Depression Storybook

U.S. History
Great Depression/New Deal Project:
Do you remember your favorite storybook as a child? You can probably still recite lines from it by
memory. One way, to learn, understand, and retain information is to simplify it into your own words.
Your project for the Great Depression/New Deal will be to create a storybook detailing the events so that
even a child could understand the plot. Use your book and notes for information on this chapter. You will
need to include background information from the previous chapter, as well.
Within the story, you must include the following details:
-What was the time period before the Great Depression like (was the economy good, were
people having fun, were there new inventions)?
-What were the reasons the Depression happened?
-What was the Hoover Administrations reaction to the Depression?
-Describe the election of 1932.
-What was FDR’s response to the Depression?
-Give details on the New Deal (what was it, what were some of the programs, what did they
-What was the result of the New Deal (was it a success, was it a failure, did it change
Key People to include in your story:
Herbert Hoover
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)
Eleanor Roosevelt
Father Charles Coughlin
Huey Long
Alf Landon
Key Terms to Include:
Roaring Twenties (Jazz, Flappers,
Buying on Margin
Installment Buying
Stock Market Crash
Great Depression
Bonus Army
New Deal
Dust Bowl
Second New Deal
-Social Security
-Wagner Act
Court Packing
End of the New Deal
7 pages (one for each detail)
Image on Each Page
Cover Page with Image
Neat (real children’s book)
Turn in (Project Grade)