m The Biology of Composting What is Composting? Composting is the biological degradation or breakdown of organic material into a dark, soil-like material called humus. This occurs mainly by the enzymatic digestion of material by soil microorganisms. A host of other soil organisms form a crucial part of the composting process too. Put a pile of leaves, an old cotton rag, or a freshly 2x4 board out in the environment, and decomposition is bound to occur. There are two types of composting processes: aerobic and anaerobic. The first takes place in the presence of oxygen, the second in the absence of oxygen. Different organisms do the decomposing work, depending on whether the conditions in the compost pile are aerobic or anaerobic. The finished compost, or humus, is exactly the same whichever process occurs. In backyard or home composting we concentrate on the aerobic process. Decomposer Organisms The compost heap provides a good environment for the microorganisms and other soil life, which break down organic matter. The microorganisms help to make nutrients available to plants and develop soil structure. As kitchen trimmings, leaves, weeds, manure etc. break down into simpler forms of proteins and carbohydrates, the nutrients become available to a wider array of bacterial species that will carry them to a further stage of decomposition. Bacteria are the primary decomposer organisms of a compost pile in that they do the majority of the work. Bacteria They exist on every single bit of organic matter. When organic tissue is exposed (for example when an apple is peeled or bruised), the bacteria “invade” and begin to eat and digest the tissue. During this eating and digesting process the organic matter is broken down into its basic elements. The result is humus. Given the proper environmental conditions, bacteria can regenerate at a remarkable rate. They reproduce by binary fission: simply laying down a dividing wall through the middle of their bodies and becoming two. Then they do it again and become four, eight, 16, 32, and so on. This wouldn't be as impressive if it didn't happen so fast. One gram of the common intestinal bacteria Escherichia coli, would become a pound in three hours and a mass the size of the earth in one and a half days if sufficient food and proper conditions were available. Luckily for us, these conditions have never been met! Does organic material stop composting when it's cold? No, even at temperatures below freezing bacteria can be at work on organic matter. Psychrophilic bacteria (bacterial species that work in the lowest temperature range) do their best work at about 13 degrees C (55 degrees F), but they are able to carry on right down to -18 degrees C (0 degrees F). Psychrophiles give off a small amount of heat as a by-product of their work, and this heat causes a rise in ambient air temperature in the pile. As the temperature in a compost pile reaches the medium range, mesophilic bacteria become the active workers. These are the aerobic bacteria that do most of the decomposition work in the pile. Like us they thrive at 21-32 degrees C (70-90 degrees F) and just survive in the 4-21 C (40-70 F) and 32-43 C (90-110 F) range. The heat generated as a by-product of the mesophiles work raises the temperature in the pile even more, preparing the way for the real "hot shots": thermophiles. These bacteria work best in temperatures of 40-93 C (104-200 F). They work fast, and last only about three-five days. But what three-five days! In that time, they turn green, gold, and tan organic material into a uniform deep brown. If the pile is fed new organic matter or turned at a strategic time, the thermophilic action can occur again. (Turning brings fresh air to the microbes. Their numbers multiply quickly again and the pile reheats. However, the pile seldom heats as much as during the first build-up.) Conditions of little air and high moisture in the pile promote a different order of bacteria: anaerobes. They are slower working and in addition to the useful products of their metabolism, they produce ammonia-like substances and hydrogen sulfide, which smells like rotting eggs. Anaerobic bacteria are the work force of methane plants, where methane gas is taken off as a source of energy before the organic materials are applied to the soil. For the backyard composter anaerobic composting is less desirable than aerobic, but workable in certain situations. Actinomycetes Actinomycetes are a higher form of bacteria similar to fungi and molds. Actinomycetes liberate carbon, nitrogen and ammonia, making nutrients available for plants. They take over during the final stages of decomposition, often producing antibiotics; chemical substances that destroy bacterial growth. Actinomycetes can be recognized by grayish, cobwebby growths that give a pleasing, earthy smell to compost. Fungi Most fungi are classified as saprophytes because they live on dead or dying material and obtain energy by breaking down organic material. Like actinomycetes, fungi take over during the final stages of composting when the organic material has been changed to a more digestible form. The optimal pH range for fungi is lower than the range for bacteria. The Zoo Microscopic decomposers are not solely responsible for the complex transition from organic “waste” to rich humus. Visible organisms of great variety transform organic matter by physical action such as chewing, sucking and grinding. Nematodes or roundworms are the most abundant invertebrates in the soil. Typically less than 1 mm in length, they prey upon bacteria, protozoa, fungal spores and each other. Though there are pest forms of nematodes, most nematodes found in soil and compost are beneficial. Fermentation mites, also called mold mites, are transparent bodied creatures that feed primarily on yeasts in fermenting masses of organic debris. This mite is able to withstand anaerobic conditions for moderate periods of time, and is thus a good indicator of these conditions in compost. Springtails, along with nematodes and mites, share the numerical dominance among soil invertebrates. They are principally fungi-feeders, though they eat nematodes and small bits of organic detritus. They are a major population-controlling factor on fungi. Wolf spiders live in soil and leaf litter, and feed on arthropods. They build no webs, and run freely to hunt their prey. Centipedes are found frequently in soil microcommunities. They prey on almost any type of soil invertebrate that is their size or slightly larger. Sow bugs feed on rotting woody materials and highly durable tissues such as ligneous leaf veins. The sow bugs that roll up like an armadillo are known as pill bugs. Sow bugs can be found in great abundance in a compost pile. Ground beetles of many kinds lurk in litter and soil spaces. Most of them feed on other organisms, but some feed on seeds and other vegetable matter. Earthworms: “It is the wise gardener who adjusts his composting methods to take full advantage of the earthworm's special talents” (Rodale Guide to Composting). Earthworms digest organic matter, depositing it as worm castings in the soil. In this way they add valuable nutrients to, and increase the porosity of, the soil. Most of the information in this section is quoted from the script of Daniel L. Dindal's slide show “The Decomposer Food Web.” For a full diagram of the food web in a compost pile, click here (PDF) Organisms commonly found in compost. Energy flows from organism to organism as one is eaten by the other in a natural recycling system. Snails, beetles, millipedes, centipedes, and ants are less likely to find their way to worm bins set up with shredded corrugated and paper beddings. This material is being distributed by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection's Division of Solid Waste Management as part of the Network of Home Composters Program. It was adapted from the Seattle Tilth Association and Seattle Engineering Department's Solid Waste Utility' s Master Composter Resource Manual by the Recycling Council of Ontrario and has been copied by permission. Back to top