Table of Contents - "S_550_599.doc"_ S-550. S-551. S-552. S-553. S-554. S-555. S-556. S-557. S-558. S-559. S-560. S-561. S-562. S-563. S-564. S-565. S-566. S-567. S-568. S-569. S-570. S-571. S-572. S-573. S-574. S-575. S-576. S-577. S-578. S-579. S-580. S-581. S-582. S-583. S-584. S-585. S-586. S-587. S-588. S-589. S-590. S-591. S-592. S-593. S-594. S-595. S-596. S-597. S-598. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Quantum Wormholes from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Beyond Relativity from Paul Devine regarding Motion of a Charged Particle in a Plasma from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding dark energy-matter and E=mc2 from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding manipulating the weak nuclear force from "Misty Rainbow" regarding Stine's "Wishing Machine" from Paul Devine regarding the Equation of Motion solved from a Wave Equation from "Misty Rainbow" regarding Telepathy between Particles from "DesertMan" regarding Stine's "Wishing Machine" from "DesertMan" regarding reviews of Stine's "Wishing Machine" from "DesertMan" regarding more "wishing machines" from "DesertMan" regarding "Materialization of Thought Forms" from "DesertMan" regarding misc. from "DesertMan" regarding an "Erotic Wishing Machine" from [deleted] regarding Montauk and Rome ADL from Tom Skeggs regarding remote-viewing Rome ADL (Montauk) from Tom Skeggs regarding an alternate design for the 'Star Chamber' from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding "Gravity Dooughnut Promises Time machine" from Paul Devine regarding Time Machine / Oberth / Corso from Mike D'Agostino regarding "Gravity Dooughnut Promises Time machine" from [deleted] regarding UFO stories from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Bearden, Lazar, UNITEL from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding comparing FTs to the "British Roswell" and UNITEL from "DesertMan" regarding misc. Psionics from Paul Devine regarding alleged expert consultations by Corso from Paul Devine regarding the rumored government drug trade from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Donald Keyhoe's 1955 book from Paul Devine regarding Corso and Roswell from Paul Devine regarding Corso and other conspiracies from Paul Devine regarding 2-dimensional Time from Paul Devine regarding the alien agenda from Paul Devine regarding Hermann Oberth and the G-Field from Paul Devine regarding Walter R. Dornberger from Ed Halerewicz regarding Pentagon Plans for Hollywood from Paul Devine regarding Field Unification Theory a la Einstein from "Stephen" regarding Tesla and Ramanujan from Paul Devine regarding Dornberger/Bunge Group/Mesmer/Mozart from "A.D.A.M." regarding Preston Nichols and the Delta-T antenna from Paul Devine regarding Ramanujan's "goddess" from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Scalar Wave theories from Paul Devine regarding Alien Abductions from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Tom Bearden from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding removing Bearden's archived material from my site from Paul Devine regarding "2012" from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding "2012" from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding nuke tests and environmental effects from Paul Devine regarding "growing pains" in new science from Paul Devine regarding Montauk, remote-viewing, 2012, etc. from StealthSkater regarding math models vs. reality 627 S-599. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding conspiracy theories S-550. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Quantum Wormholes From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Thu, June 2, 2005 3:51 pm Subject: Re: Wormhole wanderers face a deadly dilemma --- wrote: > "Wormhole wanderers face a deadly dilemma" > The same garbage over-and-over again. A QM wormhole won't work. Period! And no one can talk seriously about exotic energy because no one knows what it is let alone if it even exists. -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-551. