E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity T o o l s s o l u ti o n UK G Cloud III (Service Definition Document) IBM SmartCloud for Social Business IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced IBM SmartCloud Engage Standard IBM SmartCloud Notes IBM SmartCloud iNotes February 1st 2013 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Index 1Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3 2Confidentiality ........................................................................................................ 3 3Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 4 4Solution Conditions ............................................................................................... 6 4.1Service Scope .....................................................................................................7 4.2E-mail Services ...................................................................................................7 4.3E-mail Filtering ..................................................................................................13 4.4Support Services ..............................................................................................14 4.5Collaboration Tools ..........................................................................................19 4.6Productivity Tools Services .............................................................................27 5Appendices ........................................................................................................... 32 5.1Appendix A........................................................................................................33 5.1Appendix B........................................................................................................50 5.3Appendix C........................................................................................................53 Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 3 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 1 INTRODUCTION Please note that the solution and any price information or indication in this document is, as requested, indicative and is intended to be for general guidance only. It is based on the limited requirements information we have received, our experience of performing projects and services of a similar type, scale and complexity for other customers, and the key assumptions listed in this document. The figures in this document are exclusive of applicable taxes and expenses and do not represent an estimate of the likely cost or of a price to which we could commit contractually. At your request, we will be pleased to work with you to develop and submit a proposal based on your defined detailed requirements. We hope that, in the meantime, you will find the following information useful, and that you will not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 2 CONFIDENTIALITY This document is confidential to you and to IBM and is provided subject to the confidentiality provisions of the existing relevant agreement between us, if any, and on the condition that it may not be disclosed, in whole or in part, to any party other than those of your employees and professional advisors who need to see it in order to evaluate the proposal (provided that such employees and advisers agree to treat the proposal as confidential) and that it may not be used for any other purpose. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 4 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IBM have provided managed, hosted and SaaS Email and Collaboration services to corporations and governments of all sizes globally for many years, and are very well versed in dealing with implementations of all sizes, with a respected client list and reputation to match. Together, we form an enviable partnership to bring our customers exactly what you need, not just today, but long term. IBM have constructed its cloud service to be more than just an SLA, and instead to be a fully integrated piece of your business – providing the flexibility across its class of service infrastructure to be able to match the users requirements of our customers – enabling much better control of cost and functionality. One size does not always fit all, and IBM pride itself in being the only major enterprise focussed business to have constructed a truly flexible enterprise SaaS model. This ‘class of service’ approach extends beyond email into IBM’s broader range of “Software as a Service” capabilities under the IBM SmartCloud for Social Business brand, delivering messaging and collaboration capabilities for every level of employee, again related to what they actually need. Furthermore, the flexibility of deployment is key. IBM do not require that everything is on premise, or that everything is in the cloud as they have constructed their infrastructure to support a hybrid approach between cloud and on premise, providing maximum flexibility in the deployment of the solution. This combination of breadth of Service, delivery model, integration capabilities and cost control gives customers he assurance that they are using the most flexible and cost effective solution, whilst still meeting the needs of their users. IBM can help make your business smarter by delivering IT-enabled business services via cloud computing. IBM provides a breadth of cloud workload solutions for your IT infrastructure including analytics, collaboration, development and test, desktop and devices, infrastructure, storage and business services. You buy what you need, when you need it, one workload at a time. And it supports alternative management models, with a full spectrum of technology and capabilities whether you choose to build clouds behind your firewall, access resources via the IBM cloud or integrate a hybrid of the two models. IBM has tremendous depth of experience and knowledge gained from many years of providing enterprises with corporate grade messaging and collaboration solutions. IBM have taken our known-to-be reliable and strong enterprise solutions and adapted them to the cloud, running in IBM datacentres, managed by IBM staff, governed by IBM policy. This stable base allows our customers to deliver a standardised service across the businesses as required, with flexibility within that offering dependent on user segmentation and business alignment. Social business transformation is all about breaking down traditional barriers to enable rapid mass collaboration and communication and therefore flexibility and simplicity are at the heart of our proposition. A complete suite of email, calendar and social tools for all users Full mobile access for the principal models of device and operating systems Guest are welcome: Collaborate with guest outside the firewall at no additional charge Complete cloud experience for final user from a simple browser Full mobile access independent of device and operating system World Class Social Business Engagement Platform in the Cloud Subscription based pricing IBM project in the Cloud will be the least disruptive, with no impact on end users interface, use of service. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 5 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution The easiest and fastest migration solution (methodology and tools) for existing Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino and IMAP based platforms The collaboration functionalities besides email and the integration with existing applications are key differentiators for IBM SmartCloud Solution. IBM can easily address Change Management: plan to evangelise end users and to train them on new functionalities. Assured security of your data being in an IBM data-centre, managed by IBM staff and maintained within the benchmark environment in the world today. Guaranteed SLA of 99.9% IBM Solution includes own Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam functions. All on premise costs (both tangible and non-tangible) moved to a simple cost per user model in the cloud. Most elastic cloud environment in the market for easy growth as the business grows, including Hybrid Models. No hassle of managing, maintaining, supporting or upgrading any infrastructure No risk of change – user familiarity is maintained and user experience is enriched. Entitlement continues for latest Notes client as released IBM Cloud Universe: Easy to adopt other Social Cloud solutions from IBM and begin the journey of building a converged cloud strategy. However software tools alone will not deliver the desired business transformation and we are uniquely placed to support you through a small team of highly experienced cultural transformation and adoption specialists. In our extensive experience, this business transformation support is a critical success factor. IBM continues to build on our momentum as a leader in the cloud space. Our most recent recognition comes from Forrester Research, Inc. IBM was among a select group of companies that Forrester Research, Inc. invited to participate in the August, 2012 report: “The Forrester Wave™: Cloud Strategies of Online Collaboration Software Vendors, 3Q 2012”. In this evaluation, IBM SmartCloud for Social Business was cited as a leader in the market. IDC recently ranked IBM number 1 for the fourth year running as the market leader in social software. We have the largest public cloud deployment in the world at Panasonic Only IBM can combine our technology with the cultural transformation services IBM is pleased to partner with you, and we look forward to our continuing relationship! Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 6 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 4 SOLUTION CONDITIONS The following Appendixes are included as an integrant part of this Proposal: Appendix A: IBM SmartCloud for Social Business - Service Description Appendix B: IBM SmartCloud for Social Business - Service Level Agreement Appendix C: IBM SmartCloud for Social Business - IBM SaaS Terms of Use Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 7 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 4.1 SERVICE SCOPE This proposal includes the following: E-mail Services E-mail Filtering Support services Collaboration Sites Productivity Tools Services 4.2 E-MAIL SERVICES IBM SmartCloud Notes is a full-featured, e-mail service designed for business and delivered by IBM. Users are able to access the service directly over the Internet in a number of ways: the IBM Lotus Notes client, the IBM SmartCloud Notes web browser, or both. And IBM SmartCloud Notes is available on the go - with extensive mobile options. By working with an IBMdeployed technology, your business can feel confident that your security and ease-of-use are top of mind. Our team of experts infrastructure can help improve the efficiency of your messaging environment while controlling costs. IBM SmartCloud Notes includes offering types designed to support your knowledge users and users you only have a light touch email requirement, but still require full functionality. IBM SmartCloud Notes IBM SmartCloud Notes Entry IBM SmartCloud Notes offers a rich set of benefits A robust and productive user experience with a single point of access to email, calendars, contacts, activities, instant messaging, feeds, office documents, collaboration tools and business applications Users manage their ever-growing in-boxes effectively, with full-text search, delegation, mail filtering and sorting, conversation views and flags Users can instantly locate and connect with resources through presence awareness, business cards and instant messaging incorporated in context within the inbox and calendar End to end hygiene services, which minimises any risks relating to computer viruses through robust built-in security features Advanced composite application technology allows users to integrate and present line-of-business solutions and data from multiple systems into a single view in IBM SmartCloud Users are productive even when disconnected from the network with advanced replication technology. IBM SmartCloud Notes has built-in capabilities designed to help users focus on high priority work, locate information with ease, share information efficiently and collaborate in real-time to help make faster decisions. Manage your ever-growing inbox more effectively with full-text search, delegation, mail filtering and sorting, conversation views, and follow-up flags. Features Include: Single point of access to e-mail, calendars, contacts, instant messaging, RSS feeds, documents, collaboration tools and business applications 25GB Mail File Size for all users Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 8 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 99.9% SLA Simplified administration with default mail template shared between IBM SmartCloud Notes Web and desktop client versions Data centres with enterprise-class servers, and enhanced network, storage and firewall security Integrated services platform, process automations and innovative management tools Encryption for both network traffic and local disk storage Advanced replication technology Mobile support options (access and synchronization) Rich Web Browser Experience IBM SmartCloud Notes Web is the browser experience for IBM SmartCloud Notes. The browser client can be used in two modes (Full and Lite). Full mode provides access to the full array of integrated collaboration tools. This is ideal for environments with full broadband connections. Lite mode is an option for times when users may be in a lower bandwidth situation. Lite mode loads content as needed in order to support the best customer experience in that situation. IBM SmartCloud Notes Web is available on all the standard browsers in use today. IBM SmartCloud Notes Web helps organisations to: Integrate remote workers with critical data and applications, through a look and feel similar to the Lotus Notes client with a layout customisable per user Enable access to email, calendaring and scheduling, and instant messaging - anywhere they can find an internet connection Send encrypted rich text email, schedule meetings, manage tasks and collaborate with colleagues through their own workstations, internet kiosks or PCs that belong to other users Protect business-critical information through a variety of authentication options as well as encryption and digital signatures Enhance your corporate portal with collaborative tools including messaging access via IBM SmartCloud Notes Web software Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 9 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 10 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Ease-of-use IBM SmartCloud Notes provides features to help users manage their mail box, prioritise messages and flag for action, below are just some of the many features users have access to. Attention Indicators - You can specify foreground and background colours to identify messages from certain senders in your Inbox. For example, you could use one colour combination to identify coworkers on an important project, another colour combination for your manager, and another combination for personal messages from friends. You can specify up to three colour combinations. You can also display icons in your Inbox that identify messages in which you are the only recipient, a primary recipient, or a secondary recipient, based on the number of message recipients and whether your name is in the To or cc field. Finding mail - You can look for a particular message in your mail application by searching by sender in a view or folder, or by searching for words in either the subjects or in the full text of messages. Moving or adding mail to a folder - Folders are useful for organizing your messages. You can put a message in one folder or multiple folders. Sorting mail in a folder or view - You can sort messages in most mail folders and views. To see if a column is sortable, hover over its column heading. If the heading background changes, the column is sortable. Note that most sortable columns also display an up or down arrow, but some sortable columns with icon headings (such as the Importance column, with the exclamation point icon, and the Flag and response column, with the flag icon) do not display an arrow. To sort by a sortable column, click its column heading. To return to the original sort order, click the heading again. Flagging mail for follow-up - You can mark a mail message with a flag icon to indicate that the message requires follow-up action. Flagging messages places them in the Follow Up view and in the Follow Up mini-view, which you can keep open in the mail navigation pane so that you can maintain an awareness of those messages. You can set these follow-up preferences: the default priority flag, a default follow-up date and time, and a default alarm for flagged messages. Changing the letterhead on your mail - You can select a graphic from a list of supplied graphics to display as letterhead at the top of your messages. Creating and using stationery for mail - You can create stationery with text or graphics, letterhead, and a recipient list that you can re-use. This is convenient when you frequently send a message, such as a status report, in the same format to the same people. Filtering new mail using rules - You can use mail rules to act automatically on new messages you receive that meet certain conditions. For example, you could create a rule that checks for messages from a certain sender or that contain a certain subject and automatically move the messages to a certain folder, send copies of the messages to someone, or delete unwanted messages before you ever see them in your Inbox. Managing junk mail - You can set up your mail application to control junk mail, such as bulk messages and spam messages. Managing junk mail improves your productivity by reducing the amount of mail that you have to deal with. You can separate unwanted messages from the rest by filtering messages by sender, subject, and content. Managing mail with QuickRules - QuickRules let you create simple rules based on received messages to act on incoming messages with specific subject lines, sender names, or domains. Deleting mail - When you delete messages, IBM places them in the Trash folder in your mail application, with a soft-delete default period of 14 – 90 days. Moving between rich desktop client experience and IBM SmartCloud Notes Web client is actually seamless with a similar look-and-feel shared between the two clients. Supports Microsoft Windows-like selection, column resizing, context menus and double-click to open. Content is resized as the browser is resized. Helps reduce administration burden with automatic synchronization between Lotus Notes ID and IBM SmartCloud Notes Web internet passwords “Full” mode enables rapid access to Welcome screen, email, full calendar and group scheduling, todo (task) management, contacts, notebook and instant messaging. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 11 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Enables building of custom dashboards that aggregate information from multiple sources in the customizable Welcome screen. Enables users to see more content of a particular column with optional dynamic size adjustment on a per-column basis. Enables graceful re-establishment of session without losing data after connection is unexpectedly lost. Enables integration with desktop editing tools allowing documents to be emailed directly from Microsoft Office software. Calendaring and Scheduling Capabilities IBM SmartCloud Notes offers users a very rich calendaring experience. Use the calendar to schedule and keep track of meetings, appointments, all day events, anniversaries, reminders, and event announcements (collectively referred to as calendar entries). Use the to do list to organise personal to do items and schedule group to do items. The calendar and to do list are part of the mail application. You can add appointments, all day events, anniversaries, and reminders to your calendar. When you schedule a meeting or event announcement, you can check people's schedules, reserve rooms, resources, and online places, send meeting invitations, and track invitee responses. Your free time schedule indicates the days and times that you are available for meetings. The scheduler displays when you click “Find Available Times” in a meeting entry you have created. Scheduler display options Schedule details for each participant - Displays the Details view of the scheduler by default, which shows busy and free times for each meeting invitee. Suggested best times for meeting - Displays the Summary view of the scheduler by default, which suggests times for a meeting based on the schedules of all invitees. Show 24-hour scheduler - Displays 24 hours instead of a subset of work hours in the scheduler for each day. You can let specified people open your mail and read your messages, calendar entries, to do items, and contact entries. You can also let people send, edit (including adding a follow-up flag), and delete messages, create and delete calendar entries, and create and delete to do items for you. In addition, you can specify a person or group to whom IBM Lotus Notes will forward your calendar entries, whether or not that person or group has any access to your mail. You can create a group calendar to make it easy for you to schedule meetings with your colleagues. Display your schedule in multiple formats: 1, 2, and 5 day, 1 and 2 week, 1 month and 1 year Automatic detection or custom selection of user's time zone Organise calendar entries by chairperson, by type (meeting, appointments, and so on) or by invitee status as best serves your need at a given time Easily access other calendars that you manage from within your own calendar Miss fewer meetings with calendar alarms to alert you to upcoming calendar events Rooms and Resources is only available using your existing on-premises resource reservations configuration database as part of IBM SmartCloud Notes Hybrid. R&R Functionality is exactly the same as it is today on-premise. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 12 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Personal Information Management (PIM) Manage and sort contacts by name, email, and company name Enter multiple phone numbers, email addresses, and Web addresses for each contact Automatic synchronization of business contacts in the Contacts database, and notebook entries with the Lotus Notes 8.5 client Out of Office management Notify colleagues that you are not available with a customized “out-of-office” notification sent in response to messages and calendar entries sent to you. Integrated Instant Messaging As part of the IBM SmartCloud Notes solution, Lotus Sametime provides integrated presence awareness and instant messaging which is included as standard. IBM SmartCloud Notes provides IM security features for an encrypted, authenticated environment that includes these capabilities: Presence and instant messaging chat Out-of-the-box integration with Lotus Notes Integration with IBM SmartCloud Notes Web planned for a future release. Rich text, time stamps, spell check and emoticons Contact type-ahead search and contact detail display Local chat history Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 13 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Contact list management: Sort contact list, Show short names, Show online contacts only Lotus Sametime chats with Lotus Sametime users are automatically secured with encryption. Every chat activity is always encrypted over the network using a RSA RC2 block cipher with a 128-bit key. Secure Rich Mobile Options – Smartphone Devices A cloud-based deployment of Lotus Traveler Service for IBM SmartCloud Notes is available that supports Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, Symbian S60/Nokia devices, Android and Windows Mobile devices. IBM SmartCloud Traveler is a secure two-way synchronisation service that enables mobile users to access their e-mail, calendar, contacts To-Do list and Journal and retain access to this information while they are offline. It supports remote wipe for lost or stolen devices, as well as password enforcement and monitoring to help protect confidential data. New mail messages arriving in your Inbox on the IBM SmartCloud Notes server arrive on the device without you needing to do anything and can trigger a notification event, such as a tone or a device vibration. Updates made on the device such as sending a new mail message or changing a calendar entry are synchronised with the server as soon as a network connection is available. The Lotus Notes Traveler client provides a simple, easy-to-use interface with a minimal number of configuration settings. You can customise how much data is synchronised with the device to optimise the use of device memory. IBM SmartCloud Notes offers support through Lotus Notes Traveler for: Apple iPhone Apple iPad Android 2.0+ Nokia/Symbian S60 (3rd and 5th Editions) Nokia/Symbian 3 Windows Mobile 6 IBM SmartCloud Notes Traveler is included as standard with IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced subscriptions, and optional add-on for IBM SmartCloud Notes, IBM SmartCloud Notes Entry and IBM SmartCloud Engage Standard. Secure Rich Mobile Options – Blackberry (Optional Add-On) IBM SmartCloud Notes for Hosted BlackBerry Services is an optional add-on subscription to the IBM SmartCloud Notes service, and is available in both the Hybrid and Service-only environments of SmartCloud Notes. Users can use this add-on subscription to access mail messages on their BlackBerry smartphones, and synchronize calendar and contacts between BlackBerry smartphones, Lotus Domino servers in the IBM SmartCloud, and SmartCloud Notes desktops (either the full Lotus Notes client or the SmartCloud Notes Web experience). The primary benefit of using the SmartCloud Notes for Hosted BlackBerry Services is that customers do not have to set up and maintain an on-premises BlackBerry Enterprise Server infrastructure for serving the needs of their BlackBerry mobile smartphone users. SmartCloud Notes for Hosted BlackBerry Service is a fully hosted service offering for BlackBerry Enterprise Server, which is maintained for customers by IBM as a part of the IBM SmartCloud for Social Business portfolio. BlackBerry Features include: Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 14 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution The BlackBerry service is available for both hybrid and service-only environments and provides the following features: Mail, Calendar, Task, To Do, and Contact applications Corporate directory lookup Administrator and user self-service portal for device management Documentation for enterprise activation and end-user self help Compliance Archiving and e-Discovery (Optional Add-on) The IBM SmartCloud Notes service also offers as an optional “add-on” should customers have a compliance based requirement to capture all email at source or the ability to restore email for a customer defined period. IBM SmartCloud Archive Essentials is a robust mail archiving and eDiscovery solution expressly designed for cloud delivery. The solution provides full indexing of email and attachments, disk lock technology to mimic WORM drives, legal hold, retention policy enforcement, search delimited user accounts where a use can be provided with access only to a predefined result set, export of data in multiple formats, including recovering individual emails back to the originating mail box. There is no limit on storage capacity or length of time, and the archive account can be maintained independently of the user once the user leaves and their active email account closed. Currently, SmartCloud Archive Essentials does not provide end-users with access to their archived mail. Company administrators enable the use of the archive service. A company administrator is someone who has a SmartCloud for Social Business user account and the Administrator role. Through user account selections, company administrators specify whose email is archived and who can work with the archived email. To specify who can work with archived email, company administrators assign one of the following e-Discovery roles to user accounts: e-Discovery administrator: Allows someone to search the archive to retrieve messages that match search queries and give e-Discovery users access to the search results. e-Discovery user: Allows someone to work with search results generated by e-Discovery administrators. For example, a department head in your organization might need to view the email messages sent and received by three users in your company during the past year. An e-Discovery administrator can search the archive for those messages and then give the department head access to the search results. The department head, who has the e-Discovery user role, can view and work with the messages in the search results. The archive service can be used to search, retrieve, classify, download, export, forward, and audit archived messages. Lite weight essential email, calendar and contacts solution. IBM offers an alternative light weight email service; IBM SmartCloud iNotes includes essential email, calendar and contact management capabilities. SmartCloud iNotes is easy-to-use and administer with very competitive pricing. Below is a description of the standard features currently associated with our SmartCloud iNotes service offering. SmartCloud iNotes will continue to evolve and include new capabilities beyond this current list. All new capabilities become instantly available without requiring upgrades, patches or contract modifications. SmartCloud iNotes features include: ◦ Webmail interface that can be customised with a logo and colour scheme ◦ Message inbox that allows users to sort the message list Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 15 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution ◦ Personal mail folders with the ability to drag and drop messages into folders ◦ Message priority indicator and view filter ◦ Message flags and view filter ◦ POP3 and IMAP access ◦ SMTP service for outbound messages ◦ 25GB of mail storage for each mailbox (no charge mailboxes will have 5GB) ◦ 30MB maximum outbound message size including attachments ◦ Configurable Out-of-Office notifications ◦ Email Signature that are appended to outbound messages ◦ Rich text editor for composing messages ◦ Draft folder with automatic saving while composing messages ◦ Inbox rules that allow users to filter messages into specified folders ◦ Mail forwarding ◦ Multiple receiving addresses (aliases) ◦ Multiple sending addresses ◦ Spam and Virus protection with user-level controls ◦ Personal Calendars which may be shared ◦ Company Calendar with configurable editing access ◦ Multiple Calendar views (Day/Week/Month) with the ability to overlay multiple calendars ◦ Free and Busy time look-up when scheduling events ◦ Personal Contacts with the ability to import in vCard and (.vcf) and Comma Separated Value (.csv) formats ◦ Personal Contact Groups ◦ Company Contacts ◦ Display preferences to customize the Contacts and Calendar views. ◦ Ability to access email through Applie iPhone, Apple iPad, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Google Android and Nokia Symbian mobile devices with auto-updates via IMAP IDLE. ◦ Contact and Calendar synchronization through the CardDAV and CalDAV protocols (natively supported by iOS devices and on Android through 3rd party apps) IBM SmartCloud iNotes component is offered as a service and all hardware and software are provided as part of the monthly service fee. Since the solution is offered as a service there is no need to purchase hardware for your own environment as it is included in the price. The software for the IBM SmartCloud iNotes service is updated on a periodic with new features and functionality, these updates to the service are included in the pricing as well. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 16 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution The service is made up of enterprise grade hardware running and operated by IBM in IBM data centres. The service is proprietary software solution which has been developed and refined over the last 10+ years by the heritage Outblaze technology which IBM acquired in April of 2009. The IBM SmartCloud iNotes is a clustered multi-tenant architecture that is built based on open mail standards technology. The clustered mail architecture provides a robust and scalable solution. All services are monitored in our 24x7 network operation centre based in Hong Kong, and as demand grows additional servers can easily be added to the rotation to provide additional scale. Redundancy is built into every major service within a service cluster. This includes redundant firewalls and load balancers in each and every cluster, multiple web, IMAP, and POP3 servers to which incoming requests are distributed in a round-robin fashion and fileservers with built-in redundancy. The IBM SmartCloud iNotes provides mail backup service as part of the standard IBM SmartCloud iNotes offering. The backup process includes daily local database backups, daily disk snapshots with data retained for 7 days, snap mirrors provided for multiple disk and chassis failures, and local mail backup in 7 day cycles retained for 30 days. Deleted messages are also retained for 30 days, as part of the backup process in order to guard against accidentally deleted messages. Mail is typically routed through the system as follows: When an inbound message is received the recipient's email address is looked up in the proxy database to determine which cluster a particular user resides. Once the user is located the system directs the mail to the user's cluster. Many different customers may reside on a single cluster or a set of clusters may be dedicated to a particular customer depending on customer needs, size of the customer and associated service level. Upon receipt of the message within the cluster the messages passes through the Network-level Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam layer to remove any messages which are known to contain viruses or spam. For user-level anti-spam, IBM utilises a tag and forward approach. Mail filters are applied at the MTA level to route the message with the matching subject lines to the user's junk mail folder. If the message is determined to be a legitimate email message, the Mail Transfer Agent queries the profile database and determines the location of the user's mailbox within the file system and delivers the message to the user's message store. Prior to delivering messages the MTA is responsible for applying Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 17 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution any applicable filters to message prior to delivery. These filters include filters pre-configured for user-level anti-spam control, and white-listing or blacklisting of messages. Migration options with IBM SmartCloud iNotes Transend Migrator for IBM SmartCloud iNotes is an easy to install and use Windows utility for converting email data from leading edge email systems and clients to IBM SmartCloud iNotes service. One user interface allows end users and technicians to convert thousands of accounts at once in batch mode from a central location. For those who prefer, Transend Migrator also supports batch mode migration via command line. Transend can be used to migrate ◦ messages/Folders ◦ Attachments ◦ Archives ◦ Address Books ◦ Calendars ◦ Tasks Additionally, migration to IBM SmartCloud iNotes is also possible using IMAP which can be controlled by the enduser. Simply use an IMAP client to pull all existing email from your current Domino server, if the user is a POP3 users then they probably have their email locally, simply then re-configure the client to connect to IBM SmartCloud iNotes and push all email up to IBM SmartCloud iNotes. 4.3 E-MAIL FILTERING Full Hygiene Services (Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam and Anti-Malware) through IBM Protector for Mail Services are included as standard with the IBM SmartCloud Notes service. IBM Protector for Mail service content analysis includes URL checker against URL database 9.3 billion evaluated web pages and images 100 million URL filter entries Spam/Phishing database 80 million spam signatures 2 million new signatures per day > 99% effective against spam < 0.001% false-positives When IBM SmartCloud Notes users address mail to users in external Internet domains, by default, the SmartCloud Notes service manages the routing. An external Internet domain is a domain that the service has not verified as owned by your company. You can choose to use a company-controlled SMTP host server to route this mail, instead. Controlling the routing allows you to perform actions such as content filtering and message auditing on all messages addressed to the Internet. To configure company-controlled routing to external Internet domains, you use SmartCloud Notes Administration Panel Account Settings to specify the SMTP host name to perform the routing. The SmartCloud Notes service performs virus scanning and spam filtering on the outbound messages, and then routes them to your designated SMTP host server. Your SMTP host routes the messages to the Internet. An administrator can prevent automatic forwarding of email to external addresses. Administrators can prevent users from automatically forwarding email to external addresses using mail rules. When users create a mail rule Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 18 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution that includes the send copy to action, any addresses in domains that are not owned by your company are ignored. Users can still forward email to any address manually. 4.4 SUPPORT SERVICES IBM SmartCloud Notes offers as standard the ability to Support Resources Service Management/Administration Email filtering and spam reporting features Junk Mail Management Mail Journaling IBM SmartCloud Notes Traveler API for Mobile Device Management (MDM) Compliance based email archiving, via IBM SmartCloud Archiving Essentials (Optional Add-on service). Data transition and migration services from Microsoft Exchange (Optional service not includes as part of the standard IBM SmartCloud Notes service) Set-up and configuration (Optional service not included as part of the standard IBM SmartCloud Notes service) IBM provides second and third line support, as well as help-desk that will respond to any email query sent by your end-users. For technical issues requiring immediate attention (ie. Severity 1 issues) administrators may also contact our 7x24 telephone support. Other support resources available are: For Self Help with the latest FAQ's, Troubleshooting, and How To's use our IBM SmartCloud Notes Support Wiki. For questions please visit our IBM SmartCloud Support Forums . Our team and the growing user community is there to help you find solutions to your problems! Wiki and Forum are currently available in English only For Administrator Self Help with the latest FAQ's, Troubleshooting, and How To's use our IBM SmartCloud Support Wiki. For questions, system status and other announcements, please visit our IBM SmartCloud Support Forums. Our IBM SmartCloud team and the growing user community is there to help you find solutions to your problems. Wiki and Forum are currently available in English only IBM SmartCloud Administrator Support in English is available 7x24 IBM SmartCloud Administrators can contact our English language IBM SmartCloud Worldwide Support by email. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 19 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Service Management/Administration Much of the user administration remains in the company administrator's hands on the on-premises side. For the most part, the company administrator maintains control of user management, as well as group management and policy management on-premises, in the Domino Directory using the Lotus Domino Administrator client. Where common administrator tasks are performed: Task Where task is performed Where task is performed Via on-premise Directory & Web Admin Deleting SmartCloud Notes users Via on-premise Directory Adding and managing groups Via on-premise Directory Changing Lotus Notes user names Via on-premise Directory Configuring policies Via on-premise Directory Resetting passwords for client IDs of SmartCloud Notes users Web Admin Controlling the Directories that are replicated to the SmartCloud Notes service Web Admin Selecting mail file templates for SmartCloud Notes users' mail files Web Admin Roles in the IBM SmartCloud for Social Business (SmartCloud for Social Business) service are Administrator, Admin Assistant, AppDeveloper and user. e-Discovery Administrator and e-Discovery User roles are also available should customers add the optional compliance email archiving solution, IBM SmartCloud Archiving Essentials. A person can be assigned multiple roles. User role is required in order to assign a subscription (i.e. email, collaboration) to an account. Administrator and Admin Assistant roles can be assigned without User role to create pure administrative users. Users without subscriptions are free, so customer's can have any number of no cost administrators and admin assistant. Administrators have full administrative rights, including access to the SmartCloud Notes Administration panel and other parts of SmartCloud for Social Business administration to manage users, templates, and other aspects of the company account. Admin Assistants can perform passwords resets and some other basic chores e-Discovery Admin and eDiscovery User roles are independent of whether a user’s email is being archived, and are for running queries and otherwise accessing the archives. Customers cannot define new roles or customize the existing ones. New email filtering and spam reporting features (limited availability) New SPAM management features can be made available when the service manages a company’s inbound Internet mail routing New features available Keyword and newsletter filters Junk mail reports Report as Spam feature Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 20 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Note: These are limited availability features that can only be enabled by an IBM Customer Service Representative (CSR) Notes client users need to use a new template to take advantage of capabilities Browser users will automatically see the new UI and take advantage of the capabilities Improved junk mail management for web client users Web client users can specify that all mail from a particular address is delivered to the Junk folder in the future Users can also specify that all mail in the Junk folder from a particular address is delivered to the inbox in the future. Notes mail journaling (limited availability) The IBM SmartCloud for Social Business journal service can generate Notes mail journal files These files log information about mail messages that are sent and received by IBM SmartCloud Notes users The journal files are stored on the SmartCloud for Social Business integration server and are downloaded over FTPs. Compliance based Archiving IBM does not provide an individual restore option as part of the standard service, our backups are designed for operational purposes only. Our architecture is based on cluster server technology and dual-centre solution, meaning we hold live 4+ copies of users mail file at anytime. The service supports soft delete (14 - 90 Days) feature enabled by default, should a user delete a message this can be restored from this trash folder. However if the user subsequently deletes the message from their trash folder, the message should be considered permanently deleted. The service also allows administrators to prevent users from deleting mail from their trash, mail remains in the Trash folder for the period specified by the administrator, and then it is deleted automatically. The IBM SmartCloud Notes service also offers as an optional “add-on” should customers have a compliance based requirement to capture all email at source or the ability to restore email for a customer defined period. IBM SmartCloud Archive Essentials is a robust mail archiving and eDiscovery solution expressly designed for cloud delivery. The solution provides full indexing of email and attachments, disk lock technology to mimic WORM drives, legal hold, retention policy enforcement, search delimited user accounts where a use can be provided with access only to a predefined result set, export of data in multiple formats, including recovering individual emails back to the originating mail box. There is no limit on storage capacity or length of time, and the archive account can be maintained independently of the user once the user leaves and their active email account closed. Currently, SmartCloud Archive Essentials does not provide end-users with access to their archived mail. Company administrators enable the use of the archive service. A company administrator is someone who has a SmartCloud for Social Business user account and the Administrator role. Through user account selections, company administrators specify whose email is archived and who can work with the archived email. To specify who can work with archived email, company administrators assign one of the following e-Discovery roles to user accounts: Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 21 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution e-Discovery administrator: Allows someone to search the archive to retrieve messages that match search queries and give e-Discovery users access to the search results. e-Discovery user: Allows someone to work with search results generated by e-Discovery administrators. For example, a department head in your organization might need to view the email messages sent and received by three users in your company during the past year. An e-Discovery administrator can search the archive for those messages and then give the department head access to the search results. The department head, who has the e-Discovery user role, can view and work with the messages in the search results. The archive service can be used to search, retrieve, classify, download, export, forward, and audit archived messages. The browser requirements to use the service are the same as the browser requirements to use the SmartCloud Notes web client. Data and Users Transition and Migration Service (Optional Service) IBM can support a migration from majority of existing email platform, IBM Lotus Domino, Microsoft Exchange, IMAP based platform, Google Mail etc When moving users to IBM SmartCloud Notes, there are fundamentally two choices when considering what to do with their current on-premises account: Leave historical data on-premise, in an archive or local store, and start with a clean slate (new mail account) on IBM SmartCloud Notes or transfer minimal important data such as future calendar entries only to SmartCloud Notes. Convert some or all of the existing mail account data into a new IBM SmartCloud Notes mail account. Again, this decision is one of balancing cost, effort, time to deploy and user impact. Starting with a clean slate can be the quickest and most cost effective way to move, but tends to be the least user friendly approach. Certainly some customers do choose not to move historical data. On the other hand, moving the entire historical content so that the user continues from where they left off onpremises is very user friendly but involves conversion and transfer of a potentially very large data set. Converting data between formats is a resource and time consuming process. Once again, there is the flexibility to combine these approaches and start fresh for some users while moving some data for others. Self-Service Approaches For customers moving from solutions such as Microsoft Exchange or Google, the following kinds of self-service data transfer approaches are available: Use a POP or IMAP mail account in the Lotus Notes client configured to point to their existing mail account allows the client to pull down existing mail content into the IBM SmartCloud Notes mail account. Export existing calendar content in iCalendar (.ics) standard format and import it via the Lotus Notes client. Alternatively, use the calendar overlay feature (with offline support) in the client to view or download calendar content directly from the source calendar system during the transition period. Future calendar entries tend to be the most important items to transfer. Export existing contacts in vCard (.vcf) standard format or comma-separated value (.csv) format and import via the Lotus Notes client. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 22 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Managed Transition Process Outline For non-Domino customers, moving to IBM SmartCloud Notes can leverage a traditional migration process and tools, except that the destination mail servers are not on-premises. In order to effect a user move, the following key steps must be achieved: A new mail account for the user must be provisioned in the IBM SmartCloud Notes service. For those users who will use a Lotus Notes client, the client must be installed and configured to point at the new IBM SmartCloud Notes mail server(s). The relevant directories must be updated so that all servers know where to send mail for that user. Conversion of data from the existing system into the new IBM SmartCloud Notes mail account is performed. Performing this cut over in a single event can be the most effective method so as to avoid the need for any protracted period of coexistence. All users have new accounts created and all mail routing is switched over in a single change window. For larger customers, it may not be feasible to move all users at once and so some period of coexistence may be necessary. In this case, establishing bidirectional mail routing, directory synchronization and free-time lookup between the existing email messaging system and IBM SmartCloud Notes environments must be done first prior to the first user move. For customers requiring this level of coexistence, the IBM SmartCloud Notes hybrid configuration must be used. In addition a set of tools that facilitate the preparation and conversion of content must also be deployed. A schedule is created that details which users are to be moved and when, grouping the users into batches and specific time frames. Depending on how many users, the associated volume of data and the actual schedule (i.e. the number of user batches), the following process may be repeated one or several times until all required users are moved: For users who will have some data converted from the existing system, an initial conversion pass is done on the historical content to be moved generating new mail databases for each user. Depending on the data volumes, these databases containing historical content are encrypted onto a removable storage device for rapid transfer of a potentially large data volume or for smaller volumes they can be uploaded via FTP. If using the removable storage device, it is shipped to the SmartCloud Notes data center in preparation for bulk import. If using FTP, the data is uploaded to the secure FTP service. The import service decrypts and copies the mail file replicas from the removable storage device or FTP service and pre-processes them (e.g. anti-virus scanning, validating and setting of access controls and required database properties). The content of the removable storage device or FTP server is maintained and not changed at all, until provisioning of the data is complete, so that a pristine copy of the original data is available if necessary. Users are provisioned to the IBM SmartCloud Notes service and these pre-populated mail databases are used to populate the primary, secondary and Disaster Recovery servers. The directory entries for all users are updated to point to the newly designated IBM SmartCloud Notes mail servers. The directory change is synchronized between IBM SmartCloud Notes and the existing email messaging system so that all new mail is delivered to the IBM SmartCloud Notes service. A second pass data conversion is now run to pick up any data that was received between the first pass and actual cut over time and synchronized with the IBM SmartCloud Notes service via replication. This volume of data is typically very small compared to the historical data volume and can be transferred directly over the wire in a reasonable timeframe. Once the users are cut over, the existing mail accounts can be decommissioned and finally so can the existing email messaging system. The disks from the storage devices are always returned to the customer for them to perform data destruction in what- ever way they require. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 23 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Data & User Transition Tools IBM has devised a process and supporting tools that allow for the rapid bulk transfer of large amounts of data between the on-premises environment and IBM SmartCloud Notes. Leveraging the unique advantages of the hybrid configuration such as preserving the user ID file means that the entire existing NSF can be moved, keeping recipient information, delegation, content fidelity, stored forms, encrypted and private content intact. And because moving large amounts of data still takes some time, the power of replication is used to make sure that at final cut-over, the mail account in the IBM SmartCloud Notes service is synchronized perfectly with the on-premises content. Depending on the existing email platform IBM has a number of tools, methodologies and assets available either IBM owned or via our extensive partner channel to assist customer with typical migration projects. Migration or data transition services are not part of the IBM SmartCloud Notes service as standard, these are optional extra services available directly from IBM or via our extensive partner channel. 4.5 COLLABORATION TOOLS You can meet online, share files, chat, manage projects and network with potential clients, anywhere, anytime. Whether users work remotely, manage remote teams or just need one simple place to bring colleagues together, IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced delivers collaboration solutions, all in a securely designed environment. IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced provides essential collaboration services to simplify and improve your daily business interactions with customers, partners and colleagues. Work with people seamlessly inside and outside your organization and streamline communications. IBM SmartCloud Engage helps you bring people and information together quickly and simply in an easy-to-use environment, designed with security in mind. IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced offers several core collaboration services that seamlessly integrate with each other to support project based collaboration. It includes lightweight project tracking/management in the Activities service; it includes rich and secure information management and sharing in the Files service; it includes real time communication and information sharing in its Meetings service and its Instant Messaging service; it further includes social networking for business and light contact management functions in its My Network service. It includes several other ancillary services that enrich information sharing with lightweight workflow in Forms and Surveys. All of the services, along with user relevant updates, are accessed through a centralised dashboard. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 24 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Capabilities include: The Service Level Agreement specifies a 99.9% SLA availability percentage, calculated on a monthly basis. Enterprise-grade social and messaging services across a broad range of client and mobile environments. As social software designed for business, it lets you use the collective knowledge of your organization, partners and customers by dynamically building new connections between people, the information they know, and the tasks they are executing. Your Social Business Network The People feature allows you to manage your contacts and connections - the people you do business with. Connect to anyone in your network and start collaborating in IBM SmartCloud. Simply click to share files, create communities or start an activity. Connect quickly and easily Access professional profiles Quickly add, import and sync contacts Take advantage of communities, tagging and quick find Profiles let you tap into the knowledge capital within your organization, and make it easy to establish new business contacts. Profiles help you expand your personal network and profiles help you develop and maintain personal relationships that span obstacles like reporting structure, department, geography, etc. When you connect with someone, you have access to each other's full profiles - giving you the most up-to-date information. You can also add that person to your buddy list for instant messaging. Connecting allows you to work in real-time, getting more done, quickly. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 25 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Project and Task Management A project context can be quickly set up in a IBM SmartCloud Activity. Role-based membership can be assigned such as “owner,” “author,” or a “reader.” Membership can be controlled at a fine grain. Subject matter experts or project team members from inside or outside the organisation can be added to the activity easily by the activity owner. In the activity, one can manage to-dos, post messages related to the project, and share files as needed. An activity is a dynamic, but lightweight collaboration context. There is no heavyweight “setup” or “management” involved. An activity can also be customised using reusable templates that suit the purpose of the project, such as curriculum planning. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 26 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Secure File Sharing Secure information related to an activity can be organised and shared in a disciplined manner using IBM SmartCloud Files service. A particularly useful pattern is to use one or more “collections” of files associated with an activity (project) or with a team (group). A collection can be directly linked from an activity and the information store is readily accessible to activity members. A file can be easily reused across collections and hence offering the flexibility of reusing common material across projects and simplifying version control. The collection may also be attached to a group in My Network so that new members of the team can easily access all relevant material in one place, enabling them to quickly get up to speed. The Files service fundamentally provides file storage, secure sharing, and organising capabilities. Users can conveniently upload and share files, bookmarks, or groups of files. Users can organise files into collections and securely share collections with other users. The ease of sharing however is complemented by administrative control and security with application level access controls. There is complete information about how the files are shared. For example, a simple interface shows with whom the file was shared and when, if they downloaded it and when, and who provided a new version. The file can have HTML tags to find it easily at a later point and views by date and collaborator. From Files, a document can be instantly shown in a meeting or if it’s a data set, used in a chart. Collaboration via Communities/Groups Communities are a new way of sharing! It's a collection of resources – blogs, wikis, bookmarks, tagged information, and forums that can be shared among people who have common interests, similar responsibilities or want to collaborate on a joint project. IBM SmartCloud Communities makes finding information easier than ever. You can view tagged information, exchange ideas real-time via a forum and locate subject matter experts on a topic by including activities, member lists and files all within the community itself. Communities’ features Control membership and content Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 27 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Quickly share ideas, files and bookmarks Take advantage of tagging and quick search Stay connected with projects and tasks Easily send an e-mail message to the members Create forms to extend discussions. Blogs allows users to present their ideas get feedback from others Users and their teams can collaboratively edit content Community managers have options. A community typically includes a discussion forum, member list, activities, files, and bookmarks. However, the community's manager gets to select which components are included for their members. The community manager also decides if the community is open to all as a public resource or to a more selective group of people. Each Community can include many of the following elements to enhance the collaboration and sharing of information between members. Files - enable you to upload and share any type of file with colleagues and communities. Store versions and view downloads by named colleagues, comments and ratings; Activities - enable project-based collaboration to; organise your work, plan next steps, and easily tap your expanding professional network to more quickly and effectively execute your everyday deliverables. Employees can create online work areas (Activities) to gather together the e-mails, IM chats, documents, messages, and other information that they need to accomplish client-name business objectives; Blogs - Facilitate and unlock the expertise of individuals within an organisation, internally or externally. Use blogs to present ideas and get feedback from others. Users also learn from the expertise and experience of others who blog. Blogs are a key tool for social networking providing medium to share knowledge and build relationships; Wikis - For individuals, groups and communities to easily co-author pages. View changes across pages, ratings, and comments to collaboratively build content online across a range of subject matters. Enables readers to always see the most updated content without searching through emails or attachments; An Ideation Blog is an innovation specifically designed to generate and progress innovative ideas on a particular topic and then collect feedback to get consensus on the best ideas. The owner of an Ideation Blog you can: allow community members to contribute ideas & encourage participants to vote for their favourite ideas. Once complete the owner can graduate ideas that your community wants to promote; Forums - provide a place to brainstorm and collect feedback on topics that are relevant to you and your colleagues. They can also be used to start discussions about a specific topic or debate solutions to shared problems; Bookmarks - allow you to tag, save, organize and share bookmarks; discover bookmarks that have been prequalified by others with similar interests & expertise. At IBM, social bookmarking and tagging saves over $4.5M per year in productivity among our global employee base; Instant Messaging and Presence Awareness Business instant messaging lets you text chat instantly with business contacts and colleagues. Communicate in real-time. If you need a quick answer, what could be easier than starting a business instant message session? Have a real conversation; get the instant replies you need - without ever picking up the phone. Instant Messaging features Instant Messaging histories and transcripts Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 28 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution On-line status Create Groups End-to-end encryption You can chat with both internal colleagues and external contacts (e.g. partners, vendors, customers) and get more done instantly. Business instant messaging also lets you see who's on-line, see their current status and even location. Forms and Surveys IBM Forms automates forms-based business processes to help improve efficiency, customer service, and time to value, making you more responsive to customer and market needs. IBM Forms enables Line-of-Business and IT users to collect data and automate processes via agile webapplications as well as classic document based forms applications in one, nicely integrated package. Reduces time-to-market and development cost by enabling users to quickly create agile web applications for data collection. Improves efficiency, time to revenue, and customer service by automating paper-based processes. Cuts costs by eliminating printing, distribution, processing, and storage of paper, and minimizes environmental impact with electronic forms. Reduces transaction times and error rates. Provides auditable, compliant records. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 29 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Web Meetings IBM SmartCloud Engage delivers online Web conferencing integrated with your other IBM SmartCloud Engage services and features. With this online meeting service, you can share your entire screen, share an application, publish select documents and even attend a meeting via a mobile device (iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android). You can start an activity, assign to-do lists and send files directly to meeting attendees - all while feeling confident. Meetings features Share your desktop or specific applications Present document / presentation. Poll your audience, allow Q&A chats Start an activity, invite guests right from your meeting Join a meeting from your mobile SSL encryption for safety and privacy Audio Casting Video Casting Recording Access meeting via Mobile device Anyone can join your meeting! Firewalls don't stop you from connecting with your customers, business partners or colleagues. All they need is an Internet or cellular connection and a Web browser or app. Web meetings easier than ever. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 30 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution External Collaboration IBM SmartCloud for Social Business provides unlimited Guest invitations at no additional cost. This unique model allows SmartCloud customers to collaborate with those within whom they do business – be it suppliers, customers, partners, advertising agencies without having to provide them with accounts and inside access. In order to enable collaboration as it occurs in the real world the service is designed with access controls at every data element. Here is a list of what a "Guest User" can and cannot do (capabilities and limitations): Guest users can.... Join and participate in Web Meetings. Access to download, recommend, comment, and online viewing (via IBM Docs) for Files that have been shared with them. Upload Files, but only 25 MB of personal storage (files they upload to a Community uses the Community quota, not personal storage quota). Upload new versions of Files, owned by other users, to which they have been given "Editor" rights. Create and participate in Activities. Create and participate in "Restricted" Communities ("Public" & "Moderated" Communities are only internal to a subscribed user's organization). As a member of a Community, can create Files, Bookmarks, Blogs, Forums, & Ideation Blogs. Be part of the Network, search and be found by others. Add, share and synch Contacts. Invite guests of their own. Guest users cannot.... Host their own web meetings (they can present or have remote control if the host passes control to them) Have a company identity (i.e. a corporate directory to see organizational users) Use the SmartCloud Instant Messaging (IM) service Edit documents online using IBM Docs Create Forms Journalling Capabilities The journal is a record of the user activity on your company account. It includes date, time, and user information about events such as logon attempts, password changes, and start times of online meetings. Approximately every 24 hours, the journal service produces several journal files, one for each component of IBM SmartCloud for Social Business. Each file is compressed using gzip and then made available via FTPS on the SmartCloud for Social Business integration and migration site. After seven days on the site, the files are removed. Each compressed file contains a plain text file that is in a human-readable format. The format is consistent and regular so that the text files can be programmatically parsed. Terminology Journal service: The system that assembles the journals into files, compresses them, and makes them available on the integration and migration site. Journal: The journal is a record of events. It is contained in one or more journal files. Journal file: A plain text file that contains the records of the events that users performed. Record: A complete entry in the journal file. It contains the date, time, and other details about an event. Component: A service or feature in SmartCloud for Social Business. For example, Files is a component, and Activities is a component. Event: An action that a user performed on your company account, such as logging in, downloading a file, or changing a password. FTPS: A file transfer protocol that uses Transport Layer Security to provide secure communications on the Internet. Gzip: A file compression utility. Use gunzip to decompress the files. UUID: A universally unique identifier, in hexadecimal format. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 31 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Journalling is not enabled by default, but can be enabled by the IBM Customer Service team at no additional cost. Open Standards Based Platform IBM also provides an API interface to SmartCloud services known as the Social Business Toolkit at no addition cost, access to the API's are included as standard. Application integration services extend to not just email but also the other collaboration services, such as Files, Meetings, Activities, and Communities. You can use the Application Programming Interface (API) provided with each of the following services to integrate your application. Files: Share and track documents that are outside your internal company infrastructure. Help users share content securely with vendors and other third parties. SmartCloud for Social Business users can invite anyone, including non-subscribers, to read, comment, or revise documents. Meetings: Instantly launch an online meeting from your service or application, invite others to join (even non-SmartCloud for Social Business users), take notes, and start tracking action items. Post presentation files and share with the meeting participants. Activities: Create a project space that SmartCloud for Social Business users can join to share information, documents, and to-dos. Contacts: Access a user's contacts in SmartCloud for Social Business to help simplify invitations to your service or application. SmartCloud for Social Business can synchronize contacts with both Microsoft Outlook and IBM Lotus Notes. Email: Point an application to the SmartCloud Notes environment the same way you point to any other IBM Lotus Domino server. Customize the SmartCloud Notes email template to improve productivity in the enterprise through special email features. Communities: Create a new community and add members to it to enhance the social business aspect of the application. Enable members and participants to interact efficiently through discussion forums, project activities, and private subcommunities. SmartCloud for Social Business uses the Open Authorization (OAuth) protocol for API access. OAuth is a protocol that provides a way for company applications to interact with APIs on the behalf of users without knowing their authentication credentials. Service Level Agreement for IBM SmartCloud for Social Businesses The Service Level Agreement specifies a 99.9% availability percentage, calculated on a monthly basis. “Downtime” means a period of time during which production system processing for the Service has stopped and all of your users are unable to use all aspects of the Service for which they have appropriate permissions. Downtime does not include the period of time when the Service is not available as a result of: Planned System Downtime. Force Majeure. Problems with Customer or third party applications, equipment or data. Customer or third party acts or omissions (including anyone gaining access to the Service by means of your passwords or equipment). Failure to adhere to required system configurations and supported platforms for accessing the Service 4.6 PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS SERVICES Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 32 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution As organizations become more dynamic and collaboration becomes more socially oriented, the concept of a document needs to evolve in the following ways: Become team focused Support live, dynamic content Address compressed creation and life cycles Be “connected” to other processes Handle collaboration on mobile, with device and mode-appropriate actions IBM Docs supports this evolution and provides a cloud-based, collaborative authoring solution for editing word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation documents. IBM Docs is integrated into the IBM SmartCloud user experience. It is designed to be a robust editing suite and not dependent upon having the desktop office productivity suite installed. IBM Docs is designed for delivery as a service via IBM SmartCloud for Social Business or as a product offering that can be deployed by customers or partners in their own data center. In addition to core editing capabilities expected in a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation suite; IBM Docs also offers a rich collaborative authoring environment. IBM Docs is included as standard for IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced subscriptions, and an optional 'Addon” for IBM SmartCloud Engage standard and IBM SmartCloud Connections subscriptions. All users with a IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced subscription have 5GB of Files storage to use with IBM Docs. Additional storage is available as an optional “Add-on” service. The Service Level Agreement specifies a 99.9% availability percentage, calculated on a monthly basis. IBM SmartCloud Docs Capabilities IBM Docs is a new office productivity suite for working on documents, spreadsheets and presentations— together—in the cloud. It provides real-time co-editing, allowing users to work on documents individually or collaboratively. Comment on a document, or even participate in a discussion. All this without the need of desktop software. Documents - Work on a document by yourself or collaborate on files with your colleagues. You can comment on a document, or even participate in a discussion. All this in real-time. Select a template, such as a report or letter, or upload an existing Lotus Symphony, OpenOffice or Microsoft Word file to begin. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 33 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Spreadsheets - Calculate, analyse, and manage your data. Several categories of functions are available to create formulas to perform complex calculations on your data. Presentations - Create high impact, professional presentations. Using templates, you can create presentations of different styles in a fast and convenient way. Or, you can upload existing presentations from your computer to IBM Docs for online editing. You can edit presentations with your colleagues in real-time and collaborate with others through comments, and discussions. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 34 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Users are aware of the presence of other users viewing or editing the document through the status panel on the left. Users actively editing the document are indicated by coloured boxes beside their names. Other users who have worked with the document but are not currently doing so, also appear in the list, but their names are not shown accompanied by coloured boxes. Each user is assigned a colour when beginning to edit the document and that assignment remains in effect for the life of the document even in subsequent editing sessions. Users can edit synchronously (co-editing) and independently of each other. When users are co-editing, each user’s edits are tracked by colour. IBM Docs supports the conversations that often need to take place in documents. Users can create both general and “directed” comments and other users can respond to them. Directed comments use the twitter-style addressing to direct the comment to a specific editor (@userid) whereas general comments are not directed to a particular editor but made for everyone with editing rights in the document. Comments (and their responses) are visible in the status panel on the left. These comments are anchored to the main document and clicking one of them will take the user to that comment in the context of the document. Comments can grow into discussions and may be searched and filtered by those comments “made by” or “directed to” a certain editor. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 35 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution IBM Docs is also designed to support mobile users, delivering not just viewing capability but device-appropriate actions. As part of our 2013 roadmap, IBM Docs is expected to deliver support for editing via Apple iOS table platform and then the Android platform in later releases. Forms and Surveys IBM Forms automates forms-based business processes to help improve efficiency, customer service, and time to value, making you more responsive to customer and market needs. IBM Forms enables Line-of-Business and IT users to collect data and automate processes via agile webapplications as well as classic document based forms applications in one, nicely integrated package. Reduces time-to-market and development cost by enabling users to quickly create agile web applications for data collection. Improves efficiency, time to revenue, and customer service by automating paper-based processes. Cuts costs by eliminating printing, distribution, processing, and storage of paper, and minimizes environmental impact with electronic forms. Reduces transaction times and error rates. Provides auditable, compliant records. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 36 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 37 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 5 APPENDICES Appendix A - IBM SmartCloud for Social Business / Service Description Appendix B - Service Level Agreement Appendix C - IBM SmartCloud for Social Business / IBM SaaS Terms of Use Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 38 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 5.1 APPENDIX A IBM SmartCloud for Social Business - Terms of Use Service Descriptions This document only applies to the following offerings: IBM SmartCloud Engage IBM SmartCloud Engage Standard IBM SmartCloud Engage Standard for Enterprise Deployment IBM SmartCloud Engage Standard Enterprise Deployment for Lotus Customers with Active S&S IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced IBM SmartCloud Meetings IBM SmartCloud Meetings Enterprise Deployment IBM SmartCloud Meetings Enterprise Deployment for Lotus Customers with Active S&S IBM SmartCloud iNotes IBM SmartCloud Connections IBM SmartCloud Notes IBM Lotus Notes (client download for use with IBM SmartCloud Notes) IBM SmartCloud Notes Step-Up IBM SmartCloud for Active Lotus S&S Customers Please be aware that this information is intended to outline the general product features and functionality for SmartCloud for Social Business services, and does not represent a guarantee of performance. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. IBM may change the features described herein at any time, without notice. Service Features Below are features associated with each SmartCloud for Social Business service that are included as base capabilities: 1a.) SmartCloud Engage, SmartCloud Engage Standard, SmartCloud Engage for Enterprise Deployment File storage and sharing – The ability to upload and store files to a centralized library, the files may be access controlled private or shared with individual users or groups, as readers or authors. All file formats are acceptable, includes auto anti-virus checking upon upload. Tracks updates, version history, comments, download history, tagging as well as file suspend and release (aka: file check-in/check-out). 