ADA3M/4M: Great Acting Teachers

Great Acting Teachers
Your Task:
This research assignment introduces some of the greatest innovators in the world of theatre and is designed to
invite students to think critically and creatively. After researching information about your assigned acting teacher,
you will compare your research against assessment criteria as determined by the group to determine what exactly
makes your acting teacher "great". You will do research into the methodologies and training techniques of your
acting teacher, then the group will decide how to convey your findings to the class in an interesting and creative
format. You will have to access the public library and the internet for resources. The group will be evaluated on the
process, as well as the final product.
The Grade 12 students will begin the workshop process with a one-class-period workshop on the father of 20th
century acting technique, Konstantin Stanislavsky. They will model the preferred format for the workshop. They
will also serve as research assistants to the grade 11 groups, guiding your research and helping you to prepare an
effective workshop on your practitioner.
Grade 11 Students
Acting Teacher
Konstantin Stanislavsky
Uta Hagen
Lee Strasberg
Stella Adler
Sanford Meisner
Planning, Creating, Rehearsing: __________________________
Workshops: _______________________________
Your group will be required to produce the following:
A one page handout with relevant information about your acting teacher for distribution to the class
that includes a Bibliography of at least three credible sources.
NB: A unit test will be given after all of the seminars. Questions will be based on the handouts
An interactive seminar that is twenty-five minutes to forty minutes in length (75 minutes in length for
Grade 12s) that is creative, interesting and informative, and that teaches students a minimum of two
exercises based on the acting teacher’s techniques. Ask your Grade 12 assistants to help you select
valuable exercises, and get their suggestions on how to teach them.
Two to three short "check in" meetings with Mr. S. during the planning week to check for progress.
In your group, select criteria by which to judge what makes an acting teacher “great”.
Locate reliable resources and conduct research into the practices of your acting teacher.
Create a handout (1 page double sided) based on your research information that will provide the class
with a thorough understanding of your acting teacher’s methods, and what makes him/her “great”.
Create and rehearse your seminar presentation, incorporating at least 2 exercises used by your great
acting teacher.
Submit your handout 24 hours before your performance for photocopying.
Perform your seminar and answer questions from the class.
The Seminar should take the following format:
1. BIOGRAPHY: A brief biography of the acting teacher, his/her life in the theatre, and his/her major
contributions to the Arts. (2-3 mins max)
2. THEORIES: The principles, practices and theories of the acting teacher. What did he/she believe about
acting? How did he/she teach it? (2-3 minutes)
3. EXERCISES: Two sample interactive exercises that have been used by this acting teacher. Lay out the rules
for participation and guide the class through the exercises. This should be the bulk of the presentation.
Grade 12s are welcome to do 3-4 exercises as opposed to 2, or 2 really good ones. (15-20 minutes)
4. DEBRIEF: What was the importance of the exercises? Why are they valuable to the actor? (5 minutes)
5. ANALYSIS: Why is your acting teacher “great”? What about his/her theories and practices makes him/her
a valuable resource for actors? (2-3 minutes)
You may wish to use PowerPoint or similar to create visuals to accompany your seminar. If you choose to do so,
please let Mr.S. know so he can book a projector for you.
Name: ____________________________________________
Rehearsal and
Student is on task during rehearsal and research periods
Student arrives prepared to work
Student makes valuable contributions to his/her group’s project
Student listens to the ideas of others and compromises
Student does not bother other groups
Student does his/her share of the group work
Provides information about the acting teacher’s theories and principles
Structured in a useful and accessible way
Proper grammar and spelling
Detailed explanation of exercises and their usefulness to the actor
Student appears well rehearsed, speaks eloquently from memory (ie: doesn’t
read off notes or off the PPT screen)
Student is adequately represented in the presentation (ie: does his/her share)
Presentation is well organized and demonstrates evidence of careful rehearsal
Technical elements (PPT, etc.) are used effectively and technical problems are
dealt with gracefully
Students demonstrate a thorough understanding of the acting teacher’s ideas
and theories
Information is delivered in an engaging way
Exercises are well facilitated, run smoothly, and are debriefed thoroughly to
provide value to the students
Group defends the value of the acting teacher’s work well with sound criteria for
measurement and ample evidence
Student provides valuable assistance to his/her group without taking over the
presentation (ie: guidance, not direction)
Student provides valuable feedback to group on how they can improve their
presentation and make it more engaging and informative
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