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Beyond Relativity From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Thu, June 9, 2005 7:38 pm Subject: Re: is Las Vegas 'Spook Central'? --- wrote: >> Title: - Los Alamos whistle-blower beaten outside bar - Jun 7, 2005 > > Ed -> > That somewhat reminds me of Gene Huff's account of Bob Lazar's (alleged) immediate supervisor -- somebody by the name of "Dennis" ... -- in David Darlington's Area-51 book. The last time anyone saw this Dennis guy was at a casino where he was supposed to meet Lazar in public after Lazar had been caught. > > In the Dan Burisch saga, it is said that -- surprising to me, if true -- Las Vegas is the "Spook Central" of the World (meaning spies). And that many of the "Q" clearance operatives have "front" jobs as casino security guards. Burisch was one himself (if you believe the story). [BTW, I sent a CD copy of my site to Burish's Las Vegas address. It was acknowledged on the GLP board that they received it. But I never heard anything more which leads me to believe -- contrary to Bill Hamilton's assertions -- that the whole Burisch thing was more of an exercise to gauge the success of swaying public opinion by use of the Internet. 628 > > I'm a little confused about GR. Einstein was supposed to have explained gravity by the warping of space-time caused by the localized concentration of matter-energy. Case closed. So then gravity isn't a particle (graviton) but a bending of the space-time fabric. The quest for a quantum form of gravity seems to imply that physicists regard GR as only an interim -and not fundamental -- solution. Is that right? > > Did they ever figure out exactly what causes a negative or positive charge? I've read about the strong and weak force. Is "charge" the electromagnetic force? And what about the attractive or repulsive force between unlike and like "charges". Is this just an offshoot of the electromagnetic force? Our physics classes never got into that great of fundamental details. > > Tim Ventura reported that the famous Gulf Breeze UFO sightings may have been the testing of a manmade advanced propulsion system. The photos that I saw always looked more "manmade" than "alien". I can't remember the source of this. I think I was channel surfing back in the 90s. But I happened on some sort of documentary that showed the Bell rocket-pack. And then it switched to something more modern. It looked like the basket of a "cherry picker". A man was standing inside it. And then the footage showed -- from the occupant's perspective -- a flight path through trees and woods. It was said that this would have application as a front-line military observer. It somewhat reminded me of Star Wars III when they were riding those cycles through the forests. But this footage wasn't at that tremendous speed. It was very believable. Even the footage quality looked like from a consumer camcorder and not a professional Hollywood movie camera. > > I had read rumors that Dean Kamen's "Segway" was a follow-on act to something that was a lot more secret. Purported to be a revolutionary hovercraft of the type I saw in that documentary, it was sometimes called "Ginger" or simply "It". Never heard anything more about it. Nor have I seen any more on that former documentary. Don't know if it ties into NASA's Breakthrough Propulsion Project or not. Still like to know how do they generate the considerable power that any such device must require. I thought the story was odd. A scientist working at a place that I personally would love to apparently gets severely beaten for some sort of money issue? As per Einstein, he invented GR because all of mechanics/electromagnetics, etc. could be explained etc. except for Gravity. And that was the reason he invented GR. The 'graviton' is simply trying to use Quantum Mechanics to explain Gravity. Einstein did not think that Relativity was the end of Physics. Nor does anyone else explaining that search. If anything, Einstein showed that space and time were not fundamental as Newton assumed but energy in the form of electromagnetism. Charge +/- only differs in the direction of electric vectors around a particle. I'm sure you seen such diagrams over-and-over. Though QM has shown why proton and electron charges have the same magnitude, it is because they use the EM force and thus use-and-release equal amounts of photons. The strong and weak nuclear force use the quark model with 3 charges +/- n/3 where n is either 1 or 2. The strong force is a lot like EM but much stronger and with the three charge, which do not carry photons of equal spin, so its fundamentally different right there. The weak force is simply radioactive decay. We know what causes some of it but not others. Some things that it predicts (e.g., proton decay) has never been observed. 629 Neutral/non-neutral charges, valence shell electron repulsion theory (VSPR). Just basic Chemistry, really. You can get some statistics out of this with Quantum Mechanics. But it is electromagnetism and is well known. -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-552. from Paul Devine regarding Motion of a Charged Particle in a Plasma From: "paul devine" <> Date: Sun, June 19, 2005 6:32 pm To: Subject: Equation of Motion of a Charged Particle in a Thermodynamically Cold Alfven Plasma. Mark! I've finally re-located it -- the Equation of Motion, which it is the job of Field Unification Theory (a la Ed Witten [and myself]) to generalize! It's in the SECOND (1973) edition of *Electromagnetics* by John D. Kraus. It's the basis of all my comments to you on FUT! I shall pass it along as a second, separate sending in pdf format. It is the last P.D.E. -- Equation (13) in section 15-10 on page 742 of that document. But just a few, brief comments first. (1). The important thing about the partial differential equation is the third mixed partial with respect to the magnetic vector component at the far right-hand side of the equation. Since nothing else in the differential equation is a mixed partial and since everything else in it is of second degree, this is what complicates matters. It is the basis -- the reason -- for the cubic (think "third degree" here) terms in the P3-titled documents in pdf format that I sent you earlier. Laplace Transform theory converts a differential equation into an algebraic equation, a third derivative into a cubic equation (a polynomial of degree 3). And thus the earlier material with variables raised to the third power. (2). The definition of "plasma" that Kraus uses is in section 15-8, second paragraph. You will notice that the temperature is assumed to be essentially zero. (3). Thus -- as complicated as is all this present FUT work, based as it is on the equation of motion of a charged particle in an Alfven plasma -- it is still not complicated enough for somewhere along the line, it is going to be necessary to make the temperature to be significantly non-zero. But, sufficient for the day are the troubles thereof (not to coin a phrase or anything)! Enjoy! (s)Paul. P.S.: I got your message about Lazar, and will respond to it ASAP. As usual, I could generate about half-a-dozen responses to any one single message from you ( :) )! P. S-553. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding dark enery-matter and E=mc2 630 From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Mon, June 20, 2005 10:56 am Subject: Re: how universal is E= mc2? --- wrote: > If the Higgs particle (or field, as some physicists say) gives 'mass' to 'matter' and 'matter' can be thought of a sort of solidified 'energy' by E=mc2, does ('Dark-Energy')=('DarkMatter')^2 ? No. Technically, anything that does not give off light on its own could be considered 'dark matter'. Secondly, one does not think of 'dark matter' as being tied to 'dark energy'. Dark energy would imply antigravity if that would be true. Than no matter state would exist. The Higgs field only gives mass when the field is broken. The difference between the broken field and the original field would drive the quantity of mass if the Higgs field really existed. -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-554. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding manipulating the weak nuclear force From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Mon, June 20, 2005 11:22 am Subject: Re: the weak nuclear force -- fundamental or variable? --- wrote: > Ed -> > Rightly or wrongly, I always thought that the neutron could be crudely thought of as being composed of a proton and an electron. And it was the weak nuclear force that triggered its radioactive decay. I'm well aware of the logarithmic half-life statistical correlations. But does anything "external" accelerate the decay? If you start with so many atoms of a radioactive substance and then spread them across the galaxy, will measurements of each remote sample obey the same decay rate? Does the decay rate change if the atoms are dispersed (implying that there may be some force-of-nature that is exerting an influence). Sooner-or-later when you get down to fewer-and-fewer atoms, that equation has to break down. > > The reason I ask the question is that I know that certain properties of a substance can be changed by external forces. One of the problems on my Masters thesis was modeling heat flow from a rod via both convection and radiation while one end of the rod was conducting heat via from an oven. My results were then used by another grad student to measure how ultrasonics changed the rod's thermal conductivity. I have seen claims of other properties being subject to change by external forces, including radioactive decay. 