Friday, October 8 - School of Communication and Information

Friday, October 8
5:30-7:30 PM Welcome Reception [Zimmerli Museum]
Saturday, October 9
8:00-8:40 AM Registration and Breakfast [SCC Reception Area]
8:40-8:55 AM Opening Welcome and Remarks
Hartmut B. Mokros, Senior Associate Dean
School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University
9:00-10:00 AM Panel Session #1
Organizational Behavior and Communication Strategies
Nici Ploeger, University of Oklahoma
Equivocal Communication, Directness, and Maladaptive Identity
Defense Mechanisms: The Role of Coworkers' Communicative
Strategies in the Perpetuation of Unethical Organizational Behavior
Leah Omilion, Wayne State University
Stealing Staplers and Comforting Colleagues: Social and Economic
Exchange Orientation as Predictors of Organizational Citizenship
Behavior and Counterproductive Workplace Behavior
Katherine M. Kelley, University of Oklahoma
Trusting Doubt, Doubting Trust: Paradoxes in Leadership
10:00-10:15 AM Coffee Break [SCC Reception Area]
10:15-11:15 AM Panel Session #2
Community, Collective Action and Collaboration
Amanda J. Porter, University of Colorado at Boulder
Sustainable Community Place: The Role of Collaborative
Technologies in Community Planning Processes
Andrew Ishak, University of Texas at Austin
The Roles of Improvisation and Predictability in High-risk
Chih-Hui Lai, Rutgers University
Living History with the Internet: Probing the Sustainability of Internetestablished Voluntary Associations through an Evolutionary Lens
11:15-12:15 PM Panel Session #3
Sociomateriality and Structure
John Dowd, Purdue University
The Structure-Agency Debate: A Media Ecological Approach to
Organizing and Education
Vincent N. Pham, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tensioning Race: Rhetorics of Raced-Organizing
Elizabeth A. Williams, Purdue University
Towards an Understanding of Multiteam Systems: Theorizing about
Identification, Leadership and Communication in an Emergency
Response System
12:15-12:45 PM Lunch, followed by Poster Session I (12:45-1:30 PM)
[SCC Reception Area]
*please see poster presenters and abstract titles at the end of program.
Faculty Moderator: Kevin Barge, Texas A&M University
Brenda L. Berkelaar, Northeastern University
1:30-2:15 PM
Faculty Panel #1
Emergence of "Engaged Scholarship" in Organizational
Dave Seibold, University of California, Santa Barbara
Stacey Connaughton, Purdue University
John Lammers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chair: Laurie Lewis, Rutgers University
2:15-3:00 PM Panel Session #4
Organizational Culture and Diversity, Part One
Stacy Smulowitz, Rutgers University
Culture and Communication in Large Scale, Planned Organizational
Change Programs: A Case Study of Four Educational Support
Services Within A Large, Northeastern University
Astrid Villamil, University of Kansas
Examining Hispanic Population’s Workplace Experiences
3:00-3:15 PM Coffee Break [SCC Reception Area]
3:15-4:15 PM Panel Session #5
Organizational Culture and Diversity, Part Two
Sarah Stiemel, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Negotiating Tensions across Organizational Boundaries:
Communication and Refugee Resettlement Organizations
Jenny Dixon, University of Missouri
Queering Socialization: The Experience of Sexuality in the
Jennifer Moreland, The Ohio State University
Normative Conflict in the Nursing Context: Conflict Reporting and
Nurse Identity
4:15-5:15 PM Panel Session #6
Organizational Development and Design
Jeremy P. Fyke, Purdue University
Doing "The Work" of Corporate Transformation: From Organizational
Development to Conscious Capitalism
Leon V. Laureij, Rutgers University
Collaborative Design Work of the University Supply Chain
Paul Ziek, Rutgers University
Interorganizational Infrastructure for Communication: A Study of
CSR Controversy
5:15-6:15 PM Faculty Panel #2:
Transition and Change of Role as an OC Scholar
Mirit Shoham, Ohio University
Ryan Bisel, University of Oklahoma
Lisa Chewning, Penn State University
Stacey Wieland, Villanova University
Matthew Weber, Duke University
Chair: Jennifer Gibbs, Rutgers University
7:00-9:00 PM Dinner [Panico’s]
Sunday, October 10
8:00-8:30 AM Breakfast [SCC Reception Area]
8:30-9:30 AM Panel Session #7
Creating and Maintaining Identity
Laura A. Cooley, Bowling Green State University
Identification Strategies in Hospice Organizations
Mattea A. Garcia, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Reference this: A study of Librarians as Professionals
Bernadette M. Gailliard, University of California, Santa Barbara
Identity Negotiation Processes in Hospital Contexts
9:30-10:15 AM Coffee Break and Poster Session II [SCC Reception
Faculty Moderator: Brittany Peterson, Ohio University
Rebecca Meisenbach, University of Missouri-Columbia
10:15-11:15 AM Faculty Panel #3
Collaboration Within and Across Disciplines
Joshua B. Barbour, Texas A&M University
Mahuya Pal, University of South Florida
Loril Gossett, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Mark Aakhus, Rutgers University
