ASSUREtemplate (economic lesson)

ASSURE Model Instructional Plan
Title of Lesson or Unit:
Teacher Name:
Compare Different Types of Economic Systems
Anita C. Moore
Exploring Business Technologies
Two, 80 min. blocks
Analyze Learners
18 students
10 males/8 females
Ages 13-14
Mental, Social, Physical, Social Notes such as:
o Two children have ADHD
o Visual, Kinesthetic, and Verbal learners in the classroom
o Three children speak English as their second language
o One child is living in a foster home.
5. Children proficient in reading and economic skills. Assist students in understanding
today’s economic system.
6. Learning Styles
(Estimate % of Students)
o Visual 35 %
o Auditory (Aural) 25 %
o Kinesthetic (Hands On) 40 %
State Objectives
Students will understand how individuals and society seek to satisfy needs and wants
through scare resources. The learner will understand four basic economic systems—
traditional, free enterprise, command, and mixed.
Select Media, Materials, and Methods
Media and materials needed for the lesson are listed.
 Economic system power point presentation
 Comparative systems worksheet
 Smart Board for class discussion and brainstorming
 18 computers
SAS Web Resources 843
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
Economic System presentation will presented to the class
Comparative systems worksheet will be distributed in completed in cooperative pairs
Smart board will be used to project the economic system presentation. It will also be used
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to demonstrate how to complete the comparative systems worksheet.
Computers Students will be paired as they complete the worksheet
SAS Web Resources 843 will be used to reinforce Objective BU02.01. Activities from this
web source will be used.
Require Learner Participation
Compare and contrast economic systems. Also discuss their advantages and
disadvantages. Use the smart board to project the presentation to facilitate a class
Divide the class into groups of two and three diverse learners. Use the smart board to
demonstrate how the comparative systems worksheet will be completed.
 SAS Web Resources 843
The smart board will project SAS Web Resources 843 for discussing the US Economic
System and the Federal Reserve. Students will examine the Federal Reserve's role in the
 Comparative Systems Worksheet
This activity will reinforce understanding on different types of economic systems, how they
are alike and different, and who make choices about economic resources. Lower
functioning students will be paired with higher functioning students in groups of two or three
to determine comprehension is taking place.
Students will submit their worksheet for grading.
 5 minute review
A student-of-the-day will be selected to review what was learned from today’s lesson.
Evaluate & Revise
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Student Performance
The teacher will monitor each group while the worksheet is being completed.
Graded worksheets will be returned for a class discussion.
Media Effectiveness
Did the smart board promoting class discussion? Was it beneficial for diverse
Did the worksheet reinforce the material learned in class?
Instructor Performance
Did student comprehension take place?
What changes need to be made to the lesson?
Were the students engaged in the learning process?
Can the lesson be improved in the future instruction?
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Last Revised: December 11, 2005