5 gigabytes of storage included in base offering. Web conferencing – The ability to host an online web meeting via an always ready, on-demand reservation-less meeting room. The web conference has the capability to support a meeting size from 1 to 1000 total attendees depending upon the Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 39 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution service plan and entitlement. Features include presentation publishing, application sharing, polling, instant messaging, attendee list, hand raising, pointers and highlighters, transfer host controls. (Note: SmartCloud for Enterprise Deployment offerings include Web meetings for up to 199 attendees). Activities – A team space for project management tasks such as tracking to-dos, information and actions around a project topic or meeting. Instant Messaging – The capability to chat with other SmartCloud for Social Business subscribers using instant messaging, also includes awareness capabilities. People – Contacts and profile management. Build and store your business network of end-users for discovery and interaction. Collaborate with business contacts inside and outside of your organization, even invite guests to participate in SmartCloud. Surveys – Survey creation and distribution to a single individual, a group of end-users or public access. Integrated nicely with Charts Dashboard – A single view of your social business network with one click access to applications and meetings, and an up to date view of events and content across your social network for rapid access to in progress work items, and quick access to support forums, profile and storage information. Communities – The ability to work together with people who have common interests, roles and expertise with shared files, activities, and bookmarks, quickly create and share new communities with customized permissions, search quickly for content across communities, send community emails, create wikis, blogs and ideation blogs, and discussion forums. 1b.) SmartCloud Connections 1 File storage and sharing – The ability to upload and store files to a centralized library, the files may be access controlled private or shared with individual users or groups, as readers or authors. All file formats are acceptable, includes auto anti-virus checking upon upload. Tracks updates, version history, comments, download history, tagging as well as file suspend and release (aka: file check-in/check-out). 5 gigabytes of storage included in base offering. 2 Activities – A team space for project management tasks such as tracking to-dos, information and actions around a project topic or meeting. 3 Instant Messaging – The capability to chat with other SmartCloud for Social Business subscribers using instant messaging, also includes awareness capabilities. 4 People – Contacts and profile management. Build and store your business network of end-users for discovery and interaction. Collaborate with business contacts inside and outside of your organization, even invite guests to participate in SmartCloud. 5 Web conferencing – Participate in unlimited online web meetings as an attendee. 6 Surveys – Participate in surveys. 7 Dashboard – A single view of your social business network with one click access to applications and meetings, and an up to date view of events and content across your social network for rapid access to in progress work items, and quick access to support forums, profile and storage information. 8 Communities – The ability to work together with people who have common interests, roles and expertise with shared files, activities, and bookmarks, quickly create and share new communities with customized permissions, search quickly for content across communities, send community emails, create wikis, blogs and ideation blogs, and discussion forums. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 40 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 1c.) IBM SmartCloud Meetings, IBM SmartCloud Meetings for Enterprise Deployment Web conferencing – ability to host a Web meeting via an always ready, on-demand meeting room. The web conference has capability to support anywhere from 1 to 1000 attendees depending upon service plan and entitlement. Application & Desktop Sharing – the host of a meeting can share their full desktop or select specific applications to share with the Web meeting audience. Control may be passed to a participant to share their applications or desktop as well. Note: a sharing plug-in is required. Publishing – Storing of a file for future presentation purposes. Calendar integration – Plug-ins that allow Lotus Notes and Microsoft Outlook users to add SmartCloud Meeting information to schedule invitations. Roster Controls - See who has joined your meeting, pass meeting control and manage questions and answers all from the roster. Participants can also get your attention by raising their hand Polling – Conduct ad-hoc polls with meeting participants. Annotation – Tools to mark-up and high-light presentations during a Web meeting. Videocasting – Broadcast video of the Web meeting host or a presenter who has been passed control and has an approved Web camera. Chat – Converse online with individuals, groups, or the entire audience of Web meeting participants 1d.) SmartCloud iNotes 1. Inbox that contains message view, system-created and user-created folders, ability to drag and drop messages into folders 2. Personal Contacts 3. Personal Calendar 4. Company Contacts and Company Calendar 5. Webmail, POP3, IMAP4 and Authenticated SMTP 6. Personal Signature 7. Global signature that can be used for creating a legal disclaimer on outbound messages 8. Anti-Spam protection 9. Real-time updates against viruses and malware 10. Mobile email access via IMAP IDLE 11. Multiple internet addresses for a single user 12. Weekly backups of mail data 13. 25 gigabytes of mailbox storage allocated for each user (additional storage available for purchase) 1e.) SmartCloud Notes, IBM SmartCloud Notes client download for use with IBM SmartCloud Notes, IBM SmartCloud Notes Step-Up Browser and/or installed Notes client access to mail, calendar and contacts Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 41 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution System-created views and user-created folders, ability to drag and drop messages into folders Integrated instant messaging from Sametime in SmartCloud Enterprise directory lookup Support for the “hybrid” environment where there is a mix of users on the service and on-premises Meeting invitation free/busy time search from on-premises Rooms and Resources Full calendar workflow including repeating meetings and invite delegation Digital signatures/per-message encryption Anti-Spam protection Real-time updates against viruses and malware Multiple Internet addresses for a single user Four mail file copies across two data centers are all encrypted on the server 25 gigabytes of mailbox storage allocated for each user (additional storage available for purchase) IBM SmartCloud Notes offerings do not include support for customized Notes or Domino mail templates as part of the standard service. Any such customization must be enabled under a separate additional entitlement. Customized mail templates are not guaranteed to function with subsequent updates to the Service. Retrofitting of customized mail templates may be contracted at your expense. 1f.) SmartCloud Plus/Engage Advanced File storage and sharing – The ability to upload and store files to a centralized library, the files may be access controlled private or shared with individual users or groups, as readers or authors. All file formats are acceptable, includes auto anti-virus checking upon upload. Tracks updates, version history, comments, download history, tagging as well as file suspend and release (aka: file check-in/check-out). 5 gigabytes of storage included in base offering. Web conferencing – The ability to host an online web meeting with up to 199 attendees via an always ready, on-demand reservation-less meeting room. Activities – A team space for project management tasks such as tracking to-dos, information and actions around a project topic or meeting. Instant Messaging – The capability to chat with other SmartCloud for Social Business subscribers using instant messaging, also includes awareness capabilities. People – Contacts and profile management. Build and store your business network of end-users for discovery and interaction. Collaborate with business contacts inside and outside of your organization, even invite guests to participate in SmartCloud. Surveys – Survey creation and distribution to a single individual, a group of end-users or public access. Integrated nicely with Charts Dashboard – A single view of your social business network with one click access to applications and meetings, and an up to date view of events and content across your social network for rapid access to in progress work items, and quick access to support forums, profile and storage information. Communities – The ability to work together with people who have common interests, roles and expertise with shared files, activities, and bookmarks, quickly create and share new communities with customized permissions, search quickly for content across communities, send community emails, create wikis, blogs and ideation blogs, and discussion forums. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 42 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Messaging features include: o Browser and/or installed Notes client access to mail, calendar and contacts o System-created views and user-created folders, ability to drag and drop messages into folders o Enterprise directory lookup o Support for the “hybrid” Notes environment where there is a mix of users on the service and on-premises o Meeting invitation free/busy time search from on-premises Rooms and Resources o Full calendar workflow including repeating meetings and invite delegation o Digital signatures/per-message encryption o Anti-Spam protection o Real-time updates against viruses and malware o Multiple Internet addresses for a single user o Four mail file copies across two data centers are all encrypted on the server o 25 gigabytes of mailbox storage allocated for each user Mobile Services o Delivery of mail, calendar and contacts to supported mobile devices, prerequisite SmartCloud Notes or SmartCloud Engage Advanced subscription o Supported device platforms include: Apple iOS, Nokia, Windows Mobile and Android. For specific device and operating system requirements, refer to: http://www01.IBM.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27023486#Lotus%20Notes%20Tra veler%20for%20LotusLiv The IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced offering does not include support for customized Notes or Domino mail templates as part of the standard service. Any such customization may be requested by Neovia in accordance with Section 4.3 (New Services) of the Base Terms. Such New Services may include retrofitting of customized mail templates that do not function with then-current updates to the IBM SmartCloud offering. SmartCloud for Social Business Services for Lotus Customers with Active Subscription & Support (S&S) - Purchasing Terms (Maximum Volume Restriction Customers may purchase "SmartCloud for Social Business for Lotus customers with Active S&S" offering subscriptions up to the amount of Lotus licenses they are current on Subscription & Support. The Lotus licenses with active S&S must be on Lotus product subscriptions (including WebSphere) purchased on an Authorized User basis (Products licenses/subscriptions purchased on a PVU basis do not quality). Systems Management IBM is responsible for monitoring and troubleshooting server or system issues for all SmartCloud for Social Business Services, including applying fixes to the service to resolve issues. Specifically, IBM will perform the following activities: ● Monitoring – Application server hardware devices and software will be monitored to help detect abnormal events or exceeded utilization or performance thresholds. The status of the operating systems, disk I/O, memory, system processes, critical application-layer daemons (background programs) and critical application-layer processes will also be monitored. ● Maintenance – All servers, applications and networks supporting the services will be operated, monitored and administered on a 24x365 basis using a mixture of on-site and on-call Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 43 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution support staff, automated server monitoring and automated paging technology. (NOTE: Planned maintenance windows will be in effect for all SmartCloud for Social Business services.) Note: Service Level Agreements associated with SmartCloud for Social Business offerings are covered under a separate attachment. (SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT – IBM SmartCloud Engage, IBM SmartCloud Connections, IBM SmartCloud iNotes and IBM SmartCloud Notes) Steady State Technical Support IBM SmartCloud Technical Support services are designed to help users get the most from the SmartCloud Notes, SmartCloud iNotes, SmartCloud Engage, and SmartCloud Connections services. These support services are described below. All communications with IBM SmartCloud Technical Support are offered in English language except where local language SmartCloud Support representatives are available. For a list of current local language support coverage, please consult IBM SmartCloud Client Services. Definitions "Named Administrator" means your company’s employees or designate who have been defined as having the Administrator responsibility for your company in the SmartCloud for Social Business Administration tool. These "Named Administrators" shall serve as your authorized representatives and contacts for “Named Administrator Support by Telephone” and “Named Administrator Support by Email”. In order to establish or change an Authorized Contact, you must update a user to have the role of company administrator in the SmartCloud Administration tool. These “Named Administrators” are expected to have advanced skills in the SmartCloud for Social Business technologies. “Severity 1 Support” means providing customer the ability to report Severity 1 problems 7x24x365 related to the Services. Severity 1 problems are defined as issues with Critical Business Impact or where the Service is down. For an issue to be defined as Severity 1, the service is determined to be unavailable for ‘all users’ or a major feature of the service is inoperable for ‘all users’ or a significant portion of your users are unable to use the service resulting in a critical impact on your business operations. Recognizing the urgent and emergency nature of a severity 1 problem, SmartCloud support will partner with SmartCloud systems management to continually work the problem until the business impact is mitigated. “Named Administrator Support by Telephone” means providing support by telephone to users designated as Administrator in their SmartCloud company, whether your company employees or designates, for issues related to the SmartCloud service that they have been unable to resolve. Named Administrator Support by Telephone is limited to Severity 1 issues – all other severities must be reported through Named Administrator Support by Email. Named Administrator Support by Telephone may be provided by a call back method or by live call method. “Named Administrator Support by Email” means providing support by email to users designated as Administrator in their SmartCloud company, whether your employees or designates, for issues related to the SmartCloud service that they have been unable to resolve. This service is available for all Severities of issues. “First Level support” is defined as making a commercially reasonable effort to resolve any problems regarding these SmartCloud services reported by your users or external parties. “Second Level support” is defined as providing escalation support for problems regarding the SmartCloud services that your company’s “Named Administrators” are unable to resolve. For such issues, IBM support shall work with “Named Administrators” to resolve the problem. “Call back” is defined as the method of providing telephone technical support involving the support requestor leaving a message and receiving a telephone call back from a SmartCloud Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 44 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution support specialist within the stated response objectives. “Live call” is defined as the method of providing telephone technical support involving the support requestor being placed into queue for the next available SmartCloud support specialist. “Severity 1” is defined as the severity level associated with issues where the service is determined to be unavailable for ‘all users’ or a major feature of the service is inoperable for ‘all users’ or a significant portion of your users are unable to use the service resulting in a critical impact on operations. “Severity 2” is defined as the severity level associated with issues where a major feature or function of the service is unavailable for a subset of end-users or a single partner, limiting immediate use of the product. The callers are able to access the service but their operations are severely restricted by the issue. “Severity 3” is defined as the severity level associated with routine and random feature/application issue (usually affecting a single customer or particular client configurations). The customer is able to use the service with some restrictions on the functions they can use. These restrictions, however, do not have a critical impact on their operations. “Severity 4” is defined as the technical issues with minimal client impact,, non-technical issues, or client service issues that can wait some number of days to resolve. The issue causes little or no impact to the customer's operations, or the customer/partner has found a way to work around the issue. SmartCloud for Social Business Support For the SmartCloud Notes, SmartCloud iNotes, SmartCloud Engage, and SmartCloud Connections services, IBM shall provide technical support to customer for problems regarding the SmartCloud Services. Technical Support shall include Severity 1 Support, Named Administrator Support by Telephone, and Named Administrator Support by email. Customer shall all provide first level support related to any problems regarding the SmartCloud services. First level support is defined as making a commercially reasonable effort to resolve any questions or problems regarding the SmartCloud services whether reported to the Customer by their users or external parties. For problems regarding the SmartCloud services that Customer is unable to resolve, IBM shall provide technical support. Technical support is intended to supplement the Customer’s support and administration staff by providing access to IBM SmartCloud Technical Support specialists for problems related to the SmartCloud services. Customer shall use points of contact designated as “Named Administrators” for contacting SmartCloud technical support to receive assistance in resolving such issues. Table 1 provides an overview of standard SmartCloud Technical Support access. At any time during troubleshooting, if IBM SmartCloud Technical Support determines that the problem is not caused by a fault or problem with the SmartCloud service, all technical support responsibilities will revert back to the Customer. The only case where SmartCloud Technical Support will accept direct contact from customer End Users is a “service down” issue regarding a Meeting or Event in progress, where meeting hosts or participants are unable to access services real-time. For problems reported to IBM SmartCloud Support, a Severity Level will be assigned. Severity Levels are determined by SmartCloud Technical Support based upon customer input regarding the business impact of the issue. The severity level of an open problem may change to match current business impact if the business impact has changed from when the severity level was first assigned. Customer named administrator contacts to SmartCloud Technical Support to report a problem or update/get status on a problem will be routed to a SmartCloud Technical Support specialist. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 45 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution IBM SmartCloud Technical Support's objective is to provide an initial response to your report within 2 business hours for severity 1 issues and within 1 business day for other issues. Table 1 provides an overview of standard SmartCloud Technical Support response objectives. IBM SmartCloud Technical Support will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide an initial response within these guidelines. Our initial response may be an acknowledgement of receipt of your issue, or may be a response that results in the resolution of your request, or may be a response that will form the basis for determining what additional actions may be required to achieve technical resolution of your request. Additional Premium Support services not covered in the scope of this agreement are available through Accelerated Value Program (AVP) at additional cost. SmartCloud for Social Business Support Offering Details Table 1 summarizes what support is available for each offering including details such as support hours and response objectives. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 46 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Table 1 – Overview of SmartCloud Technical Support access & SmartCloud Technical Support response objectives Offering SmartCloud iNotes SmartCloud Notes SmartCloud Engage SmartCloud Connections Email Support Telephone Support Named AdminisNamed Adminis- trator support only trator support only for SEV 1 issues only Named AdminisNamed Adminis- trator support only trator support only for SEV 1 issues only Named Administrator support only for SEV 1 issues only Named Administrator support only End user support for SEV 1 issues involving a Meeting or Event in progress. Named AdminisNamed Adminis- trator support only trator support only for SEV 1 issues only 7x24x365 Support Response Guideline For Severity 1 issues 2 hours for SEV 1 1 business day for other severities For Severity 1 issues 2 hours for SEV 1 1 business day for other severities For Severity 1 issues 2 hours for SEV 1 1 business day for other severities For Severity 1 issues 2 hours for SEV 1 1 business day for other severities Support and Administration Roles The SmartCloud Notes and SmartCloud Connections services have some unique administrative and support requirements based upon the standard support offering and the unique technologies involved. Table 2 and 3 explain the division of support and administration roles between the client and IBM for the SmartCloud services. To fulfill your company's administrative requirements and to get access to SmartCloud support services, you must name Administrators in the SmartCloud administration tool. Your Named Administrators will be able to administer your company account information, make changes to your company directory, and perform other administrative tasks detailed below. Additionally, these Named Administrators shall serve as your authorized contacts for engaging SmartCloud support. You may designate Named Administrators in the SmartCloud Administration tool up to the defined quantity. Number of "Named Administrators": a. Up to 1,000 authorized users –3 b. Up to 5,000 authorized users –6 c. Over 5,000 authorized users 7 plus 1 per 5,000 additional authorized users Table 2 – Support and Administration Roles – service oriented Service (Server) Oriented Support for Support for SmartCloud SmartCloud EniNotes and gage and ConSmartCloud nections SerProposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 Customer (or designated service provider) MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 47 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Infrastructure and Server monitoring Service side Utilities Manage Service Tasks Manage spam/virus filters Respond to customer named administrator questions concerning process and procedures. Implement spam filter’s black list and white list Table 3 – Support Roles – client side Client Oriented SmartCloud Notes Notes Client Problems SmartCloud iNotes SmartCloud Engage Notes Services Support for SmartCloud iNotes and Notes Service Escalation Support for defects and problems Escalation Support for defects and problems Escalation Support for defects and problems N/A SmartCloud Connections N/A Customization Problems N/A (IBM may assist on fee basis) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Browser Problems Mobile Device Problems Mobile Device Connectivity Problems Client Operating System Problems Client Hardware Problems Client Network Problems 3rd Party Application Problems End User “How to” Support vices N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Assist Support for SmartCloud Engage and Connections Service N/A Customer (or designated service provider) N/A First Level Support N/A First Level Support Escalation Support for defects and problems Escalation Support for defects and problems N/A (IBM may assist on fee basis) First Level Support N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A First Level Support First Level Support Client Services SmartCloud Client Services provides assistance to Named Administrators during the on-boarding process, and provides a set of standardized services during steady state operations. You will be assigned to a primary Client Services representative, although any Client Services representative may be assigned to assist you with a specific request. Client Services representatives are available for assistance from 6AM-6PM Eastern Time US, Monday through Friday only. Telephone (non toll free) and e-mail contact are both permitted. All communications with SmartCloud Client Services Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 48 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution are offered in English language or via a local language SmartCloud Support representative where available. 5.1 Account Provisioning and End-User Registration SmartCloud provides customer self-service for on-boarding and administration through an administrative console; the processes and responsibilities are described below. SmartCloud Client Services is responsible for account provisioning and initial Named Administrator setup. Upon request, Client Services will also execute a one-time initial end-user registration via a bulk load process. Client Services also provides escalation support for Named Administrators during subsequent enduser registrations. Additional customization services may be provided to the customer that could include subsequent end-user registrations and other account administration, and mail migration. These, and other customized services agreed to would be detailed in separate Statements of Work and are not included in the standard scope of the Service. Provisioning of SmartCloud requires user information to be provided by the customer. Below is the list of activities and responsibilities for the standard scope of Service. 5.1.a All Offerings (SmartCloud Engage, SmartCloud Connections, SmartCloud iNotes and SmartCloud Notes) Provisioning of SmartCloud offerings is handled through two processes (provisioning of accounts and end-user assignment). Some offerings may also have offering-specific activities which will be covered in subsequent sections of this document. Below is the list of common activities and responsibilities. Provisioning of Customer Account: Specification of details for initial named administrator account(s) Customer Setup of initial accounts for assignment Email administrative console login information to named administrator(s) End-user Registration and Acceptance: Specification of end-user details for initial bulk load in required format Customer o All offerings require name and e-mail address One-time initial bulk load of end user accounts Subsequent addition of end-user accounts via administrative console Customer Email automatically generated and sent to end-user with credentials Complete registration (password, country, language, terms acceptance) Customer IBM IBM IBM IBM All Other ID administration is the responsibility of the named administrator: Deletion of end-users Customer Change of end-user name or subscriptions Customer Password reset requests Customer 5.1.b SmartCloud iNotes Provisioning of SmartCloud iNotes requires initial setup actions specific to the offering, in addition to common setup activities. Below is the list of additional activities and responsibilities for this offering. Collection of Customer-specific Information Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 49 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Supply Global attributes to be applied – domain, time zones, mail routing Customer Complete Provisioning Checklist Customer End-user Registration and Acceptance: Specification of additional end-user details for initial bulk load Customer o Password or alternate e-mail address is required Confirm provisioning has been completed Customer Provision shell accounts and load PIM Data IBM 5.1.c SmartCloud Notes In order to receive the SmartCloud Notes Service, you must either: 1. Have or obtain a Proof of Entitlement (PoE) for “IBM SmartCloud Notes SaaS,” which includes a Fixed Term Use license (FTU) for the Domino Messaging Client Access License sufficient to cover all requested Authorized Users for the Service. Software licensed on a FTU basis may be used only in connection with the Service, and the duration of such FTU is coterminous with the Service. – or – 2. Obtain a Proof of Entitlement (PoE) for “IBM SmartCloud Notes” and 3. Have or obtain: 1) a separate license to use the Software governed by a separate license agreement (e.g., IBM International Program License Agreement, sufficient to cover all requested Authorized Users), and 2) an active Domino Enterprise Client Access License or Domino Messaging Client Access License (including coverage by an appropriate Lotus Domino server Subscription and Support agreement for the Software during the Term). Provisioning of SmartCloud Notes requires initial setup actions specific to the offering, in addition to common setup activities. Below is the list of additional activities and responsibilities for this offering. Existing Notes and Domino customers may elect to convert their current mail files to the service for an additional fee. Collection of Customer-specific Information Supply Global attributes to be applied – domain, time zones, mail routing Customer Installation of client software, if any, onto desktops Customer On-premises configuration services and configuration of client software, if any, on desktops Customer Provide workstation anti-virus scanning Customer Enforce and communicate to end-users mailbox quotas and baselines Customer Identity of optional “Lotus Notes Traveler for SmartCloud” subscribers Customer Installation or technical support services performed on your premises Customer Complete Provisioning Checklist Customer End-user Registration and Acceptance: Specification of additional end-user details for initial bulk load Customer Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 50 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution o Password is required Confirm Provisioning has been completed Customer Provision shell accounts and load PIM Data IBM Enroll and install SSL certificates, where applicable IBM Configuration and initial management set-up for service directory synchronization IBM 5.2 Training and Documentation IBM is committed to providing clients with quality software enablement to help you maximize your use of our products. SmartCloud provides a range of resources to help named administrators and end users adopt our services. 5.2.a Live Demonstrations SmartCloud Client Services provides a schedule of live (public) Training and Demonstration sessions. The following is a sample weekly schedule for live demonstrations: Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 51 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Sample Weekly Live Demonstration Schedule Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday 11:00 AM SmartCloud: SmartCloud: SmartCloud EST Overview Overview Events: Overview 2:00 PM EST SmartCloud SmartCloud SmartCloud Engage: Engage: Engage: UsYou’ve Regis- Groups and ing Files and tered – Now Meetings Instant MesWhat? saging Thursday SmartCloud: Overview Friday SmartCloud: Overview SmartCloud Engage: Leveraging Activities SmartCloud Engage: Forms and Charts Any user may register to attend one of these live demonstrations at: https://www.SmartCloud.com/training. 5.2.b Web Seminars SmartCloud Collaboration Web Seminars include general overviews about our integrated collaboration services, and use cases for how they can be applied to doing business. Attending these Web Seminars will help you to receive the most benefit from SmartCloud. Our experts will introduce SmartCloud Engage and discuss the following: Getting started with your company - including how to create your company presence, establish extranet contacts, host meetings, poll users, share documents and improve project communications with your vendors, partners and customers. Working productively with your partners and customers - including how to build your contacts, connect with companies, vendors and partners, and extend your business connections. Tips and tricks for using SmartCloud Engage. Any user may register to attend a Web seminar at: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/bhwiki.nsf/xpViewCategories.xsp?lookupName=Education 5.2.c Video Demonstrations SmartCloud also provides videos on our web site, which illustrate how to use SmartCloud through use cases. This is the link to the demos: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/bhwiki.nsf/xpViewCategories.xsp?lookupName=Education 5.2.d Wiki The SmartCloud Support Wiki's containing IBM and community created content for training and support. The current SmartCloud Wiki can be found here: http://www10.lotus.com/ldd/bhwiki.nsf/ 5.2.e SmartCloud Notes Resources For SmartCloud Notes additional information and resources for end-user training/documentation can be found below. Link to the main Lotus Notes page: http://www.ibm.com/notes Link to the learning materials for Lotus Notes, Lotus iNotes, and Lotus Notes Traveler on IBM developerWorks: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/notes Link to the Multimedia Library for Notes 8.x/8.5x is now in use by over a million Notes clients worldwide: http://www01.ibm.com/software/lotus/training/multimedialibrary.html. This resource is available to clients at additional charge. 5.3 On-boarding Assistance Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 52 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution SmartCloud Client Services provides additional customized on-boarding assistance for large customers. Any customer, who has purchased more than 1,000 seats of SmartCloud services, qualifies for planning and delivery of 1 hour of customized on-boarding sessions per 1,000 seats purchased. These sessions will be delivered by Web Conference and are subject to Client Services language and hours guidelines. Topics that customers may elect to include in these customized sessions are: Using any of the SmartCloud family of services Administration of SmartCloud “Ask the Experts” open Q&A for end users “Ask the Experts” open Q&A for named administrators On-site on-boarding assistance for end users and administrators, help desk training, and other “hyper-care” services may be made available by IBM for an additional fee. These, and other customized services agreed to, would be detailed in separate Statements of Work and are not included in the standard scope of the Service. 5.4 Other Steady State Client Services IBM SmartCloud Client Services provides limited steady state assistance for SmartCloud customers. Areas where Named Administrators can contact Client Services for assistance are: Escalation support for problems regarding Administration Console Questions about standardized training and how-to resources Questions about your SmartCloud account (e.g. subscriptions purchased, expiration and renewal guidance, provisioning status – will refer to IBM Customer Fulfillment for ordering & billing questions) Assistance obtaining standardized user and SLA reports Ability to proactively notify one named administrator about upcoming planned maintenance and severity 1 incidents in progress If additional steady state assistance is desired or other services not within Client Services availability guidelines, customers are encouraged to contact IBM Lotus about our Accelerated Value Program (AVP). AVP services are offered at additional charge, and would be detailed in separate Statements of Work and are not included in the standard scope of the Service. Web Delivery Platform Service Management Service Management consists of disciplines designed to help ensure quality delivery of IT services in support of business goals. IT Service is a collection of IT components (including hardware, software, facilities, people and procedures) that meet a standard, well-known business need. IT Service Management is the integrated management of the people, processes, technologies and information required to ensure the cost and quality of IT services valued by the customer. IT Service Management is a framework for the management of capabilities and standard services which involves creating, delivering, and providing services. Web Delivery Operations supports the following services management processes: Service Level Monitoring and Reporting Design, implementation and deployment services Architecture Support Project Management Services Implementation Services Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 53 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Availability Management Change/Problem Management Image/Patch Management Capacity Management Security Management Web Delivery Platform Architecture Facilities The Web Delivery Platform infrastructure currently runs in three separate data center facilities. Located in California and Virginia, these locations are designed to provide physical security, power and cooling infrastructure, cages and racks, and basic onsite support services. Datacenter Support Services Web Delivery Operation’s support model depends on redundant, enterprise-level hardware, standardized and optimized for data center racking, and supported by rapid response maintenance contracts. Network Architecture The physical network supporting the Lotus OCS SaaS offerings is physically modeled after IBM’s standard three-layer hierarchical model architecture. The network is virtualized through the use of zones and traffic separation helping to provide a flexible blend of shared and dedicated environment capabilities driven by application requirements. The Customer Traffic and Administration Services hardware are layered into the infrastructure in a virtual configuration designed to provide security, traffic management, and remote access for the infrastructure and for the applications. Server Architecture The physical implementation of servers within the Lotus SaaS environment is highly standardized and utilizes IBM hardware. Security and Compliance Security and Compliance activities in the Web Delivery Platform encompass a broad range of topics including the identification and specification of appropriate internal IBM and external governing security policies, standards, and processes. In general, WDP attempts to apply security configurations consistent with IBM Internal specifications. This is designed to allow WDP to apply industry acceptable standards, which can be easily mapped to other international security standards and best practices such as ISO 27000 series. IBM will perform internal IBM reviews and compliance management activities prior to deployment or major change to the Service, pursuant to the following internal IBM policies: ITCS104 - Internal Standard for IT Security of IBM Managed Systems and FIN151 - The IBM Policy for Application Systems Controls and Auditability. In addition to security configurations, the WDP Security function identifies, establishes and documents security process documents. The documentation of supporting operational process and technology helps ensure security requirements are enabled. These processes include but are not limited to: Establishment of Services, which documents the build process for systems and platforms and includes configuration specification and incorporates several control activities User Management, which will document the process for granting modification and deletion of user access requirements as well as potential limitations to access for individual user categories such as Root access or Developer production Access Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 54 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Separation of Duties, this process identifies tasks and roles of individuals interacting with applications and systems and identifies and tracks proper and improper role and task interactions by user/groups. Systems Health Checking is a process by which we identify and execute activities related to validation of security configurations on a periodic basis. In addition to the active security and process activities the WDP performs active compliance control activities such as system security testing, and compliance artifact and document retention. Backup and Restore Data retention policies are only applicable during the period of active entitlement, and do not reflect data retention commitments for expired entitlements or deleted accounts. SmartCloud iNotes: 6 Daily local database backups, daily disk snapshots with data retained for 7 days 7 Snap mirrors provided for multiple disk and chassis failures 8 Local mail backup in 7 day cycles retained for 30 days NOTE: It is possible that a message, which is received and deleted in between daily snapshots, may not be captured by the backup system. The backup solution is used for disaster recovery purposes, and is not designed for individual mailbox restores. SmartCloud Notes: SmartCloud Notes provides backups by maintaining four copies of each mail file. There are two in our primary data center and two in our secondary data center. SmartCloud Notes strives to deliver a high availability service through use of Lotus Domino Clustering technology. Mail is replicated in real-time to the secondary site to provide for recovery in the event of a site disaster The default retention period for user deleted email is 14 days where deleted mail can be selfrestored. SmartCloud Engage and Connections: standby) Mirror backup upon content save/update/delete, near instantaneously (warm Daily local disk backup (encrypted) retained for 30 days Daily off-site back-up in DR Site NOTE: The backup solution is used for disaster recovery purposes and is not designed for individual or organizational restores. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 55 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 5.1 APPENDIX B SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT for IBM SmartCloud Engage, IBM SmartCloud Connections, IBM SmartCloud Meetings, IBM SmartCloud Events, IBM SmartCloud iNotes and IBM SmartCloud Notes IBM provides this SLA to its Customers subject to the following terms. The version of this SLA that is current at the commencement or renewal of the term of your subscription will apply. You understand that SLA does not constitute a warranty to you. 1. Definitions a. “Authorized Contact” means the individual you have specified to IBM who is authorized to submit Claims under this SLA. b. "Availability Credit" means the remedy IBM will provide for a validated Claim. The Availability Credit will be applied in the form of a credit or discount against a future invoice of subscription charges for the Service. c. “Claim” means a claim submitted by your Authorized Contact to IBM pursuant to this SLA that a Service Level has not been met during a Contracted Month. d. "Contracted Month" means each full month during the term of the Service measured from 12:00 a.m. EST on the first day of the month through 11:59 p.m. EST on the last day of the month. e. “Customer” means an entity subscribing for the Service directly from IBM, which has entitlement for at least five hundred (500) authorized users of the Service at the time of submitting a Claim, and which is not in default of any material obligations, including payment obligations, under its contract with IBM for the Service. f. “Downtime” means a period of time during which production system processing for the Service has stopped and all of your users are unable to use all aspects of the Service for which they have appropriate permissions. Downtime does not include the period of time when the Service is not available as a result of: a. b. c. d. Planned System Downtime. Force Majeure. Problems with Customer or third party applications, equipment or data. Customer or third party acts or omissions (including anyone gaining access to the Service by means of your passwords or equipment). e. Failure to adhere to required system configurations and supported platforms for accessing the Service. g. “Event” means a circumstance or set of circumstances taken together, resulting in a failure to meet a Service Level. h. “Force Majeure” means acts of God, terrorism, labor action, fire, flood, earthquake, riot, war, governmental acts, orders or restrictions, viruses, denial of service attacks and other malicious conduct, utility and network connectivity failures, or any other cause of Service unavailability that was outside IBM’s reasonable control. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 56 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution i. “Planned System Downtime” means a scheduled outage of the Service for the purpose of service maintenance. j. “Service” means the IBM SmartCloud service(s) to which this SLA applies, as shown on the first page of this SLA. This SLA applies to each Service individually and not in combination. k. “Service Level” means the standard set forth below by which IBM measures the level of service it provides in this SLA. 2. Availability Credits In order to be eligible to submit a Claim you must have logged a support ticket for each Event with the IBM customer support help desk for the applicable Service, in accordance with IBM procedure for reporting Severity 1 support issues. You must provide all necessary detailed information about the Event and reasonably assist IBM with the diagnosis and resolution of the Event to the extent required for Severity 1 support tickets. Such ticket must be logged within twenty-four (24) hours of your first becoming aware that the Event has impacted your use of the Service. Your Authorized Contact must submit your Claim for an Availability Credit no later than three (3) business days after the end of the Contracted Month which is the subject of the Claim. Your Authorized Contact must provide to IBM all reasonable details regarding the Claim, including but not limited to, detailed descriptions of all relevant Events and the Service Level claimed not to have been met. IBM will measure and report internally total combined Downtime during each Contracted Month. For each valid Claim, IBM will apply the highest applicable Availability Credit based on the total combined Downtime during each Contracted Month. IBM will not be liable for multiple Availability Credits for the same Event in the same Contracted Month. For Bundled Services (individual Services packaged and sold together for a single combined price), the Availability Credit will be calculated based on the single combined monthly price for the Bundled Service, and not the monthly subscription fee for each individual Service. You may only submit Claims relating to one individual Service in a bundle in any Contracted Month, and IBM will not be liable for Availability Credits with respect to more than one Service in a bundle in any Contracted Month. For Services purchased as part of an Enterprise Software and Services Option (ESSO), Software and Services Special Option (SSSO) or Open Infrastructure Offering (OIO) relationship, the Availability Credit will be calculated based on the then-current published Relationship Suggested Value Price (RSVP) for the Service in effect for the Contracted Month which is the subject of the Claim. The total Availability Credits awarded with respect to any Contracted Month shall not, under any circumstance, exceed 10 percent (10%) of one twelfth (1/12th) of the annual charge paid by you to IBM for the Service. IBM will use its reasonable judgment to validate Claims based on information available in IBM’s records, which will prevail in the event of a conflict with data in your records. THE AVAILABILITY CREDITS PROVIDED TO YOU IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS SLA ARE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 57 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 3. Service Levels – Availability of Service during a Contracted Month Achieved Service Level during a Contracted Month Availability Credit <99.9% (% of Monthly Subscription Fee for Contracted Month which is the subject of a Claim) 2% <99.0% 5% <95% 10% “Achieved Service Level” percentage is calculated as: (a) the total number of minutes in a Contracted Month, minus (b) the total number of minutes of Downtime in a Contracted Month, divided by (c) the total number of minutes in a Contracted Month, with the resulting fraction expressed as a percentage. Example: 50 minutes total Downtime during Contracted Month 43,200 total minutes in a 30 day Contracted Month – 50 minutes Downtime = 43,150 minutes _______________________________________________ 43,200 total minutes in a 30 day Contracted Month = 2% Availability Credit for 99.8% Achieved Service Level 4. Exclusions. This SLA is made available only to IBM Customers. This SLA does not apply to the following: Beta and trial Services. Claims made by an IBM Customer’s users, guests, participants and permitted invitees of the Service. If you have breached any material obligations under the Terms of Use, Acceptable Use Policy or your contract for the Service, including without limitation, breach of any payment obligations. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 58 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 5.3 APPENDIX C IBM SaaS Terms of Use IBM SmartCloud for Social Business The terms of this IBM Terms of Use are in addition to those of the IBM International Passport Advantage Agreement or IBM International Passport Advantage Express Agreement as applicable ("Agreement"). Carefully read these IBM SaaS Terms of Use ("Terms of Use" or "TOU") before using the IBM SaaS and any associated Enabling Software. Customer may use the IBM SaaS and Enabling Software only if Customer first accepts these Terms of Use. By ordering, accessing or using the IBM SaaS or Enabling Software or clicking on an "Accept" button, Customer agrees to these Terms of Use. IF YOU ARE ACCEPTING THESE TERMS ON BEHALF OF CUSTOMER, YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU HAVE FULL AUTHORITY TO BIND CUSTOMER TO THESE TERMS OF USE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE TERMS OF USE OR DO NOT HAVE FULL AUTHORITY TO BIND CUSTOMER TO THESE TERMS OF USE THEN DO NOT IN ANY MANNER USE OR PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THE FUNCTIONALITY OFFERED AS PART OF THE IBM SAAS OR USE ANY ENABLING SOFTWARE. Part 1 – General Terms 1. Purpose These Terms of Use are for the following IBM SaaS offerings: ● IBM SmartCloud Engage ● IBM SmartCloud Engage Standard ● IBM SmartCloud Engage Standard for Enterprise Deployment ● IBM SmartCloud Engage Standard Enterprise Deployment for Lotus Customers with Active S&S ● IBM SmartCloud Advanced ● IBM SmartCloud Meetings ● IBM SmartCloud Meetings Enterprise Deployment ● IBM SmartCloud Meetings Enterprise Deployment for Lotus Customers with Active S&S ● IBM SmartCloud iNotes ● IBM SmartCloud Connections ● IBM SmartCloud Notes ● IBM Lotus Notes (client download for use with IBM SmartCloud Notes) ● IBM SmartCloud Notes Hosted Blackberry Service ● IBM SmartCloud Notes Step-Up ● IBM SmartCloud Notes Traveler Services ● IBM SmartCloud for Active Lotus S&S Customers ● IBM SmartCloud Plus Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 59 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution For the purpose of this ToU only, the term "IBM SaaS" refers to the specific IBM SaaS offering set forth in this Section 1. Customer may use the IBM SaaS only during a valid Subscription Period. 2. Definitions Capitalized terms not defined in these Terms of Use are defined in the IBM International Passport Advantage Agreement or IBM International Passport Advantage Express Agreement, as applicable. Enabling Software – any Program and associated materials provided to Customer by IBM or a third party as part of the IBM SaaS offering in order to facilitate access to and use of IBM SaaS. Privacy Practice – the Privacy Practice, located on the Internet at http://www.ibm.com/privacy, and any subsequent modification. 3. General Charge Terms 3.1 Metrics Authorized User – is a unit of measure by which the IBM SaaS offering may be purchased. An Authorized User is a unique person who is given access to IBM SaaS. Customer must obtain separate, dedicated entitlements for each Authorized User accessing the IBM SaaS offering in any manner directly or indirectly (for example: via a multiplexing program, device, or application server) through any means. An entitlement for an Authorized User is unique to that Authorized User and may not be shared, nor may it be reassigned other than for the permanent transfer of the Authorized User entitlement to another person. Host with up to X Participants – is a unit of measure by which the IBM SaaS offering may be purchased. The Host is a specific user with access rights to a personal account that allows them to hold an unlimited number of meetings with up to the number of participants specified in the Customer's Proof of Entitlement. Only one meeting per Host can be held at one time. 3.2 Charges & Billing 3.2.1 Billing Options The available billing options are annually or monthly for the Subscription Period. Subscription Periods may be obtained for one, two or three year duration. The amount payable and billing frequency for the IBM SaaS is specified in the Transaction Document. 3.2.2 Partial Month Charges The Partial Month charge is a pro-rated daily rate that will be charged to Customer. The Partial Month Charges are calculated based on the remaining days of the partial month starting on the date Customer is notified by IBM that their access to the IBM SaaS is available. The IBM SaaS Subscription Period begins on the date that IBM notifies Customer that Customer has access to the IBM SaaS. The end date of a Subscription Period as specified in a Transaction Document is the last day of a month, unless otherwise specified in a Transaction Document as a specific date of the month. 3.2.3 Overage Charges If Customer's actual usage of the IBM SaaS exceeds the entitlement specified in a PoE or Transaction Document, then Customer will be invoiced for the overage in accordance with the overage rates specified in the applicable PoE or Transaction Document. 4. Account Creation and Access When IBM SaaS Users register for an account ("Account"), IBM may provide the IBM SaaS User with an Account identification and password. Customer is responsible for ensuring that each IBM SaaS User manages and keeps their Account information current. At any time Customer may request that any Personal Data provided as part of registering for an Account or use of the IBM SaaS be corrected or removed from Account information and this information will be corrected or removed, but removal may prevent access to the IBM SaaS. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 60 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Customer is responsible for ensuring that each IBM SaaS User protects their Account identification and password and controls who may access an IBM SaaS User Account or use any IBM SaaS on Customer's behalf. 5. Trade-Ups Certain IBM SaaS offerings may be acquired for a reduced charge to replace qualifying IBM SaaS offerings. Customer agrees that IBM will terminate Customer's use of the replaced IBM SaaS offering when Customer is provided access to the replacement IBM SaaS offering. 6. Enabling Software This IBM SaaS offering may include Enabling Software provided by IBM or a third party supplier. If Customer downloads or installs any Enabling Software, Customer agrees not to use such Enabling Software for any purpose other than to facilitate or enable Customer's access and use of the IBM SaaS. If Enabling Software is presented with a separate license agreement (for example, the IBM International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs ("ILAN") or other IBM or third party license agreement) at the time of installation or download, such separate agreement will govern its use. Customer agrees that Customer accepts such terms by accepting this ToU or downloading, installing, or using the Enabling Software. Enabling Software for the IBM SaaS includes but is not limited to: ● IBM Lotus Notes (client download for use with IBM SmartCloud Notes) ● IBM SmartCloud Sametime Meetings Download ● Plug-ins for IBM SmartCloud Meetings 7. Suspension of IBM SaaS and Termination 7.1 Suspension In the event of a breach of the Terms of Use, Agreement, or Acceptable Use Policy, misappropriation of IBM intellectual property or violation of applicable law by an IBM SaaS User, IBM reserves the right to suspend or revoke the offending IBM SaaS User's access to the IBM SaaS, and/or delete the offending IBM SaaS User's Content, at any time. IBM will notify Customer of any suspension or revocation action. 7.2 Termination IBM may terminate Customer's access to IBM SaaS for cause if Customer does not comply with the terms of the Agreement or this ToU and such noncompliance is not remedied within a reasonable time after receiving written notice from IBM. Upon termination, Customer's access and other rights to the IBM SaaS will be cancelled and cease. In such event Customer and its IBM SaaS Users must cease any further use of the IBM SaaS and destroy any copies of the associated Enabling Software within Customer's possession or control. 8. Renewal of a Subscription Period 8.1 Automatic Renewal of a Subscription Period The terms of the first two paragraphs of Section 3.5.4 of the Agreement: Annual Renewal of Software Subscription and Support and Selected Support, including any applicable Country-unique terms, apply to this IBM SaaS offering except that for purposes of these Terms of Use the words "software subscription and support" or "Selected Support" are replaced by the words "IBM SaaS Subscription Period". 8.2 Customer Renewal Required In the event, that a Customer's entitlement for the IBM SaaS does not include automatic renewal, then the IBM SaaS is not subject to automatic renewal and the Customer may renew a Subscription Period by placing an order either directly with IBM or through an IBM reseller, as applicable. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 61 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 9. Emergency Maintenance & Scheduled Maintenance IBM may perform regularly scheduled maintenance during maintenance windows defined by IBM. Other scheduled and non-scheduled down times may occur. IBM SaaS will not be available during these times. 