Missing Milkweed Game

“Missing Milkweed” (Played similarly to Musical Chairs)
Materials: Instrumental Music
Milkweed leaf patterns
Small yellow pom poms (to represent Monarch eggs)
Milkweed seeds or plants (optional)
Book connection: Monarchs and Milkweed
~ Read Monarchs and Milkweed
~ Discuss the need for Mother Monarchs to have access to Milkweed to lay her eggs.
~Spread (plant) Milkweed patterns on the floor.
`~Give each child a dozen pom poms and invite them to pretend to be Mother Monarchs
~Play instrumental music and encourage children to “fly” around the room.
~After a minute stop the music.
~, each time the music stops, each “Mother Monarch” will find a milkweed pattern on
which to “lay her egg” and the teacher will remove “cut down” a Milkweed pattern.
As the game continues the Milkweed patterns will become crowded with eggs. Discuss
the amount of milkweed leaves caterpillars need to survive and thrive.
When the game ends and the last milkweed pattern is removed discuss what would
happen if Monarchs had no milkweed.
Discuss solutions and have milkweed seeds available for children to spread or plant.