2013 CONFERENCE MINUTES Newspaper Target Marketing Coalition Scottsdale, AZ Conference March 13- 15, 2013 Member Newspaper Representatives Attending (51 Representatives, 33 Newspapers) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Duff Heyl Tim Thomas Ted Langford Liz English Susan Duchin Harry Jackson Mary Kelly Paul Pelland Neil Kirby Tim O’Neil James Scanlon Joe Roderick Bruce Russell Cathy Zasada David Kiehle Paul Therriault Jane Comfort Rod McLain Craig Kaplan Steve Westphal Mark Lukas Camille Stinton Jimmy Holmes Don Poepping Chris Trares Joseph Jahns Steve Templeton Kelly Shively Alanna Del Rios Chris Grow Joe Allen Jason Cole Isabella Mest Sindy Speelman Philip Brown Steve Bentz Keith Gilpin Doug David Chance Schlesman Rose Novotney Adam Bush Arizona Republic Arizona Republic Atlanta Journal-Constitution Austin America-Statesman Baltimore Sun Baltimore Sun Boston Globe Media Company Boston Globe Media Company Chicago Sun-Times Chicago Sun-Times Chicago Tribune Columbus Dispatch Columbus Dispatch Denver Post Detroit Media Partnership Dallas Morning News Florida Times-Union Fort Worth Star-Telegram Gannett Grand Rapids Press/Mlive Media Hartford Courant Hartford Courant Houston Chronicle Las Vegas Review-Journal Las Vegas Review-Journal Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times McClatchy Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Minneapolis Star-Tribune Minneapolis Star-Tribune New Jersey Star-Ledger New York Daily News NTMC Orange County Register Orange County Register Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel Palm Beach Post Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. William Cotter Debi Walery Stephanie Drileck Johnny Flores Ray McCutcheon Rita Jurczyk Janice Vallin Alan Levenstein Kelly Warren Charles Ford Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Portland Oregonian San Antonio Express-News San Antonio Express-News San Antonio Express-News San Diego Union-Tribune Seattle Times Virginia-Pilot Virginia-Pilot Washington Post Sponsors Attending (31 Representatives, 14 Sponsor Companies) 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. Randall Brant Jerry Ballenger Richard Epstein Jeff Fasseel Ben Waldrop Manual Collazo Mike Lynch Angelo Ramirez Corina Wandrey Keith Bartlett Pete Friedrich Ken Higdon Steve Cohen Monica Bartling Jamie Schultheis Lindsay Graichen Jim Mace John Short Gary Weiner David Henderson Jack Klausing Chad Swannie Chris Hummel Denis Longpre Chris Lovorn Allyn Hallisey Todd Molldrem Scott Pompe Laura Tarabini Robin Hunt Chris Rini American Circulation Innovations American Circulation Innovations American Circulation Innovations American Circulation Innovations Century Printing and Packaging CIPS Marketing Group CIPS Marketing Group CIPS Marketing Group CIPS Marketing Group doodad Global Ad Distribution Global Ad Distribution List Management Services Marketing Solutions Group Marketing Solutions Group NewsNotes® Advertising NewsNotes® Advertising NewsNotes® Advertising NewsNotes® Advertising Preferred Marketing Solutions Preferred Marketing Solutions Preferred Marketing Solutions Quad Graphics Quad Graphics Quad Graphics Rockledge Software, Inc. Tactician Media Tactician Media/NDX Tactician Media/NDX The Kennedy Group The Kennedy Group Advertisers and Business Segment Speakers Attending (12 Representatives, 11 Companies) 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. Jessica George Marlene Squires-Swanson Dan Briley John Cayne Daryl Newton Jim Hart Peter Krohse Colin May AAM Ashley Furniture Family Dollar Global Media Group Innovate Retail Integrated Advertising Solutions Mediaspace Mediaspace 91. 92. 93. 