same feen time same feen channel =-=Gibson raids….. enforcing something legal here, but illegal in Madagascar. As if we don't have enough federal state and local laws here to try to comply with. It's United Nations Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development =-=-- Apple now has more cash on hand than the US Government =-="Freedom Feens. We don't want everyone to listen, but we might want YOU to listen." =-=War Hippies. Use songs. some good "hick hop" by my friends the War Hippies. We used this song "cop on every corner" in Guns and Weed, by the way. -0-0-0-00 NJ duck and cover cold-war type terror drills: =-=-=-=--=-= Fuck Mitt Romney. (but also, how square is the guy in the wheelchair, saying "I'm against it being legal for everyone....."? =-=-=- =-=-=-=- 1 Paul Bonneau says: Lotteries aren’t bad except for one thing: governments don’t allow competing lotteries. =-=-=-=Gun grabbers fear guns partially because they think they wouldn't be responsible with a gun, and would shoot people over parking spaces. Ironically, Kurt Cobain once gave an interview where he said "I hate that now that I've been on the cover of Rolling Stone, every crazy person in the country with a gun knows what I look like." But in the end, the crazy person with a gun he really had to fear was himself. ----= =-=-=-=-=Snail mail spam that tries to look like it's from the government to scare people into opening it. I've received two of these (a car show flyer and an insurance offer) recently. They're borrowing the government guns. =-=-=-Motion Picture Production Code (censorship) =-=-=-= nRadioVolume5 Interesting podcast on seasteading =-=Helios creed music at end of cast. We only use music that isn't ours by people we know. If Jello complaied we used a dead Kennedys song, I'd call him at home, I have his number, we've talked on the phone, and I'd say "what the fuck?" But he wouldn't complain. The other guys might, but I know all them too. =-=-=- =-=- 2 Government and statist organizations even use the private sector as metrics: =-=-=-=Obama keansean =-=-=I agree with most liberals that abortion, gay marriage and pot should be legal. The difference is they usually think the government should pay for all three.=-=-=- PUT SLISH SONG AT END OF CAST. (mention guitar player who came up with "WORMS!") -0-0-0-=-=- Citizen Ticketed For Directing Traffic After Police Fail To In South Pasadena -=-=-=-=-= =-=-==-=TALK ABOUT OUR MOVIE and getting it off to MVD. =-=-=--= Formal syllogistic fallacies 3 Without the ad hominem logical fallacy, the Internet would collapse. =-=-= Bill O'Reilly wanting a federal income tax ("consumption tax"). That is so SQUARE! Also, talk about how people think that's clever, when it's not. Like what Penn Jillette said on Bullshit! about people's attitudes about the feds talking down the gangsters with income tax evasion. =-=-=-==-=-=-=On Christian Sharia: "Many Republicans who say they want 'limited government' actually want government limited to Republicans." -- Jon Stewart. =-=-=Ron Paul jokingly says "I'M FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND I'M HERE TO HELP YOU." at the end of this 2007 interview on Daily Show Daily Show: Ron Paul -=-=-= Movie: Big Fan (with patton oswalt.) directed by editor of the Onion. Love it, love patton oswalt, and the casting for the mother is great, She played the mother in Dog Day Afternoon and was in the 1971 Al Pacino junkie movie "panic in needle park." (pacino's second role, "To set the atmosphere, no music was used in the film, much of which features cinema verite-style footage. It is believed to be the first mainstream film to feature actual drug injection.) =-=-=- 4 Talk about the movie, and the joy of finally moving the "Guns and Weed" folder off my desktop and into my archives. -=-=Discuss nihilism as it relates to deism. Do things have a karma or afterlife reward or punishment? And if they don't, can you be a hopeful nihilist? "Nihilist: a person who believes human existence has no objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value." =-=-="Freedom Feens" is the tarted-down everyday simplified version for non-libertarians to start to "get it." We're the gateway pot to lead them to the heroin of L. L Neil Smith, Paul Bonneau and Boston T. Party. =-=-=-=An old farmer wrote to his son in prison. "This year I won't be able to plant potatoes because I can't dig the field, I know if you were here you would help me." The son wrote back, "Dad, don't even think of digging the field because that's where I buried the guns." Police read the letter and the very next day the whole field was