1984 Test - Scholarlynx Wiki

1984 Test
1. Charrington
a. leaves Winston without a divorce
2. O’Brien
b. is the Enemy of the People
3. Katherine
c. wears red Junior Anti-Sex League sash
4. Syme
d. writes his diary for O’Brien
5. Goldstein
e. Winston’s neighbor talks thoughtcrime in
his sleep
6. Parsons
ab. destroys words for a living
7. Julia
ac. owns a shop, belongs to Thought Police
8. Winston
ad. tells Winston they will meet “in the
place where there is no darkness”
9. Ampleforth
ae. the poet who rhymes “rod” with “God”
Fill in A for true and B for false
10. There are no written laws in Oceania.
11. Oceania came into Great Britain joined with the United States.
12. Gangsters and murderers are treated better than political prisoners in Oceania.
13. It is Winston’s job to change past news reports to agree with current ones.
14. Citizens of Oceania believe that the Thought Police are watching and listening at
all times.
15. In Oceania, the only recognized purpose of marriage is to have children for the
service of the Party.
16. Winston believes that everything was better before the Revolution.
17. Winston is Julia’s first lover.
18. Winston and Julia claim to be prepared for anything except being separated.
19. Although beaten and humiliated, Winston refuses to make a confession while a
prisoner at the Ministry of Love.
20. The Ministry of Love aims to squeeze their victims hollow and fill them with the
21. Room 101 is dreaded by prisoners because it is their death chamber.
22. Although Winston promises to try, he does not “win the victory over himself” and
learn to love Big Brother.
Multiple Choice
23. Which of the following is NOT a Party slogan?
24. The Brotherhood is
a. An underground network of conspirators who want to overthrow the State
b. A group of Inner Party members who support each other
c. Another name for the Party outcasts know as the proles
d. A union of Party officials who volunteer as Thought Police
25. Doublethink is the ability to
a. Learn from the past and plan for the future
b. Believe in two opposing ideas at the same time
c. Accept the equal importance of self and society
d. Plan tow events simultaneously
26. Syme believes the Revolution will be completed when
a. Eurasia surrenders
b. The proles revolt and rise above the Party
c. The language is perfect
d. Goldstein is assassinated
27. Katherine’s phrase of her “duty to the party” meant
a. Working a job without complaining
b. Conceiving a baby
c. Participating during Two Minutes Hate
d. Telling the Thought Police about Party offenders
28. Winston believes that if hope exists,
a. He will never experience it
b. It lies with the proles
c. It is outside Oceania
d. He doesn’t want to find it
29. The picture of Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford is important because it
a. Reveals the secret of the Brotherhood
b. Proves the Party falsifies history
c. Predicts his future
d. Inspires him to write in his diary
30. Winston considers his first meeting with Julia in the clearing to as
a. The most memorable event of his life
b. His greatest folly
c. A dangerous mistake
d. A political act against the Party
31. According to Goldstein’s book, the main purpose of war is to
a. Maintain social structure
b. Secure more raw materials and unused farm land
c. Provide a front for punishing thoughtcrime victims
d. Make sure people remain in a state of submission to the Party
32. O’Brien tells Winston that the reason Winston has been imprisoned is because he
has not learned to control his
a. Nostalgia
b. Willpower
c. Memory
d. Emotions
33. Which of the following is NOT a stage in Winston’s reintegration?
a. Learning
b. Remembering
c. Understanding
d. Acceptance
34. When Winston sees Julia in the park, he confesses that he
a. still loves her
b. betrayed her
c. needs to see her again
d. hoped he would never see her again
35. The real purpose of Newspeak is to
a. Confuse the enemy
b. Make speech more scientific
c. Increase knowledge
d. Control thought
Essay (10 points)
36. Write down the quote you chose (and the page number) as the most interesting
and defend your choice with specific reasoning in a minimum of one paragraph.
Included in your reasoning should be who said the quote or whose idea is depicts
and why it is important that that person is behind the idea.
Essay choice: Choose one of the following questions and answer in 3 paragraphs.
(10 points)
37. The glass paperweight is a symbol. What does it and its destruction symbolize
and how is it used at different times during the story?
38. Why does O’Brien refer to Winston as the “last man?”
39. Dreams are prophetic devices for Winston. List at least 3 and explain their true
meaning as seen be Winston as his life progresses.
Extra Credit (5 points)
In one paragraph, describe what the Party would have awaiting you in Room 101 and the
effect if would have on you.