94. Paul Boyle Marsha Lawrence Cathy Petritz Lester Holze NAA Novus Media NSA ShopLocal A. Tuesday Night, March 12th i. 5:00pm- 9:00pm, Board of Director’s Meeting & Dinner – Sponsored by List Management Services, Inc. ii. 9:30pm, Informal Reception in Sangria’s Lounge – Sponsored by NTMC B. Wednesday Morning, March 13th i. 7:30am – Breakfast Buffet – Sponsored by Rockledge Software ii. 8:00am - Early Bird Drawing #1: Gift cards awarded to: Sindy Speelman and Todd Molldrem iii. 8:30-9:00am - NTMC Welcome: President’s remarks, Anti-trust statement, Attendee introductions Jane Comfort, NTMC President anti-trust statement included at end of minutes iv. 9:00-9:15am – Welcome from The Arizona Republic Chris Stegman, VP Advertising v. 9:15-9:30 – Presenting Sponsor Remarks – CIPS Marketing Group Manuel Collazo, VP Sales & Marketing vi. 9:30am – Supporting Sponsor Remarks – Global Ad Distribution Pete Friedrich, COO & CFO vii. 9:35am – Break viii. 10:00am – Supporting Sponsor Remarks - Marketing Solutions Group Jaime Schultheis, VP Sales ix. 10:05- 11:00am - Advertiser Segment #1: Regional Advertising Panel John Cayne, Global Media, Representing various QSRs QSR category is completely focused on ROI and very loyal when they see results. They are transactionally-dependent and smaller units would accept help with tracking, etc. Newspapers should improve content of insert packages as this category is very picky about other businesses they run with; grocery is a huge positive for them. While their largest customer base is younger, 31% are ages 50+, which is the heart of newspaper subscribers. Daryl Newton, Innovative Retail, Representing Mattress Firm Core audience is women 35+ and TMC is a very important vehicle to build that audience. They are a strong believer in Print & Hold strategy as a way to lower printing cost-perpiece. TMC jackets are a possibility to increase footprint and audience. Dan Briley, Family Dollar Company is migrating to TMC in order to reach their target audience. They prefer sub-ZIP data analysis but buy at ZIP level. They would like a simplified ad buying process that includes de-duped product counts across all vehicles. Apartments represent a key customer base and would like help reaching them. Also looking for newspapers to promote the fact that Family Dollar is a TMC buyer - added value would be appreciated! x. 11:00-11:45am – Advertiser Segment #2: Regional Advertising Roundtables John Cayne, Daryl Newton and Dan Briley conduct three 15 minute sessions with members rotating among the three. xi. 11:45am – Lunch Sponsor Remarks - The Kennedy Group Robin Hunt, Business Development Manager xii. Noon-1:00pm – Lunch Sponsored by The Kennedy Group Vista Verde Dining Room and The Courtyard C. Wednesday Afternoon, March 13th i. 1:00-2:00pm – Business Segment #1 – Hot Topics #1 Don Poepping and Joseph Jahns led discussion based on pre-conference survey. Digital Circulars was the key topic, including the need to be in that space and what is ideal? How to best utilize our audience? The best way to activate customers for them? Gift cards awarded to: Joe Allen, Steve Bentz and Jimmy Holmes for their contributions to the discussion. ii. 2:00-3:00pm – Business Segment #2 – Verified Distribution and AAM Reporting Options, Jessica George, Senior Manager, Publisher Relations, AAM Review of different audit options and what is required for each option. iii. 3:00pm – Break iv. 3:15-4:15pm – Business Segment #3 – Benchmarking Your TMC vs. Valassis and 200 Other Newspapers, Jim Hart, President, Integrated Advertising Solutions Display of metrics obtained from pre-conference survey. In addition to seeing current status, Jim discussed the annual revenue gains by achieving higher revenue per 1000 households and ways to achieve those gains. The ideal strategy is lowering dependence on the Top 10 TMC advertisers as well as new selling strategies for jacket revenue growth. Discussed zoning targets as done in Phoenix as well as new model recently launched in Seattle. v. 4:15pm – Dinner Sponsor Comments, American Circulation Innovations Randall Brant, VP Sales and Marketing vi. 4:30pm – New Conference Attendee Comments and Discussion Chicago Sun-Times (provisional member) Denver Post (non-member) Detroit News and Free Press Media Partnership (non-member) Grand Rapids Press/Mlive Media (non-member) Orlando Tribune (non-member) Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (provisional member) vii. 5:00pm – Conference Flash Drives handed out to newspaper attendees D. Wednesday Evening, March 13th i. 6:00-9:30pm – Western Theme Reception and Dinner, SR&CC Alameda Reception Sponsor: Preferred Marketing Solutions Dinner Sponsor: American Circulation Innovations Band provided music during reception and following dinner with after-dinner dancing on the Alameda Patio. ii. 9:30pm – Evening Networking