The Newsletter of St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church Contemporary Worship Saturday 5:00 p.m. 7834 Eastern Ave. Baltimore, MD 21224 Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 410-284-0336 (fax) Sunday School 8:45 a.m. Vol. 85 Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie Adelung, Minister of Music APRIL, 2013 No. 04 Our next Men’s Bible Study will be May 6th at 7:30 p.m. We have begun a New Testament study of the Acts of the Apostles. All men are invited to join us. Tom Flink The families of Jesse C. Flohr, III wish to thank all the congregation of St. Peter for their wonderful cards, flowers and prayers at the time of the death of Jesse (Butch) Flohr. Your kindness will never be forgotten…. Beverly Flohr, Denise Flohr, Mary Flohr & Linda Myers UPCOMING BUS TRIP SPONSORED BY ST. LUKE'S BROADWAY: Now and Forever All the hits of your favorite shows! We'll also visit Kitchen Kettle Village for 2 hours of shopping and then on to GOOD & PLENTY RESTAURANT. May 23rd – Price $78 Leave St. Luke’s, 1803 Dundalk Ave. – 8:00 a,m, - Return 7:00 p.m. ($10.00 will hold your seat with balance due April 20.) For reservations or more info call: 410-284-0783 THE BOOK and MOVIE GROUP will view the movie “Slumdog Millionaire” on Thursday, April 25th at 6:30 p.m.. A brief synopsis: A Mumbai teen who grew up in the slums, becomes a contestant on the Indian version of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” He is arrested under suspicion of cheating, and while being interrogated, events from his life history are shown which explain why he knows the answers. We have now established a regular day for our meetings – the last Thursday of every month at 6:30p.m. NEW COMMUNION PROCEDURE Many of our members are having increasing difficulty using the steps going up to the chancel to take communion at the rail, and then going down more steps to return to their seats. Out of consideration for these sisters and brothers who still want to take communion with the rest of the congregation rather than receive it individually in their seats, the worship and music committee has recommended implementing continuous communion. HOWEVER, WE WILL CONTINUE TO CELEBRATE COMMUNION AT THE RAIL THE LAST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH. To work out some glitches we have experienced previously with continuous communion, the committee came up with a system that should make this process flow smoothly. There will be a table in the middle of the center aisle with trays of empty cups for wine and prefilled cups with grape juice. When directed by the ushers, communicants will walk from their seats to the center aisle, forming two lines. People in each line will move forward and take a cup before proceeding to the pastor and an assistant who will each distribute bread to people in one of the lines. Those in the line on the left will turn to another assistant on the left who will pour wine into their cup. Likewise, people in the line on the right will turn right and receive their wine from an assistant at that station. After communing, each member will walk toward the side aisle where they will place their empty cup in a basket or tray there before proceeding down the side aisle to their seat. Wow, it’s hard to believe spring is here. Before we know it school will be coming to an end and all Moms will be looking for activities to keep their kiddos busy. There will be a Christian Education Meeting on Thursday, April 11th @ 7pm in the Sunday School room. We would love to see many new faces there to assist us with upcoming events; Confirmation breakfast, annual picnic, summer Sunday school and VBS! We look forward to seeing all of you at the meeting! We have four students who will be Confirmed on May 19th Adrianna Kinsella, Gavin Mooney, Courtney Russell and Gabby Weiser. These students