631 > > If that is possible, then use that means to accelerate the decay of something that emits a positron. And there you would have a matter-antimatter reactor whose rate of heat generation can be controlled. > > -- Mark Well, from the Standard Model of particle physics your conception of the neutron is wrong. The proton's charge due to quarks would be +2/3 + 2/3 -1/3=+1, while the neutron is -1/3 -1/3 +2/3=0. The quarks of course deal with the strong nuclear force creating the difference between the strong and electromagnetic forces as I've mentioned before. But the weak nuclear force does trigger nuclear decay, though. As per half-lifes, they are constant. They would change only say near a black hole. But that deals with General Relativity theory and locally due to the Special Theory of Relativity -- the decay rate would still be constant. The weak force is an internal rather than external effect on an atom. Dispersing atoms would not change this. Nuclear chain reactions such as fission would fall to zero, but that would deal with chain reactions and not the weak force per say. As for ultrasonics changing heat flow, of course it would. 'Heat' is simply moving energy. If you introduce a sound wave affecting the molecules of course, there is going to be change. Now, the weak force can sometimes interact weakly with the strong and EM forces -- the so-called electro-weak-strong force (at high energies) -- so some change is possible by other forces. But being spread out across space would not be a factor. There are already reactions that easily produce positrons. The trick is to catch them and trap them before they interaction with electrons. [StealthSkater note: What I was trying to do was suggest a "backdoor" approach to creating a pseudo Element-115, whose antimatter decay could be converted into heat and then into electricity for a small onboard power unit. If properties like thermal conductivity can be changed, what about radioactive decay rates? Is there a way to "goose" the weak force to accelerate the decay? If so, pick an element that ejects antimatter particles and then modulate (i.e., control) the decay rate and thereby the end power generation.] -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-555. from "Misty Rainbow" regarding Stine's "Wishing Machine" From: "Misty" <> To: Date: Tue, June 21, 2005 5:44 am Subject: Re: a few articles that didn't make it on the CD ... > Nicky -> 632 > There are a few documents that didn't have time to make it on the CD that you currently have in your hands. They are worth reading. > > One is an updated Lazar_15.doc that replaces the one on the CD. I took more from Darlington's book. It can be downloaded from . > > Another showcases modern-day "Women on the Frontiers of Physics". Many of the "bestof-the-best" scientific minds are women. Downloaded from . You may have heard of some of them. > >The last was taken from a PBS-NOVA documentary on how Crick&Watson "stole" Rosalind Franklin's x-ray crystallography data that led them to discover the double helical structure of DNA. They got the Nobel Prize, while she died unceremoniously at 37 from the cancer she received from all those x-rays. Read "The Secret of Photo 51" at . It is gratifying that her sacrifices and contributions are finally receiving due recognition. > >-- Mark > > P.S. I also was one of the local "renegade boys" in my semi-pro roller-skating days. Terrorizing parking garages, receiving all sorts of calls from irate parents, living by the motto "If you fall, you die!" ... Ah, the good ol' days when they didn't have all these hidden cameras! Hi Mark, Great stuff, thanks. It's strange how men have discovered everything in Science. Oh well, at least we were men before and discovered things in Science. (Like me in the pyramid - I need to find someone clued up to talk to myself the Atlantean time-traveler in the pyramid, who can have a live conversation through time. It takes about 15 seconds for the telepathy to travel each way. But I did it once with my friend. It worked, but she was too indifferent. I need someone who really is enthusiastic for it to work as doubt blocks my telepathy. I don't know what frequency "doubt" operates on. But I think some telepathy operates at 8hz. Preston Nichols says that our consciousness uses the 435 MHz. I sent out something yesterday by Sarfatti being once a "gifted" child, and how his handlers thought that people with a photographic memory can have remote empathy. I've got those, but not sure if it's because of the B-type blood. Apparently people of that type are watched by the CIA -- according to Fritz Springmeier -- as they vibrate at a faster frequency. They try to recruit them for their remoteviewing programs or try to stop them spying on them. Hmmmm … I know they look for a certain gene which shows time-travel ability. Do you think you might have it? I think a New Zelander was involved in the team cracking the DNA code. And also another one called "Rutherford" was one of the discoverers of the atom. But these people leave New Zealand when young, and we never hear from them again. At least we still have our present prize -- Bruce Cathie and his hyperdimensional physics. 