E. Thursday Morning, March 14th i. 8:00am – Breakfast Buffet – Sponsored by Quad Graphics ii. 8:30am Early Bird Drawing #2 Gift cards awarded to: Chance Schlesman and Ben Waldrop iii. 9:00am – Supporting Sponsor Remarks – Quad Graphics Denis Longpre, Regional VP iv. 9:05-9:45am – Advertiser Segment #3 – Ashley Furniture, Marlene M. Squires-Swanson, Director Enterprise Advertising and Marketing She provided overview of company history and differences for franchise locations. Franchise stores are free to make their own decisions and newspapers should build relationships, an important link to growth. Print budgets are growing at the expense of broadcast. v. 9:45am – Supporting Sponsor Remarks – List Management Services Steve Cohen, President vi. 9:50am – Supporting Sponsor Remarks – American Newspaper Solutions Jerry Ballenger, CEO vii. 9:55am – Break viii. 10:05-10:45am – Advertiser Segment #4 – Cathy Petritz, Vice-President NSA (Representing Sears) Expanded footprints are expected this year, with rollout happening in phases. Cathy led a long discussion of Sears’ new marketing strategy “Shop Your Way.” This has strong focus from the company and they are looking for newspapers to help them build their electronic presence. One possibility is a data merge of Shop Your Way subscribers with newspaper subscribers. ix. 10:45-11:30 – Advertiser Segment #5 – National Advertising Roundtable Discussions Marlene Squires-Swanson and Cathy Petritz conduct two 20 minute sessions with members. x. 11:30am – Lunch Sponsor Remarks - NewsNotes Advertising John Short, NewsNotes Director xi. 11:45-12:15pm – Group Photo Sponsored by Marketing Solutions Group, Sunset Plaza xii. 12:15-1:15pm – Lunch Sponsored by NewsNotes Advertising Vista Verde Dining Room and The Courtyard F. Thursday Afternoon, March 14th i. 1:15-2:15pm – Business Segment #4, NAA Update- Valassis NSA- Postal Rates and Saturday Delivery, Paul Boyle, Senior Vice-President/Public Policy The Valassis NSA lawsuit is ongoing with decision expected this summer. Paul doesn’t expect Valassis to launch the product because of the window required in NSA and the lack of advertiser commitments. For the product to work they will probably need 5- 6 advertisers in order to qualify for the NSA discount. More discussions are to come with Congress regarding Saturday delivery. High Density Plus rating tier was added this year as a nod to newspaper concerns about the continuing rate differences between High Density and Saturation. The new HD Plus level would keep rates flat in 2013 for those routes that qualify. ii. 2:15-2:45pm – Elections - New NTMC Board of Directors and Member Newspapers Board Elections Secretary: Rod McLain and Sindy Speelman (Rod won in a close vote) Treasurer: Susan Duchin (unopposed) At-large: Adam Bush (unopposed) Outgoing Board Member Recognition NTMC President Jane Comfort presented engraved vases to Susan Duchin, Sindy Speelman and Joseph Jahns for their two years of service on the NTMC Board. New Member Newspapers The following provisional member newspapers were enrolled as new members: Chicago Sun-Times and Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. And, the non-member newspapers attending the conference were invited to become members: Denver Post, Detroit News and Free Press Media Partnership, Grand Rapids Press, and Orlando Tribune iii. 2:30pm – Supporting Sponsor Remarks Century Printing and Packaging - Ben Waldrop, President Preferred Marketing Solutions - Chad Swannie, National Account Executive Rockledge Software - Allyn Hallisey, CEO iv. 2:45pm – Break v. 3:00-3:45pm – Business Segment #5 – How ShopLocal is Helping Retailers Amplify Their Print Efforts Online, Lester Holze, Vice President, Business Development, ShopLocal Review of strategy and implementation for various retailers. vi. 3:45-4:45pm – Business Segment #6, Hot Topics #2 Don Poepping and Joseph Jahns lead discussion based on pre-conference survey. Topics discussed included TMC Market research, Sear’s Collaborative opportunity, Simplified rate cards, TMC jacket sales, Gift cards awarded to: Rod McLain, Alan Levenstein and Steve Westphal for their contributions to the discussion. vii. 4:45pm – Dinner Sponsor Remarks, doodad Keith Bartlett, President and COO viii. 5:00pm – Commemorative Conference Fleeces provided newspaper attendees G. Thursday Evening, March 14th i. 5:45-6:45pm – Coaches Transport Guests to Venue, Sponsored by Global Ad Distribution ii. 6:00-7:00pm – Reception at Roaring Fork, Sponsored by Century Printing and Packaging iii. 7:00-9:30pm – Dinner at Roaring Fork, Sponsored by doodad Board election results announced Secretary: Rod McLain Treasurer: Susan Duchin At-large: Adam Bush iv. 9:30pm – Evening Networking H. Friday Morning, March 15th i. 7:30am – Breakfast Buffet – Sponsored by American Newspaper Solutions ii. 8:00am Early Bird Drawing #3 Gift cards awarded to: Allyn Hallisey, Jim Mace and Chance Schlesman (again!) iii. 8:30-9:15am – Advertiser Segment #6 – Marsha Lawrence, Director of Media Investment, Novus Media (Representing MediaVest and Walmart) Marsha provided a general review of Walmart’s plans for the coming year. Walmart is looking for lower increase on preprint page counts. Walmart’s planning is typically done in May or June for the following year. They have also done some digital tests in select markets with more to come, but so far the results have not been good. Walmart also has a percentage of their budget allocated to diverse audiences. iv. 9:15am – Supporting Sponsor Remarks -Tactician Media Todd Molldrem, Executive VP and GM v. 9:40-10:15am – Sponsor Exchange Members visit sponsor’s tables and enter for gift card drawing. Winners included Harry Jackson, Isabella Mest, Adam Bush, Rose Novotny, Joseph Jahns, David Kiehle, Paul Pelland, Alana DelRios, Alan Levenstein vi. 10:15am – Break vii. 10:30-11:15am – Advertiser Segment #7, Mediaspace: The Blue Sky Collective and the Future of Newspaper Advertising, Colin May, Buying Director and Peter Krohse, Buying Manager Distributed two books to each member; Shattering the Status Quo by Scott Jagodzinski and Blue Sky Notes. Discussed company history and specific plans for Lumber Liquidators, American Express and United Healthcare viii. 11:15-11:30am – Final Business Philip Brown asked attendees to provide conference feedback via the online evaluations. Possible cities for next year’s conference were discussed with Atlanta, Austin, San Antonio and Miami/Ft. Lauderdale receiving the most interest. The timing of the 2014 conference was also discussed because of the 2014 NAA meeting moving to mid-March in Denver. ix. 11:30am – 2013 NTMC Scottsdale Conference adjourned I. Friday Afternoon, March 15th - Friday Outings i. Golf: We-Ko-Pa Golf Club, Cholla Course in Fort McDowell ii. ML Baseball: Talking Stick, Arizona Diamondbacks vs. the Oakland Athletics iii. Cooking School: canceled Anti-Trust Statement While our meetings tend to be casual and creative, there is one area where we need to display self-control and caution, and that is with antitrust concerns. Federal law prohibits combinations, conspiracies, and agreements that restrain trade or competition in commerce. Trade associations are by their very nature a “combination”, since they consist of a group of competitors joined together for a common business purpose. Accordingly, associations must refrain from actions having anti-competitive potential. It is important to remember that there are many topics that you, as an individual, can discuss within your company that would not be appropriate to discuss here, together as a group. Examples of forbidden topics include: Specific current or future prices or rates charged by a particular company. However, it is permissible to discuss the average prices previously charged by a group of four or more companies. The price averages should be based on data that is more than three months old. Endorsements of particular companies or products to the exclusion of others. Discussions of this group should not encourage the boycotting or refusal to deal with certain companies or products or services. However, it is permissible to discuss your experiences with particular vendors or with other companies. Allocation of markets, territories or customers. Any action or understanding that limits competition or causes disadvantage to third parties. Everyone in these meetings needs to help insure that we observe and comply with these anti-trust guidelines. Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation!