Thoth, Hermes, Mercuris



Also known as

Djhuty, Djehuty, Tehuty


Ibis and baboon (A’an)

Mercury, l.

Cyllenius, Mercury

God of


Symbols, Numbers,



Various, shape-shifts Winged helmet

Shepherd, puff of

Smoke and feet bearing the caduceus

Commerce, speed, Alchemists and travel, thieves, the Smith healing (caduceus)

Jung ( Mysterium conuncitionus ):

Invented hieroglyphs, Inventor (lyre), musician, a. consists of all conceivable

Records Judgment of the Shapeshifter, Eloquence, opposites

Dead in the Duat, Ruler of wealth, good b. is the process by which the

Mediator of the gods, fortune, and fertility, lower and material is

Created science, religion, schemer, charmer transformed into the

Philosophy; Self-Created higher and spiritual c. is the devil, a redeeming psychopomp, an evasive trickster, and God’s reflection in physical matter


is also the reflection of the artiflex that coincides with the alchemical opus


represents on the one hand the

Self and on the other the individuation process and because of the limitless number of his names, also the collective unconscious

Records Judgment of the Honored as god of sleep

God of athletics and thieves

Dead in the Duat,

Mediator of the gods


Lord of Ma’at

Three times Great

Lord of Divine Words

Worshiped at

Lord of the Crossroads, Patron of Alchemy

Lord of Boundaries

Lord of the Marketplace

Khmunu ( Hermopolis ), Olympus In every alchemical

Upper Egypt laboratory

Noted for

Inventing the hieroglyphs Psychopomp*

Messenger of the gods moley)

Androgynous nature

Saves Odysseus from being Rebis form turned into a pig (with the herb

Herdsman of the dead

*Guide of souls into the

Friend to all metals

Helped revive Osiris,

Weighting the Dead

Scribe of the gods

Civilized humans

Affinity with Ma’at, the moon

Goddess and Rule of Order

Underworld of dead preserved

By Pluto

Commonalities among the three gods:


– Thoth assisting Isis in reassembly the dead corpse of Osirius, overcoming Ra’s curse by trickery and allowing Nut to bear five children; cured Horus of Set’s poison;

Hermes given the caduceus, magic wand, that can settle conflict (resolve opposites)

Minister to the Dead: Thoth, the scribe at the Weighing of the Soul

Hermes, guide of souls into the Underworld

Inventing/civilizing: Thoth – symbols (hieroglyphs), philosophy, science and religion

Hermes – sound (lyre from a turtle shell)

Mercurius – dissolves salted substances

Assistance – Thoth as scribe, Hermes as messenger

Power – able to cross dimensions without being contaminated or destroyed by them

Mediate levels of Consciousness:

Thoth – above, inventor of language, Below, records the Great Judgment of the Dead;

Hermes – above, rules over commerce, Below, guide of souls, Hermstones erected at crossroads to honor him and insure safe passage

Mercurius – presided over the alchemical work, merged with metals, held to his original nature


Hermes Trismegitus is a syncretism of Thoth and Hermes, combining the qualities and attributes of both; author of the Hermetica.

Hermes caduceus was given to him by Zeus for returning Apollo’ stolen cattle. It represents two warring snake who come together in peace and thus signifies healing. It is sometime shown with wings to depict Hermes’ spiritual connection. Note the difference between Hermes “magic wand” and that of Askeplius which has only one snake.
