Parent Letter - Mrs. Campbell's Class Page

Dear SHS Algebra I Parents,
We are pleased to inform you about our exciting algebra I curriculum. SHS
uses an online curriculum for our algebra I course. It is called Agile Mind.
Students do not have a textbook for this course. Agile Mind’s online
services support clear presentation of mathematical concepts using a
combination of written descriptions, illustrations, animations and interactive
activities. We are excited to be incorporating these exemplary services into
our curriculum and we hope that you will be, too. Please don’t hesitate to be
in touch with us if you have any questions about our efforts in mathematics
instruction. We welcome any comments or questions.
Agile Mind services are available online to students through any computer
with an Internet connection, so they can work at school, home, or at the
library. You’ll find the content to be high quality and richly engaging, with
many opportunities for students to assess their progress as they work.
Agile Mind is a secure service. Students must be registered users to access
the services. Your student will use their student ID number for their
username and password on Agile Mind. As parents you can access the
services with your student’s login information.
Also, this year all Algebra I math students at Shelbyville High School will
continue to participate in a web-based program called ALEKS. ALEKS,
like Agile Mind, can be accessed from any computer with an Internet
connection. Students will have usernames and passwords issued within the
first couple weeks of school. As parents, you will be able to go to this
website to check the progress of your student using your student’s login
ALEKS is a web-based learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning
to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and
doesn't know in a course. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics
he/she is most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS
periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also
retained. ALEKS courses are very complete in their topic coverage and
ALEKS avoids multiple-choice questions.
A student who shows a high level of mastery (at least 60%) of an ALEKS
course will be more successful in Algebra I and also on the end-of-course
assessment test (ECA). Please keep in mind that the ECA for algebra I is a
test each student has to pass to graduate from high school. We feel
Agile Mind and ALEKS are going to enhance our efforts to ensure your
student has the best, highest quality of instruction, practice, and assessment
for Algebra I.
Thank you for your support in helping your student have a positive and
successful year at SHS. Please keep this letter and general information
sheets for your records and sign and return bottom of this page to your
student’s math teacher.
SHS Math Teachers
General Information – Alegebra I
Aleks Requirements
Week class has Aleks lab
 Minimum of 1 hour
 Complete 10 topics
Week class doesn’t have Aleks lab
 Minimum of 1 hour
 Complete 6 topics
* All requirements are expected to be completed regardless of any
* Requirements may be adjusted by the teacher throughout the
* Detentions and discipline consequences will be given for not
completing Aleks requirements.
Aleks Goals
End of 1st nine weeks: 25%
End of 2nd nine weeks: 40%
End of 3rd nine weeks: 50%
1st week of May (right before ECA): 60%
Alternate Computer Access
 SHS library – open everyday after school until 4:00
(late bus runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, and
 Shelby County Public Library – parent is required to sign
Internet agreement for
student the first time
 Required – a 1” three-ring binder for each semester (or a
2” binder for the entire year)
 Highly Recommended – TI-83+ or TI-84+ Texas
Instrument graphing calculator
Algebra I Grades
ALEKS: 20%
Homework: 30%
Tests and Notebook: 30%
Quizzes and Assessments on Aleks and Acuity Assessments: 20%
Websites for Access
Agile Mind: (do not type www)
 Username and password is the student ID number
 If you have trouble accessing Agile Mind, you may want to try going
in on Google Chrome or Firefox.
 If you have trouble accessing Aleks, you may need to be sure you
have Java downloaded on your computer. For downloading Java, go
to – do NOT download Java directly from the Aleks
Please sign and return this page to your student’s math teacher. Keep
the letter and general information for your records.
I verify that I have read the above letter and also the general information
sheets about Agile Mind and ALEKS, and I understand what is expected of
my student.
Parent Signature
Name of Student