COURSE INFORMATION SHEET POFI2340 Advanced Word Processing 1. Course: POFI2340 (Advanced Word Processing) 2. Instructor: Karen May, Information Management, Blinn College, Bullock Center, Brenham, Office 127; 979-830-4023. e-mail: 3. Course Description: Continuation of the study of word processing including advanced applications in merging, macros, graphics, desktop publishing, and extensive formatting for technical documents. Credit: Three semester hours. 4. Course Prerequisites: Introduction to Word Processing (ITSW 1301) or equivalent 5. Course Objectives or student learning outcomes: See attached learning outcomes. 6. Required Textbooks, Supplies, and Materials: Shelly/Cashman. MS Word 2007: Comprehensive C & T; 180-day trial MS Office 2007 with SAMS. Cengage Learning/Course Technology. ISBN: 1428328599. 7. Outline or Description of Course Content: See Daily Schedule. 8. Course Requirements: A. B. C. D. Achievement of all competencies on Learning Outcomes (attached) Completion of performance assessments. Completion of individual project Completion of major exams and semester exam (exams consist of both objective and problem portions). 9. Tentative Calendar for Major Assignments and Exams: See Daily Schedule. 10. Criteria for Grading All Assignments and Determining Final Grade in the Course: A. Performance Assessments: Points determined by amount completed, correct format, proofreading and accuracy. B. Major Exams: Score determined by points earned on objective portion and problem portion. C. Final Exam: Points determined by accuracy and amount completed (problem portion) and correct answers (objective portion) D. Point Distribution and Evaluation Percentages for the Course: Revised: Spring 2009 11. Instructor’s policies: A. Attendance Policy: Students are required to login to the class a minimum of twice a week. Using the course information sheet as a guide, when a student falls behind two weeks in assignments, a week of absences will be recorded. A second week recorded will result in being dropped from the course. The purpose of marking attendance in an online course is to ensure success for each student. B. Late assignments: Assignments are due according to the schedule. Late work will only be accepted during emergency situations. Absolutely no quiz assessments can be made up. If they are not taken by the due date, they can not be re-opened. Other late assignments can be sent to the Instructor by e-mail with a penalty deducted. C. Dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes copying work from another student or student computer diskette and turning it in as your own. Depending on the severity of the dishonesty, one may receive either a zero for the assignment or fail the course. All persons involved in the copying or granting permission for copying will be penalized. 12. ADA. Blinn College would like to help students with disabilities achieve their highest potential in college. In order to receive accommodations on examinations or assignments, proper documentation must first be provided to the Office of Disability Services located at the Student Counseling Office in the H Building (Bryan Campus), telephone 979-209-7255. The Brenham Office of Disability Services is located at 104 Administration Building, 979-830-4157. You must then self-identify and conference with the ADA office to begin receiving accommodations in the class. Sealy and Schulenburg should visit with their advisors and/or directors of that specific campus. 13. Civility. Members of the Blinn College community, which includes faculty, staff and students, are expected to act honestly and responsibly in all aspects of campus life. Blinn College holds all members accountable for their actions and words. Therefore, all members should commit themselves to behave in a manner that recognizes personal respect and demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights, and freedoms of every member of the College community, including respect for College property and the physical and intellectual property of others. If a student is asked to refrain from communicating online in an uncivil manner, the student will be blocked from the class, pending a conference either telephone or in person with the instructor. Revised: Spring 2009 LEARNING OUTCOMES – POFI2340 (stated as workplace or SCANS competencies) COURSE OBJECTIVES EVALUATION SCANS Work with Documents Organize/maintain information; interpret/ communicate data Work with Columns Create and use newspaper columns Exams, Pinpoint Assignments, Performance Assessments Balance column length ( using column breaks) Process information with computers; apply technology to specific tasks; manage time Manage and organize materials; process information with computers; select equipment and tools; supply technology to specific tasks Work with Styles