Country / Pays
Name of Tournament / Nom du Tournoi
Registration Closing / Clôture des inscriptions
Format (Cross out incorrect choice / Biffer ce qui ne convient pas)
70m Round/Olympic Round
FITA Round/Olympic Round
Divisions (Cross out incorrect choice / Biffer ce qui ne convient pas)
Recurve / Classique
Compound / Poulies
Grade (Cross out incorrect choice / Biffer ce qui ne convient pas)
Continental Championships
International Tournaments
National Championships
National Tournaments
Venue / Site de compétition
City / Ville
Website / Site internet
Organising Committee / Comité d'organisation
Chairman / Président:
Address / Adresse:
Phone / Tél.:
Results Manager / Responsable des résultats
Name / Nom:
Phone / Tél.:
Other Events
Technical Delegate / Délégué Technique
Name / Nom:
Address / Adresse:
Phone / Tél.:
Prior Experience / Expérience préalable :
International or Continental Judges / Juges Internationaux ou Continentaux
Name 1 / Nom 1:
Mention if IJ or CJ / Mentionner si JI or JC:
Phone / Tél.:
Name 2 / Nom 2:
Mention if IJ or CJ / Mentionner si JI or JC:
Phone / Tél.:
To be filled in by the Member Association President / A remplir par le Président de
l’Association Membre:
□ We agree to comply with the Minimum Standard Criteria (MSC) and will supply the
results to the FITA office in the agreed deadlines and correct format. / Nous nous
engageons à nous conformer aux Critères Standards Minimum (CSM) et à fournir les
résultats au bureau de la FITA aux délais convenus et dans un format correct.
Name (print) / Nom (en caractère d’imprimerie):
To be filled in by the Continental Association President / A remplir par le Président de
l’Association Continentale:
□ We accept this tournament as World Ranking Tournament / Nous acceptons ce tournoi
en tant que tournoi de Statut de Classement Mondial.
□ We do not accept this tournament as a World Ranking Tournament / Nous n’acceptons
pas ce tournoi en tant que tournoi de Statut de Classement Mondial.
Reason for NON-ACCEPTANCE / Raison pour la NON-ACCEPTATION:
Name (print) / Nom (en caractère d’imprimerie):
FITA World Ranking (WR) Ad Hoc Committee is continually reviewing both the validity of the World Ranking List as well
as the standard of the Tournaments which will carry the status of a World Ranking Tournament (WRT) Sanction.
The following were proposed by FITA Council:
Minimum Standard Criteria (MSC)
1. Free access for all athletes and their sports equipment into the country
2. FITA C&R (2008) 3.4, 3.4.1-3.4.3, 3.4.5.
3. FITA C&R (2008) Book 1, Appendix 5,, 7.1 (anti-doping requirements)
4. Minimum of 2 (two) FITA International or Continental Judges appointed
5. Technical Delegate (TD) inspection and review
6. Event endorsed and guaranteed by the respective Continental Association (CA)
7. The Organiser has to provide for each archer, the following information in order to ensure no duplicate
information on archers in the database:
 ID Number
 Name ( Family Name, First Name)
 Category
 Date of Birth ( DD/MMM/YYYY)
 Member Association (MA) Acronym
8. Results in FITA required format agreed and supervised by a nominated official at the event. The results must
be sent to the FITA Office no later than one (1) week after the tournament in hard copy and electronic copy as
specified in the organizer’s pack
2. Submission of WRT for Sanction by FITA
1. MAs will apply for WRT status via their respective CA on the appropriate form. No other form of application will
be accepted. Up to 6 events per CA can be programmed in a year.
2. The CA will then submit the event to the FITA Office. If the CA rejects the event, the “Non-ACCEPTANCE” box
is checked and the President signs the form and adds a reason for non acceptance.
3. The FITA Office will forward all applications to the WR Ad Hoc Committee Chairman who will consider all
applications and submit their final suggestions for approval by FITA Executive Committee.
4. All FITA WRT as sanctioned will be inserted in the FITA Calendar by the FITA Office.
3. Automatic WR Status will only apply to The Olympic Games, World Championships, World Cup Stages and
Continental Championships (the latter, provided that the MSC has been applied). Please note that Continental
Qualification Tournaments (CQTs) are not considered as WR Tournaments.
For World Championships and Continental Championships, appointment of Officials as per FITA Rules.
For other events:
It is recommended but not mandatory, that the Chairman of the Tournament Judge Commission is not from
the host MA. The remainder of the Tournament Judge Commission can be National, Continental or
International Judges from the applying MA. Appointments from outside the MA will be arranged by the CA in
liaison with the FITA Judge Committee.
It is recommended but not mandatory that a TD be appointed. The CA bears the costs for the preliminary
and subsequent visits by the TD or the Organiser appoints and bears the expense if the CA declines.
In either case, no costs can be set against FITA.
It is recommended that the program used for the results system will be the official FITA Results program as
soon as it will be available. If another program is used it will have to comply with FITA and Olympic Results
and Information Services (O.R.I.S.) standard.
FITA – 25 November 2008