Chapter 1: Roots of the American People

Chapter 1: Roots of the American People
Review Sheet 1
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Carefully read pages 6 -9, then complete the following.
1. Carefully describe how the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska was formed.
Between 10,000-100,000 years ago much of the world was frozen. This massive freezing
caused the ocean’s water level to drop, exposing more land. One area existed between
Siberia and Alaska, creating a land bridge between the two continents.
a. How many years ago did people come to North America, and why did they come?
Many scientists believe the first people came to the Americas between 20,000 and
30,000 years ago following their food source; larger mammals like the wooly
2. Name and describe another theory scientists have regarding people coming to
The coastal route theory suggests that people came to the Americas via boats, travelling
southward along the Pacific Coast.
3. Why did hunters become gatherers?
Hunters became gatherers because many of the animals they had been hunting began to
disappear and they needed a reliable food source. Berries and other gatherable foods
became their food source.
a. Describe two things people learned to do in Mexico 8,000 years ago?
8,000 years ago people in Mexico began to domesticate plants such as squash and beans,
which led to farming. People also learned to irrigate their crops and domesticated
animals such as cattle.
b. Describe the effects of having a more dependable food supply.
With a more dependable food source people began to create a surplus, which led to
farming communities cropping up and, eventually, cities.
4. Mayas:
a. Describe Mayan cities:
Mayan cities were amazing! They consisted of large plaza, temple, courts and palaces.
b. Describe three other accomplishments of the Mayas.
 Written language
Creation of a highly accurate calendar
System of government
c. Why around 900 A.D. might the Mayas have abandoned their cities?
The disappearance of the Mayan civilization remains to this day.
5. Aztecs:
a. Describe the capital city of Tenochtitlan.
Tenochtitlan rivaled European cities of the same time period. It was a city built on island
in the middle of a lake. Stone walkways connected the city to the mainland and its
200,000 inhabitants grew crops on floating platforms.
b. What did you learn about Aztec religious beliefs?
Religion dominated Aztec life, they believed the prosperity of their crops depended on
appeasing their gods. They also offered their gods human sacrifices.
c. How did the Aztecs treat the people they conquered?
Aztec leaders treated conquered people very harshly. They were to send tribute to the
Aztec capital and to pay high taxes.
6. Incas:
a. How were Inca cities and towns connected?
The Inca cities and towns were connected via an intricate series of stone roads.
b. Describe some Inca building and engineering feats.
The Inca build huge walls to hold soil in their fields. They also built canals, bridges and
huge stone buildings. They produced beautifully woven fabrics and crafted gold into
elaborate jewelry.