and Templates Create and edit styles Set default file location for workgroup templates Same as above Create Document Components Use bookmarks Create hyperlinks Create cross-references Create and modify an index Create and modify table of contents Work with master documents and subdocuments Same as above Use Advanced Features Apply technology to specific tasks; problem solving Apply technology to specific tasks; process information with computers Acquire/evaluate information; organize/ maintain information; creative thinking Automate Work Create, apply and edit macros Copy, rename, and delete macros Use Mail Merge Add, modify, delete records Use sort and query functions Extract and print selected data Create Forms Same as above Same as above Same as above Create and modify a form Modify a form control (e.g., add an item to a drop-down list) Set default file location for workgroup templates Apply technology to specific tasks; creative thinking Create Web Pages Save document as a Web Page Round trip documents from HTML Same as above Collaborate with Workgroups Work on teams; organize/maintain information; apply technology to specific tasks; decision making; problem solving; thinking logically Revised: Spring 2009 Collaborate on Documents Insert comments Track changes to a document Create multiple versions of a document Protect documents Same as above POFI2340 – ADVANCED WORD PROCESSING Week Course Outline 1 Due January 25 2 Due February 1 3 Due February 8 4 Due February 15 5 Due February 22 6 Due March 1 7 Due March 8 Introduction by student to class on the Discussion Board Read, study, and do Chapter 1, Creating and Editing a Document, pps. WD 2-WD 62. Do all exercises that are enumerated with a number in a red circle. Save only when it instructs you to save. It would be a good idea to create a 1 folder named 01ch to save all your Chapter 1 files in. Saved file: Horseback Riding Lesson Flyer. End of the chapter: p. WD 63-64 Apply Your Knowledge, Save as Autumn Fest Flyer p. WD 65 Extend Your Knowledge. Save as Baseball Sign Ups Flyer p. WD 67 In the Lab. Lab 1 Only. Save as Airplane Rides Quiz on Chapter 1. NOTE: No printing is required for any assignments throughout this course. Chapter 2 Creating a Research Paper Read, study, and do pps. WD 74 – WD 132. Do all exercises that are enumerated with a number in a red circle. Saved file: Wireless Communications Paper p. WD 133-135. Apply Your Knowledge Save as Software Paragraphs Draft p. WD 135. Extend Your Knowledge. Save as Computing Options Paper Draft p. 138-139. In the Lab, Lab 1. Save as Computer Forensics Specialist Quiz on Chapter 2 Discussion: Chapter 2 Plagiarism Chapter 3 Creating a Cover Letter and a Resume Read, study and do the exercises on pps. WD 146- WD 204. Saved as: Canaan Letterhead, Canaan Cover Letter, Canaan Resume. P. WD 205 – WD 206. Apply Your Knowledge. Save as Monthly Club Expenses. P. WD 206 – WD 207. Extend Your Knowledge. Save as Club Letter Draft P. WD 209 – WD 210. In the Lab, Lab 1. Save as Owens Cover Letter Quiz on Chapter 3. Discussion: Chapter 3 Resizing Images Exam 1 – Chapters 1-3 Production Objective Chapter 4 Creating a Web Page Using Word Read, study and do the exercises on pps. WD 216 – WD 291 P. WD 292 – WD 293. Apply Your Knowledge. Save as Awesome Antiques Draft P. WD 294 - WD 295. Extend Your Knowledge. Save as Housing Table P. WD 296 – WD 297. In the Lab, Lab 1. Save as Clean Fleet Auto Quiz on Chapter 4 Discussion: Chapter 4 Effective Proposals Chapter 5 Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and Directories Read, study, and do the exercises on pps. WD 306 – WD 369 P. WD 370 – WD 371. Apply Your Knowledge. Save as Green Grove Nursery. P. WD 372 – WD 373. Extend Your Knowledge. Save as Far Horizons Travel P. WD 376 – WD 377. In the Lab, Lab 1. Save as Diamond Eye Care. Quiz on Chapter 5 Discussion: Chapter 5 Formatting Proposals Chapter 6 Creating a Professional Newsletter Read, study, and do the exercises on pps. WD 386 – WD 451 P. WD 452 – WD 453. Apply Your Knowledge. Save as Totally Toned P. WD 453 – WD 454. Extend Your Knowledge. Save as Park Department Newsletter Draft P. WD 456 – WD 457. In the Lab, Lab 1. Save as Memory Lane Quiz on Chapter 6 Discussion: Chapter 6 Newsletters Revised: Spring 2009 Points Possible 5 20 10 20 10 5 20 10 5 70 60 20 10 5 20 10 5 20 10 5 8 Due March 22 9 Due March 29 10 Due April 5 11 Due April 12 12 Due April 19 13-15 Due May 6 16 May 7-11 Exam 2 – Chapters 4-6 Production Objective Chapter 7 Linking An Excel Worksheet and Chart to a Word Document Read, study, and do the exercises on pps. WD 464 – WD 552 P. WD 554 – WD 555. Apply Your Knowledge. Save as E-Commerce Reviewed P. WD 556 – WD 557. Extend Your Knowledge. Save as Certification Draft. P. WD 559 – WD 560. In the Lab, Lab 1. Save as Back Up Quiz on Chapter 7 