Durham Catholic District School Board 650 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, ON L1J 7C4 Catholic Education: Learning & Living in Faith PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT REPORT BY PRINCIPAL (Revised January 2014) Applicant’s name: Date of assessment: Position being applied for: □ Applicant’s current position: □ Secondary Vice Principal □ Elementary □ Secondary Applicant’s current school: □ Name of referring principal: Principal □ Elementary Referring principal’s school: Please describe your working relationship to the candidate. DCDSB Professional Assessment Report by Principal – January 2014 – page 2 LEADERSHIP PREPAREDNESS RUBRIC: NOTE: This rubric contains broad descriptors of the four developmental stages of leadership. Please use this rubric and the Catholic School-Level Leadership Chart in the Ontario Leadership Framework (available at live.iel.immix.ca/content/framework) to frame your responses. Level 1: Personal Awareness Stage Level 2: Initial Application Stage Level 3: Routine Application Stage Level 4: Integrated Application Stage Acquiring knowledge base → Beginning to apply knowledge → Applies and puts knowledge and skills into operation → Sophisticated integration of knowledge and its application → Limited consultation with others → Consults and collaborates with others as appropriate to the situation → Consultation and collaboration with a global perspective. → Personal level of involvement → Inventive/creative → Self-directed activity, participation → Applies knowledge/action → Beginning to apply action → Egocentric power→ The power of independence → Empowering of others → Some sharing of power → Beginning to impact→ Significant impact → Consistent impact → Some impact → Limited initiative→ Takes some initiative → Consistent, demonstrated initiative → Consistent, demonstrated initiative with a global perspective → Consistently evident → None to seldom→ Some→ Several, most → DCDSB Professional Assessment Report by Principal – January 2014 – page 3 SETTING GOALS Please comment on the experience and the potential of the applicant to set direction: Building a share vision. Identifying specific, shared short-term goals. Creating high expectations. Communicating the visions and goals. Using the rubric on page 2, please assess the applicant’s ability, expertise and potential for setting direction. DCDSB Professional Assessment Report by Principal – January 2014 – page 4 BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS AND DEVELOPING PEOPLE Please comment on the experience and the potential of the applicant: Providing support and demonstrating consideration for individual staff members. Stimulating growth in the professional capacities of staff. Modeling the school’s values and practices. Building trusting relationships with, and among, staffing students and parents. Establishing productive working relationships with teacher federation representatives. Using the rubric on page 2, please assess the applicant’s ability, expertise and potential for building relationships and developing people. DCDSB Professional Assessment Report by Principal – January 2014 – page 5 DEVELOPING THE ORGANIZATION SUPPORT DESIRED PRACTICES Please comment on the experience and the potential of the applicant to support desired practices. Building collaborative cultures and distributing leadership. Structuring the organization to facilitate collaboration. Building productive relationships with family(ies) and community. Connecting the school to the wider environment. Maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Allocating resources in support of the school’s visions and goals. Using the rubric on page 2, please assess the applicants’ ability, expertise and potential to develop the organization to support desired practices. DCDSB Professional Assessment Report by Principal – January 2014 – page 6 IMPROVING INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM Please comment on the experience and the potential of the applicant to improve instructional programs: Staffing the instructional program. Providing instructional support. Monitoring progress in student learning and school improvement. Buffering staff from distractions to their work. Using the rubric on page 2, please assess the applicants’ ability, expertise and potential to improve instructional programs. DCDSB Professional Assessment Report by Principal – January 2014 – page 7 SECURING ACCOUNTABILITY Please comment on the experience and the potential of the applicant to secure accountability: Building staff members’ sense of internal accountability. Meeting the demands for external accountability. Using the rubric on page 2, please assess the applicant’s ability, expertise and potential to secure accountability. DCDSB Professional Assessment Report by Principal – January 2014 – page 8 PERSONAL LEADERSHIP RESOURCES Using the following scale, how would you score the applicant on the following: Outstanding Excellent Successful Needs further development Unable to assess 4 3 2 1 NA Cognitive Resources Consistently demonstrates exceptional performance. Meets all requirements and often demonstrates performance beyond expectations. Performance meets expectations for the position. Meets some but not all expectations for the position. Insufficient knowledge of the candidate’s skills in this area. Social Resources Psychological Resources Problem solving expertise Perceiving Emotions Optimism Knowledge of effective school and classroom practices that directly affect student learning. Managing Emotions Self-Efficacy Systems thinking Acting in emotionally appropriate ways Resilience Proactivity DCDSB Professional Assessment Report by Principal – January 2014 – page 9 SUMMARY COMMENTS Date: _______________________ Principal’s Signature: _________________________________________ NOTE: PLEASE PROVIDE THE APPLICANT WITH A COPY OF THIS COMPLETED FORM AT THE SAME TIME THE FORM IS BEING SUBMITTED TO THE CATHOLIC EDUCATION CENTRE January 2014