1984 Unit Test

1984 Unit Test
English 9 Honors
Part I. Directions: Write in the letter of the best answer next to the number. You may use
a letter more than once.
a. Winston Smith
e. Big Brother
ae. Mrs. Parsons
b. Katherine
ab. Julia
bc. Tom Parsons
ce. Jones
c. Syme
ac. Mr.Charrington
bd. Ampleforth
de. Parsons Kids
d. O’Brien
ad. Rutherford
be. Aronson
abc. George Orwell
_____ Real name is Eric Blair
_____ Called the enemy of the people, this character is the head of the Brotherhood
_____ High ranked Party member for whom Winston is writing his diary
_____ Antique shop owner who sells Winston the diary
_____ His job is to limit the words used the official language to narrow the range of
thought until no more thought is possible
6. _____ The “human soundtrack” who believed that one’s duty to The Party was to
produce children for the state.
7. _____ One of three revolutionary leaders who were later tried as traitors and executed
during the great purges of the 1960s
8. _____ A 45 year-old man with a black mustache and ruggedly handsome features who is
the figurehead of the Party
9. _____ Sexual 27-year old, pragmatic, and generally content to live in the moment
10. _____ Frail 39 year-old who suffers from a varicose ulcer and works for the Ministry of
11. _____ Ideal Party member who is illiterate and never questions any Party propaganda: fat
and sweaty character, he works with Winston and lives in the same apartment building.
12. _____ The scapegoat and main target for the Two Minutes Hate
13. _____ Wears a sash of the Junior Anti-Sex League and is hated and feared by Winston.
14. _____ Lives in terror of being turned in to the authorities by her children
15. _____ Restless, fatalistic, and concerned about large-scale social issues
16. _____ A burly intelligent looking Inner Party member whom Winston secretly hopes
questions the Party’s doctrines.
17. _____ An imprisoned poet
18. _____ “She had not a thought in her head that was not a slogan, and there was no
imbecility, absolutely none, that she was not capable of swallowing if the Party handed it
out to her."
19. _____ Winston’s Juliet (like Romeo and Juliet)
20. _____ The character never appears in the novel but is a constant presence throughout
21. _____ A kindly old man, but actually a member of the Thought Police
22. _____ Represents the heroic everyman
23. _____ Character whose name is a reference to the scapegoats/victims of Nazi rule
24. _____ Character whose rebellion comes in the form of plentiful sexual activity
25. _____ Too intelligent – he’ll be vaporized
Part II. Directions: Write in the letter of the best answer next to the number. You may
use a letter more than once.
a. Ministry of Love
d. Ministry of Truth
ac. Junior Anti-Sex League
b. Ministry of Plenty
e. The Brotherhood
ad. Thought Police
c. Ministry of Peace
ab. Junior Spies
ae. Proles
_____ They oversee torture, re-educaton, and ultimately death
_____ Responsible for the falsification of historical events
_____ In charge or rationing goods to the people
_____ Rebel organization
_____ Hope lies with them
_____ Parsons children belong to this group
_____ Used to eliminate personal sexual attraction
_____ Undercover agents who report people who are breaking rules
_____ Constitutes 85% of the population
_____ Winston wants to be a member of this group
Part III. Directions: Write in the letter of the best answer next to the number. You may
use a letter more than once.
a. Foreshadowing
b. Irony
c. Allusion
d. Paradox
ab. Symbol
ac. Juxtaposition
ad. Flashback
ae. Motif
bc. Verisimilitude
36. _____ The three slogans of the Party
37. _____ The intention of newspeak
38. _____ The names vs. the purpose of the ministries
39. _____ Big Brother as a character
40. _____ When Winston says that it is useless to destroy the diary because the Thought
Police will inevitably get him for the thought crime.
41. _____ Place where there is no darkness
42. _____ The glass paperweight
43. _____ The Ministry of Truth actually produces lies
44. _____ Varicose ulcer
45. _____ Doublethink
46. _____ Big Brothers dark hair and mustache
47. _____ Junior Spies
48. _____ Use of the word “victory”
49. _____ The towering ministries against a backdrop of decaying apartments
50. _____ Winston’s memories of his mother and little sister
Part IV. Directions: Match the quote with the person who said it You may use a letter
more than once.
a) Winston
b) O’Brien
c. Julia
d. Syme
e. Parsons
ab. Mr. Charrington
ac. Goldstein
51. _____ “It's the one thing they can't do. They can make you say anything - anything - but
they can't make you believe it. They can't get inside you.”
52. _____ “Beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
53. _____ “We shall meet in the place where there is not darkness.”
54. _____ “They got me a long time ago.”
55. _____ “If there is hope … it lies in the proles.”
56. _____ “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all
else follows.”
57. _____ “I love you”
58. _____ “You do not exist.
59. _____ “ One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one
makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship.”
60. _____ “If you want a vision of the future…imagine a boot stamping on a human face
61. _____ “It "I don't bear her any grudge for it. In fact I'm proud of her. It shows I brought
her up in the right spirit, anyway."
62. _____"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake"?
63. _____"You can turn it off!"?
64. _____"It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers
65. _____ April 4, 1984
66. _____"You are the dead."
67. _____ "Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me!"
68. _____ "If you mean confessing, we shall do that, right enough. Everybody always
confesses. You can't help it. They torture you."
69. _____ "But it did exist! It does exist! It exists in memory. I remember it. You remember
70. _____ You don't give a damn what they suffer. All you care about is yourself."
71. _____ "It is not enough to obey him: you must love him."
72. _____ "Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death."
73. _____Power is tearing human minds apart and putting them back together in new shapes
of your own choosing.
74. _____The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous.
