study guide: quiz #3

TPS 1107 STUDY GUIDE: QUIZ #3. Spring 2005
Directing for the Theatre
 What is the overall job of the theatrical director?
 Review the list of director responsibilities in your e-book.
 Directorial concept/vision: what is the definition?
 Creating a concept: what kinds of decisions must be made
 Reminder: the video examples in class of two different 'concepts
 Collaboration with designers: what does this involve?
 Casting and auditions: What does each of these words mean? Why are auditions
and casting so important? What do auditions require of the actor?
 What criteria does the director use for casting? (How does he/she choose the
 'Colorblind' or 'Gender-blind' Casting
 Actor -Coaching--recall class demonstration of scene from
Our Town; how does the director work with actors? What does she/he do in a
rehearsal that was demonstrated in class?
Review each of the following concepts:
 Blocking/Staging/Stage Business: what are these?
 Areas of the stage: what is UPSTAGE and what is DOWNSTAGE?
 Stage Pictures
 Shaping or Pacing a show
 Technical Rehearsals
 Dress Rehearsals (what is the difference between Technical and Dress
Experiencing Visual Art
 Elements of Design: be able to list these.
 Principles of Design: be able to list these.
 (Review the above; you will find them in your notes on scenic design if not in
your visual art notes)
 The general differences between the following styles of visual art
 Objective or Representational art
 Non-Objective or Non-Representational Art
 Abstract
Theatrical Design
Review the areas of design listed below, WHAT EACH needs to
communicate to the audience and what it contributes to the theatrical
 Also, review the 'staging formats'--what kinds of theatrical spaces
(stages) does a scenic designer have at his /her disposal? Which is most
popular? Most intimate? Most flexible? Which can accommodate the
most special effects and illusions?
Costumes: what must costumes communicate to an audience?
Lighting: what does Lighting communicate to an audience and how? (review
properties of lighting at the designer's disposal and the different effects they can
Sound: how does sound contribute to a production?
You will be shown images on the quiz and asked to analyze them in terms of
elements, principles, and what they communicate to you about the 'play.'
Opera Preview Class:
The names of the operas (and their composers) being produced at KSU?
How did opera originate and where?
What is distinctive and impressive about opera? (as compared with straight
What are the job titles for the various creators of opera?
What are the general themes in the operas that the director is emphasizing in
his concept?
What did the each of the excerpts we listened to in class communicate
emotionally about the characters and the stories? How were the tones/moods
What is meant by the verismo style employed by the composers of these two
What is the visual concept/approach for the scenery for the KSU productions
of these operas?
What does gesamkunstwerk mean?
Who collaborated to make these opera productions possible?