633 Roller skating sounds like fun. I'm going to have my past life Persian person Sembe in my novel as a surfer in the astral world when he dreams. I just love watching that stuff, and I'm sure it would be even more exciting doing this astrally with all the different colors. I'm fascinated looking backwards at the world from the next dimensions. Did you read my past life novel yet? It's at I'll check those links out shortly -- thanks. But anyway, do you believe all that alien channeled stuff which claims that our DNA must go back to 12 strands? That sounds a bit odd. I've heard about children being born with 3 strand DNA. Are they freaks or advanced? Nicky S-556. from Paul Devine regarding the Equation of Motion solved from a Wave Equation From: "paul devine" <> To: "paul devine" <> Date: Wed, June 22, 2005 5:52 pm Subject: The Equation of Motion of a Charged Particle in a Plasma (I). The following discussion pertains to Field Unification Theory (FUT) in the context of the article "Wave Equation for Alfven Wave in Cool Plasma", which itself consists of excerpts from Chapter 15 ("Plasmas and Particles") from the Second (1973) edition of the book Electromagnetics by John D. Kraus. All references in what follows are to this book. (II). I will vary the notation of Kraus somewhat. For example, concerning his Section 15-10 on pages 740-742: His equation (13) in that section, I might denote by "Equation (15-10-13)" and the section itself, I might denote by "Section (15-10)", etc. (III). The Equation (15-10-13) --which lies at the core of the present discussion -- has a peculiarity. It has a unique mixed third partial derivative at its far right-hand side. It is this peculiarity which serves us as an ad hoc heuristic to motivate the need to introduce into FUT the so-called invariants of P3 (forms equivalent to cubic polynomials or equations). (IV). At the beginning of the chapter, Kraus seems to want the equation of motion of a charged particle. For example, see the discussion in the first 3 sections … and even in that part of Section (15-8) excerpted here. (V). He ends by giving us not an explicit equation for the motion of a charged particle, but rather the wave equation for a magnetic component of an Alfven wave -- Equation (15-10-13). (VI). But the one -- the former -- the search for the equation of motion has led to the latter -- the wave equation for a magnetic component of the Alfven wave, Equation (13) on p.742 of Section 10 of Chapter 15. (VII). In order to get the equation of motion, solve Equation (15-10-13) for 'H' (the magnetic field component). (VIII). Then use Equation (15-10-5) on p. 741 to express 'H' in terms of 'B'. 634 (IX). Then insert the expression for 'B' into something like equation (15-8-6) on p.731, which is equivalent to Eq. (15-10-8) on p.741. (X). Then, comparing the result of this insertion with Equations (1) to (5) of Section (15-8) on p.730 shows that we have an equation of motion. A simpler version of this -- and an easier way to see the same thing -- is to consult Eq. (15-3-7) of Section (15-3) on p.720. (XI). THUS: To get an "equation of motion", you must first solve a wave equation. It is solving the wave equation which is the hard part. But the wave equation -- once solved -- gives the equation of motion, which must then be solved in its own turn. Solving the wave equation is merely a means to an end, a sine qua non, an indispensable necessary precondition or prerequisite to getting the equation of motion. (XII). Comment: Kraus defines what he means by the term "plasma" in the second paragraph of Section (15-8) on p.731. It is evident that the plasma is "cool" and that its thermodynamic temperature is effectively zero(0). But in reality, plasmas are "hot"; they have temperatures well in excess of zero. Thus, all the above work -- once done for temperature zero -- will have to be re-done for plasmas with a non-zero temperature. But, Sufficient for the day are the troubles thereof. The End. S-557. from "Misty Rainbow" regarding Telepathy between Particles From: "Misty" <> To: "Stealthskater" <> (more) Date: Mon, June 27, 2005 7:18 am Subject: Telepathy between particles Telepathy between particles [IMG] Switching from Macro- to microcosmos, we are confronted with the famous 'Einstein-PodolskyRosen paradox'. It has been the subject of controversy ever since Einstein formulated it in 1933, and has recently been given a more precise expression by J.S. Bell, a theoretical physicist at CERN. 'Bell's Theorem' states that when 2 particles have interacted and then flown off in opposite directions, interference with one particle will instantly affect the other particle, regardless of the distance between them. The correctness of Bell's experimental results is not in dispute. But its interpretation poses a major problem because it seems to imply a sort of 'telepathy' between the particles in question. This is how David Bohm -- Professor of Theoretical Physics at Birkbeck College, University of London -- has summed up the situation (his italics): It is generally acknowledged that the Quantum Theory has many strikingly novel features ... However, there has been too little emphasis on what is, in our view, the most fundamentally different new feature of all -- i.e., the intimate interconnection of different systems that are not in spatial contact ... Recently, interest in this question has been stimulated by the work of Bell who obtained precise mathematical criteria, distinguishing the experimental consequences of this feature of 'quantum 635 interconnectedness of distant systems' ... Thus, one is led to a new notion of unbroken wholeness which denies the classical idea of analysability of the World into separately and independently existent parts . . ¡X Arthur Koestler, Janus S-558. from "DesertMan" regarding Stine's "Wishing Machine" From : DesertMan <> To : Sent : Monday, July 11, 2005 8:49 PM Subject : Stine's Wishing Machine Greetings, I have been very impressed with your website. You have included some very remarkable things. I have been researching everything on the web I can find doing searches for Stine's Wishing Machine and have come up with some interesting websites. I was wondering if you have any more resources on the subject. If so, please share them with me. I plan to make a small one in the near future using (1) copper plates, (2) Amp (what type?), and (3) antenna (what is the BEST type?). I sent off for Stine's "Mind Machines...." book. But there is much information already on the web, as you probably know. Do you have any Success Stories to share with the machine? Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you, Desertman S-559. from "DesertMan" regarding reviews of Stine's "Wishing Machine" From : DesertMan <> To : StealthSkater <> Sent : Tuesday, July 12, 2005 5:05 PM Subject : Re: Wishing Machines WEBSITES!!! Hello StealthSkater, Thanks for writing back. I'll share with you most of what I have learned about Stine's Wishing Machine. First of all, Stine wrote about it in his book "Mind Machines You Can Build..." Right-<click> on this: t%5F1/002-2405015-4348801 636 He said that he almost left it out of his book because it is quite simple and a lot of people wouldn't believe it, anyway. Me and a few other people are glad he kept it in!!! The Reviews listed on the Amazon site are REALLY good for a book that is to some VERY farfetched and full of unorthodox methods. I, for one, like to "think outside the box" so-to-speak and keep an open mind. Unlike the masses. Now on the "Mind Machines...." Amazon page, you have in front of you <click> on the "Book" itself and the next page should take you to the cover of the book. Then, <click> on the top part of the book where it says "Table of Contents" and THAT page will display. It will read "Wishing Machine" near the bottom. There is reference to the Wishing Machine on the "Back Cover" too and Stine's picture. Here are a few more web sites of people that have ACTUALLY MADE AND USED a Wishing Machine. David Woodard actually KNEW Stine, and hence knows as much about this simple little machine as anyone, I guess. <Click> on the "Two Guns" in the picture below where it says "Wishing Machine" on his web site. He and I exchanged an email a few weeks ago. He didn't say much, just that he has many success stories to share with me someday using the Wishing Machine. Interesting!!!!!!! Hope he does just that! Another person named David Mason knows a lot about it, too. He and I have exchanged a few emails in the past few weeks. He has a website and sells lots of similar machines, too. Here are a few emails we sent about the Wishing Machine: 3D4132%26sid%3Db82ad3bdfd472ac62c4f1ff16a48a283+%22Preston+Nichols%22+Montauk%2 2+%22Wishing+Machine%22&hl=en Lastly, this web page is an interview talking about a few of David Woodard's applications such as (possibly) curing a Texas boy of terminal cancer: All I did was do a Google search for "Stine" "Wishing Machine", and it turned up these and a few more. You can make your own search and find more, too. I hope to make one in the near future. Copper Plates, