(COMPANY NAME) TRAINING PROGRAM SECTION/PAGE: D-1 STATUS: REVISION 7 DATE: 07/31/01 ======================================================================================== CURRICULUM SEGMENT: QUALIFICATION OBJECTIVE: To determine that a student has satisfactorily completed all required curriculum segments and to determine whether sufficient learning has occurred by the comparison of the student's performance, in practical situations, to established standards. Each person required to train under a curriculum, must complete the curriculum in its entirety. All written examinations must be completed with a score of 80%. Subject areas found deficient will be reviewed and the student knowledge corrected to 100%. The instructor will document such review. Satisfactory completion of flight training required events will be in accordance with the standards set forth in the Practical Test Standards FAA-S-8081-5B (ATP), FAA-S-8081-12A (COMM), and FAA-S-8081-4B (INST) as appropriate for the pilot certificate and rating required for the duty position assigned and/or to the standards set by the Maneuvers and Procedures manual, whichever requires the greater degree of pilot skill. A student who fails to meet qualification objectives must continue training until those objectives are met, unless he/she is removed from training status. A pilot will become fully qualified to serve in a specific duty position in a specific aircraft upon satisfactory completion of the qualification segment requirements as follows: 1. PIC Competency Check 2. PIC Instrument Proficiency Check 3. PIC Line Check 4. PIC Commuter IOE FAR 135.293 FAR 135.297 (if IFR authorized) FAR 135.299 FAR 135.244 (if applicable) (COMPANY NAME) TRAINING PROGRAM SECTION/PAGE: D-2 STATUS: REVISION 3 DATE: 03/15/96 ======================================================================================== CURRICULUM SEGMENT: QUALIFICATION OBJECTIVE: To ensure that pilots meet or exceed the minimum qualifications required for their duty assignments. INSTRUCTIONAL METHOD: Oral and written testing, and flight check DELIVERY METHOD: Demonstration TRAINING AIDS: Aircraft, Aircraft Flight Manual etc., (list specific to your company) COURSEWARE: Aircraft TESTING/CHECKING: Written or oral examination with FAA inspector/check airman certification GENERAL: All pilots shall be required to successfully complete the IFR and/or VFR checks presented in this section as a minimum. Inspectors and/or check airmen are authorized to add any event to determine qualification under FAR Parts 135.293, 135.297 and 135.299. EXPERIENCE: PIC: Must meet the requirements of FAR 135.243 appropriate to the duty assignment. SIC: Must meet the requirements of FAR 135.245 appropriate to the duty assignment. (COMPANY NAME) TRAINING PROGRAM SECTION/PAGE: D-3 STATUS: REVISION 7 DATE: 07/31/01 ======================================================================================== QUALIFICATION SEGMENT - BASIC CHECKING MODULE VFR COMPETENCY CHECK (FAR 135.293) (AIRPLANE MULTIENGINE) ORAL OR WRITTEN TEST (1) ............................................................................................................................. Both GROUND OPERATIONS: *Preflight Inspection ........................................................................................................................................ Both *Taxiing ........................................................................................................................................................... Both *Powerplant checks ........................................................................................................................................ Both *Runway incursion avoidance…………………………………………………………………………………………Both TAKEOFFS: *Normal ......................................................................................................................................................... Both *Crosswind .................................................................................................................................................... Both *With power plant failure ............................................................................................................................... Both (Note: multiengine aircraft may be tested by alternate means if the performance characteristics of the aircraft make this event hazardous) *Rejected takeoff ........................................................................................................................................... Both INFLIGHT MANEUVERS: *Steep turns .................................................................................................................................................. Both *Approaches to stalls .................................................................................................................................... Both *Specific flight characteristics ....................................................................................................................... Both *Powerplant failure ........................................................................................................................................ Both APPROACHES AND LANDINGS: *Normal landings ........................................................................................................................................... Both *Crosswind landings ..................................................................................................................................... Both *Landings with engine out ............................................................................................................................. Both *Rejected landing .......................................................................................................................................... Both ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: *Recovery from unusual attitudes by reference to basic instruments (Airplanes not equipped with standby flight instruments) ..............................................................Both(1) *An Instrument Approach (representative of one the pilot might have to use in an emergency) ...............................................................................................................Both(1) *Powerplant failure ........................................................................................................................................ Both *System failures ............................................................................................................................................ Both “BOTH”: The term ‘both’, applies to PIC’s and SIC’S NOTE: These requirements shall be met in an aircraft this company uses in revenue operations. When the pilot is authorized to operate an aircraft equipped with IFR instruments and navigation equipment, an ILS approach should be demonstrated. (COMPANY NAME) TRAINING PROGRAM SECTION/PAGE: D-4 STATUS: REVISION 7 DATE: 07/31/01 ======================================================================================== QUALIFICATION SEGMENT - BASIC CHECKING MODULE IFR COMPETENCY CHECK (FAR 135.293 AND 135.297) (AIRPLANE MULTIENGINE) ORAL OR WRITTEN EQUIPMENT EXAM ........................................................................................ Both (1) GROUND OPERATIONS: *Preflight inspection (interior and exterior) ....................................................................................... Both *Taxiing ............................................................................................................................................ Both *Powerplant checks ......................................................................................................................... Both *Runway incursion avoidance……………………………………………………………………………….Both TAKEOFFS: *Normal ............................................................................................................................................ Both *Instrument .......................................................................................................................... ……Both (#) *Crosswind ....................................................................................................................................... Both *With powerplant failure ............................................................................................................. Both (2) *Rejected takeoff .............................................................................................................................. Both INSTRUMENT PROCEDURES: *Area departure ................................................................................................................................ Both *Area arrival ..................................................................................................................................... Both *Holding............................................................................................................................................ Both *Engine out ILS ................................................................................................................................ Both *Nonprecision approach ................................................................................................................... Both *Second nonprecision approach ....................................................................................................... PIC *Missed approach from an ILS......................................................................................................... Both *Coupled ILS approach (5) ........................................................................................................ Both (6) *Second missed approach ................................................................................................................ PIC *Circling approach ...................................................................................................................... Both (4) INFLIGHT MANEUVERS: *Steep turns ...................................................................................................................................... PIC *Approaches to stalls ....................................................................................................................... Both *Powerplant failure ........................................................................................................................... Both *Specific flight characteristics (3) ............................................................................................... Both (3) *Recovery from unusual attitudes (if aircraft is not equipped with standby instruments). ............... Both *Maneuvers by partial panel (if aircraft is not equipped with standby instruments). ......................... PIC *Any other (as required by the check airman) ........................................................................... Both (4) *Collision Avoidance…………………………………………………………………………………….……Both LANDINGS: *Normal landings ........................................................................................................................ Both (5) *Landing from an ILS ....................................................................................................................... Both *Crosswind landing .......................................................................................................................... Both *Landing with engine out .................................................................................................................. Both *Rejected landing .............................................................................................................................. PIC (#) Not required by SIC if, SIC is not permitted to conduct the maneuver by the operator. “BOTH” - The term ‘both’, applies to PIC and SIC COMPANY NAME) TRAINING PROGRAM SECTION/PAGE: D-5 STATUS: REVISION 3 DATE: 03/15/96 ======================================================================================== (1) Required for each make/model aircraft pilot is authorized to operate (135.293). (2) In aircraft having performance characteristics, which allow this event to be conducted safely. (3) The F.S.B. may determine a specific aircraft has characteristics that must be evaluated on each check. (4) The check airman is authorized to evaluate any required event for the certificate the airman must hold in revenue service (see 8400.10, volume 5, paragraph 33C), and 135.293(b). (5) When aircraft is equipped with a coupler. This event may be combined with a normal ILS. Both pilots may take credit for this event simultaneously. NOTE: SIC must meet instrument currency requirements of Part 61.57(e), the same as the PIC. (COMPANY NAME) TRAINING PROGRAM SECTION/PAGE: D-6 STATUS: REVISION 7 DATE: 07/31/01 ======================================================================================== QUALIFICATION SEGMENT - BASIC CHECKING MODULE VFR COMPETENCY CHECK (FAR 135.293) (AIRPLANE SINGLE-ENGINE LAND AND SEA) ORAL OR WRITTEN TEST (1) GROUND OPERATIONS: *Preflight inspection *Taxiing (sailing and docking for seaplanes) *Powerplant checks *Step taxi and plow turns for seaplanes *Runway incursion avoidance TAKEOFFS: *Normal *Crosswind *Rejected takeoff *Glassy water (for seaplanes) *Rough water (for seaplanes) INFLIGHT MANEUVERS: *Steep turns *Approaches to stalls *Specific flight characteristics *Powerplant failure *Collision Avoidance APPROACHES AND LANDINGS: *Normal landings *Crosswind landings *Rejected landing *Glassy water landings (for seaplanes) *Rough water landings (for seaplanes) ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: *Recovery from unusual attitudes by reference to basic instruments (airplanes not equipped with standby flight instruments) (2) *An instrument approach (representative of one the pilot might have to use in an emergency) (see