EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Contents Matthew Atkinson of Haswell Grange, 1554 Adam Thornbeck of Great Haswell, 1555 Richard Paxton of Easington, 1560 Richard Kerston of Hawthorne, husbandman, 1563 William Bee of Hawthorne, husbandman, 1563 John Winshop of Hawthorne, husbandman, 1563 Robert Robinson of Easington, husbandman, 1563 John Winship, senior, of Hawthorne, 1563 Ralph Emmerson of Shotton, 1567 Margaret Eggleston of Haswell Grange, widow, 1567 William Eggleston of Haswell Grange, yeoman, 1567 William Coulson of Hawthorne, 1573 Richard Paxton of Easington, 1575 Agnes Parkinson of Easington, widow, 1575 Gawan Thurlebecke of Haswell, husbandman, 1579 Christopher Paxton of Shotton, 1581 William Browne of Shotton, 1582 Ellin Arkinson of Haswell, widow, 1586 Leonard Trollop of Eden Dean, 1586 James Paxton of Easington, husbandman, 1587 George Wardell of Easington, yeoman, 1587 Robert Sharpe, 1587 George Robinson of Hawthorne, yeoman, 1588 Richard Reed of Shotton, 1590 John Skott of Hawthorne, 1592 Robert Cotsworth of Little Eden, yeoman, 1593 John Kereston of Hawthorn, 1596 Richard Conyers, esquire, of Horden, 1596 John Robinson of Hawthorn, cooteman, 1597 Jane Hedworth of Horden, 1602 John Jurdeson of Easington, 1603 Robert Coward of Hordon, Easington, 1605 William Mavyn of Easington, 1605 Eobert Young of Edderdackers, gentleman, 1606 Elizabeth Robinson of Hawthorne, 1606 William Hill of Shotton, husbandman, 1607 Christopher Conyers of Horden, esquire, 1608 Mathew Hayeson of Easington, husbandman, 1608 Edmond Paxton of Easington, yeoman, 1609 Robert Jurdeson the younger, of Shotton, 1611 Thomas Lighton of Easington, 1611 Robert Jordison of Shotton, 1612 John Simpson of Easington, 1615 Henry Todd of Horden, yeoman, 1615 Richard Storie of Shotton, yeoman, 1616 Thomas Young of Edderdackers, 1616 Nicholas Burdon of Eyeington, 1619 Topp Heath of Little Eden, Easington, 1620 John Herrinson of Horden, yeoman, 1621 Christopher Young of Edderdakers, 1623 Henry Anderson of Haswell, esq., 1626 Richard Dune of Easington, 1626 Richard Whyte of Hawthorne, 1627 Christopher Robinson of Easington, yeoman, 1627 Percivell Wilbourne of Shotton, 1629 Lancelot Wilkinson of Horden, yeoman, 1629 Robert Paxton of Easington, yeoman, 1630 Philip Richardson of Shotton, 1630 Elizabeth Smyth of Little Eden, widow, 1632 John Lynn of Shotton, yeoman, 1632 William Ingleby of Great Haswell, yeoman, 1632 Thomas Marshall of Hawthorn, yeoman, 1634 William Newby of Little Haswell, 1635 Abraham Robinson of Easington, clerk, 1636 Edward Taylor of Haswell Grange, gentleman, 1637 Thomas Burdon of Shotton, yeoman, 1637 Thomas Ayre of Easington, yeoman, 1637 Frances Shepperd of Haswell, 1638 Annas Burdon of Shotton, 1638 Gabriel Robinson of Easington, 1642 Gilbert Paxton of Easington, yeoman, 1645 George Paxton of Little Thorpe, 1645 Richard Walker of Little Thorpe, 1646 Isabell Thompson of Shotton, 1646 Christopher Shacklock of Great Haswell, 1646 Robert Etherington of Edderdacres. 1647 Thomas Robinson of Hawthorn, yeoman, 1649 John Thompson of Easington, yeoman, 1653 Anne Young of Ether Dakers, widow, 1654 Edward Burden of Easington, 1657 Nicholas Bordone of Shotton, 1660 Miles White of Hawthorne, yeoman, 1661 Nicholas Heath the elder of Little Eden, 1662 Richard Read of Shotton, yeoman, 1662 Robert Jameson of Easington, yeoman, 1662 EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 William Wardale of Easington, yeoman, 1663 John Shadforth of Hawthrone, yeoman, 1664 Richard Foster of Easington, yeoman, 1665 Thomas Midford of Pesspool, esq., 1666 Anthony Byars of Shotton, 1668 Robert Smith of Hordon, yeoman, 1668 William Watson of Easington, 1669 William Robson of Pespoole, 1670 Thomas Robinson of Hawthorne, 1677 William Young of Etherdakers, yeoman, 1679 Thomas Robinson of Hawthorne, yeoman, 1681 Cuthbert Jourdison of Hawthorne, yeoman, 1681 William Jurdeson of Thorpe, 1681 Thomas Sharpe of Hawthorn, 1681 George Woolfe of Hawthorne, Easington, 1682 Thomas Howson of Shotton, 1682 Thomas Stothard of Shotton, yeoman, 1684 George Robinson of Easington, 1684 George Wardell of Hawthorne, gentleman, 1685 Robert Leighton of Shotton, 1685 Edward Newbie of Easington, yeoman, 1685 William Wood of Easington, 1686 Richard Rawling of Little Thorpe, yeoman, 1687 William Rutter of Thorpe, 1688 George Richardson of Shotton, 1689 Thomas Paxton of Easington, yeoman, 1689 Anne Paxton of Easington, widow, 1690 Mathew Craggs of Hastings House, 1692 George Jurdeson of Shotton, yeoman, 1693 Elizabeth Knaggs of Low Efferdakers, widow, 1694 Alice Leighton of the Low Hills, Shotton, widow, 1695 Ralph Loftus of Little Eden, 1697 Richard Lightfoot of Easington, 1699 Richard Jurdeson of Easington, yeoman, 1700 EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Matthew Atkinson of Haswell Grange, 1554 In the nayme of God, Amen, the xijth day of Novembre in the yere of our Lord God, a thowsand, fyve hundrethe, fyftie and foure, I, Mathew Atkinson of Hashewell Grainge within the parishe of Esington, hole of mynd and good remembrance thoughe presentlie seke in bodie, maike this my last will and testament in manner and form folowinge. Ffirst, I bequethe my soule to almightie God, our Ladie Saynte Marie and to all the holie company of heven, my bodie to be buried within the paishe church of Esington before the blissed roode with soule masse, durge and other exequies to be sunge by the ministers of the sm? with my mortuaryes due and accustomed. Item, I gyve to the blissed sacramente for tiethes forgotten, vs. Item, unto the churche worke xiijs iiijd. Item, I gyve to the poore foure markes wherof twentye shillings to be distributed this present weke. Item, I gyve to my naturall father, John Atkinson, vjli xiijs iiijd. Item, I gyve to my thre bretherine, (that is to saye) Myles Atkinson, Christofer & Thomas, to every of theym, lxvjs viijd. Item, I gyve to my half-suster unmarried, xxxiijs iiijd. Item, to James Atkinson xls and a qwye with calf. Item, to my suster, Alice Crosbye, Ixvjs viijd. Item, to Elisabethe Sugeswicke, xxs. Item, to my nephew, Urbane Atkinson, Cs. Item,to Alice Thomson xijs. Item, to Katherye Atkinson, xxvjs viijd, with a qof God,wye. Item, to the wif of parson? viijs. Also, where one maister Smythe of thexchequer at London haith heretofore troubled me for certeyn sommes of moneye which (as he saethe) I should have received of hym to thuse of Rauff, laite erle of Westmorland, which somes of money here I take upon my conscience at this my last will making, I never received one peny, nether for my lord ne any other as theis witnesses folowing will recorde. The rest of my goods un bequest, both moveable and immoveable, my detts paid and my funerall expenses discharged, I gyve unto my wif, Margaret Atkinson, whom I make my sole executrix, to occupie and dispose as she shall deame convenyent for the welthe of my soule. Also I doe maike Mr doctor Bennett, Mr Robert Bennett and Mr Parkinson of Esington, supervisors of this my last will and testament, to se the same accomplished and performed in every condicione. Witnesses herof, Mr doctor Bennett, Mr Robert Bennett , Mr Parkinson, Edward Beckmoore and Robert Holme with others. Latin follows. Adam Thornbeck of Great Haswell, 1555 In the nayme of God, amen, the xijth of June 1555, I, Adam Thrnbecke of the greter Hasslewell within the parisshe of Esington, hole of mynde & gud remembrance thoughe presentlye seke in bodye, make this my last will & testament in manner & form folowing. Ffirst, I bequethe my soole unto God omnipotent with all holye companye of heaven, and my bodye to be buried in the chechyarde off Esington, with soole masse & diregues be torn for my soole with the mynister thereoff. ltem, I geve unto my two children, William Thirnbecke & Agnes, for their childs portions unto either of them, 1 cowe & fowre yewes with their lames valewed to iijli' viijs and unto my son William all my defensible araye, that is to saye, 1 cote of plate with my sword & bucler valuwed unto x'' all the which parsell which the said William I give thorder & governance of my mother-in-lawe, Janet Wrey, dwelying at Wedifeld within the parisshe of Witten of Wear yff she will take hym. ltem, I geve the said Agnes Thirnbecke 1 kettle, price viijs vjd , the which fornaymed parcels, with the said Agnes, I put unto thorder & tuetion off my naturall father, Gawdry Thirnbecke. And in defawtt of thone childe, the portion to go to the other lyvyng childe. And in deffawt of bothe to come unto Margery my wyff. The rest of my goods not beqwest, bothe movable & not movable, my detts paid & funerall expenses distharged, I geve unto my wiff Margerye whome I make my sole executre to occupye & dispose as she shall seme convenyent. Witnesse of the sayme, William Rawe, John Galland, Edward Cocke & Robert Holme, with others. Richard Paxton of Easington, 1560 In the name of God, amen, the xvth day of Septembre in the yere of our lord God, a thousand, ffye hundrethe and iij score, I, Richard Paxton of Esingtone, holl of mynd and of good remembrance, thancks be to God, make this my last will and testamente in forme and mannner ffollowinge, ffyrst, I geve and bequith my soule to God almightie and to our ladie, Saynct Marie and to all [torn] of heven and my bodie to be bured within Esington parishe churche torn duetes therto belonging. And I make my wife and torn executors and administers of my goodes, moveable and [torn] and dispose the same to the honor of [faded and torn] and there proffet. Recordes herof, George [faded and torn] Crystophore Paxtone, Richard Paxton Register of Wills, I, f.3 EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Richard Kerston of Hawthorne, husbandman, 1563 The inventory of all the goods and cattell of Richard Kerston, Husbandman, lait of Hawghthorne, deceased, prased by four Honest men, viz., William Colson, George Robinson, Richard Wolf and John Robinson, the vijth of Maij, anno domini 1563 In primis, vj oxen Item, ij kye and ij calves Item, xij ewes & xij lambes Item, vij wedder shepe Item, ten geld sheape Item, a maire Item, viij akers of hard corne and eight akers of ware corne Item, iij akers of waire corne Item, plowge and plowge geare, wayne and wayne geare Item, muke and maner Item, all maner of things within the heck of the howshold gear and stuffe and clothes with ijs in his purse 6 2 1 1 1 4s 5s 13s 6s 0s 19s 6 3s 13s 1 8s 8s 0d 0d 4d 8d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 5 10s 0d Detts owing to laite Richard Kerston Item, in hole Wherof is in John Robinson’s hand of Stranton that he could not getten, xls And of a souldyer that went awaye xlvjs viijd And so remanithe xjli xs jd 15 8s 0d Detts of the abovesaid lait Richard Kerston In primis, paid to Jenken Robinson Item, paid to Sir Richard Foster Item, paid to the smith for work Item, for an oxe that was bought Item, paid for his burial and funeral Item, to John Kerston of lent money Item, for a beast gait in Dawldon park Item, for a letter of administracion, for an obligation and witnessing & writing the inentaries twise over 1 0s 17s 2s 1 10s 13s 13s 4s 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 4d 0d 8s 0d Item, paid for iiij men’s dinners that were the prasers of the goods, two sundry days for ther costs Item, to the priste for writing Item, for iij stones of iron Item, for his lawstone and for his wive’s Item, for coles Item, to Mr Mawde for a mortuary Item, for iij bushels of ry Summa vijli xiijs iiijd Remanith clere xxxli xviijs vjd Register of Wills, II, f.87 verso. 5s 2s 5s 6s 5s 10s 12s 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d William Bee of Hawthorne, husbandman, 1563 In dei nomine, amen, the 16 day of July in the yerar sic of our lord God, 1563, and the fift yeare of the reigne of our soveraigne Lady, Elizabthe, by the grace of God quene of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faithe, I, William Bee, husbandman, of Haughton sic, being hole of my mynd and in good memory, laud be God, make and ordayne this my present testament, conteining therin my last will, in maner and forme as folowithe, fist, I bequithe and recommend my soule to almightie God and my body to be buried in the parishe churche of Esington. Item, I bequithe to George Be, my brother’s eldest sonn, of sic kowe of the best with two yowes. Item, I geve and bequith to my sonn, John Bee, my farmold, liing and being in Hawthorne, he for to have and to inoye it as sone as he shall come to the age of xxj years, my wiffe being full ruler and overseer of the said farmold until that time come, my wiff also beinge ? of the said howse afterwards as long as she shall kepp hir wedowe. The residew of all my goods, moveable and unmoveable, I geve and bequithe to my wife and children, whome I maik my full executors, paing all my debts and also legacs out of the said goods, thes men being witnesses, George Robinson, John Scott, George Paxton, John Robinson and John Large, Clarke. This ys the inventarie of all the goods, moveable & unmoveable of William Bee of Hawthorne, praised by thes iiij men, John Scott, George Robinson, Thomas Robinson, John Robinson In primis, five draught oxen Item, foure hagg oxen 5 10s 0d 4 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, thre kye Item, thre hagg kye & a calfe Item, two meyres & a phillie Item, xiiijth sheipe Item, a gylt, ij pigs, eight gese Item, xvjth dule acres of corne Item, plough, pleughe geare, wayne & waine geare All household stuffe 3 2 3 2 6s 15s 0s 15s 7s 16 0s 1 11s 3 15s 8d 0d 0d 6d 8d 0d 4d 6d Debts which the said William Bee owethe In primis, to Thomas Hull of Newton Item, to John Todd of Hawthorne Item, to George Paxton of Esington Item, to William Paxton Item, to Mr Conyers Item, Thomas Burstall Summa totalis xxxiijli xiijs Register of Wills, II, ff.42, 92 3 6s 8d 1 6s 8d 3 0s 4d 9s 0d 6s 0d 1s 1d being witnesses, Richard Jordeson, George Robeson, John Kerstone, Thomas Robinson, William Dand, John Large, Clarke. This is the inventory of all the goods, moveable and unmoveable, of John Winshopp of Hawthorne, prased by thes four men, George Robinson, William Robinson, John Kerston & Thomas Robinson In primis, eight drawght oxen Item, two hagg oxen and tow stirks Item, another cowe and a strike Item, two mears Item, twelve old sheap & vij lames Item, x doble akers of corne Item, pleughe and plewe geare, wayne and also wayne geare Item, all manner of howsold stuffe 10 4 1 2 1 10 1 5 13s 6s 6s 13s 6s 0s 6s 0s 4d 8d 8d 4d 8d 0d 8d 0d 1 7s 6s 2 8s 2 3s 1 13s 13s 3s 2s 2s 3s 2d 8d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 8d 8d 4d 13s 1 6s 3s 2 0s 1 0s 4d 4d 7d 0d 0d Debts owing to the said John Winshopp John Winshop of Hawthorne, husbandman, 1563 In dei nomine, Amen, the second day of August, the yere of our lord God, 1563, and the fift yere of the reigne of our soveraigne lady, Elizabeth, queen , I, John Winshop, husbandman, of Hawthorne in the county of Durham, being of hole mynd and good memery, lawd and praise be to God, maks and ordeyne this my present testamentn conteining therin my last will in maner and forme as folowithe, first, I bequithe and recommend my soule to almightie God and my body to be buried in the middest of the churche yard of Esington. Item, I bequithe to John Woffe, ny wife’s brother, a canvese cott and my best jacket butt one. Item, I bequithe to my brother, William Winshopp, a russet jacket with a ledder cott. Item, I bequithe to my sonn,William Winshopp, my best mear and my best oxe with plowghe and plowghe geare, wayne and wayne geare and also part of my rament. Item, I bequithe iijs iiijd to be distributed amongst the poore and impotent people. Item, I bequithe to my brother, William Winshopp, one oxe strike and to Richard Jorddison, my cosing, an angell of gold, to the intent that they towe may taike upon them the overseing of this my present testament. The residew of all my goods, moveable and unmoveable, I geve to my wiffe & my children, my wiffe being full executour, paing all detts and legacs for the of the said goods. Thes In primis, Richard Phussell Item, William Jefferson of Hauthorne Item, John Robinson of Hauthorne Item, John Jackson of Esington Item, William Watson of Esington Item, John Burdon of Esington Item, William Claxton of Esington Item, Ralf Pasmore of Hauthorne Item, Richard Buttery of Durham Item, Christofer Hall of Durham Debts which John Winshopp owithe In primis, to John Simson of Esington Item, to William Philpe of Ludworthe Item, to Sir Robert Foster Item, for the reparacion of the howse Item, for the farme Summa totalis xlli xijs viijd Register of Wills, II, f.94 EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Robert Robinson of Easington, husbandman, 1563 In dei nomine, amen, the xxvth day of September, the yere of our lord God, 1563, and the xvjsic yeare of the raynge of our soverraynge laydie, Elizabethe, by the grace of God queen of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faithe &c., I, Robert Robinson of Esington, housbandman, being of hole minde and in good memorie, lawded be God, make and ordayne this my present testament, conteyninge therin my last will, in maner & furme as folowethe, ffirst, I bequiethe & recommend my soule to almightie God and my bodie to be buryed in the mydest of the churche yearde of Esington. Item, I bequiethe to Georg Robinson, my sonne, a cowe & an acre of land in everye feld. Item, I bequiethe to my sonne xxxiijs iiijd with a lode of wheat & a lode of ottes. Item, I bequiethe to my two doughters, that is to say, to Phillis Robinson and Isabell Robinson, ixli vjs viijd with all the housold stowffe equally to be devided betwexte them two. Item, I bequiethe to my sonne, Christofor Robinson, a cowpe wayne & a plowght, with two sommes and two yokes. Item, I bequiethe to Agnes Warden & Jennatt Warden two yowes betwixt them two. Item, I bequiethe a busshell of wheat to be geven amonge the pore people. The residew of my goods, movable and unmovable, I and sic bequiethe to my sonne, William Robison, whom I make my full executor, paying all detts and legaces outt of the said goods. Thes being witnesses, William Warden, William Foster & John Large, Clarke. Register of Wills, II, f.102. John Winship, senior, of Hawthorne, 1563 Inventarium omnorum et singulorum bonorum Johannis Whinshope, senoris, de Hawthorne, appreiatum tertio Octobris, 1563, per iiijor viros fide dignos, videlicet George Claxton, William Colson, Richard Kirton, George Robinson Inprimis, l threve, prece 2 10s Item, xij threve bige, price 12s Item, xij threve peese 6s Item, thirtye threve otts 13s Suma iiijli ijs 2d 16s 0d 2d 4s 0d 1s 0d 1s 8d 1s 0d 1s 6d 3s 4d Suma xvjs xd In cattell Item, on oxe price Item, j cowe price Item, iij yowes & ij lames 1 0s 0d 14s 4d 6s 0d Suma xls iiijd Debita quod debet Inprimis, for house ferme Item, in funner expences Item, to Isabell Wolfe Item, William Wolfe Item, John Kirston Item, Buttre’s wife Item, Elen Packe Item, for reparation of his house Suma iijli ixs Sic est suma totalist, debitis deductis iijli ixs xd Register of Wills, II, f.104 1 3s 10s 6s 1s 2s 6s 7s 14s 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 8d 1d 4d Ralph Emmerson of Shotton, 1567 0d 0d 8d 4d Howsold stufe Item, j iron chimlaye Item, j caiser & on Stole Item, j olde cupstole Item, j olde chare Item, ij potts & one yettlyng Item, ij dublers Item, j basing Item, a lytell cupboard Item, ij chests & ij tubs Item, ij coverletts & j blanket 2s 8d In die domine, I, Rauffe Emmerson of Shotton, of good and perfect memorie makes this my last will & testement in maner & forme followying. ffyrst & principalli, I doe bequeath my sowie unto allmighty God, my creator & redimer & my bodie to be buried within the parysh church yard of Staindrop, with my mortuaries etc to be done according unto the custom of the lawe. ffirst, I bequeath unto my sonne Rauffe, a gimmer, and also to my dowghter, Margare, a cow & a gymer & to my sonn, Bartholomew, a gymer. Item, my mynd & wyll is that John Fedderston ,my father in law, shall have my dowghter Margaret hyr childe's EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 portion and Cuthbert Park of Langton shall have my dowghter, Jane, & hyr childe's portion and John Emmerson for to have William my sonne his childe's portion & also Thomas [?] will is that Jaine my wyff shall have my two young childer and their childes' portions & also Thomas Navell shall have my sonne, Bartholomew, & his child's portion. Also, if it will please my lord of hys honor & goodnes that Jane, my wyff, & Bartholomew, my eldest sonne, for to occupy the ferming equalie betwixt them, & then if it shall please God that my wyfe shall marrye, then my said sonne, Bartholomew, to enter into thole leving if it shall plese my lord thus. My detts & legeses payed & discherged, I do make my six childer for to be my executors of all my goodes, quicke & deade forth. I desyer Thomas Navell & John Feddeston for to be my supervisors of this my last will & testement that they shall see all thes things forth be done for the profett of my wyff & childer. Wittnesses herof, Francis Brakinberry, clerico, Thomas Nevell, John Langstrawe, John Bailles. Margaret Eggleston of Haswell Grange, widow, 1567 In dei nomine, Amen, the xxvth day of Jun in the yere of our lord God, 1567, I, Mergrett Eglestone of Haswell Grange in the perishe of Esington, widow, hole of mynd and of perfect memorie, thanks be to God, maks this my last will and testament in maner and forme following, first, I bequithe my soule unto almightie God, my redeemer and savior, and I will that my body be buried within the churche of Esington, what time it shall please Him to call me to his mercy. Also I geve and bequithe to my sister, Elizabeth Cripp, two kye, thre whyes, one chalder of wheate, one chalder of haver and one quarter of peas, and to hir children three-score shepe with thre oxen and one kowe. Also I geve to my brother, Thomas Browen, two kie, two calves, two oxen, iij quarters of wheat, one chaldron of haver and one quarter of peas, and to him and his children xxxtie sheape. Also I geve to my brother, John Browen, twenty sheap, one oxe, one whye, and to every one of his children, five sheap. Also I geve to Robert sister tenn shepe. Also I geve to Elizabethe Eglestone five shepe. Also I geve to Thomas Lawson thre shepe. Also I geve to Eleoner Clement foure shepe. Also I geve to Jennet Backus, vjs viijd. Also I geve to Ralf Foster five shepe. Also I geve Esabell, his sister, vjs viijd. Also I geve to Francs Litster’s wife, vjs viijd. Also I geve to John Dixon one kowe and one calfe. Also I geve toThomas Dixon, my godson, an old ryall. Also I geve toThomas Potts one kowe that was his owen. Also I geve to Thomas Potts the younger, vijs, and other vijs I was intedded to hime. Also I geve to William Thomson, clark, an old noble. Also I geve to John Walche, vs. Item, to every one of Mr Bennet’s servants, ijs. Also I geve to Jennet Eglestone one cowe, one calf and tenn shepe and to every one of my servants, xijd. Also I geve to Thomas Widdowson and his sone one why and iiij ewes. Also I geve to Jann Hall a riall and one bowell of wheate. Also I geve to John Swalwell the eliter, vs. Also I geve to Roland Shafto, vs. Also I geve to Jennett Emerson, xijd. Also I geve to my ante Browen, iijs iiijd. Also I geve toJennat Coltman, iijs iiijd, and to my brother Thomas wife, vj s viijd. Also I geve to my brother John’s wife, vjs viijd. Also I geve to my brother, Thomas Crippe xxs. Also I geve to to poore of Esington parishe, xxs, and to the poore of Pittington parishe, vs. Also I geve to every child that I christened, xijd. Also I geve to Sir HAlso I geve to James Perkinson, vs and to his wife, vs. Also I geve to Dame Bentley and hir daughter one boule of wheate and parteclothes. Also I geve to to my sister Tripp and her daughters my rament, to be devided amongst them as it shall plese Mr William Bennett, doctor, at his discretion, according to ther demeners. Also I geve to Mr viccar of Pittington, vj s viijd. The residew of all my goods, my detts paid, legacs and funerals discharged, I geve to my espiciall frend, William Bennett, doctor, whom I do make my hole executour, he to dispose them to the honour of God and helth of my soule and thes to be supervisours of this my last will and testament, William Thomson, clerk, and John Swelwell, witnesses of this my last will and testament, Robert Murray, vicar of Pittington, William Thomson, Clarke, and John Swalwell. Register of Wills, III, ff.12verso to 13. William Eggleston of Haswell Grange, yeoman, 1567 In dei nomine, Amen, the xxiij day of Marche, Anno domini, 1567, & in the ix yere of the reigne of our soveraigne ladie, Elizabeth, by the grac of God queen of England, Franc & Ireland, defender of the faith &c., I, William Egleston of Hauswell Grainge, of the pariche of Esington in the of the countie of Durham, yoman, ske in bodie yet of good & perfett remembranc, thanks be unto God, do ordene & mak this my last will & testament in maner & furme following. Ffirst, I geve my soul unto almightie Gpd, by whome only I trust to be saved, & my bodie to be buried in the church of Esington aforesaid. Also I geve & bequieth unto my wellbeloved brother, Christofer Egleston of Hunstanworth, a farmehold in the occupacion of Steven Egleston, his brother. Further, I geve & bequieth unto the said Christofer Egleston, my brother, the gyft of the parsonage of Hunstanworth. Also I geve unto Steven Egleston & Thomas Egleston , his brother Christofer’s sone, after the dethe of my welbeloved wyf, Margaret Egleston, a EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 peace of ground called Sled Medowes. Further, I geve & bequieth unto my welbeloved brother, Steven Egleston, the farmehold of Knewlston, in the occupacion of Nicholas Dixon, for the holle yeres of the lease. Further, I geve unto Felope Jenninge, the lease of a farmehold lying inb the said Knewlston, nowe being in his owne occupacion. Also I geve & bequieth unto my brother sone, William Egleston, the farmhold which the said William haith nowe in his owne occupacon, during the yeres of the said lease. Also more I geve & bequiethe unto my brother, Steven Egleston, the farmehold for the yeres of the lease nowe in the occupacon of Georg Dunne. Further, I will that the said Christofer Egleston shall helpe or causse to be helpen, his brother Steven, to the making of a new stane house. Also I geve & bequiethe unto my brother, Richard Egleston, a peac of grase ground called towne greene with the house that the said Richard dwells nowe in for his lyfe. Also I geve & bequiethe to the pore of Esington parishes, xxs. Also more I geve & bequiethe to the pore of Hunstanworthe parishe, xxs. More I geve to the pore of Pittington, vs.Further, I geve & bequiethe unto my brother, Richard Egleston, x yewes & ij kye. Also more I geve & bequiethe untp Thomas Browne, vj yewes & a yong cow, provided always I mak myne executors thes persones following. First, Imak my welbeloved wyf, Margaret Egleston, Christofer Egleston, Steven Egleston & John Browne, thes iiij, to be my full & lawfull executors. Last of all, I mak my welbeloved frend, Mr doctor Bennet, to be the supervisor of this my last will & testament, to se all things performed according to the same. Witnesses & records att the making of this will & testament, William Bennet, Rowland Shafto, John Swalwell, Edward Wryter & Phillope Parkinson. The invitory of all the goods & cattells lait William Egleston’s of Haswell Graing, deceased, praised the iij day of Aprill anno domini 1567 by iiij indeferent persons, that is, Nicolas Cocksonne, Rolland Shafto, John Swalwell & Georg Taylor, as folowith the chamber over the parlor Inprimis, ther is purse, is girdle & mony Item, ij dubletts, ij pare hose, ij jackketts, a clok & other his apparell Item, bedding ther, ij bedsteds, mattresses, shets, pillowes, blankets, coverlets & j covering unlyned Item, j danse chist, iij lyne shets, iij straken shets & a towell 12s 0d 3 6s 8d 1 6s 8d 10s 0d Item, j arke & a flanders chist Item, iij quartersw of haver malt Item, one prese for clothes Suma vijli ixs iiijd The parlor Inprimis, j stand bed, a fether bed, a bowster, a cood, a pare of shets, a pare of blankets, a coverlet, a covering lined & ther courtines with jerns? Item, ij counters, iij chists, ij chares & iij quishines Summa liijs iiijd The hall house Inprimis, ij tables & ij furmes Item, ij almeres Item, a lytle peac of silver parcell gilt Item, j lytle salt doble gilt Item, iij spones with knoppes of our lady & v with lyons parcell gilt Item, iiij brase potts & ij posnets Item, vij dublers, xj dishes, viij pottingers, vij sawcers, ij salts, j potle pott, a quarte pott, a pynt pot & a gill pot Item, ij brase basines, vij candilsticks, ij brase brase lavers, a scumer & a chafin dish Item, ij table cloths & ix table napkins Item, j iron chymnay, a reconcruk, a pare & a pare of tongs Item, ij spets & a broling iron Item, fleshe in the backes Summa xxxiijs iiijd Owt houses, the barne & in the felds Item, xvj oxen & j stott Item, vij kye new calved & ther calves Item, iiij kye with ther stirks Item,vj other kye & a bull Item, vj spaved calves Item, xij stotts & whyes & j yong bull Item, x twinters Item, iiijxxxj wethers & tupes Item, waynes & wayne gere, plewghes & plewgh gere with yoks & temes Item, v score yewes & ther lames 5s 0d 1 4s 0d 5s 0d 2 0s 0d 13s 4d 8s 15s 1 0s 10s 0d 0d 0d 0d 1 10s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 5s 0d 8s 5s 9s 1s 2 0s 32 9 5 6 2 12 6 18 6s 6s 6s 13s 0s 0s 13s 4s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 8d 8d 4d 0d 0d 4d 0d 3 0s 0d 18 6s 8d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, xxxvj geld yewes Item, xij gemers & ther lames Item, xvij gemers without lames Item, vj ille hogs Item, iij meires, ij foles & a filly Item, iij stakes in the garth of whet & pese Item, xx thrave of whet in the barne berryed & unbyried Item, half a chader of otts in the barne baired Item, xj swine & ij pigs Item, xxxij doble acres of whet & haver one the ground Summa clxvli xs viijd 5 8s 0d 2 4s 0d 2 11s 0d 4s 0d 5 0s 0d 10 5s 0d 2 0s 0d 10s 8d 2 4s 0d 21 6s 8d Hunstainworthe Inprimis, ther iiij oxen Item, ij kye & ther calves Item, ij twinter stotts Item, vj yewes & lames Item, ij wethers Item, xxxix dynmoths & gemers Item, iiijxx & vj hoggs Item, j cawdron Item, ix thrave of ry in the barne Item, ij acres of rye one the ground Item, iij hyves of bees Summa xxviijli xjs Detts owing unto hyme at the oure of his deth Inprimis, Robert Chamber of Gatished & is partener for stotts Item, John Dixon for iiij stotts Item, Thomas Potts of Newcastell ij stotts Item, the said Robert Chamber for iij oxen Item, William Shadfurth of Shereburne for a stott Summa xxxviijli iijs iiijd Summa totalis ccliijli xijs Funeral expences & dets which he ought Inprimis, his funeral expenc Item, ther half yeres rent of Haswell Granng Item, ij hole yeres rent for the tythe 4 2 1 1 0s 13s 0s 2s 8s 5 16s 11 2s 5s 18s 6s 1 0s 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 19 8 4 4 0d 4d 0d 4d 0s 13s 0s 13s 1 16s 8d 9 13s 10d 11 0s 9d 2 13s 4d Item, for making the said grainge tenantable in reparacions Item, to the procter of Esington Item, to the vicar of Pittington Item, to Mr John Lampton Item, to Sr John Blyth prieste upon an obligacon Item, to Thomas Potts of Newcastell Summa xxxli viijs 10d Summa totalis deductis deducands ccxxiijli iijs ijd 3 16s 13s 4s 3s 1 0s 1 13s 8d 4d 6d 4d 0d 4d Register of Wills, III, ff. 69-70verso William Coulson of Hawthorne, 1573 In dei nomine, Amen, 1573 the xxjrh daye of December, I, William Coulson of Hawthorne, sicke in bodye but whole in mynde do make this my last will and testament as foloweth. Ffirste, I bequeathe my soule to almightie God, hopinge to be saved by Jesus Christe, and my bodye to be buried in Esington church yearthe as my executors will. ffirste, I give to my wyfe all my goods within the house, the hole farmehoulde with the lease, viij oxen, twoo ploughes & twoo waynes with all the furnture therto belonginge, all come that groweth on the farmehould both in the garthe and in the barne, twoe stotts in Daldon, iiij kyen, halfe of my sheape yonge and oulde, twoo meares, one white and a bawson. Item, I give to Henrie Punder iiij lams on Myddle Harrowe law, twoe riggs, above hoopiall, sowen with wheat, iiij riggs at Graye Stones and twoo riggs, goinge over Battie lawe, sowen with haver, to have these for the firste croppe, one rigge of wheat lyinge on Greme law by este Sowledge. Also all my title and right of twoo houses and one coterighte. Item, I give unto John Punder one ewe and one lambe and one bushell of wheat after the croppe. Item, I geve to Agnes Wray vijli. Item, I give to Thomas Coulsone one ewe and one lambe. Item, I geve to Roberte Coulson ij ewes & ij lambes. Item, I geve to wedow Simpson one rigge of wheat nearest the southe on Bradlaye letche. Item, I geve to William Wray, yonger, one fillie foole and ij stotts. Item, to William Wraye, eldest, a cowe and to his wife one whye. Item, I geve to Elizabethe Jenkinson one ewe and a lambe. Of this my last will and testamente I make executors Magdalen, my wife, and William Wraye, hyr sonne, to whome I geve the reste of my goods. In witness whearof, George Robingson, Thomas Robinson, Richard Woofe, John Robinson and Richard Jackeson. Register of wills, IV, f.90v. EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 James Paxton & Thomas his brother Richard Paxton of Easington, 1575 In dei nomine, Amen, anno domini 1574, the 27 day of Februarye, I, Richard Paxton of Esington, seeke in bodye but hoole in mynde, doe make this my last will and testamente as foloweth. First, I bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie God, hopinge to be saved by Jesus Christ, and my bodie to be buried in Easington church earth1 as my executors will. First, I gyve to the poore iiis 4d. seven words deleted Item, I gyve my eldest sonne, Christofer Paxton, ploughe and wayne,2 geare belonginge to them and one bay younge horse or stagge. Item, I gyve to Thomas, my sonne, the bay mayre stagge. Item, to Edmonde3 another stagge and I gyve to Annas and Mergret, my daughters, 2 whyes goinge in Hordon close. Item, I gyve to Mergerie one other whye. Item, I gyve to my 3 yongest4 sons 3 yonge stotts. Item, I gyve to my wyfe5 3 yonger stotts. Item, I gyve to Annas6 on branded styrke. Item, I gyve to Margret another styrke. Item, 7to Margerie on yonge calfe. Item, I gyve to John Paxton, shomaker8, 20s. Item, to my syster's son and daughter 2 ewes & 39 lambes. Item, I gyve to my brother Thomas' boyes, evrie one, on gymmer lambe. Item, to my brother James' children10 evrie one, one gymmer lambe. Of this my last will & testamente I make 11my wife & all my children executors to whom I gyve the rest of my goods, and also make my brothers, Thomas & James12, supervisors. In witnes herof Richard Jacson, John Johnson, Thomas Paxton13 with others14. 1. register copy says “yearde”. 2. register copy adds “and”. 3. register copy adds “my sonne”. 4. register copy omits “yongest”. 5. register copy adds “Annes”. 6. register copy adds “my doughter”. 7. register copy adds “I geve”. 8. register copy says “cordiner”. 9. register copy says “twoo”. 10. register copy says “boyes”. 11. register copy adds “Agnes”. 12. register copy says”bretheringe” after James.13. register copy adds “ Jhonson”. 13. register copy adds “Christopher Paxtonjur, Margrett Paxtonjur. An inventorie of all the goods moveable and unmoveable of Richard Paxton of Esington, the viij day of Apryll, anno domini 1575, prayed by Phillip Parkynson, William Foster, Christofer Paxton and Inprimis, eyght oxen Item, fowre kye Item, iij stotts of iiij yeares olde Item, iiij stotts of iij yeares olde Item, three whyes Item, two styrkes Item, three mayres Item, three stages Item, xx ewes & xx lambes Item, x wethers Item, x hoggs & two tupes Item, one sow & two hogges, Item, ij geese, one stegge & ix mallards Item, xij hens & one cocke Item, xiiij double acres Item, in malte corne Item, ploughe, wayne, coupe and that apperteynth to them Goods within the house Inprimis, ij ammeries & one call Item, one meate boorde, ij fourmes and one chayre Item, vj brasse potts, one caldron, two kettels & two pans Item, xx peec of pewder, iiij salts and v candelsticks & one fryin pan Item, one arke, one flanders chest and iij lyttle chests Item, iij sackes, one wyndyn cloth Item, one payre of bedd stocks, v codds, v blankets, vij coverlets, xj happens Item, two payre of lynnyn shetes and three payre of harden shetes and v codd pellebers, two table clothes and three towels Item, one jacket, one doublet and one payre of hose & one hatt Item, reckencrokes, potclipes and tonngs 17 5 6 3 2 3 4 3 1 1 14 2 1 0s 0s 0s 0s 13s 13s 6s 0s 6s 13s 4s 10s 4s 3s 0s 0s 6s 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 4d 8d 0d 8d 4d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 8d 13s 4d 1s 8d 1 6s 8d 13s 4d 6s 8d 5s 0d 1 16s 8d 1 0s 0d 6s 8d 1s 8d Summa totalis £72 13s 0d Another copy of the will only in Register of Wills, iv, f.54. Agnes Parkinson of Easington, widow, 1575 EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 In the name of God, Amen, the xiijth day of December 1573, anno regni Elizabethe regine &c., decimosext, I, Agnes Parkinson of Easington in the county of Durham, wydowe, of perffitt mynde and memory, do make my last will and testament in manner and forme ffollowing. Ffyrst, I commytt my soule unto almightie God and my body to be buryed in the queare of the church of Easington afforesaid. ltem, I gyve unto my sone, Phillipp Parkinson, a fawie table in the hall and lang settle with a bedd in the same interlined there and the beste ffether bedd and bedstocks and all things to the same best belonging, ltem, I give & bequeath unto my sone-in-lawe, George Robinson of Hawthorne, xs for a token, and I give unto his wiffe a silver spone & the least of my ffower latton basings and a laver and a candlestike interlined. And I give and bequeath unto my fower daughters, viz., Isabell the wiffe of Christofer Robinson, Margaret the wife of Christofer Heighington, Dorathie the wiffe of Roger Hall and Margerie the wife of the said George Robinson, all my apparell, as well lynyn as wollen, and the same to be equally devided emongs them. Also I give unto every of my said daughters, a silver spone of the lightest and smalest of value. ltem, I give unto my daughter Agnes, my son Phillip's wiffe, my best latten basyn with a laver and two of my best candlesticks & a twylt towell to be the second interlined. And I gyve unto the said Christofer Robinson wiff & Roger Hall wiffe, eyther of them a latten basyn, a laver interlined and a candlesticke. And I give unto the said George Robinson his wife a candlestick deleted Christofer Robinson's wiffe a bede of clothes, viz., a mattress, ij blanketts, a pare of lynyn shetts & a pare of harden shets, a happen and a coverlett, ij codds, ij codwayrs of the best I have. ltem, I gyve unto my said daughter, the wiffe of Christofer Robinson, one oxe and a cowe. And I gyve unto the same, my daughter Robinson, a payre of silver crokes in ffull recompence & satisfacion of hir child's porcion, ltem, I gyve unto my said daughter Margaret, the wiffe of Christofer Heighington, a bedde of clothes, a cowe, ij pillybers & ij codds of the meanest sort interlined & ffyve yewes. ltem, I gyve unto my cosen, Barbarey Lambert, the some of vili xiijs iiijd. ltem, I gyve unto my aunt, Dorathie Watson, iij yewes. And I give unto Roger Hall, Christofer Robinson and Thomas Lambert, my sones-in-lawe, every of theym, iijs iiijd. ltem, 1 gyve unto my sone, William Parkinson, xs for a token. ltem, I gyve unto my cosen, Ellyn Heighington, one yonge whie interlinedand unto georg Hall, my cosen, xiid. ltem, I give unto my cosen, Thomas Stott, ffyve shillings. ltem, I gyve unto Elizabeth Robinson, the daughter of Christofer Robinson, one yewe. And all the residewe of my goods and cattells, as well moveable as unmoveable, I gyve, will and bequeath unto my said sone, Phillip Parkinson, to his owne proper use interlined, whome I make my full executor of this my last will and testament. In witnesse whereof I, the said Agnes Parkinson, to this my present last will & testament, have sett my hande & seale the day & yere ffirst above writtten. mark and seal Signed and sealed in the presence of us William Browne John Stowt DPRI/1/1574/P1/1; Register copy Gawan Thurlebecke of Haswell, husbandman, 1579 In the name of God, amen, the xxixtie day of Septembre, anno domini 1579, I, Gawdyon Thirlebecke of Haswell within the parish of Easington & in the countye of Durham, husbandman, hole of mynde and perfytt in remembrance, prayse be to God, make this my last will & testament in manner & fourme folowinge, ffyrst, I bequith my soule unto the mercye of God & my bodie to be buryed in the parish churche yeard of Easynton. Item, I bequithe to John Thurlebecke, my son, my lease taken of Sr John Wyddrington for xxjtie yeres and Thomas, my sonne, to gain his levinge one the said farmhold & his goods I entend to leve hym, upholdinge of the same duringe the said lease, always provided that my wyffe & the rest of my children have their levinge of the farmholde so longe as she dothe kepe hir wedo & tell the tyme that the yongest of my said children come to the aidg of xxj ti yeares. Item, I bequythe to my wyffe thre kie & x yowes in full satysfaccionn of all hir porcion of my goods. Item, I bequithe to my sonne, William, two yowes & one stagge. Item, I bequithe to Agnes, my daughter, & margerett, my daughter, one why & five yowes, equallye to be devided betwine them. Item, my mynd & will is that my sonne Adam’s childrin have the goods that I am charged with which is their childs porcion, that is, xviijth shepe, thre bests & one caldronn. Item, I will that my wyffe & all my children gotten of her bodye have all that the hushold goods within the house, to be equallye devided amonge them. Item, I bequithe to my said sone, John Thurlebeck, three oxen & one mayre to occupye withall. Item, I bequithe to my said sonnne, Thomas, thre oxen & one mayre, lyckwyse plughe & plughe gear, wayne & wayne gear, this to be equallye devided between the said John and Thomas, my sonnes. Item, I will that the corne in the barne, staggarthe & in the feild be equallye devided amonge them all afore named, that is, my wyffe & my five children. The rysedue of my goods, my debts paid & funerall expences maid, I bequithe to John & Thomas, my EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 sonnes, whom I make my full executors ioyntlye togyther. Morover, I will that Nycholas Halle & Christofor Wilkynson be the supervisors of this my last will, havyinge for their paynes, ether of them, a yowe & a lambe. Thes beinge witnesses, William Jennyson, Roland Shafteye, Nycholas Hawle, Christofor Wilkinsonjur, Thomas Watsonjur, & Robert Graye with others. Register of Wills, I, f.69v. Christopher Paxton of Shotton, 1581 In dei nomine, Amen, Anno Domini 1580, the xxvth of March, I, Christofer Paxton of Esington, sick in body but whole in mynd doe make this my last will and testament as followeth, first, I bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie God, hoping to be saved by Jesus Christ and my body to be buryed in Esington church earth. First, I give unto my sonne, Christofer Paxton, the house on the middle raw and the lande belonging to yt. Item, I doe gyve to my wyfe and John, my eldest sonne, the lease of the demayne. Item, I doe gyve to John Paxton, my eldest sonne, all my wayne, plouhes and all things that belongeth to them and all wood geare aboute the house. Item, I doe gyve to Edmonde Paxton, my sonne, in evrie severall feilde one rude of land, during my wyve’s life. Item, I will that my syster, Jenet Paxton, shall have houserowme in the house so long as she lyveth and that for rament yerely vs and as for her child’s portion, I have fully payd it alreadye to hyr hands. Item, I have alreadye fully payd my sonne, James Paxton, his childe’s portion, item, that Thomas Lyghton shall sow the next croppe of corne (both with wheat and otts and that all his soile be ledd to the mayntenance of this farmholde and that after the sayd croppe he peaceabley departe without he agree further with my wife. Item, I doe gyve to Doritie Paxton, my daughter, one counter in the hall. Of this my last wyll and testament, I doe make my executors Elsebeth Paxton, my wife, and John Paxton, my sonne to whome I gyve the rest of my goods. Debts that I owe Inprimis, to Mychaell Calverley Item, to Thomas Lyghton Item,to Mr Bellsis for one oxe Item, to Richard Smyth, tayler Item, to James Bee Item, to John Kerston for one boule of peese 5 1 2 1 0s 11s 5s 7s 15s 6s 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d Item, to Mark Hall for bygge Item, vij boules of corne, malt and groates Item, to Roger Richardson of Newcastle Item, to Mr Riddell for yron Item, for sessment Item, to Christofer Wardell Item, to George Wardell Item, to Thomas Lyghton Item, Whittsontyde rente Suma totalis £17 18s 0d 12s 3 6s 4s 7s 7s 1s 2s 10s 1 2s 9d 8d 0d 4d 0d 5d 0d 0d 2d Witnesses hereof, James Paxton, John Paxton, John Sympson, James Bee, Richard Jacson with others An inventory of all the goods moveable and unmovable of Christofer Paxton of Esington, late deceased, praysed by theis foure men, Georg Wardell, William ffoster, Christofer Wardell and James Paxton the xvjth day of May, 1581 Imprimis, vj oxen Item, one cowe and one styrke Item, two old mares and one stag Item, one sowe and three shootts Item, xiij double acres of corne Item, one almery, one caule, one counter, one chayre and one bourde Item, v pewder vessel, one bason, three potts, two pans & frying panne and one candlestick Item, one cowp wayne, one longe wayne, iiij sowmes, two plowghes & yron yoks Item, a recken croke, yron chimney, tongues and speatt Item, three hens, one goose & goslings Suma tota £29 0s 6d Debts that I owe Item, to Mr Mychael Calverley Item, to Thomas Lyghton Item, to Richard Smyth, tayler Item, to Mr Bellogs for one ox Item, to James Bee Item, to John Kyrston for one boule of peese Item, Marke Hall for bygg 9 0s 0d 1 10s 0d 2 6s 8d 12s 0d 13 0s 0d 10s 0d 14s 0d 1 3s 8d 2s 6d 1s 8d 5 1 1 2 0s 11s 7s 5s 15s 6s 12s 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 9d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, vij boules of corne & malt groates Item, to Roger Richaaradson of Newcastle Item, to Mr Ryddell for yron Item, for sessments Item, to Christofer Wardell Item, to George Wardell Item, to Thomas Lyghton Item, Whytsontyde rente Suma totalis £17 18s 3 6s 4s 7s 7s 1s 2s 10s 1 2s 8d 0d 4d 0d 5d 0d 0d 2d William Browne of Shotton, 1582 The xxiijth of May 1581, in the xxiijth yere of the reigne of our sovereigne lady, Elizabeth &c. In the name of God, Amen, I, William Browne of Shotton in the countie of Durham, being of perfect mynde, do make this my last will and testament in maner and forme following, ffirst, I commend my sowle to the hands of Almightie God, my saviour and redemer Christ Jesus by the onlie meritts of whose death and passion, I trust to be saved. Item, I give to every of the poorest householders within the parish of Esington, severally interlined, iiijd in money. Item, I will that for and towardes the preferment of lsabell Browne, myne eldest daughter, there shalbe, yerelie, during the terme of theise eight yeres nowe next ensewinge interlined, payd and levyed, the summe of xli, to be payd yerelie by thands of John ffrancklyn of Amerston and William Williamson of Elstobb untill the summe of fower score pounds be payd. And, after the levying and payment of the same summe of fower score pounds as is aforesaid, then I will that there shalbe hadd, receyved and taken, the summe of iiijxxli more for and to the use of Elizabeth Browne, my second daughter to be, likewise, for and during the terme of other eight yeres then next ensewing interlined, yerelie payd by the hands of the said John ffranckleyn and William Williamson. And, I further will that after the payment of the said severrall summes of fower score pounds, the summe of xxxli shalbe hadd and receyved and taken for and to the use of Anne Browne, my youngest daughter, to be, likewise, payd by the hand of the said John ffranckleyn and William Williamson, theire executors or assignes. And, I further will that the summe of vjli yerely shalbe hadd, receyved and taken by Barbarey, my wife, for and to her onely use towards the brynging upp of my said three daughters and to be yerelie payd to her by the hands of the said John ffranckleyn and William Williamson, who stand charged and severally bounden to me for the payment of certen severall rent chargs, either of them, viijli by yere severallie to be payd furth of their severall ffermeholds, lands and grounds interlined of Amerston and Elstobb afforesaid, for and during the terme of xxj yeres. Item, I further will that Barbarey, my wife, shall have the occupacion of certen lands and tenements latelie being in the tenure and occupacion of one George Hargill of Hutton afforesaid interlined during her liffe. And, after her decease, my whole interest which I have in the said fermehold shall remayne and come to the hands and occupancion of my said daughter Anne. Item, I give further to every of my said three daughters severally, the severall summes of tenn pounds to be taken by way of legacy over and beside the said severall summes of fower score pounds hereby lymitted to be payd to them as is afforesaid. Item, I give to William Johnson, my sister sonne, five pounds, five ewes, fyve lambes, one yonge quye of ij yeres olde and one bay fillye. Item, I give to Mr Thomas Calverley, my master, my white meare. Item, I give to my mistress, one old angel. Item, I give to John Calverley and Barbary Calverley their children, either of them, xs. Item, I give to my mother, one olde angell. Item, I give to every other the residue of the children of my two sisters, Agnes and Jane, every of them severally, one shepe. Item, I give to my uncle, John Wrightson, vjs viijd. Item, I give to my aunte Agnes, sometymes the wife onesic one Raphe Pereson, vjs viijd. Item, I give to George Wardell, xs. Item, I give to Richard Jackson, clerke curate of Esington, xs. Item, I give to my cosen, Thomas Browne, my yonge gray meare. Item, I give to my said cosen Thomas deleted I give to my trusty frends, Mr Anthony Welbery and to my said cosen Thomas Browne deleted, either of them severally, two olde angells and I do hereby ordeyne and do hartely pray and desier them, the said Mr Anthony Welbery and my cosin Thomas Browne, not onlie interlined to be the supervisors of this my last will but also to have a respect and regard to the bringing upp of my said three daughters, with the govemement of them and the saife keeping of their parts, porcions and legacyes geven unto them, my said children interlined as is afforesaid, as I especially trust they will do. And, I do make the executors of this my last will and testament, my said three daughters, Isabell Browne, Elizabeth Browne interlined and Anne Browne unto whome I give the rest of my goodes. These being witnesses Richard Jacson John Readhead and Thomas Browne. An inventorie of all the goods movable and unmoveable ofWilliam EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Browne, late of Shotton, deceased, praysed by George Wardell, George Robinson, Christofer Wardell and John Readhead, the vijth day of June Anno Domini 1582 as followeth Imprimis, in gold and money Item, xj kyne Item, fower stotts Item, fower stirks Item, one quye Item, iij quyes Item, two calves Item, xviij wethers with woll Item, xxxv ewes & lambes with ther woll Item, xij geld gimbers with there woll Item, vij shorne gimbers Item, iij rames or tuppes Item, one nagg and one meare Item, one bay filly Item, ij other meares Item, one sowe and ij hoggs Item, ij ploughes, iij stengs & v plougheads Item, ij payer of stengs, v axeltrees & bourds Item, ij payer of harrowes Item, v yoks whereof iiijor have yrons Item, bourds and cowpe waine sales? Item, iiijor yron muckforks Item, wheat and hay in stack Item, ij ladders Item, ij bee hyves Item, in yron geare for husbandry Item, ij sythes Item, potts, pannes and fyery vessel Item, all pewter vessell & candlesticks Item, spitt, chimney, reckoncroke flia? pann clippes Item, ij cubbourds Item, ij tables, formes, ij chaires in the hall Item, v payer of bedstocks Item, chiste and one arke Item, ix payer lynnen shets & harden, vij towels, xxx napkins & all other lynnen geare Item, iiijor mattresses 32 13 4 2 1 4 42 2 3 1 6 6 1 1 1 4s 6s 13s 0s 10s 13s 6s 10s 15s 0s 16s 10s 13s 6s 0s 14s 7s 6s 8s 2s 9s 3s 0s 2s 8s 6s 2s 0s 3s 10s 6s 14s 13s 10s 6d 8d 4d 0d 0d 4d 8d 0d 0d 0d 6d 0d 4d 8d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 6d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 4d 0d 2 10s 0d 1 0s 0d Item, blanketts & clothes for iiijor beids Item, tubbes & wodden vessel Item, sacks and poks Item, iiijor coverlidds, ij payer blanketts, iij codds & one carpett clothe Item, all the corne on the ground Item, in debts as appereth by his booke Item, in old money Summa toatlis.