Unit 1 What's your name

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Unit 1 What’s your name?
What’s your name?
My name is Michael, and this is Kate.
Part 1
How are you?
What’s your name?
I’m very well, thank you.
My name is Dale.
What’s your name?
My name is Joanna Foot.
What’s your name?
My name is Rumel Miah.
What’s your name?
My name is Jennifer, and this is Susan.
What’s your name?
My Name is Dan Chen. You can just call me Dan.
Part 2
What’s your name?
My name is Sam Knight.
How are you?
I’m very well, thank you.
What’s your name?
My name is Geertje, and this is Esther.
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
What’s your name?
My name is Jane Davenport.
How are you?
I’m very well, thank you.
What’s your name?
My name is Furqaan.
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
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Unit 2 Where are you from?
Part 2
Part 1
What’s your name?
What’s your name?
My name is Mark.
My name is Craig.
How are you?
How are you?
I’m well.
I’m very well, thank you.
Where are you from?
Where are you from?
I’m from Calgary.
I’m from Glasgow.
Where’s Calgary?
Where’s Glasgow?
Calgary is in Canada.
Glasgow’s in Scotland.
What’s your name?
What’s your name?
My name is Conal, and this is Aoibhín.
My name’s Louise, and this is Laura.
How are you?
How are you?
I’m fine, thanks.
I’m fine.
Where are you from?
Where are you from?
I’m from Belfast, and Aoibhín is from Dundalk.
I’m from Manchester.
Where are Belfast and Dundalk?
Where’s Manchester?
Belfast is in Northern Ireland, and Dundalk is in Southern
Manchester is in the UK.
What’s your name?
My name is David Ziyambi.
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
Where are you from?
I’m from Harare.
Where’s Harare?
What’s your name?
I’m Victor.
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
Where are you from?
I’m from Osnabrück.
Where’s Osnabrück?
It’s in Germany.
Harare is in Zimbabwe.
What’s your name?
My name is Sarah.
How are you?
I’m fine, thank you.
Where are you from?
I’m from London.
Where’s London?
London’s in England.
What’s your name?
My name is Fiona Albarracin.
How are you?
I’m very well today, thank you.
Where are you from?
I’m from Bolton.
Where’s Bolton?
Bolton is in Lancashire, in England.
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Unit 3 Profile: Paula Harrid
Part 1 Paula
This is Paula Harrid.
She’s from Bristol in England and she’s 32 years old.
She’s married with two children.
Paula is a shop assistant in a bookshop.
Part 2 Paula’s family
This is Paula’s husband, Peter. He’s a businessman.
Peter isn’t from England. He’s from Scotland.
Her daughters’ names are Sarah and Mary.
This is Sarah. She’s three months old.
This is Mary. She’s five years old.
Mary isn’t at home today. She’s at school.
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Unit 4 Profile: Ethan Followwill
Part 1 Ethan
This is Ethan Followwill.
He’s 19 years old, and he’s a student.
Ethan’s family is from the U.S.
But now, they’re in England.
His parents have a lovely house in a village near Birmingham.
These are Ethan’s parents.
His father’s name is Dorman, and his mother’s name is Blyth.
Dorman’s a businessman.
He has a good job in London.
Blyth is a part-time teacher.
She likes cooking. And Ethan likes helping.
Part 2 Ethan’s family and friends
Ethan has a big family. He has four sisters!
Kaete is 21, Jordan is 23, Esther is 24 and Paden is 26.
Kaete, Jordan and Esther are in England, but Paden isn’t.
She’s in the U.S.
Paden is married. She has an apartment in California with her
husband Michael.
Ethan likes music a lot.
His favourite thing is his piano.
He likes writing and playing music.
He likes sport, too.
His best friend is Charlie. Ethan and Charlie both like
Ethan’s girlfriend’s called Sarah. She’s not in England.
She’s a student at university in California.
Ethan has a big family and good friends. He has a great life.
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Unit 5 International food
Fabio and Robert don’t like tea, but they both love coffee.
Part 1 Borough Market, London
They make the best coffee at the market.
This is Borough Market in South London.
This food market is very old.
It’s lunchtime on Thursday and the market is busy.
The market is only open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Visitors love Borough Market.
It’s full of delicious food and drink.
There are over 100 stalls at the market.
People from different countries work here.
Many people sell food from their own countries.
They all speak English. And they speak a lot of other
languages, too.
Marianna: Hi. My name is Marianna and I’m from Greece.