Chair: Craig Scott, Rutgers University
11:15-12:15 PM Panel Session #8
Knowledge Management/Sharing in Organizations
Jeffrey Treem, Northwestern University
Experts at Creating Expertise: Exploring Knowledge Production in
Professional-Service Firms
Melissa Bator, University of California, Santa Barbara
Knowledge Sharing within the International Development Community
Bradley S. Wesner, Texas A&M University
Bridging Boundary Items: Cross Training Meets Cross
12:15-12:45 PM Closing Session, followed by lunch [SCC Reception
*Poster Presentations (Saturday, October 9th, 12:45-1:30 PM)
In alphabetical order:
Nirupama Akella, University of South Alabama
Factors Influencing Motivation of Volunteers: A Case Study of the
Bay Are Food Bank
William C. Barley, Northwestern University
Negotiating Engineered Objects: Exploring Strategically Designed
Objects and Collective Interpretation of Meaning
Jacquelyn Chinn, Texas A&M University
Accounts of Resistance and Decline in Volunteer Emergency
Pascal Gagné, Université de Montréal
Organizational Identity in Narratives. The National Film Board
Campaign and its Rhetoric of Funding
Angela N. Gist, University of Missouri-Columbia
Grad Student Scuttlebutt: A Grounded Theory Analysis of Gossip
and Sensemaking
Zhe Li & Yuan Yuan, Rutgers University
An Exploration Study of Cell Phone Policies in Public Universities
Tim McKenna, Ohio University
Am I Prepared for Life in Retirement?: An Exploration of Retirement
Assimilations Influence on Social Identity as Retired
Songyi Park, Northwestern University
The Effect of Workplace Fun on Relations between Person-Job Fit
and Work Attitudes
Prashant Rajan, Purdue University
Collaboration as a communicative structure and process: Mixedmethod analyses of synchronous team discourse across stages in
the virtuality continuum
Kimberly Smith, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Customer-Employee Rapport and its Effect on Service Outcomes
Jonathan Wickert & David Ta, University of Missouri
Disrupted Identity: A Grounded Theory Approach to the Socialization
and Performance of Queer Health Professionals
** Poster Presentations (Sunday, October 10th, 9:30-10:15 AM)
In alphabetical order:
David A. Askay,University of North Carolina at Charlotte
If You Can’t Say Anything Nice: Social and Technological. Factors
Influencing Online Feedback Systems
Elaine Brown, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Meaning or Managerialism: Competing Discourses in Corporate
Brittany Collins, Texas A&M University
Black Leader or Leader Who Happens to be Black? Racial Identity
Politics among African American Leaders in an Institution of Higher
Sharon C. Doerer, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
The Electronic Storefront: The Virtual Selling, Telling and Framing of
Organizational Diversity Messages on Corporate Websites
Danielle Gillard, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Order Through Improvisation: Exploring the Role of Improvisation in
Organizational Sensemaking
Vaibhavi Kulkarni, Rutgers University
Employee reaction to change announcements: Assessing the impact
of change magnitude and message valence
Theresa Lochhaas, Missouri State University
The C-Street Conflict: Identifying Conflict Perceptions in Multi-party,
Long-term Community Conflict
Rachel L. Rashé, Texas A&M University
Meet You at the Crossroads: The Intersection of Socialization and
Allison Weidhaas, University of South Florida
Workplace Fun: The Benefits and Pitfalls of a Fun Workplace
Eric John Zackrison, Missouri State University
Dialectics in Intergroup and Inter-Organizational Communication: An
Examination of Boundary Spanner Communication
Participating Faculty List (to be expanded)
Mark Aakhus, Rutgers University
Colin R. Baker, Wayne State University
Joshua Barbour, Texas A & M University
Kevin Barge, Texas A&M University
George Barnett, University of California-Davis
Ambar Basu, University of South Florida
Brenda L. Berkelaar, Northeastern University
Ryan S. Bisel, University of Oklahoma
Yea-Wen Chen, Ohio University
Lisa Chewing, Penn State University
Stacey Connaughton, Purdue University
Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University
Marya Doerfel, Rutgers University
Debbie S. Dougherty, University of Missouri-Columbia
Jennifer Gibbs, Rutgers University
Loril Gossett, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Matthew Isbell, Merrimack College
Kerk Kee, Chapman University
Lorraine Kisselburgh, Purdue University
John Lammers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Laurie Lewis, Rutgers University
Rebecca Meisenbach, University of Missouri-Columbia
Vernon Miller, Michigan State University
Mahuya Pal, University of South Florida
Brittany Peterson, Ohio University
Scott Poole, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Brent Ruben, Rutgers University
Craig Scott, Rutgers University
Dave Seibold, University of California, Santa Barbara
Mirit Shoham, Ohio University
Matthew Weber, Duke University
Stacey Wieland, Villanova University