scale. Also consider size (sizes up to
and including 2T should be priced lower due to a higher supply than demand), style
(classic styles in jeans, overalls, jumpers are usually more desirable), and condition (new
clothing with tags will sell at the higher end of the scale).
Copyright Snuggle Bugs & Company 2006 – all rights reserved
Pricing toys
Many times the toys that you would like to sell are gifts that your children received, and
you may not know their retail value. If you get stumped, refer to the following list of
sites where you can see what comparable items are selling for:
~ Equipment ~
Single Stroller
Double Stroller
Jogging Stroller
Suggested Price
Baby Carriers
~ DVDs ~
Suggested Price
*group shorter videos and sell as sets.
~ Games ~
Board Games
Video Games
~ Furniture ~
Changing Table
~ Toys ~
Small Toys
Little People Sets
Toy Box
Activity Table
Activity Gym
~ Nursery ~
Suggested Price
Suggested Price
$2-$4 (consider grouping)
$2-$4 (more for deluxe wooden puzzles)
Suggested Price
Suggested Price
~ Outdoor Play ~
Play houses
Water/Sand Table
Picnic Table
Copyright Snuggle Bugs & Company 2006 – all rights reserved
Suggested Price
Additional Pricing Tips
If your item is a higher end brand or has special features, note these in the
description or include a special note with the item.
Did you pay $500 for the BOB stroller that you are letting go for $200? Let the
shopper know that you paid $500 for that piece (note that on the price tag). Better
yet, if you can find a brochure or picture from a website stating the price, attach it
to the piece.
In the end, the BEST thing to ask yourself is: “What would I expect to pay for this
item?” Price it no more than you would be willing to pay.
On the next page, you will find a chart that will make your data entry a breeze AND
ensure that your pricing is on track. Please note that our pricing sheet starts with a retail
value of $7.00. That means that if the item you are selling does not retail for at least
$7.00, then it should be paired with other like items and offered as a set, or left out of the
sale. There is no quicker way for customers to see things as being “over-priced” than if
they see a Happy Meal toy priced for $2.00! It is also a bad idea to price an item at
$2.00, knowing that it is not worth it, and hoping to sell it on half-price day for $1.00.
This defeats the purpose of having a pricing floor and turns shoppers off. If we all want
to be successful, then we ALL need to follow the pricing and prep guidelines as closely
as possible.
Here are some tips to ensure that you are pricing in the right range:
20% -- This pricing level is best used for:
 Newborn to Size 2T clothing (these are abundant and will sell better when priced
lower). If you do not feel that one item will bring the minimum price of $2, then
pair it with other related items. For example, match two or more sleepers together
and price them as a set. Be sure to attach the hangers with a rubber band and note
in the description that the price is for both items.
 Books
 Bigger kid clothes that are off-brand
 This is NOT for pricing items that are worn out, outdated, or otherwise flawed.
Those items will NOT SELL at any price and will be refused at Drop-Off or
pulled from the sales floor.
30% -- This pricing level is best used for:
 Kid’s clothing sizes over 2T
 Most toys
35%+ -- This pricing level is best used for:
 Brand new items WITH TAGS ON.
 Very popular toys – Little Tikes, Thomas, etc.
 Very high end and designer clothing
Copyright Snuggle Bugs & Company 2006 – all rights reserved
Half-Price Sale
Our sale concludes with a half-price sale. To earn the highest payout possible, we
recommend that our consignors price their items so they are most likely to sell at full
price. If something is worth $7, price is at $7. We don’t suggest pricing it at $10 with
the idea that if it doesn’t sell, it will sell at half off for $5. Using this strategy makes items
in the store appear to be overpriced and reduces your proceeds (it is better to get paid on
ALL of $7 than half of $10!). Also keep in mind that MANY shoppers do not return for
the half price sale at the end. With that said, we recommend designating as many items
as possible for half-price on the final days (especially if you will be donating unsold
items). Although full price items will remain on the sales floor, shoppers on the halfprice days will often pass-over items with a red dot.
Retail Price
20% of retail**
25% of retail**
30% of retail**
$7.00 ~ Group Items ~
~ Group Items ~
$8.00 ~ Group Items ~
$9.00 ~ Group Items ~
Copyright Snuggle Bugs & Company 2006 – all rights reserved
35% of retail**
**Values have been rounded to the nearest 50 cents.
Copyright Snuggle Bugs & Company 2006 – all rights reserved