dug by police looking for guns but nothing was found. The next day the son wrote again, "Now plant your potatoes Dad, it's the best I could do from here! =-=-=-=-=Tyler Lindholm sez: You guys should think about talking about hunting during your next pod cast, it being the start of hunting season in alot of areas. Not the actual act of hunting, but the different ways that the "state" enforces hunting; i.e. purchasing of tags, quotas, supposed endangerd species (wolves) ect. Itd be interesting to hear the Libertarian Paradise way of things. I'm reminded of an interview I read with Boston T. Party. Someone said "In your idea of a libertarian paradise, what would you do about religious symbols on public property?" He replied "WHAT public property?" 5 =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=- Tel Aviv lab creates fake DNA evidence Heinous Unit Squad Stories, =-=-=Ben Bernake in Jackson Wyoming spinning his b.s. Jackson isn't really Wyoming, it's like east berlin before the fall. An island of horrors in a sea of coolness. Fox's background we used in the movie, I think it was green screen over video. And they moved the bison out of frame. =-=-="Found footage" as a genre, blair witch, (heather is now a pot activist), "bear witch" (grizzley man…..and Deauville), "bear snitch project" (Dan Banning's death, audio only.) =-=-=- 3 ordered to quit after body in pool went undetected for days =-=-=Former judge gets 28 years for scheme to unjustly jail youth (I think the bigger issue is that almost ALL judges participate in an organized "scheme" to unjustly jail people, many of them young, for non-violent (drug) offenses. (and for anything else they can think of) =-=-=First band that ever had a website (scientists at CERN, where the web was invented): =-=--=government loving coloring book 6 =-=-=-=Regarding our previous comment about how when I was a kid interst rates were 6 % and now it's a fraction of a percent, it's almost like banks had the street dope dealer idea, "the first hit's free, then you're hooked and we jack up the price." =-=-=The "Ron Paul of England." This guy is AWESOME! : Daniel Hannan MEP: The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government =-="they'll shoot your dog, man"!/permalink.php?story_fbid=21885384149934 3&id=100001288670946&notif_t=share_comment =-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=--= Movie "used cars", Boston turned me onto it when I showed him the Gerald Gay shooting socialism thing. Kurt Russle "come on down to…." Directed by Robert_Zemeckis, (back to the future, cast away, who framed roger rabbit, forest gump) =-=Wyoming folks' attitude to outsiders may go back to ranchers' attitudes against homesteaders who fenced off their grazing land. Range war. May explain why ranchislators think they "know best" "over" their "subjects", and why people who grew up here are so wary of "outsiders" moving in. Cheyenne was the richest city in the world per capita in mid to late 1800s. First city in the world to have a telephone system and municipal power system. =-=-=England considers cutting off social media to "deal with" riots: mrss_igoogle_cnn =-=Rapper The Game may face a year in prison for Twetting sheriff's telephone number: ashcalls/index.html?eref=mrss_igoogle_cnn =-=-==-=A fan wrote us about "white Zionists" targeting Wyoming as a destination: Ya'll got some problems brewing up that way, don't know if you know about it. 7 <---- NOT just libertarians are considering moving to Wyoming now, just an FYI Check out their mission statement, also: I replied: Pfffft....bringing white "I like to be among my own kind" types to Wyoming is like bringing gay liberals to San Francisco. Also, do you think this article is going to cause a mass exodus to Wyoming? They seem less organized than the (non-racist) Free State Wyoming, which in nearly ten years has brought a whopping 300 people to Wyoming. I don't really see this article as "trouble." A much-more organized and popular racist forum, Stormfront, has been babbling Wyoming as a go-to destination for a long time and I've yet to meet one of their "members" here. also, I saw NO mention of gun laws in that article. unarmed separatists ain't gonna be no kinda trouble that I can see. Except maybe getting more gubmint attention on our largely left-alone state. But I still just don't see this as "trouble." As long as they cause violence or go on the state teat here, I don't see the problem with people who disagree with me living in my state. Hell....I personally like living somewhere I don't get maddogged for being white. Though my two best friends are black