£137 1 10s 0d 10s 0d 5s 0d 1 13s 13 6s 17 8s 2 10s 15s 10d 4d 8d 4d 0d Ellin Atkinson of Haswell, widow, 1586 Anno Domini, 1586, regni Elizabethae, 28 Junij, derimo tertio In the name of God, Amen, I, Ellin Atcheson of Haswell in the parrish of Easington, widow, sick in body but whole in minde and perfit in memorie, make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, first, I bequeath my soule into the hands of almighty God who gave it & hoping to be saved by the death and passion of Jesus Criste and my goods I deleted body to the church earth and my goods I give and bestow as hereafter followeth. Imprimis, I give to my daughter Agnes a yoke of oxen called Brock and Spenser. Item, I give to my sonn William a yoke of oxen called Mark and Thuler. Item, I give to my daughter Isabell the thirde yoke of oxen. Item, I give to my sonn William the young bay mare. Item, I give to my daughter Agnes the young dun mare. Item, I give to my daughter Isabell the gray mare. Item, I give the four kine to my two daughters, to either of them two. Item, I give to my sonn William the two young quies. Item, I give the thre calfes to my thre children, to everie one, one. Item, I give to my sonn William all the ploughs and plough geere and all the waynes and wain gear. Item, I give to my daughter Agnes xxx sheepe. Item, I give to my daughter Isabel xxx sheepe. Item, to my sonn William I give the xvj sheepe that remaine. Item,I give to my two daughters all the houshold stuff within the heck to be equallie divided betwen them two. Item, I give the cropp on the earth to be equallie divided by the bushell among my thre children. Item, the lviijs which William Person of Durham, butcher, oweth unto me, I give to my thre children to be equally divided among them. Item, I give to my sonn William, the sowe, the other two swine with the gese, and the pullon I give to my two daughters to be equallie divided between them. Item, I will that xs taken out of the whole be given to the poore of the parrish of Easington. Of this my last will and testament I make my two daughters thre children, William deleted Agnes and Isabelle ioint executors. EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 By me Richard Bubworth, curate of Easington (the first of two copies of this will, making corrections embodied in the second which also names two witnesses, Thomas Paxton and Robert Anderson. There is a third copy in Register of Wills) An inventorie of all the goods and cattell of Ellin Hecheson Widow, late of great Haswell within the parrish of Easington, deceased, praysed by these four men whose names hereafter follow, vidlz., Cuthbert Burnop, Henrie Bee, Robert Anderson, William Hurde, the eleventh day of Julie, Anno Domini, 1586. Imprimis, sixe oxen Item, foure kine Item, two whies Item, lviijth olde sheepe Item, xx lambes Item, the standing corne in the field Item, three mares Item, three calves Item, three swine Item, wayne and waynegeare with plough and plough geare Item, all the household stuff within the heck. 16 6 2 9 1 16 6 0s 0s 0s 0s 3s 0s 0s 12s 11s 1 3s 6 13s 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 4d Suma totalis lxvli xiijs Leonard Trollop of Eden Dean, 1586 In the Name of God, Amen, Anno Domini 1586, the xxth day of ffebrurarie, I, Leonarde Throulloppe of Eden Deane within the parishe of Esington, seeke in bodye but whole in mynde, thanks be unto God, doe make this my last will and testament as followeth. ffirst, I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie God, hopeinge to be saved by Jhesus Christ, and my bodye to be buryed in Esington church. Inprimis, I doe gyve to the poore of the parishe wherein I dwell, vjs viijd. Item, I doe gyve to Alse Willyamson, my daughter's daughter, two kye, the one called Souseo and the other Riggie, and also I doe gyve the sayd Alse, viij shepe, the said kyne and shepe to remayne in my wive's hande tyll the sayd Alse come to xviij yeres of age. Item, I gyve to Jane Willyamson, my daughter's daughter, one whye styrck which is yonge and branded, this to be in the custodie of my Mistress Troulloppe tyll she come to xviij yeres of age. Item, I doe gyve Alse Willyamson aforesayd, one kettell and one cawle, this, likewise, to be in the custodie of my wife tyll she be of the age aforesayd. Item, I doe gyve and bequeathe unto my wife all my rents and interlined lands in Barwicke dureinge hyr naturall life, she payinge unto my sonne, Anthonie Troulloppe, xxvjs viijd yerelye at the ffeasts ofWhitsontyde and ffeast of Saynte Martyn by equall porcions dureinge hyr lyfe and then, the rents and interlined lands I doe gyve to my sonne Anthonie Trolloppe and, for lacke of heyres male of his bodie, lawfullie begotten interlined, I doe gyve yt to my Master of Thomley and to Mr ffrancys, his sonne, for ever. And yf the sayd Anthonie, my sonne, have daughters and no sonnes, that then the sayd rents and interlined land in Barwicke to be thers nyne yeres onely to have ther porcions. Item, the rest of my goods, the legacies and funerall expenses discharged, I doe gyve unto my wife, Anne Trolloppe and Anthonye Trolloppe my sonne to be equally deleted all my goods torn, both moveable and unmoveable, to be equallie torn them. Item, I doe gyve unto Alse Willyamson torn after my wiv's lyfe off this my last torn doe make my sole executors torn Anthonye Trolloppe torn my goods tornley xs whom I desyre to be torn will and testament. Witnesses Bryn Lam torn Gibson torn Cottsworth torn Applebe and torn Jacson, clerk An inventorie of all the goods moveable and unmoveable of Leonard Trolloppe, late of Eden Dean, deceased, within the parish of Esington, praysed by these foure men, Mr Robert Younge, John Readhead, William Burstall and Robarte Cottsworth, the ix day of March, Anno Domini 1586 Imprimis, two kye Item, viij shepe hoggs Item, one caule Item, one kettell Item, one yron chimney Item, one branded calfe for a wenche Item, foure kye Item, one old branded cowe 4 0s 0d 1 6s 8d 6s 8d 6s 8d 10s 0d 10s 0d 8 0s 0d 1 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, foure calves Item, xxxjtie shepe Item, two cobbards Item, one counter, one boorde & two forms Item, xiij peeces of pewder & iiij sawcers Item, foure candlesticks Item, one pewder pott Item, two brasse potts Item, two kettells, ij pans, j fish scummer Item, v tubs, ij kitts, iiij skeels, xx bouls, xj chese[?] and one swall with all other wood whatsoever Item, v bee hyves Item, iiij payre of lynnyinge sheets, vj pillowes, [?] table napkins and xj harden sheets Item, iij bourdcloths and ij towels Item, two stone of lynt spunn and not spunne Item, iiij sacks and two pooks Item, three heckles, iij seaves, one temps Item, iiij payre of bed stockes Item, his apparel Item, one fetherbedd and boulster Item, two mattresses, j boulster, iij codds Item, iij coverletts, [?] happens, iij blankets Item, one old wynding cloth & ij old chests Item, two geese, iiij henns, one cocke Item, ix quussens Item, one axe, one recken croke, tongues, two racks and speett Item, one sowe Summa totalis [?] Item, one pare of cart wheeles Item, two ladders Debts that the testator doth owe Imprimis, to Alse Willyamson [?] coverlett which is worth Item, for one stone of lynt Summa totalis xxviijs iiijd DPRI/1/1586/T2/1-[?]. James Paxton of Easington, husbandman, 1587 1 6s 8d 6 0s 0d 2 0s 0d 6s 8d 10s 0d 2s 0d 4d 6s 8d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 2s 4s 10s 4s 1s 10s 1 10s 1 0s 10s 10s 1s 3s 2s 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 6d 2s 0d 5s 0d 3s 4d In the name of God, Amen, I, James Paxton of Easington within the countie palatine of Durham, husbandman, sick in bodie but whole in minde and of perfit memorie, make this my last will and testament in fourme following. Ffirst, I commend my soule into the hands of almightie God, assuring myselfe to be saved by the death and merits of Jesus Christ and my bodie I committ to the earth and my goods I give and dispose as hereafter followeth. Imprimis, I give to my sonne, Edmond Paxton, the lease of my farmehold. Item, I give to my saide sonne, Edmond Paxton, the lease which I tooke of John Paxton. Item, I give to my saide sonne, Edmond Paxton, a yoke of my best oxen with all my ploughes and plough geare, waynes and wayne greare and all other implements of husbandrie thereto belonging. Item, I give to my two daughters, Annes and Margerie Paxton, all the household stufe within the hecke, two bedds with the furniture excepted which I give to my two sonnes, Edmond and Robart Paxton. Item,I give to my wive's sonne, Robart Paxton, x1s besides his childe's portion which is viili. Item, I give to my sonne, Edmond Paxton, the iron chimney with the bushell and pecke. Item, I give to my nephew, John Paxton, xxs and a bushell of pease and to either of his two daughters a lambe. Item, I release John Paxton of the eleven shillings which he oweth me. Item, I give to everie one of my sister Paxton's foure children, which are unmarried, an ewe. Item, I give to my brother Thomas his two sonnes, which are unmarried, ij ewes. Item, I give to William Woofe, my sister's sonne, an ewe. Item, I give to the poore of the parish of Easington xxs. All my goods unsett and unbequeathed, I give unto my three children, Edmond, Annes and Margerie Paxton, to be equallie devided among them, and of this my last will I make them three ioynt executors. Item, my will is that my two daughters, Annes and Margerie Paxton, shall keepe house together with my sonne Edmond Paxton, during the space of three whole yeeres or longer as they cann agree. [?] [?] [?] A note of debts Imprimis, Raulfe Applebie oweth me liiis iiijd. Item, Richard Woofe of Hawthorne oweth me xls to be payde att candlemas next. Of this my last will, I make Robart fferrow of ffishborne, supervisor, and I give unto him xs. Per me Richardus Bubworth, ecclesiae Easingtonianae ministrum John Simpson mark EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Christopher Paxton mark Thoma Paxton mark A trew inventorie of all the goods and cattel, moveable and unmoveable, of James Paxton of Easington within the countie of Durham, husbandman lately deceased, praysed by these foure men, vidz., Georg Warden, Georg Robinson, John Robinson and John Simpson, the xxijth of August, anno domini 1587 Imprimis, six oxen Item, two fatt oxen Item, foure kine Item, two quies and two yonge stotts Item, five calves Item,two oxen given to his sonne, Edmond Paxton, by legacie Item, foure horses Item, fourtie old sheepe Item, twenty lambes Item, the hay Item, waynes and wayne geare, ploughes and plough geare, with all implements of husbandry thereto belonging Item, the corne upon the grounde Item, two leases given by legacie unto his sonne, Edmond Paxton Item, three swine Item, three geese Item, eight henns and a cock Item, an iron chimney, with a bushell, a peck, a spit and a payre of tongues, given to his sonne, Edmond, by legacie Item, one bedd of clothes given to Robart Paxton by legacie Item, one bedd of clothes given to Edmond Paxton by legacie Item, all the household stuff within the heck, given by legacie unto his two daughters, Annes and Margerie Item, his apparrell and furniture belonging to his back Summa totalis cxxxili ijs xd DPRI/1/1587/P6/1-2 George Wardell of Easington, yeoman, 1587 (check the original for the lost edge) 20 4 6 4 1 0s 6s 0s 10s 16s 0d 8d 0d 0d 8d 9 5 6 1 4 0s 10s 0s 5s 10s 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 11 0s 0d 33 0s 0d 12 0s 10s 2s 2s 0d 0d 0d 6d 6s 8d 13s 8d 13s 8d 8 0s 0d 1 10s 0d In the name of God, amen, the sixt daie of September in the nyne and twentie yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne ladie, queene Elizabeth, I, George Wardell of Easington in the countie of Dureham, yeoman, beinge of whole minde and in good and perfitt remembrance (praise be unto almightie God) make and ordeyne this my last will and testament in maner and forme followeinge. ffirste, I commende my sowle unto almightie God, my make and redemer, and my bodie to be buryed in the parish churche of Brancepeth. Item, I will that all such poore people within Easington as are indebted unto me, not haveinge in goods to the valewe of fortie shillings, shall not be chardged by my executoors for the paymente of there debts unto me. Item, I give and bequieth unto the poor people remay ning and dwellinge within Easington, xls in monie or els come to the valewe thereof. Item, I give and bequieth unto my Master, Thomas Calveerley, esquier, and my mistress, his wife, twentie markes, desyreinge my said master to se this my will executed and performed accordinge to the trew meaninge and intent thereof. Item, I give and bequieth unto John Calverley, Tobie Calverley and Barbara Calverley, to everie of them twentie shillings. Item, I give and bequieth unto Isabell Paxton, one spanged whie, and likewise to Elizabeth Paxton, one broked whiey. Item, I give to my brother, Richard Wardell, all my apparrell. Likewise, I forgive and acquite the said Richard of all such debts as he oweth unto me. Item, I give unto my said brother, Richarde Wardell, xls in monie or els one cowe and one horse, either of them to the valewe of xls. Item, I give unto my sister, Dioness Littlefaire, one lease of sex acres of arable lande and pasture for two beasts in the towne feilds and in a close of pasture at Easington aforesaid, called the Skottielawe close, maide to me by blank for the terme of certaine yeares yett to come and unexpired. Item, I give unto Anthonie Littlefaire, fyve pounds. Item, I give unto Margaret and Elizabeth Littlefaire, eyther of them, a whie stirke of the greatest. Item, I give unto William Pickerill one whie stirke and sex woll shepe, one clotheinge of white and reade russett. Item, I give unto George Haisand, George Jackson, George Wardell and George Paxton, my godsonnes, evrie of them, one ewe and a lambe. Item, I give unto Agnes Twedele one bushell of pease and one bushell of wheate, to be delivered unto hir by my executors yearelie dureinge hir life; and and also one fudder or waine loade of cooles to be delivered by my executors at hir house, dureing hir life yearelie. EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, I give and bequeth unto Margarett, my wife, and hir assigns, all my whole interest and terme of yeares yet to come of and in one tenement or farmhold with thappurtenances, lyeinge on the south rowe in Easington, laite in the tenour or occupacion of one George Paxton, deceased, provided alwaies the said Margarett and hir assignes shall paie the filiall porcions which are dew to be paied unto Isabell Paxton & Elizabeth Paxton, hir daughters, when they or eyther of them shall lawfullie demand the same. And if the said Margarett refuse to content and paie the saime as aforesaid, then I bequieth my whole interest and terme of yeares yet to come of and in the said tenement, with thappurtenances, unto Jane Wardell, alias Jackson, my daughter baise begotten, the said Jaine paieinge unto the said Isabell and Elizabeth, their said severall parts and porcione at such tyme as the same shalbe lawfullie demanded. Item, I give and bequieth unto the said Jane Wardell, alias, Jackson all of my estaite and title of and in my demeane lande belongeinge unto Tweddell farme. And likewyse all my estate and interest of the demaine which belongeth to the same fyne on the south raw, latelie in the tenour of wedow Tweddle. Item, I will and by this my present testament declare, nominate and appoint that Christjofer Paxton, his heires, executors and assigns, shall at all tyme and tymes hereafter upon request and demande maide unto hym by Jane Wardell, alias Jackson, my daughter, baise begotten, assur, surrender and yeild upp his whole estate, title, clame interest and demande, accordinge to the custome of the halmott courts of and upon one messuaige and husbandlande, with thappertenances, in Easington. And also one acre of land, with a cottaige, and fower other acres of lande called Swarden peece, lyeinge and beinge within the towne feilds of Esington, to the said Jane Wardell, alias Jackson, and hir squeles, in iure. Item, I give and bequieth unto my wife and my daughter, Jane, ioyntlie all my interest and terme of yeares of and in Haswell Grainge. And all the rest of my goodes, moveable and unmoveable, my funerall expenses, legacies and debts dischardged, I wholie give to my said daughter, Jane Wardell alias Jackson, whom I make whole executrix of this my last will and testament. Item, I make my Master Thomas Calverley, esquire, and Isabell, his wife, my mistress, supervisors of this my last will and testamente, whom I request to take upon them the order andgovernment of the said Jane Wardell, alias Jackson, and of all such goods, lands & tenements as to hir belongeth as executrix or otherwyse by force of this my last will and testament untill such tyme as she shall come to the aige of one and twentie yeares or els be maryed. In witness hereof to this my present will and testament, I have sette my hande and seale, the day and yeare above written. Sealed in the presence of us, William Calverley, Roger Wrightson, Oswold Richeson, James Bryan & Thomas Rainton. A codicill maide by George Wardell of Easington which he willed to be annexed to his last will and testament. I will that if Jane Wardell, alias Jackson, dye before she come to the aige of one and twentie yeares or att any tyme after, without issue of hir bodie lawfullie begotten, then I will, nominate and appointe that Christjofer Paxton shall make an estaite, accordeinge to the custome of the halmott courte, of and upon one messuaige and husbandlande & one acre of lande with a cottaige and other fower acres of lande, called Swarden peece, to Thomas Calverley of Littleburne, esquire, and his sequeles in iure. Witnesses hereof William Calverley, Roger Wrightson and Oswold Richeson. In dei nomine, Amen, and latin follows DPRI/1/1587/W3/2 Robert Sharp, 1587 The inventorie of all the goods & cattell of Robarte Sharpe, late deceased, praysed by John ffoster, William Read & John Sharpe, the vijth day of Marche, Anno Domini, 1587 Imprimis, foure key, tow wheies & one calfe Item, tow meres Item, twentie sheipe Item, all the smythie gre Item, all thinges above the hecke Somme is xviijli vjS viijd Deats which I doe owe Imprimis, to Rychard, my sonne Item, to William, my sonne Somma totalis xvjli vijs viijd DPRI/1/1587/S6/2 George Robinson of Hawthorne, yeoman, 1588 8 3 3 1 2 3s 6s 6s 10s 0s 4d 8d 8d 0d 0d 13s 0d 1 5s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 In the name of God, Amen, the xxiijth day of June in the yeare of our Lord God, a thowsand, five hundred, fower score and five, I, George Robinson of Hawthorne in the parish of Easington in the county of Durham, yeoman, of perfecte remembrannce, thankes be to God, make this my last will and testamente in manner and forme followeinge. ffirst, I bequeath my soule into the handes of Almightie God, my maker, hopeing to be saved by the meritts of Jesus Christe, my redemer and saviour, and my body to be buryed in the parishe churche of Esington. Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Agnes Jurdeson, vjli xiijs iiijd, in full satysfaction of her child's portion. Item, I give and bequeath unto Ellen Jurdeson, the wife of William Jurdeson, vjli xiijs iiijd, and to be paid to them both so soune as conventlie my executors may paie them. Item, I give and bequeath unto Phillip Jurdeson and Michaell Jurdeson, to either of them, fyve markes and to be paid when they shalbe of lawfull yeares. The rest of all my goodes, moveable and unmoveable, my debtes and funeralls discharged, I give and bequeath unto my welbeloved wife, Mergerie Robinson, and my loveinge sonne, James Robinson, whom I make my full and sole executors of this my last will and testamente. Witnesses hereof; William Draver, William Shipperde, Thomas Robinson DPRI/1/1588/R6/1 Richard Reed of Shotton, 1590 In the name of God amen, anno domini 1590, the xxixth of Julie, I, Richard Reed of Shotton, seke in bodye but whole in mynde, doe make this my last will and testament as followeth. First, I bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie God, hoping to be saved by Jesus Christ and my bodye to be buried in Esington church earth. I doe gyve unto the poore of the parishe xs. Item, I doe gyve unto Anthony Reed, my sonne, one oxe called Lustie and one taggs cowe. Item, I doe gyve unto my sonne William Reed one oxe called Snappe and one dunn cowe. Item, I doe gyve unto my sonne Robarte Reed one oxe called torn and one black cowe. Item, I doe gyve forever deleted unto my sayd sonnes, William Reed and Robart Reed, my ffreehold lande which I bought to be equallie devided betwixt them, to them and their heirs forever. Item, I doe gyve my daughter, Mergery Mylburne, one caldron and two ewes to her two daughters. Of this my last will and testament I doe make my executors Richard Reed, Anthony Reed, William Reed and Robarte Reed, my sonnes, to whom I gyve the rest of my goods. Witnesses hereof John Burdon, John Reedhead and Richard Jacson. An inventory of all the goods moveable and unmoveable of Richard Reed of Shotton late deceased, praysed by these foure men, John Burdon, George Tompson, Richard Jurdeson and Richard Jacson, the xij th day of August, Anno domini 1590, as followeth ffirst, vj oxen Item, three oxen Item, two kye and two styrks Item, three kye Item, three calves Item, three mares, one foole Item, xij sheep, foure lambes Item, one longe wayne, one coupe wayne, two payre of wheeles, vij soomes, vij yokes, geared ploughe and therto belonginge Item, one oxe harrowe and foure horse harrowes Item, xviij double acres of corne Item, all the furniture within the howse and chamber Item, one cocke and vij hennes Item, xvj geese Item, one sowe & three shootts The totall sume £52 11s 4d DPRI/1/1590/RS/1-2 11 5 3 3 0s 0s 6s 0s 12s 3 6s 1 13s 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 8d 4d 4 0s 12s 18 0s 1 0s 2s 8s 10s 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d John Skott of Hawthorne, 1592 In the name of God, Amen, the xxth daie of Marche in the yeare of our Lorde God, 1590, I, John Skott of Hawthorne in the parishe of Eassington, seeke in bodie but hole of mynde and of good and perfecte remembrannce, thankes be unto Almightie God, do ordaine and make this my laste will and testamente in maner and fourme followinge. ffirste, to Jesus Christe, my maker & redemer, by whome I trust to be savide and I will that my bodye be buryed within my parishe churche of Eassington. Item, I do geve & bequeathe in legacie, the lease of my farmholde unto my loveinge wyfe, Margere Skotte, and to my sonne, William Skotte, together and to the longer lyver of eyther of them two, and if my wyfe dye before my said sonne, then I geve my said lease to my sonne and to those whome shalbe appointed his governor or tutor, EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 if he have not his speache and discretion to guyde him selfe, & and this to be done by the consent of these my supervisors. And for defalte of bothe my wyfe & my sonne leavinge this mortall lyfe without any will makeinge, then I will my saide lease to come unto all my children beinge then lyvinge and unmaryed and they to pay & discharge all things whiche my wyfe and my sonne shall then forton to be indebted and owinge, and every one of my children then lyvinge to agree together, without any suite or troublinge one a nother in the lawe or other wayes duringe the tyme of my said lease & to behave them selfes honestly to all good neighboures. Item, I do geve in legacie and beside theire portyons to every one of my thre daughters, that is to say, Maudelaine, Marye and Margreat Skotte, fforty shillings.. Item, I do geve unto Ellinor Foster, wyfe unto James Foster, xxvjs. viijd. Item, I do geve unto Christofer Bee, the sonne of Rycharde Bee of Harte, a yewe & a lambe or eles in mony, fyve shillings. Item, I do geve unto Margreate Rychardeson, the daughter of Thomas Rychardson of Nether Throston, a yewe & a lambe or eles in mony, fyve shillings. The residewe of all my goodes moveable and immovable, my debtes and legacies paid and my funerall expenses discharged, I do geve Margere Skott, my wyfe, & William Skotte, my sonne, whome I do ordaine and make full and hole executors of this my last will & testament, concludid & ordained without any any assent or consent of any person or persons save my selfe onelye; and of this my last will aforesaid, I do ordaine & make supervisors, the worshipfull Mr Rychard Conyers of Horden, esquire & Mr Christofer Conyers, his sonne, bothe my good masters, and for there great paines & travell therein, I do geve eyther of them, for a token, xs. Wittnesses hereof, Thomas Robinson, thelder, James Robinson, John Ranoldson and John Wilkinson. The inventory of all the goods and chattels movable and unmovable of John Skottes of Hawthome, laite deceased, praysed by fower men, vidilicet, Thomas Robinson thelder, John Robinson, James Robinson and John Raynoldson, the 22 daie of Aprill, Anno domini 1592 Anno regni Elizabethae the 34 Imprimis, fower oxen Item, fyve kye and one calf Item, iij whyes and one stott Item, iiij calfes Item, ij mares and one stage 10 8 3 1 4 0s 0s 6s 6s 9s 0d 0d 8d 8d 9d Item, v yewes and v lambes Item, iiij hogg shepe Item, v regald shepe Item, one soowe and ij young swine Item, ij bee hyves Item, corne thresht and unthresht Item, all the corne on the grounde, wynter & waire Item, waine and waine gear, pleuinghe & plewe geare, with old wood that is about the house Item, all his apparrell Item, one Iron chimney with recone croke, rackes and spittes Item, pottes, kettles, pannes & all fyer vessell Item, x peece of puther, ij puther saltes and ij candlesticks Item, ij ambres and one cawell Item, one counter & ij boourdes with formes, stoles & one chaire ltem, iiij chistes Item, one fether beed, iiij fether codes, one coverlett and vj happins Item, iij lynning shetes, iij strakin shets, iij harden shetes, iiij cod wares & one bordeclothe Item, ij iron grapes, shovells, spaids & wombles Item, ix hennes, ij cokes & one capon Item, one goose & one gander Item, a windinge clothe, ij sookes & v pockes Item, v bordes Item, all the windinge geare Item, iij standing beedes Item, one masking tube with skelles, bowles & all other wood vessel Sowme £65 13s 2d Debts that he doth owe Imprimis, to Rychard Conyers Item, to Robert Fell Item, to Rychard Shacklock Item, for servants wages Item, his funerall expenses, his laire stall & his mortuarij 34 14s 6d Debtes owen unto him Item, of John Wilson of Durham, butcher DPRI/1/1592/S4/1-2 1 13s 4s 1 5s 0d 16s 0d 12s 0d 5s 8d 10 13s 4d 20 0s 0d 3 0s 10s 5s 1 6s 10s 16s 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 6s 8d 10s 0d 1 0s 0d 16s 4s 3s 2s 10s 1s 1s 6s 0d 0d 4d 6d 0d 0d 0d 8d 10s 0d 22 13s 4d 1 6s 8d 18s 0d 1 16s 6d 2 0s 0d 1 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Robert Cotsworth of Little Eden, yeoman, 1593 In Dei nomine, Amen, 1592, the xvj day of Januarj, I, Robert Cotsworth of Little Eden in the countie of Durham, yeoman, seke in bodie but whole in mynd, doe make this my last will and testament as followeth. First, I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie God, hoping to be saved by Jesus Christ, and my bodie to be buried in Esington church earth. First, I gyve to the poore of the parishe, vs. Item, I doe gyve to my wyf, Alse Cotsworth, my mare and vs in gold. Item, I doe gyve unto my sonne, ffrancis Cotsworth, xli. Item, I doe to my sonne, John Cotsworth, xli. Item, I doe gyve to my brother Thomas Cotsworth, one word whye that came from Ffroston, the most part of my apparell. Item, I doe gyve unto my syster, Alse Cotsworth, one cowe called Spence and the stirke that is with her. Item, I doe gyve unto my master, ffrancis Trolloppe, xs, to be good unto my wife and children. Item, I doe gyve unto my good Mistris Trolloppe half a gallon of hony. Item, I doe gyve unto John Trolloppe, my master's sonne, and ffrancis, his daughter, eyther of them, one gymmer lambe at the Whitsontide next after my death. Item, I doe gyve unto Robart Clarke of Lomley, my cosen, and Christofer Paxton of Esington, xs betwixt them whom I make supravisors of this my last will and testament. And also, I constitute and appoynte the sayd Robart and Christofer, tutors and gardens for my children and to have the educacion of them and there porcions duringe there minoritie yf my wife marrie without there consents and where they mislik. Item, I gyve unto Richard Jacksonne, clark, xs for his paynes to be taken in helping of my wife and children. Item, I commytt my two children, ffrancis and John Cotsworth, to the government & education of my wife so longe as my supravisors shall like of yt. The residue of my goods not bequeathed, my debts payd and funerall expenses discharged, I doe whollie gyve unto my two sonnes, ffrancis and John Cotsworth, whom I make, constitute and appoynte sole executors of this my last will and testament. And I do charge my said executors to pay all my debts, legacies & funerall expensesinterlined. Witnesses hereof Christofer Paxton and Richard Jacson DPRI/1/1593/C7/1 John Kereston of Hawthorne, 1596 In the name of God, Amen, the ninthe day of Julie, Anno Domini 1594, I, John Kereston of Hawthorne in the parish of Easington, beinge sick in bodye and of perfect remembrance, praised be God and so forth, I doe make this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge: ffirst, I commend my soule unto Jesus Christ and my bodie to be buried within my paryshe churche aforesaid with all suche dueties to be paied therefor that ought of right, according to God's lawes and the Queene's majestie’s. Item, I give and bequeath unto Robert Keirston, my sonne, the whole interest, occupacion, title and terme of yeres that is yet to come in one half farmehold, which farmehold I and my uncle, John ffoster, hold togither of the worshipfull Mr ffrancis Radclyfe, Esquire, in Hawthorne aforesaide, to be and stand for his whole child’s porcion of my saide good and chattells. Item, I give and bequeathe likewise unto my sonne, Thomas Kereston, for his whole childe's porcion of my saide goods and chattels, eight pounds. Item, I give unto Christofor, my sonne, for his whole childe's portion of my saide goodes and chattells, the summe of eight poundes. Item, I give unto Richard Kereston, my sonne, for his whole childe's portion of my said goodes and chattells, the some of eight poundes. Item, I give and bequeathe unto my daughter, Betteras Kereston, to her whole childe's porcion of my saide goods and chattels, all such houshold stuffe, bedding and other thinges within the house and chamber whatsoever. Item, I give and bequeathe unto my sonne, William Kereston, in legacie, one cowpe waine, one longe waine, being called two goeing waines, and one goeing pleughe and he the saide William Kereston to paie unto his sister, Betteras, att suche tyme as she shall accomplishe xxjth yeres of age or be married, the summe of fforty shillings. Item, I give and bequeathe unto my saide sonne, William, one load of wheat and one load of otts and he, the saide William, to paie and deliver for that same corne unto his brother, Richard, one quarter of wheat and one quarter of otts at suche tyme as he shall come to xxj yeres of age. Item, I give and bequeathe unto my said daughter foure ewes and one yoke of oxen, servant and brand. Item, I give unto my sonne, Richard, in legacy, one baie fillie stagg. Item, I give unto my brother, Thomas Kereston, one read oxe stirk and I give likewise unto my said brother's wife one gymer hogg. And I give unto John Kereston and Margaret Kereston, my said brother's children, either of them, a gimmer shepe hogg. Item, I give in legacie unto my sonne, Christofer Kereston, one gimmer hogg. Item, I give unto Robert Kereston, my brother, one bushell of wheat and one bushell of pease. Now, lastlie, I make and ordeine my three sonnes, vidzt., Thomas, Christofer and Richard, my whole and full executors EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 of this my saide last will and testament and my brother, Thomas Kereston, my unckle, John fforster, and John Renoldson the supervisors of the same and for theire paines taken, everie of them xijd a peece. Item, I give unto my saide brother one little graie mare and he to discharge and paie all other suche debts owing to himself and not expressed in this my saide will. In witness whereof I have set to my hand to this my saide will in this presence of these witnesses, Thomas Robinson the younger, John foster, John Renoldson, Thomas Kereston, William Thompson, with others. A True Inventorie of all the goodes and cattle, as well movable as unmovable, of John Kearston of Hawthorne, late deceased Goodes within the house Inprimis, a cubborde Item, foure brase poots & a cawdron Item, xij peace of pewder, two candlesticks and a salte Item, a cawell, one old ammeri, two skeales, foure tubes with other wodden vessel Item, two beds with the bede clothes Item, a table borde, recken crokes, tongues, spete, iron bares with other small things Item, a stone of wooull Item, three pounde of lyne Item, painted clothes Item, a jacke and a clooke Item, a jerkine, a dublate, bruches, shoes, a steall cape and a bill 1 13s 8d 1 0s 0d 5s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 5s 6s 1s 2s 10s 0d 0d 6d 0d 0d Debts to be taiken oute of the whole somm, vizt., Item, to one Raph Younge, Durham Item, to John Burdon of Shotton Item, to Shaklooke of Morton Item, Mr Radclyfes rente Item, to Richard Donn Item, to John Pattison of Strannton Item, to Robart Atcheson for a load of ry 6s 13s 13s 5s 5s 8d 4d 4d 0d 0d 1 0s 0d 4 6s 8d 3 3s 4d 8s 4d 1 0s 0d 12s 0d 11s 0d The childrens porcions To Thomas Kirston 8 Item, to Christopher for his porcion 8 Item, to Richard for his porcion 8 Item, to Betteres for her portion 13 To Robart Kerston for his portion 13 The whole somm of the childrens portions is £51 16s 6d 0s 0s 0s 16s 0s 0d 0d 0d 6d 0d 13s 4d Goodes & cattle withoute the house Inprimis, six oxen Item, a cow and a calf Item, a read stote Item, two meares Item, a filly cowllored bay Item, xiij olde shepe & two lambes Item, xviij dubble acars of corne Item, a leace of Mr Radclyf Item, a longe waine, a colpe waine, a pleugh with irons belonginge, three waine ropes, three yokes, three sommes, a shakell Item, two waines more Item, sommes, a coulter, a shakell, a ledder, two shoules a mucke forke & a corne forkes Item, an ox harow & three horse harowes Item, all bordes and wodden stuff Item, straw Item, cooles Prised & valued by us whose names are subscribed, vizt., John Robinson elder, James Robinson, Robart Wray and Willyam Draver The whole somm of this inventorie is £79 3s 2d 17 1 1 4 1 3 24 14 0s 13s 0s 13s 6s 10s 0s 0s 0d 4d 0d 4d 8d 0d 0d 0d 2 0s 0d 1 0s 0d Geven by leggacie to Richard Kearston To Bettres Kearston for waines & ploughes DPRI/1/1596/K3/ Richard Conyers, of Horden, Esquire, 1596 A true inventorye of all the good moveable and unmovable of RIchard Conyers, Esquier, of Hordone, late deceased, praysed by these foure men, Mr James Bainbridge, Christofer Wardell, James Jurdesone and William Jurdesone 2 13s 4d 2 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Imprimis, one chaine of goulde and one tablit of goulde Item, foure horses, two graye and two blacke 21 0s 0d 16 0s 0d Debtes owen unto the sayde Richarde Conyers as fowloweth Imprimis, owen by Mr John Trolupe of Thornley, Esquier, and to be payid yearly xxxli Item, Mr Raiphe Conyers of Latone for a debte upon his Brother, Mathew Conyers, deseased, the some of A desperit debte, not knowinge whether it shall be gotten or not Item, monye lent to Mr Thomas Bainbridge of Wheatlye Hill Item, lent to Phillipe Welbery of Nesbit Item, lent to Symond Welberye of Nesbit Item, lent to John Hedworth of Harrowtone for a horsse Item, lent to Robart Younge of Aderdakers Item, lent to John Awall of Durham Item, lent to Edwarde Hodgson of Durham Item, George Middeltone for a horsse Item, George Brantingam Item, Charles Viccars, Clarke 60 0s 0d 40 0s 0d 10 0s 0d 2 0s 0d 11s 0d 4 0s 0d 1 1s 0d 10s 0d 10s 0d 7 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 2 0s 0d James Baynbrige Christofer Wardelle, his marke James Jurdeson, his marke William Jurdesone, his marke DPRI/1/1596/C5/1 John Robinson of Hawthorn, cooteman, 1597 In the name of God, Amen, the xvth day of ffebruarie, 1596, I, John Robinson of Hawthorne within the county of Durisme, yeoman, beinge sicke in bodye yett of good & perfecte remembranc, laude & praise bee unto God therfore, doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme folowinge. Ffirst, I geve & bequeath my soule unto the almightie God, my lord & saviour, Christ Jhesue, trusting to bee saved by his death and passion. And my body toe bee buried within my parishe church of Essenton, yealding & paying theruntoe all such duties as I doe owe or which are unto the same belonging. Item, I geve & bequeath unto the poure of the same parishe five shillings to bee distributed by my executors att the time of my buriall. Allsoe, I geve & bequeath unto my tow bretherin, Robert Robinson & George Robinson, al my lands, tenements and hereditament whatsoever in Hawthorne aforsayd, and unto the heires mayles of ther two bodyes lawfullye begotten & to bee begotten, providede alwayes and my full mynd & intent ys that my brother Thomas Robinson shall have, occupie & enioye all the sayd lands, tenements & hereditaments in Hawthorne aforsayd duringe his naturalle lyef withowte any eviction, trouble or molestation of my forsayd bretherin, Robert & George Robinson, or any other persone or persones. Item, I geve and bequeath unto my thre bretherin, Robert, George & Thomas Robinson, one flanders chest, another great chest with a counter. And I doe mor geve unto my sayd brother, Thomas Robinson, one stone trowgh beinge at my dwelling howse in Hawthorne aforsayd. Item, I geve & bequeath unto Alison Raynaldson, wyef of John Raynaldson, my brasse potte. Item, I geve and bequeath unto Margarett Draver, wyef of William Draver, one wodden chaire. Item, I geve and bequeathe all the rest of my howshold stuffe & uttensell of howse, beinge within of my sayd howse in Hawthorne aforsayd, unto Isabell Robinson, daughter of my sayd brother Robert Robinson. Item, I geve mor unto the sayd Isabell one yonge black cowe and my read whye. Item, I geve & bequeathe unto my sayd bretherin, Robert, George and Thomas Robinson & toe the sayd Isabell Robinson aforsayd, all my corne now sowinge & growing uppon my grounde in Hawthorne aforsayd. Item, I geve & bequeath unto George Robinson, sonne of the sayd Robert Robinson my brother, my gray naige. Item, I geve & bequeath unto Margrett Wylde my blake whye of one yeare olde. Item, I geve & bequeath unto Robert Wraye, sonne unto Robert Wraye thelder in Hawthorne aforsayd, one gemmer hoge. Item, I geve & bequeathe unto John Raynaldson, sonne to John Raynaldson thelder, one yowe & a lambe. Item, I geve & bequeath unto William Robinson, sonne of the sayd Robert Robinson, one oxe sturke of a yeare ould. And lastlye, I make my forsayd bretherin, Robert, George & Thomas Robinson, my sole executors of this my last will & testament, unto whome I doe alsoe geve & bequeathe all other goods & chattells whatsoever herein befor note bequeathd, my debtes, funerall & legassies beinge first dischardged, payd & delivered fourthwithe after my deceasee, toe bee equalie devidede amongste my sayd executors. In wyttnesse wherof, I, the sayd John Robinson, have hereuntoe subscribed my marke, in the presence of these wyttnesses whose names are heare under written. John Robinson, his marke EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Wyttnesses hereof John Pattinson Robert Wray John Raynaldson Thomas Robinson with others A true inventorye of al the goodds and cattall of Jhon Robinson of Hawthorne in the parishe of Esington in the county palatine of Durham, cooteman late deceased, priced by three indifferent men, Richard Foster, William Draver, Jhon Rainson ffebruary 19 Anno domini 1596 Imprimis, his apparel! Item, his beddinge Item, al the woodd geare in the howse & chamber Item, al the metall, pewder, brasse with ketle & other lyke implements Item, hey Item, wheat, otes and pease Item, two acres of wheat in the feyld Item, woodd geare without the howse Item, three kye, three stirkes & twoo whees Item, one nagg Item, one ew, one hogge Sum £24 9s 4d 1 10s 0d 3 0s 0d 1 10s 0d 2 1 2 1 0s 0s 6s 10s 6s 9 0s 2 0s 6s 0d 0d 8d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d DPRI/1/1597/R9/1-2 Jane Hedworth of Horden, 1602 In the name of God, Amen, I, Jane Hedworth of Horden, late wife of John Hedworth of Hamerton, esquier, within the countie of Durham, deceased, doe make my last will & testament in man[n]er & fourme following. In primis, I commend my soule into the hands of Almightie God, my creator & redemer & my bodie to be buried in the parish church of Chester besides my husband. Inprimis, I give & bequeath [torn] Katherine Bainbrig, one featherbed with all the furniture therupon & the bedsteed which standeth in the high chamber at Saltwell Syde and twooe silver spannes that are plaine without knopps. Item, I give & bequeath unto my doughter, Elizabeth ffenwike, one featherbed with all the stuffe thereunto belonging which I lent unto the said doughter & now is in the possession of the said Elizabeth, and one cupp of silver (called my[?] cup). Item, I give to my grandchildren, Ann Conyers & Issabell Conyers, to either of them, one silver peece guilt. I give to the said Ann & Issabell Conyers, twooe kye betwixt them. Item, I give to my sonne, John Hedworth of the Deanerie of Chester, twentie pounds & a litle gold ring with maiden's head on. Item, I give & bequeath to my doughter [torn] Margerie Constable, one featherbed & bedsteed w[i]th the curtaynes & tester & the furniture therupon, as it now standeth in the parlor at Saltwell Side and one white silver peece [-—ine] & twooe white silver spoones playne. Item, I give to my doughter, Margret Creswell, tenn poundes and my best gowne but one, & one kirtle of wrought taffitie. Item, I give & bequeath unto my son[n]es in law, that is, to wit, to Thomas Bainbrig, Christopher Conyers, James Constabell, George ffenwicke, to everie of them, one spur ryall, which is xvs in gold, a pece. Item, I give & bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Gatesyde, fortie shilings & unto the pore folks of the parish of Chester in the street, fortie shilings. Item, I give unto John Blackwood of Bishop Aukland, one spur ryall, that is, a xvs pece in gold. Item, I give & bequeath to my servant, George Wheden, twentie shillings. Item, I give and bequeath unto sutch houshold servants as doe serve me [torn] one whole yere wages. Item, my further will is that sex pore women have sex black gownes & twooe of my serving men have, either of them, one blacke coate &, my mind is that ther shall be noe more blacks bestowed. Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Issabell Hedworth, all the rest of my goods & chattells, reall & personall, apparell, houshold stuffe, utensyles & [creased ] whatsoever (not before or hereafter by me in this my will disposed on ). And I doe make and constitute my said daughter, Issabell Hedworthiur, my full & sole executor of this my last will & testament. Item, for the continuance of peace and [? ] amongst my children and for the avoyding of all sutes & contention, my intent, will and mind is further, that everie of my said children [torn] ther with, their husbands & alsoe my son, John Hedworth, shall, upon the resceit of their severall legacies, make one generall acquittance unto Issabell Hedworth, my executor, of all portions, detts & demands whatsoever against her as my executor, & my will is that all my children doe hold themselves content with their legacies without any further claime or challenge. And, if any of my said children or their husbands doe make any further claime to any of my goods (contrary to this my will) or doe refuse to make sutch generall acquittance as aforesaid, then my will and mind is, that sutch person or persons so EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 clayming any further portions or refusing to make sutch acquittance as aforesaid, shall take noe benefit or advantage of this my will and shall be as if he, or they, had never been named in this my will. Item, I give & bequeath to my sister, Clare Hedworth, one black clooth gowne & a plaine taffitie kirtle. (deleted "in witnesse") Item, I give and bequeath unto my [torn] tenn poundes. In witnesse whereof, hereunto I have sett to my hand and seale, dated the sextenth daye of Januarie in the foure & fortieth yeer of the reigne of our Sovereigne Ladie, Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Quene of England, ffrance & Ireland, Defender of the Faith etc. Jane Hedworth [marked with a capital H or, possibly, a double I]] seal Sealed & witnessed in the presence of us Christofer Conyersiur John Blackwoodiur John Merrimaniur James Jurdeson of Easington, 1603 An Inventorie of all the goodes, moveable & unmoveable, of James Jurdeson of Easington, had and taken the xvjth daie of Maie, Anno Domini 1603, praised by William Jurdeson William Shepperd, George fforster and Christofer Paxton Imprimis, iiijor oxen 11 0s 0d Item, iiijor kyen and a calf 7 0s 0d Item, two maires 6 0s 0d Item, iij swyne 12s 0d Item, xiiij old sheep and vj lambes 4 0s 0d Item, two ploughes 6s 0d Item, one ox harrowe, two horse harrowes 12s 0d Item, wheate unberryed 1 0s 0d Item, one iron bounde waine with all that belongeth thereto 2 0s 0d Item, one longe waine with wheelles, one coope waine without wheelles 1 0s 0d Item, v soomes of iron, two shackles, a coulter, a socke, one ax with all the rest of the iron stuffe, vj geared yookes with iron 1 0s 0d Item, vj axeltrees, two paire of stinges, with ij nailles 7s 0d Item, v plough heades, one mold borde, two laddirs with all thother woode 4s 0d Item, three forkes, two grapes, one fowe, two shelves, one muck hacke Item, xiij duble acres of wheate and wairecorne Goodes within the house Item, in the seate house, a cawell, one ambrie with a spence Item, two kettles, one panne Item, three brasse pottes, one iron pott Item, all the pewther and candlestickes Item, the longe settle, the bordes, the chaire, the counter with all the fformes and stoolles Item, three chistes Item, vj mealles, one flackett, two chesfattes, iij skeelles with dishes, trenchers and spoones Item, sewes, ridles, tempses, seives, skeppes and hopper Item, one chimney, one racking crooke, one paire of tonges and a speite Item, two bedsteedes Item, iij lynn sheetes, v harden sheetes, iij towelles, two codwaires, three fether coddes Item, two coverlettes, two happinges, one blanckett Item, one mattresse Item, one servannt’s bedd, one wynnowinge cloth, three pookes and a sacke His apparrell Item, three dublettes, two paire of britchesse, three coattes, two jacketts, two paire of stockinges, one paire of bootes, one paire of shooes, one jacke, one bowe, a quyver with arrowes, a sworde, a dagger with all the furniture for his body Item, his lease of his ffarme Item, in money in the house for one ox which was Solde Summa totalis £74 2s 0d What debtes he did owe Imprimis, to Robert Teasdall Item, to Percivell Milburne Item, to John Gibson 4 2s 0d 20 0s 0d 1 6s 13s 1 0s 10s 8d 4d 0d 0d 13s 4d 3s 0d 3a 4d 1s 8d 5s 0d 3s 4s 1 0s 0d 6s 8d 6s 8d 5s 0d 2 0s 0d 6 13s 4d 3 7s 8d 5 5s 4d 3 5s 0d 18s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, to Richard Dune Item, to Robert Porratt Item, to Robert Jurdeson for rente Item, to Thomas Sharp Item, owinge to blank for iron Item, owinge to the Byshopp 2 3 2 4 8s 1s 6s 0s 5s 1 4s 0d 4d 8d 0d 0d 4d Summa totalis debitorum £26 13s 8d Summa totalis, debitis deductis £47 6s 6d DPRI/1/1603/J8/1 Robert Coward of Hordon, Easington, 1605 In the name of God, amen, the xxvjth day of November, anno domini 1605, I, Robert Coward of Hordon, sicke in body but of perfect remembrance, thanks be to God, doe make this my last will and testament in maner & forme followinge, first, I committ my soule to almightie God and my body to be buried in the churcheard of Esington. First, I doe gyve unto my brother, John Coward, xxs. The residue of my goods not bequeathed, my debtes payed and my funerall expenses discharged, I doe give unto my uncle, William Thirnbeckeiuratus, whome I make sole and onelie executor of this my last will and testament. Debts owinge to me are these First, Richard Reed Item, Anthony Willy Item, William Lynley Item, William Colman Item, Mr John Welbery Item, by the sayed Mr Welberye Summe totalis £6 10s 1d Witnesses hereof Richard Harrison Henry Huntley John Dixon iuratus Edward Newton Richard Massam wi th others 1 14s 8d 1 0s 0d 13s 0d 1 8s 8d 1 7s 0d 6s 9d Domini 1605: Richard Harryson Parcy ffawe, William Colman and Nicholas Bacon, as followeth first, vij peece of pewder Item, old bars, one iron pott broken, one brasse candelstick, & broken tongues Item, one stone troughe Item, one old cubbord and a bord Item, his apparrell Item, two peece of new clothe Item, one ewe and one hogge Item, hay Item, one old sithe Item, one payre of shoes Sume total £2 1s 0d Debts owinge to the testator Inprimis, Richard Reed Item, William Lynley Item, Anthony Wile Item, William Colman Item, Mr John Welbery Item, by the sayd Mr Welbery Sume total £6 10s 1d Debts that the testator oweth First, to Mr John Welbery Item, to widow Tweddell The funerall expenses Item, to widow Person Item, to William Linley Sume total 37s.4d Summa de claro, debitis solutis £6 13s 9d 4s 0d 1s 0d 1s 0d 2s 0d 2s 8d 4s 4d 10s 0d 13s 4d 8d 2s 0d 1 14a 13s 1 0s 1 8s 1 7s 6s 8d 0d 0d 8d 0d 9d 1 8s 2s 11s 1s 2s 0d 0d 0d 3d 5d DPRI/1/1605/C6/1-2 William Mavyn of Easington, 1605 An inventory of all the goods moveable and unmoveable of Robert Coward, deceased, praysed by these foure men, the viijth of December, Anno Memorandum, that William Mavyn of Esington, seeke in body but of perfect remembrance, the fourth daye of Maye, Anno domini, 1605, did legate and bequeath his goods nuncupativelie as followeth, first, he gave onto Margaret Mavyn, his brother's daughter, one ewe and one lambe. Item, he gave to Anne Hutson one ewe and one lambe. Item, he EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 gave to Ann North one payre of nether stocks and one payre of shoes. Item, he give unto Christofer Hasen one doublett one jerken, one payre of leatherne breecher and a cappe. The rest of his goods, not bequeathed and given, he gave to his Master George Hasen, under whom he sayd had gayned and gotten the same. And hereupon his Master dyd putt hym in mynde of his brother, Oswold Mavyn, & other his frends, what he woold bestowe & gyve to them for he was lothe to come or be in trouble, the sayd William Mavyn answered that he had none of his father's goode but his other brethren & that they neded none of his goods & therefore he wold gyve them nothinge. Witnesses hereof, Gilbert Paxton, Anne Dunne and Anne Hutson, with others An Inventory of all the goods moveable and unmoveable of William Mavyn, late of Esington, deceased, prysed by these foure men, Christofer Paxton, Edmond Paxton, John Burdon and Gilbert Paxton, the xxiiijth daye of Maye, Anno Domini, 1605. First, his apparell Item, two kye and one calfe Item, ix ewes, viij lambes & fyve hoggs Summe total £6 13s 4d DPRI/1/1605/M1/2-3, inventory indented 4s 0d 3 6s 8d 3 2s 8d Robert Young of Edderdackers, gentleman, 1606 In the name of God, amen, the sixte daye of Januarie, anno domini 1605, I, Roberte Younge of Ederedackers in the countie of Durham, gentleman and of the parishe of Easingetone, beinge sicke in bodye but wholle in mynde and of perficte memorie, praises be given to allmightie God, doe make this my laste will & testamente in mannere and forme followeinge. ffirste, I committe my sowie unto the merciefull protecksione of allmightie God, my maker & onlye reademere, and my bodye to be buriede in the queare of the saide parishe church of Easingetone. Item, I give to my sonnes, Christofer and Thomas Younge, eyther of theme a paire of lynnen sheattes. Item, I give to Roberte Younge, sone of Christofer Younge, one irone chimneye, a yowe and a lambe. Ltem, I give to Agnes Younge & Issabell Younge, dawghters to the said Christofer Younge, eyther of them a yowe and a lambe. Item, I give to my dawghter, Barbarie Younge alias Reade, hir sonne Thomas Reade, a yowe and a lambe. Item, I give to my sonne Thomas Younge his dawghtere Ellinore Younge a yowe and a lambe. Item, all the reste of my goodes, moveable and unmoveable, my debtes, legaces and funerall expenses dischargede, I give and bequeathe them to my dawghtere, Agnes Younge, whome I make my full and solle executrixe of this my laste wille & testamente. Wittnesses hereof, Christofer Younge, Thomas Younge and George Shadfourthe with others. An inventarie of all the goods, chattelles & creadittes of Roberte Younge of Ederdackers in the p[ar]ishe of Easingetone, of latte deceassed, praissed by fowre honeste men, vidzt, Christofer Richardesonne, George Tompsonne, Christofer Paxtone & Cuthberte Gellsonne, the xijth daye of Jannuarie, anno domini 1606 Imprimis, fowre kyne praysed to Item, thre younge stirkes Item, thre calves Item, thirtene owlde sheepe Item, aleaven hogges Item, one meare Item, come in the garthe Item, haye in the garthe Item, corne groweinge one the grounde Item, towe swine Item, towe bee hives Item, 2 bacon flickess, a warmeinge pane, a tinne cottell & a maskin fatte Item, plowes & plowe geare, waine & waine geare Item, tow chares, a basinge & a ewere & all the reste of the pewdere Item, an almerie Item, tow pottes, one caldrone & iij pannes Item, all the bedinge with the furniture thereto belongeinge Item, all the lynnen, sheattes & table clothes Item, one arcke, towe bedsteades, 2 tubbes, one chiste, 3 seaves, a hopper & a pecke Item, towe chaires, sixe quishions & a bracke Item, one irone chimneye Item, a paire of broylinge irones & a speate, a recken crocke 8 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 0s 6s 11s 11s 3s 13s 8s 16s 13s 6s 10s 0d 8d 0d 8d 0d 4d 0d 8d 4d 8d 0d 8s 0d 1 2s 0d 1 8s 16s 14s 1 16s 6s 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 16s 0d 4s 6d 5s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 & a pare of rackes Item, a chirne, 3 skealles, 8 mealles, 4 cheasefattes, a stande, a barrell, a table & a buffett forme & a butter kytte 2s 4d 11s 0d moveable & unmoveable, whatsoever she had, to one Marmaduke Horsele, her sister’s sonn & that she wold make him full executor of her last will & testament, witnesses present att the making of the said will, James Robinsoniur, Allic Hazoniur and Robert Marshal1. Summa [no entry] Debtes owen by the testator Imprimis, to Christofer Younge Item, to one of Shottone Item, to Agnes Younge Item, the rente dewe at the Ladye Daye Item, servantes waiges dew at Candelmas Item, disburssed to the poore & about his funerall Item, oweinge to George Shadfourthe 1 11s 6d 1 0s 0d 6s 8d 1 9s 1d 9s 8d 1 13s 0d 1 13s 4d Summa vijli xixs xjd Legaces Imprimis, to Roberte Younge a yowe & a lambe & one iron chimneye Item, to Agnes Younge a yowe and a lambe Item, to Issabell Younge a yowe & a lambe Item, to Thomas Reade a yowe & a lambe Item, to Ellinore Younge a yowe & a lambe Item, to my sonnes Christofer & Thomas Younge, eyther of them a pare of lynnen sheattes 10s 5s 5s 5s 5s 8d 8d 8d 8d 8d 16s 0d Summa xlixs iiijd The totalle some, debtes & legaces deducted DPRI/I/1606/Y1/1-2 26 13s 6d Elizabeth Robinson of Hawthorne, 1606 Memerandurn, that in or about the beginninge of August 1606 last, Elizabeth Robinson, late of Hawthorne within the paryshe of Easington, deceased, beinge then somewhat sick in body yet of perfect mynd & memorie, did noncupatively, by word of mouth, declare her last will & testament before these witnesses here underwritten as followeth, vidzt, one Robert Marshall asking the said Elizabeth Robinson to whom she wold dispose her goods and make her executor, the said Elizabeth Robinson then said that she wold give all the goods An inventory of all suche goods & chattels as Elizabeth Robinson of Hawthorne in the countie of Durham, wedow, died possesed of, valued by Roger Walker, Richard Shaklocke, James Robinson & William Draner, September 8, 1606 Inprimis, five oxen Item, five kine & tow wheies Item, five stirks Item, tower mares & one foale Item, xxix ould sheepe Item, xiij lambes Item, ploughe geare & waine geare Item, xij double acres of corne in the ground Item, ould corne in the garthe Item, hay Item, eight hives of bees Item, beddinge, brasse & peuter with other houshould stuffe Item, butter & cheese Item, tow swine hogges Item, hens, dukes & geese Item, the lease of one farme in Hawthorne Item, fower stottes & one cowe Item, fouer pasture gates on Esington Lea taken of Roger Walker Item, one close, towe pasture gates & sixe acres of arable land taken of John Robinson Item, in gould & monis Summa £252 4s 0d Debtes due to the testator Inprimis, by Roger Walker Item, by Mr Christofer Conyers of Horden Item, by ould mistris Conyers Item, by Mr Conyers his first wife Item, by Richard Reade Item, by James Robinson 18 16 3 8 7 1 6 24 4 3 0s 0d 0s 0d 6s 8d 0s 0d 0s 0d 13s 4d 6s 8d 0s 0d 0s 0d 6s 8d 16s 0d 13 6s 8d 1 0s 0d 15s 0d 1 0s 0d 3 6s 8d 10 13s 8d 2 13s 4d 4 13s 4d 22 6s 0d 6 10s 0d 1 6s 8d 10s 0d 2 0s 0d 2 0s 0d 16s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, by wedow Scott of Hawthorne Item, by Mr Thomas Blakestone Item, by Antonie Robinson Item, by wedowe Kinge Item, by wedow Currie Summa £25 4s 4d Debtes due by the testator Inprimis, to Mr Ratcliffe Item, to Mr Frelippe Item, for tythes Item, to the clenser Item, for decipher] her will Item, spent in her business & her keep used during her shuttings omission DPRI/1/1606/R8/1-2 11s 1 3s 4s 3s 10 0s 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 1 15s 0d 4 0s 0d 13s 4d 4 0s 0d 4 13s 4d William Hill of Shotton, husbandman, 1607 In the name of God, Amen, the seaventh day of Aprill in the year of our Lord God, 1602, I, William hill of Shotton within the county of Durhame, husbandman, sike in body but whole in mynd & of good and perfect remembrance, praysed be God, do make this my last will & testament in maner & forme following. First, I give my soule into the hands of Almightie God, my maker & redemer, and my body to be buryed in the parish churchyard of Easington. Item, I give and bequith by legacie unto my sonne, William Hill, all that my right, title, lease and terme of years which I have in Shotton aforesayd of the grant of the right reverend father, Tobie, Lord bishop of Durham. Item, I give to my five daughters all the insight gear I have, equally to be devided amongest them. And I give & bequeth to them, likewise, to be paid them by my sayd sonne, William, out of my sayd farmold, viijli, that ys every of them xls in foure yeares next after the mariage of my sayd sonne William and a crop word that ys, every year xls to be payd to one or other of them as they shall have neid thereof till yt be all payd. The rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable that is my wayne & plough geare, my debts payd &c. interlined I give and bequith to my said sonne whome I mak sole executor of this my last will and testament. This onely and alwayes excepted that my wife, his mother, after my decease have a competent fynding in and about my sayd farmhold during her lyffe. And I make Richard Rand supervisor of this my will & tutor and governor of my said sonn, trusting he will helpe my sayd sonne to maynteyne the farmold & so that none do him wronge. Wittnesses hereof Richard Reed, mark John Hetherington, marke William Wilkinson clerk An Inventorie of all the goodes and Chattels of William Hill of the parish of Easington, deceased, praised by iiijor indifferent and honest men, John Readhead, George Paxton, Robert Jurdeson, Richard Shaudforth, the xvjth daie of Julie, 1607. Inprimis, viij acre of corne Item, two cubbordes and two chistes Item, one brass kettle and one pann Item, a chimmey, a recken crooke, a speite, and a paire of tonnges Item, iij grapes, two iron fforkes and a bill staffe Item, two fformes Item, one cheesbord, one iron fforke Item, one stande, one wood fflackett Item, one candlestick, one salte Item, one pecke, one earthen Item, one cubborde 5 0s 0d 1 6s 8d 4s 0d 4s 0d 2s 0d 1s 0d 6d 6d 6d 5d 1 0s 0d Some of all the goodes viijli Debts which the said William Hill oweth Item, to Percivell Milburne Item, to Widdow Easterby of Hutton Item, to George Thompson of Shotton Item, to William Read of Shotton Item, to Anthonie Read Item, to Thomas Todd of Eden Item, to Raph ffarrow Item, to Richard ffletcher of Durham Item, to Richard Read of Shotton for a stone of wooll Somme of all the debtes viijli vijs vjd 2 1 1 1 10s 0s 0s 0s 15s 4s 19s 12s 7s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 DPRI/1/1607/H9/1-2 Christopher Conyers of Horden, esquire, 1608 September 12 1608 In the name of God, amen, I, Christopher Conyers of Horden in the countie of Durham, esquire, doe make & ordeine this my last will and testament in manner & forme following, inprimis, I comend my soule unto almighty God, my creator & redemer & preserver & will that my bodie bee buried under the blew marble stone before the Church porche dore att Esington. Item, I give unto my son, John Conyers, one guilded salte with the cover and my signet. Item,I give unto my daughter, Francis Conyers, wife to the sayde John, one silver peece, haveing the Madens Head graven in it, & one pare of virginals. Item, I give unto Marie Conyers, my yongest daughter, one wind milne neere Esington, comonly called Esington Milne, with the lease & all other my clame, interest and title thereto belonging. Item, I give unto my brother, John Hedworth his wife, one angell in gould. Item, I give unto my brother, John Catherike his wife, one angell in gould. an empty space equivalent to about fifteen lines occurs here All the rest of my goods, moveable and unmoveable, my debts, legacies & funeral expences discharged, I give unto my three daughters, Anne, Isabell and Marie Conyers, whome I make ioynte executors of this my last will & testament whereof I also appoint my brothren, John Cathericke & Cuthebert Conyers, gentlemen, supervisors, desiringe them to see the same faithfully executed and to either of them, I give ten shillings, provided that I give unto my sayd yongest daughter, Marie Conyers, the sayde wind milne in consideration of ten pound given unto her by her grandmother which I received to despose of to her use. Christopher Conyers Witnesses to this will Abraham Robinson, clerk John Dixon, his mark.e 8 Octobris 1608 Two lines in Latin An inventory of all the goods, movable and unmovable, lait Christofer Conyers of Horden, deceased, taiken this xxiiijth of September Imprimis, viij oxen ltem, x kyene 37 0s 0d 24 10s 0d ltem, iij calves ltem, one sorrale geldin ltem, one yonge gray geldinge ltem, one twinter blacke coltt stag ltem, one big gray ambling mayr ltem, one littell old white mayr line deleted ltem, in swyen, one sewe, iij hoggs, one brawnt, ij pigs ltem guayese, ij old ewes. one stegg & viij young ewes line deleted Hushold stuffe in the hall Imprimis, ij longe ocke selings for seatts about the hall Item, one drawinge taible nye the fyer Item, one longe shovell, gratt taible with the fraime ltem, one taible for servants with ij forms joining to it line deleted Item, iij buffett stooles, iij illegible seats a peace ltem one longe forme ltem one short bord for a lyvere taible Item, one skuttel of illegible Item, iij halberts Item, ij precks, one spear and one halffe long ltem one latten candilstick ltem one oken portal In the parler ltem, one lundon bedsted with teaster, vallence and curtings of grene say with a featherbed and mattresse, pair of blanketts, one bolster, one pillowe, ij coverletts and an oversay coverlet ltem, one taible with leaves ltem, one longe buffett stooll ltem, ij three-seat buffett stooles ltem, v buffett stooles ltem, one leveray taible ltem, one pair of vergennales line deleted ltem ij cubberts line deleted ltem, one long settell bedsted ltem, one chair ltem, one longe taible clothe of blew 2 6s 8d 23 0s 0d 2 10s 0d 11 3 10s 7 EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 ltem, one clothe for the counter of black & blew Item, viij quishions wherof three nedell worke ltem, one pair of swifts for wydening silk ltem, another paire of illegible ltem, ij cubbert clothes ltem, one basket for a swifte ltem, one wannded illegible ltem, iij ierand barrs with a pair of tongues ltem ij pickters ltem, illegible littell cubbert clothes ltem, one pair of seasers ltem. one littell marker for illegible of brasse ltem, 8 shelves ltem, one hand baskett ltem, one large graite ltem, vij wanded glasse bottels ltem, ij ston bottles ltem, iiij venis drinking glasses ltem, v bottell glasses Item, v conservay glasses Item, ij greene potts ltem, ij heavye muggs ltem, one littell gilted glasse with a cova ltem, one pair of fyre graites ltem, iij glasse plaitts ltem, ij wudd flanders beacers ltem, iij drinking cupps and a possett cupp ltem, one pair of pepper whaits ltem, one kristing wheell ltem, ix gengerbred pillegible ltem, one pair of brase wyghts and one pound weight of brasse ltem, ij old hatt killegible ltem, one ston illegible with a illegible ltem, one littell cubbert clothe with a frindge of white and black ltem, one pair of gold waights ltem, pair of wullen shears ltem, xj yeards of harden & iiij clewes of harden yearne ltem, one paire of plait sleives & a capp ltem, pairt of a gaillegible of steel ltem, one littell bell of brasse ltem, one littell flanders painted bell ltem, one other illegible painted buckett ltem, one draw-boxe for spice ltem, one yeaillegible wain ltem, ij pepper boxes ltem, one toestinge ierand of silver with a brassell rodd ltem, one black lantheran ltem, in Richard Haryson’s hands ltem, one counter ltem, one wheall bedd ltem, one longe taible ltem, iij shelves 5 10 2s 6d 5s 0d 6s 8d 8s 0d 2s 0d 6d 4d In the woodhouse ltem, ij counters and ij sillegibles ltem, ij boltts and ij shaickels ltem, ij pair of lin pillegiblees & one pair of almers ltem, xij ierand sewennts ltem one hay spaid ltem, ij loose crutches ltem, ij axes ltem, iij ierand forks ltem, vjj raickes ltem, one matthack ltem, ij shod shuvels and ij unshod ltem, one syethe ltem, ij shod muckfoyks ltem, ij ierand graippes ltem, one muckhack ltem, viij draught yocks and iij hed yocke geare ltem, xv oxen bowes ltem, one pair of waine ropes ltem, ij illegibleocke crutchs ltem, iij plewes ltem, iij longe waines, ij with wheels ltem, coupe waines with wheals ltem, iij pair of askel nailes ltem, xvij ierand straicks & vj score nailes ltem, iij bowels of ierand and the ierand of an old clock ltem, vj pair of new coupe wain stings in the ltem, one illegible paire lent to Robert Smithe ltem, ix more plew beames ltem, ij pair of coupe waine overings more ltem, ij oxe harrowes and iij horse harrows tothed with ierand ltem, one clethe bord and a shillegiblet coillegibleinge ltem, xj new akseltres 4s 0d 4s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 ltem, ij pair of coupwaine soels & one vering in the barne ltem, xxij mold buerds ltem, xj hedds for plewes ltem, ij pair taible tressels ltem, one choppinge taible ltem, j bedd hedd and the feett of a standing bedd ltem, other old wood that was of old building ltem, one frame for a chese trowe ltem, one candell caice ltem, vj load of the slaites ltem, xiij plewe ltem, one waine blaid in Henry Todd's hand ltem, one bird caige ltem, iij shelves ltem, one stawcke for an hand baysing ltem, one pair of ganntries ltem, one long settell ltem, vij carved bords for a bedd ltem, one wanded creddell ltem, ij pair of gawnwindels ? ltem, one lampe of candell broches ltem, ij pair of littell stocks for a chamber ltem, one brasse tare pott with a trawling? ierand On the saw hall ltem, xiij peces of timber wood 1 0s 0d In the court ltem, one grendston and one rinnge bell ltem, coels in the coeall hall ltem, in the bee garthe iij winter stooles 5s 6d 1 6s 0d 1 0s 0d In the lyme house ltem, the lyme ther 5 0s 0d ltem, one leace of the wyend mill of Essington In the stillinge house ltem, one bedsted with iij curtings red & yellow ltem, one old illegible bed, carpet clothe, one fether bedd on it, one blankett & ij happes and bolster and one pillowe ltem, one littell taible ltem, one cheste ltem, one still of tinn In the low house ltem, iij beaffe taibles and ij lesser ltem, one butter kitt ltem, iij emptye beehives ltem, one counter with iij leaves ltem, ij firkings ltem, one great maund ltem, one taible 10s 0d 12 17s 5d 10 0s 0d 1 4s 0d In the buttree ltem, in plait, one geltt saltt with the Stafford knott ltem, one other saltt of selver with a trencher saltt and a pepper boxe all in one ltem, an other silver trencher saltt ltem, one boell of silver with the maidens heed ltem, one other great silver boell ltem, one silver cupp for wyene ltem, one beaker of silver ltem, xv silver spoones ltem, one golde ringe, a plaine hoope which ever he wore him scelf Item, one cubbert ltem, one great bread arck? ltem, ocke cubbert and a littell old cubbet ltem, 8 shelves ltem, one glasse caige ltem, iij dossen of tewcers? ltem, ij hoggheds and iij halfe hogheds for bear ltem, iij wooden dublers for bear droppings ltem, one wanded mawnd ltem, ij maunds for eggs ltem, one long wanded mawnd for carryeing candels ltem, ij pair of gantres for barrels ltem, one longe forme and other lesser ltem, one buffett stooll ltem, one butter kitt with a cover ltem, iiij formes ltem, iij drinking glasses In the chamber over the parler 1 4s 5d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 ltem, ij standing beds and a whelle bedd with curtings of yeallowe woolling ltem, one fether bed and mattresse, one pair of blanketts, iij coverings, ij bolsters and one pillowe of the bedsted next the fyer ltem, the other standinge bedd and mattresse, one fether bedd, one pair of blanketts, one bolster, one pillowe, iij happings ltem, on the wheelbedd, one fether bedd, one pair of blanketts, one bolster, one pillow and ij coverlets ltem, one fower square taible ltem, one counter with iij leeves ltem, iiij lowe wedemens stolles ltem, iij ierand barres in the chimlay ltem, one pair of tongues ltem, one great presser ltem, one old counter ltem, one chair of ashe wood ltem, one wanded chair ltem, one wanded screene ltem, one nedell worke taible clothe for the square taible ltem, one other for the counter ltem, one longe taible clothe of yeallow & greene ltem, one short one of yellow & greene ltem, one windowe quishing of vellett ltem, one quishing of illegible for a windowe ltem, ij nedell work quishings ltem, more ij pillowes ltem, one old chaire 4 0s 0d 3 10s 0d 2 6s 8d (line missed off bottom of photocopy) ltem, one glass coffer with v glasses in it ltem, one turned boxe for starche ltem, old hangings about the chamber with some pickters and scutchenes ltem, one littell taible clothe of stannell? ltem, one cubbert clothe of blew & white darnex ltem, in linning yearne some ij yards ltem, one other cubbert cloth of blew & white frindges 3 18s 0d In the chamber next to it Item, one longe taible with a frame Item, one fraime belonging it Item, one bedsted with a woodde teaster Item, silke vallance and curtings to it More to it, one mattres, one fether bedd, one pair of blanketts, iij coverings, one bolster and one pillowe Item, one presser bedsted Item, one wanded screene Item, iij wanded baskets In his owene chamber Item, one bedsted with valence and curtings of yellowe woollinge Item, one fether bedd of it and a matres, iij bolster, one pillowe, iij happings, one pair of blankets and one covering of yellow wolling Item, one wheell bed with a fether bedd on it, ij happings, one pair of blancketts, one bolster and one pillowe Item, one presser ltem, one cubbert ltem, one littell taible Item, iij chaires Item, iij wainscott coffers Item, ij flanders chests ltem, ij littell buffett stooles and one greater 2 17s 4d His apparell ltem, one clothe gowne ltem, one blacke chamlett gown ltem, one black brodclothe clocke ltem, one satten dublett ltem, one pair of blacke vellett breches ltem, one gold ring with seal of his armes ltem, ij pair of Spanishe lether showes ltem, ij pair of worsted stockings ltem, one pair of white wulling knitt stockings ltem, one vayswall? ltem, iij ierand barrs in the chimnay Iem, one pair of tonges In the ?strye ltem, one stand bedd with a tester of red & yellow with a fether bedd 1 0s 0d 3 0s 0d 1 13s 4d 1 3s 4d 3s 4d 3s 4d 3s 0d 6s 0d 6s 8d 1s 4d 10s 0d 4d 5s 0d 3s 0d 3s 0d 2s 0d 9 6s 8d 2s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 ltem, one pair of blanketts ltem, one bolster and ij happings ltem, on a low bedd for servants wheron theris a mattresse, one pair of blanketts, ij happins, one bolster ltem, an other bedsted wheron is an old fether bedd and one old happin Item, iij barrs of ierand in the chimeley Item, one chest ltem, one old truncke ltem, one presser ltem, ij corsletts the one blacke ltem, iiij cotts of plaite ltem, one littell cubbert ltem, v firdailes ltem, iij heckyls ltem, ij clock bags ltem, iij stell capps In the clossett ltem, one leverye taible ltem, one glasse kaitge for glasses ltem, one cubbert ltem, one flanders chist ltem, one da?yt chest Item, one fourme ltem, one desk ltem, one fower foled stooll ltem, one flower firkine In the conting house ltem, v hogesheds and ij halfe hogeshels ltem, one great counting trowe ltem, one couler ltem, one grelinge fatt ltem, one brecke for bread ltem, iij secks, one bushel pocke & a halfe bushel ltem, one stout/tent? clothe ltem, one straw skeppe ltem, one livinge barr toubbe ltem, one open hogeshed to put chessell in ltem, one pair of granikers ltem, ij ssoes 1 0s 0d 13s 0d 3s 0d 1 0s 0d 2 10s 0d 5s 0d 3s 0d 13s 4d 13s 4d 6s 0d 1 9s 8d In the bruing house ltem, one brewinge leed ltem, one masking fatt ltem, one stone trowe ltem, one great ark ltem, one great bourd ltem, ij boards covers for the leade ltem, one buckett and a fonnell ltem, ij washing toublers ltem, one coupp for carryeing ltem, iij waine blades ltem, iij long styes ltem, one great ierand brandrethe In the kitchinge ltem, iiij great brasse potts ltem, iiij littell potts & a possett ltem, iiij great panes ltem, iij littell panes ltem, one old brasse pott ltem, one ierand kettell ltem, one brasse morter and a pestill ltem, ij great cawdrons ltem, ij great bottils ltem, one cawell cubbert ltem, ij taibels ltem, iij shelves ltem, ij littell trenshers ltem, one ierand chimley with iij illegible& gallabacks ltem, ij pair of ierand racks ltem, one pair of tongues and an ierand pan ltem, v pair of pott culpps ltem, x spits ltem, ij dripping panes ltem, one puder laddell ltem, ij pair of broyling ierands ltem, one pair of egg ierands ltem, one ierand baister and a fleshe crucke ltem, one scone frame and a ridell ltem, one old chair ltem, one buffett stooll ltem, one pair stone musterd whernes ltem, one chopping knife, one shredding knyffe and 3 3s 4d 2 13s 4d 1 10s 0d 16s 0d 1s 6d 2s 0d 1 6s 8d 1 0s 0d 5s 0d 12s 0d 1s 0d 4d 1 0s 2s 10s 16s 0d 0d 0d 0d 10s 0d 2s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 iij lesser knyves ltem, one fryeinge panne ltem, iij ierand wedges and a pair of pincers ltem, ij fyshe scummers of brasse ltem, one chaiffing dysh of brasse ltem, one caice of gilt pistolls ltem, j musket, one foling pece, one pece, one kallever 1s 8d 1s 0d 2s 0d ltem, one great chest with ij bedds and locks ltem, one other longe chist ltem, ij henn panniers 2s 0d In the henn house ltem, one henn cawell, one rack, one caipon and iij hennes 1 13s 4d 1 2s 0d 2s 6d In the kill ltem, one great illegible In the milke house ltem, xiiij boels ltem, ij churnes ltem, ij butter kitts with covers ltem, one stand ltem, iiij milk skeels ltem, xij shelves ltem, one kitt for ottemeall ltem, bords ltem, one mugg for creame ltem, xij chesfatts and one stacker ltem, ij relinge? pannes ltem, one pair of gantries ltem, one flower firkine ltem, one sieve and a creaming dishe ltem, one butter cupp 11s 0d In the lantheye chamber ltem, one stand bedd with a fether bedd, one bolster, one pair of blanketts and iij happiness ltem, an other bedsted with a matresse, one pair of blanketts, ij codds and ij happiness ltem, an other stand bedd with a mattresse, one blanket ij codds and ij happines 6s 8d 24 0s 0d 20 0s 0d 6s 8d Christofer Richardson mark William Sharpe John Mereman Henery Todd mark 1s 0d the following five lines deleted Serten stuffe lent to Harresone Item, one candle Item, one wheall bedd Item, one long table Item, iij shelves In the cappe house ltem, one henn cawell ltem, one shelfe ltem, one ambre for vessel! ltem, one choppin board ltem, one vinygar bottell and a musterd boxe ltem, one stone trowe for stping of fyshe ltem, one roling pinn In the cheise chamber ltem, ij great fleacks for dryeing of chese ltem, ij woollinge spinninge wholes ltem, one littell taible for otemeall ltem, barrell illegible of severall sort ltem, a webalcke and scailes ltem, all the corne in the barne and stackgarthe, winter and ware ltem, all the hay marginal note, 289li 10s 3d 3s 0d 1 0s 0d The detts which he owethe Imprimis, Sr Raphe Lawson for one halfe year’s rent nowe at martinmas ltem, to Thomas Denton for one other halffe years rent ltem, to Lyonell Wheststone ltem, to George Foster of Essington ltem, to John illegible ltem, all other small detts and servants waiges Credetts 15 10 14 20 11 10 0s 0s 0s 0s 14s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Imprimis, Efferand Weetherington, knyeght, in part of a house price Mr Thomas Bainbrigg of Wheatlay Hall DPRI/1/1608/C10/1-6 5 0s 0d 40 0s 0d brother, a busshell of wheat and the leadinge of a ffuther of coulles yearlie duringe his life naturall. The reste of my goods, moveable and unmoveable, my debts, legaces and funerall expences dischargede, I give to Issabell, my wife, and William Hayesone, my brother, whom I make joyntelye executors of this my laste will & testamente. Mathew Hayeson of Easington, husbandman, 1608 In the name of God, amen, the eight and twentethe daye of December in the yeare of our Lorde God, 1607, I, Matthewe Hayesone of the towne & parishe of Easingtone in the countie of Durham, husbandman, beinge of good & perfect memorie, God be praysed for it, doe make & ordaine this my laste will and testamente in manner and forme ffolloweinge. Ffirste, I comitt my sowle to allmightie, God my creatore, preservere and redeamer, and my bodie to be buried in the churche yearde of Easingtone aforesaide. Item, I give to James Hayesone, my unckle, one yeare in the cotte howse and garthe which he nowe dwellethe in & occupiethe, more then those yeares which he and I did agre upon, if he survive the expiracion of the said yeares, provided that he have not that yeare the occupacion of the thre roode of lande in the fealde which he nowe occupiethe & muste occupie to the end of the yeares agreed upon by us. Item, I will that if Isabell Hayeson, my wife, be with childe, be it man childe or woman childe, that she and it have and enioye the ffarme and leasse which I nowe dwell upon, in this manner, to witte, if it be a man childe, that when he commithe to the age of twentie and one yeares, he shall have the one halfe of the farme & my wife the other halfe dureinge hir life. If it be a woman childe, that then Issabell, my wife, shall have the wholle farme till she come to the age of twentie & one yeares and the halfe thereof dureing hir life naturall. Item, I will that if Issabell, my wife, have no childe by me, that then William Hayesone, my brother, have paid unto him twentie markes in moneye, tow brasse pottes, thre pewtere platters and one candelsticke & a counter, which are his ffiliall porcione given by his father. If he cannot enioye the one halfe of the farme, then besides that twentie markes, his porcion, I give unto him, the said William Hayesone, ffortie markes more. Item, I will that if my wife, Issabell Hayeson, be not with childe, that then she and William Hayeson, my brother, have my farme devided betwene them and the surviver of them and there executors to have the wholle ffarme, provided that if William Hayesone be admitted joynte executore with Issabell, my wife, that then he shall clearlye renounce the said porcion and legacie. Item, I give unto him my beste clooke. Item, I give unto James Hayeson, my onnckle, my beste britches. Item, I give unto Richarde Hayesone, my Wittnesses hereof, Abraham Robinsone, clarke, George Wardell, Christofer Paxtone, George Paxtone & Gylberte Paxtone with others. An inventarie of all suche goods & chattelles as Matthewe Hayesone dyed possessed of, vewed and valewed by George Fostere, Gylberte Paxton, John Ranesone & George Wardell, the xxjth daye of Januarie 1607, as ffollowethe. Imprimis, sixe oxen praissed to Item, thre kine and a calfe Item, sixe younge beastes Item, one meare and a horse Item, tenn sheape Item, fowre swine Item, all the wheate in the bame and stackgarthe, and dressed wheate Item, thre lode of bige Item, all the otes and pease Item, wheate and rye sowne one the ground Item, the lease of the farme Item, plowghe and plowe geare, waine and waine geare Item, all the househoulde stufe & bedinge Item, his apparrelle Summa bonorum Ciiijli js Debtes owne by the testatore Imprimis, to Roberte Pemberton to be paide thre poundes by yeare Item, owen to William Geffersone Item, to Christofer Bee Item, owne to Roberte Jurdesone Item, owne to Richarde Dunne Item, to Rauphe Relfe Item, to Rauphe Raintone, his servante Item, to his made servante 20 6 5 4 2 0s 0s 6s 13s 0s 12s 0d 0d 8d 4d 0d 0d 5 1 6 10 30 7 4 1 5s 4s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 14 0s 0d 4 13s 4d 7s 0d 1 13s 4d 1 4s 2d 13s 4d 12s 5d 3s 9d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Summa debitorum xxiiijli 7s 5d Debtes owne to him Owne to him by James Shadfourthe 10 0s 0d Summa declareo, debitis deductis lxxviijli xiijs 7d DPRI/1/1608/H6/1-3 Edmond Paxton of Easington, yeoman, 1609 In the name of God, Amen, the sixt daye of Januarye, anno domini 1608, I, Edmonde Paxton of Easington in the countie of Durham, yeoman, whole of mynde and of good & perfytt memorye, thancks be to God theyrfore, doe make this my last wyll and testament in manor and forme following. Fyrste, I bequythe my soule into the hands of almyghtye God and my bodye to be buryed within my paryssh churche of Easington aforsayde, as nyghe unto my late father, Jaymes Paxton, as convenyenlye maye be. Item, I geyve and bequythe unto the poore of the parysshe of Easington aforsayde, xiijs iiijd, to be distributed amongeste them at the discrecion of my executors. Item, my wyll ys that my wife, Aylce Paxton shall have thoccupation, yssues & profytts of my messuage & tenemente in Easington, wth all & singuler thappurtenances towards the education of my children untyll sutche tyme as they successyvelye, one after another, shall marye or accomplysshe the full age of xxjth years yf she, the sayde Aylce so long shall lyve and contynew a wyddow, and yf she shall departe frome this mortal! lyfe or marye agayne before my sayd chyldren shall successyvelye, one after another, marye or accomplysshe the sayd age of xxjth years, then my wyll ys that Jaymes Paxton, my eldest sonne, shall have, occupye and enjoye my sayd messuage and tenamente, with all and singular thappurtenances togeyther with my lease which I have of the same and yf he shalbe departed frome this mortall lyfe before the maryage or death of the sayd Aylce, my wyfe, then my wyll ys that my seconde sonne, Robert Paxton, shall have, occupye and enjoye my sayd messuage and tenemente, with all and singuler thappurtenances, togeyther with my sayd lease after the death or maryage of the sayd Aylce, my wyfe, provyded alwayes that yf eyther of my sayd sonns shall enter unto my sayd messuage and tenemente before my yongest daughter, Anne Paxton, shall (or myghte yf she lyve) accomplysshe the full age of xxjth years, then my wyll ys that he with shall enter as ys aforsayd, shall educate and bryng upe the residew of my sayd children theyreupon untyll they successyvelye, one after another, shall marye or accomplysshe the full age of xxjth years. Item, I geyve and bequythe unto my three children, Robert, Margarett and Anne Paxton, everye of them, xvli. Item, I gevye and bequythe unto Robert Paxton, my brother of the half- bloode, xiijs iiijd to be payd unto hym yearlye fourth of my sayd messuage and tenement, by the occupyers theyrof for the tyme being, for and during all the years which shall be to come in my sayd lease yf he so long shall lyve. hower of my deathe marginal note Item, I geyve and bequythe unto my cozen, John Paxton of Lyttle Thropp, a busshell of wheate. Item, I geyve and bequythe unto my syster, Margerye, hyr children, everye of them, a gymmer lambe. Item, I geyve and bequythe unto Barbarye and Anne Jackson, the chyldren of Jaymes Jackson and Allizan his wyfe, my syster of the halfe-bloode, eyther of them, a gymmer lambe. The resydew of my goods, movyable and unmovyable, my debts and legaces payde and funeralls deducted, I geyve and bequythe unto my wife, Aylce Paxton, and my eldest sonne, Jaymes Paxton, who I ordayne and make joynt executors of this my last wyll and testamente. And my wyll ys that the sayd Aylce, my wife, shall have the tuyssion, educacion and governemente of all my chuldren and theyre filliall portions untyll sutche tyme as they syccessyvlye, one after another, shall marye or accomplysshe the full age of xxjth years, yf she so long shall lyve and contynew a wyddowe. And fynallye, I mayke supervysor of this my last wyll and testamente my trustye and welbeloved uncle, Robert Farrowe thelder of Fyssheborne, to see this my last wyll and testamente executed and my chyldren put to good reseyte as my truste ys in hym. And I geyve and bequythe unto hym, xs and his charge to be borne when he shall goe or ryde abowte the supplement of the same. Wytnesse of this my last wyll and testamente, Robert Farrowe thelder, Mychaell Farrowe, John Paxton. An inventorye of all the goods and chattells movyable and unmovyable which latelye dyd apperteyne unto Edmonde Paxton, late of Easington, deceassed, prized the 27th day of June, 1609, by Roger Walker, George Foster, Christofer Paxton and John Raynoldson as followyth. lmprimis, 10 oxen price ltem, 9 kyne price ltem, 4 stotts price ltem, 8 younge beasts price ltem, 5 styrks price ltem, 42 shorne sheape price ltem, 13 lambes price ltem, 3 mares, 2 coltstaggs and one fillye stagg price 40 16 5 13 3 8 1 9 0s 0s 13s 6s 0s 0s 1s 10s 0d 0d 4d 8d 0d 0d 8d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 ltem, one swyne hogg, one sowe and 2 pyggs price ltem one brodgoose, one stegg, 4 young gease & 4 ducks price ltem, 7 henns and one cocke price ltem, corne in the stack yarthe price ltem, 18 duble acres of corne growing upon the gronde price ltem, plowhes and plowhe geare, waynes and wayne geare and all other implements of husbandrye price ltem, certayne parcells of new implements of husbandrye price ltem, one kylne hayre price ltem, two cupbords, one spence, one presse and one cawell price ltem, all the brasse and pewther viz., potts, panns, candlesticks, dublers & all other implements and howshould stouf in the hall howse price ltem, the bedstocks, chysts and all other implements and howshoulde stufe in the two chambers price ltem, all the bedding and napperye price ltem, the woole price ltem, the lease of the fermhoulde price ltem, hys apparell and furnyture for servyce in his majestyes warrs price ltem, monye in hys poursse Summa bonorum Debts owen to the testator Rychard Maltlande of Shaldfourth, mylner, for a gelding for the which he ys to enter bond to paye the 3 day of May next Nycholesse Mallance to be payde the fyrst day of May next Andrewe Corrye of Durham for a bowle of wheate William Gawdye for mallet Summa debitorum Summa bonorum cum debitorum Debts owne by the testator ltem, to Ann Paxton, his syster, a parcell of hyr fyllyall porcion His halfe year’s rents dew at the Feast of Penticost last 16s 0d 5s 0d 3s 0d 3 6s 8d 30 0s 0d 9 0s 0d 13s 4d 13s 4d 4 0s 0d 4 10s 0d 1 0s 0d 3 11s 0d 13s 4d 20 0s 0d 1 13s 4d 4 0s 0d 180 16s 8d 4 0s 0d 1 14s 0d 14s 0d 3 12s 0d 10 0s 0d 190 16s 8d 26 0s 0d 7 17s 4d ltem, the reparations of the howses ltem, to hys brother, Robert Paxton, for his wags ltem, to William Jeyfreyson ltem, his funerals ltem, his mortuarye ltem, hys layrestale ltem the probate of the testament, the tuyssion and other chargs theyrunto incident Summa debitorum defuncti Summa declaro debitis deductis DPRI/1/1609/P1/1-2 4 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 2 0s 0d 13s 4d 10s 0d 3s 4d 2 0s 0d 44 4s 0d 146 12s 4d Robert Jurdeson, the younger, of Shotton, 1611 An Inventorie of all the goodes, moveable and unmovable which was dewe unto Robert Jurdeson of Shotton, the younger, lait deceased, praised by these men, Robert Jurdeson the elder, Richard Read, John Edrington. George Paxton, the younger, Aprill 30th, 1611 Inprimis, one cowe Item, one meare Item, two sheep hogges Item, the corne Item, his apparel 1 13s 4d 1 10s 0d 5s 0d 17s 0d Some £4 13s 4d The debts which is owen to him Inprimis, Anthonie Byers Item, Richard Jurdeson Item, George Hewetson Item, William Clark Item, the foresaid Richard Jurdeson more for sheep Suma £16 14s 0d Summa totalis bonorum et debitorum £21 7s 4d The debts which he did owe Item, to Robert Jordeson the elder Item, the ffunerall expenses Item, to the foresaid Robert Jordeson Somme £4 4s 0d Summa de claro, debitis deductis £17 3s 6d DPRI/1/1611/J5/2 10 0s 18s 1 16s 1 9s 3 0s 0d 0d 8d 4d 0d 2 4s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Thomas Lighton of Easington, 1611 In the name of God, Amen, the xxiijth day of Apryll, Anno Domini, 1611, I, Thomas Lighton of Esington, seeke in body but whole in mynde, doe make this my last will and testament as followeth. First, I commyt my soule into the hands of Almightie God, hopinge to be saved by Jesus Christ, and my bodie to be buried in Esington church earth. I doe gyve unto my wife, Margery Lighton, all my goods and cattell, moveable and unmoveable whatsoever I have and I doe make my sayd wyf, Margery Lighton, sole executrix of this my last and testamente, my detts payed & funerall expenses discharged. Winesses hereof, William Jurdeson, Christjofer Paxton, Raphe Hawks and Peter Jacson. 