Aurore: My name is Aurore and I’m from France. A really
French name.
Sofia: My name is Sofia. I’m from Portugal.
Magali: My name is Magali and I’m from Mauritius.
Michele: My name is Michele and I’m from Switzerland.
Fabien: My name is Fabien and I’m from France.
Part 2 Food from around the world
What food do you like? Do you like cheese?
Michele sells cheese from Switzerland.
Michele: I really like cheese but I dislike seafood.
Fabien sells delicious cheese from France.
Fabien: I love cheese and I don’t like coffee.
Do you eat meat?
Graham is English but he sells meat from Wales. He loves
Welsh lamb the best.
Graham: I really like roast lamb. I really don’t like
Some people don’t eat meat, but they eat a lot of fruit and
There’s fresh bread and delicious cakes and sweets at the
market, too.
Do you like tea? The English love tea. And the best tea is
from India.
Rattan sells Indian tea at the market. He makes tea for all of
his customers.
They love it!
A delicious cup of coffee costs £2.30.
Every year over four million people come to Borough Market.
They try delicious food from around the world and sometimes
they find new food they love!
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Unit 6 Sara’s day
Part 1 Sara’s morning
This is Sara Borowski. She’s a photographer in New York.
She loves her work and her day is always busy.
This is a day in her life.
Sara gets up at eight o’clock in the morning.
She brushes her teeth and has breakfast.
She always makes coffee!
At eight thirty Sara gets her camera, leaves home and goes to
New York City is always busy in the morning.
Sara never drives. She usually travels by train.
Sometimes she takes photographs on the journey!
Sara works in West Brooklyn. She works for a magazine.
Sometimes she works in the office but she often works
Part 1 Sara’s afternoon and evening
At one o’clock in the afternoon Sara has lunch.
She often meets a friend and goes to her favourite café.
Sara usually finishes work at six and she gets home at six
Sara has a really nice apartment in East Brooklyn but it’s a
little bit small!
She sometimes has dinner at a restaurant but she usually eats
at home.
She eats dinner at seven thirty.
In the evening she looks at her photographs on her computer
and surfs the Internet.
She sometimes watches TV.
Sara never goes to bed early.
She sometimes stays up until two in the morning!
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Unit 7 Alfie’s Antiques Market
Part 1 A great place to shop
What’s your favourite place to go shopping?
This is Alfie’s, a wonderful shop near the centre of London.
But you can’t buy a new computer, a mobile phone or an MP3
player at Alfie’s.
They don’t sell them here.
So, what do they sell at Alfie’s?
Alfie’s is an antiques market.
They sell a lot of old, unusual and beautiful things here.
This stall has fantastic clothes and bags.
These bags are over 100 years old.
Sarah likes these colourful old clothes.
Natalia and Anna are from Russia. Alfie’s is their favourite
shop in London.
Their favourite things are the beautiful old designer clothes.
They like trying on the hats.
The red one is Natalia’s favourite!
Part 2 What do you like?
Masako from Japan loves these ceramics.
There are plates, cups and teapots.
Do you like them?
Some people love the furniture at Alfie’s.
There’s some very unusual furniture here.
Do you like this chair?
Or this one?
Some people think this chair is awful. It’s very expensive and
it isn’t comfortable.
These phones are old, but they aren’t cheap.
They’re £250 pounds each.
Do you have a favourite?
This white one, or that black one?
Or how about a red one?
Do you like this light?
These lights are all by Italian Designers.
They’re beautiful colours, but they are very big.
Alfie’s is full of beautiful things. It’s a great place to shop!
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Unit 8 Amsterdam
The Dutch love bikes.
Part 1 A great city to visit
There are more than 500,00 bicycles in the city and here at
Central Station bicycle park there are over 2,000 bicycles!
Amsterdam is the capital city of the Netherlands.
So, come to Amsterdam and get on a bike. It’s a great way to
see this amazing city.
The Netherlands is also known as Holland.
Amsterdam is a busy, cosmopolitan city.
Over 700,000 people live in the city.
It’s always a great time to visit, and every year millions of
tourists visit the city.
The weather is never too hot, or too cold, but it rains a lot, so
don’t forget your umbrella!
There’s a lot to see and do in Amsterdam.
The city is famous for its 165 canals and 1281 bridges!
It’s known as the “Venice of the North”.
The houses next to the canals are very old and beautiful.
There are boats of all shapes and sizes in Amsterdam.
And many people live on houseboats.
Taking a canal trip is a great way to see the city.
It’s lovely at night.
Part 2 What to do
There are a lot of museums and galleries in Amsterdam.
The busiest museum is the Van Gogh museum.
Some museums, like the old Rijksmuseum and the modern
science museum, NeMo, are very big.
But there are some small museums, too.
It’s a good city for shopping and it’s famous for its beautiful
fresh flowers.
There aren’t any big shops in the Nine Streets area of the city.
But there are some great small shops!
It’s also a fantastic place to relax in a café.
Amsterdam isn’t a good city for cars, but there are many
different ways to get around.
There are trains, trams, and ferries, too.
The trams aren’t expensive but they are very busy.
But the best, cheap way to travel around the city is on a
Amsterdam is an excellent city for cycling.
There aren’t any hills and there are cycle paths all over the
A lot of people cycle every day.
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Unit 9 Steve Jobs: a life
Part 2 1976 – 2011
Part 1 1955 – 1976
1976 – 1985
Computers and telephones were very different 30 years ago.
In the 1970s and 80s, more and more people used computers
every day and they wanted computers at home.
Listening to music was very different just ten years ago.
Steve Jobs changed the technology we use today.
Young businessmen like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were very
His Apple computer company is famous all over the world.
In 1985, Steve Jobs left Apple.
Steve Jobs 1955 – 1976
24 February, 1955
He started another computer company called NeXT
Steve Jobs was born on 24th February, 1955 in the beautiful
city of San Francisco, California in the U.S.A.
In 1960, Steve’s family moved to Mountain view, California.
In 1995, Pixar made Toy Story. The film was a huge success.
He went to school in the town of Cupertino.
Today, the headquarters of Apple are here.
In 1996, Steve Jobs returned to Apple.
The next 15 years were very busy!
In 1972, Steve went to Reed College 1,000 kilometres away in
Portland, Oregon.
1998 – 2011
He didn’t finish his college course.
Jobs bought Pixar, a computer animation company, in 1986.
In 1998, the colourful iMac computer was born.
Then, in 2001, the iPod was born.
It changed the music industry.
In 1976, Steve Jobs and his friend Stephen Wozniak built
computers in Steve’s parents’ garage.
Then the iPhone was born.
Their first computer was the Apple I.
It changed how we use our phones.
1 April, 1976
And in 2010, the iPad arrived.
On 1st April, 1976 Jobs, Wozniak, and their friend Ron Wayne
started the Apple computer company.
It changed computers, again.
Steve Jobs died on 5th October, 2011.
The Apple computer company sold the first Apple I computer
for $666.66 dollars.
He was only 56 years old, but he changed technology forever.
In 2012 someone bought an Apple I computer for $374,500!
5 October, 2011
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Unit 10 What did you do last weekend?
For the weekend.
Part 1
What do you usually do at the weekend?
Part 2
Do you go to the cinema with friends, watch TV with your
family or surf the internet?
Did you have a good weekend?
Do you go shopping?
Or did you get up late and have a big breakfast?
Do you stay at home at the weekend?
Did you cook a meal at home?
Or do you visit new places?
Or did you go out for a meal in a restaurant?
How about last weekend? Did you have a good weekend?
What did you eat?
What did you do last weekend?
Did you watch sport?
Did you get up early and go out?
Or did you play sport?
What sport did you play?
What did you do last weekend?
What did you do last weekend?
Last weekend, I went to the movies.
Who did you go with?
I went with my boyfriend.
What did you do last weekend?
When did you go?
I went out for dinner.
I went on Saturday morning.
Who did you go with?
My friends, Carl and Leila.
What did you eat?
What did you do last weekend?
I ate a curry and rice.
I went shopping.
Did you stay out late?
What did you buy?
No, I didn’t.
I bought food.
Did you have a good time?
Who did you go with?
Yes, I did.
I went by myself.
What did you do last weekend?
What did you do last weekend?
I went cycling last weekend.
I travelled.
Who did you go with?
Where did you go?
I went with my girlfriend.
I went to Galway.
Where did you go?
Where’s Galway?
I went to the seaside.
Galway is in the west of Ireland.
Did you see your friends?
How did you travel?
Yes, I did.
I travelled by car.
Did you have fish and chips?
Who did you go with?
Yes, I did.
I went with my family.
Did you swim in the sea?
How long did you stay?
No, I didn’t.
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Did you stay in a hotel?
