Freedom Writers Essay Assignment: Themes & Analysis

“Freedom Writers”
Post Viewing Questions
Choose 1 of the following topics. Write an essay where you thoroughly discuss and explain the topics using
specific examples from the movie, other literature, or your own experiences to support your response. Your
essays need to be in paragraph form and not just answers to questions. The questions are to promote your
thinking and your analysis of the ideas. Each essay is to have at least 5 paragraphs with an introduction, a body
and a conclusion. Essays will be graded on content, mechanics, and grammar.
Think about GlenOak High School and your other out-of-school activities. Are youth respectful of each other’s
differences? Are there problems similar to those in Wilson High? If so, what steps can you make to initiate change?
Why do the students initially only trust peers from their own ethnic/racial groups? Ms. Gruwell is the first teacher to
show trust and respect for the “at risk” students at Wilson High. How does Erin Gruwell demonstrate this? Why are
some students resistant to trusting her? How do the students learn to trust one another? Why is trust so important in
the teacher-student relationship? How are relationships healthier when the individuals involved have mutual respect?
Overcoming Adversity:
Miep Gies, the woman who hid Anne Frank, is a hero to Ms. Gruwell’s students. What does Miep mean when she tells
the students, “You are heros everyday.”? Why is Eva so affected by the ending of Anne Frank’s diary? Have you ever
had to overcome a significant problem? Who did you turn to for support?
Personal Hardships
The students endure a number of hardships in their personal lives. How do the assigned class books relate to their
lives? What are some common themes throughout the literature? Have you read a book or seen a movie in which a
main character goes through a challenging situation? Describe this book/movie and how the character overcomes
his/her obstacle. Be specific.
Family Relationships:
In what ways does Ms. Gruwell’s classroom become a family for the students? Do you have a “family” outside your
actual family? What are some of the qualities on a strong family? How do the students and Ms. Gruwell provide these
traits to one another?
Finding Success:
Erin Gruwell is determined to create a positive learning environment in which her students learn about tolerance and
are able to succeed. She endures many obstacles on her path to achieving this goal. Do you have a goal that you wish
to attain? What is it? What steps are you taking or want to take in order to meet this goal? What adversity have you
encountered or anticipate encountering towards this path?