Tennis Elbow Golfers elbob Cubital tunnel Carpal tunnel Winged scapula Klumke’s injury Lower Trunk injury Thoracic oulet syndrome Waiter Tip Hand Erb duchenne paralysis Upper Trunk injury Wrist drop Claw hand Fracture to medial epencondyle Ape Hand Fracture of supracondyle Fracture surcical neck humerus Fracture of radial neck Dislocation of radial head Colles fracture of wrist Reverse colle’ fracture Smiths fracture Humerus – inferior dislocation Flair chest Lateral ependcondayle Extensor problems due to inflammation Medial epencoad out of annulr ligamentndyle Flexor problems due to inflammation Forced supination pops back into place Ulnar n. compressed Pain and tingling Medina n. compressed Flattening of thenar eminence Flexor digitorum superficialis passes thru Long thoracic injured Loss of serratus anterior Lower trunk injury due to scalene muscle or cervical rib compression Lower trunk and subclavian compression Pain , numbness, tingling weaknessand fatigue in upper limb Upper trunk injury Arm lies in the medial plane Radial n or posterior cord damage Ulnar n. injured No abductionof aduction in fingers Median n. injured Suprocondylar fracture of humerus Cracking off end of humerus Axillary n damage Supraspinatus can only abduct to horz level due to deltoid and tere major being innervated by axillary Nothing you can do Presents w/ shoulder pain Fracture of lower end of radius in wh the distal fragment is displaced post, producing a characteristic bumb described as dinner fork deformity Avascular necrosis of scaphoid is the result ob this and below. Pian after lon periord of time, pain in snuff box Same as above but distal fragment is displaced anteriorly Inferior aspect of shoulder join not supported by muscle tendosn or the rotator cur. May damage axillary n. and posteriou humeral circumflex vess. Lostt of stability of thoracic cage that occurs when a segment of anterior or lateral thoracic wall moves Bennet’s fracture Boxer’s fracture Rib fractures Pleurisy Pneumothorax Spontaneous pneumothorax Tramatic pneumothorax PDA Hemothorax reel b/c of fractured ribs. Loose segment moves inward on inspiration and outward on expiration. Painful injury and impairs ventilation-respiratory failure Opponens policies is injured, fracture of the base of the metacarpal of the THUMB Fracture to the neck of the second and third metacarpal-seen in professional boxers, and typically the fifth metacarpal in unskilled boxers. 1st rib – brachial plex and subclavian Middle rib – most common – direct blows or crushing injuries. Broken end caused pneumothorax and lung or spleen injury Lower rib fract may tear diaphragm – diaphragmatic hernia Inflammation of pleura with exudation (escape of fluid from blood vessels) into its cavity-causes plural surfaces to be roughend This roughening causes priction – pleural rub Accumulation of air in pleural cavity and thus the lung has collapsed b/c of eliminateion of neg pressure Symptoms – chest pain and dyspnea Treated by draining the pleural air collection by simple aspiration using an intravenous catheter or chest tube thoracostomy Secondary to pulmonary dis such as TB, abscess, fibrosis, and emphyusema Life-threateining pneumothorax in wh air enters during inspiration and is trapped during expiration Resultant increased press displaces mediastinum to opp side = cardiopulmonalry impairment Patenet ductus arterioriss Ductus failed to close in adult Accumulation of blood in the pleural space and can be treated by the thoractomy tube drainage Upper roots c5-c6 Dorsal scapular 1. Levator scapula 2. Rhomboid Scalene Phrenic SuperiorUpper Trunk Suprascapular 1. supraspinatus 2. Infraspinatus Subclavius 1. subclavias m (acc phrenic) C7 C8-T1 Long thoracic Comes off all except T1 Lateral Cord Posterior Cord Medial STAR: Subscapular [upper and lower] Thoracodorsal Axillary Radial Lateral pectoral 1. pectoralis major 2. pectoralis minor Upper subscapular Thoracodorsal 1. latissamus dorsi Lower subscapular 1. subscapular 2. teres major