27 July 1611 An inventory of all the goods moveable and unmoveable of Thomas of Esington, deceased, praysed by these two honest men, Christofer Paxton and George Wardell, the xxvth of Julie, Anno Domini, 1611 First, two kye and one styrke Item, three shepe and two lambs Item, sowen corne Item, houshold stuffe Item, one calfe, his apparell & a bee hyve 4 1 1 1 10s 8s 0s 10s 10s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d Sume total £8 18s 0d DPRI/1/1611/L6/1-2 Robert Jordison of Shotton, 1612 September 18: Anno Domini 1612 In the name of God, I, Robert Jordison of Shotton in Esington perishe in the countie of Durham, beinge of good & perfect memorie, God’s name bee praysed, doe make & ordeine this my last will & testament in manner & forme followinge. Inprimis, I comend my soule to Almightie God, my creator, redemer & preserver, & will that my bodie be buried within Esington churche. Item, I give to Richard Jordison of Shotton five poundes. Item, I give to Margorie Jordison, my daughter, one Sparn riall in gould. Item, I give to William Jordison ,my brother, 20s. Item, I give to Michael Jordison 20s. Item, I give to Meriall Chilton wife of Christofer, my son-in- lawe, 20s. Item, I give to Margret Emerson, wife of Godfrey my son-in- lawe, 20s. Item, I give to John Emerson, son of Godfreye, three gimer lambes. Item, I give to Jane Emerson one lambe. Item, I give to Thomas Nicholson one gimmer. Item, I give to George Jordesons children, eche of them, a lambe. Item, I give to Robert Sudwicke, son of Philip, tow gimmers. Item, I give to Meriall Emerson, daughter of Godfrey, one black whie which is nowe pastured on Shotton moore. Item, I give to Christofer Jordison, my brother William’s son, 20s. Item,I give to Margorie Jordison, my sayde brother William daughter, 20s. Item, I give to the sayd Christofer & Margerie Jordison, eche of them, towe lambes pastured on Hardwicke moore. Item, I give to Margret crossed out John & Margret Jordison, children of Michaell of Esington, eche of them, tow lambes pastured on Hardwicke moore. Item, I give to An Richardson one blacke whie pastured on Shotton moore. Item, I give to Richard Jordison, his fower children eche of them, one lambe. Item, I give to Phillip Richardson one bawson or white-faced filly. Item, I give to Hellen Jordison, wife of William my brother, one ewe. Item, I give to An Jordison, wife of Richard, one ewe. Item, I give to Phillip Sudwicke 20s. Item, I give to eche of Philip Sudwicke his daughters 20s. Item, I give to Anthonie Biars 20s. Item,I give to Anthonie Biers his children 5s. Item, I give to William Biars his children 5s. Item, I give to the poore of Shotton 6s 8d. The rest of my goods, moveable & unmoveable, my debtes, legaces & funerall expenses discharged, I give & bequeathe to Margerie Jordison, my daughter, whome I make & ordeine sole executor of this my last will & testament. Debtes due by the Testator To John Dobson To Anthonie Watson To William Stoddarte To Wedow Archer To Thomas Nicholson To Thomas Burden To George Pearson of Durham To Adam Blaxton To William Watson To James Hall To Richard Jordison To Parcivall Milborne To Robert Errington 5 2 8 3 2 0s 13s 12s 6s 0s 6s 4s 6s 18s 7s 1 6s 10s 4s 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 6d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 An inventorie of all suche goods & cattels as Robert Jordison of Shotton of Esington parishe within the countie of Durham died possessed of, vewed & valued by George Paxton, Thomas Burden, John Burden & John Edderington, prisers of the sayde goods October 7 Anno Domini 1612 Imprimis, sixe oxen 32 Item, seven kine 18 Item, fouer whies & one stott 7 Item, 16 calves 6 Item, 27 ould sheepe 6 Item, 12 sheepe hogges 1 Item, tow stagges or younge horses 4 Item, one gray mare 2 Item, one sowe & tow pygges Item, corne in the stackgarthe 20 Item, plough & ploughe gere, waine & waine gere 7 Item, in monie 1 Item, his apparel with his furniture 1 Item, salte butter Item, his pullen Item, the lease of his parte of Hardwicke 2 Item, the lease of his land in Esington 6 Item, for corne to bee lefte by William Jordison at the end of his lease 2 Item, towe saddels Item, haye & coales 3 Item, houshould stuffe 13 Item, debtes due to the testator 44 Summa £182 10s 10d DPRI/1/1612/J5/1,3 0s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 16s 8d 15s 0d 13s 0d 0s 0d 13s 4d 10s 0d 0s 0d 4s 6d 0s 0d 13s 4d 6s 0d 3s 4d 10s 0d 13s 4d 0s 6s 0s 17s 9s 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d John Simpson of Easington, 1615 In Dei nomine, Amen, Anno Dominj, 1615, the first day of January, I, John Simpson of Esington, sicke in bodie but whole in minde, doe make this my laste will & testament as ffollowethe. Firste, I bequeathe my soule into the hands of Allmightie God, hopinge to be saved by Jesus Christ, & my bodie to be buried in Esington church yarde. First, I give to John Simpson, Edmond Simpson's son, my lease with all the interest save one halfe acre of arable land in every feilde & one coate righ right upon the common moore, which I give unto Henry Simpson, my youngest son, for payinge twelve pounds to John Simpson, Edmond Simpson's son. Item, I give unto John Simpson, one cowe, one foale & one ewe & to Margret Simpson, Edmond Simpson's daughter, one cowe & one ewe. Item, I give unto my son, Henry Simpson, tow kine & one horse & all the crop upon the ground & in my garthe & all the haye & strawe. Item, I give to Henry Simpson's three daughters, all the houshoud stuffe with in the hecke & everie of them, one ewe. Of this my last will &testament, I make Henry Simpson, executor. Witnesses hereof, William Jordisoniuratus, Christofer Paxton, Robert Skurfeildiuratus, Edmond Simpson's marke. John Simpson mark Debtes due by the testator To Henry Simpson 1 12s 0d An inventorie of all suche goods & chatles as John Simpson, late of Esington, died possessed of, vewed & valued by Christofer Paxton, William Jordison, John Bemouldson & Richard Woolfe 13 November 1615 Harde corne one horse fouer sheepe towe kine An amrie, a cowell & 3 chestes wood vessell peuter & brasse beddinge, linings & apparrell iron implements Somme £12 19s 2d 2 18s 0d 2 0s 0d 17s 0d 3 15s 0d 18s 0d 2s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 6s 8d 2s 6d Debts due by the testator To Henry Simpson DPRI/1/1615/S13/1-2 1 12s 0d Henry Todd of Horden, yeoman, 1615 10,0ctober 1615 EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 In the name of God, Amen, I Henry Tod of Horden in the countie of Durham, yeoman, sicke in bodie yet of good & perfect memorie (God's name be prateed for it ), doe make & ordeine this, my last will & testament, in manner & forme followinge. Inprimis, I committ my soule to Almightie God, my maker, redemer & preserver & will that my bodie be buried in the chancell att Esington. Item, I give unto my daughter Isabell Tod, 20li. Item, I give unto my sayde daughter, Isabell Tod, one copper cettell & one feather bed, with furniture thereto belonginge. Item, I give unto Richard Rowle a grey coulte foale. Item, I give unto Susan Haysen one whie calfe. Item, I give unto Ralphe Tod a blacke oxe calfe. Item, I give unto Rouland Harrison one whie calfe. Item, I give unto everie of my servants nowe beinge, 12d. The rest of my goods, movable & ummovable, my debts, legaces and funerall expences discharged, I give unto Margret Tod, my wife, & Isabell Tod, my daughter, whome I make ioynte executors of this my last will & testament. In witnes whereof I have set to my hand this tenthe daye of October,1615. Wittneses of this will Abraham Robinsoniur, clarke Richard Harrisoniur William Boore Nicholas Stodderte Richard Roowlliur Henry Tod, his marke An inventory of all suche goods & chattels as Henry Tod of Horden in the parrishe of Esington, died possessed of, vewed & valewed by Christofer Richardson, Thomas Younge & Christofer Younge & George Jackson, 7 December, 1615. Inprimis, towe stotes & three quies 8 10s Item, twelve stirkes 14 10s Item, horses, mares & foales 22 13s Item, eight oxen 27 0s Item, 29 kine & one bull 70 0s Item, 14 calves, yeare old 8 6s Item, 30 sheepe 9 10s Item, 8 swine 2 10s Item, pullen 10s Item, all corne & haye 49 13s Item, pwlowesic, plowegeare, wane & wane geare 3 0s Item, bedds, bedinge & lininge 14 0s Item, deleted Item, line 1 2s 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d Item, brasse & pewter vessels Item, three cupboards Item, deleted Item, table, & counters & other housould stuffe Item, a chimney & other iron implements Item, wood vessell Item, butter & cheese Item, sackes & pookes Item, his apparell & his purse Item, the lease of a farm in Throston Item,the winter eatage of the ground Item, corne sowne & to sowe 4 6s 8d 2 4s 0d 1 14s 12s 2 6s 1 0s 8s 4 0s 26 13s 38 0s 42 0s 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d Debts due to the testator Inprimis, by Ralphe Tod ofThroston Item, by William Gaudis alias Thirlbecke Item, by John Pope Item, by John Dixon Item, by Mistris Hedworthe Item, by Richard Harrison Item, Henry Farrowe Item, by William Lighton Item, by Richard Haysen Item, by William Hall Item, by Thomas Aplebie Item, by Isabell Dixon 26 13s 5s 5s 4s 13s 4s 3s 2s 2s 2s 1s 3s 4s 6d 0d 0d 0d 2d 0d 0d 8d 8d 5d 0d Suma debitorum £29 0s 4d Summa totalis bonorumet debitorum£383 10s 4d Debts due by the testator Imprimis, to Mr Conyers 7 10s Item, to Richard Roule 28 13s Item, to Susan Haysen 22 13s Item, to Robert Dobson 1 17s Item, to Mathew Curye 3 6s Item), servantes'wages 1 3s Item, to Mr Conyers for Whitsontide rent 70 0s Item, for the ffunerals of the said deceased and to the poore & his lare stall 1 3s Item, for his mortuarie 10s Item, to the curate for makinge & writing the will & inventories no entry Item, for the fees of the court to all the officers 0d 4d 4d 0d 8d 4d 0d 8d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 for the provinge of the will and the tuicion of lsabell Todd & a proctor ffee Item, for the wedow and her witneses and suerties charges 1 17s 8d 5s 0d Summa £139 1s 8d Besides for makeinge & writinge the will & inventaries to the curatt DPRI/1/1615/T6/1-3 Debts which this testator did owe at his death Imprimis, to his sister Julian Item, to Parcivell Rey Item, to John Clark Item, his funerall expences and church deuties Some is £8 17s 8d DPRI/1/1616/S19/1-2 Richard Storie of Shotton, yeoman, 1616 Memorandum that Richard Storie of Shotton in the parish of Esington in the countie of Durham, yeoman, the nyne and twentie day of September, Anno Domini 1616, being sick in bodie but of whole and perfect remembrance, thankes be to God Almightie, did nuncupativlie, by word of mouthe, make and declare his last will and testament, in maner and forme following, Imprimis, he did give his soule to Almightie God and his bodie to be buried in Esington church yeard. Item, he did give to his brother, William Storie, fortie shillings. Item, he did give to a childe of his said brother's that he did christen xxs. Item, he did give to another child of his brother's which was last begotten, xxs. Item, he did give to his mother, fortie shillings. Item, he did give to a child of Robart Gibson's of Ederdakers vs which was owen him. All the rest of his goods, moveable and unmoveables, his legacies and funerall expenses paid and discharged, he did give to his hissic sister, Julian Storie whom he maid sole executrix of his said will and testament. Witnesses hearof John Clarkeiur Thomas Byersiur Raph ffarrowiur An inventorie maid the twentie day of November, 1616, of all such goodes and cattell, credits and debts as Richard Storie of Shotton in the parish of Esington, died possessed upon, as follows. Imprimis, Georg Jackson of Esington ys owen him Item, William Robinson of Esington is owen him Item, William Robinson of Blackhurworth was owen him Item, Percyvell Rey of Castle Eden is owen him Item, John ffarrow of Shotton is owen him Item, Edward Highley of Castle Eden is owen him Item, Percivell Rey of Castle Eden is owen him Item, John Pemberton is owen him Soma totallis £20 19s 8d 2 1 1 6 3 0s 0s 7s 5s 3s 0d 0d 0d 8d 4d 4 0s 0d 2 9s 0d 13s 0d 6 13s 4d 1 3s 4d 5s 0d 16s 0d Thomas Young of Edderdakers, 1616 An inventarie of all suche goods & chattelles, moveable & unmoveable, as Thomas Younge of Edderdackers, late deceased, dyed possessed of & praysed the xxviiijth daye of October, 1616, by honest neighbers, vidzt., Roberte Pembertone, Nicholes Briges, Christjofer Younge, ffranncis Tyndell & George Shadfourthe as ffollowethe. Imprimis, sixe oxen price Item, xixten kyne & [a bull stirke deleted] Item, ix younge beastes Item, tow whye stirkes Item, sixe horsses & meares Item, thre score & three ould sheepe Item, fiftye hogges Item, six swine Item, thre score & fourten thrave of wheat & rye Item, fortye five thraves of bigge Item, fyftie thre busshell of bigg Item, twelve score thraves of ottes Item, xxij busshell of wheat & tow busshell or rye Item, all the haye Item, plowghe & plowegeare, waine & waine geare & all the things belonginge to ther husbandrye Item, other tymber woode abowte the howse Item, the windodothe, sackes & other implements for windoweinge Item, one kyllne hayre 20 40 13 2 10 21 8 2 14 6 9 24 16 8 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 6s 0s 16s 11s 14s 0s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 8d 4d 0d 0d 0d 6 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 10s 0d 5s 0d Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, Item, EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 all the howseholde stufe within the forehowse in the loft above the forehowe in the chamber, one olde presser all the milke vessell & other stufe in the kytchin towe bee hives all the pultreye in butter & cheasse his apperrell & other furniture 7 0s 0d 6 0s 0d 6s 8d 2 0s 0d 10s 0d 13s 4d 2 0s 0d 10 0s 0d Summa ccxxxijli iijs viijd Debtes owene to the saide deceassed Inprimis, by Rauphe Eden Item, by John Allensone of Crawcroke Item, by Rauphe Newbye Item, by George Halle 11 0s 8s 10s 1 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d S[um]ma xijli xviijs S[um]ma totall[is]ccxlvli js 8d Memorandum that Nicholas Burdon of Eyeington being of the age of xiiijo years and a quarter, being sick but of perfect mynd and memory, did about a fortnight after Lammese last past, anno 1618, make and declare his last will and testament nuncupatively and by words in effect as followeth, vidt, he did give and bequeath to Elizabeth and Alice Burdon, his sisters, ether of them, xli & to James Burdon and Christofer Burdon, his brethren, ether of them, £5 a peace and to William Burdon, another of his brethren, iijli vjs viijd and the rest of his porcion, being vjli xiijs iiijd he did give unto Jennet Burdon, his mother, and John Burdon, his eldest brother, and being asked what he would give to Ellinor, his sister that was married, he said he would not give hir anything but if it should please God she should have a chyld, he willed that his brothersic, Jennet Burdon, should give to it xxs and the same to be put into the keeping of William Watson of Eyeington,to goe forward till that chyld should be of yeers. Wytnesse. George Jackson Christofer Bee William Watson DPRI/1/1619/B10/1 Debtes owinge by the said deceassed Imprimis, to Roberte Hedleye Item, to Percivell Mylburne Item, to Will[ia]m Reade Item, to Will[ia]m Stodderte Item, to Allisson Buckles Item, to Jane Thompsone Item, to Nicholes Brigges Item, to Christofer Younge Item, for the corne lande at Kasleadon for one yeare to end at Saint Helinmes next Item, for the rent of Halles ffarme for on yeare Item, for the halfe cropp of halles ffarme Item, for the rent of the halfe Northe More Item, owinge to Nicholes Wriller 30 11 6 5 1 1 14 2 0s 0s 8s 10s 0s 0s 11s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 26 8 11 7 3 0s 0d 10s 0d 10s 0d 0s 0d 10s 0d Topp Heath of Little Eden, Easington, 1620 The true & perfecte inventory of such goods of my sonne Topp Heath, deceased, that he died possessed of which came to my hands, to the uttermosi of my knowledg, taken the 20 day of May, Anno Domini 1620 Imprimis, his apparell & money in his purse Item, a graye meare valued at Item, certaine bookes valued at Item, a rydinge sadle with furniture Item, a trunck & a deske Item, a bedsteade with curtins of grene saye Item, a sworde & a belte ? 6 13s 8d 5 0s 0d 13s 4d 6s 8d 5s 0d 2 0s 0d 10s 0d 15 8s 8d S[um]ma debitorum cxxvijli xixs Debts owinge by the deceased S[um]ma de claro debittis deductis cxiijli ijs viijd DPRI/1/1616/Y2/1-2 Nicholas Burdon of Eyeington, 1619 Imprimis, to Robert Harte of Thorpe per bonde Item, to Robert Ridlington ofHartlepoole per bonde Item, to George Martin 12 12s 0d 10 10s 0d 2 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, to Mister John Kinge Item, to John Kinge of Woollenstone per bonde Item, for funerall chargs Item, charg aboute thadministration & a commisshon to the judg And to the register Item, to Mr John Heath of Kepier per bonde 2 0s 0d 5 0s 0d 4 5s 0d 6s 10d 5s 4d 2 0s 0d 38 19s 2d Debts owen Ralph Smith of Seaton Carew Thomas Johnson of Seaton 10 0s 0d 1 0s 0d Received in money owing to the deceased 34 0s 0d Summa totalis £45 0s 0d DPRI/1/1621/H1/1-2 DPRI/1/1627/H5/1 Christopher Young of Etherdacres, 1623 John Herrinson of Horden, yeoman, 1621 In the name of God, Amen, the first day of May 1620, I, John Herrinson of Hordon in the countie of Durham, yeoman, being sicke in bodie but of good and perfect remembrance, thankes be to allmightie God for it, doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First, I give and committ my soule to almightie God and my bodie to be buried in my parish church yearde of Esington. ltem, I give unto Richard Herrison of Hordon and unto Bettrice, his wife, to either of them, xls. ltem, I give unto Isable and Agnes Herrinson, daughters of Richerd Herrinson, xxs a peace. ltem, I give unto Richard Herrinson, sonne of the saide Richerd Herrinson, xls. ltem, I give unto Christopher Herrinson of Kibbelsworth and unto Elizabeth, his wife, and unto Roger Herrinson & Ales Herrinson, sonne and daughter of the said Christopher Herrinson xls in forme following, that is to saide xxs unto Christopher Herrinson & the other xxs to be devided between Elizabeth, his wife, and their twoo children. I give unto George Herrinson of Ceaton Carew xlibra. ltem, I give unto John Herrinson, sonne of Christopher Herrinson iiijlibra. Item, I give unto Richerd Richerdson, the sonne of Rowland Richerdson, vlibra. ltem, I give unto John Herrison of Durham, sonne of George Herrinson, xls of which xls I give xxs unto Beatrice, his wife. ltem, I give unto the twoo sonnes of Richard Herrinson of ffullwell xs a peace. ltem, I give unto the poore of Esington parish xs and unto the poore of Stranton parish other xs. ltem, all my goodes, moveable and unmoveable, not given nor bequeathed, my debts and funerall expences being discharged, I give and bequeath unto Richerd Herrinson of Horden and George Herrinson of Ceaton Carew whom I make sole executors of this my last will and testament, in presentes of these witnesses, viz: Richerd Massam, William Hunter. The inventorie of his goods In the name of God, amen, the xxvijth of November, Anno Domini 1623, I, Christofer Young of Etherdacres in the countie of Durham, yeoman, being sicke in bodie but of perfect remembrance, thankes be to God therfor, doe make this my last will & testament in manner & forme following. Imprimis, I committ & commend my soule into the hand of Allmightie God, my maker & redemer, by whose mirritts I trust to be saved, & my bodie to be buried in Easington church & my goods to be disbursed as hearafter shall follow. Imprimis, I give to the poore of Easington parrish, xiijs iiijd. Item, I give to my daughter, Isabell Young, threskore & tenn pounds & a bride wayne worth twentie poundes to be paid at the day of her maryage, all which porcion is to be paid fourth of my goodes & debts which is owne me. Item, I give to my sonne, William Young, threskore poundes. Item, I give to my sonne, Christopher Young, thre skore poundes which six skore poundes is to be paid when they come to lawfull yeares or sowner if they stand nead of it by my eldest sonne, Robert Young. Item, all the rest of my goodes, howses, cattle, landes & all things else which is mine I give to my wife & my eldest sonne, Robert Young, all charges being paid & legaces discharged, and after my wife’s decease all her halfe of my land & goodes to come to my said sonne, Robert Young, or to his heires ir assignes. And them two doo I make executors together of this my last will & testament, witnes my hand the day & yeare above written. Christopher Young, marke [marked with a symbol] Witnesses hearof Anthonie Young, marke [marked with a vertical line] Percevell Wilbourne, marke [marked with an oblique line] [Latin follows] An Inventorie of the goods moveable and EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 unmoveable of Christopher Younge of Edderdakers, deceased, taken the ffirst day of December,1623, by Percivell Wilbourne, William Hirdman, Anthorie Younge and Richard Read the younger as followeth Inprimis, thirtie thraves of wheate & rye in the stack garth Item, xxtie thraves of oates Item, foure acres of grene corne newly sowen, being wheate & rye Item, three stacks of hay Item, six oxen & two stotts ltem, xiijtene kyne Item, fower stirks Item, nyne calves Item, foure score ole sheep & fowertene hoggs Item, two mares & two stags Item, three coope waynes, two long wayne, with three paire of wheeles Item, fyve draught yoakes Item, three ploughes, fower solmes with sock & Culter Item, two paire of old siles, three paire of stings, a paire of coope wayne soles 3 0s 0d 2 10s 0d 4 7 18 22 3 4 15 7 0s 10s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 3 0s 0d 3s 4d 13s 4d little brasse morter Item, two little kettles & five pannes 1 0s 0d 15s 0d Item, his purse & apparrell Item, fower coverletts & one carpett Item, eight happings Item, two paire of blancketts Item, one feather bedd, one feather bolster and tenn codds Item, one mattresse Item, fower paire of lynnen sheets with a frindge for a white bedd Item, two paire of straking sheets & fower paire of harden sheets Item, six lynnen pillowbeers Item, two lynnen table clothes & one strakinge table clothe Item, fower long towels Item, one dozen of table napkins Item, three stone of lyne spunn & unspunn Item, one iron chimney, one paire of barres, two spitts, two racken crokes, [torn] paire of tonges, one frying pan & two shedding knives Item, one cocke & two hens Item, xij geese 3 6s 8d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 12s 0d 2 0s 0d 6s 0d 1 12s 0d 15s 8s 6s 4s 6s 19s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 10s 0d 1s 0d 8s 0d 10s 0d Summa cxiijli xs Item, three cubbords & one little cawell Item, three little tables, two frames, one olde counter and three little furmes Item, two chayres & ffive buffett stooles Item, one arke Item, two brewing tubbs, one barrell & three stands Item, five skeeles, milke bowles, chesffatts &c. Item, two chirnes Item, one knopp tubb & two butter kitts Item, fower leven tubbs 3 0s 0d Item, fower stand beddsteeds & one trinle bedd Item, fower olde chists 1 0s 0d 4s 0d Item, xxtie piece of pewter, xiiijtene sawcers, fower pewter candlesticks, fower salts, one pewter quart pott Item, three brasse potts, two brasse candlesticks, one 1 10s 0d Debts owne to the deceased 14s 5s 6s 4s 5s 2s 2s 2s 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d Richard Clewghe of Winlaton Nicholas Swinburne of Winlaton William Redhead of Chester in the Street Elizabeth Trotter of Winlaton John Readhead of Shotton Richard Meaburne & Robert Meaburne of Shaldforth Anthony Byers of Shotton Bryan ffrizell of Coreforth Christopher Whelden of Crawes house Phillipp Gibson of Durham George fforest of Edderdackers Thomas Currye of Swalwell Thomas Richardson of Castle Eden Nicholas Hall of Winlaton Margaret Pickering of the same [no entry] 5 13s 4d 8 15s 4d 2 12s 4d 6 10s 0d 2 0s 0d 1 13s 4d 1 0s 0d 1 3s 8d 5 8s 4d 2 3s 9d 1 0s 0d 9s 0d 4 6s 8d 10s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 William Gawdie of Easington Ann Harrison of Huton Moore Henry Patteson of Swalwelle 2 13s 4d 6 0s 0d 6 0s 0d Debts owing by the said deceased at the tyme and that tyme paid and discharged by this accomptant to the parties undernamed as followeth, vizt., Summa ljli xixs jd Summa totalis clxvli ixs jd Percival Wilburne, sigmum [marked with a horizontal line] Willim Hirdman, sigmum [marked with a symbol] Anthonie Young's marke [marked with a vertical line] Richard Read’s marke [marked with two parallel vertical lines] DPRI/I/1623/Y1/1, 3-4 Henry Anderson of Haswell, esq., 1626 A just, true and perfect accounte of the execucion of the last will and testament of Henry Anderson of Haswell in the county of Durham, esq., made and exhibited by Sir Henry Anderson of the aforesaid county, knight, executor of the said last will and testament of his said father, deceased, as followeth under protestacion to add, subtract to or from the said account or to reforme the same hereafter as he shalbe further or better enformed or may come to his knowledge. Imprimis, the said accomptant by way of accounte only doth charge himseife with the p[er]sonall estate of the said deceased as the same is comprized and sett downe in an inventary thereof with a surplusage or additament to the same inventory exhibited unto this court by this accomptant amounting to the som[m]e of 2589 4d But this accomptant doth not charge himselfe with certaine debts supposed to be owing to the said deceased, vizt., to Mrs Lewes and John Raine mencioned in the addition to the said inventary but desireth to be discharged thereof for that they were not nor could not be recovered by this accomptant to the som[m]e of Out of which first great somme this accomptant desireth to be allowed and discharged of these debts and necessary and lawfull disbursements by him paid and defrayed as followeth, v[i]zt., lmprimis for the funerall expense of the said deceased, chargs aboute the apprizeing of his goods, probate of his testament and tuiciones of his children to the somme of [No entry] 2s 50 0s 0d Imprimis, to Mr Christopher Midforth by bond 53 6s Item, to Richard Stobbart by bond 65 15s Item, to Mr Richardson by bond 115 0s Item, to Mr John Maunton by bond 310 0s Item, to George Hodgshon and Thomas Turner by bond 16 0s Item, to Mr Thomas Sutton of London 53 15s Item, to William, Lord Bishopp of Durham by bill 26 0s Item, to Mr Boules of London by bond 117 0s Item, to Mr Francis Anderson by bond 47 18s Item, to Thomas Crawforth by bill 5 0s Item, to Mr Richardson by bond 16 0s Item, to Mr Thomas Hearon 127 2s Item, to the workemen of St Lawrence 77 18s Item, to Ann, laytte wife of Bartram Anderson, upon foure bonds 120 0s Item, to Mrs Midforth 110 0s Item, to the Lord Russell since the death of the testator, paid by this accomptant 1650 0d Item, to Mr Deareham by bond 200 0s Item, to Nicholas Cole 12 0s Item, to William Blithman 30 0s Item, to Mrs Carr of Durham 27 0s Item, to the Lady ffoster 100 0s Item, to seaven of the testators children for their porciones given by the testator in his testament, in toto 1800 0d 8d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 1d 0d 0d 0d 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d Som[m]e totall of these debts and disbursements over and besides the fun[er]all is 5129li 6s 5d Et sic computat computand et allocat allocand, this accomptant hath paid and discharged debts &c. more than the value of all the deceased’s estate, his funeralle not therein accompted, to the som[m]e of [No entry] 0s EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 This accomptant hath also paid and discharged diverse and sundry other debts owing by the said deceased without specialities but knowne to be very due to diverse persons specified and putt downe in particular in the inventory exhibited unto this court to which this party referreth himselfe which last debts said to amount to the somme of 190 4s 2d [Latin follows] DPRI/1/1626/A1-2 Rutter & George Paxton my whole executores of this my last will & tetamente. In witness wherof, William Fletcher Christofer Robinson Richard ffoster. A tme & perficte inventorie of all the goods & chattelles, moveable & unmoveable, of Richard Dunes of Esington, late deseased, praised by Christopofer Paxton, George Warden, Robert Paxton & Richard ffoster, the fourth daye of August 1626. Richard Dune of Easington, 1626 In the name of God, Amen, the thirtie daye of Maie, one thousand, sixe hundereth, twentie & syx, I, Richard Dune of Esington within the countie of Durham, being secke of bodye but of a sounde & perfict memorie, thankes be to God thereof, doe make this my last will and testament, the daye and yeare first above written, in manner & forme followeing. I give & bequieth my soule into the hands of the ever liveing God, my creator & merceifulle father, hopeing that he will receave me into his ever lasting kingdome as an inheritor thereof for ever, through the merits of Jesus Christe, his onely begotten sonne & my onely medyator and redemer. I give and bequeith my body to the grounde in hope that it shall rise again, at the last daye, to etemall lyfe through the poore of the Holye Ghost, my present comforter, and that it shalbe decentlye buried in Esington churchyard, nere my ancestors. I give and bequeith unto my sysster, Isabell Robinson, late wife of Umpherye Robinson, five pounds & I give and bequieth unto Margrat Taller, wife to William Taller, five pounds & to hir childrens, five pounds, to be equally divided amongest them, this Margrat Taller beinge my syster daughter. I give & bequaith unto John Foggat of Esington, five pounds. I give & bequieth unto Isable Corble, being my servant & hath taken much paines about me, xls. I give & bequieth unto Ane, daughter of Thomas Ullae, being my sisster's sonne’s daughter, xxs. I give unto Richard ffoster children of Esington, xxs. I give & bequieth unto Robart Paxton of Esington, the elder, five pounds. I give & bequieth unto George Rutter's daughter, Myrrill Rutter, xxs. I give & bequieth unto George Paxton's sonne, John Paxton, 10s. All the rest of my goods & chattlles, my debts paide, my funeralle expenses deduced, I give & bequieth unto George Rutter, being my sisster Anne Ruter's sonne, & to George Paxton of Esington, he marriing my syster's daughter, being my frind that I make most ackount one therefore. I doe constitute & appointe the foresaid George Imprimus, tow kine, praised at Item, tow whyes, praised at Item, fortie old sheepe Item, one score of lambes Item, old hey & new hey Item, for stro Item, tow arkes, tow ledders & other implementes Item, the crope on the earth Item, a musket bandalerie & murrain, with all that belonging to hir Item, his appriell & his purse 5 5 13 4 3 0s 0s 0s 0s 10s 9s 13s 14 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 1 0s 0d 3 6s 8d Debtes due unto Richard Dune Item, Raiphe Parken Item, Richard White Item, Anthony Robinson Item, Richard ffoster Item, Christofer Robinson Item, William Fletcher Item, Gilbart Paxton Edward Hutson Geoorge Wattson Lorance Huntter Legeses given by the said Richard Dune Item, Isable Robinson Item, John Foggitt Item, Robart Paxton Item, William Taller's wife, 5li & his children, 5li Item, Isable Corble Richard ffoster 9 5 3 30 10 8 2 0s 0s 0s 7s 0s 0s 3s 5s 12s 5s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d 5 0s 5 0s 5 0s 5 sic 2 0s 1 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Merrialle Rutter Thomas Ullae's daughter his finerall exspences Luke Furth. DPRI/1/1626/D1/1-2 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 3 15s 10d 10s 0d Richard Whyte of Hawthorne, 1627 Januarie the 29th, annoque domini 1626 In the name of God amen, I, Richard Whyte of Hawthorne, beinge, God's name be praised for it, (of good & perfect memorie), doe make & ordaine this my last will & testament in manner and forme as foloweth, viz., imprimis, I commend my soule to Almightie God, my most gratious saviour, and will that my bodie be buried in the churchyard at Esington. Ittem, I will that my brother-in-lawe, Christofer Armstronge, in full satisfaction of all reckonings betwene him & mee, shall have two third partes of my farme in Hawthorn torn the space & terme of eight yeares, begininge the first day of Maye which shalbe in the torn of our Lord, 1627, accordinge to a lease of the said 2 partes for 12 yeares bearinge date the first of May, 1623. Ittem I give unto my two daughters, Anne & Elizabeth, the close called Milbank Close and a pasture gate and a halfe in the coopes which belonged sometime to Marmaduke Highfield, untill my sonne, Myles Whyte, shall give unto my two said daughters, fifftie pounds. Ittem I give unto eyther of my said daughters, Anne & Elizabeth, for their filliall portions, fortie pounds, to be paid by my sonne Myles Whyte, if he be maried before them, to be paid by him in this manner, viz., twentie pounds at the daie of the mariage of eyther of them, and tenn pounds that time twelfmonth and other tenn pounds half-a-yeare after that. But if my said sonne do not marie in the meanetime, I will that the said fortie pounds to eyther of them be not paied unto my said daughters untill my brother Armstrong's time in the farme be fully expired, which will be about eight yeares hence, and then my sonne Myles, at the expiration of the said eight yeares, shall paye unto eyther of my said daughters, twentie pounds, and other twentie pounds to eyther of them, that time twelve month. Ittem, I give to eyther of my daughters a fourth part of all my household stuffe at the day of the mariage of eyther of them, & the other halfe therof to be devided equally betweene them at the death of my wife, Marie Whyte. Ittem, I will that my wife, Marye Whyte, doe finde William Scott, her brother, with meate, drinke & doathing dureing her naturall liffe, and after her decease, if the said William survive her, then I will that my sonne Myles doe paye unto the said William Scott ffortie shillings yearly dureing the life of the said William. Ittem, I give unto the poore twentie shillings. Ittem I give to my brother Meriman's three children, to each of them, a gimber hogg. Ittem, the rest of my goods, my debts, legacies & funerall expences discharged, I give to my wife, Maryeiuratas Whyte & my sonne Mylesreser Whyte & Anne & Elizabeth, my daughters, whom I make my joint executors of this my last will & testament. Debts dew by the testator. Imprimis, to Mr Abraham Robinson of Esington, clake, seventeene pounds. Ittem, to Richard Rowie of Lytle Thorpe, tenn pounds. Ittem to William Smithe of Pittington, three pounds. Ittem, to William Jefferson of Esington, tenn pounds. Ittem, to William Sharpe of Hesleden, five pounds. Ittem, to Nicholas Shadford of Hawthorne, five pounds, foure shillings & sixpence. Richard Whyte mark Sealed & signed in the presence of us Abraham Robinsoniuratus, clarke Nicholasiuratus Shadforth Anthonye Robsinson, his mark Robert Meriman, his marke Robert Tonge An inventorie of such goods & chattles as Richard White of Hawthorne, latly deceased, died possessed of, vewed and valued by William Sharpe, Christofer Armstronge, Roberte fforster and Nicholas Shadforth, 10th of Februarie, 1626 Imprimis, seaven kyne and six calves Item, one whie and fyve stirkes Item, foure horses and mares and a foale Item, thirtie ewes & hoggs Item, fyve swine Item, the corne in the barne and staggeth Item, the corne on the earth Item, waine & waine greare, plough and plough geare Item, the cupbords and a spence Item, the brasse & pewter Item, beds and beddinge Item, 5 chistes Item, tables & stooles & formes and quishions 24 7 8 10 1 4 1 4 3 6 8 1 1 10s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 6s 0s 6s 0s 0s 0s 6s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 8d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, two chimnes & three spitts, two rackencrookes & tonges Item, a winoweing cloth, sacks & pockes, sives & riddles Item, skeeles, mells & braninge trough, with dishes & trenchers Item, hay forkes, g……s & f…s, spades & shovels Item, yarne, geese & pullen Item, all his leases Item, his purse & apparel 1 6s 8d 10s 0d 5s 5s 1 10s 28 0s 3 6s 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 17 10 3 10 5 5 2 1 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 6d 8d 0d Summa totalis £114 13s 4d Debts oweing by the deceased Imprimis, to Mr Abraham Robinson of Easington, Clarke Item, to Richard Rowie of Litlethorp Item, to William Smith of Pittington Item, to William Jefferson of Esington Item, to William Sharpe of Hesledon Item, to Nicholas Shadforth of Hawthorne Item, to Williamm Newbye Item, more owing to Mr Abraham Robinson aforesaid Item, his funerall expences, money given to the poore, mortuarie &c. 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 4s 14s 15s 3 10s 0d Summa debitorum £58 3s 10d Item, the charges of probat of will & testament, bondsmen, witnesses &c. no entry Summa de claro besides the charges of will provinge £56 9s 2d DPRI/1/1627/W3/1-2 Christopher Robinson of Easington, yeoman, 1627 ffebruarie the twelfth, Anno Domini 1626 In the name of God, Amen, I, Christoffer Robinson of Esington within the countie of Durham, yeoman, being sicke in bodie but of a good and p[er]fect memorie, God be thanked for it, doe make & ordaine this my last will and testament in manner & forme following, vizt., I comend my soule unto the Almightie God, my redemer and will that my bodie be buried in Esington churchyard. Ittem, I give to my wiffe, Meriall Robinson, the lease of my ffarme in Esington during the time of her widowhood and if she marie again to any other man, my will is that my sonne, George Robinson, shall have my said lease. Ittem, I give & bequeath unto eyther of my two [said deleted] daughters, Isabell & Anne, twentie markes in moenye. Ittem, my will is that my lease shalbe renewed out of all my goods & chattells in generall. Ittem, I will that my two younger sonnes' partes of goods & chattells shall, by my wiffe & William Robinson, my brother, or their assignes, be put forth for the best benefite of my two sonnes, Thomas & Nicholas, untill they come to the age of twentie & one yeares &, in the meanetime, in regard my said two sonnes doe paye their parte out of my goods & chattells, towards the renewing of the lease, my will & desire is that they shall have their education, meate, drinke & cloathinge out of my said ffarme, hopinge, my two said sonnes, when it shall please God to enable them to worke, that then they will doe what lyeth in them for the benefite of the ffarme, unlesse the [sic] take any other course of liffe upon them. Ittem, all the rest of my goods & chattells, my rents paid, my ffunerall expences deducted, my wive's third sett forth unto hir out of my goods & chattells, I give & bequeath unto my five children, George Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Nicholas Robinson, Isabell Robinson & Anne Robinson & I doe constitute & appointe these my five children, joint executors of this my last will & testament. Ittem, I give & bequeath to Isabell Mason, twentie shillings. Ittem, to Ales Yeilder, twentie shillings & to her two children, eyther of them, a gimber lambe. Ittem, I give to Margerie Woolffe, twentie shillings & to her two children, either, a gimber lambe. Ittem, to each of William Mason six children a gimber lambe. Ittem, to George Jordeson's three children, each, a gimber lambe. Ittem, I give to William Jordeson's sonne of Newcastle, a gimber lambe. Ittem, to William Robinson two sones, each, a gimber lambe. Ittem, to the poore, twentie shillings. Ittem, I give to my brother Robert's sonne a gimber lambe. Witnesses heereof, Richard ffoster, William Robinson [Robert Robinson deleted], Robert Tongue & Abraha[m] Robinson, clarke. Abraham Robinson, clarkiur [full name signed] Robert Tongeiur [full name signed] Debts due to the testator Impr[imis], Robert Robinson Ittem, Edward Hudson Ittem, Richard Harison Ittem, Mr Mettforth's man 3 0s 0d 2 12s 10d 1 0s 0d 12s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Ittem, Mr Nicholas Heath de Eden, junior Ittem, John Rogerson Ittem, Robert Driden ofWhicham Ittem, Henrye Babington It[e]m, to Mr Nicholas Heath de Eden, junior 10 0s 0d 8 0s 0d 11s 0d 3s 6d 5s 0d An inventorie of all suche goods & chattels as Christofer Robinson of Easington, lately diseased, died possessed of, vewed & valued by George Wardell, Richard Walker, Christofer Paxton & Christofer Bee, 28 Marche 1627 Imprimis, sixe stotes 18 6s Item, fourteene kine 37 6s Item, towe whies, one of them with calfe 4 6s Item, foure stirkes 4 0s Item, eleven calves 7 6s Item, towe buls & a branded stirke 4 13s Item, thirtie & three ewes & lames 13 4s Item, thirtie & three ewes without lames 9 0s Item, thirtie weathers & tuppes 6 13s Item, fourtie & nine sheepe hogges 13 0s Item, five kine & calves 13 6s Item, eight oxen 39 0s Item, fouer mares 8 13s Item, tow stagges & towe foales 6 0s Item, come in the stackgarthe 7 0s Item, haye in the stackgarthe 1 10s Item, the crop upon the ground in Esington towne feilds & Pespoole fields 25 0s Item, plough & plough geare, wanes & wane gere 8 0s Item, timber 13s Item, his purse & apparrell 2 0s Item, an amris & cauwell & other woodden vessell 2 0s Item, brasse & pewder vessell 3 6s Item, beddings & bedcloathes 2 0s Item, tow bed steades 4s Summa totalis [no entry] DPRI/1/1627/R9/1-2 8d 8d 8d 0d 8d 4d 0d 0d 4d 0d 8d 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d Percivell Wilbourne of Shotton, 1629 In the name of God, Amen, I, Percyvell Wilbourne of Shotton, sicke and craised in body but in good and perfect remembrance, laud and praise be unto Almightie God, my only maker, savour and redemour, doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme ffollowing. ffirst, I commend my soule to the Almighty God in whose mercy I hop to be saved, and my body to be buried in Easington churchyeard. Item, I give unto my wiff, Dorothy Wilbourne, xxli. Item, I give unto my wiff Dorothy the easter halfe of the newe house of Humble Knowle. Item, I charge my sonn, John Wilbourne, to fynd his mother, meat, drinke and apparill soe long as she shall live. Item, I give unto my daughter Barbary Thompson xli. deleted Item, I give unto my daughter’s children ffifty poundes and that money to goe forward to the use and profitt of my daughter’s children till they come at age, at the discretion of Christopher Richardson, John Thompson, John ffoster and John …… deleted. Item, I give unto my sonne Edward Wilbourne, one hundred and ten pounds in regard of his portion. Item, I give unto Christofer Jerdison, my wive's sonn, ffower pounds. Item, I give unto Anne Jerdison, my wive's daughter, other fower pounds. Item, I give unto my ffirst wive's children, everie one of them, ffiveten shillinges apece. Item, I give unto my brother, John Wilbourne, fforty shillinges. Item, I give unto my said brother, John Wilbourne, halfe my clothes, saving my clockes. Item, I give unto my sister, Jaynat Smyth, fforty shillinges of lawfull Englishe mones. Item, I give unto my sister husband, William Smith, the other halfe of my clothes, saving the clockes. Item, I give unto the poore in the parish of Easington xxs. Item, I give unto the poore of the parish of Trymdon, other twentie shillinges. If the Lord will that I shall dy and from this wretched world depart, this wicked world I doe leave withall my last will and hart. In witnes whereof I have to this, my last will and testament, sett to my hand and seale the xxth daie of June in the ffist yeare of the reigne of our souveraigne lord, Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, ffrance and Ireland, King, Defender of the ffaith, Anno Domini 1629. And I, Percyvell Wilbourne, before the ensealinge hereof, doe make my son, John Wilbourne, whole executor and to see that these portion and legacies be paied and dischardged that then his signum Percyvell Wilbourne EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Sealed and delivered in the presence of us John Liddell mark Richard Liddell iuratus My mening is that this will shall stand & be good but that my mening is to give my sonne, Edward, fifty poundes more then is within the will to make him eight score whereof I give him forty poundes nowe and the sixe score that is remaineing to be in John Wilbourne hand, his brother's hand, & to give him vij poundes in the yeare during his life and if it please God that the said Edward shall have any children, that every one of these children shall have five poundes a peace after Edward desese. Item, I give unto Barbary Thompson hir childerren thre score poundes amonges them. Item, I give unto my wife all my househould stufe and, for my armore, I give unto my sone John and this I make to inlarge my will a for going. In witness whereof I set my hand & marke the sixt dave of March 1630. Parsevell Wilboume his mark Wittnes, Christofer Richardson juratus John Tomson his marke juratus Memorandum that the witnesses of this codicill affirmeth that the testator caused the fower lynes in the will rated, to be soe rated by the directions of this the said testator att the makeinge of the codicill. DPRI/1/1629/W Lancelot Wilkinson of Horden, yeoman, 1629 Memorandum, that Lancelott Wilkinson of Horden, yeamonn, deceased, who died the nine and twentie day of Januarye last, 1629, beinge sicke and weake in body but of a perfect mind and memorie, did, the day before his death, desire to speake with Sir John Conyers, baronet, who no souner came unto him but he told him he did much desire to make his last will and testament that ever he entended to make in this life, unto which words the said Sir John Conyers maid answere that he hard he was not unprovided of a will already maid by Mr Robinson, unto which the said Lancelot Wilkinson replyed he had burned it and nowe he wold relaite his last will which, having once repeated over, he did desire the said Sir John Conyers to put it in writinge at that instant which was doun to the effect as followeth: ffirst, I give unto Elizabethe Pattison, daughter of Margarett Pattison, thirtie pounds for her portion which I desire Sir John Conyers, barronett, to stay in his hand, fourthe of the hundred pounds I am to receive of him at Lammas, and that he will be pleased to continue it in his hand for her use, paying the concederation yerely thereof unto George Grahame of Horden ffor her maintenance, who I do desire to keepe her during her noneage for my mind is that, my brother William shall not have the bringing on her upe nor have her education and my mind further is that after it shall please God the said Elizabethe Pattison shall accomplishe the age of tenn yeres, that then she shall maintain her self by her survice and all the use of the thirtie pounds shall be reserved to her portion untill such time as she may lawfully dispose of it and, if she shall happen to die or she can dispose thereof, then the said moneyes to discend upon my brother William Wilkinson and my brother is to give her all maintenance untill Martinmas next otherwise to receive after the rate of 40s a yere for her maintenance deleted unto George Graime in respect he hathe received mony all ready for her maintenance. I give and bequeathe unto John Wilkinson, my brother William's sonn, 10li. More 1 give unto Jane, William his daughter, 10li. I give to 8 children I christened every one, 5s, 2li. I give to George Graime of Horden, 2li. I give unto Margrett Halcote, jli. I give to Margarett Boyes, 2li. I give Elizabethe Marshall, 10s and I give Mary Halliday, her daughter, 10s, jli. And my will concerning my funerall is that every aged poore shall, at my burial, receaive every one, 2d and the younger poore, jd a peace and the neighbours shall have entertenment with plentie at Easington after a neighbourly manner and for the discharge thereof, I do allowe fburteene pounds and if any thinge do remaine it shall be to the benefitt of my executor who I do ordaine to be my brother William Wilkinson of this my last will and testament. Wittnes whereof John Conyeres Debts owing unto the testator Sir John Conyers, barronett as last part of payment for my beasts due at Lammas next Mr Nicholas Heathe for 3 swine already due John Pope Bartholomew Starne Debts owing by the testator William Stoddart upon bond 100 0s 0d 1 5s 0d 3s 0d 2s 6d 101 10s 6d 10 16s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 To Sir John Conyers upon? reconinge for beast gates Item, two hens John Conyeres The inventory of all the goods & chattels mouveable & inmouveable of Lancelott Wilkinson of Horden in the parish of Easington in the county of Durham, yeoman, praised by Thomas Paxton & George Paxton of Little Thorpe, George Grame, Robert Atkinson of Horden, all within the parish of Easington in the coun-tie of Durham, yeomen, this first day of ffebruary, Anno Domini 1629. Inprimis, his purse valued to Item, all his clothes, linnen and wollen belonging to his backe or bodily wearing Item, for his linnen & harden sheets with other linnen Item, for sword & belt Item, all his bedding Item, two yards of new kersie Item, fower pound of linnen yame & fower of harden yame Item, for a cubbard & spence Item, two chaires Item, thre bedsteads Item, fower chests Item, a wollen wheele Item, a table and two stooles Item, all the pewter vessell Item, all the wodden vessell Item, all the brasse vessell Item, a hopper and a basket Item, 1 pokes and 2 seckes Item, all the iron stuffe Item, waine ropes Itejm, a saddle Item, bourds and other wood geare Item, two kine and a calfe Item, the hay Item, one mare 8d Summa totallis 22 8s 8d Debtes oweing to the testator Inprimis, by Sir John Coniers, baronet, upon bond 100 0s 0d Thomas Paxton George Paxton, his marke George Grame, his marke Robert Atkinson, his marke DPRI/1/1629/W10/1-4 Robert Paxton of Easington, 1630 1 10s 4d 3 0s 0d 1 4s 3s 3 5s 3s 0d 4d 0d 4d 5s 2 15s 1s 1 0s 8s 6d 0d 0d 0d 0d 6d 0d 8d 8d 0d 8d 0d 4d 6d 6d 4d 8d 8d 0d 4s 6s 6s 12s 1s 3s 3s 4 6s 6s 2 0s In the name of God amen, I, Robart Paxton of Easington in the county of Durham, yeoman, sicke in body but of good and perfect memorie, God be praised, doe make & ordaine this my last will and testament as followeth. Inprimis I comend my soule unto Almighty God, my creator, preserver and redeemer, and will that my body be buried in Easington church yard. Item, I will that my farme on the South Row in Easington and all my goods and chatteles be sold and all my debtes being discharged therewith, the remainder I dispose of in this maner: I give to Jane Gorn, my daughter, for her filiall porcion iij li vjs and viijd. ltem, I give to Alice, my wife, a cow at her owne choise. Ltem, I give to my sonne, Christofer, my young blacke mare. The rest of my goods, moveable and unmoveable, my debtes, legacies and funerall expences discharged, I give to my sonnes Christofer, James and Richard whom I make ioint executors of this my last will and testament, which executorshipp I will shall stand for there porc[i]ons. In witnes wherof I have sett my hande hereunto, this xxiiijth of ffebruarie anno domini 1629. Witnesses of this will, Abraham Robinson, Richard Foster, Thomas Paxton. A true inventorie of all the goodes and chattells of Robart Paxton of Easington within the countie of Durham, yeoman, late deceased, praised the EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 ffowerth day of March, one thousand, sixe hundreth, twentie seaven, by Richard Walker, George Wardell, Thomas Paxton and Robert Jameson as hereafter followeth Imprimis, fower oxen & one stot praised att Item, fower kine and two whies praised at Item, two calves praised att Item, one horse and one mare praised att Item, corne in the garth praised att Item, ffower swine praised att Item, one hay stacke praised att Item, the cropp on the ground praised att Item, the plow geare and waine geare praised att Item, one litle cupbord with some other implements praised att Item, his purse and apparell praised at Item, his lease on the Southerowe praised at Item, three load of otes praised att Summa totalis Concordat hec copia cum original Mungo Scott [other text] Rich[ard] Newhouse [other text] DPRI/1/1630/P2/1-2 Item, I give to my daughter Margate in legasie 11 6s 8d 12 6s 8d 15s 0d 2 6s 8d 2 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 2 0s 0d 20 0s 0d 1 10s 0d 10s 0d 10s 0d 110 0s 0d 1 4s 0d 165 9s 0d per nos Philip Richardson of Shotton, 1630 In the name of God [Amen, I, Phillipp Richardson torn] of Shotton sicke in [body torn] but in good [and perfect memorie,? torn]thankes be to God, doe make my last will[and testament in torn] manner and forme following, first, I give [my soule torn] to almighty God my maker & redemer & [my bodie to be buried torn] within my parrish church yarde of [Easington? torn] Imprimise, I give to my eldest sonn [John torn] legasie Item, I give to my sonne Richard [in legasie torn] Item, I give to my sonne Thomas [in lega torn]sie Item, I give to my sonne Gorge [in legasie torn] Item, I give to my sonne Phillop in legasie 2 2 2 2 2 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 2 0s 0d Item, I give all the rest of my goodes, moveable & unmoveable, [to my wife & my sonne John whom I make sole exsecators of this my last will and testament deleted] Item, I give my wife & rest of my childeren all the rest of my goods, moveable and unmoveable, my detes, legasie & funeralle expens discargges. I do make my wife & my eldest sonne John whome I maik my sole executors of this my last will and testement. Dettes owing by the testator Imprimis owing to William Stoderte Item, owing to Parservell Welbourne Item, owing to Gorg Tomson Item, owing to Robarte Dobson Item, owing to Phillope Clark Item, Christofer Heryson Item, owing to Christofer Stodarte Item, owing to Jane Emersone Item, owing for bushope rent Item, owing for tind [?] rent Item, owing for writing of lease Thomas Paxtoniur [full name signed] John Tomsoniur [marked with a symbol] 20 10 8 4 2 2 1 21 0s 0s 0s 0s 10s 10s 0s 0s 13s 18s 3 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d An inventory of all the [goods and ch torn]attells movable and unmoveable of Ph[illip Rich torn]ardson of Shotton & in the parrish of Easi[ngton torn] dissesed, praised by foure indifferent m[en torn] November viiij 1630 John Tomson, Thomas [torn], Richard Jurdeson, James Byers Imprimise, foure oxen Item, iij stottes Item, v keye, one quye & one stu[rk torn Item, tow calfes Item, ix old shepe & vj hoges Item, a horse & a mare Item, a sewe & a pige Item, fourty threaves of wheat & rey Item, otes & pease Item, wheat & rey sowne one grond 12 0s 0d 5 6s 8d 9 6s 8d 13s 4d 3 10s 0d 3 6s 8d 13s 4d 10 0s 0d 4 0s 0d 6 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, haye Item, long waines & cop waines with axiltres & stinges at Item, one oxe harrow, a paire of horse harrows Item, two plowes with a pair of irones Item, foure yokes, three somes, two shakles, a pair of hors geare Item, a sholle, a spad, one mucke hacke & two fowe Item, his purse & apparrell Item, a cubbard & one cawell Item, pewder vessell Item, two kettell & two pottes Item, wod vessell with seves & riddell hopper Item, three kistes Item, waines, ropes & two irones forkes Item, two beds & one presser Item, coverlides, hapen & blankets Item, one matteres & v codes Item, one table, one chare, two chesbres Item, a pair of bares, a spate, a reckon croke, a frying pane Item, one arke & a riding sadle Item, foure paire of line sheats, iij paire of harden, tow table cose, ij pellebers Item, a bead, one cote Item, a case for two lines DPRI/1630/R4/1-2 3 0s 0d 4 13s 4d 8s 0d 5s 0d 11s 0d 3s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 6s 8d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 10s 0d 3s 4d 2s 0d 10s 0d 1 6s 8d 1 0s 0d 3s 0d 5s 0d 4s 0d 1 10s 0d 2s 0d 30 0s 0d Elizabeth Smyth of Little Eden, widow, 1632 In the name of God amen, I, Elizabeth Smyth, of late of the cetie of Durham and nowe of Litle Eden, widdow, being sicke and weake in body yet of good and perfete remembrance, thankes be geven to almightie God, doo make and ordaine this my last will and testament in maner and forme ffolloing, first and prencirpally, I committ my soule to Almightie God, my maker and redeemer, in full assurance of a ioyfull reserrecction at the day of iudgement, and my body to bee hurried in the parish church of St Marrie's within the South Bayley, in the Citty of Durham, as neare unto my late husband as conveniently may be. Item, I give and dispose to the poorest inhabitants of that parish the some of xxs to be destributed by the discretion of my executrix and her husband. Item, I give and bequeath to the poore of the paresh of Easington the some of xxs to be distrebuted at the descretion of my executrix and her husband. Item, I give and bequeath unto Henry Croone, my godsonne, the sume of xli at xxj yers of age. Item, I give and bequeath unto my grandchild, Roger Heath, sonne of Nicholas Heath of Litle Eden, the some of one hundreth pounds to be paid when he shall accomplish the age of xxjtie yeares in case hee soo long live, the same to remain in the hands of his father & mother during his minoritie without making any allowance for the same. Item, I geve and bequeath to my grandchild, Elizabeth Heath, daughter of the saide Nicalas Heath, the some of fiftie pounds to be paid unto her when she shall accomplesh the age of xxjtie yeares or be married, by and with the consent of her parents without any alowance for the same. Item, I give unto her, the said Elizabeth Heath, one fetherbed with bolster, pillowes and all other things belonging the furniture of a bed. Item, I give and bequeath unto Margret Heath, another of my sone's daughters, the some of xxxli [twentie pounds in National Archives copy] & to Kathrine Heath, her sester, the some of xxxli to be paid unto them when they shall accomplesh the age of xxi yeares or bee married, without any allowance for the same. Item, I give and bequeath to Nicholas Heath, there brother, my grandchild, the some of xxxli to be paid unto him when he shall accompleshe the age of xxi yeares without any alowance for the same. Item, I give unto Franses Heath, my goddaughter and grandchild, another of the daughters, the some of xxli, a fetherbed, bolster & furneture belonging there unto when shee shall accompleshe the age of xxjtie yeares or to be paid unto her at her marege, by and with the consent of her parence. Item, I give and bequeath to my worthie kind ffrend Mrs [P]eacocke, one gold ring with death’s hed upon it. Item,I give and bequeath unto my [kinde] frend [MrsAnne Newhouse, wife of Mr Richard Newhouse, for a remembrance to weare for my] sake, xxxs in a reng. Item, I give and bequeath to Mr Richard Nuhouse, my loving & kind frend, to were in a ringe for my sake, xxs. Item, I give and bequeath to my servant, Issabell Hodgshon, the some of xxs. All the rest of my goods and chattels whatsoever, my funerale being descharged, I geve & bequeath to my daughter, Elizabeth Heath, wiffe unto Mr Nicholas Heath, whome I make my executrix of this my last will & testament. And I make & ordaine my sonn in law, Mr Nicales Heath of Litle Eden, my supavisor hereof, in witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale, the 20th of March, 1631 [in the presence of MrNicholas Heath, Richard Redhead]. ES seal Seld in the presence of us Nicales Heath Christopher Humble, the mark of Richard Redhead mark EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 [ Text in italics supplies torn and missing material in Durham copy from the National Archives copy] DPRI/1/1632/S13/1; another copy in National Archives, Prob 11/161 John Lynn of Shotton, yeoman, 1632 In the name of God, Amen, xixth day of Aprill, anno domini 1632, I, John Lynn of Shotton in the county of Durham, yeoman being sicke in body but in whole and perfect memorie, thanks be to God, doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. ffirst, I committ and comend my soule into the hands of Almightie God, my creator, and his sonne, Jesus Christ, my redemer, hopeing assuredly to be saved by his death and merritts alone, and by a true and lively faith in him and by no other meanes, and I will that my body be buryed within my parish churchyard of Sedgfeild so neare unto my brother, William Lynn, as conveniently may be. And touching such wordly estate of goods and chattells as it hath pleased Almighty God of his great mercy to bestow upon me, I doe hereby dispose as followeth. ffirst, I doe give and bequeath unto my sonnes, William, Richard and Robert, and to my daughters, Ann and Mary, unto everie of them, the summe of one hundreth pounds for their filiall and child’s porcions. ltem, I doe give and bequeath unto my sonne, William, my best gray gelding. ltem I doe give and bequeath unto my sonne, Robert, my best yong gray mare. ltem, I doe give and bequeath unto my brother, Robert Lynn, tenn shillings and to my brother, Richard Lynn, tenn shillings for tokens. ltem, I doe give unto Elizabeth Lynn, xs, to Ellin Lynn, xs, and to Jone Lynn, xs. ltem, I doe give unto Christofer Hixon, xxs, to Edward Hixon, xxs. ltem, I doe give unto Elizabeth Hixon, Margaret Hixon and Margerie Hixon, to everie of them, one bushell of wheate. ltem, the residue of all my goods, moveable and unmoveable, my depts, legacies and funerall expenses being deducted, I doe give and bequeath unto my loveing wife, Elizabeth Lynn, and my sonne, William Lynn, whome I make and ordaine the sole executors of this my last will and testament. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name the daie & yeare above written. Johne Lynn, signum In the presence of us. Richard Butler John Hixon, marke John Farelesse Shotton, primo Maij An inventorie of all the goods & chattels, moveable and unmoveable, belonging unto John Lynn, late of Shotton deceased, apprised by Richard Butler, James Jordan, John Cowling & Thomas Storye as followeth lmprimis, xij oxen ltem, xxix kyne & one bull ltem, xxij stotts ltem, viij stotts & six whies ltem, xx yeare old calves ltem, one yong bull ltem, ix mares and ij horses ltem, five fillies & five yeare old fooles ltem, one gray fillye, 3 yeares old, given by legacie unto Robert Lynn ltem, one gray horse given by legacie unto William Lynn ltem, 180 ewes with lambes ltem, 180 hoggs ltem, xlij shering wethers ltem, ix tupps ltem, xxix fatt wethers ltem 4 swyne ltem, corne in the barne & staggard ltem, corne groweing on the ground ltem, ploughes & waines with furniture thereunto belongeing ltem, in the hall house, two cubbards ltem, 3 other cubbards ltem, brasse & puder ltem, bedding & furniture thereunto belonging with chiste & stooles ltem, bedsteades & tables ltem, milke bowles, skeles with other furniture belonging unto milknesse ltem, spitts & racks with such other like necessaries ltem, beefe & bacon with other provision for the house ltem, one musket ltem, tableclothes, napkins & other lining ltem, his purse & his apparel 56 93 60 23 21 1 26 22 0s 0s 0s 10s 10s 10s 13s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 3 11 86 68 20 4 20 2 35 60 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 13s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 9 0s 0d 3 13s 0d 8 0s 0d 3 0s 0d 15 0s 0d 2 10s 10s 4 0s 10s 6 10s 20 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 ltem, moneyes oweing unto him DPRI/1/1632/L5/1,3 55 0s 0d William Ingleby of Great Haswell, yeoman, 1632 In the name of God, amen, June the five and twentieth, anno domini 1632 and the eighth yeere of the reigne of our soveraigne lord, Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith etc., I, William Ingleby of Great Haswell in the county pallatine of Durham, yeoman, being visitted with sickness but of good and perfect memory (praised be God) doe constitute and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, revokeing thereby in law and in deede all my former wills and testaments whatsoever. Imprimis, I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker, hopeing assuredly through the onely meritts of Christ, my saviour and redeemer, to be made partaker of life everlasting, and my body to the ground whereof it is made to be interred in Easington churchyarde. Item, I give to the stock of the poore of the parish of Easington five pounds. Item, I give to my wife, Elizabeth Ingleby, five pounds for a legacy. Item, whereas my wife is now with child, my will is that if it be a man child he shall have my lease of the Moore-house and halfe of a farme in Rainton when he cometh to the age of eighteene yeares. Item, I give to the sayd manchild an hundred pounds when he cometh to the sayd age. Item, I give to my daughter, Margrett Ingleby, eight score pounds and if shee shall marry with the consent of her mother and my brother in law Richard Thursby and my brother John Ingleby, I give her the lease of Flemin field. Item, I give and bequeath to my second daughter, for her portion, seaven score pounds. Item, I give to my third daughter Isabell six score pounds. Item, I give and bequeath to my fourth daughter Anne four score pounds and the close I bought of John Bell in Rainton. Item, if my wife shall beare mee now a daughter I give and bequeath to the sayd daughter six score pounds and then my will is that my oldest daughter Margrett shall have my lease of the Moorehouse, provided always if shee marry with the consent of her mother and her 2 uncles aforesayd. And if shee doe not marry with their consent, I give her eight score pounds and my lease to goe to the rest of her sisters. And my will is that my second daughter] Elizabeth shall have my lease in Rainton if she marry with consent as aforesaid, and if shee marry without consent then my will is that shee have eight score pounds and the lease to goe to the rest of her sisters. And my will is that my third daughter Isabell shall have my lease of Flemin field if she marry with consent as aforesayd, but if she marry without consent of her mother and 2 uncles, my will is that shee shall have eight score pounds and the lease to be divided amongst her sisters and my fourth daughter to have the close I bought of John Bell and an hundred pounds. Item, my will is that none of my daughters shall have any benefitt of my leases till they come to the age of eighteen yeers. Item, my will is that my daughters shall live with my wife till they come to age to chose their guardian and that each of my children shall have five pounds a yeer for their education. Item, my will is that my fourth daughter Anne and that daughter my wife shall beare mee shall have their portions made up three hundred pounds a yeare a peece. Item, I give and bequeath to my nephew, John Ingleby, twenty shillings. Item, I give and bequeath to Mungay Burne fourty shillings. Item, I give to each of my three men servants a noble. Item, I give to Christopher Richardson of Shotton tenne shillings, to George Wardell of Easington tenne shillings and to Thomas Sharpe tenne shillings, whom I make overseers of this my will. Item, I desire my brother in law, Richard Thursby, and my brother, John Ingleby, to see this my will performed and my will is that each of them shall have four pounds. Item, my will is that out of my lands, rents and goods, moveable and unmoveable, my yongest children that have no leases shall have their portions to be made equall with those that have the leases, if the goods will amount to so much. Item, I make my wife, Elizabeth Ingleby, sole executrix of this my last will and testament, in wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand the day and yeere above written in the p[re]sence of us. William Ingleby, his marke [marked with a symbol] Christofer Richardson [full name signed] George Wardell [full name signed] Richard Thursbyiur [full name signed] Thomas Sharpeiur [full name signed] Julij xixth 1632 A trew inventory of all the goods & chattels of William Ingleby late of Great Haswell, deceased, in the countye of Durham, yeoman, with their severall prices as they were apprised by Christofer Richeson, William Hirdman, George Wardale & Robert Dixon in the said countye, yeomen, the day & yeare abovesaid. Imprimis, in ready money & bonds Item, his apparell 210 0s 0d 6 13s 4d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, a beddsteed, mattres, ffeatherbed, one boulster & two pillowes, one paire of blancketts, 2 happins & coverlid with curteynes & vallence in the forehouse Item, a beddsteed, mattres, ffeathebed, one boulster & two pillowes, one paire of blancketts, two happins, a coverlidd with curteynes & vallence in the chamber over the house Item, a bedsteed, mattres, ffeatherbedd, one boulster, two pillowes, one paire of blancketts, two happins & a coverlett in the chamber over the parler Item, a truckelbedd, a featherbedd, mattres, a paire of blancketts, a bowster, 2 pillowes, 2 happins, on coverlett in the forehouse Item, the servants’ bedds, two mattresses, two bowsters, two paire of blancketts, fower happins Item, the men servants’ bedd Item, more beddinge in a presse, five happins, two coverletts, two carpetts, a feathered ticke, a bowster & curtaynes [illegible Item, a dosen & a halfe of cushons Item, sixe paire of linninge sheats, sixe paire of pillowbers Item, a dosen & a halfe of harden sheates, two paire of Pillowbers Item, two linn table cloathes Item, three dosen of napkins Item, two shorte course table cloathes & sixe course napkins Item, thirtye yards of lynninge cloath Item, fiftye two yards of harden cloath Item, sixe lynn towells Item, Fower dosen & fower pece of pewter, a dosen sawcers, a dosen porindgers, five flagin potts, a pynt pott, three pewter and seaven brasse candlestickes An ewer, fower double salte sellers, fower pewter cupps, thre chamber potts, a tynne botle & a cadle pott Item, a silver bowle & halfe a dosen of spoones Item, sixe brasse potts at Moore houses Item, three kettles, two fishe pannes, three iron potts, one little brasse pott & a skellett, five little pannes Item, three iron chimneyes, two spitts, one paire of rackes, two dripin pannes, two paire of tonges, a fire shovell, two laddles, a chafin dishe, two paire of broylinge irons, two sherdin knives, a smoothinge iron & two reckin crookes, two morters & two pestells 4 0s 0d 3 6s 8d 1 13s 4d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 13s 4d 6 13s 4d 1 10s 0d 3 0s 0d 3 12s 8s 1 16s 3s 1 10s 1 5s 6s 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d 4 2s 0d 4 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 3 0s 0d 1 0s 0d Item, a presse, a liivery cuberd, a chare & two chists, a glasse case A cuberd & a cawell Item, one table & a forme, three chaires and eight stooles Item, two cubberds & a table att Moore house Item, all the wod vessell, 3 dosen of trenchers Item, a muskitt & bandelere & fowelinge peece Item, plow & plowe geere, waine & waine geere Item, all the poletrey Item, two whit stackes & two oate stackes Item, eight [loade? creased ] of oates in the howse Item, all the mradow hay & strawe with the profitt of the falloes Item, come on the grounde, seaventeene ackers of wheat, rye & bigg & xiiijtene ackers of oats Item, butter, cheese Item, sixtene [illegible, creased] one cowe & three stotts in Flemin field Item, twentye kyne & two whyes Item, foure [illegible, creased ] there Item, twenty oxen in Falloe field Item, fower stotts there Item, eight stotts there Item, twelve oxen there Item, seaventeene kyne & a bull Item, fower two yeare ould beasts & a quye Item, five calves Item, tenn runts in Deadman Dailes Item, yewes two hundred & twelve tuppes Item, weathers & dimmons, 287 Item, yewes & rigelts, 38 Item, lammes, 135 Item, three mares & a fole & a crucke horse Item, a stande horse Item, a blacke horse Item, a gray mare, a bay mare, a sorreld mare & her stagg Item, fower swine Item, one blacke courlt & a bay filley Item, the lease of Mare House Item, the lease att Raynton called Pitt field Item, the lease of fflemin field 3 2 2 4 2 1 12 10s 10s 0s 0s 6s 10s 10s 6s 15 0s 3 4s 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 26 6s 8d 60 0s 0d 2 10s 0d 70 52 12 63 12 30 57 53 6 2 36 86 130 9 27 12 4 6 15 2 7 400 100 100 0s 0s 0s 6s 0s 0s 0s 0s 13s 10s 13s 0s 0s 10s 0s 0s 10s 0s 0s 13s 10s 0s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 The total som[m]e is Debts owinge by the deceased, funerall charges, expences, legasies & other dybursements 1106 4d 3s 205 3s 4d Sic rest 902 7s 4d vijo Octobris, 1636 Exhibitum fuit hui[ ] inventory per Elizabetham, executricem &c. DPRI/1/1632/I1/1-3 Thomas Marshall of Hawthorn, yeoman, 1634 In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Marshall of Hawthorne in the countie of Durham, yeoman, being sick of bodye but in good and perfect memorie, thanks be to allmightie God, doe make my last will and testiment in manner and forme following. ffirst I bequeath my soule to allmightie God, my maker, hopeing to be saved throughe the mirits of his sonne, my saviour Jesus Christ, and my body to be buried in my parish church yeard of Easington nere the east end of the church. Legacies by the testator. lmprimis, I give unto my eldest daughter, Isable, one of my best ewes and lambs, and likwisse to my second daughter, Margaritt, I give another of my best ewes and lambs. The rest of all my goods, moveable and immouveable, my debts, legacies and ffunerall expences descharged, I give and bequeth to Isable and Margarit, my daughters, and I doe constitute and appoynt Elizabeth Marshall, my wife, executor of this my last will and testiment. Debts the testator oweth lmprimis, to Thomas Herrysonn of Readmarshall ltem, to Thomas Sharpe of Hawthorne ltem to Thomas ffoster of Hesselden 28 0s 0d 3 10s 0d 2 0s 0d In wittness wherof, to this my last will and testament, I have sette my hand and seale, this 13th day of March, anno 1633 Thomas Marshall's mark and seal Witnesses John ffosteriur Thomas Thompson's mark Robert Sharpeiur An inventorie of all the goods and chattle moveable and immoveable of Thomas Marshall of Hawthorne in the countie of Durham, yeoman late deseased, valued and prized by ffoure sufficient men whose nams are underwritten, March the 28th, anno Caroli 10, Anno Domini 1634 lmprimis, sex kin and foure calves ltem, two quies and foure yeare ould calves ltem, on mare ltem, on and twentie ewes and lambs Itjem, ten sheap-hogs and on ram ltem, two acres of corne growing on the earth and on of wheat and on of ware corne ltem, corne in the barne with hay and straw !tem, on swine ltem, bras and puther together with a presse ltem, on bed and beding ltem, new linin and harden unused ltem, thre pare of sheats ltem, thre chests and all other wooden vessel ltem, all the poultre ltem, his purse and his apparell Suma tottallis is Debts the testator oweth lmprimis, to Thomas Herrysone ltem, to Thomas Sharpe ltem, to Thomas ffoster ltem, his Whitsontid rents ltem, his tith rent ltem, his ffunerall expences & to the poore of the parish Some of debts is £37 18s 1d Sum remaineing is £16 5s 11d Prisers’ names Willam Sharpe Robert ffoster's mark Thomas Sharpe William Pattson's mark DPRI/1/1634/M3/1,3 16 7 3 8 2 0s 10s 10s 10s 18s 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 13s 10s 0s 13s 0s 0s 0s 13s 1s 1 13s 53 13s 4d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 4d 0d 28 3 2 2 0d 0d 0d 9d 4d 0d 0s 10s 0s 2s 13s 1 12s EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 William Newby deceased William Newby of Little Haswell, 1635 June the 16th, 1635 A true Innvitory of all the goods of William Newby of Little Haswell in the parish of Easington, deceased the 13 th day of this present moneth. Imprimis, his purse and his apperrell Two stotts and thre whyes at xxxiijs iiijd a beast Two yeare old stirkes at xviijs a beast Thirtene key at iijli a cow Two oxen for draft Two mares Eighty nine shepe at eight shillins a sheepe The cropp of come one the ground For the plough geare and waine geare Houshold stuffe, two cubberts in the hall Twenty pewder dublers with other puder plate Beding, thre coverlids Seaven happens Thre matterisses Two paire of blanket A boulster with foure pillowes Two calderans Five panes One iron pott with a brasse pott Thre bed steeds A table in the hall with seats A longsettle in the hall Two chares with thre joynt stooles Soma totalis 153 16s 4d Valued by us whose names is hereunto written Robart Chilton [full name signed] John Gibson, his marke [marked with a symbol] George Burdon, his marke [marked with a symbol] John Scurfeild [full name signed] A note of the debts of the forsaid 3 8 1 39 10 9 35 30 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 6s 6s 16s 0s 10s 0s 12s 0s 10s 0s 0s 10s 15s 10s 0s 15s 13s 10s 10s 10s 10s 4s 5s 8d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 4d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d Imprimis, to Robert Chilton Item, to Thomas Thursby Item, to Mr Robinson Item, to John Foster Item, to Thomas Shephard Item, to John Martiell Item, to Isable Barcas Item, to John Rutter Item, for the funerall Soma totalis 20 13 10 4 4 3 3 1 5 64 0s 10s 0s 6s 0s 0s 0s 10s 0s 6s 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d DPRI/1635/N1/2 Abraham Robinson of Easington, clerk, 1636 In the name of god amen, I, Abraham Robinson of Easington in the countie Durham, clerke, sick in bodie but of good perfect memorie, God’s name be praised for it, do mak and appoynt this my last will and testament, as followeth. Imprimis, I comend my soull to my most mercifull redeimer and will that my bodie be buried at Easington church. Item, I give unto my wyfe, Elizabeth Robinson, so long as she remaines my widow; my farme in Littill Thorp, near Easington, and my two fynnes or coppiholds in Easington, to enjoy and bestow the benefit of the same towarde her owne maintance and the maintance of my three naturall children, Elizabeth Robinson, Gabriell Robinson and Mildred Robinson, and encreasse of their portiones untill my two daughters be married and my sonne, Gabriell, be of the age of on and twentie yeires, and then my wife Elizabeth to have her thirds of the farme, during the rest of hir life naturall, and the said farme and coppiholds to come entirelie unto my said son Gabriell, provyded that my son Gabriell be maintained out of the revenewes of the premisses till he be of the age of on and twentie yeires, and my two daughters, Elizabeth and Mildred, untill they be maried or capabill of their portiones; and in caise my said son, Gabriell, die unmaried or without heyre, that then the said farme and two coppiholds do discend and be divyded equallie betweine his two sisters, Elizabeth and Mildred, and their heires. Item, I give unto Elizabeth Robinson, my eldest daughter, for her full filiall portion, the summe of on hundereth and twentie pounds, to be payed unto her within halfe on yeir after her lawfull mariag. Item, I give unto EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 my daughter, Mildred, for her full filiall portione, the sume of fourscoar pounds, to be payed unto her within halfe an yeir after her lawfull mariage, and fourtie pounds mor to be payed unto her within two yeirs after that. Item, I will that all my housholde stuffe be divided betweine my wyfe and my two daughters Elizabeth and Mildred. Item, I give unto my son, Gabriell, all my bookes. Item, I will that my wife and my son Gabriell be ffynned in the coppihold of Easington holden of the Bishop of Durham so soon as may be. Item, I give unto the poore of Easington parish, twentie shillings. The rest of my goods, moveablle and immoveablle, my debts, legacies and funerall expensses discharged, I give unto my wife Elizabeth and my thrie childr, Elizabeth, Gabriell and Mildred, whom I mak joynt executores of this my last will and testament. In witnes whereof, I have set to my hand and seall the first day of Aprill on thousand, sex hundred, thirtie sex. Abraham Robinson [full name signed and seal attached] Witnesses of this will John Hood, witnes Richard Walker [Both these names in the same hand as the will] Item, two meires and on horse Item, four wedder sheip Item, eight ackers of wheat and eight ackers of warr corne Item, wheat in the hous, worth Item, of cupboards, tables, chests, chaires, bedding, naperie and other furnitorie to the value of Item, his apparrell and purse Item, wood about the hous Item, two capones, fyve hennes and a cock Item, an gander, a gous and nyne gaislings Item, books to the value of 2 1 16 2 16s 8s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 40 0s 0d 10 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 5s 0d 4s 0d 10. 0s 0d George Wardell Richard Walker Thomas Paxton DPRI/1/1636/R8/1-3 Edward Taylor of Haswell Grange, gentleman, 1636 Memorandum, that in the month of March, Anno domini, 1636, upon Debts due to the testator Imprimi, Mr Nicolas Heath of Eden, elder, four scoarpounds Item, Mr Thomas Nicolson of Hartinpooll, sixtein pounds Item, William Harrison of Pittington Halgarth, four pounds Item, Cuthbert and Robert Jurdeson of Hauthorne, fyve pounds Item, Williame Newbie and John Newbie, ten pounds Item, John Foster and Nicolas Shadforth, fourteine pounds Item, Richard Walker, ten pounds Item, Thomas Robinson of Hawthorne and James Robinson, ten pounds Item, George Paxton, eightein shillings Item, Henrie Farrow, twentie shillings Item, John Foggoat, twentie shillings Item, Elizabeth Kell, ten shillings Item, John Poap, fyve shillings Item, William Bouer, sex shillings, eight pence Item, John Newbie, sex shillings, eight pence 80 16 4 5 10 14 10 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 10 0s 18s 1 0s 1 0s 10s 5s 6s 6s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 8d An inventerie of all the goods and chattell, moveablle and immoveable, and houshold stuife of Abraham Robinson, deceased Imprimis, sex kyne Item, on keiping calfe 16 10s 0d 10s 0d or about the xvjth daie of the said moneth in the yeare aforesaid, Edward Taylor of Haswell Grange in the parishe of Easington and dyoces of Durham, gentleman, being sicke in bodie but of good and perfect memorie, and advised by Robert Chilton, his neare neighbour, to make his will, did, in the presence of the said Robert Chilton and Robert Taylor, likewise his neighbour and some others thear present, with full purpose and desire to make his will (as the witnesses there present conceived) make and declare his last will nuncupatively, by worde of mouth, in manner and forme following, or in wordes tending to the like effect, vizt, all the goodes and chattels moveable and unmoveable whatsoever, which I he then interlined had or did belong unto him me deleted, I give he did interlined legate and bequeath unto Anne, his his wife, who had forsaken all her freindes in marryeing with him, not doubting but she would prove a loveing mother to his children. Witnesses hereof, Robert Chiltoniur, Robert Tayleriur and others. A true and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattels moveable and unmoveable of Edward Taylor of Haswell Grange, late deceased, praised the 27 of March by Robert Rutter, Richard ffoster, Robert Chilton and John ffoster, viz., as followeth, anno domini, 1637. Inprimis, 3 oxen praised at 12 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, 6 kine praised at Item, 3 twinter calves and 2 yeare old ones Item, 14 sheepe hoggs praised at Item, one gray horse and one browne mare praised at Item, one gander & 2 geese praised at Item, one turky cocke and a turky henne Item, the croppe sowen upon the earth praised at Item, the seed sowen at Woodston house Item, 2 cubboardes, one towel, 8 buffet stooles & 2 tables Item, one trunke and one chest praised at Item, 2 drinkeing jugges Item, one standing bed and one trinell bed praised at Item, 2 feather beds, 2 bolsters, 4 feather cods and 2 paire of blankets praised at Item, 3 coverlets, one carpet and 4 happings Item, 7 cushions praised at Item, 3 paire of sheets, 2 paire of pillows, 3 towels, 3 lin table cloathes, one dozen and a halfe of napkins Item, on fowling peece praised at Item, peuter and brasse praised at Item, the wood vessell as churnes, pales, bowles, cheswarts 2 creame mugs, 2 stands praised at Item, 2 axes & one spaid praised at For plough geare & waine geare praised at Item, one paire of iron barres, 2 spits, one rackencrooke and tongues with other implements 2 butter baskets praised at Item, 7 yeards of hardne and 4 pound of woollen yearne. Item, his purse and apparell praised at Summe totall is whereof oweing by the deceased Richard ffoster Robert Rutter John ffoster Robert Chilton, his marke DPRI/1/1637/T1/1,3 Thomas Burdon of Shotton, yeoman, 1637 15th of May 1637 12 4 4 4 0s 0s 2s 0s 4s 3s 4 0s 5 16s 2 10s 2s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 6d 6d 6s 8d 2 0s 0d 1 6s 8d 5s 0d 2 0s 0d 10s 0d 2 0s 0d 10s 0d 2s 0d 1 0s 0d 10s 0d 8d 5s 6d 3 0s 0d 62 14s 6d 33 17s 4d In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Burdon of Shotton of the parrish of Easington, yeoman, beinge sicke of body yet of perfect memorie, thankes be to Almightie God, do constitute & ordaine this my last will & testament. First, I give & bequeath my soule unto Almightie, my maker & redeemer, & my body to be buried in the churchyard of Easington. ffirst I give to my foure daughters by legacie the third part of my goods, that is, to witt, to Anne Burdon, Tomeson Burdon, Aylce Burdon & Merrill Burdon. Next, I give unto my wife, Aylce Burdon, hir due parte, & the rest of my goods, both moveable & immoveable, I give unto my sonne Nicholas Burdon, Anne Burdon, Tomeson Burdon, Aylce Burdon, Merrill Burdon, my foure daughters, to be divided amongnst them. Also I make my wife, Aylce Burdon, my full & sole executor of this my last will & testament. Debtes owen to the testator. lmprimis, Katherine Sheraton, now the wife of Miles White for clothes, petticotes, wastecote with laces William Tomson of Hawthorne oweth to the testator the sume of William Cadwell of Sunderland, for a bacon flitch John Garfoote of Windgate Grange oweth for a whey at Whitsuntide next Phillip Tweddell of Windgate for a cow to be payd at Martinmas next Guyan Ridley for a cow to be payd at Martimas & one come a twvelmoneth John Watson of Munkehesledon Item, John Trowlop, esquire, of Thornley oweth to the testator the sume of a C & ten poundes as appereth by bond Item, my sonne, Nicholas Burdon, oweth Samuell Bell of Hetton Debtes oweinge by the testator Ffirst, to Robert Etherington 2 3s 4d 30 0s 0d 2 12s 8d 3 0s 0d 3 1s 0d 1 0s 0d 110 0s 0d 5 0s 0d 6s 4d 6s 2d Thomas Burdon Wittnesses of this testament Christofer Richardsoniuratus George Burde iuratus marke Richard Juredeson marke John Midford EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 DPRI/1/1637/B12/1 Thomas Ayre of Easington, yeoman, 1637 In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Ayre of Easeington in the countie of Durham, yeoman, weeke in body but strong in mind & of a sound, perfect & disposeing memorie, God's name be praised for it, doe constitute, ordaine and make this my last will & testament in manner & forme followeing. First, with a fre & willing hart, I render & give into the hands of my lord & creator my spirit which, of his fatherly goodnesse, he hath given me, nothing doubteing, but that of his fatherly goodnesse & infinite mercies, set forthe in the blode of his welbeloved sonne Crist Jesus, our onely saviour & redemer, he will receive my soule into his glory & place it amongst the heavenly angells & blessed saints. And, I will that my body be buried in Easeington church or church yard or other parishe church or church yard, within which parishe it shall please God to make separacion betwixt my body & soule. Item, I give and bequeath unto Alice my wife in full of what she may or can pretend to have for her widdow right, the somme of threescore pounds oflawfull mony of England or other goods or chattells in satisfaction of the same. And, as for my two children, Ann & Elizabeth Ayre, in respect they are infants & of tender yeares, and alsoe presumeing that my father, Robert Ayre, would have assigned over the farme in Easeington, on which I now live & remaine, if I should have been likely to have lived any tyme but now not in my dispoicion, I doe therefore require & humbly pray my said father, Robert Ayre, to take my said daughters, Ann & Elizabeth, into his care & custody, to se them brought up in good nurture & in the feare of God, and to give them such competent porcions as to him shall seeme fitt, either in his life tyme or by his last will, if it shall please God to call him before they be disposed of. The rest of my goods, moveable & unmoveable, my debts, legacies & funerall expenses discharged, I give unto my father, Robert Ayre, whom I make sole executor of this my last will & testament. In wittnesse whereof, I have set to my hand & seale this xvjth of September Anno Domini 1637. Thomas Ayre seal Witnes hereof Richard Belt Clement Calvret Richard Ayre An inventorie of the all the goods & chattles moveable and unmoveable of Thomas Ayre, late of Easington, deceased, apprized the 15th day of January, 1637, by Gilbert Paxton, Georg Paxton, John Jurdeson and Henry Clarke. Imprimis, his purse and apparel Item, for bedding Item, for two bed steeds Item, for 4 chists Item, for wooden vessel Item, for 2 cubboardes Item, for a table Item, for 5 buffett stooles & chares Item, for 4 quishans Item, for 11 puter dishes Item, for a quart pott and a flagen Item, for 5 candlesticks Item, for a salt seller & a flowre pott Item, for a pewter beaker & a boule Item, for 2 cettles & 3 panns Item, for 2 brass potts Item, for a frying pann Item, for a brush Item, for a speate Item, for a grate Item, for one pare of barrs Item, for a rackencrooke Item, for a paire of tongs Item, for one paire of sheetes Item, for a codd and a winding cloath Item, for a happin IteJm, for a spining wheele Item, for a hopper, 12d, seaves & riddles, 12d, Item, for a peck and a haife peck Item, for 4 oxen Item, for 3 cowes deleted kine Item, for 3 calves Itjem, for a horse and a mare Item, for 2 paire of linn wheeles, one paire of wollen wheles 2 10s 0d 1 0s 0d 8s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 4 0s 0d 12s 0d 7s 0d 2s 0d 1 15s 0d 4s 0d 7s 6d 2s 0d 1s 6d 1 6s 0d 18s 0d 2s 0d 8d 1s 6d 4d 8s 0d 2s 0d 6d 4s 0d 3s 0d 3s 0d 1s 5d 2s 0d 1s 0d 17 0s 0d 8 6s 8d 1 13s 4d 6 0s 0d 5 6s 8d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, 2 coupe waines, a long waine & axletree & 2 axle nailes Item, 2 paire of stings, 3 axle nailes & an axle tree Item, for 2 plough beames Item, for a plough Item, for an oxe harrow & 2 horse harrowes Item, 2 somes. a boult & a shackle Item, 3 pokes Item, 2 grapes and a forke Item, a paire of pincheres and a spaide Item, for 2 axes Item, for a saddle Item, for the corne in the garthe & the straw Itemm for one loade of wheate Item, for the cropp on the earth Item, for hay & straw in the barne 7 10s 10s 2s 8s 12s 4s 3s 2s 1s 1s 1s 10 0s 1 0s 20 0s 3 0s 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 4d 8d 0d 2d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d Henery Clarke, his marke John Jurdeson, his marke George Paxton, his marke Gilbert Paxton, his marke Debts oweing by the testator to John Pope to Edward Burden to Mary Dawson to William Wilson arrearages for sessments during the testator's life tyme for one man's wage for funerall expences for the probat of the will & tuition of the children Item, to Edward ffell Item, to Margarett Gowland Item, for a horse to the executor Item, to Mister John Wisk for physick Item, payde since to the chancellor and Mr Newhouse and others for proveing of the will in formall juris Interrogia ministrat et per parte Aliciae Ayre, viduae, contra omnes et singulos testes praedicti defuncti, Tho Ayre, per Robertum Ayre product et iurat 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 15s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 8s 0d 9s 0d 11s 0d 12s 10d 4s 0d 0s 0d 10s 0d 7s 0d 1 13s 0d 1. Iprimis, interrogetur eorum quilibet( expeito prius et pena testis falsidici) cui parti partium magis favet et cui conferet victoriam in had causa si in sua potestate esset eandem conferre; et interrogetur eorum quilibet con et div de quolibet. 2. Item, interrogetur quilibet testis quo loco quo die qua parte dies conditum fuerit huoi di testament et an sit doctus vel instructus vel informat quid ac qualiter diceret vel dependret in hac causa. Et a quo vel quibus ac quasndo vel quomodo fiat ut . 3. Item, who wrote the said pretended testament, whether did the testator dictate the same verbatim as it is now published, was not the will brought readie written to the testator or did he give short notes of the substance and give order that it should be drawne up into forme, if yea, is this will be the same in substance with the said noates and where be the said notes. Et fiat ut supra. 4. Item, whether did not the testator say he would further consider of the said will and that he might thinke of some thing else than was there expressed or alter some things that were allready disposed of. If so, what were those things that he would alter and whether did he alter them before he died. 5. Item, interrogetur cor quilibet de vera cause scientiae suae causa ac dep mis sue dep m . Et fiat ut supra. DPRI/1/1637/A10/1, 3-4 de Frances Shepperd of Haswell, 1638 May the 12. 