Fond du Lac Area Foundation Grant Application

The Fond du Lac Area Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life in our geographic area. The Foundation
makes grants in the areas of education, health and human services, youth services, arts and culture, and the environment. Grants are
made for programs likely to make a clear difference in the quality of life of a substantial number of people.
The Foundation tends to favor projects that:
propose practical solutions to current community problems
promote cooperation among agencies without duplicating services
stimulate others to participate in problem solving
promote volunteer involvement
strengthen an agency’s effectiveness or stability
address themselves to prevention as well as remediation
Because of limited resources, the Foundation cannot respond to all worthwhile causes. In general, the Foundation does not
building funds
capital campaigns
religious organizations for religious purposes
political parties
endowments and debt reduction
scholarly research
annual fundraising drives
community services which are supported by tax dollars
travel grants
projects outside our local geographic area
When applying for a grant, include the following information:
1) Completed Fond du Lac Area Foundation grant application. (See page 2)
2) A statement containing the following information: (3 pages or less)
Summary of the project or proposal. (Include Agency Budget and Project Budget)
Other principal sources of support. (Both confirmed and potential)
Outcomes of the project - who will be better off, and how, at the end of the project.
If the project will be continued, how will it be supported in the future.
How are you working collaboratively with other local organizations to use your funding sources
effectively to provide benefit to the people you are serving?
3) A copy of the IRS Federal Tax Exemption determination letter. [501 (c) 3]
4) A complete list of the organization’s officers and directors.
The grants committee will adhere to the following grants schedule:
July 31 . . . . . . . . . grant request deadline for consideration at the August/September Board of Directors Meeting
January 15 . . . . . . grant request deadline for consideration at the February/March Board of Directors Meeting.
You will be notified of the decision of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Send the completed information to:
Fond du Lac Area Foundation
384 North Main St. – Suite 4
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935
Phone (920) 921-2215
Fax (920) 921-1036
Date Submitted: July 26, 2011
Organization Name: School District of North Fond du Lac
Address: 225 McKinley Street
City: North Fond du Lac State: WI
Zip: 54937
Contact Person: Kelly Maurer Title: Teacher
Phone: 920-929-3740
920-929-3740 x 5209
Amount Requested: $811.21
Duration of Project - From: September 2011 To: many future school years
Total Project Budget: $811.21
When are funds needed? September 2011
Agency Information
Date established ________
EIN: School District of North Fond du Lac
Number of full-time employees: approximately 120
Concise Description of the project or program for which funding is requested: (50 word maximum)
EduClick: Increasing Student Engagement with a Click is a program designed to increase student engagement in the classroom
through the use of a “clicker” (student response system). A question is asked, students click in their responses anonymously, answer
is tabulated, data is calculated providing immediate feedback, increasing student participation.
General description of organization and purposes with an indication of population served (including numerical estimates for
the last year) and principal geographic area of service:
The North Fond du Lac School District vision states “The North Fond du Lac School District, in cooperation with the community is
committed to providing an outstanding educational program in a safe and nurturing environment built upon mutual trust and respect
and designed so all individuals become life-long learners”.
The North Fond du Lac School District serves a student population of approximately 1250 students in the North Fond du Lac and
outlying areas. During the 2010-2011 school year, 16% of the student population was in the special education program. Also during
the 2010-2011 school year. approximately 33% of our students received free and reduced lunch. Our northern school district border is
Lone Elm Road, our southern border is the north side of Forest Avenue, our eastern border is Highway 45 and our western border is
Ridge Road.
What are the dates of the organization’s fiscal year? July 1-June 30
Total operating expenses for the past fiscal year: $13,257,701.00 (2010-2011) for current year $12, 874, 298.00 (2011-1012, pending
board approval)
Has this request been authorized by the organization’s governing body? Yes _X__ No ___ When? July 21, 2011
This application must be signed by the president or another officer of the organization’s governing body:
*Send this application with the required Statement, IRS determination letter, & list of officers and directors as explained on page 1 of
The Grant Information Limitations and Guidelines.
Page 2
Today’s students are learning in a different classroom environment than what many adults visualize from
classrooms of the past. Students want to be interactive with their peers and teachers in the classroom, but the
traditional classroom setting can cause boredom or lack of engagement for many students. Students today are
very technology savvy and they are used to immediate feedback, as well as instant gratification. Through a
program I developed named EduClick: Increasing Student Engagement with a Click, I want to bring
technology into the classroom that engages them and provides for their needs. I feel a classroom set of
“clickers” (Student Response System) has the capability of providing both. Skiba and Barton (as cited in
Jefferson, Hartman and Brancato, 2010) reported that the 2009 National Survey of Student Engagement showed
a positive attitude toward interactive technologies such as clickers as they related to their interaction with
faculty and their own learning. Clickers will encourage students to come to class, participate and perhaps
improve our high school graduation rate of approximately 95% to even higher at Horace Mann High School.
I would like to increase student participation in the classroom through the use of a classroom set of clickers.
Clickers are handheld devices like television remote controls. The teacher asks a question, students click in
their responses anonymously, their answer is then tabulated with the other students’ answers, and the data is
calculated by the computer and displayed on the overhead screen showing the entire class how the class as a
whole answered the question.
Clickers are necessary tools because students who are shy or hesitant are concerned how they look answering
verbally in front of their classmates, they tend to sit passively in the classroom, many times wanting to
participate but not wanting to have the spotlight on them so they chose to sit quietly and say nothing (Goldstein,
2009). Students of all abilities will be able to use this system (Turning Technologies, n.d.). Through use of a
clicker, students will feel they have a voice in the classroom and once each student has chosen their answer,
they can choose whether or not to verbally engage in discussion.
Through the use of clickers, students’ responses will spark more in-depth discussion. Opinions can be shared,
thus stimulating class discussion and knowledge gained can be assessed through a simple press of a button.
Additionally, the instant feedback will help the teacher track who among the students are grasping the material.
Using the clickers in the classroom will motivate students to be more engaged in the lesson being taught. If
students are more engaged in interacting with each other, they are made accountable for responding to teacher’s
questions and reacting to their classmates’ answers. Being able to get immediate feedback will reinforce the
lesson being learned and consequently improve test scores, benefitting all students in the classroom.
The clickers that I would like to purchase for the EduClick program are i-Bright clickers from This
is a 32 pack of classroom clickers. The software to set up and run the clickers and program is included in the
total cost. The total kit includes 32 i-Bright clickers, 1 case, 1 USB cable, 1 software CD, 1 mini tripod and
hardware for wall mounting.
Set of 32 i-Bright classroom pack of clickers
Total Budget for Project
Through the use of clickers all students will be more engaged in the classroom. They will participate more
often on a daily basis and students who don’t normally participate due to hesitation, ability level or shyness will
feel empowered. They will have a voice in the classroom on a regular basis leading to increased selfconfidence, improved grades and actively participating in discussions. Students will form well rounded
opinions to share with their peers, will be accountable for their education and help to produce productive
members of society.
The North Fond du Lac School District will provide sustainability for this technology through the use of the
Social Studies department budget and the IT department within the district. The Social Studies department
budget will provide the batteries needed to run the clickers and the IT department will help with troubleshooting
if needed. The Social Studies department budget will pay for the shipping and handling if this is not covered by
the grantor. The clicker technology is low maintenance and will be used for many years in the classroom by me
and my co-teachers in the special education department to improve student engagement.
Organization’s officers and directors
Phone number
Aaron Sadoff
North Fond du Lac School District
John Duffy
North Fond du Lac School Board
Phone: (920) 929-9039
John Goldapske
North Fond du Lac School Board
Phone: (920) 922-7832
Ryan Pelot
North Fond du Lac School Board
Phone: (920) 921-4152
Steve Hock
North Fond du Lac School Board
Phone: (920) 923-6679
Paul Haase
North Fond du Lac School Board
Phone: (920) 923-2851
Goldstein, B. (2009). Learning to use clickers: an introduction.
Retrieved from Technologies. (n.d.) Accessibility for Everyone. Retrieved
Jefferson, William, & Hartman, Kathleen, & Brancato, Vera. (2010) Using Classroom Clicker
Technology to Enhance Student Engagement. Retrieved from