OTH 603: Reflex Lab Reflex Test Position Stimulus ATNR Supine Sitting Rotation of neck *Test both sides STNR Babies – over lap Adult – quadruped or sitting 1. Flexion of neck 2. Extension of neck + Response (+) Rotate head left – left arm & leg extended, right arm & leg flexed Rotate head right – right arm & leg extended, left arm & leg flexed 1. (+) UE flexed, LE extended 2. (+) UE extended, LE flexed *Looks like a bunny hopping Labyrinthine- inner ear to detect gravity TLR: prone Prone (on stomach) TLR: supine Supine (on back) 1. Check to see if client can lift head 2. Check to see if their limbs push against you when trying to lift them (Place hands above and below elbow/knee joint when lifting arm/leg) Labyrinthine- inner ear to detect gravity 1. Check to see if client can lift head 2. Check to see if their limbs push against you (+) Client can’t sit up against gravity, body pulled into flexion (+) Client can’t sit up against gravity, extension of extremities when trying to lift them (Place hands above and below elbow/knee joint when lifting arm/leg) Associated Reactions Sitting Standing Squeeze an object with unaffected hand (+) The other hand mimics the movement Grasp Reflex Any position Tactile input to ulnar side of hand (+) Strong grasp, no ability to open their hand in order to let go Righting Reactions Sitting Sitting on ball Kneeling Standing Displace center of gravity by pushing forward, sideways, and backwards (+) Right your head to midline Protective Extension 1. Sitting Kneeling 2. Prone on ball 1. Displace center of gravity by pushing forward, sideways, and backwards 2. Control client’s legs while moving them on ball (+) Arms extend to protect/catch self in both cases *While sitting or kneeling, OT should extend arm across client’s chest Equilibrium Reactions Sitting Kneeling Standing Displace center of gravity by pushing forward, sideways, and backwards (using more force than with righting reactions) (+) Right your head and trunk to midline