No, I didn’t.
What did you do last weekend?
I went to an art gallery.
Who did you go with?
My boyfriend.
Did you go out on Saturday night?
Yes, I did.
Did you go to the cinema?
No, I didn’t.
Did you go out with friends?
Yes, I did.
Did you stay out late?
No, I didn’t.
What did you do last weekend?
I played tennis.
Who did you play with?
I played with my friend.
Where did you play?
We played in the park.
Did you go out in the evening?
No, I didn’t.
Did you have a good weekend?
Yes, I did.
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Unit 11 The Living Craft Show
Part 1 What you can do at the show
This is the Living Craft Show.
Visitors come here to watch artists and craftspeople working.
There are a lot of interesting and talented people at the show
You can watch them make all kinds of fantastic things.
And you can buy many of these things, too.
Andrew is a sculptor. He makes sculptures with clay.
It’s a difficult job and he can’t work quickly.
Richard is a sculptor, too. But he makes wooden sculptures
with a chainsaw!
He can make sculptures very quickly.
But it’s a dangerous job so he always works carefully.
Visitors can’t try using a chainsaw, but they can try many
other things at the show.
Simon teaches people to carve stone. Even children can try it!
Jasper is only ten years old but he can carve very well.
You can learn to paint here, too.
Some of these people can’t paint at all, but Linda’s a great
By the end of the lesson they can all paint a little bit.
Part 2 The craftspeople
There are many talented young craftspeople working at the
show today.
Neil makes traditional wooden furniture.
He uses a very old tool called an adze.
He wears special shoes because the adze is quite a dangerous
Emily makes beautiful silver jewellery.
She works quickly and carefully.
Visitors can buy some of her necklaces and earrings at the
show today.
Ben makes modern wooden furniture.
Some of his furniture is very expensive because it takes a very
long time to make.
Anna makes interesting ceramic sculptures.
The designs are very unusual.
All of the artists and craftspeople at the Living Craft Show are
very talented, and it’s wonderful watching them work.
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Unit 12 The food trucks of Los Angeles
Aarti’s food truck is very popular.
Part 1 Gourmet fast food
Aarti is always busy.
This is Los Angeles in the U.S.
It’s a great place to eat.
But you don’t need to go to a restaurant or a café in LA.
There are thousands of other excellent places to eat all over
the city – when you can find them!
These are a few of LA’s gourmet food trucks.
There are around 6,000 gourmet food trucks in the city.
They sell all kinds of food and they’re very popular.
And every day they are in a different place.
You can follow the food trucks on the Internet.
Usually fast food isn’t very good, but these trucks sell great
food from around the world.
The food is cheap, too.
What would you like to eat?
Would you like to try some Thai food or some Mexican food?
How about some Indian food or some Vietnamese food?
There’s always some American food, too.
There’s chicken … soup … cheese … salad.
Some of the food is healthy … and some of the food isn’t!
Let’s see … burger, cheese, grilled onions and a fried egg on
Luckily the weather is usually good in LA.
There aren’t any tables or chairs here, but customers can sit on
the ground and chat with their friends.
It isn’t always comfortable, but the food is always delicious.
Part 2 Aarti’s food truck
Aarti: What can I get for you?
Customer: I’d like a waffle sundae with strawberry and
chocolate sauce.
This is Aarti Kanodia.
This is her food truck – Crispy Waffle and Frite.
Three years ago Aarti went to Belgium and ate some delicious
Belgian waffles.
She returned to America and bought a food truck and now she
sells Belgian waffles all around Los Angeles.
Every day Aarti drives to a different area of the city.
She tells her customers where she is on her website, on
Twitter and on Facebook.
She’d like to go on holiday but she never has the time!
Los Angeles is famous for its gourmet food trucks but they
are now in lots of other cities too.
There are gourmet food trucks in cities like New York,
Chicago and London.
Are there any near you?
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Unit 13 Clothes
the radio.
Part 1 The TRAID clothes shop
Zoe is sewing very quickly.
This is the TRAID shop in North London.
The customers here today are shopping for clothes and
She’s very good at sewing. She can make five skirts in a day.
Every day, at 10.30, Zoe stops work for a short break.
Today, Zoe’s having a coffee and writing an email to a friend.
But this shop doesn’t sell new clothes.
She doesn’t stop for long.
These clothes are second-hand.
There’s a lot of work to do, and Zoe loves her job.
TRAID is a charity.
Zoe: I like that I can spend all day sewing.
People give the charity their old clothes.
And Zoe knows that all her hard work is helping other people,
TRAID sells the clothes in their shops, and spends the money
helping people.
Magda and Cathy work at TRAID.
They are always busy.
This morning Cathy is helping customers, and Magda is
tidying the shop.
The clothes in the TRAID shop are cheap and colourful.
You can buy men’s and women’s clothes here.
They sell trousers … shirts … skirts … jackets … and shoes
But some of the clothes they sell in the TRAID shop are
These are TRAIDremade clothes.
TRAID make these fashionable new clothes using old clothes.
Part 2 New clothes from old clothes
90 kilometres away from the London shop, in a studio in
Brighton on the south coast of England, Zoe is making the
TRAIDremade clothes.
Zoe: My name is Zoe. I make clothes for TRAIDremade and I
live in Brighton.
Zoe makes all kinds of new clothes using the old clothes that
people give to the charity.
Zoe: We make skirts and dresses and shirts, and for the
winter we also make jumpers and sweatshirts.
This dress was a shirt.
This women’s shirt was a man’s shirt.
Zoe’s days are very busy.
Her studio is full of old clothes, fabric and thread.
Zoe: I start work at 9 a.m. in the morning and I finish at 5
p.m. in the afternoon.
Today, Zoe is making some blue skirts.
Zoe always listens to music at work. Today, she’s listening to
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Unit 14 What are you doing for your next
Part 1
New York is a busy and exciting city in the United States.
It’s famous for its tall buildings, like the Empire State
building, and its huge park, Central Park.
Over 50 million people visit the city every year.
What are you doing for your next holiday?
I’m going to Rome.
When are you going?
I’m going at the end of August.
What are you going to do?
I’m going to visit a friend.
How long are you going to stay?
I’m going to stay there for two weeks.
What are you doing for your next holiday?
I’m going to Sweden.
Who are you going with?
I’m going on my own.
How long are you going to stay?
I’m going for one week.
When are you going?
I’m going in August.
Rome is the capital city of Italy.
It’s a beautiful city.
It’s famous for its amazing ancient Roman buildings.
Sweden is a beautiful country in the north of Europe.
It’s famous for its beautiful islands.
You can drive to Sweden from Denmark over the amazing
Oresund Bridge.
What are you doing for your next holiday?
I’m going to New York.
Who are you going with?
What are you doing for your next holiday?
I’m going with family.
We’re going to Portugal.
What are you going to do?
What are you going to do?
I’m going to visit family.
I’m going to ride horses.
When are you going?
Are you visiting friends?
I’m going in July.
No, we’re not visiting friends.
How long are you going to stay?
We’re going to stay there for about two weeks.
What are you doing for your next holiday?
I’m going to New York.
Who are you going with?
Portugal is a country in the south-west of Europe.
I’m going with my boyfriend.
It’s famous for its beautiful scenery and great beaches.
How long are you going to stay?
We’re going for a week.
How are you going to travel?
We’re going by plane.
New York
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Part 2
What are you going to do?
We’re going to walk around the city.
What are you doing for your next holiday?
I’m going to go to Spain.
Who are you going with?
Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic in central
I’m going with my family.
What are you going to do?
It’s a fantastic old city with some amazing modern
architecture and beautiful bridges.
I’m going to relax on the beach.
How long are you going to stay?
Tim (and Valerie)
I’m going to go for two weeks.
What are you doing for your next holiday?
How are you going to travel?
We’re going to France.
I’m going to travel by aeroplane.
Who are you going with?
I’m going with Valerie.
What are you going to do?
What are you doing for your next holiday?
We’re going to see some museums.
I’m going to Barcelona.
Which museums?
Who are you going with?
We’re going to see the Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay.
I’m going with my girlfriend.
What are you going to do?
I’m going to a festival.
Paris, the capital city of France, is famous for its museums.
How long are you going to stay?
The Musée d’Orsay and the Louvre are art museums.
I’m going for one week.
The Louvre is one of the biggest museums in the world.
Over 8 million people visit the museum every year.
Spain is a large country in Europe.
It’s a lovely country and it’s very popular with tourists.
Barcelona is one of many amazing cities in Spain.
It’s got great beaches and fantastic architecture.
What are you doing for your next holiday?
I’m going to go to Prague.
How are you going to travel?
I’m going to fly.
How long are you going to stay?
I’m going to stay for three days.
Who are you going with?
I’m going with my friends.