Discussion: Chapter 7 Working with Multiple Documents Chapter 8 Creating an Online Form Read, study, and do the exercises on pps. WD 570 – WD 627 P. WD 629 – WD 630. Apply Your Knowledge. Save as That Pool Place P. WD 631 – WD 632. Extend Your Knowledge. Save as Pampered Pals Draft P. WD 634 – WD 635. In the Lab, Lab 1. Save as Andrew County Public Library Quiz on Chapter 8 Discussion: Chapter 8 Online Forms Chapter 9 Enhancing an Online Form and Working with Macros, Document Security, and XML Read, study, and do the exercises on pps. WD 642 – WD 726 P. WD 727. In the Lab, Lab 1. Save as Lab BF-1 Privacy Quiz on Chapter 9 Discussion: Chapter 9 Antivirus Software Exam 3 (Chapters 6-9) Production Objective Capstone Project – Texas Trails 70 60 140 Final Exam 200 Total Points 1045 Revised: Spring 2009 70 60 20 10 5 20 10 5 20 10 5 FINAL PROJECT Advanced Word Processing Texas Trails This fictitious business provides mountain biking events in the city of Austin, Texas by hosting 10, 20, 30, and 50-mile bicycle rides each month, managing bicycling camps for students and their parents in the summer, and offering other special events at the company’s fifty-acre biking ranch. The business’s ranch provides twentyfive cabins for overnight bicycling events as well as a Refreshment Center filled with healthy food and drinks. This entire project is fictitious. You will do some research on the Internet, but the dates and bike rides are all fictitious. The following are the required documents for the project. They should be each in separate documents for a total of 11 documents. Place them in a folder named texas_trails and zip the folder to upload. Logo Slogan Letterhead Simplified Memorandum Refreshment Center Price List Two-page report Facsimile Cover Sheet Business Cards Newsletter Merged Letter Labels Logo Find an image that you want to use as your logo. It should be appropriate to the topic. You are welcome to create your own, use the scanner, locate one on the web, use one in Microsoft. Place this image in a WORD document. It should be in the document 3 times with changes made to it each time. Resized, border added, recolored, etc. Save the document as logo. Slogan Write a slogan or short mission statement for your business. For example, Nike’s is “Just Do It.” Use WordArt to put this in a document. Save as slogan. Letterhead Activity Create a letterhead. It must be in the top 2 inches of the page. It’s a good idea to put it in the header and some information in the footer if you want. Use your logo, your slogan, and add all other important information for your business. The information can be fictitious. It can be at the top of the document or in a header or some of the information can even be in a footer. Save as letterhead with file type template. Simplified Memorandum 1. Compose a memorandum in any style. 2. The following information must be included on the memorandum. From: Katie Wesneski, Company President To: Advertising Department Date: February 1, 2xxx Revised: Spring 2009 3. The memorandum must contain these paragraphs. You do the composing! Paragraph 1: Advise all employees that the opening day for mountain biking rides will be Saturday, April 1, that the advertising department should begin preparing advertisements immediately, and that the following list timelines these advertisements. Paragraph 2: Insert the table below, choosing a table autoformat. The table must be centered horizontally with a blank line above and below. Column headings must be bolded, underlined, and centered. Left align left column data and right align right column data. Type of Advertisement Date Due to Supervisor Billboard Flyer Television Video PowerPoint for Sports Center Post Cards for Bicycling Clubs February 7, 2xxx February 15, 2xxx March 1, 2xxx March 7, 2xxx March 1, 2xxx Paragraph 3: Advise employees that you are looking forward to a great Opening Day, that their creative advertising will make the difference in the success of Texas Trails, that you appreciate their presence on the Texas Trails team, and that you are looking forward to working with them. Save as memo. Facsimile Cover Sheet Create a facsimile cover sheet, using a word processing template. 1. The facsimile sheet must be modified for the business’s needs, deleting unnecessary lines or blanks and modifying as necessary to create a positive business image. 2. The logo and slogan must be inserted somewhere on the facsimile sheet. 3. Save as fax with a template file type. Business Cards Create business cards for yourself as the Word Processing Specialist for this company. Use the label feature to create the business cards. 1. The following must appear on these business cards: a. Student Name and job title b. Business Name c. Address and other contact information and d. logo 2. Business Cards also must contain the following design elements: a. a minimum two changes of font b. a minimum two changes of color c. a rotated image, and d. a line graphic with line color change 3. Placement of information on the card must be creative and visually appealing. You only need to create one business card and not the entire sheet. Revised: Spring 2009 4. Save as business_card. Refreshment Center Price List Create a Refreshment Center Price List. The company president has requested proposal of a list of ten healthy foods and drinks accompanied by prices to sell in the Refreshment Center. 1. Students search the Internet, read about the type of food and drink most appropriate for consumption after a lengthy bike ride, then select ten menu items. 2. Students develop a creative flyer to post with the price list. 3. The flyer must include the following design elements: a. An appropriate border around an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper. b. An imaged WordArt or font or other drawing tool c. At least two other font changes and color changes d. Use of at least three other enhancements such as underlining, bolding, or italics. Save as refreshment_center and link to the table of contents. Newsletter Activity Create in columned format a newsletter that includes the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Information about the business. Logo and slogan Article about Lance Armstrong. This information can be found by searching the Internet. Article about any other Texas bike trails or bike rides. Refreshment Center menu. Schedule of Activities for April and May: a. 1st weekend in April (look up specific dates) Annual Boy Scout bike ride. b. 3rd weekend in April: 50 mile bike ride for ages 40+ c. 2nd weekend in May: Special Workshops held for Kids 12 and under, Bicycle Safety d. 3rd weekend in May: Annual Spring Cleaning Workshop on Bicycle Maintenance e. 4th weekend in May: 10, 20, 30 mile bike rides for all ages The above newsletter must be 2 pages long. Add enough in the articles for it to be 1 full page plus at least part of a second page. The following should be included: 1. WordArt 2. Text box filled with a different color 3. Drop Cap 4. Vertical lines between articles 5. At least one horizontal and one vertical line with different formatting 6. First page should be landscape and the second page should be portrait 7. At least 3 different fonts and color changes 8. Use as many drawing tools and other tools you have learned as possible! 9. Using a header, number page 2. 10. Save as newsletter. Merged Letter Write a letter: Revised: Spring 2009 Inform the biking club of the events coming up in February and March. Give them information about your company and invite them to the events. This letter should be no less than 2 paragraphs. Merge the letter to send to the following members: Title Mr. Ms. Miss Mr. Mr. First Name James Maggie Sammie George John Last Name Schenek Jobs Summers Thompson Ross Address 925 Deer Park Rd. 17 Rhine Street 1425 Severn Trail 21 Frog Legs Rd. 5454 Central Blvd. City Florence Georgetown Salado Belton Killeen State TX TX TX TX TX Zip 77654 76522 77544 76513 76542 Save as merged_letter. Labels Using the merge feature, create mailing labels for the above data source. Save as labels. Report Research information on the advantages of bike riding for health. Write a two-page report that includes two side headings, two resources, page numbering and a title page in correct format. Cite the resources using MLA format. Save as report. Revised: Spring 2009 Rubric Criteria Logo Appropriate 3 variations of the logo Slogan Appropriate Use of WordArt Letterhead Top 2 inches of document Required information included Saved as template Memorandum Proper format Required information included Error-free Facsimile Logo and slogan included Proper format Used fax template Business Cards Required information included Eye-appealing in appearance Used mail tools Logo included Refreshment Center Price List Ten healthy items on the list Border is appropriate WordArt, font or other drawing tool used Font changes and colors for a colorful flyer No errors Centered vertically and horizontally with appropriate white space Newsletter Two pages in length Logo and slogan included Lance Armstrong article Schedule of Activities Drop Cap Landscape and Portrait Header on page 2 No errors in newsletter Merged Letter Letter was in proper format Included all information as instructed Five letters in the merge No uncorrected errors Labels No errors Used label feature Report Appropriate formatting on the report and title page Page numbering with no page numbers on title page or first page of the report Appropriate formatting with two references cited in MLA format Two side headings No errors on the report Total Revised: Spring 2009 Points Possible 5 5 10 15 10 15 15 15 20 10 20 140 Points Earned