
Test Date: Tuesday May 12, 2015
Study Guide for Poetry Unit Test
Here are some helpful hints for studying for our Poetry Unit Test. Students should
review any notes, worksheets, assignments and poems that we have done.
1. Poetry Terms Practice Quiz (Attached) :
a. Students should know all poetic terms and their definitions covered in
the terms practice quiz. There will be a matching section of these terms
on the test worth 10%. You will also need to know some of the terms for
the selected response, constructed response and long answer sections of
the test.
2. Poetry Unit Selections:
a. Students do NOT need to know specific details of poems from the text
books or handouts, however students should review many of the
discussions we had in class and how they fit into the Poetry Unit.
b. RISC - Answering a question properly in Language Arts – See handout in
student binder. Students should be aware of the elements that they
need to have included when answering any short or long answer
question in language arts.
3. Test Outline
10 Poetry Terms Matching - 10 %
5 Selected Response – 10%
1 Constructed Response (Imagery) – 10%
1 Long Answer – (Metaphor) - 20%
Grade 7 Language Arts
Poetry Terms Quiz
Name: _________________________________
Mark: __/10= ___%
Write the number of the correct term on the blank next to each definition below.
(1 mark each)
1. Rhyme scheme
___ a direct comparison ( The wind is a dancer.)
2. Mood
___ a pattern of rhymes created by the words
at the end of each line
3. Personification
___ a pattern of stressed and unstressed
4. Free Verse
___ the feelings and emotions that the writing
produces in the reader
5. Rhythm
___ when human qualities are given to animals
or objects
___ a comparison using like or as
6. Alliteration
7. Rhyme
___ a form of poetry that does not follow a set
8. Metaphor
___ the repetition of consonant sounds at the
beginning of words
9. Imagery
___ language that appeals to the five senses
10. Simile
___ matching word sounds: often used in poetry