KRIPKE ON THE A PRIORI Kripke: philosophers have shared the following assumptions: A priori knowledge is of necessary truths. E.g.: Chisholm, Kant and Ayer. Quine’s denial of necessary truths is a denial of the a priori. All a posteriori knowledge is of contingent truths. E.g.: Chisholm, Kant and Ayer. Quine: all knowledge is revisable. Kripke thinks that both principles are mistaken. 1 Names Old Theory (Frege-Russell): Names are abbreviated descriptions: E.g.: Aristotle was Plato’s greatest student. So: ‘Aristotle’ means ‘Plato’s greatest student’. Kripke: If ‘Aristotle’ means ‘Plato’s greatest student’, then: ‘Aristotle might not have been Plato’s greatest student’ is a contradiction! But Aristotle might not have been Plato’s best student or even his student at all. He might have gone into Politics, become a soldier, raised horses, etc. These are not contradictions. The old theory is, therefore, implausible. 2 Identity True: Aristotle might not have been a student, or Plato’s student, or a philosopher. These are contingent features of Aristotle False: Aristotle might not have been Aristotle. Why? Try to imagine a situation (possible world) in which Aristotle exists, but is not Aristotle. If that person is not Aristotle, then it is not a case in which Aristotle is not Aristotle. If that person is Aristotle, then it is not a case in which Aristotle is not Aristotle. Conclusion: Necessarily, A = A. 3 Rigid designators X is a rigid designator if in every possible world it designates (refers to) the same object. The above reasoning tells us that ‘Aristotle’ is a rigid designator: Since there is no possible world in which Aristotle exists, but is not Aristotle, it follows that ‘Aristotle’ picks out the same individual in every world. Kripke: names are rigid designators. ‘Aristotle’ picks out or refers to a particular individual person. If we want to consider what could have been true of him, we must imagine him but with different properties. Names pick out individuals. 4 Names and necessity Suppose ‘Aristotle’ refers to a particular person. Suppose ‘Eltotsira’ refers to that same person (different language). We know that: Necessarily, Aristotle = Aristotle. Necessarily, Eltotsira = Eltotsira. But we know that each name simply picks out one and the same individual. We also know that that any individual is necessarily self-identical. So: Necessarily, Aristotle = Eltotsira. 5 The argument summarized 1. 2. 3. So: 4. Suppose A = B. Necessarily, A = A. Necessarily, B = B. Necessarily, A = B (substitute (1) into (2) or (3)). Conclusion: If A = B, then necessarily A = B (where A and B are names). 6 A Historical example Suppose you are taught that ‘Hesperus’ refers to that bright, morning sky object. You are also taught that ‘Phosphorus’ refers to that, bright night sky object. All your life you believe: ‘Hesperus is the morning star and Phosphorus is the evening star’. Later on, Astronomers perform some observations. They tell you that: The morning star and the evening star are just Venus. I.e. ‘Hesperus’ refers to Venus. ‘Phosphorus’ refers to Venus. Since Hesperus = Phosphorus, necessarily Hesperus = Phosphorus. 7 Empirically discovered necessities Kripke: that Hesperus = Phosphorus was an empirical discovery. Astronomical observations were required to learn it. So, it is a posteriori. However: what is learned is necessary. So, some claims are necessary but a posteriori. Other necessary a posteriori claims: Water = H20 Temperature = mean kinetic molecular energy. Goldbach’s Conjecture? 8 Contingent a priori Suppose I stipulate: The length, L, of this bar in front of me is the standard measure for ‘one metre’. What follows from this? I know that the bar in front of me is one metre long. I don’t have to measure anything—this is known a priori. But is this claim necessary? Kripke: No. If it were necessary, it would be impossible for the bar to be any other length. But this is not impossible: If the bar were hotter when I’d made my stipulation, it would have been a different length. 9 Fixing the reference When I make my stipulation, I want to pick out or refer to a certain length (= 39.37 in.) I use the property ‘length of this bar’ in order to pick out this length. In other words, this property fixes the reference of ‘one metre’. Kripke: it does not follow that this property is essential or necessary for the bar in question. Whatever length the bar has is contingent: it might have been otherwise. Still, one metre = length L remains necessary (rigid designation). Conclusion: some claims are a priori but contingent. 10 Conclusion The a priori/a posteriori distinction does not track the necessary/contingent distinction. Necessary Contingent A priori ‘All bachelors are unmarried’ ‘This bar is one meter long’ A posteriori ‘Hesperus is Phosphorus’ ‘John is 6’ tall’ Synthetic a priori knowledge is possible (contra Ayer). Synthetic a priori knowledge does not require that the world conform to the mind (contra Kant) A priori knowledge is possible even if there are no analytic claims (contra Quine). A priori Knowledge is not limited to necessary claims (contra Chisholm). 11 Kripke’s vision If water = H20, then necessarily water = H20. But this claim is not necessary in virtue of the meanings of words. It is not part of the meaning of ‘water’ or ‘H20’ that they be identical. This is a kind of essentialism: water has a necessary property: being H20. Anything that is not H20 is necessarily not water even if it is liquid, colourless, tasteless, etc. What do you think: are there some features of objects or people that are necessary in this way? Could something be water even if it had molecular structure XYZ? Is this an unduly strong commitment to current chemical theory? 12