1638 I, ffrances Shepperd of Haswell, sicke in bodye but yet sound in mind and of perfect memorie, godes name be praised, doE thus utter my mynde willing all whome it shall concerne, upon God’s blessing & myne, to be content thearewith I leave.. Imprimis, I give to my sonne Thomas his five children, ffrances Shepperd, Thomas Sheppard, John Shepperd, Joane Shepperd, Alse Shepperd, fifty shillinges equally to be devieded. To my daughter Allison hir eldest sonne, John Jackson, 2li. To hir other children, Alsibath Jackson, Grace Jackson, Nickeles Jackson, Alse ffoster, wife to William ffoster, forty shillings equelly to be devided. To Elsibath Robson, wife to Georg Robeson of Halthorne, 20s. All the rest of my goods moveabel and unmoveable, my debts, legaties and funerall expences being discharged, I give to EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 my daughter Allison Jackson whome I make executor of this my last will & testament. ffrances shepperd, the marke of Witnesses Robert Rutter Raiph Bartill mark Raiph Newbie An inventary of the goods of ffrances Sheppard, late of Hall Haswell, deceased. Imprimis, a bond date? to the said deceased by Richard Walker Item, the reversacon of a lease for a yeare & a halfe att xls per annum Item, his apparell witnes wherof she haith set to hir hand and mark, the day and yeare above written. Anas hir marke Burden In witness wherof we have set to ther handes Christofer Richardsoniuratus Richard Jurdeson iuratus John Potter DPRI/1/1638/B11/1 Gabriel Robinson of Easington, 1642 13 0s 0d 3 0s 0d 5s 0d 16 5s 0d DPRI/1/1638/S5/1-2 Annas Burdon of Shotton, 1638 In the name of Gode Amen, I, Annas Burdon of Shotton within the parrish of Essington, sicke in body but in good and parfite remembarrance, thankes be to God, I do maike this my last wille and testament in maner & form following. First, I give and bequeath my sole into the handes of allmighty God, my maker and redemare, and my body to be buryed within my parrish church yard of Essington, the xxxiiij day, June 1638. Imprimis, I give & beque unto Tommeson Burden in legasie, sixlibra xiijs. Iitem, I give unto Alese Burden in legase, sixlibra xiijs iiijd. Iitem, I give to Meroll Burden in legacie, sixlibra xiijs iiijd. Iiteme, I give unto Elezabeth Stodder, wife to William Stadder, vli & one chist. Iitem, I give unto William Stodder's sone one yowe & a lame in legasy. Item, I will that Richard Jurdeson shall be paid for my table which comes to xxxijs. Item, my will is that the mony which I have given to my three sisters by legasie is to remaine in my brother Nicollas Burdon hand till they come to xxi yeares or els be married and he to pay them use for it, acording to the statut. Item, all the rest of my goods, moable & unmoable, I give unto my brother Nicollas Burden whom I maik my exsecutor of this my last will and testement which is dew unto me by my father, Tommas Burden, his last will & testement by legasie or by my chaild part or by any way or menes may fall dew unto me. In In the name of God, Amen, I, Gabriell Robinson of Easington in the county of Durham, being sicke in body but of perfect minde and memory, praised be God therefore, doe make this my last will and testament in manner and fourme following, ffirst, I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God and my body to be buried within the chancell of the parish church of Easington. Item, I give unto the poore of the parish of Easington aforesaid, the summ of three pounds, to be disposed of at the discretion of my executor [hereafter named almost illegible]. Item, I give and bequeath unto my brother in law, William Johnston, clerke, the bigger deske standing in my study at Easington and I give my lesser deske to my couzin, Michaell Walker. Item, [I give almost illegible] unto Anne Johnston, daughter of the said William Johnston [illegible] bowle. Item, I give unto Jane Car, ten shillings. Item, I give unto Robert Tong, one cloath coat. Item, I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid William Johnston, all my books which were given unto me in legacy by the late, faithfull preacher of God's word, Mr John Rudd, for which bookes the said William Johnston, clerke, is to pay the summe of fourty pounds, for satisfying of my debts, legacies and funerall expences which, being fully discharged, the remainder of the said fourty pounds, if any be, as also the rest of my goods and chattells, as namely bills, bonds, debts, duties or other specialties whatsoever, I give and bequeath unto my two sisters, Elizabeth, now wife of the said William Johnston, clerke, and to Mildred Robinson, equally to be divided betwixt them. And I doe hereby constitute and appoint the said William Johnston, clerke, to be full and sole executor of this my last will and testament. In witnessing whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the fourth day of December, Anno regni regis Caroli nunc Angliae etc. xvij, Anno Domini 1641. Gabrjell Robinson [full name signed, and sealed] Read, published and declared EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 in the presence of George Robinson [full name signed] Marmaduke Peart [full name signed] An inventory of the goods that appertained to Gabrill Robinson Of Esington, late deceased, taken by Mr Thomas Nicholson of Hartinpoole in the county of Durham, marchant, and Richard Walker Of Littlethorpe of the said county, the six day of July, Anno D[om]ini 1642 Imprimis, a library of bookes that was left unto the deceased by his uncle, Mr John Rudd, valued at Item, one silver bowie, valued at Item, two deskes, valued at Item, bookes belonging to him by his father, valued at Item, his bedding, valued at Item, his cloathes, valued at Item, his trunke, valued at Item, due to him upon by a bond by Mr Spencer, disperate debt Itejm], due to him by his uncle North by legacie 40 0s 0d 1 10s 0d 13s 4d 5 0s 0d 1 10s 0d 3 0s 0d 3s 4d 10 0s 0d 7 0s 0d Summe 68 16s 8d Debts owing by the testator Imprimis, owing to William North of Sheephall in the county of Hartfordshire, the summe of Item, owing in Cambredge Item, owing to his uncle John Walker Item, for funerall expences 20 0s 17s 3 12s 7 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d Thomas Nicholson [full name signed] Richard Walker [full name signed] DPRI/1/1642/R5/1,3 Gilbert Paxton of Easington, yeoman, 1645 In the name of God, Amen, the twentie seaventh day of ffeburarie, Anno Regni Regis Carolis, &c. viginto, Anno Domini 1644, I, Gilbert Paxton of Easington in the countie of Durham, yeoman, sick in bodie butt of good & perfect remembrance, praised be God, doe make this my last will & testament in manner and forme following, that is to say, first and principally, I commend and commit my soule into the hands of almighty God, my maker, hoping assuredly by the death & passion of my saviour, Jesus Christ, to have life everlasting & my body I commend to the earth from whence it came & the same to be buried within the parish church yard of Easington afforsaid. Item, I give & bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Easington the ssomme of ffourtie shillings. Item, my will & and minde is, soe long as my executor pleaseth, to keepe the aforesaid ssomme of fforty shillings in their hands to pay at Christinmas tern poore widows of Easington, each of them foure pence, for the use of it, & my minde is when they please to pay in the sume to the church stocke of Easington. Item, my minde & will further is that my wife Elinor shall have & inioye all my lands, tenements, hereditaments whatsoever lying & being in the towne territories and fields of Easington soe long as she is my widow and unmarried. Item, my will & minde further is if my wife Elinor marie, then to have yerly during her life naturall sseven pounds paid, that is to say, three pounds tenn shillings to be paid out of the lease for lives & likewise thre pounds tenn shillings out of the lease for yenaces{?], the one halfe at Penticost & the other halfe at St Martin the Bishopp in winter by even & equall proportions. Item, my will & minde is that my daughter, Elinor Watson, shall have & inioye all my lands, tenements hereditaments whatsoever lying & being in the towne fields and territories of Easington, belonging to a lease for years, to enter upon the afforesaid lease for yeares as soon as my wife Elinor doth marie, paying yearly unto my wife Elinor the ssome of three pounds tenn shillings as above saide. But & if my wife Einior remaine my widow until her death soe long to inioye the afforsaid lease for years, without interruption of my daughter Einior or any other claiming any right by or from her. Item, that my will & minde is that my daughter, Elizabeth Paxton, shall have & inioye all my lands, tenaments & hereditaments whatsoever lying and being in the towne fields & territories of Easington, belonging to a lease ffor thre lives and to enter upon the afforsaid lease for lives as soone as she shall marie, if that she marrie with her mother's consent but & if she shall marie without her mother's consent, not to enter unpon the afforesaid lease till her mother' s death. Item, I give & bequeath unto my daughter, Elizabeth Paxton, one third part of all my goods and chattels moveable and immoveable. Item, I give and bequeath unto my George Paxton's eight children, ech of them, ffive shillings. Item, I give and bequeath unto my brother Edward Paxton’s six children, ech of them, ffive shillings. Item, my will and minde further is that my brother, Edward Paxton, shal have the acker of land he now inioyeth, ffree wrought in the tourse of husbandry. Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter's Elinor's ssone, William Watson, one mull eared stage. Item, my will & minde EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 further is that my brother, George Paxton, shall have one halfe acker of land in ech of the thre ffields during his life naturall out of the lease ffor yeers and his heirs and executors to take up & carie away their new[?] growing croppe after my brother's death. All the rest of my goods & chattles, whatsoeve, movable and unmoveable, my debts, legacies and ffunerall expences paid & discharge, I give and bequeath unto my wife, Elinor Paxton and my daughter, Elizabeth Paxton, whom I make and ordaine executors of this my last will and testament, revoking and fforsaking all former wills by me fformerly made. In witness hereof, I have hereunto sett my hand and sseall this twentie seaventh day of ffebrarie, anno Domini 1644 . Gilbert Paxton, his mark [marked with a symbol] Witnesses hereof, Christopher Bee, his mark, [marked with a symbol] Michaell Bryan [full name signed] Richard Rawlin [full name signed] A true imventorie of the goods & chattells of Gilbert Paxton of Easington who deceased the ssix & twentie day of March, Anno Domini 1645 Imprimis, his purse & apparell Item, eight oxen Item, nine kye Item, a white mare and a stone colt and a ffillie Item, corne in the barne, thrashed & unthrashed Item, the croppe on the ground Item, wood in the hay barne Item, plough & plough gear, waine & waine gear with other imployments belonging to husbandrie Item, a lease for yeares In the fforehouse Item, one cubborde & a presse & a table & a frame & a chaire, thre bufforde stooles & a furme Item, tubbes, skeels & bowles with other wooden imploym[en]ts Item, one kettle, one potte, thre panns, one dreeping pan, one pair of barrs, a porre & a pair of tongs, one speet & a reckencroke In the forehouse Item, eighteen puter platers, one morter, two brasse 2 24 15 4 4 40 1 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 10s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 6 13s 4d 40 0s 0d 3 0s 0d 10s 0d 1 0s 0d candlestickes, four puter candlesticks, thre salt sallers, one fflaggon potte, one quart potte, one chamber potte In the chamber Item, one bedsteed, one ffeatherbed, one bolster, ffive pillowes, two coverlids, ffour happings, thre pair of linne sheets, thre pair of harden sheets, one rugge Debts owing to the testator Imprimis, John Briggnell of Lampton Item, Robert Renardson Debts owed by the testator Imprimis, his fflmerall expences Item, bishoppe's rents Item, sservant wages Ittem, tithe rent Ittem, to Richard ffoster of Easington ffor a yoake of oxen Cristopher Bee, his mark [marked with a symbol] Georg Bordon, his mark [marked with a symbol] Richard Ralling [full name signed] Michaell Bryan [full name signed] 1 8s 0d 5 0s 0d 23 0s 0d 10d 5 6s 8d 3 16s 5d 2 9s 4d [no entry] 7 16s 8d DPRI/1/1645/P3/1-3 George Paxton of Little Thorpe, 1645 A true inventorie of all the goods & chattelles of George Paxton; of Little Thorpe, late deceased, praised the 5 t daye of Maie 1645 by Symond Lackenbie, Christopher Bee, henry Clarke and John Jurdeson, viz. as hereafter followeth. Inprimis, eight oxen & one blacke whye praised at Item, 7 kine & 5 calves praised at Item, 8 acres & a halfe of whete land & as much warecorne land at Thorpe Item, at Easington 2 acre of whete land & 5 acre of warecorneland Item, corne in the stagarth & corne in the barne praised at Item, peese in the garner praised Item, on little Gallaway mare 27 0s 0d 18 0s 0d 24 0s 0d 9 8 1 1 0s 0s 12s 6s 0d 0d 0d 8d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, plowe geere & waine geere 4 Item, one cubbord in the hall praised at 1 Item, one buffett form, one table, 2 buffett stoles & on glasscase; item, 2 olde chares, 3 skeels, one cradle, 3 canes & one picher pott Item, 7 booles, 8 dishes, one chime, one kitt to put butter in Item, in the parlor, one bedsted with tubes & other things praised at 1 Item, 3 foues, 2 grapes, 3 forkes, two spads & on shoule, one axe & one muckhack Item, in the loft, 2 bedsteeds & in the low rome, wood geer 2 Item, 2 coverlids, 3 happines, 2 shetts & 4 sakes & pookes 1 Item, 13 peace of puder, 3 candlesteckes, 1 chamberpott, 2 pint potts & one quart pott, 3 flowre potts 1 Item, one brasse pott, 1 ireone pott, 2 frying panes, one little pane Item, one pare of bares with reckencrooke, toonges & speet & one firdall Item, 6 quissions, one goosse & one henn Item, 3 looggs or peaces of wood lieing in the streat Debts oweing the deceased, Richard Thomson, 4li 6s 8d, John Brignell, 5li 2s 0d 9 Some totalle is 113 Debts oweing by the deceased Imprimis to Margaratt Robinson Item, to Helin Paxton, widow Item, to wedow Herreson Item, to George Paxton Item, to Margarat ffoster of Durham Item, to Thomas Whelden Item, to John Lambert Item, to wedow Patteson Item, to Anthony Taller Item, to William Paxton Item, to Hellin Paxton the wife of Gilbert Paxton Item, to George Wardlle Item, to Elsabeth Wardell Item, to Mr Thomas Nickolson Item, to Thomas Catehesson of Kirklie Item, to Christopher Paxton Debt which the deceased did owe 20 10 14 4 5 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 10s 0d 10s 0d 16s 0d 11s 0d 0s 0d 8s 0d 5s 0d 0s 0d 4s 0d 9s 0d 4s 0d 6s 0d 13s 0d 8s 8d 3s 4d 0s 0s 0s 0s 15s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 16s 13s 7s 1 10s 3 6s 12s 77 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 6d 0d 8d 0d 0d The debt deducted there remains Symon Lakenbie [full name signed] Richard ffoster [full name signed] John Jurdeson, his mark [marked with a capital “T”] Christopher Bee [marked with two vertical lines] Hennery Clarke [marked with three vertical lines] DPRI/1/1645/P2/1 113 3s 4d 36 3s 4d Richard Walker of Littlethorpe, yeoman, 1646 In the name of God, amen, I, Richard Walker of Litle Thorpe in the county of Durhame, yeoman, being sicke in bodye but of a sound mynde, doe make this my last will and testament in manner following. First, I bequeath my soule into the hands of Jesus Christ, my redeemer, and desire my body to be buried in the church of Easington. Item, I give to my sonne, Michae; Walker, my farme in Litle Thorpe, with all other my lands and houses their, as also the halfe of my stocke of goods. Item, I give unto my sonne, John Walker, for his filiall portion, the summe of foure hundreth pounds or my lands of Litle Eden when he shall come to the age of one and twentithe yeares and till then my will is that my sonne, Michael Walker, shall injoy the profits of the said lands, he allowing to my sonne John sufficient maintenance during his minoritie and at full age my sonne, John Walker, shall enter upon the foresaid lands of Eden or shall receive for the same from my sonne Michael the foresaid sum of foure hundred pounds. Item, I give to my daughter, Ann Burne, ten pounds. Item, I give to my [sic] sonne, Anthony Burne, two blacke stottes. Item, I give to my grandchildren, John and Michael Burnes, ten pounds. The rest of my goods and chattels whatsoever, my debts and funerall expenses being discharged, I give to Elizabeth Walker, my wife, and to John Walker, my sonne, to be equally divided betweene them whom I appoint to be executors of this my will and testament. In witnessing whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & seale, at Litle Thorpe, the first of July, Anno 1644. Richard Walker [full name signed and sealed] Signed and sealed in the presence of William Johnston [full name signed] John Jurdison, his marke [marked with a symbol] A true inventorie of all the goods & chattells of Richard Walker of Litle Thorpe, laite deceased, prised the twentifift of September 1644, by William Younge, Thomas Lighton, EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 John Jurdeson & Richard ffoster as hereafter followeth Inprimis, his purse & apparell prised at Item, alsoe 200 threves of wheate prised at 2s 6d per threves, in his own stacyard & barne Item, in the same stacyard, 20 threves of big prised at Item, 100 threves of oates in the same stacyarde at Item, pesse in the same stacyard prised at Item, hay in the same stacyard & of the same ffarme Item, 12 kine & a bull pris[ed] att Item, plow and plow geare, waine & waine gearit Item, 14 sheepe prised at Item, 8 oxen prised at Item, one ould gray mare prised at Item, two oxen & two stotts & two calves Item, corne att Eden feilds pris[ed] att Item, hay att Eden feilds pris[ed] att In the haule hose Item, 2 cubbords, 2 tables, 2 chares, 3 buffett stowles and one buffett forme Item, one pair of iron bares, 2 recon croukes, one fier shovell, a pare oftonges, a pare of iron rackes, one spett, one pare of broyling irons Item, two potts, 5 candlestickes, 10 puter platens, one quart pott, one bowle, one morter & a pestle, six quissions, with other smale emplements In the parlor Item, two bedstedes, one leveracobert, two chares and one trinell bed Item, two fether beds, 3 coverlids, 5 happings, 5 coarse shets, 10 fether cods In the two upper roumes Item, two chares, one stand bed, 2 trinell beds, one chist, one table & a carpett cloth, scepes, shering,[illegible] sives w[i]th other smale emplements Item, thre coverlids, two materisses, two pare of shets & 4 fether cods In the buttere & chiching Item, bowles, tubs, stands, one ould cupbord, two ould 5 0s 0d 25 3 6 4 8 21 13 3 23 1 12 10 2 0s 6s 13s 0s 0s 13s 6s 10s 0s 0s 0s 0s 6s 0d 8d 4d 0d 0d 4d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d cawels with other smale emplements Item, in the garding, fower bee hives Item, one lease houlding of the Deane & Chapter Item, one steepeleade & an ould sile-hare prised Disparate debts oweing to the desseased as foloweth Item, by Thomas Reed of Harte Item, by Richard Mullins of Hart and John Wilson of Lumley Castle Item, by Captain Robert Sharpe of Hawthorne Item, by Mr. George Lecke, curate to D[ ], clarcke DPRI/1/1646/W1/1-3 1 1 16 2 10s 10s 0s 10s 0d 0d 0d 0d 27 0s 0d 7 5s 0d 5 5s 0d 1 3s 0d Isabell Thompson of Shotton, 1646 3 0s 0d 13a 4d 3s 0d 1 0s 0d 3 10s 0d 1 10s 0d 1 0s 0d In the name of God, Amen, I, Isabell Thompson of Shotton in the parrish of Easington, being sicke in bodie but whole & perfect in remembrannce, praised be unto all mightie God, as concerning here my last will and testament in maner and forme as followeth. First, I commend my soule unto the hands of all mightie God, my maker & redemer, and my body to be buried in Easiington churchyarde. Imprimius, I bequeath & give unto my eldest brother, George Shadforth, one oxe & a gray meare. I give unto my brother, Richard Shadforth, two oxen, one meare price in money, a coole waine and the geare belonging to it. Item, I give to my two youngest sisters, Barbarie Shadforth & Alise Shadforth, 3 kye and all my houshold geare except one bedd and a desk. I give the desk bedd deleted to Robert Harrison, my brother-in-law, & the bed desk deleted to my sister, Margett Harrison, & I give unto my father, one oxe. Debtes oweing unto me, John ffarrowe, twentie shillings, I give to my father. Thomas Reed, thirtie five shillings tenn pennce, I give to my father. Witnesses to the said, Isabell Thompson, marke Robert Jurdison uratus mark John Nelson George Shadforth mark DPRI/1/1638/B11/1 EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Christopher Shacklock of Great Haswell, 1646 In the Name of god Amen I Christopher Shacklock of Great haswell sick in body but perfect in memorie thanks be to god do make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following ffirst I give and bequeath my soule unto almighty go my Saviour and Redeemer in and through whose blood I hope to be saved and my body to the grave. Imprimis I give to my brother Richard Shaddock thre pounds for a legacie I give to John Shacklock my brother Richard sonne eight pounds for a legacie I give to my brother Mark Shacklock ffortie shillings my legacie and to everie one of his three children thirty shillings a peece. I give to my aunt Margaret Ridley a quy of 2 years old I give to Margaret Shacklock my wyve's sister twenty shillings . I givae to Richard Shacklock my wife's brother ten shillings that whaereas It hath pleased god that my wife being now with child that if her saye child shall live a yeare after birth I give unto the said Child thre sorce pounds for a porcion and it it please god it dye within a yeare then I give and bequeath to my said wife Thirty pounds of the said money and I give to everyone of my brother Mark's Children now living fower pounds a peece and Eighteen pounds to John Shacklock my brother Richard's sonne I givae to the poor of this parish forty shillings and I make my loving wife Jane Shacklock sole executrix of this my last will and testament and I give unto her all my goods moveable and immovable the legacies discharged And I make my uncle George Ridley of Durham supervisor of this my same will and ffeosie In trust for my same wife and child. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand this 13th of January 1646. Signed in the presence of us Christopher Shacklock George Ridley his mark John Shacklock Christopher Shacklock his mark A trew and perfect inventorie of all the goods and chatles of Christofore Shacklocke of Great Haswell, deceased, praised by foure honest men chosen for that purpose, vizt., William Shipperdson, John Gregson, Robert Rutter and Raph Bartell, the 21th Januarij, anno domini, 1646 Imprimis, 22 kyne and a bull, prased at 80 Ite, 2 quies and a stot 7 Item, 4 yeare old stirkes 4 Item, 3 calves 2 Item, 85 olde sheep, ewes and wethers 53 Item, 35 hoggs 15 Item, one mare 1 Item, 3 swyne 1 Item, 2 geese 5 hens & a cocke Item, hay of the ground 6 Item, 2 cubords, a table, 2 stoles, 2 chares & a form in the forehouse 2 Item, puther in the house 1 Item, brasse vessele 1 Item, iron implements Item, lyning and harden cloathes 2 Item, the bed and bedstees in the inner chamber 2 Item, 3 chests, a table & a spinning wheele Item, a bed in the midle chamber and the furniture Item, 2 coverlids, 2 blankets & curtans 1 Item, 22 cheeses 1 Item, wood vessell about the house 1 Item, 6 qushions Item, 12 ponnes of linning and harden yame Item, a cheese press & 2 spining weeles, with other wood utences about the house Item, his purse and apparrell 5 The total sume 194 William Shipperdson, John Gregson, Robert Rutter Raph Bartell, his marke DPR1/1/1646/S3/1-3 Robert Etherington of Edderdacres, 1647 0s 10s 0s 0s 2s 0s 10s 6s 8s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 6d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 10s 0s 13s 6s 10s 10s 10s 10s 13s 13s 10s 3s 12s 0d 0d 4d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 4d 0d 0d 0d 5s 6d 0s 0d 4s 2d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Aprill the 23th, 1646 An inventorie of all the goods movable and unmovable of Robert Etherington of Ederdacre, deceased, praysed by foure indifferent and honest men (viz) John Thompson, Richard Read and William Watson of Shotton, and Thomas Sigswicke of Castleden, yeoman, as ffolloweth Imprimis, thirteene kine and weyes, jli 15s 6d a beast 23 Item, three yeare olde calves, 13s 4d a calfe 2 " tenn old sheape and foure lambes, 4li 4 " one maire, two pounds and 10s 2 " his purse and apparrell, ffortie shillings 2 " three cubords and one cawell, 3li3 " one chiste 6s, seaven pewter dublers, 2 candlstickes, one salt, three little sawcers, one pewter boule 12s " an old table, two cheasbords and a chaire, 2s, one brasse potte with an old kettle, a frying pan, barres, tongs and reckon crookes, 12s " milke boules, cheasefatts, a sincker and trainchers, 4s " three stands, two skeles, a kitt and a knopp tubb, one levien tubb and one coffer, 10s, an iron soame, a rope, an axe & a spad, 4s.4d " two old chistes and one chease prese, 4s " one bedd steede, one curne, forkes and other impliments,11s " on bill belonging to William Brasse, 11li, in readie money, 22li 0d " desperate debts, Cuthbert Walker, jli 6s, weadow Shiphird, jli 4s 2 Summ 75 John Thompson, his mark [marked with a symbol] Richard Read [full name signed] Thomas Sigswick [full name signed] William Watson, his mark [marked with a symbol 1s 0s 0s 10s 0s 0s 6d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d Attestatur per hos ffideiussor eius Edwardi Newby signum [ marked with a capital E] Ralph Newbie [full name signed] Summa totalis omnium et singlorum 143 6s 10d DPRI/1/1647/E4/1-2 Thomas Robinson of Hawthorn, yeoman, 1649 18s 0d 14s 0d 4s 0d 14s 4s 11s 33 4d 0d 0d 0s 10s 0d 6s 10d xxvto Martij Anno Domini 1648 Quo die comparuit personaliter Elizabetha Etherington, vidua, uxor nuper et administratix dicti defuncti et exhibuit hanc schedulam extendenta ad suma 68li 0 0, quam petijt recepi et admitti et huic inventorium annecti Martij 250 Anno Domini 1648 Item, in ready monies in the house att the time of the death of the said Robert Etherington Which said summe the widdow and administratrix of the deceased’s goods, came of her owne accord & desired it might be added unto the inventary, being formerly concealed by reason of the danger and troubles of the times. Elizabeth Etherington, signum [marked with a cross] 68 0s 0d. In the name of God amen, I, Thomas Robinson of Hawthorne in the countie of Durham, yeoman, being sick of bodye but of good and perfect memorie (thanks be to God for it) doe make my last will and testament in maner and forme followeing. First, I bequeath my soule to Almightie God, my maker, hopeing to be saved by the miritts and passion of Jesus Christ, my only saviour and redemer, and my body to be interred in the churchyard of Easington, my parish church, nere the east end of th said church. Lmprimis, I give to the poore of Easington parish to be added to the church stock fortie shillings by legacie. Item, I give to my eldest sonne, Michael Robinson, on bay gelding or ten pounds by legacie. Item, I give my younger sonne, Abraham Robinson, ten pounds by legacie. Item, I give to my wife, Ellen Robinson, on of my best kine to chuse on where she pleaseth by legacie. The rest of all my goods, moveable and immoveable, my debts, legacies and funeral! Expences discharged, I give and bequeath to Abraham Robinson, my younger sonne, whome I make sole executor of this my last will and testament, provided allwayes that if it happen my said wife, Ellen Robinson, to be with child and the said child to live, then the said child to be joynt executor with my said sonne Abraham. And I do constitute and appoynt my beloved wife, Ellen Robinson, supervisor of this my last will and testament and tutor for my children. In witness wherof I have set to my hand and seale this 15°th of June, anno 1647. Thomas Robinson, marke [marked with a symbol and sealed] Witness Thomas Taylor [full name signed] Richard ffosteriur [full name signed] Robert Sharpe [full name signed, with an illegible abbreviation] EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Execuc[o] comisse Abrahamo Robinson et Janae posthum et filia dicti defuncti coexecutoribus A true inventorie of all [th]e goods & chattles moveable and immoveable, of Thomas Robinson of Hawthorne in the countie of Durham, yeoman, late deceassed, valued and prized by us whose names are underwitten this 27th day of September, 1647 lmprimis, 3 oxen Item, 4 kine and 2 quies Item, 3 year ould quies Item, 17ten ould sheap & 13ten lambs Item, on bay gelding Item, on draught horse & a stagg Item, on calfe Item, all the come and hay Item, on sue and 5 piggs Item, 4 bee hives Item, 2 cubbords, i table, 1 chare, a spence, 2 formes & a trunke bed in the forehouse Item, in the chamber below, 1 bedstead, 1 chest and a counter Item, in the chamber above, on bedsteed, 1 boulster, 2 pellowes, 4 bed covers, 2 payre of valances with hangers, 2 carpitts, 6 quissions, 1 table, 2 chists, 2 chares, 4 stooles, 1 levery cubbord and bason & ewer Item, in the chamber over the forehouse, a trunck bed, a spenning wheale and a cradle Item, 4 payre of sheats, 12 napkins & 6 pellowes Item, all the pewter and brass Item, 2 payre of iron grartes, 1 payre of tonges, friing pan, rick crook with other implements Item, skeels, tubs, boules and other wudden vessel Item, ploughs and plough geare, waines and waine geare with forkes Item, esh wood unwroughte with a payre of new silles Item, all the poultrij Item, his purse and apperrell Prizers names Robert Sharpe [full name signed] Richard ffoster [full name signed] Nicholas Shadforth [full name signed] Thomas Sharp [full name signed] DPRI/1/1649/R3/1,3 John Thompson of Easington, yeoman, 1653 18 20 5 13 7 6 10s 0d 10s 0d 0s 0d 5s 6d 13s 4d 6s 8d 13s 4d 57 6s 10d 1 13s 0d 2 0s 0d 6 3s 4d 2 0s 0d 10 0s 0d 10s 0d 3 0s 0d 3 10s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0dl 7 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 10s 0d 5 0s 0d 173 12s 0d In the name of God, amen, I, John Thompson of Shotton in the parish of Easington in the county of Durham, yeoman, being sick in body but of good and perfect memory, thankes be to God, doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeing. ffirst of all I committ and commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker, hopeing assuredly through the onely merits of Jesus Christe, my saviour, to be made partaker of life everlasting, and my body to be buried in the church yard att Easington. Alsoe I give and bequeathe unto my daughter, Elizabeth Thompson, the summe of thirty pounds, and to my other daughter, Anne Thompson, the like summe of thirty pounds. And to either of my said daughters I give and bequeathe the summe of seaventy pounds apeice for and in lieu of their filial! and child's porcion, provided that they and either of them doe marry with the good will and likeing of their mother, Babara Thompson, otherwise they are to have their legacies onely. Alsoe I give and bequeathe unto my wife, Barbara Thompson, all my freehold lands in Shotton soe long as she shall continue my widow. And if that she shall happen to marry, then she is have but onely her thirds. And my will and minde is that my said wife shall, out of the rents, issues and profits of my my said lands dureing all the time that she shall enioy the same, pay unto my eldest sonne, George Thompson, for and towards his maintenance after he shall attaine his full age oftwentyoneyeares,the summe of tenn pounds yearely, att the feasts of Pentecost and St Martin the Bishopp in Winter, by equall porcions. Alsoe I give and bequeathe unto my sonne John Thompson, his heirs & assignes for ever, immediately from and after the death or intermarriage of my said wife which shall first happen, my house which William Appleby doth now dwell in, and my house that Nicholas Usher doth now dwell in, and the one halfe of my freehold land in Shotton aforesaid. And last of all, I doe constitute, ordaine and appoint my said wife, Barbara Thompson, to be full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament. And I doe hereby revoake and adnull all and every other former will and testament by me in any wise before this time made. In witnes whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the ninetenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord one thousand, six hundred, ffifty EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 three. John Thompson, his marke. Signed, sealed and declared by the said John Thompson to be his last will and testament in the presence of John Richardson, Edward Newby, Michael Brian. This will was proved att Westminster before the judges for probate of wills and graunting of administracions, the eight and twentieth day of July in the yeare of our Lord God one, thousand, six hundred, ffifty three by the oathe of Barbara Thompson, the relict of the said deceased and sole executrix named in the said will, to whome was committed administracion of all and singular the goodes, chattells and debts of the said deceased, she being by vertue of a commission first sworne truely to administer. Register of wills, National Archives, Prob11/226. Anne Young of Ether Dakers, widow, 1654 Memorandum, that on or about the eighteenth day of October in the yeare of our Lord God 1654, Anne Younge, late of Ether Dakers in the county of Durham, widdowe, deceased,, beinge sicke of body but of a sound & perfect memory and understandinge, and havinge a serious intencion and setled resolucion to make and declare her last will and testament, did, in the presence of credible witnesses heerafter named, nuncupatively and by word of mouth make and declare the same in manner and forme followinge, or in words tendinge to their like effect, vizt: I doe gyve, leave and bequeath all my goods and estate or all that whatsoever I have unto my loving cozen, William Younge, meaninge William Younge of Ether Dakers aforesaid in the county aforesaid, savinge some small matter or guift which I will bee given unto or bestowed upon Mary Sparke her childe, meaninge the childe of Mary Sparke, a small token of remembrance by and att the discrecion of my said lovinge cozen, William Younge, or shee the said deceased used, uttered and declared wordes of the like effect with a full intencion that the same should stand and bee for and as her last will and testament, in the presence and hearinge of credible witnesses. Elizabeth Paxton, her marke, Alice Newby, her marke. The eighteenth day of January in the year of our Lord 1654, English style, a commission issued forth unto William Younge, cozen to the deceased principal! and residuary [illegible] named in the nuncupative will of Anne Younge, late of Ether Dakers deceased, to administer with the said nuncupative will annexed, all and singular the goods, chattells and debts of the said deceased, hee being by vertue of a commission first sworne truly to administer the same accordinge to the tenor and effect of the said will there beinge no executor or executrix named therein. Register of wills, National Archives, Prob11/243 Edward Burdon of Easington, 1657 Memorandum that on or about the tenth day of the month of August In the yeare of our Lord God, One thousand, six hundred, ffiftie and seav, Edward Burdon, late of Easington in the countie of Durham, deceased whilest hee lived and was of perfect mynde and memory and haveinge an intent to make his will and dispose of his estate, by word of mouth did speake and utter theese words following or the like effect (to witt) I give and bequeath to my sonne, ffrancis Burdon, ffoure score pounds. I give unto my brother, George Burdon, tenne pounds in William Wardell’s hands. I give unto eyther of my two sisters now living, ffive pounds a peece. I give unto Robert Paxton, Thomas Paxton 's brother, and to his sister Alice, ffive pounds a peece. I make and ordaine ffrancis Burdon, my sonne sole executor and doe nominate, constitute and appointe my loveing ffrein, Richard fforster, tutor and guardian for my said sonne ffrancis, which words, or the like in effect, hee, the said deceased, spake and uttered with an intent the same should stand and bee as and for his laste will and testament. In the presence and heareinge of divers credible witnessed, witnesses thereof Robert Sharpe, John Jackson, his marke. This will was proved att London before the judges for probate of wills and grauntinge adminstration, lawfully authorized, the sixteenth day of September in the yeare of our Lord, One thousand, six hundred, ffifty and seaven by the oath Riachard fforster, testamentary curator and guardian of ffrancis Burdon, the sonne and sole executor named in the said will of William Burdon, deceas, to administer all and singuler the goods, chattells and debts of the said deceased, for and dureing the minority and nonage of the said mino to whom administration of all and singuler the goodes, chattells and debts of the said deceased was committed, hee being ffirst by commission sworne truly to administer the same. National Archives, Prob11/267. Nicholas Bordone of Shotton, 1660 EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 A true invytory of goodes and chattles of Nickkolas Bordone Of Shotton, latte desease, in yeare 1660 Inprimis, his purse and apparall Item, a horse and a cowe Item, on coubert and that belongs to the head of it, 5 puder dishes, 2 saltes, one flaging pot, 1 tone, one pueder boule, one quart pote, one chamber pote, one canddelsticke Item, 5 miclke boules, one chease fate, one buter cite, one flackate, 9 tranchers, 7 dishes, one quart cane, one cupe, 6 spunes Item, tow pare shites, 3 coverings, 4 codes, 3 pillowes, 1 bordcloth Item, tow bedes, one chist, one cirne, three stands one barell, towe skeales Item, one table and a frame, one chare Item, one brasse cettell, two ioreone potes, one brasse pane Item, one paire of ireone bares, one recking croke, one pare of tonges. 1 9s 6d 3 13s 4d 1 6s 8d 4s 8d 19s 0d 12s 0d 6s 8d 15s 0d 4s 0d 9 5s 10d Thomas Houson, his marke [marked with a symbol] William Appleby [full name signed] Leatt Burdone, weadoe, her marke [marked with a symbol] DPRI/1/1660/B1 containing by estamacon twelve acres, more or less, to him and his heires for ever, dureing the ......... of a lease for on thousand yeare betwen George and William Wardell on the on parte and me, the said Milles White, on the other parte, as by the said lease more att large may appere. I give the said Matthew White forty pounds in currant mony of England and all this for his filiall porcon to be paid when he shall come to the yeares of on & twentie. Item, I give to Catheron White, my daughter, thre score pounds of lawuall money of England for her filiall porcon, to be paid att mariage or when she shall come to the years of twenty and on. Item, I give to ffrances White, another of my daughters, thre score pounds of like lawfull English money, to be payed att mariag or when she shall come to the age of twenty and on. Item, I give to Martin White, my eldest sonn ,all my plough gere and waine gere by legacy. The rest of all my goods mouvable and imouvable, my debt, legacies, porcons and funerall expences discharged, I give to Elizabeth White, my wife, who I make sole executrix of this my last will and testament and tutor for my children. In witness whereof, to this my last will and testement, I have sett to my hand and seale the ninth day of ffebruary, 1658. Milles White, seal Witness Robert Sharpe Nicholas Wudds, mark DPRI/I/1661/W17/1 Richard Read of Shotton, yeoman, 1662 Miles White of Hawthorne, yeoman, 1661 In the name of God, Amen, I, Milles White of Hawthorne in the county of Durham, yeoman, being sick in body but of good and perfect memorie, prased be God, doe make this my last will and testament in manner following, first, I bequeth my soule to almighty God, my maker, hopeing to be saved through the miretts of Jesus Christ, my redeemer, and my body to be interred in the church yeard of Easington. Item, I give to the power of the parish of Easington to be added to the church stock thre pounds, the consideracon yearly to be given to the poore of Hawthorn. Item, I give to Matthew White, my second sonn, the water milne and bancks thereto belonging and two closes called the milne closes butting on the north on the strate leading from Hathorne to Durham, on the south on the hallfeild and the east Sunderland streat, and west on Richard and Robert Davyson, In the name of God, amen I, Richard Read of Shotton in the county of Durham, yeoman, being sicke of body but of perfect memory, praised be almighty God, doe her make my last will & testemente in manner and forme fforme following. Imprimis, I bequeath my soule to almighty God and my body to theburied in deleted dust. Item, I give to the poore, thirteene shillings, fowr pence, to be distributed at my buriall. Item, I give to my sonne, James Read, five pounds, and to my sonne, Thomas Read, twenty shillings and to my sonne, Richard Read, twenty shillings and makes them joynte executors of this my last will and testemente and, having heard it read and consedered of it, I have sealed it and subscribed it this eleveanth day of September, 1662. Richard Read, his marke seal William Youngiurat Robert Leighton EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 cannes and other implements Item, gease and other pultery Item, sadles with an old arke and other implements Item, money in the house A true inventory of all the goodes & chattles, both moveable & immoveable, of Richarde Reads of Shotton, deceased the 19th day of September and prised the 26th of September 1662 by fowre sufficient, honest men, namely, William young, William Watson, William Read & Robert Leighton as ffolloweth Imprimis, his purse & apparel Item, fowr oxen Item, fowrteene kine Item, sixty sheepe Item, nine swine Item, six horse & mares and one foale Item, the cropp of corne Item, the hay Item, the winter eatage at Crowes house Item, plow & plow geare, waine and waine geare Item, land to be sowne at Crowes house Item, in the forehouse, two cubarts 2 spences & on hurle bed, one table & one frame, one furme, one chist, one chaire, 6 stooles, 1 long sittle, one dreeping pan, one frying pan, with other implements, with 8 quistions and one bedding of cloath Item, in the parler, one leavey cubbart, one table with Frame, one chaire Item, in the chamber over the parler, two beds with bed cloathes, one table with frames Item, in the chamber over the forehouse, one bedsteed with bed cloathes, one presse, one table with frame, three spinning wheales, two paire of wooll cards, on chist, two timees, with other implements in that roomr. Item, five sheets, six pillows, thre towels, ii table napkins, three table clothes, three yards of harden, ten yards of woollen cloath Item, seven tubs, three skeps one hopper, one voyder Item, one wineding cloath, six sackes & pokes, with seves and riddles Item, brasse and puter Item, brue vessell and milke vessel, one glasse case, 2 23 46 18 2 18 65 12 5 11 3 10s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 5s 0d 6s 8d 0s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 5s 10d 0s 0d 6 3s 0d 15s 0d 1 12s 0d Debts oweing to the testator Imprimis, Thomas Read of ffishburne Item, Robert Read of Durham Item, Richard Read of Mordon Item, Richard Robinson of Sunderland totall Debtes oweing by the testator Imprimis, William Read of Durham, one bond Item, William Moore of Sherington, one bond Item, Mary Atkinson of Biddick, one bonde Item, Charles Thompson of Sunderland, one bonde Item, Raiph Hedley of Durham, one bonde Item, John Sharpe Item, Richard Jackson Item, Crowes house rent Item, Bushopp rent Item, tith rente Item, John Marr of Hardwicke Item, Robert Young of Newcastle totall William Young William Watson Robert Leighton DPRI/1/1662/R4/1,2 1 10s 6s 9s 2 19s 20 7 4 1 264 0s 0s 10s 13s 11s 0d 0d 0d 6d 0d 0d 0d 4d 8d 103 41 20 20 21 1 10s 0d 12s 0d 8s 0d 8s 0d 10s 0d 7s 0d 12s 0d 36 0s 0d 15s 10d 9s 6d 13s 0d 1 10s 0d 259 3s 4d Nicholas Heath the elder of Little Eden, 1662 3 10s 0d 2 5s 0d 9s 6d 5s 0d 4 16s 10d In the name of God, amen, the first day of July in the yeare of our Lord God, 1659, I, Nicholas Heath of Little Eden, the elder, being weake in body yet of perfect & good memory (I praise my God for it) doe constitute & make this my last will & testament in manner & forme following, ffirst and above all, I commend & committ my soule into the handes of Almighty God, my creator & maker, assureing myselfe that through faith in the merittes and mercyes of Jesus Christ, his onely sonne & my onely saviour, to obtein salvacion without any trust and confidence in my selfe. And for my body, my minde & will is be decently buried where my executrix thinkes most fitting, when it shall EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 please God to call me to his mercy. As for all my landes and worldly goodes which God hath endued me withall, my minde & will is as followeth, ffirst I give, legate & bequeath my capitall mesuage and tenement, togeather with all other my landes and tenements lyeing & being at Little Eden in the county of Durham, with their & every of their appertenances unto my dearely beloved wife, Elizabeth Heath, dureing her life naturall (the satisfying and dischargeing all my debtes that I really owe unto anybody out of the issues & profittes of my landes as they shall arise and become due unto her after my death). Item, I give, legate & bequeath unto Thomas Heath, my sonne, the summe of twenty poundes per annum forth of my landes at Little Eden to be paid unto him halfe yearely, that is to say, at Whitsontide, at Martinmasse, by eaven & equall porcions, whether shall first happen after my death and the same to be duly paid by my executrix dureing his life naturall, in full satsfacion of his filiall and childe's part & porcion. ltem, I give & bequeath unto my daughter, Katherine, the summe of five poundes per annum forth of my landes at Little Eden, to be paid unto her yearely, dureing her life naturall, by my executrix in full satisfacion of her filiall childe's part & porcion. Item, I give, legate & bequeath unto my daughter, Elizabeth Waddell, the summe of tenn poundes for a legacye, to be paid by my executrix. Item, I give, legate & bequeath unto Archbald Waddell, my grandchilde, the summe of ffifty poundes when he shall attaine to the age of xxjty yeares, to be paid by my executrix out of my landes at Little Eden aforesaid. Item, my will & minde further is that after the death & decease of my loveing wife, Elizabeth Heath, and after all my debtes & legacyes be fully satisfyed & paid, that then all my landes and tenements in Little Eden whatsoever shall come and discend unto my grand childe, Nicholas Heath, sonne of my sonne, Thomas Heath, and to the heires of his body lawfully begotten forever. And faileing the heires of his body lawfully begotten, then to the next heires of me, the said Nicholas Heath, forever. Item, I give, legate & bequeath unto my sister Burnell fforty shillinges to buy her a ring in token of remembrance of my love towardes her. All the rest of my goodes, moveable & immoveable, whatsoever I give, legate & bequeath unto Elizabeth Heath, my loveing wife, whome I make my full & sole executrix of this my last will and testament, desireing my welbeloved friends, Richard ffoster of Easington, George Jurdeson of Little Eden and Robert Sharpe of Hawthorne, to be supervisors of this my last will & testament, and to be aiding & assisting to my wife in the due performance thereof as my trust is in them reposed, to whome I give twenty shillinges as a token of my love amongst them. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the day and yeare abovesaid. Read, signed, sealed and acknowledged to be his last will & testament, in the presence of Robert Newhouse, publique notary, Richard Newhouse, George Kirkeby younger. Concordat haec copia una cum originali epr per me Robert Newhouse, egrarium The 26th day of November, anno domini 1662, Thomas Heath, sonne of the said Nicholas Heath, received from the handes of Robert Newhouse, register, the originall will of his said late ffather deceased at the probate thereof. May 17 1660 A true & perfect schedule of the goods & chattells moveable and immoveable late of Mr Nicholas Heath of Little Eden, deceased, praised by four men the day & year abovesaid as followeth Imprimis, in the hall one drawing table, one chest valeued att In the parler, one drawing table valewed att ltem, two livery cupbords, two chairs, 7 could stools att In the closet, one old chest valewed att In the parler, one clock with strings & plumbs att In the closet, one iron way bank & one heckle att In the kitchen, one tempsis, five shelves, 2 chesbords at One table One trough stone, a long settle bed, a salt it, 3 speets at In the little roome & in the great chamber, ne bedsted at Two livery cupbords One rund table & one pres at Two wainscot chests In the chamber over the parler,one bedsted, one livry cupbord, one chest, 4 sheets, one chair One ffetherbed, one mat, two blankits, one rugge, one coverlid, one boulster, 2 down pillows, 5 curtains & vallance at In the kitchin chamber, one cupbord, on bedsteed, 4 curtains, 2 fetherbeds, 2 boulsters, on flock boulstr, 2 old coverlids, one blankit The hall bars & kitchin bars at The 2 little chamber bars, the great chamber bars & the parler with 2 pair of tongs & rand iron 11s 0d 2 0s 0d 1 8s 0d 1s 0d 1 3s 4d 1s 4d 6s 0d 6d 11s 0d 1 13s 4d 18s 0d 1 4s 0d 12s 0d 1 18s 0d 3 10s 0d 5 10s 0d 12s 0d 10s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 In the closet in the garret, one table, 3 shelves In the yallow chamber, 3 chairs, one wool wheele Two kurnes, one milk syle Six empty kasks, one off basket One peck, one half peck 3 milk bowls, 8 chesswayts & one sinker One little tub & one skele One dryer for corn, one Flanders chest & one hamper with 12 curtain rods In the study, one table, 9 shelves, one Flanders chest, on old chest with one pair of garden sheeres In the middle garret, one old bedsted with cords In the great garret: one bedsted, one trunk bound with iron, one wainscot chest with other lumber In the garner, one table leaf with 2 iron feet, 6 dales, one wainscot door, 2 old axes, 2 hammers, one markin iron, one hay spade, one sick, one iron gavelet, 6 hoops for tubs In the larder, one siling board, on chest, 2 shelves, a brake, one cask On great bowl In the milkhouse, one syling board, 14 shelves, one chesspress In the brewhouse: one brewlead, 4 tubs & a seall, a pair of gantres, on bench 3 In tongs chamber, one bedsted, on trunk wth other lumber 1s In barn, one pair of bound wheeles, one pair stings, one axletree, 2 ploughs, one ox harrow, 2 hors harrows, on ship yard, & a peece of oak, one chesebough, one gate 3 One little dunnad 2 Ln the barn, 18 thrave of wheat at 2 38 1s 3s 5s 3s 1s 2s 6d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 6d 9s 6d 8s 0d 8s 0d 18s 0d 11s 0d 12s 0d 5s 0d 10s 0d 6s 8d 0d 0s 13s 10s 18s 0d 4d 0d 0d George Jurdeson John Jurdeson William Bee DPRI/1/H11/1-2 Robert Jameson of Easington, yeoman, 1662 In Dei nomine, Amen, whereas I, Robert Jameson of Easington in the countye of Durham, yeoman, being sicke and crasye in body yet of good & perfect remembrance, praise be to almightye God, doe make, constitute & doe ordaine this to be my last will & testament in manner & forme as followeth, the 13th day of March in the fourteenth yeare of the raigne interlined of our soveraigne lord, Charles the second, King of England &c., Anno Domini 1661. Imprimis, I doe give & bequeath my soule into the hands ofAllmightye God, my most gratious & mercyefull maker & creator, nothing doubting but, in & through the meritts & mediation of Jesus Christ, my most gratious & mercyfull redeemer, he will take it & receive it to his mercye. Also, I bequeath my body to the earth to be buryed in the church at Easington, in full & assured hope of resurection. And, as for my worldly goods, I doe give & bequeath as followeth. Item, I doe give & bequeath to my daughter, Elizabeth Smyth, her heires & assignes, the south house & garthe in Clappersgate in Easington aforesaid for ever. Also, I give & bequeath to my said daughter Elizabeth, the summe of twentye pounds in the yeare to be payde to her or her assignes at Martinmase & Penticost by equall proporcions & soe halfe-yearely every yeare for and dureing the tearme of her life naturall, to be payde out of my lands at Easington. I also give & bequeath to my said daughter, twentye pounds to be payd at my death or within sixe monethe next after. Item, I doe give & bequeath my grand child, Elizabeth Smyth, my daughter's her eldest daughter, all my lands, houses & tenement in Readmarshall, after my death, to enter upon when she shall attaine to the age of eightene yeares, together with all the rents & profitts which shall issue & arise interlinedforth of the said lands after my death, to be payd & accompted unto her untill she shall accomplishe the said age. Also, I doe give & bequeath to my said grandchild, Elizabeth Smyth, one hundred pounds in money to be payde her when she shall attaine the said age of eightene yeares, together with a read rugg & bedding which I have, one chest, a paire of barrs & a paire of tonges. I doe give to my said grandchild or otherwise if she shalbe lawfully marryed, my will is that she enter one the abovesaid profitts before the said age. Item, I doe give & bequeath to Jane Smyth, my daughter Elizabeth Smyth her third daughter, the summe of three hundred pounds, to be payde to her when she shall attaine to the age of eighteen yeares or otherwise shalbe lawfully marryed, together with one chest at Easington. Item, I doe give & bequeath to Ann Smyth, my daughter Elizabeth her fourth daughter, the summe of two hundred pounds to be payde her when she shall attaine to the age of eightene yeare or otherwise shalbe lawfully marryed. Item, I doe give & bequeath to Dorithye Smythe, my daughter Elizabeth her fifth daughter, the summe of two hundred pounds, to be payde her when she shall attaine to the age of eightene yeares or otherwise shalbe lawfully marryed. Item, I doe give & bequeath thone halfe of all the usse & intrest of all the abovesaid summes to each particeler child, her part to goe forward to EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 be an augmentacion to her porcion. And if any of these four children dye, that her porcion shalbe divided amongst the rest, my will is. Item, I doe give to my sister Ann Atkinson, the summe of fortye shillings with my best cloathes to her husband. And to each of my said sister Atkinson's foure children, twentye shillings a peece, to be payd at my death or within sixe monthes after. Item, I doe give to William Chilton & to Robert Chilton, my sister Marye her two sons, twenty shillings apeece, to be payd them at my death or within sixe monethes after. Item, I give to my brother Richard Jameson, his daughter, twentye shillings, to be payd at my death or within six moneths after. Item, I doe give to be bestowed one my fflmerall expences, twentye pounds. Also, I give to the poore people of Easington towne, ffortye shillings, to the poore people of Shotton, twentye shillings and to thother poore people which cometh in communion, two penc apeece. Item, I give & bequeath to Widow Jane ffroud, her bond at my death which is seaven pounds, eleven shillings, eight pence. Itjem, I give & bequeath to Margret Smyth, my daughter's second daughter, three pounds, to be payd at my death or within sixe moneths after. Item, I doe give & bequeath to my brother, Richard Jameson, & to my daughter, Elizabeth Smythe, the other halfe of all the usse & intrest, to be equally divided interlined, untill the children above mencioned shall accomplish the age abovesaid or otherwise shalbe lawfully marryed, which two, my brother Richard & my daughter Elizabeth Smyth, I doe make to be sole interlined executors to this my last will & testament duely executed. In wittnesse hearof, I have heareunto set my hand & fixed my seall, the day & yeare first above written. Robert Jameson, his marke Signed & sealed in the presence of John Humble iurat William Mitcheson John Mitcheson iurat An inventorie of all the goods & chattells, mouveable & immouveable of Robert Jameson, late of Eassington in the countye of Durham, yeoman, deceased, apprized & set down by foure men, viz: John Humble, John Welsh, Henry Willyamson & John Mitcheson, the 13th day of October, Anno domini 1662 lmprimis, the purse & apparell of the deceased ltem, a read rugg with some other bedding ltem, two chests, a paire of barrs, a paire of tongs with some 5 0s 0d 1 0s 0d other iron implements 8s 0d 6 8s 0d Summa John Humblle John Welsh Henry Williamson John Mitcheson Debts owen to the deceassed by these followeing lmprimis, Mr John Brignell ltem, John Watson ltem, William Mallam ltem, William Chilton ltem, John Twentieman ltem, Margaret Smyth, widow ltem, Robert Sharpe ltem, Ellener Watson, widow ltem, Richard Bee ltem, Thomas Todd ltem, Thomas Paxston ltem, William Chipchasse ltem, John Hixson ltem, Richard Clarke ltem, William Davyson ltem, John Pattyson ltem, John Jackson ltem, William Stoddart ltem, John Hixson & William Stoddart ltem, John ffoster ltem, Richard Welsh ltem, James Denton ltem, William Wardaille ltem, Nicholas Emmerson Summa ltem, more owen to the deceased due upon bond from one Thomas Simpson the summe of DPRI/1/1662/J5/2 108 129 108 80 21 114 54 43 32 43 21 21 11 21 10 10 10 4 7 3 2 2 1 0s 12s 0s 0s 12s 0s 9s 4s 8s 4s 12s 12s 17s 12s 16s 16s 16s 0s 0s 5s 4s 10s 0s 17s 864 17s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 9d 0d 9d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 2d 5 6s 0d William Wardale of Easington, yeoman, 1663 The inventorye of all the goods and chattells, moveable and EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 immoveable, of George deleted Willyam Wardayle, late of Easington in the county of Durham, yeoman, deceased, prised the eight day of Aprill, annoque domini, 1663, by us Richard Braidley, Christopher Richardson, senior, and Thomas Robinson, Richard Draver, in manner & forme following Inprimis, his apparell and purse Item, a nag and two mares Item, two oxen Item, five kine Item, five stirks Item, sixe calves Item, a sowe and thre pigs Item, eight sheepe Item, nine acres of wheate & about twelve acres of pease & oats Item, plow geare and waine geare Item, halfe the rate of one cupboard an old chirne, a stand, and an old barrel The hay is included in the mouveable goods 21 5 10 11 6 2 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 16s 2 5s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 26 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 10s 0d 3s 4d 66 14s 4d Given under our hands the day and yeare above said Richard Braidley Richard ffoster Thomas Robinson Richard Draver Debts owed to the deceased By Mr. Anderson By Mr. Henry Lampton that is to say, the heires and executors of Sr Willyam Lampton deceased By the hires & executor and administrator of Robert WiIkinson Debts owed by the deceased To George Robinson To Edward Paxton To Richard Rawlin To Mr Willyam Midford To Mr Thomas Cradock To Henry Smith To ffrancis fell & Alis Potts 64 0s 0d 00 0s 0d 54 0s 0d 218 0s 0d 6 10 6 4 2 1 11 12s 0s 16s 0s 2s 10s 0s 9d 0d 8d 0d 6d 0d 0d To Mr ffarrow if it appeare due To George Wardale More for the suite To George Wardale which he paid to Mr Shadforth To George Wardale & Christopher Wardale if due To Robert, George, Thomas & Eli Hippell To Eli Hippell for a cowe 5 5 2 5 20 41 4 124 0s 1s 5s 0s 0s 0s 0s 8s 0d 10d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 9d DPRI/1/1663/W7/1 John Shadforth of Hathron, yeoman, 1664 December the first, 1663. In the name of God, Aman, I, John Shadforth of Hathron in the county of Durham, yeoman, being wake in bodie but of good and perfickt memorie, prased be to all mighty God, doe make my last will and testament in forme as foloweth. Imprimis, first, I give my sole unto God who gave it and second my bodie to bured at the churchyard at Dalton and thirdly I dispose of my goods as foroweth. Item, secondly, I give unto my eldest daughter, Margrat, ten pound for a lagese out of my movabell goods to goe forward for hir behalfe. Item, and thirdly I give unto my loving wife the third part of all my land goods during hir life naturall. Item, and 41y, my will is that the tow part of my land shall go for the bringen up of my thre children during there minoritie. Item, and fiftly, my will is that after the death of my loving wife, that my thre children, Margrat, Elsibeth and Isabell shall have all my land equaly distribeted amongst them. Item, and sixtly, my will is that my loving wife and thre children be joynt excetores of this my last will and testament. In witness wherunto I have set unto my hand and seale. John Shadforth seal Witneses Thomas ffosteriur John Marshall Robert Shadforthiur January the 15th, 1663 A true inventory of all the good and chatles moveable and immoveable of John Shadforth of Hawthrone, lately deceased, valued and prized by us whose names are underwritten Imprimis, five coowes and three stots Item, eighteen olde sheepe, sevene sheepe hoogs 20 0s 0d 6 10s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, three yeare old stirks Item, one horse Item, all the corne and hay with the crope on the ground Item, two cubarts in the forehouse with pudeer, brase, one table with two formes and other smale implements Item, one bedstead in the chamber with other smale implements exepting two arkes which is heirelomes is Item, his purse and apparall The sum totall is The priseres’ names Thomas ffoster Thomas ffoster Robert Marshall Robert Shadforth DPRI/1/1664/S2/1,3 2 5s 0d 2 13s 4d 8 13s 4d 5 9s 4d 1 17s 0d 1 10s 0d 48 18s 0d Richard Foster of Easington, yeoman, 1665 In the name of God, Amen, 1655 April 23 th, I, Richard Foster of Easington in the countie of Durham, yeoman, being whole & sounde both of body and mind, which I give my gratious God most hartie thankes for it, doe make this my last will & testament as followeth. First, I bequeathe my soule into the hands of Almightie God, hopeing to be saved by the mirites of Jesus Christ, my redeemer, and my body to be buryed in Easington church earth. I give & bequeath unto the poore of Esington parish, twenty shillings. Item, I give unto my wife, Isable ffoster, the best cowe which I gave in token of my love. I give unto my sonne, George ffoster, thirtie pounds. I give unto George Robinson or to his wife, my daughter Elizabeth Robinson, tenn pounds. Item, I give unto Christofer Robinson, sonne of my sonne-inlaw George Robinson, twenty shillings. Item, I give unto Christofer Hendry, sonne of Cuthbert Hendry, twentie shillings. Item, I give Richard Robinson, sonne of Thomas Robinson, my sonne-in-law, twentie shillings. Item, I give unto each of my brother, John ffoster's children, three shillings, foure pence. Itim, I give unto each of my brother, William ffoster's children, three shillings, foure pence. Item, after my debts & funerall expencs being discharged and my wife, hir third sett fourth, and leggacies paid, I make my sonnes, George ffoster & Richard ffoster, and my daughter, Margaratt ffoster, my whole executors of this my last will & testament. In wittnes hereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the daye & yeare first above written. Richard ffoster, seal Wittnesses William Young Abraham Paxtoniur Thomas ffoster Nicholas Paxtoniur June the 29th 1665 A true inventory of all the goods and chattels, moveable and immoveable of Richard ffoster of Easington, latly decesed, vallued and prized by us whose names are hereunto subscribed. Imprimis, his purse and apparel Item, eight oxen Item, seaven kine and a bull Item, one stot, 2 yeares old, and three storks Item, ffoure calves Item, horses, mares and fooles Item, twenty foore acres of wheate, rye and bigg Item, ffiftene acres of pease and ots Item, ploughs and plough geere, waines and waine geere, with other smale things thereunto belonging In the hall Item, beding and one bedstead Item, one table, one carpit, one forme, one chare one quision Item, a cubart, a spence and one glase case Item, putter dishes, ten, three salts, two books, one candilsticke with other smale things Item, three pannes, one ketle, one pot, a speete, a paire of tonges, a ricke crooke with other smale things thereunto belonging Itjem, all the wooden vessel Item, three table cloaths, thertene table napkins, two pare of lining sheets, two paire of harden sheets, six pillyvers, one towel In the parler Item, one table, foore buffat stules, three chares one forme, foure quisions, one chist, one trunke, one bible with other booke Item, one bed for a sarvant 5 24 20 4 1 11 48 17 0s 0s 0s 10s 6s 0-s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 10 0s 0d 1 10s 0d 10s 0d 3 0s 0d 1 10s 0d 16s 0d 14s 0d 2 5s 0d 1 7s 4d 10s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, in the uper roume, one table, one carpit, one bed and bedstead, one chist and one chare 2 0s 0d The sume is £154 19s 0d The prizer's names Thomas ffoster Cuthbert Hendry George Paxton John Jackson, his marke DPRI/1/1665/F10/1,3 Thomas Midford of Pesspool, esq., 1666 In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Midford of Pespool in the county of Durham, esquire, being in health of body and in perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God, trusting, through the meritts of Jesus Christ to be saved and to live in the lande of the everliving God, doe make this my last will and testanment in manner and forme following. first, I give my soule into the hands of Almighty God and my body to be buried in Esington church. And, for my worldly goods, I give and bequiath to my loving wife, Ellinor Midford, one third part of my lands in Esington aforesaid for her naturall lyfe, two hundred pounds in mony and a silver tankert which she brought with her at her marriage. To my sone, William Midford, I give all my lands at Pespool (my wyv's joynter only excepted for her lyfe) and all my lands in Hutton Henry called Blackly, Huddick, Herrin Meadow and the moor. Also, to the said William Midford, I give all my eightenth part of the grand leas collyery within the mannors of Whickam and Gatesyde, with all my part of colemines in Jesmondfeilds within the county of Northumberland. To Thomas Midford, sone to the said William, I give all my lands in Esington, except a third parte, with the monys yearely due to me from Robert Paxton of Esington aforesaid. Also, I give unto the said Thomas, all my mony yearely due from Georg Richardson & Robert Byers of Shotton as may appear by a statute, marchant and defezance. Also, I give unto the said Thomas Midford, three hundred pounds due to me from Robert Johnson of Newcastle, alderman, as by a statute marchant and defezance may appeare. To my sone, Christopher Midford, I give and bequeath all my lands in Pittington mannor and one hundred and fifty pounds in mony. To my daughter, Ann Ingleby, I give one hundred pound and will that the remainder of her portion (being twenty pounds), be duely paid her. To my daughter, Mary Tonstall, I give three hundred pounds. To Elizabeth Buttler, my grandchild, I give one hundred pounds, to be payed at her marriage or when she shall be twenty and one years old and if the said Elizabeth shall dye before either of these tearmes, that then the mony shall return to my executor. To my sister,Allis Clavering, I give five marks yearely, to be paid her out of my land at Hutton aforesaid for her naturall lyfe and further doe will that her annuety of twenty nobles, given her by my brother Christopher Midford of Hulam, esquire, be duely paid her out of the same land in Hutton Henry aforesaid, according as it hath been paid her. To Ann Thursby, now with me at Pespool, I give ten pounds. To Barbara Midford, daughter of my brother Charles Midford, I give ten pounds. I give ten pound to bye a fayre marble stone to lye upon my grave. To my sone, William Ingleby, I give fourty shillings to buy him a ring. To my sone, William Tonstall, I give fourty shillings to buy him a gold ring. To William Liddall, I give six pounds if he lyve not at Peespool but if he continue at Peespool, I will that he have meat, drink and lodging during his naturall lyfe. Further, I doe make my sone, William Midford, sole executor of this my last will, charging him to pay and discharge all my just debts. And I doe (make deleted) give unto William Coleman, six pound, thirteen shillings and foure pence, left him by my brother Christopher Midford. I doe appoint Thomas Sanderson of Hedlihope, overseer of this my will and doe give him five pounds for a token. In witnesse of those presents I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of October, one thousand, six hundred, fifty nine. Thomas Midford seal Signed and sealed in the presence of Georg Tonstall Ralph Barker iurat A note of what moneys haith been paid and discharged by Mr. William Midford of Pespoole Imprimis, paid ffunerall charges 130 paid to Ellen Midford 200 paid to Christopher Midford 150 paid to William Inglebye 122 paid to William Tonstall 302 paid to Thomas Midford 550 paid to John Morland 6 paid to Barbary Midford & Ann Thursbye 20 paid to William Coleman 6 paid to Thomas Sanderson 5 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 13s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 paid to Elizabeth Butler 100 0s 0d 1591 13s 4d An inventory of what goods & chatlles moveable and immoveable of Thomas Midford of Pespoole, esquire, dyed seased on viz: Imprimis, 6 oxen, valued worth 24 0s 6 steares 18 0s 10 kyne 35 0s 2 bulls & 1 oxe 8 0s 3 whyes & 1 stote 10 0s 7 whyes & stots yeareings 8 0s 70 sheepe 24 10s 8 horses 40 0s swine, geese and other pultery 3 0s waine geare & plough geare 10 0s corne, wheate, rye, bigg & oats 30 0s plate & househould stufe 110 0s 1 bond due ffrom Anthony Wilson 50 0s 1 bond due ffrom Mr. Christopher Midford 50 0s 1 bond ffrome Mr. Petter Sanderson 50 0s 1 bond due ffrom Mr. Robert Johnson 300 0s 1 bond of John Tod 16 0s 2 bonds due from Richard Reed, William Reed & Robert Buckle 90 0s 2 bonds due ffrom Robert Paxton & George Richardson 150 0s the rent of the collery 180 0s 1206 10s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 290 Martij 1666 Exhibitum fuit hoc inventarium sub protestacione de addendo si causa sit DPR1/1/1666/M12/2 Anthony Byars of Shotton, 1668 November the 13th 1668 A true inventory of all the goods & chattles moveable & immoveable of Anthony Byars of Shotton deseased, prised & valued by us whose names are hereunder written as followeth lmprimis, his purse & apparrell Item, 28 thraves of wheate Item, 16 akers & ½ of pease in the stacke yarde Item, 30 thraves of oates in the towne field Item, 160 thraves of oates in the moore Item, 12 akers & 1 rood of wheate growing upon the ground Item, hay in the stacke yarde Item, 06 oxen Item, 09 kine Item, 03 whye stirkes & 2 calves Item, 05 sheepe Item, 03 swine Item, 01 horse & 1 mare Item, 11 gease, 1 cockes, 7 hennes Item, 02 cubbarts in the forehouse Item, 01 table & frame, with other implements of househould stuffe Item, 02 stands & 2 milke pailes with other implements Item, 02 iron potts, 1 iron pann, 1 brasse kettle, 1 brasse pann Item, 06 puder dublers with some other implements Item, 01 frying pann & 1 recking crooke with some small implements Item, 00 plough & plough geare, waine & waine geare Item, 00 in the parler, 1 bedd stead, 1 table, 1 chist Item, 00 in the chamber, 1 bedd stead, 1 table, 1 chist, 2 stooles with other things Item, 02 courtaines, 1 vallance, 1 coverlidd with other things Item, 01 windeing cloath with poakes & seckes, seave & riddles Total is 1 5 5 2 12 20 5 18 21 4 1 1 5 0s 0s 10s 0s 10s 0s 0s 0s 12s 0s 15s 2s 6s 10s 2 5s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 10s 9s 13s 7s 0d 0d 0d 0d 3s 0d 4 10s 0d 15s 0d 1 12s 0d 1 14s 0d 10s 0d 118 13s 0d Debts owinge by the aforementioned Anthony Byars. deceased lmprimis, to George Huntington of Castleadon Item, to George Huntington for 2 yeares to come, 11li per annum Item, to George Huntington for 6 yeares next after, 10li per annum Item, to George Huntington for 1 yeare next after that; 20 pounds Item, to John Thompson of Shotton, yeoman Item, to Richard Oliver of Hart, milner 45 0s 0d 22 0s 0d 60 0s 0d 20 0s 0d 40 0s 0d 13 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, to Thomas Oliver of Hart, labourer Item, to Ann Sheild of Durham, spinster Item, to the poore of Easington parrish Item, to Thomas Paxton of Easington, taylor Item, to John Clarke of Fattcloase Item, to Robert Wanlas of Fatcloase house, sarvant Item, to Margaret Blainch of Shotton, spinster Item, to Cuthbart Hendry of Easington, for tyth rent Item, to Edward Usher of Shotton, labourer Item, to James Anderson of Shotton, sarvant Item, to Edward Beares of Sunderland by the Sea, kealeman Item, more to John Thompson Item, funerall expences The totall 4 10 10 10 8 3 3 2 2 3 6 6 6 272 6s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 6s 4d 0s 0d 10s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0d 9s 10d An imprisal made by us whose names are here unto subscribed William Young [full name signed] George Jurdeson [full name signed] Nicholas Reed [full name signed] John Richardson [full name signed] DPRI/1/1668/B18/1 3 0s 0d In the milkhouse Item, three firkins of butter, two kettles, three pans, four churnes with skeeles & mealles & other milk vessells in the said house 4 0s 0d ltem, in a little roome, a servant bed with some other small things ltem, chesses, by our estimacion worth ltem, waines & waine geare, plowes with the plowe geare with all the furniture to the same belonging ltem, sixe oxen ltem, foure oxen in the fould ltem, one & twenty kine & a bull ltem, eight whyes ltem, ffive calves ltem, two mares & foles, two that is years old & one sadle mare ltem, seaven score & twelve sheep ltem, seaven swyne ltem, a geese & gander with other poultrye ltem, corne in the barnes & stock garth The sume of the goods Robert Smith of Hordon, yeoman, 1668 An inventorie of all the good & chattells moveable & imoveable of Robert Smith, late of Hordon in the countye of Durham, yeoman deceased, apprissed by foure men, viz., Georg Blackett, Richard Crookes, Valentine Smyth & John Mitcheson, the 17th day of December in the yeare of our Lord, 1668. lmprimis, his purse & apparell ltem, in the foore house, one cubbord, two cawells, a table & a chaire, two formes ltem, aileven peeces of puther, five candlestickes, three flowre potts & two brasse candlesticks, a pestle & a morter, a salt, two quishons, two smothing irons. ltem, one chest, a paire of barrs, two racking crooks, two paire of tonges, one fire shovell, two iron potts with all other implements in the said foor house In the chamber ltem, two stand beds with a trinnell bed with the furniture to the same belonging, one great chest & two little chests, an old cawell, a forme with all other implements in the said roome 3 0s 0d 2 0s 0d 10s 0d 10s 0d Debts owen to the deceased ltem, owen by Mr William Bristow ltem, owen by Thomas Coulson ltem, owen by Margret Watson, widow ltem, owen by the executors of Georg Haswell ltem, owen by Thomas Baylife ltem, owen by Edward Robinson ltem, owen by Robert Hughhall ltem, owen by Humphrey Humble ltem, owen by Robert Thompson ltem, owen by Henry Johnson The summe of the debts 6s 8d 2 0s 0d 10 24 16 52 13 3 0s 0s 0s 0s 6s 6s 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 8d 13 6s 8d 41 10s 0d 2 10s 0d 5s 0d. 25 0s 0d 216 11s 8d 20 1 6 9 1 1 1 1 0s 11s 0s 2s 10s 17s 19s 15s 18s 2 5s 46 18s 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 6d 0d 0d 0d 0d 2d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Debts owen by the deceased Owen to Sir Christofer Conyers for his Whitsuntide rent Owen to Ann Steward 71 10s 0d 6 0s 0d Wittness our hands George Blackett Vallentine Smith Richard Crookes John Mitcheson DPRI/1/1668/S16/1 William Watson of Easington, 1669 A true inventory of all the goods and chattells of William Watson, late of Easington, deceased. Imprimis, foure kine at Item, two acres of wheate at Item, for two acres of oates Item, for a cubbert & a Spence Item, for a bed & bedding Item, for a longe settle Item, for a table Item, for a chist Item, for a washing tube Item, for 2 sceales Item, for a candlesticke & a puter dish Item, for two canns Item, for a pott Item, for his purse & apparel Item, for a cocke & hens 6 2 1 1 1 Summa totallis 0s 13s 6s 0s 4s 4s 4s 3s 1s 1s 1s 3s 1 0s 1s 14 3s 0d 4d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 4d 2d 0d 0d 6d 4d Margareta, vidua DPRI/1/1669/W11/1 Item, for a leaven oues & a lame & tenn geace Item, for three henes and a coke Item, for 7 paire of sheats & 10 pillowbers Item, for 2 table cloathes & 4 napkins & 3 linn aparans Item, for 20 yeards of harden cloathes & 9 smockes & 5 sharts Item, for smale lining cloase & 3 paire of stockins Item, for 8 hapings & 3 cuerlids & 9 feather cods Item, for 2 cafe beds & 2 paire of courtings & vallans Item, for a 11 pettycoates & 5 wast coates Item, for a rideing suite & a hatt & a paire of bodyes Item, for 2 paire of showes Item, for one chist & 3 coffers & 2 preses Item, for one bedstead, one table, 2 fourmes & 2 chares Item, for 3 stoules & a fur dale & 14 bowles & 6 cheswats Item, for 2 sadels & a pad & a fryin pan & a milke sile Item, for 3 skeles & 3 barrels & 8 dishes & a dusan trenshers Item, for 3 seaves & ruddels & 3 wheales & a paire of temses Item, for 2 potes & 2 panes & a kettle & 2 paire of tongs Item, for 2 smouthing irons & 2 reckingcrookes Item, for one speet, 2 paire ofpotclipes & a paire of tosting Irrons Item, for 6 puder dishes & a dusan & a halfe of spounes, one salt, too candlestickes & a sase pott & 5 canes Item, for a cropp of corne growing and hay The sume in all is Imprimis, debts to be payd for funerall charges and the rent of the land and other debts John Woofe John Hulerthome mark DPRI/1/1670/R19/1 Thomas Robinson of Hawthorne, 1677 May the 15th, 1677 William Robson of Pespoole,1670 August the 29th 1670 A true & perfect inventory of the goods & chattels of William Robson, late of Pespoole, deseased Imprimis, for foure kyne & three calfes 9 0s 0d Item, for a mare & a fole and a stage 5 10s 0d A true inventory of all the goods and chattles of illegible erasure Thomas Robinson of Hawthorne, lately deceased, valued and and prized by us whose names are hereunto subscribed 2 17s 1s 3 6s 9s 2 2s 5s 1 18s 9s 3 0s 8s 3s 1 4s 16s 6s 7s 11s 10s 11s 3s 6d 4d 0d 0d 0d 6d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 1s 0d 16s 0d 10 0s 0d 44 15s 0d 8 3s 8d 25 3s 4d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Imprimis, one cubbart Item, one spenc & on cawell Item, one bedstead, one paire of courtains, one covertelt, four happins, one paire of blankits, one paire sheets, one caff bed and three pillowes, one cradle & one churne Item, one chist with lininmg deleted the clothes therein Item, two old chists, one forme, one table with tresses Item, the puter with two litle brasse deletedpans and one iron pott Item, the wodden vessell which is ten bowels, one washing tub, one runlet, one cann with other smale wodden vessel Item, one spining wheele, one pair of cours hare timsess, one sive and one riddle, one lader Item, one paire of jron barrs, one reckcrook, one paire of jron tongs, one speet, one paire of crankes, one hay spad, one axe, one hay crouke, two womels, one hand saw with other smale wodden things in the twixdores, one percell Item, hersic purss and apperell The sume is 1 0s 0d 5s 0d 1 10s 0d 6s 0d 3s 6d 6s 0d 4s 6d 2s 6d 4s 6d 5s 0d 4 7s 0d The prizers' names Thomas ffoster Thomas Woofe Anthony Robinson Micheall Robinson Item, the remainder of a term for yeares belonging to the deceased at Hawthorn, valued at. DPRI/1/1677/R11/1 20 0s 0d William Young of Etherdakers, yeoman, 1679 In the name of God, amen, I, William Young of Etherdakers, in the countie of Durham, in the parish of Eassington, yeoman, beinge of good and perfect minde and memorie, praised be to God for it, doe make my last will and testement in manner and forme ffollowinge, ffirst, I commit my soule into the hand of my blessed saviour and redeemer, Jesus Christ, through whose merits and saticefaction I hop to be saved; and my bodie to the dust. Imprimis, I give to the power of Eassington parish twintie five pounds for ever and to be paid within halfe a yeare also after my death and to be put into the hands of such as shall give suffictient securitie for it, and to be disposd of as ffoloweth, that is to say, the lawful! use and intrest of the same to be distrubuted by the Ministers, church wardens and oversers of the power of the said parish, thirtie of the powerest theire, evrie yeare at the feast of the Nativatie of our Blessed Saviour and Easter, by equall portions, that is to say ten shilling to the constaplerie of Shotton, ten shillings to the constaplerie of Eassington, eight shillings to the constaplerie of Hathrone and two shillings to the constaplerie of Heswell. Item, I give to my deare and lovinge wife all that houshold stufe and plat with bedinge and linninge that she brought with her when we were married. Item, I give to my sonn, Robert Sober, ten pounds. Item, I give to Docter Young of Newcastell ten pounds. Item, I give to my sister, An Reed, twintie shillings. Item, I give to my brother, Roger Baxton, twintie shillings. Item, I give to my sister Ogle twintie shillings. Item, I give to my sister, Dorithy Lame, twintie shillings. Item, I give Humphra Norton twintie shillings. Item, I give to John Wilbourne, Parsevell Wilbourne and Henrie Wilbourne that is now with me, each of them twintie shillings a pece. Item, I give to John Wilbourne the younger that part that I have of that ship that I have a bill of sale of from James Reed. Item, I give to my grand sonn, John Sober, five pounds. Item, I give to my lovinge wife and my lovinge sonn Robert Sober, eatch of them, a two and twintie shillings pece of gold and makes them joynt executors of this my last will and testement, and after my depts, the gifts and legases and funerall expeces be discharged, which my will is they shall have halfe a yeare for the paiment of them, and my will is that all the remainder of my bonds, monies, goods, moveable and immoveable, be equilie devided betwine my dearelie beloved wife and my sonn Robert Sober's five children, that my daughter, Jan Sober, baire to him, that is to say, William Sober, Jan Shipperd, Ledea Sober, Dorithy Sober and An Sober, and my will is that theire parts, I meane William, Jan, Laddea, Dorithy and An Sober, that theire parts, both prinsipal and intrest, goe forward for theire use till they attaine theire age of on and twintie yeares or be maried, and haveing redd it and considdered of it, I have sealed and subscribed it. William Young seal Witnes hearof Richard Rawlinjurat Humphrey Norton William Woods John Wilbourne EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 John Erringtonjurat Late pencil endorsement, £320 inv DPRI/1/1679/Y3/1 September 8 1679 A true &. perfect innventory of all the good & chattels of William Young, late of Edderdakers in the parish of Easington & county of Durham, yeoman, deceased Imprimis, his purse & his aparrell Imprimis, for all the said corne & big Six cows Six oxen Six tow yeares ould ffivefe storkes There maires & a ffole & gallaway Item, six axeltrees, one gantye of spaikes & arke heads & sheathes with all the remainder of wode that is in the bire or stabell Item, there paire of irons, bound wheales, tow cope waynes with 3 pair of stinges, 3 long waynes with six pirles & runners, aselmites & axeletrees & all thereunto belonging & all the ould wheales Item, tow plowes with shares, 5 somes with [word?]&. shackels, 3 harrowes with horse geare & other implements thereunto belonging, 5 yokes Item, the nue wood & ould all lying upon the ground and within the ffould Item, tow steas Item, , ould irons, fforkes & showles & spaides, axes, matteck with raikes & waine ropes Item, the coles Item, the swine Item, the pulterey Item, one stand bed in the parlor with a fotestep, one ffeather bed, a caufe bed, a paire of blankets, one coverlid, one ruge, tow cods & a boalster with the rods & hangers belonging Item, a tabell & ffraime, joynt stowles and a chaire, there quishings & a carpet, seing glase & a silver taister Item, one stand bed in the parler chaimber, one ffeather 10 33 15 21 12 4 10 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 1 15s 0d 8 0s 0d 1 15s 0d 2 13s 4d 4s 0d 10s 15s 16s 6s 0d 0d 0d 0d 3 0s 0d 18s 0d bed, one caufe bed, blanket & a rug, tow cods & a bowlster with rods & hangers, tow quisons Item, one litell bed stead in the middell rome with a ffeather bed & a cauf bed, there cods, one coverlid, a laiying & one paire of sheats Item, one tabell & fraime, chist & fforme, tow temses, wod chaire & chaires, three coverlides, one paire of curtines Item, 9 yokes & sokes, windo cloth, tow pekes & ridells and seaves Item, twelf bushell of masigns Item, twenty tow cheases Item, ffoure paire of line sheats, 5 paire of harden sheats, there paire of pilevers, ffower towels, tow dosen & eight of napkins, there tabell clothes, one pease of tikin which is 12 yards Item, in the garet, tow chists, seaven tubs and great bowle, wolling wheale, tow line wheales, wole, cards, gimellik quishons & hamer, feathers with other implements in the garet Item, in the fore house, two cobarts, one spence & tow tabels with ffraimes, tow bufet stowles, one forme & fotstep & tow chaires Item, twenty pease of puther, fivef puther kandell stikes, one iron, tow bras kandel stikes, six pottengers, tow chamber pots, puther bowls, a salt & a mustard pot, puther bottell, floggon and a pint pot Item, a warming pan & a speat, five showels & tonges, rekincrok, tow paire of sheares, hekell & tow yam winell stobes & a loke & cole raike Item, one kettell & iron pan, bras pot & there other pans & other implements Item, there drink barrels, tow stands, one churn, tow tubs, ffower skeales, firkin, other tow tubes, one great bowell, knoke cheas pres & other implements belonging to the kitchen Item, in the man's rome, stand bed, fivef hapins, one pair of blankats, fflok bed, one cod, tow chists & all other implements Item, fivef trays, sixteane bowles, milk sile, tow creaming dishes, tow sileing dishes, seaven chesfats, tow sinkers, seaven runlets, tow kans & eight trenshers Item, one ffirkin & a halfe of butter, emty firkins 2 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 3s 4d 1 10s 0d 15s 0d 4 10s 0d 1 0s 0d 2 10s 0d 2 0s 0d 8s 0d 1 0s 0d 15s 0d 8s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Item, two earthning moges, other seaven smale earthning things in the milkis besides Item, the mill with a house belonging with another stone liein upon the hill, with all other implements belong to the said mill Item, the bakon fflikes Item, for debts owing to the deseased Imprimis, Mr Midford for wod Belie Hunte Thomas Read Robert Weldon Mr Midford of Pesyell More James Read George Richardson off Shotton The some Legasies ffunerall expences Thomas Lambe Richard Reed Nicholas Read George Ovington Prisers DPRI/1/1679/Y3/1, 3-4 3s 0d 100 1 1 1 31 10 20 2 5 320 58 14 0s 0s 0s 10s 10s 9s 8s 0s 10s 0s 7s 0s 8s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 6d 4d 0d 0d 0d 6d 0d 0d William Adamson of Hayston House, yeoman, 1681 In the name of God, amen, I, William Adamson of Hayston House in Comitat[ ] Dunelmensis, yeoman, being sick in body but of good and perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God, and calling to remembrance the uncertaine estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call, do make, constitute, ordaine & declare this my last will & testament in manner & form following, revoking & adnulling by these presents all & every testament & testaments, will & wills heretofore by me made & declared, either by word or writing, & this to be taken only for my last will & testament & none other. And, first, being penitent & sorry from the bottom of my heart for my sins past, most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same, I give & committ my soul unto Almighty God, my creator, in whom & by the meritts of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved & to have full remission & forgiveness of all my sins & that my soul with my body at the generall day of resurrection shall rise again with joy & through [th]e meritts of Christ's death & passion possess & inheritt the kingdom of heaven prepared for his elect & chosen.and my body to [th]e earth from whence it was taken, to be buried in such decent and Christian manner as to my executrix hereafter named shall be thought meet & convenient. And now for the setling of my temporal! estate & such goods, chattells & debts as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me, I doe give, order & dispose the same in manner & form following (that is to say), ffirst I will that all my debts & duties as I owe in right or conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contented and paid, or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease by my executrix hereafter named. Item, I give & bequeath unto my son, Richard Adamson, one silver spoon & one draught soame and my house in West Renton. Item, I give & bequeath unto my daughter Jane one ewe. Item, I give & bequeath unto my daughter Alice tenn pounds, two silver spoons & one chest & one ewe for her portion. ltem, I give & bequeath unto my daughter Dorothy tenn pounds, one chest, one silver spoon & one ewe for her portion. Item, I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary tenn pounds, one chest, one silver spoon & one ewe for her portion. Item, my will & mind is that my daughter Mary her portion be paid by my executrix within nine monthes after my decease & also that my daughter Dorothye's portion be paid within one yeare & three monthes after my decease, and likewise that my daughter Alice's portion be paid by my executrix wihin one yeare & three quarters after my decease. Item, my will & mind is that if any of my three daughters above expressed should die before they be marryed, that her portion, so dyeing, shall be equally divided betwixt those two that are liveing, & if two of my said daughters should die before they be marryed my will is t[hat] both their portions shall be given to her that is liveing. Item, I give & bequeath unto my daughter Isabel! tenn pounds for her portion. Item, forasmuch as my wife perceives herself to be with child, if it please God to give her safe deliverance & that the child shall live, my will & mind is that the child shall have tenn pounds for its portion. Item, my will is that my daughter Isabell's portion be paid by my executrix & also the child's now supposed to be in the mother's womb, & if it please God either of them shall die before they be married, my will is that the porcion of that child so dyeing shall be paid to that child that is liveing. Item, I give & bequeath unto my wife Margarett all my goods & chattells, moveable and unmoveable, (excepting what is above expressed) with my household stuff and plow geere & waine geere, & also make her my sole executrix & do constitute and appoint William Merryman of High Throston in the county of Durham, yeoman, to be supervisor of this my last will & testament & to see that EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 this, my will, be duely performed. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this ffifth day of January 1679. The marke of William Adamson (marked with a cross) Signed, sealed, published & declared in the presence of Henry Westmorland, the marke of (marked with a symbol) Christopher Fulthorpjur (full name signed) April! the 13, 1681 This a true inventory of the goods of William Adamson, laitt of Hastens House desessed given in by praisement by those which have subscribed theire names below His purse and apperrell 18 beefe 24 sheepe Waine geare, plough geare 3 horses The cropp in the field Goods in the house In ready money 1 20 7 2 5 16 3 3 58 10s 0s 4s 6s 10s 0s 0s 0s 10s 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d Witness our hands William Erington, his marke (marked with a symbol) Robbart Liddle, his marke (marked with a symbol) John Erington (full name signed) DPRI/1681/A3/1-3 Thomas Robinson of Hawthorne, yeoman, 1681 In the name of God, Amen, the twentie sixth day of September, 1680. according the computation of the Church of England, I, Thomas Robinson of Hawthorne in the county of Durham, yeoman, being of perfect memory (praysed be God), do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeing. First, I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God, my maker, hopeing that, through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ, my onely saviour and redeemer, to receive free pardon and foregivenesse of all my sins and, as for my body, to be buried in Easington church-yard. Ittem, I give unto my two sonnes, Richard Robinson and Martin Robinson, all my estate of lands and goods in Hawthorne or elsewhere, whether in possession or reversion, to be equally divided betwixt them (excepting onely my houshold goods) and my son Martin to have and to hold one full moyety of all my lands to him and his heires, for and dureing the full tearme of nine hundred, ninety and nine yeares, to be fully run and completed from the time of the sealing hereof paying therefor, unto Richard aforesaid, his naturall brother, his heires or assignes, two shillings and sixpence yearely and every yeare dureing the said tearme, att two equall payments, viz., att Whitsuntide and Martinmas (if the lawes of England enable me so to set and dispose of my lands). But, if my sonne Richard shall or do, by laws or otherwayes, recover and possesse my whole estate of land (which is contrary to my intent and purpose herein), then the said Richard shall pay unto his brother Martin, one hundred and sixty pounds, and also, the said Richard possessing the whole estate, shall pay all my debts and all portions after mentioned. Item, I give unto my daughter Elizabeth, sixty pounds to be paid by her brothers, Richard and Martin abovesaid, viz., by Richard, thirty pounds, and, thirtie more by Martin if he possesse one full moyety of my lands, according to this my will and, if Martin cannot possesse one halfe of my lands, Richard shall pay the whole summe of sixtie pounds; and, the payment by whomsoever, shall be in manner as followeth, tenn pounds shall be paid unto her within twelve months after my decease and fiftie pounds more at the end of three yeares after my decease. Item, I give unto my daughter Anne, sixty pounds to be paid by her brothers, Richard and Martin aforesaid, viz., by Richard, thirtie pounds and thirtie more by Martin, if he possesse one full moyety of my lands according to this my will and, if Martin cannot possesse one halfe of my lands, Richard shall pay the whole summe of sixtie pounds and the payment by whethersoever shall be in manner as followeth, tenn pounds shall be paid unto her within twelve months after my decease and fiftie pounds more shall be paid unto her at the end of three yeares after my decease. Item, I give unto my two daughters, Elizabeth and Anne, all my houshold goods, to be equally divided betwixt them. And my will and pleasure is that if either of my daughters shall dye unmarried before the expiration of three yeares after my decease or, being married, shall dye within that time and leave no issue, then the same money which should have been due unto her if she had lived, shall be equally divided amongst her brothers and sister or those of them that shall then be liveing and the household stuffe, which should have been due to her if she had lived, shall be due unto her sister that then liveth. Item, All the rest of my goods, utensills for husbandry, stock and crop, I give EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 unto my two sonnes, Richard and Martin, and to their heires for ever, upon condition that they shall pay all my debts and legacies, and make them joynt executors of this my last will and testament, revokeing all other wills and testaments. In wittnesse whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written. Thomas Robinson’s mark seal Sealed and subscribed in the presence of us Thomas Sharpe George Robinson.iur A true and perfect inventory of the goods and chattells of Thomas Robinson of Hawthorne in the County of Durham, yeoman, lately deceased, as they were found and prized by the persons whose names are underwritten. Imprimis, his purse and apparel Ittem, foure oxen Ittem, two horses Ittem, foure cowes and one quie Ittem, two young beast Ittem, plough geare and waine geare Ittem, corne in the stack-yard Item, hay Ittem, house-hold goods 3 8 8 8 1 5 10 5 10 Summe totall 6s 0s 0s 0s 6s 0s 0s 0s 0s 8d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d 0d 0d 0d my last will and testament in manner and forme following. Imprimis, I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty God, hopeing through the meritts of Christ Jesus to obtaine remission of all my sins, and my body to be buried in Easington churchyard. Ittem, I give unto George Jourdison my grandchild, all my houses with the garth adjoyning to them in Hawthorne, to enter upon the same at my death and for ever to enjoy the same to him and his heires if he live to yeares of one and twentie, and if he shall dye without issue before the same time, then the same houses and garth to returne to my son Robert and his heires for ever. Ittem, I give unto George Jourdison aforesaid twentie shilling by legacy. Ittem, I give unto Ellinor Jourdison, sister of the said George, twentie shillings by legacy. Item, I give unto Michael Robinson, my daughter Isabel! her sonne, twentie shillings. Ittem, I give unto Robert Jourdison my naturall sonne, all my goods besides, moveable and immoveable, my stock, cropp, plough geare and wain geare with all my household stuffe, and all other goods and chattells whatsoever not formerly disposed of herein, and make him sole executor of this my last will and testament, revokeing all others made formerly by me, he paying all my debts and legacies. In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written. Cuthbert Jourdison’s marke In presence of us Thomas Sharpe William Thompsonjur Robert Christianjur, his marke 58 13s 4d The debts of Thomas Robinson aforesaid as they are found. Imprimis, for funerall expences 6 16s 0d Ittem, moneys by him borrowed and secured 21 0s 0d Richard Robinson George Robinson Alexander Dixon, his marke. DPRI/1/1681/R16/1, 3 Cuthbert Jourdison of Hawthorne, yeoman, 1681 In the name of God, amen, the 13 day of October in the yeare of our Lord God 1680, I, Cuthbert Jourdison of Hawthorne in the county of Durham, yeoman, being of perfect memory, praysed be God, make this A true inventory of the goods and chattells of Cuthbert Jourdison of Hawthorne in the county of Durham, yeoman, lately deceased as they were found and apprised by the persons underwritten. And also a coppy of the debts of the said Cuthbert Jourdison, and legacyes left by him Imprmis, two oxen 5 5s Ittem, two milke cowes 4 0s Ittem, one gray horse 5li 0s, one gray mare 2li l0s, one bay mare 10s, in all 8 0s Ittem, two young steeres 1 5s Ittem, one three yeare old steere 1 17s Ittem, two yeare old quies 2 15s Ittem, foure litle oate stackes and one wheate stacke 8 0s Ittem, foure acres of ground sowen with wheate 9 6s Ittem, plough-geere and waine-geere 3 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Ittem, two litle hay stackes Ittem, two cubbards, three bedsteads, one table, with other wood geere Ittem, foure pewter dishes with brasse geere and yron geere within the house Ittem, bedding and linen Ittem, coales and old wood aboute the house Summe totall 2 0s 0d 16th September 1681 13s 4d 10s 1 16s 13s 49 2s The debts of Cuthbert Jourdison aforesaid were as followeth lmprimis, indedted to George Panton of Easington Ittem, to Nicholas Story, servant to the said Cuthbert 1 Ittem, to Elizabeth Westland, woman servant to the said Cuthbert Ittem, to Mr Caunt, landlord to the said Cuthbert 6 Ittem, to Thomas Welsh, landlord also to the said Cuthbert 1 Ittem, to William Kelsey of Durham Ittem, to John Etherington of Durham Ittem, to Anthony ffell of Dalton Ittem, to John Robinson of Hawthorne 1 Ittem, to John Pattison of Easington Ittem, to Thomas Huntley of Sunderland Ittem, to MargarettTaylor of Weeremouth Ittem, to Richard Kendall of Sunderland Ittem, to John Browne of Weeremouth Ittem, to Anthony Robinson of Hawthorne 5 Ittem, to Thomas Welsh, aforesaid, due att Whitsuntide then followeing 1 Ittem, to Mr Caunt, aforesaid, to be due att Whitsuntide then following 6 Ittem, funerall expenses 2 Ittem, demanded in the behalfe of George Jourdison and Ellinor Jourdison, grand-children to Cuthbert aforesaid 15 Summe 46 Legacyes left by Cuthbert aforesaid lmprimis, to George Jourdison, grandchild to Cuthbert aforesaid Ittem, to Ellinor Jourdison, grandchild to Cuthbert aforesaid Ittem, to Michael Robinson, grandchild to Cuthbert aforesaid DPRI/1/1681/J16/1-2 William Jurdeson of Thorpe, 1681 0d 8d 4d 0d 12s 0d 14s 0d 8s 7s 4s 5s 4s 4s 2s 16s 2s 16s 8s 15s 0s 0d 6d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d A trew inventory of the goods and chattels, mouvable and immoveable of William Jurdeson of Thorpe in the county of Durham, late disceased, prised by us whose names are underwritten the day and yeare above named Imprimis, a cropp of wheat in the staggarth prized at 4 10s 0d Item, a crop of oates and pease in the staggarth prized at 6 5s 0d All the hay in the staggart prized at 2 10s 0d Three young beasts at 2 10s 0d Five cowes prized at 9 10s 0d Two oxen prized at 6 0s 0d Two steares and two cows prized at 8 3s 4d One mare and two geldings 11 10s 0d All the householde stufe 24 1s 6d Plough geare and waine geare 1 0s 0d 65 19s 10d Richard Jurdeson Richard Crookes Christopher Jurdeson Christopher Robinson DPRI/1/1681/J17/1 Thomas Sharpe of Hawthorn, 1681 George Woolfe of Hawthorne, Easington, 1682 0s 0d 7s 6d 10s 0d 13s 8d 7s 2d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 0s 0d September the 15th 1670 A true and perfect inventory of goods and chattels of Georg Wooife of Hathom, late deceased Imprimis, for a yooke of oxen and five kine Item, for two quis and fouer sturks and two calfes Item, for two mares and two stags Item, for forty-five sheape Item, for plowgeere and waingeere Item, for corn and haye Thomas Woolfe Richard Reede mark 18 9 7 3 3 14 65 0s 0s 0s 10s 10s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 A true and perfect inventory of the goods & chattells which were & did belong unto George Woolfe, late of of Hawthorne in the parish of Easington, deceased, & which came to the hands & possession of Anthony Woolfe, sonne & administrator of the goods of the said deceased Inprimis, the deceased's apparel Item, fower kine Item, two quies, fower stirks & two calves Item, two mares & two stags Item, plough geer & waine geer Item, corne & hay 1 12 9 7 3 14 46 0s 0s 0s 0s 10s 0s 10s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d Anthony W olfe DPRI/1/1682/W37/1-2 daughter, !0li 0s. Item, I give unto Elizabeth Wilson of Sunderland by the sea, 2li 10s. And after my debts and funerall exspences be discharged & paid then these legacies to be paid as it accrues out of the land to eviryone proportionly, Item, my houses, lands & tenements I give unto Nicholas Reed and I make him sole executor of this my last will and & testament, revoking all other wills and testaments. And after funerall exspences and debts and legacies be paide, that then William Blanch shall and Richard Blanch, the sons of Barbry Blanch, shall have & injov all the revertions of the said permisscs. In witness wherof, have here unto sett my hand and seale, the day and yeare first above written Thomas Hewson, seal William Pattersonjur , his mark George Humble, his mark George Jurdesonjur George Jurdeson June the 1st , 1682 Thomas Howson of Shotton, 1682 In the name of God Amen, the 14th of March, 1681, according to the computation of the Church of England, I, Thomas Hewson ot Shotton in the county of Durham, yeoman, being in. perfect memory, praised be God, doe make and ordaine this my last will & testament in maner & forme following, first, I bequeath mv soule into the hands of Almighty God, my maker, hoopeing that the meritorious death & passion of Jesus Christ, my only saviour & redeemer, to receive free pardon & forgiveness of all my sinnes &, as for mv body, to be buried in Christian buriall at tlie discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned. Item, first, I give unto mv sister Barbry 2 happens, 2 blankets, 2 sheats and one speate, one cod, one skeale & the house for her life. Item, I give unto her daughter Rachell one cubbartt, 4 pewder dishes, 2 candlestickes, one beare boule, one salt, one flower pott, 2 cods, one coverlide, one line sheate, one chaire, one ffeather beed, 2 pillins, one glascase, one buffet stool, one table with a fram, one dish, one happin. Item, I give unto my daughter, Ann Steward, 2 stand beds, one payre of curtaines, one coverlid, 6 happins, one caff bed, 8 cods, one blanket, one fur cubbartt, one cawell, 12 pewder dishes, 2 candlesticks, one pint pott, 2 drinking potts, 3 pots, one kettle, 2 pans, one frying pan, one payre of racks, one payre tongs, one payre of bars, one speate, one little chaire, 2 chists, one coffer, one trow stone, one table w ith the frame, one stool, one reckincroke. Item, I give unto mv daughter, Ann Steward, !0li 0s. Item, 1 give unto Rachell, my sister’s A true and perfect inmetary of the goods and chatels which belonged to Thomas Hewson of Shotton, late deseased Item, his purs and apparel Item, given by legse to Barbery Blench, 2 hapins, 2 blankets, 2 sheats, one speat, one cod, one sceale Item, legeses set to Rachel Blench, one cubert, 4 puther dishis, 2 candelsticks, one beare boule, one salt, one flowerpot, 2 cods, one coverlid, one lin sheat, one chare, one fether bed, 2 pilevers, one glascase, one bufet stoole, one table with the frame, one hapin 4 Item, legeses set to An Stuert, 2 stend beds, one pare of courtms, 1 coverlid, 6 hapins, one cafbed, 8 cods, one blanket, one fur cubert, one cavel, 12 puther dishis, 2 candelsticks, one pint pot, 2 drinking pots, 3 pots, one kettle, 2 pans, one frying pan, one pare of racks, one pare of tongs, one of bars, one speat, 2 char, 2 chists, one cofer, one trowstone, one table with the frame, one stoole, one recking crooke 6 Item, for the housing and the land, being a lease for yeares 50 As witness our hands George Jurdeson, Robert Jurdeson, Nicholas Reed, William Padeson, his marke DPRI/1/1682/H25/1,3 10s 0d 13s 4d 5s 0d 5s 0d 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 Thomas Stothard of Shotton, yeoman, 1684 A trew inventory of all the goods and chattles moveable and immoveable of Thomas Stothard of Shotton in the county of Durham, yeoman, deceased the 20th day of December, 84, and prized the 15th day of January, 1684, by fowr honest men vidtz., Richard Read, John Thompson & Willam Thompson, all of Shotton, and Richard Crooks of Little Eaden in the county of Durham, yeoman, as ffolloweth. lmprimis, his purse and aparrell ltem, one lease holden of the Bishopp Durham, 11 years in being. ltem, one lease for lives, two lives in being ltem, in the fore house, one cubbart, one table, one long settle, one dresser with some small peases of puter ltem, in the two low roomes, two standbeds & a hurle bed, one line wheale, one little box, one feather bed with one boulster, 3 feather cods, one rugg, six happings, one paire of courtings with some other small peases of bedding ltem, in the two lofts: one bed with bedcloaths there upon, one line wheele, one riding sadle with some other small implement things, as also one lead ltem, one iron pott, one kettle, one pan, two pales, one churne, 6 bowles with some other brue vessell ltem, two chists, one trunke with the linning & wooling therein ltem, one clock, one sword with 3 chaires ltem, one long waine, one coope waine, one paire of wheales, one paire stings with axeltree and axell nails, one old wheale with tire thereupoon one oxe harrow, two horse harrows, three teemes, fowre yokes with some old iron ltem, two plowes with two paire plow irons ltem, sixteene smale furr balkes ltem, fowre oxen ltem, six kine, fowre young beasts, one mare, one gelding and one bull segg and two mares ltem, corne in the barnes, threashed and unthreashed ltem, hay in the stackyard ltem, one paire drawers, one table & frame, one 1 0s 0d 225 0s 0d 225 0s 0d 2 10s 0d 2 0s 0d 2 2s 6d 1 5s 0d 2 0s 6d. 1 10s 0d pair of virgenells ltem, James Shireton ofThroston oweth the testator fifty pound upon bond 2 0s 0d 50 0s 0d Witnesses present, Richard Crookes, William Thompson, John Thompson DPRI/1/1684/S22/1 George Robinson of Easington, 1684 A true and perfectt inventory of all the goods and chattles of George Robinson of Easington, now deceased, praised by us whose names are underwritten Imprimis, his purse and his apparel Item, three beds and things belonging to them Item, two cubberts and a glass case & things belonging to them Item, the pewter in all Item, foure cowes Item, two tables and seats belonging to them Item, two cettles, two potts and two pans and other iron and brass geare Item, two churns and two skeales and other smale wood vessel Item, one horse Item, one lease 2 0s 0d 2 10s 0d 2 2 8 1 0s 0s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 2 0s 0d 1 0s 0d 2 0s 0d 5 0s 0d Christopher Robinson Richard Jurrdeson Chnstopher Jurrdeson Micheall Robinson DPRI/1/1684/R19/1 George Wardell of Hawthorne, gentleman, 1685 4 10s 10s 11s 10 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 20 1s 0d 10 0s 0d 6 0s 0d In the name of God, Amen, I, George Wardell now of Hawthorne in the county of Durham, gentleman, being of perfect memory, praysed be God, do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followeing. Imprimis, I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God, my maker, hopeing, through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my saviour, to obtaine remission of all my sinnes and my bodie to be buried in Christian buriall at the discretion of my executors after mentioned. Item, I give unto my naturall sonne, EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 John Wardell, all my land in West Moorton with all the tenements and conveniences thereunto belonging, the said John paying unto Jane Wardell, my wife, twelve pounds yearely and every yeare at four equall payments, viz., att the feast of Pentecost, three pounds, att Lammas, three pounds, att the feast of Saint Martin, three pounds, and at the purification of the blessed virgin, three pounds, yearely and these payments to take their beginning upon the first of those termes which happen to come next after my decease. And, also, the said John Wardell paying yearly unto the poore of Sedgefield parish, twentie shillings, for the terme of eight yeares next after my decease. Item, I give unto my sonne-in- law, John Busbie, and to his heires forever, all my cow-close and moore in Easington, with the appurtenances and conveniences thereof, the said John Busbie paying unto William Adamson, my sonne-in-law, or Margarett his wife, the summe of fourscore pounds, upon receipt whereof, the said William and Margarett or one of them, shall give sufficient security unto my executors to pay unto every one of the three daughters of Martin White, my late sonne-in-law, to one after another, to witt, to Jane White, Margarett White and Mary White, to every of them, twentie pounds, as the said children shall come to the yeares of twentie and one. And, if it shall please God, that any one or two of these daughters dye before they attaine to the yeares of one and twentie, then the portions or portions which should have beene paid to the deceased if they had lived, shall be paid to the daughter or daughters which shall be liveing at such time as the some should have been paid, if all and severall of those daughters had lived to the yeares of one and twentie. But, if it shall please God, that all these daughters dye before any one of them come to that age, then the whole summe which all of these three daughters should have had if they had lived, shall be paid unto George White, the naturall sonne of Martin White abovesaid, when the said Goerge shall come to the yeares of twentie and four yeares. Item, I give unto George Wardell, my naturall sonne, all my dwelling houses and houses of office, with all bames, stables, stackyards, folds and other conveniences appertaining to the same, lying and being in the towne of Easington, and also, I give unto the said George, my sonne, all my meadow close in Easington township, commonly known by the name of the broad meadowes, to him and his heires forever. Item, I give unto Christopher Wardell, my naturall sonne, two shillings and sixpence. Item, All my other lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chattells whatsoever, I give unto John Wardell, my naturall sonne, and John Busbie, my sonne-in-law, whome I appoint joynte executors of this my last will and testament upon condition that they pay all my debts and legacies, revokeing all other former wills or testaments whatsoever made by me, or any for me. In wittnesse whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 27 day of December in the yeare of our Lord God, one thousand, six hundred, eightie and foure. Memorandum, that the words (and to his heaires forever) in the nineteenth line, and the words (lying and being in the towne of Easington) in the fourtie and second line, were inserted before the sealing hereof. George Wardell, his marke seal In the presence of us Thomas Sharpe Christopher Wardell Richard Wardell, his marke The inventorie of the goods and chattels of George Wardell of Hawthorne late deceased, vewed and praised the 24th day of January as followeth, in the yeare of our Lord, 1684/5 Imprimis, his purse and apparell two kine three stirkes one black maire three sheep plough geere and wayne geere one hay ruck Michael Robinson George Wardell Christhopher Wardell William Adamson his marke. DPRI/1/1685/W4/1,3 Robert Leighton of Shotton, 1685 A true inventory of the goods and chattles of Robert Leighton of Shotton, deceased the 19th day of March 1685. And prized the 16th day of Aprill 1685 by John Hendry, Christopher Hendry, Richard Crookes 5 4 2 2 0s 10s 0s 5s 15s 3 0s 12 0s 29 10s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 and William Stothard, as followeth lmprimis, his purse & apparel ltem, seventeen kine & one bull ltem, six oxen ltem, two steers & 2 whyes (3 yeare old), 2 steers ltem, 3 whyes (2 yeare old), alsoe 5 that are one yeare old ltem, twentie ews & lambs ltem, one mare & one gelding ltem, seven calves ltem, ffour swine ltem, the corne threshed & unthreshed ltem, six acres of wheat growing & 6 acres of bigg ltem, five acres of oates & 5 acres of pess growing ltem, in the fore-house, 2 cubbarts, 13 putar dishes and some other small putar, one table ltem, 2 firmes, 2 chairs ltem, in the parlour, 2 bed steads & beding belonging them, one cubbart, 5 chairs, one table, one firme, one trunke & frame Milke vessells in the milke house ltem, in the chamber above the parlour, 2 bed-steads & beding upon them, one pannell chist, one table, one chaire, beding that is not upon the beds ltem, one chist of linnen in that room ltem, two long waines, 2 coope wains, 2 pair of wheels, 2 pair of stings, 6 teems, 4 yokes, 1 pair of horse geer with some other implements of husbandry ltem, seven bee hives Totall John Hindry Chrystopher Hendry Richard Crookes William Stodard, his marke DPRI/1/1685/L2 10 0s 0d 54 0s 0d 24 0s 0d 25 6 8 3 1 10 20 10 0s 0s 0s 10s 10s 0s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 3 10s 0d 4 0s 0d 2 0s 0d 6 0s 0d 4 0s 0d 7 0s 0d 1 15s 0d 200 5s 0d Edward Newbie of Easington, yeoman, 1685 In the name of God, amen, April the second, 168,.I, Edward Newbie of Easington in the county of Durham, yeoman, being sick of body but of good & perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God, & nulling all former will by me heretofore made, doe make, constitute & appoint this my last will & testament in manner & forme following (that is to say) first, I give to my wife, five pound per annum for three years and a cow; and to my daughter, Alice Newbie, I give two oxen & two cowes & the old bay maire & the sturke in the banks & my wife to have al the houshold stuf that she brought with her, and my daughter Alice to have all the rest of the houshold stufe but the bed in the chamb; and to my son in law, John Hubbethorn, two shillings sixpence and to my son in law, George Lockey, two shillings sixpence and to my son in law, Robert Gifferson, two shillings sixpence and to my sonn in law, William Atchinson, two shillings sixpence. And all the rest of my estate I give to my so, Edward Newby, whom I do constitute & appoint my sole executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale the day & yeare above written. Edward Newby[marked with a symbol] seal signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of us Maurice Lisle [full name signed] Thomas Melsonbe [full name signed] John Wilkinson [full name signed] Elizabeth Layes [marked with a symbol] A true inventory of all the goods & chattels of Edward Newbie of Easington in the county of Durham, lately deceased, as follows Imprimi, tenn milk cowes valued at Two whyes Four oxen & one steeath Five yeare old calves Two maires & two foales Fifteen sheep Two coupwayns & one long wayn, three plowes, three yoakes, two soames, horse geare, Three cubbards & three bedsteeds and bedding, pewter, a table & two formes, 2 chaires The crop Disbursed by Edward Newbie executor 20 3 12 3 6 2 4 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 1 15s 0d 6 0s 0d 15 0s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 For his funerall For hay to releive the beasts For rent To the widdow of the said Edward In all 5 3 56 15 80 72 7 13s 10s 0s 0s 3s 15s 8s 4d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 4d October 16th 1685 witnesse John Hubbethorne, mark [marked with a vertical stroke] William Johnson, his mark [no mark] John Wilkinson, his mark [no mark] DPRI/1/1685/N11, 3 Richard Rawling of Little Thorpe, yeoman, 1687 William Wood of Easington, 1686 . Aprill 27th 1686 A perfect inventory of the goods & chattells of William Wood of Easington late deceased, valued and prized by us whose names are hereunto subscribed as followeth. Imprimis, his purse and apparel 3 Item, In the forehouse, a table, a bedd & bed cloths, a cubert with some other implement, household goods 4 Item, In the parloor, some smale household goods with a bedsteed in the loft 2 Item, sixe oxen, valued 22 Item, ffowerteen kine & a bull 40 Item, ffower thre yeare olds, 3 heyfers & a steer 8 Item, ffower two yeare olds, 2 steers, 2 heyfers 5 Item, ffower yeare old stirks 2 Item, a gray gelden, 3 old mares & two ffoles 10 Item, ffifty two old sheep & thirty eight lambs 20 Item, a sow & hir pigg Itjem, plowes & plowgh gere, waines and waine gere, harrows & other smale implement things belonging to husbandry 9 Item, corne about the house, berryed & to thresh 7 Item, twenty acres of harcorne 43 Item, fourteen acres of oates 16 Sum tottal 193 Witnesse our subscriptions George Paxton Richard Rawlin Richard Wilson, his marke Richard Crookes DPRI/11686/W25/1/ 0s 0d 0s 0d 0s 0s 0s 0s 6s 13s 10s 0s 14s 0d 0d 0d 0d 8d 4d 0d 0d 0d 0s 0s 6s 6s 17s 0d 0d 8d 8d 4d In the name of God, Amen, I, Richard Rawlin of Little Thorpe in the county of Durham, yeoman, being of sound and perfect minde and memory, doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner ffollowing. First, I give my soule to Almighty God who gave itt, hopeing, by the merits of my lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, to obtain full and free pardon and foregivenesse of all my sins and to inheritt everlasting life, and my body I committ to the earth to be decently buried, att the discretion of my executor hereafter named. And, as touching my worldly estate, (which God hath given mee farr above my deserts), I give and dispose thereof as ffolloweth. First, I give and devise unto my loving wife Anne, two of my best cowes and all my household stuffe (except one beddstead, bedding and the ffumiture standing and being in my house in Little Thorpe aforesaid wherein I lye, one table and fforme in the roome where the said bedd stands), and all my close, called Lingdale scituate in Little Thorpe aforesaid, to hold the same close with the appurtenances to her and her assignes for and during the tearme of her naturall life. And, immediately from and after her death and decease, I hereby devise the same close to my son, Michael Rawling, his heires and assignes for ever. And, my mind and will is, and I hereby appoint and order, that my said son shall, from time to time, att his own costs and charges (soe often as there shall be occasion or necessary during my said wife's life) renew the said lease of the said premises and that every new lease or leases to be renewed or taken of the premises, shall be subject to, and under the power of the devise aforesaid to my said wife as aforesaid. And, I devise unto my said son Michael, his heires and assigns, all that my close called Easington Moore adjoyning on a close called Thorpe Moore, and all those my three acres of ground lyeing in Thorpe lea adjoyning on Nicholas Paxton's lea on the west. And, I hereby devise and give unto my daughters, Anne and Margarett, one hundred and eighty pounds to each of them, to be paid to them respectively within six months after my death. And I hereby devise unto my daughters, Hannah and Mary, to each of them, one hundred and ffifty pounds, to EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 be paid to them att their respective ages of one and twenty yeares. And my mind and will is, and I do hereby devise and order, that my executor shall pay half yearely unto my said two daughters, Hannah and Mary respectively, the legall interest of the said three hundred pounds, soe bequeathed to them as aforesaid, to be computed from my death and equally to be devided betwixt them untill their respective legacies shall become due and payable as aforesaid and that my executor shall maintain with all necessarye and suitable education, my two daughters, Hannah and Mary, untill their severall marriages or ages of one and twenty yeares, whether shall ffirst happen. And my mind and will is, and I doe hereby order and devise, that itt happen that if any of my said ffoure daughters shall dye before her or their said legacies shall be due and payable as aforesaid, that in such case, the legacie of her or them soe dying, as aforesaid, shall be paid and devided among such of my said daughters and my said son Michael as shall survive or overlive her or them soe dyeing. And that upon the respective payments of the respective legacies aforesaid, the said respective legatees shall give a generall release to my executor and in default thereof, the legacie of her or them that shall refuse to give such release shall be void and I give the same to my executor. Item, I give unto my servant Thomas Wilson, twenty shillings to be paid within one week after my death. All the rest of my goods and chattells of what kind or interlined nature soever, I give & devise the same to my said son Michael and I doe appoint and make my said son, Michael, executor of this my last will and I doe hereby revoake all former & other wills by me heretofore made and doe declare this to be my last will and testament. And I doe appoint my brother-in-law, Thomas Robinson of Greatham, and my cozen, James Reed of Horden, supervisors of this my last will.. In witnesse whereof I have, to this my last will and testament, sett my hand and seale, the five and twentieth day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1686, Annoque Regis Domini nostri Jacobi secundi nunc Angliae &c. secundo. Signed, sealed, published and declared in the presence of us; Ralph Gowland, John Gowland, William Spencely. Richard Rawlinge Collacoe fidele facta concordat haec copia ad originali in minibus executoris supranominat remanen executor per me. A true, full and perfect inventory of all the good and chattels, moveable and immoveable, which Richard Rawling of Little Thorpe in the county of Durham, yeoman, lately deceased, dyed possessed on, taken and apprised the nineteenth day of May 1687 by fower men indifferently chosen, whose names are hereunder written. Imprimis, his purse and apparel Item, ten cowes and three heifers Item, six oxen Item, fforty five ewes with their lambs Item, two geldings and one mare Item, three calves and one swine Item, plow boat and wayne boat Item, corne in the house Item, corne growing Item, houshold stuffe Item, two bee hives Debts oweing to the testator not yet received 10 36 24 15 9 1 5 6 40 20 1 550 721 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 5s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 0s 5s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d Thomas Robinson James Reed John Robinson John Watson DPRI/1/1687/R4/1-3 William Rutter of Thorpe, 1688 A true inventory of the goods & chattels of William Rutter of Thorpe in the parish of Easington, lately deceased as follows. Imprimis, his purse & his apparrell, prized at Item, tenn pounds in money Item, a cubboard the pewter that was upon it, at a bedstead & cloathes upon it, at a fir glas case & desk, at an old table or leaf & a frame & a forme, at an old chair, at a hat & a voider, at in all In witnesse whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 30th day of Aprill, Anno Domini, 1688 John Watson William Judson 6 8s 0d 10 0s 0d 6s 0d 5s 0d 8s 0d 2s 6d 4s 0d 6d 2s 6d 17 16s 6d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 John Wilkinson Disbursed as follows ffor his buriall & funeral charges for his house rent to Christopher Jurdison to John Rutter his brother 2 12s 2s 10 0s 13 0s 0d 0d 0d 0d 17 16s 6d 13 0s 0d 4 16s 6d DPRI/1/1688/R16/1 George Richardson of Shotton, yeoman, 1689 January the 28th, 90/89 I, George Richardson of Shotton of the parrish of Easington in the ounty of Durham, yeoman, beinge sicke of body but of ffull and perfect remembrance, thanks be unto almighty God for it, doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme ffollowinge. First, I give unto my sister, Margret Iley, the summe of two pounds per annum, to be paid quarterly duringe her life naturall. Allsoe, I give unto Elizabeth Clarke all the bedding att William Sigsworth's. Allsoe, I give unto Ann Richardson one round table. Allsoe, I give unto Jane Sigsworth the summe of two pounds. Alsoe, I give unto John Thompson one ffetherbedd and beddsteed with boulster and shorte pillows and brown courtains, one browne rugg, one couerlidd, one paire of blankets with courtaine rodds, standinge in my parlor att Shotton. Alsoe, I give unto Magdalen Thompson one warminge pann. Alsoe, I give all the rest of my houses, lands and tenaments and goods whatsoever, I give unto my brother Phillip and his sonn Thomas joyntly. And finaly, I doe hereby constitute, ordaine and appoint my brother Phillip and his sonn, Thomas Richardson, my sole executors of this my last will and testament, upon condition that they shall pay all my debts and legacies and doe hereby revoacke and annull all and every former and other wills and testaments by me in any wise made before this time. In wittnesse hereof I have here unto sett my hand and seale this twenty eight day of January, in the year of our Lord, 1689. George Richardson seal Signed, sealed and declared by the said George Richardson to be his last will and testament in the presence of George Heath Wiliam Sidgwicke jur John Thompson jur Robert Lambton jur DPRI/1/1689/R5/1 Thomas Paxton of Easington, yeoman, 1689 A true and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattells belonging to Thomas Paxton of Easington, yeoman, late deceased, ffeburary the 26th Anno domini 1690 Imprimis, for his farme of land Two kine, a calfe and a horse One bedstead & one bedding of cloaths Two chists, a frame & a forme A table, a long settle & one cupboard Two pewter dishes, one tankard & a candlestick A lanterne, a pott & other small utensills A pann, two skealls & one saltkitt All the small wooden vessell A pann, a woollen wheele & a trundle bed A chaire, a pare of tempses & a pare of scales All the linnen His purse & apparell Eight bushells of wheat In all More for rents payable at Pentecost next ffor wheat growning upon the store More for rent 840 Apprized by us George Paxton, junior [full name signed] Christopher Robinson [full name signed] James Paxton, his marke [marked with a symbol] Richard Smith [full name signed] DPRI/1/1689/P4/1 Anne Paxton of Easington, widow, 1690 136 8s 4d 8 0s 0d 1 10s 0d 6s 0d 1 14s 0d 5s 0d 8s 6d 4s 0d 6s 0d 6s 0d 2s 0d 1 10s 0d 1 0s 0d 1 4s 0d 153 3s 10d 4 15s 0d 3 5s 0d 4s 0d 8 4s 0d EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 In the name of God, Amen, the sixth day of September in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand, six hundred and ninety, I, Anne Paxton of Easington in the county of Durham, widdow, being sick & weake in body but of sound and perfect memory ( praise be given to Almighty God for the same) and knowing the the [sic] uncertainty of this life on earth and being desirous to settle things in order, do make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, that is to say. ffirst and principally, I commend my soul to Almighty God, my creator, assuredly beleiving that I shall receive full pardon & free remission of all my sins and to be saved by the pretious death and meritt of my blessed saviour and redeemer Christ Jesus and my body to be buried in such decent & Christian manner as to my executors, hereafter named, shall be thought meet and convenient. And, as touching such worldly estate as the Lord, in mercy, hath lent me, my will & testament is, the same shall be imployed and bestowed as hereafter by this will is expressed. And first, I do revoke, renounce, frustrate & make voyd all wills by me formerly made and declare and appoynt this my last will and testament. Item, as to all that my messuage, tenement or ffarmeholds with the appurtenances lying in Easington aforesaid, I devise and dispose of the same as followeth. Item, I give, devise & bequeath to John Paxton, my son, all that my close called the Cow Close, one other close called Coleman Close & all the towne field land with the seate house & the appurtenances to the same belonging. Item, I give, devise and bequeath to Thomas Paxton, another of my sons, all that close called the Bridge Hill Close, the Loaneing Bume Close, Castle fford Close and my coate house and garth in Ratton Row, lying in Easington aforesaid with the appurtenances. Item, I give unto Isaack Paxton, my son, the whole & just summe of twenty eight pounds of good and lawfull money of England, to be payd to him, his executors, administrators or assignes so soon as he shall attaine the age of one & twenty yeares and also twenty shillings a yeare during the time of his apprentishipp, to find him cloaths. Item, I give unto Anne Paxton, my daughter, the summe of twenty pounds of lawfull money of England, to be payd her when she shall attaine to the age of one & twenty yeares, with all my houshold stuffe and implements of houshold stuffe and twenty shillings yearely to be payd her untill she shall attaine to the said age of one and twenty yeares to bring her up. [I give & bequeath unto my son, John Robinson, the summe of three pounds deleted] And, as to all the rest of my goods and chattells, as well real as personall, I give and bequeath unto John Paxton and Thomas Paxton whom I make sole executors of this my last will and testament. In witnese whereof, I have sett my hand and seale the daye & yeare first within written. Anna Paxton, hir mark, [marked with a cross and sealed] Signed, sealed, read, published and declared in the p[re]sence of Chrisopher Robinson [full name signed] James Paxton, his marke [marked with a symbol] Margret Reed hir marke [marked with a symbol] Isabell Smith. [full name signed] DPRI/1/1690/P8/1 Mathew Craggs of Hastings House, yeoman, 1692 In the name of God, Amen, I, Mathew Cragis of Hastone House in the countie of Durham, yeoman, being weak in bodie, praise God, but sound in mind and memorie, do make and constitute this my last will & testament in manner and form as foloweth. First and formost, I will that my dets and funarall charges be pad and discharged. Item, I give unto my wiff, Ann Crages, al my houshold godes. Item, I give unto my welbeloved brother, Locke Crags, all my plough gar and wain gear with fomitor their unto belonging. Item, I give unto my grandchild, Anne Greann, a why with calf. Item, I give unto my wife, Ann Crages and my brother, Louke Crgges of Elweak, all my goddes and chatalles with all my personeall estate. And, I do appoynt them, my wif An Crages and my brother Louk Grgs, to be my ioynt executores of all that I have, mouveable and emouveable, with all that I have in this world, to be equallie devided betwixt them. Further, I doe hearby revock all other wills and testaments by me formerlie maid. In witnes wheareof, I put my hand and seall this thirdi day of Febreuarie in the year of our Lord, one thousand, six hundred and ninetie tow. Mathew Crages, his mark [marked with a symbol and sealed] Signed, sealed & delivered in the presens of us William Mitcheson [full name signed] John Watson, his mark [marked with a symbol] Thomas Arrowsmith, his mark [marked with a capital T] William Hickson [full name signed] Witneses A true & perfect inventory of the goods & chattels of Mathew Craggs, EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 late of Hasting House, deceased, apprized by us whose names are underwritten, the 27 ffebruary 1692. Imprimis, his purse & apparell Six oxen Six cowes Tuo maires Twenty two sheep Two calves Come in the bame & stack yard The household goods Plough geer & waine geer Disbursed for ffunerall expences By us, Thomas Arrowsmith, his marke [marked with a capital T] Richard Harle his marke [marked with a capital R] Ralph Roper, his marke [marked with a capital O] William Mitcheson [full name signed] 10 8 3 3 4 1 1 32 5 10s 0s 0s 10s 0s 13s 0s 10s 10s 13s 15s 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d 0d 0d 4d 0d These are to certifie whom it may conceme, that, I, Ann Crages of Hastane House, widdow, am pleased that my brother. Luck Crages, shall take administration. Wittnes my hand, Ann Crages, her mark [marked with a symbol] Witnesses, Thomas Arrosmith, his mark [marked with a capital T] Richard Harl, his mark [marked with a capital R] DPRI/1/1692/C21/1, 3-4 Elizabeth Knaggs of Low Efferdakers, widow, 1694 In the name of God, Amen, August the first, 1693, according to the computation of the Church of Englande, I, Elizabeth Knaggs of Low Efferdakers in the county of Durham, widdow, being of perfect memory (praised bee God), doe make and ordain this my last will & testament, in manner and forme following. First, I bequeath my soul into the handes of Almighty God my maker, hopeing that thorow the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ, my onely saviour & redeemer, to receive free pardon and forgivenesse of my sins; and, as for my body, to bee buried in Christian burial, at the discretion of my executor hereafter nominated. Item, I give and bequeath to my eldest sonne, John, five shillings. Item, I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter, Margaret, five shillings. Item, to my daughter Mary, the summe of five shillings. Item, I give to my daughter Elizabeth, one coverlid, one kettle, one blankett, one little cubboard and five shillings in silver. Item, I give and bequeath unto my yongest sonne, Henry, all my goodes and chattels, moveable and unmoveable, now in my possession, and likewise doe order him to pay all my legacies and doe make him sole executor of this my last will & testament. Elizabeth Knaggs, her marke Sealed, signed & delivered in the presence of us John Busby jur Anthony Busby jur John Mainger, his marke DPRI/1/1694/K4/1 George Jurdeson of Shotton, yeoman, 1693 In the name of God, Amen, the twentieth eight day of July in the yeare of our Lord God 1693, I, George Jurdeson of Shotton in the county palatine of Durham, yeoman, being very sick and weak in body but of perfect memory, thanks be given unto God therefore, calling unto minde the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men to dye, doe make & ordain this, my last will and testament, that is say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and for my body I commend it to the earth, to be buryed in a Christianlike and decent manner, at the descretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the generall resurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God; and as touching such wordly estate where with it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Imprimis, I do make my son, Thomas Jurdeson, to be my executors to pay all legassees whatsoever. Item, I give to my son, Richard Byers, the sume of ten pounds of good & lawful money. Item, I give to my daughter, Mirrell Jent, widdow, the sume of ten pounds of good & lawful money. Item, I give to my daughter, Jane Stothard, the silver plate. Item, I give to my daughter, Ann Beers and her children, the summe of ten pounds to be equally divided among her & children. Item, I give to my son, John Watson, EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 the sume of twenty shillings of good & lawfull money. Item, I give to my son, Robert Bailes, the sume of five shillings. This is my will that these legacies shall be paid within eighteene moneths after my decease. Ass witness my hand & seale the day & year above written. initials and seal In witness deleted Sealed, signed and delivered in the presence of Nicholas Read Robert Jurdeson Humble DPRI/1/1693/J8/1 Alice Leighton of the Low Hills, Shotton, widow, 1695 Know all all men, by theis presents, that I, Alice Leighton of the Low Hills within the townshipp of Shotton in the parish of Easington and county of Durham, widdow, late wife and relict of Robert Leighton, late of the Low Hills aforesaid, yeoman, deceased, and wee, Thomas Leighton and John Leighton of the same, yeomen, naturall and lawfull children of the said late deceased, for diverse good causes and consideracions us thereunto mooveing , do hereby humbly desire that the Right Worshippfull the judg of the ecclesiastical court of Durham or his deputy, may graunt and committ administracion of all and singular the goods, chattels, rights and credits of the aforesaid deceased to John Hendry of Norton in the county of Durham, aforesaid, yeoman, to and for the use of us, the said Alice Leighton, Thomas and John Leighton ( being all of full age) and also, to and for the use of Robert Leighton and William Leighton and of Ann, Jane and Alice Leighton, spinsters ( being all of them in their minorityes), late naturall and lawfull childeren also of the said deceased, according to the tenour of a monicion issuing out of the said ecclesiastical court of Durham and lately published in the parishe church of Easington aforesaid at the instance or promocion of the said John Hendry. In witness whereof wee have hereunto set our hands and seals, the second day of May, Anno Regni Regis Jacobi secundi etc. Angliae, the primo. Annoque Domini 1685. Alice Leighton, her marke, seal Thomas Leighton, seal John Leighton seal Seigned and sealed in the presence of Gabriel Swainston Edmond Smith DPRI/1/1695/L9/ Ralph Loftus of Little Eden, 1697 A tme & perfect inventory of all the goods, cattle & chattells of Ralph Loftas, late of Little Eaden in the parishe ofEasington, decased, apprised the sixteenth day of June, Annoque Domini 1697, by us whose names are underwritten. lmprimis, his purse & apperell 1 2s 0d Ittem, ffoure oxen 13 0s 0d Ittem}, six kine 14 8s 0d Ittem}, one stot, two heifers & a bull 4 0s 0d Ittem}, two old mares & two ffoales 5 10s 0d Ittem}, one colt 2li, 20 sheep 6li 8 0s 0d Ittem}, plow & waine geere 6 10s 0d Ittem}, two stacks of corne in the stackyard 5 0s 0d Ittem}, corne growing upon the ground & old hay 31 14s 6d Ittem}, in the forehouse, a cupbord & Spence 1 0s 0d Ittem}, foure pewter dishes 5s. & table, chaire & longsetle 4s. 9s 0d Ittem}, 6 bowles, a skeele & chume 6s 0d Ittem}, one bedsteed 4s., in the loft, a bed 10s. 14s 0d Ittem}, a ketle, pan, trenchers, dishes & other implements of household stuff 1 1s 6d Ittem}, seaven stirks att grass 7 0s 0d Ittem}, owing by Joshua Smith for corne 4 0s 0d Ittem}, by Ralph Chilton of Renton, for oats 2 5s 0d Ittem}, by George Wilkinson, d ? for oats 5 5s 0d Ittem}, small debts by severall hands 3 5s 0d 114 10s 0d John Thompson Richard Crookes Anthony Craggs DPRI/1/1697/L11/1 Richard Lightfoot of Easington, 1699 In the name of God, Amen, I, Richard Leightfoot of Easington, althogh being sick of bodey yet of a sound and perfect mind and memory, praise be therefore given to Almighty God, do make & ordain this my present last will & testament in manner and form following (that is to say), first and principally, I commend my soul into EASINGTON WILLS, 1601-50 the hands of Almighty God hoping, through the merits, death and pashion of my saviour, Jesus Christ, to have full & free pardon & forgiveness of sins and to inherit everlasting life. And, as touching the disposition of all such temporal! estate as it hath pleased the allmighty God to bestow upon me, I give and dispose thereof as followeth. Item, I give unto my father, Richard Leightfoot, the sumne of 5 shillings. Item, and to my mother Elizabeth Leightfoot, 1 guiney. Item, To my brother John Leightfoot, five shillings. Item, To my sister Ellenor, 2 guineys. Item, and to my brother Simon Leighton, five shillings. Item, to William Swallwell, 1 guiney. Item, to Ann Liddell, 1 guiney. Item, and that Robert Lighfoot shall have the house & all appurtaining to that tenement, after the decease of my wife Elizabeth Leightfoot and paire of plush breeches. Item, and, if the said Elizabeth marry again and hath a child, that my brother Robert shall or cause to paid to the child, 10 pounds when he enters the house. Item, and he shall pay or cause to be paid to my brother, Henry Leightfoot, the sumne of five pounds. Item, and to Henery, the son of Simon Leightfoot, tenn pounds. Item, and to my sister Elenor, 3 guineys. Item, all the rest & residue of my personall estate, goods & chattells whatsoever, I do give & bequeath unto my loving wife, Elizabeth Leightfoot, full and sole executrix of this my last will & testament. And I do here revocke, disnull, make void all former wills and testaments by me heretofore made. And that the said Elizabeth Leightfoot, my wife, shall have a part of my best cloaths which she pleaseth and my brother, Robert, the rest of my best cloaths, and my brother Simon, the stript cloaths, and my apprentice, William Sheepherd, the rest of my old cloaths. Witnes whereof we set our hands George Liddell December 16th Ann Liddell her mark 1699 William Sheeperd his mark DPRI/I/1699/L6/1 Richard Jurdeson of Easington, yeoman, 1700 In the name of God, amen, the twenty day of December in the year of our Lord God, 1694, and in the sixth year of the reign of our soverign Lord & Lady, King William & Queen Mary. I, Richard Jurdeson of Easington in the county of Durham, yeoman, being sick & weak in body but of sound & perfect memory, (thanksbe to God) do make this my last will & testament in manner & forme following, that is to say, first, I bequeath my soul & spirit into the hands of Almighty God my heavenly father, by whom of his meer & only grace, I trust to be saved & received into eternall rest through the death of my saviour & redeemer, Jesus Christ, in whose precious blood, I set the whole & only hope of my salvation. My wretchfull body, in hope of a joyfull resurection, I commit to the earth to be buryed in such decent & Christian manner as my executor hereafter named shall think good. First, I will that all such debts as I owe shall be truly paid. Item, I give & bequeath to Christopher Jurdeson, the second son of Christopher Jurdeson of Littlethorpe, all my lease, farmehouse, byers, stables & barnes belonging thereunto, holding under my Lord Bishop of Durham. Item, I give unto the same Christoper Jurdeson the summe of forty pounds and all my houshold goods but what are below excepted. And I give unto him all my instruments that belongs to husbandry. Item, I give unto the poor of this cunstably of Easington the summe of ten pounds. Item, the ten pounds which James Crooks owes me, I do give five pounds of it unto his wife and 4 pounds I give unto Maugery, the wife of Nicholas Crooks, and the other twenty shillings I give to Elizabeth Jurdeson, the daughter of William Jurdeson, late of little thorpe. Item, I give to Richard Jurdeson, son of the aforsaid Christopher Jurdeson, the summe of twenty pounds. Item, I give to Jane Jurdeson, the daughter of the aforsaid Christoper, the summe of ten pounds and likewise I give unto her the best bed which is in the chamber above & the best cupboard. Item, the five pounds that John Paxton of Easington owes me I give & bequeath it to Richard Paxton, his eldest son. Item, I give unto George Robinson, son of Christopher Robinson of Easington, the summe of forty shillings. Item, I make and ordein Christopher Jurdeson, senior, to be my full and only executor of this my last will and testament. And I doe utterly revoke all former wills and testaments in any wise heretofore made or declared. In witness whereof I have set to my hand & seal the day & date above written. Richard Jurdison [full name signed and sealled] Christopher Robinson [full name signed] Elizabeth Robinson, her mark [marked with a capital O] John Richardson, curate de Easington [full name signed] DPRI/1/1700/J4/1