and Persian. California is not a fun place to be white. I'm not racist, I just don't like being the subject of racists for being white. That happens a lot in California. =-=-=-=- The Casper woman who was unsuccessfully prosecuted for refusing to hand over a lost wallet to police has sued Casper and three police officers for violating her constitutional rights, according to a complaint filed in federal court Wednesday. The alleged civil rights violations go beyond the behavior of individual officers toward Deborah Heinrich, Casper attorney John Robinson wrote. In the suit, Robinson wrote, “The policies and customs adopted by the City of Casper, and proven at the underlying criminal trial, show that the City of Casper actively pursued conduct which was deliberately indifferent to the constitutional rights of its citizens, reaches constitutional dimensions and thus, is actionable under the Civil Rights Act, and warrants the imposition of official liability.” Casper City Attorney Bill Luben said he has not seen and could not comment on the federal lawsuit. He did say the suit will be referred to the Wyoming Association of Risk Management, the insurance pool of local governments, which will hire its own counsel to defend the city. 8 Besides the lawsuit, Heinrich on Wednesday filed a nearly $800,000 claim under the Wyoming Governmental Claims Act demanding more than $48,000 reimbursement in legal fees, and $250,000 each for emotional trauma and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life and humiliation. That claim also will be sent on to WARM, Luben said. Heinrich filed the lawsuit two months after Natrona County District Judge Thomas Sullins dismissed the criminal case against her, saying she was entitled to constitutional protection against double jeopardy. Her first trial ended in December when Circuit Court Judge Michael Patchen declared a mistrial. The case began July 5, 2010, when Heinrich found a lost wallet at the Common Cents convenience store on Poplar Street near Interstate 25, Robinson wrote. Heinrich, a member of the Community Emergency Response Team, unsuccessfully tried to contact its owner, who lived in Aurora, Colo. The next day, she called police dispatch to ask if it could locate the owner. Within two hours, law enforcement officers called her repeatedly and demanded she give them the wallet, Robinson wrote. “Not once was she thanked for her good deed.” Officer Joseph Moody lied when he told her he had a search warrant and told Heinrich she could hand over the wallet or have her property ransacked, he wrote. When officers arrived, she told them to leave, but officer Steve Freel put his foot in the doorway, forced himself into her house, arrested her for interference with a police officer and booked her into the Natrona County Detention Center, where she stayed the night, Robinson wrote. Heinrich is suing under the federal law that guarantees constitutional rights against state power, he wrote. Heinrich named the city as a defendant for its unconstitutional police procedures; Moody and Freel for their behavior; Freel and former Chief Tom Pagel for their supervisory liability; and all of them for negligence, false arrest and imprisonment. She is seeking compensatory and punitive damages and recovery of attorney fees and other costs =-==-=-=- 9 I guess I shouldn't mention that Casper, Wyoming has the cheapest gas prices in the whole country. Also talk about dumb sex laws. (and dumb laws in general….wife's boss has a book of them in his office lobby.) With really silly really specific laws I always wonder if they were passed to mess with one particular person the lawmakers didn't like. =-=-=Alcohol at all ages snows, the venue, the wonder bar, vs. rodeo. =-=-=-=I think the problem with communists is them wanting to force it on others. (I'm not talking about Beth here, she doesn't). I have no problem with someone voluntaryally living in a communal or communist community, as long as they don't expect me to run my life that way. I visited a lot of communes as a kid and teen. My sisters were into that stuff. Every one I visited had a "mini-Stalin", a self-appointed leader people basically worshiped and who called a lot or all of the shots. And was usually sleeping with a lot of the women. Mamaliberty said: . I wouldn't care at all if some wished to live in any sort of collective if they left others alone, but that's pretty much impossible. It's like saying you'd be fine with a pack of wolves in your neighborhood as long as they all became vegetarians. =-=--=--= =-=-= To my non-libertarian friends. When we get into arguments on