have worked very hard the past two years; let’s show our support by having a full house on May 19, 2013!!!! Yours in Christ, Phyllis Schmitt & Nancy Hammond Christian Education Directors APRIL BIRTHDAYS 04-01 04-01 04-03 04-07 04-09 04-09 04-10 04-13 04-14 04-18 04-18 04-19 04-20 04-26 Bette Albert John Lynch Edith Schott Cynthia Weiser Hunter Jones Tracy Jean Michaud Kathy Woodell Paul E. Myers Colleen Carpenter Richard C. Ard Terri S. Phillips John Harris Jean Nedzel Joline Reinhart If someone’s name is missing, adult or Sunday School child, please call the Church Office at 410288-0537 or e-mail so we can update our records. Bulletin and Flower Memorials Congregation members continue to sponsor bulletin and flower memorials in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special person. Weekly Flowers (either 2 altar vases or 1 large arrangement) - $25. Weekly Bulletins - $15 – PLEASE CHECK THE SIGN-UP CHARTS ON AN EASEL AT THE REAR OF THE SANCTUARY FOR OPEN DATES. WE’RE PRAYING FOR YOU If you have anyone you would like to add to the Prayer List, please fill out a “Remember in Prayer” slip in the pew rack, or call the church office, 410288-0537. Please sign your name as the person requesting prayers in case there is a follow-up. April 2013 Marge Ard Richard Ard Mike Barnes Davis Barkley Anna Bowler Margaux Chrystal Bill Clark Lynn Clark Chris Copeland Joe Cummings Jan Albert-Elliott Keith Fewster Jaykobb Hill Craig Jones Peter Kantorsky Mandy Kent Beatrice Keiser John King Betty Knight Dawn Kulczycki Dolores Lynch Ed Lynch Marilyn Lynch Eadie Mehring Laura Pharr Bobby Prudhoe Michael Redman Betty Riden Wayne Sautter Marie Schehlein Garnet Stevens Robert Tankersley William Tankersley Shonda Waybright Denise Heath-Winter Jaxon Yeagy Also pray for those listed below who are in assisted living or nursing facilities and are no longer able to come and worship with us. They enjoy hearing from members of the congregation, so your phone calls and cards are truly appreciated. Hedi Devine Augsburg Lutheran Village 6825 Campfield Rd, Apt 10-G Baltimore, MD 21207-4634 Rosalie Molz Riverview Care Center, Rm 610 1 Eastern Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21221 Lois Cole Riverview Care Center, Rm 613 1 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, MD 21221 May Issue April 12, 2013 APRIL 2013 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS & CANTORS: Mary Campbell 617-529-4149 7 -- (WA) Angela Carpenter (C) Susan Neumeister 14 -- (WA) Lillian Tomecek (C) Patricia Hipchen 21 -- (WA) Brian Bichell (C) Valerie Adelung 28 -- (WA) Mary Flohr (C) Susan Neumeister GREETERS: Lorraine Ward 410-288-1013 7 -- Mary Catanzariti 14 -- Kay Stone 21 -- Elaine Funk 28 -- Kay Stone ACOLYTES Mary Campbell 617-529-4149 7 -- (A) Adrianna Kinsella (C) Courtney Russell 14 -- (A) Gavin Mooney (C) Rob Weber 21 -- (A) Lindsey Rivera (C) Tracy Michaud 28 -- (A) Sabrina Michaud (C) Hunter Jones LECTORS: Mary Campbell 617-529-4149 7 -- Cindy Titus 14 -- Gabrielle Weiser 21 -- Bunny Robl 28 -- Thomas Flink COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: Mary Campbell 617-529-4149 7 -- Marie Gellert 14 -- Joseph Myers 21 -- Jean Jansen 28 -- Sherri Hart If you would like to serve your Lord through any of these ministries, please call the person listed next to the ministry title. NURSERY ASSISTANTS: Mary Campbell 617-529-4149 7 -- Tracy Russell 14 -- Phyllis Schmitt 21 -- Donna Barnhart 28 -- Tracy Michaud ALTAR GUILD: Marie Gellert 410-288-4278 7 -- Bunny Robl 14 -- Bea Thomas, Robin Goodwin 21 -- Mildred Albanese, Margaret Krug 28 -- Marie Gellert HOST/HOSTESS: Linda Heath 410-282-1731 7 -- Kathy Woodell, Peggy Hull 14 -- Bevely Flohr, Mary Flohr 21 -- No Fellowship – Music Festival 28 -- Joan Sarzynski, Shirley Hisker Note: Anyone interested in becoming a Host or Hostess, we need you! See Linda Heath