10. Updates; Applicable Terms and Authorization for Auto Updates These Terms of Use apply to all enhancements, modifications, variations, revisions, updates, supplements, add-on components, and replacements for the IBM SaaS (collectively, "Updates") that IBM may provide or make available for the IBM SaaS, subject to any additional terms provided by IBM applicable to such Updates. Customer authorizes IBM to, and agrees that IBM may, in accordance with IBM's standard operating procedures, automatically transmit, access, install, and otherwise provide Updates to IBM SaaS without further notice or need for consent. IBM has no obligation to, and nothing in these Terms of Use may be construed to require IBM to, create, provide, or install Updates. 11. Updates to Terms of Use IBM reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use, only with respect to prospective use of IBM SaaS, at any time, by providing notice of such modified terms to Customer. Customer's continued use of IBM SaaS constitutes Customer's acceptance to be bound by any such modified Terms of Use. 12. Technical Support Technical support for the IBM SaaS is included during the Subscription Period. Technical support options are detailed at http://www.ibmcloud.com/social/support/. Items Not Covered by Technical Support Technical support does not include assistance with: a. the design and development of applications, b. issues arising out of Customer's use of IBM SaaS in other than its specified operating environment, or c. assistance with Customer or third party products and services, or issues arising out of the use of IBM SaaS with Customer or third party products or services. 13. Data Privacy and Data Security 13.1 Customer's Obligations In relation to all Personal Data provided by or through Customer to IBM, Customer will be responsible as the sole data controller for complying with all applicable data protection or similar laws such as, but not limited to, EU Directive 95/46/EC (and laws implementing that Directive) that regulate the processing of Personal Data including special categories of data, as such terms are defined in that Directive (and laws implementing that Directive). Customer agrees to obtain all legally required consents, authorizations and approvals and make all necessary disclosures before (i) including any Personal Data in Content and (ii) using the Enabling Software and IBM SaaS. Customer confirms and acknowledges that it is solely responsible for any Personal Data that may be contained in Content, including any information which any IBM SaaS User shares with third parties on Customer's behalf. Customer is solely responsible for determining the purposes and means of processing any Personal Data by IBM under these Terms of Use, including that such processing according to Customer's instructions will not place IBM in breach of applicable data protection laws. IBM SaaS is not intended for the storage or receipt of any Sensitive Personal Information or Protected Health Information (as defined below), in any form, and Customer will be responsible for reasonable costs and other amounts IBM may incur relating to any such information provided to IBM or the loss or disclosure of such information by IBM, including those arising out of any third party claims. "Sensitive Personal Information" is; 1) Personal Data, the loss of which would trigger a Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 62 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution data breach notification requirement, and includes, but is not limited to financial information, country identification number (e.g. Social Insurance Number (SIN), Social Security Number (SSN)) or other governmentally issued identification number such as driver's license or passport number, bank account number, credit card or debit card number; and 2) Personal Data relating to racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or political opinions or religious, ideological or philosophical beliefs or activities or trade union membership. "Protected Health Information" is "individually identifiable health information" as defined under the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), as amended. Customer agrees that when IBM reasonably determines it to be useful in its provision of IBM SaaS, IBM may transfer Content, including any Personal Data, across a country border to the entities and countries notified to Customer. Customer consents to IBM SaaS being provided by such entities in such countries, and is solely responsible for determining that any transfer of any Personal Data across a country border under the terms of the Terms of Use complies with applicable data protection laws. IBM shall reasonably cooperate with Customer, for Customer's own benefit or for the benefit of a Customer data controller, in its fulfillment of any legal requirement, including obtaining mandatory approvals. If IBM makes a change to the way it processes or secures Personal Data as part of IBM SaaS and the change causes Customer to be noncompliant with data protection laws applicable to it, Customer may terminate the current Subscription Period for the affected IBM SaaS, by providing written notice to IBM within thirty (30) days of IBM's notification of the change to Customer. Any such termination will not obligate IBM to issue a refund or credit to Customer. 13.2 IBM's Obligations IBM will only process Personal Data in a manner that is reasonably necessary to provide IBM SaaS, and only for that purpose. IBM will only process Personal Data in delivering IBM SaaS as described by IBM, and Customer agrees that the description provided by IBM is consistent with Customer's processing instructions. . Upon Customer's written request, following termination or expiry of either this ToU or the Agreement, IBM will destroy or return to Customer all Content that Customer identifies as Personal Data. If Customer or a Customer data controller is required by applicable data protection laws to provide information about or access to Personal Data to any individual or to a relevant authority, IBM will reasonably cooperate with Customer in providing such information or access. 13.3 Security Practices IBM maintains practices and procedures, which may be revised periodically, regarding the systems used to host and operate the IBM SaaS, which practices and procedures are designed to reduce the vulnerability of our systems to intrusions or wrongful conduct that may interfere with, misappropriate, or otherwise damage the Content or Customer's use of the IBM SaaS. A description of the practices and procedures applicable to the IBM SaaS, including applicable technical and operational measures, is available to Customer upon request. Customer is responsible for determining whether these practices and procedures are adequate to meet Customer's requirements. By using the IBM SaaS, Customer acknowledges its acceptance of the IBM practices and procedures and their adequacy for Customer's purposes. Except as specifically provided in the Security Practices for the IBM SaaS, IBM makes no representations or warranties regarding any security functions or that the IBM SaaS or Customer's content are secure from any intrusions or wrongful conduct. 14. Compliance with Applicable Export Law Each party agrees to comply with all applicable import and export laws and regulations, including those of the United States regarding embargo and sanctions regulations and prohibitions on export by certain end users or for any prohibited end uses (including nuclear, space or missile, and chemical and biological weapons). Customer represents that Content will not, in whole or part, be controlled under the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR). Customer acknowledges that IBM may use global resources (non-permanent residents used locally and personnel in locations worldwide) to remotely support the delivery of IBM SaaS. Customer represents that no Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 63 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution Content accessible to IBM for the IBM SaaS will require an export license or is restricted from export to any IBM global resource or personnel under applicable export control laws. 15. Indemnity Customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold IBM harmless against any third party claim arising out of or relating to: 1) violation of the Acceptable Use policy by Customer or any IBM SaaS User; or 2) Content created within IBM SaaS or provided, uploaded, or transferred to IBM SaaS by Customer or any IBM SaaS User. 16. Copyright Infringement It is IBM's policy to respect the intellectual property rights of others. To report the infringement of copyrighted material, please visit the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notices Page at http://www.ibm.com/legal/us/en/dmca.html. 17. Warranty and Exclusions 17.1 No Warranty SUBJECT TO ANY STATUTORY WARRANTIES THAT CANNOT BE EXCLUDED, IBM MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE IBM SAAS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND TITLE, AND ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. IBM does not make any representation that it will provide uninterrupted, secure, or error-free operation of IBM SaaS or that IBM will able to prevent third party disruptions of IBM SaaS or that IBM will correct all defects. Customer is responsible for the results obtained from the use of the IBM SaaS. 18. IBM SaaS Offering Unique Terms 18.1 Profiles In connection with Customer's use of the IBM SaaS, Customer acknowledges and agrees that: (i) IBM SaaS User names, titles, company names and photographs may be posted by an IBM SaaS User as part of a profile ("Profile") and that the Profile can be viewed by other IBM SaaS Users, and (ii) at any time Customer may request that an IBM SaaS User Profile be corrected or removed from the IBM SaaS and such Profile will be corrected or removed, but removal may prevent access to the IBM SaaS. 18.2 Third Party Services The IBM SaaS may contain links to, or be used to access, interact with or share Content with third party websites or services ("Third Party Services"). If an IBM SaaS User transmits Content to a Third Party Service, Customer will ensure that IBM has all necessary permissions and consent to enable any such transmission of Content, but such interaction is solely between the IBM SaaS User and the third party website or service. IBM makes no warrantees or representations about such Third Party Services, and shall have no liability for such Third Party Services. Access can be terminated by the relevant third parties at their sole discretion at any time. The IBM SaaS User may be required to enter into separate agreements with the third parties for access to or use of such Third Party Services. IBM is not a party to any such separate agreements and as an express condition of these Terms of Use, Customer will ensure that the IBM SaaS User complies with the terms of such separate agreements. 18.3 Additional Restrictions In addition to the restrictions contained in the Agreement, Customer may not: a. Use the IBM SaaS on a "pass-through" basis to host collaboration among external guest users without Customer's active participation. b. Use the IBM SaaS on a timeshare or service bureau basis, or to operate a website or host an online business unless expressly permitted under another written agreement with IBM. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 64 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution c. 18.4 Use the IBM SaaS to develop, offer or promote a service or product that is competitive with the IBM SaaS. Limitation on Participant Access for IBM SmartCloud Engage and IBM SmartCloud Meetings Each Authorized User may host Web meetings with up to 14, 199, or 999 participants or attendees as specified in the PoE. 18.5 Restricted Use for IBM SmartCloud Enterprise Deployment, IBM SmartCloud Engage Advanced, and IBM SmartCloud for Lotus Customers with Active Support and Subscription If Customer has obtained a Proof of Entitlement for IBM SmartCloud Advanced, IBM SmartCloud Engage for Enterprise Deployment or IBM SmartCloud Meetings for Enterprise Deployment, then each Authorized User may have up to 200 attendees on a SmartCloud Web meeting. Only IBM SaaS Users within Customer's Enterprise for whom Customer has obtained an entitlement to use any SmartCloud IBM SaaS offering covered by these Terms of Use, excluding SmartCloud iNotes, may access or utilize the functions of SmartCloud Engage for Enterprise Deployment or SmartCloud Meetings for Enterprise Deployment. This restriction shall not affect guest users. 18.6 IBM SmartCloud Notes Entitlement Conditions Customer's use of IBM SmartCloud Notes is conditioned upon having obtained one of the following entitlements: a. A Proof of Entitlement for IBM SmartCloud Notes, which includes as Enabling Software one fixed term license of the IBM Lotus Notes (client for use with IBM SmartCloud Notes per Authorized User). - or - 18.7 b. A Proof of Entitlement for IBM SmartCloud Notes Step Up, and c. A separately obtained Proof of Entitlement and active Subscription and Support per Authorized User for one of the following programs: Domino Enterprise Client Access License or Domino Messaging Client Access License or Domino Messaging Express or Domino Collaboration Express. Notice Regarding Recording Meetings IBM SMARTCLOUD MEETINGS AND IBM SMARTCLOUD ENGAGE MAY ALLOW AN IBM SAAS USER TO RECORD MEETINGS. THE LAWS OF SOME JURISDICTIONS MAY REQUIRE THE CONSENT OF INDIVIDUALS PRIOR TO RECORDING THEIR COMMUNICATIONS. Customer will ensure that IBM SaaS Users obtain all necessary consents and make all necessary disclosures before recording meetings. 18.8 Notice Regarding Content Filtering IBM SmartCloud Notes and IBM SmartCloud iNotes employs tools to monitor the IBM SaaS, investigate spam and virus attacks and apply proprietary as well as industry standard technology measures in order to block or filter Content that appear to be unsolicited and bulk, and/or malicious in nature. IBM reserves the right (but shall have no obligation) to block communications from other entities on the Internet. IBM reserves the right (but shall have no obligation) to pre-screen, review, flag, filter, modify, refuse or remove any or all Content. 19. General If any provision of these Terms of Use is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use remain in full force and effect. Failure by either party to insist on strict performance or to exercise a right when entitled does not prevent either party from doing so at a later time, either in relation to that default or any subsequent one. Any terms of these Terms of Use that by their nature extend beyond termination of these Terms of Use or the applicable Subscription Period remain in effect until fulfilled, and apply to respective successors and assignees. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 65 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution 20. Entire Agreement The complete agreement between the parties, replacing any prior oral or written communications between Customer and IBM, consists of these Terms of Use and the Agreement. If there is a conflict among the terms of these Terms of Use and the Agreement, then these Terms of Use prevail over the Agreement. Additional or different terms in any written communication from Customer (such as a purchase order, acknowledgement or e-mail) are void. These Terms of Use may only be amended as set forth herein. Part 2 – Country-unique Terms The following terms replace or modify the referenced terms in Part 1. All terms in Part 1 that are not changed by these amendments remain unmodified and in effect. This Part 2 is comprised of amendments to this Terms of Use and is organized as follows: ● Asia Pacific country amendments; and ● Europe, Middle East, and Africa country amendments. ASIA PACIFIC COUNTRY AMENDMENTS AUSTRALIA 17.1. No Warranty The following is added to the end of Section 17.1: Although IBM specifies that there are no warranties, Customer may have certain rights under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 or other legislation and are only limited to the extent permitted by the applicable legislation. NEW ZEALAND 17.1. No Warranty The following is added to the end of Section 17.1: Although IBM specifies that there are no warranties, Customer may have certain rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or other legislation which cannot be excluded or limited. The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply in respect of any goods which IBM provides, if Customer requires the goods for the purposes of a business as defined in that Act. EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA (EMEA) COUNTRY AMENDMENTS EUROPEAN UNION MEMBER STATES The following is added to Section 17: Warranty and Exclusions In the European Union ("EU"), consumers have legal rights under applicable national legislation governing the sale of consumer goods. Such rights are not affected by the provisions set out in this Section 17: Warranty and Exclusions. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 66 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution AUSTRIA 17. Warranty and Exclusions If you paid a charge for the IBM SaaS then the Section 17 Warranty and Exclusions is replaced in its entirety by the following: 17. Warranties and Exclusions IBM provides the IBM SaaS in conformity with its descriptions as contained in the IBM SaaS announcement and maintains it in this condition for the term of the IBM SaaS. IBM, its Affiliates and suppliers disclaim all further warranties ("Ausschluß der Gewährleistung"). Warranties, if any, for Enabling Software supplied as part of this IBM SaaS may be found in their license agreements. GERMANY 17. Warranty and Exclusions If you paid a charge for the IBM SaaS then the Section 17 Warranty and Exclusions is replaced in its entirety by the following: 17. Warranties and Exclusions IBM provides the IBM SaaS in conformity with its descriptions as contained in the IBM SaaS announcement and maintains it in this condition for the term of the IBM SaaS. IBM, its Affiliates and suppliers disclaim all further warranties ("Ausschluß der Gewährleistung"). Warranties, if any, for Enabling Software supplied as part of this IBM SaaS may be found in their license agreements. IRELAND 17. Warranty and Exclusions The following paragraph is added: Except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions, or Section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1893 as amended by the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980 (the "1980 Act"), all conditions or warranties (express or implied, statutory or otherwise) are hereby excluded including, without limitation, any warranties implied by the Sale of Goods Act 1893 as amended by the 1980 Act (including, for the avoidance of doubt, Section 39 of the 1980 Act). IRELAND AND UNITED KINGDOM 20. Entire Agreement The following sentence is added at the beginning of this Section 20: Nothing in the following paragraphs shall have the effect of excluding or limiting liability for fraud. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 67 of 68 E-Mail, Collaboration and Productivity Tools solution End of Document This document consists of 68 pages. This Document contains confidential information under IBM property. Any Confidential information included in this proposal can not be shared outside customer organization, duplicated, used, or shared, within any other context and scope but this proposal’s evaluation. For additional information Learn more about IBM products and services in UK, visiting us at ibm.co.uk This Document contains confidential information under IBM property. Any Confidential information included in this proposal can not be shared outside customer organization, duplicated, used, or shared, within any other context and scope but this proposal’s evaluation. IBM logo is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others Copyright @2013 IBM All rights reserved. Proposal Ref. 12KZ-IYND7O-01 January 21st, 2013 MEGASIS and IBM Confidential Page 68 of 68