here, don't get all mad and take it so seriously. Remember, what I believe doesn't really matter. I've yet to have a president or a governor call me up and say "Michael! Come here quickly! You're the only one who can solve all these problems! PLEASE tell us how to implement this "libertarian paradise" of which you speak!" =-=- Cartoonist Targeted With Criminal Probe For Mocking Police =-=- 10 I think AA and NA are a great example of how almost EVERYTHING would work in my vision of how the world should be. They're voluntary, self-funded, single-issue, noncentralized, minimally bureaucratic, and as Bill Wilson said in the 12 and 12, "a perfect working synergy of anarchy and democracy." =-=- Police use force to disperse unruly crowd outside L.A. premiere Fueled by social media, a crowd assembled for an impromptu music block party thrown by a DJ outside a movie premiere turned ugly after being ordered to disperse Wednesday, CNN affiliate KTLA reported. Fist fights broke out, along with confrontations with police. Some members of the crowd threw bottles and others jumped on police cars, smashing windows, the station reported. Los Angeles police officer Karen Rayner told CNN affiliate KCAL that fires were also set. Authorities resorted to using rubber bullets, batons and bean bag guns to subdue the crowd, and arrested those who still refused to leave… oogle_cnn =-=-=User comment to address: Author : z E-mail : URL : Whois : Comment: So ive been listening to this podcast since i found guns n weed after reading your book "A user's manual for the human experience". I find this libertarian stuff to be quite interesting. But questions do arise. First, the free market. How does it differ from the "free" market that we have today? I mean, sure we can blame our government, but in most cases they are duped by interest groups. Which are also representing the market. The issues as i see it are that the corporations don't have an interest in sustaining nature. But rather in keeping and getting more share holders. And share holders main interest is getting paid now. Do you truly believe that this would change in a libertarian society? 11 This as i see it is the same issue as with the anarchist society. We want to believe that people would arise to the freedom. But in reality will probably just be oppression of the weak, as the human nature is more about exploiting the environment than to help it thrive. And as a bottom note, about your statement about Sweden a couple podcast ago. Sweden is not a free country. As for gun license, its hard to get. And for getting a rifle you will need to have two separated and approved safes. One for the rifle and one for the ammo. So using a legal firearm in a defense situation is almost impossible. Also defending your family in your home might get you in jail if they think you used more force than required. If your caught with illegal drugs you might get forced into treatment or jailed. We also had a case with a lady slightly over middle age with MS being put to jail without medication for successfully growing and medicating her self with cannabis (after realizing that what the medical industry could offer didn't help or gave her way to much side effects). the swedish government always have the right to buy your property for the price it sees fit. As for being a democratic country is also up for questioning as we got a somewhat racist party voted in the latest election. And its not they who are undemocratic, as all the rest of the parties pretend that it didn't happen, wont listen to what they say. And bullies them in every way possible. And were also turning more and more into a police state. I guess i could go on forever, but thats at least a taste of sweden for you. =-=-=-- High school is shut down after principal and teacher 'turn it into their very own meth den' =-=-=Casper requires licenses for bikes and outlaws skateboarding downtown (and has for years), but there are no signs. You're supposed to just "know" this. =-=-=- 12 House Committee Approves Bill Mandating That Internet Companies Spy on Their Users I'm sure the government will find a way to steal a lot of it. David Crowe said, "Apple just needs a standing army." They've already got one. But too bad the average Apple zealot hates guns (unless they're in a video game.) I disagree with the premise of this article: "There's something wrong with your country when one of the most financially stable companies has more cash on hand than your government does." I think that's EXACTLY how it should be. =-=-=- Britain bans airbrushed Julia Roberts make-up ad ml?iref=NS1 =-=-=-=NSC Study Shows You are More Likely to Killed By a Cop Than a Terrorist =-=Outkast's Big Boi jailed on drug charges in Miami Hip-hop artist Antwan "Big Boi" Patton faces several drug charges after Miami police arrested him Sunday, according to booking information posted on the Miami-Dade jail website. Patton was charged with illegal possession of Viagra and Ecstasy pills, MDMA =-=--= "Black And Blue - Legends Of The Hip Hop Cop" Russell Simmons' documentary about NYPD and Miami police having a "rap unit" to target hip-hop musicians. 