recognizing the myths - Cheyenne Church of Christ

(preached in two parts)
1) Sennacharib was a roving dog a) He didn't want a master or a home.
b) He dropped by occasionally for whatever kind of benefits
came with "No Strings Attached".
2) I don't think that any of us really want that kind of relationship
with the Heavenly Father - and yet we sometimes treat him
just that way.
3) We would like to see ourselves as spiritually mature Christians
And we would like to be -a) Walking in the light
b) Under God's direction
c) Depending on God's Strength
d) Utilizing the power of the Spirit of Christ
Feeding on spiritual food
yet, as on Christian told me after last week's sermon, "I
feel like I'm bobbing in the current - drifting slowly
away from God - reaching out but never able to
4) If we shall ever realize dynamic growth in our spiritualness - we
must first dispel a few myths about spirituality:
I. Some say, "I can see myself growing spiritually every day"
A. Most of the time, sp. growth is imperceptible in the "short-run".
1. Just as physical growth was imperceptible on a day to day basis
(when you were a child)
2. It could only be noticed in blocks of time - and that by
comparisons of months or years.
3. Likewise - true sp. growth is not observable in the "short-run"
B. We must not grow quickly impatient to see results of Sp. growth.
C. We may not even realize the growth we have made till tested . . .
(Did Abraham realize his strength before God demanded his son?)
D. The most obvious difference you will probably feel is when Satan
tempts you more diligently as you are growing stronger.
II. Some say, "I am Proud of my Sp. Prowess"
A. If you are comfortable with your sp. development - you are probably in
danger of over-confidence.
B. Like the man given a medal for Humility - taken away when he wore it!
C. True indeed, Sp. growth is not a feeling of euphoric satisfaction.
1. Though we would like to be able to one day say, "So, this is how it
feels to be Spiritual." . . .
2. . . . You will hopefully never reach the point where you feel you
have "arrived".
D. We need to seriously heed the warning of I Cor 10:12 - "Let him that
thinks he stands take heed lest he fall."
III. Some say, "I Feel so close to God".
A. Emotions play a part in any relationship – and need to be there –
but can't be trusted to detect spirituality.
B. After a George Strait concert I Felt … happy, euphoric & close to George
1. Until I got to the parking lot … and the gargantuan traffic jam
2. Then it was back to "life as usual"
3. My emotions "waned" … and George didn't come out to help me
C. The trend in churches today is to "manufacture" euphoric feelings
1. Entertainment is emotional by nature
2. Especially when it addresses a topic which is familiar
and close to one's heart
3. Never-the-less … emotionalism is not necessarily spirituality
D. The Pharisee in Lk 18:9-14
FELT close to God - but he was not.
IV. Some say, "I'm WEAK, so I Must Not Be Spiritual".
A. However, to feel weak may mean you are exerting your spiritual
strength to the maximum.
B. Like Paul in II Cor 12:9-10 READ
C. I feel weak when I've been on the Tread Mill for an hour - but that is
when my strength is growing.
D. When you feel weak spiritually, it may be because you have had to
engage your spiritual energies to the maximum in dealing with life.
V. Some say, "Material wealth accompanies Spirituality".
A. As though God will give me Wealth, Health, Talents, Job status,
and Prestige as a reward for my sp. growth.
B. This is also a popular teaching today …
and generates large followings for those who teach it
C. But completely secular people have these things as well.
1. Mt 5:45 - "sun on evil & good; rain on just & unjust"
2. Eccl 8:14 READ
VI. Some tie physical suffering to Spiritual Status A. But, what would we conclude that suffering indicates?
1. That God allows it because I am spiritual enough to take it?
2. OR - God punishes me because I am not spiritual enough?
B. Is not human suffering merely a part of the human condition - being the
historical norm - not the exception?
C. In our culture, we tend to say - "Why me?" when suffering comes.
I have had very little suffering, and tend to ask "Why not me?"
D. Never-the-less -- our reaction to physical suffering might indeed be a
bit of a gauge to our sp. stature.
E. Listen to Job (19:25-27) READ (Sp. growth is often refined in the
crucible of bitter suffering and it results in deeply sp. insights.)
VII. Some say, "Spirituality is Measured by Religious Acts."
A. Can we determine spirituality by taking an inventory? Well, I . . .
1. Go to church 3 times a week.
2. Teach a Bible class.
3. Visit the sick (sometimes).
4. Take meals to the bereaved (sometimes).
5. I don't drink and I don't chew and I don't go with girls that do
B. Could it not still be possible for Jesus to say to this person:
"Depart from me, I never knew you?" (Mt 7:22-23)
VIII. Some think, "Spirituality is somehow tied to conservativism or liberalness"
A. Some think that keeping one's self-appointed rules or honoring the
traditions of men is an indication of being spiritual.
B. Others repel at this, and think that a certain doctrinal aloofness with a
grinning possum attitude demonstrates a mysterious inner
awareness that the traditionalist can only dream about
C. On the contrary - spiritualness has nothing to do with either of these
IX. Spirituality is also NOT measured by one's status in the church
(though, theoretically, it should be)
A. Immaturity CAN be noted in:
elders, preachers, & Bible school teachers
B. On the other hand - sp. depth & maturity will often be seen in
Christians who hold none of these positions.
C. Diotrephes was a shallow little man - though he was a church boss.
III Jn 9-10 READ
X. Spiritual Growth - likewise - does not depend on AGE.
A. Psalm 119:97-100 READ
B. Because a person is old does not make him/her "spiritual".
C. And there is no reason for a young person NOT to be growing in spirit.
XI. Some think that - "A person who has faltered in a moral flaw cannot be sp."
A. David was called, "A man after God's own heart" yet, he committed adultery and murder.
B. Ironically, it was in this SIN that David learned many lessons about the
way to the heart of God. (Psalm 51:15-17) READ
XII Some think - "To be spiritual is to go out and Do the Fruit of the Spirit".
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness,
self control (Gal 5:22-23)
A. Even athiests will often demonstrate these qualities
B. These are the "FRUIT" of Spirituality … but not Spirituality itself
1. If one is growing spiritually - these things will be seen more and
more by others.
2. But these qualities CAN be attained through other means
C. So … What IS "Spirituality" … since we've seen all that it is not?
D. Listen to Paul in Phil 3:7-15 READ
Paul wanted To Know Christ.
Paul wanted To Be Found in Christ.
Paul was fascinated with the Righteousness of Christ.
Paul depended on the Power of Christ.
Paul wanted to be conformed to the Image of Christ.
Paul was not satisfied with his own Spiritual Growth.
I think Paul would have approved of the song we sometimes sing:
"Into the heart of Jesus -- Deeper & Deeper I go ..."
For Paul - it was Deeper & Deeper (all else fading to darkness around)
For Paul - it was Onward & Upward (ever pressing - ever moving)
until he could say:
"For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Phil 1:21)
Concl 1) Here is the goal and aim of spiritual growth.
2) It is an abiding awareness of:
the spiritual hosts and the sp. realm and of sp. warfare.
3) It is a Communion with God.
It is:
walking in his light
living by his direction
depending on his strength
engaging his power
feeding on his fuel
5) But - how do I attain this?
Three Things We Must Know Before We can Grow Spiritually.