Medial pectoral 1. pectoralis major 2. pectoralis minor Medial cutaneous of arm Medial cutaneous of forearm Terminal branch Musculocutaneous 1. all the flexor arm muscles 2. pierces coracobrach Lateral antibrachial cutanoues Terminal branch Terminal Branch Axilary Ulnar 1. deltorid 1. flexor carpi ulnaris 2. teres minor 2. ½ flexor digitorum 3. runs thr profundsa quadrangular space 3. superficial hand on with post circumflex ulnar side humeral a 4. one thumb m – Radial adductor pollicis Median Median 1. all of the fexor forarm except flexor carpi ulnaris 2. muscles of the thumb except adductor pollicis (ulnar) 1. innervates all the extensor – forearm and arm 5. interossi 6. lumbricles (two medial) posterior interosseous 1. deep muscles of forearm extensors Superficial branch 1. dorusm of hand – 1/1/2 digits over proximal phalanx 2. 3. lumbricles 1 and 2 (lateral) Aricular branch Anterior interosseous 1. flexor digitorum profundus 2. flexor pollicis longus 3. pronator quadraus Recurrent branch – thenar muscles Posterior cutaneous Posterior antibrachial cutaneous Superior Medistinum Posterior Medistinum PVT Left BATTLE: Phrenic nerve Vagus nerve Thoracic duct Left recurrent laryngeal nerve (not the right) Brachiocephalic veins Aortic arch (and its 3 branches) Thymus Trachea Lymph nodes Esophagus DATES: Descending aorta Azygos and hemiazygous veins Thoracic duct Esophagus Sympathetic trunk/ganglia There are 4 birds: The esophaGOOSE (esophagus) The vaGOOSE nerve The azyGOOSE vein The thoracic DUCK (duct) Subclavian Axillary Brachial A "Very Tired Individuals Sip Strong Coffee Served Daily": Vertebral artery Thyrocervical trunk ---Inferior thyroid ---Superficial transverse cervical ---Suprascapular "Screw The Lawyer Save A Patient)": Superior thoracic Thoracoacromiol -ABCD Lateral thoracic Subscapular -circumflex scap -Thoracodorsal I Am Pretty Sexy" Inferior ulnar collateral artery goes with Anterior ulnar recurrent artery. Posterior ulnar recurrent artery goes with Superior ulnar collateral artery. Costocervical ---Superior intercostal ---Deep cervical Adduct Latissumus Dorsi Rhomboid maj, and min Trapezius Subscapular Teres major Anterior circumflex humeral Posterior circumflex humeral Abducting Deltoid supraspinatus Rotate SITS Suprascapular Infraspinatus(lateral arm) Teres minor (latera arm) Subscapularis(medial arm) Teres major (arm medial) Latissamus (medial) Deltoid (medial) Intrinsic – Deep muscles Extrinsic – superficial muscles Cubital fossa contents "Really Need Booze To Be At My Nicest": · From lateral to medial: Radial Nerve Biceps Tendon Brachial Artery Median Nerve Elbow joint: capitulum vs. trochlea CUTER: Capitulum: Radial-head Trochlea: ulnar – troclear notch and olecronon Hand: nerve lesions DR CUMA: Drop=Radial nerve Claw=Ulnar nerve Median nerve=Ape hand (or Apostol [preacher] hand) Show Details / Rate It Anterior forearm muscles: superficial group There are five, like five digits of your hand. Place your thumb into your palm, then lay that hand palm down on your other arm, as shown in diagram. Your 4 fingers now show distribution: spells PFPF [pass/fail, pass/fail]: Pronator teres Flexor carpi radialis Palmaris longus Flexor carpi ulnaris Your thumb below your 4 fingers shows the muscle which is deep to the other four: Flexor digitorum superficialis. Intrinsic muscles of hand (palmar surface) "All For One And One For All": · Thenar: Abductor pollicis longus Flexor pollicis brevis Opponens pollicis Adductor pollicis. · Hypothenar: Opponens digiti minimi Flexor digiti minimi Abductor digiti minimi Bicipital groove: attachments of muscles near it "The lady between two majors": Teres major attaches to medial lip of groove. Pectoralis major to lateral lip of groove. Latissimus (Lady) is on floor of groove, between the 2 majors SITS – rotator cuff Lung lobes: one having lingula, lobe numbers Lingula is on Left. The lingula is like an atrophied lobe, so the left lung must have 2 "other" lobes, and therefore right lung has 3 lobes.