13 =-=-=-= Bank ‘Activity’ Required For Wisconsin Voter ID | Disinformation =-=-==-=-=I have a very hard time being friends with vehement gun haters, because they want the government to use its guns to throw me in a cage for my peacefully owned guns. It's beyond simple words, it's initiating aggression by proxy. =-=Street punks and the term "taxing" =-=-==-===--=-=- Off-duty NOPD officer pulls 2 guns in dispute =-=--==-=Some of my comments lately have people saying I'm "anti-American", when in fact I think ALL governments, now and throughout history, all over the world, are immoral. Throughout history people have raped, killed, pillaged and stolen from other people. Usually through "governments." I just complain more about present-day America because that's when and where I live. For my part, the term "America" is primarily a geographic designation, not a philosophical one. Countries are too vast and varied for me to be "proud" of them. I am not proud of most Americans. I'm also not proud of most Frenchmen, Arabs, Israelis, etc. Most people are stupid and mean. I just don't buy the idea of patriotism, but I don't really dislike America. It's the idea of "nations" as something to "venerate" that I have an issue with. My dad wanted to serve in WWII, was pissed that he couldn't. The government wouldn't LET him, because he ran a successful cow farm and they needed him to produce milk and meat for the troops. Governments own everybody, especially during war. And the US has finally figured out how to be PERMANENTLY at war! I saw an article recently about American G.I.s looting while serving in Afghanistan. A lot of the comments said things like "That country is a shit hole, there's nothing to loot!" I hate attitudes like that, it's totally common, and unfortunately, very "American." And a 14 lot of the reason the Middle East is a shit hole is that the US (and Israel) is constantly bombing it back to the stone age. Palestine, for instance, was a VERY vibrant, beautiful and fairly advanced place before Israel (with help from the UN and the UK) decided to steal it. =-==-=-=-=Frisko pet ban goes through: =-==-=A lot of artists spend a lot of energy trying to get signed. They usually have unrealistic expectations of what that entails. It's not like David Geffen shows up at your house with a moving van to take you to your new mansion in the Hollywood Hills. At least screenwriters, some musicians and some writers. "Record sales are slumping, and no one will say why, could it be they put out one too many lousy records?" --Dead Kennedys - MTV - Get Off The Air (1985, WAY before the Internet made it possible to sell your own music or "pirate" MP3s.) =--=Operation Fast and Furious cover up.: cnn =-=-=Getting our movie and wants to show it for this libertarian organization =-=-=Song, "Sacred Love' by the Bad Brains (amazing band...all black guys, Coptic religious, played metal/punk/reggae in Washington DC in the 80s. I saw them once. BLEW MY MIND. The really cool thing about this song is that the vocal was recorded from jail, over the phone, while the singer was under arrest for pot. =-=- A Gun Activist Takes Aim at U.S. Regulatory Power -----9 15 GoDaddy reminds me of an abusive spouse.....they make it hard and painful to leave them....if you search "how do I transfer a domain from..." on google, google autofills the word "godaddy"! Try it!) =-=-=-=-=Bill gates to take on Smoking in China: (talk about tobacco settlements in America and how they're fueling a lot of local smoke Nazis, including giving large salaries to said Nazis.) ns =-=-=-=-=-=Onion news: =-=-==-=-=-=-=I am not a freemason, but from what I understand, the freemason deism was created to have a way for people with different religious beliefs to be able to work together. It's part of the basis for the Freedom of Religion in the First Amendment. Actually much of the Deceleration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights evolved from freemason ideals. I used to be in AA and I believe that somewhere freemason ideals influenced AA too....their concept of "a God of your