75. _____The thing that is in room 101... is the worst thing in the world.
Part VI. Directions: Select the letter of the best answer.
76. The word “utopia” translates into a
a. Bad world – a place that is just about as awful as it can be
b. Perfect world – a place where everything is satisfying
c. “No Place” – somewhere unreal
d. Place where corruption has overrun the good intentions of the founders
77. Utopian concepts involve all of the following EXCEPT
a. A beautiful society with a general pacifistic attitude
b. Poverty and misery are removed
c. Very few laws are necessary
d. Increased use of technology
e. People do only work they enjoy
78. George Orwell wrote 1984 to (chose the best answer)
a. Warn people to remain vigilant about their society and government
b. Tell people that fascism was wrong
c. Show the destruction caused by WWII
d. Alert people to the dangers of socialism
e. Inform people there’s a Big Brother around every corner
79. According to the novel, why is language an essential ingredient in manipulating
a. Because language shapes human thought
b. Because it allows people to communicate
c. Because it motivates imagination
d. Because it can control the media
e. Because it separates people of different countries
80. At the end of the novel what, does Orwell suggest, remains the most sinister aspect
of Winston’s defeat?
a. That he gave up
b. That he was treated cruelly and inhumanely
c. That he was brainwashed
d. That he was manipulated by fear
e. That he participated in his own undoing
81. Why does the Party use sexual repression to control its citizens?
a. It robs people of their humanity
b. It eliminates pleasure from their lives
c. It forces people’s attention on Big Brother alone
d. All of the above
82. When Julia falls asleep during the reading of Goldstein’s book, she reveals what
great difference between herself and Winston?
a. Their ages
b. Their interest in party philosophy
c. Their energy levels
d. Their physical conditions
e. Their intelligence.
83. Winston’s job is to set right the original figures and information in the Times by
making them agree with later ones. What Party policy does his job enable?
a. Ignorance is strength
b. Think right
c. Thoughtcrime
d. Reality control
e. Ownlife
84. What is the setting of the novel?
a. The main city of Sector 2, a division of the North American Alliance.
b. Paris, which is the capital city of the country of Eurasia.
c. London, the main city of Airstrip One, a province of the country of Oceania.
d. New York City, which is the capital of New America
85. This word/concept involves manipulation of the mind by making people deny reality
and accept contradictions
a. Doublethink
b. Facecrime
c. Thoughtcrime
d. Ingsoc
e. Newspeak
86. This word/concept eliminates undesirable words, thus narrowing the range of
a. Doublethink
b. Facecrime
c. Thoughtcrime
d. Ingsoc
e. Newspeak
87. This word/concept involves physically demonstrating one’s undesirable thoughts or
a. Doublethink
b. Facecrime
c. Thoughtcrime
d. Ingsoc
e. Newspeak
88. The term for English Socialism
a. Doublethink
b. Facecrime
c. Thoughtcrime
d. Ingsoc
e. Newspeak
89. The Party wears down the will of its citizens through a constant campaign of
a. Propaganda
b. Surveillance
c. Mutability of Time
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
90. Winston’s preoccupation with antiques actually represents his need to
a. Have something of his own
b. Understand the past
c. Look for pieces of his own past
d. Be among objects of worth
e. Decorate his apartment
91. Which of the following is not a Party slogan in 1984?
92. The following passage opens Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s short story “Harrison Bergeron.”
The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God
and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else.
Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than
anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to
the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States
Handicapper General.
What element of dystopian literature does this passage best represent?
a. Communication is poor, artificial, stilted, and limits the range of thought
b. Equality is achieved by numerous laws and unceasing vigilance.
c. Power rests in a corrupt dictator sometimes called the “Handicapper General.”
d. Individuals are of little, if any consequence, the aim is for uniformity within society.
e. Vigilance is key to a successful society
93. What does Winston write in his diary?
a. Be true to yourself and stand up for what you believe. Do not let anyone put you
b. Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else
c. Do the best you can. Trust that tomorrow will be better.
d. Even if this is discovered, I am still glad I wrote it.
94. Who is “the principle traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party’s purity”?
a. Big Brother
b. Emmanuel Goldstein
c. O’Brian
d. Winston Smith
e. Syme
95. Which of the following gives the organization of the Party in the correct order, from
the most important to the least important?
a. The proles, the Outer Party, Big Brother, the Inner Party
b. Big Brother, the Inner Party, the Outer Party, the proles
c. Big Brother, the Inner Party, the proles, the Outer Party
d. the Outer Party, the proles, the Inner Party, Big Brother
96. “The preparations for Hate Week were in full swing, and the staffs of all the
Ministries were working overtime. Processions, meetings, military parades,
lectures, waxwork displays, film shows, telescreen programs all had to be organized;
stands had to be erected, effigies built, slogans coined, songs written, rumors
circulated, photographs faked.”
This passage represents the Party’s use of __________.
a. Campaigning
b. Forced labor
c. Propaganda
d. Reality control
e. Surveillance
97. Winston tells Julia the real betrayal will be if they can be made to ____________.
a. Steal from the Party
b. Tell lies about O’Brien
c. Get others to join the Brotherhood
d. Join the proles
e. Stop loving each other
98. What does Winston discover about Mr. Charrington?
a. He and O’Brien are brothers.
b. He is a member of the Thought Police.
c. He is actually Winston’s father
d. He is planning to organize the proles for an uprising.
e. He has been murdered
99. What is in Room 101?
a. An electric chair
b. Complete darkness
c. The Golden Country
d. Spiders
e. Whatever the prisoner fears most
100. Winston and Julia meet after they have been released. How do they react to
each other?
a. They still love each other.
b. They do not feel the same anymore.
c. They completely ignore each other.
d. They get married