note) *Powerplant failure *Emergency landing *System failures NOTE: These requirements should be met in an aircraft this company uses in revenue operations or may be conducted in an aircraft of the same make/model and series. When the pilot is authorized to operate an aircraft equipped with IFR instruments and navigation equipment, an ILS approach should be demonstrated. POIs may approve a let down on a turn indicator and airspeed for a VFR operator in remote locations. (COMPANY NAME) TRAINING PROGRAM SECTION/PAGE: D-7 STATUS: REVISION 7 DATE: 07/31/01 ======================================================================================== QUALIFICATION SEGMENT - BASIC CHECKING MODULE IFR COMPETENCY CHECK (FAR 135.293 AND 135.297) (AIRPLANE SINGLE-ENGINE LAND) ORAL OR WRITTEN EQUIPMENT EXAM (1) GROUND OPERATIONS: *Preflight inspection (interior and exterior) *Taxiing *Powerplant checks *Runway incursion avoidance TAKEOFFS: *Normal *Instrument *Crosswind *Rejected takeoff INSTRUMENT PROCEDURES: *Area departure *Area arrival *Holding *Nonprecision approach *Second nonprecision approach *Missed approach from an ILS *Coupled ILS approach (5) *Second missed approach *Circling approach *Collision avoidance INFLIGHT MANEUVERS: *Steep turns *Approaches to stalls *Powerplant failure *Specific flight characteristics (3) *Recovery from unusual attitudes (if aircraft is not equipped with standby instruments) *Maneuvers by partial panel (if aircraft is not equipped with standby instruments) *Any other (as required by the check airman) (4) *Collision avoidance LANDINGS: *Normal landings *Landing from an ILS *Crosswind landing *Rejected landing (COMPANY NAME) TRAINING PROGRAM SECTION/PAGE: D-8 STATUS: REVISION 3 DATE: 03/15/96 ======================================================================================== (1) Required for each make/model aircraft pilot is authorized to operate (135.293). (2) In aircraft having performance characteristics that allow this event to be conducted safely. (3) The F.S.B. may determine a specific aircraft has characteristics that must be evaluated on each check. (4) The check airman is authorized to evaluate any required event for the certificate the airman must hold in revenue service (see 8400.10, volume 5, and paragraph 33C), and 135.293(b) (5) When aircraft is equipped with an autopilot, that is equipped with a coupler. This event may be combined with a normal ILS. (COMPANY NAME) TRAINING PROGRAM SECTION/PAGE: D-9 STATUS: REVISION 3 DATE: 03/15/96 ======================================================================================== QUALIFICATION SEGMENT - BASIC CHECKING MODULE * PIC LINE CHECK (FAR 135.299) (AIRPLANE) 1. The line check must be conducted over at least one route segment which includes takeoffs and landings at one or more airports that are representative of the operator's type of operation. A route segment for the purpose of a line check consists of a departure from one terminal area and the flight to, and arrival at, a different terminal area. 2. The pilot must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the inspector or check airman, takeoffs and landings at one or more representative airports. 3. For a pilot authorized to conduct IFR Operations: a. Complete 1 and 2 above. b. At least one flight shall be flown over a civil airway, an approved off-airway route or a portion of either under IFR with an instrument approach procedure. 4. The line check should be conducted during revenue flights. In the case of commuter operators the line check should be conducted near the completion of IOE time (FAR 135.244), and may be credited towards the total IOE time. If it is not practical to conduct the line check during revenue flights the check airman or inspector may authorize that the line check be conducted during the same flight period that the competency check is conducted. If the line check is conducted in this manner, the line portion of this flight must include the requirements of paragraphs 1 through 3 of this section and will not count for IOE time for commuter operations. 5. The pilot must be determined to have satisfactorily performed the duties and responsibilities of a PIC in operations under FAR Part 135. This certification shall be entered in the pilot's training record. Note: This check must be accomplished each 12-calendar months in one of the make and model aircraft the pilot is assigned to fly. *NOTE: See Section G, Page 12, for combined IOE/Line Check Form. (COMPANY NAME) TRAINING PROGRAM SECTION/PAGE: D-10 STATUS: REVISION 7 DATE: 07/31/01 ======================================================================================== QUALIFICATION SEGMENT - BASIC CHECKING MODULE INITIAL OPERATING EXPERIENCE (FAR135.244) AIRPLANE 1. Each pilot who will be assigned to serve as PIC in a commuter passenger carrying operation, must acquire the minimum Initial operating experience for each make and basic model of aircraft in which the pilot is to serve as PIC. The following minimum times apply: a. Single engine airplanes 10 hours b. Multiengine, reciprocating powered airplanes 15 hours c. Multiengine, turbine-powered airplanes 20 hours d. Turbo-jet powered airplanes 25 hours 2. IOE time shall be conducted during revenue flights. The pilot must have completed the required competency and proficiency checks of FAR 135.293 and 135.297 as required, in the make and basic model of aircraft to be flown, prior to conducting IOE flights. 3. One hour of IOE time may be credited for each additional takeoff and landing during each flight. Credit will not exceed 50% of the minimum required hours. Time spent conducting the line check required by FAR 135.299 may be credited toward the required IOE hours. * 4. The IOE checking flight time will include the following items: 1. Status/possession of certificates & manuals 2. Flight planning 3. Aircraft preflight 4. Use of checklists 5. Crew coordination/management 6. Taxiing 7. Runway incursion avoidance 8. Radio procedures 9. Takeoffs 10. Climbs & climbing turns 11. Airspeed, Hdg. & Alt. control 11. ATC procedures 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Knowledge of airways and routes Flight control procedures Traffic scan procedures Use of avionics Approach procedures 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Landings Post flight Forms and reports Manual/flight kit Knowledge of equipment Judgement 5 If the airman is not proficient after completing the required minimum hours for IOE for the airplane being used, IOE time will continue until the PIC is proficient. 6. The check airman must determine when the PIC is proficient and then will recommend or conduct the initial line check. 7. The record of all IOE time shall be kept in the airman's record for each make and basic model of aircraft. 8. The principal operations inspector may allow IOE in one make and model of single engine land aircraft which would count toward IOE in a similar single engine make of aircraft. *Note: See Section G, Page 12, for combined IOE/Line Check Form.