understanding" and all. Though AA is NOT deist, because AA is based on praying to God for intervention in your alcoholism. That's antithetical to deism. =-=Something most Americans would be shocked to know is that Muslims consider Jesus one of their prophets, and Jesus is spoken of in the Quran. =-=-=-=Fracking argument on Facebook. =-=I thought it was very self-defeating people organized a boycott to prevent a WalMart from moving into the Adams Morgan neighborhood of DC, to "preserve the mom and pop shops." I used to live in that neighborhood. The "mom and pop" shops there are liquor stores that never have any fresh food, and the food they do 16 have is too expensive for the poor people who make up that neighborhood. There also aren't many jobs in that 'hood, and WalMart would have brought plenty. =-==-=UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances =-=-=- =-=Texas gives mom five years probation for spanking kid: =-=-=-=Alex jones: talk about Jones in Richard Linklater "waking life" and A Scanner Darkley (with Downey, from good book by Philip k. dick.) -=-=-= TALK ABOUT OUR ROAD TO LIBERTY, AND WHY WE'RE PERFECT TO SPREAD TO STATISTS. =-----==Fun comment: I'm into using PC against itself to fly under the radar. Like we listed "guns and weed" as "a compelling examination of Constitutional issues in America" to help get it into college libraries. That's more likely to work than describing it as "a bunch of anarchists tell you why they should be able to do any damn drug they like while owning any damn gun they please." =-=-=Did Obama keep Gitmo open to put all the dissidents in it? =-==-= Secret U.S. effort aims to help dissidents: report WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is leading a global effort to establish "shadow" Internet and cellphone systems to help dissidents undermine authoritarian governments, the New York Times reported on Sunday. =-=-==-==-=GUNS AND WEED - THE ROAD TO FREEDOM -Trailer HITS 23,000 VIEWS! 17 =-=-=Watched "goldwater on goldwater" before the debates. Pro-choice, ok with gays in the military, etc. Filmmaker, rafting in the grand canyon, self-booked tour, everyone knew who he was. =-=British podcast, inner city radio, has a featurette on me, my books, music, films and this podcast. =-=--=-=G&W under the stars. =-=- Tennessee cracks down on 'distressing images' online =-= vs. soros on hayack. I'd review it like a football fan would review the superbowl. -=-=-=-= The Loudness War: =-=Bahrain court: Year jail term for anti-state poet =-=-=-=City Government demands all keys to properties belonging to Cedar Falls residents. Also: =-==-=-=we're the government, you're not: otation_838636 =-=-=-==-=-=Airlines aim to take hassle out of security checks - Yahoo! Finance 18 SINGAPORE (AP) -- Eye scanners and futuristic security tunnels may be standard in airports soon as the airline industry seeks to maintain safety while reducing =-==-=-= =-=UK can now demand data decryption on penalty of jail time =-=- =-=-=Superman now works for the one-world gov: =-=Fair tax or not; I think it's going to get to the point where EVERYTHING is considered black market…where they'll charge you with felony tax evasion for selling ANYTHING, even to a family member…. ===Episode name suggestion: DEMOCRACY IS CHAOS =-=-=- Davy Crockett - Not Yours to Give =-=-=-=RFD-TV, horse shows, ranch shows, history shows, Marty Stuart, Old Crow Medicine Show, Molly B's Polka Party in Wahoo Nebraska –a call-in Polka show. Sponsored by WalMart, Medicade, the USDA, Monsanto, don't take boner ads. -0=-=-= 19 Even a stopped calendar watch is right once a year. =-=-=-=-=college is a waste of time. Even the lefties know it now: gle_cnn =-=-==- 1. . Class warfare: Democrats don’t help the poor When they’re in charge they’re nicer pimps…but you’s still a ho! Evil Corporations only exist because of the government. They use regulations to prevent competition. The solution isn’t to twist those regulations to favor other interest groups like the poor. The solution is to get rid of the regulations. The system makes being a large evil corporation profitable let’s get rid of the system! =-=-=BONEus! - Government prostitution (literally): =-=-=-=- 2. California “lifeguards” are really just “moneythieves” =-=New York =-=-=- 20 My birthday wish: please click "share." Thanks! "interesting meme." =-=-=\ US Students in the 60s liked anything EXCEPT American things….eastern mysticism, Indian prints, American Indian dress styles, Chinese Vietnamese and Cuban communism, afgani hash, ---==== =-=-===-==-=-=-=review and rate on iTunes, it helps get it seen by more people. 21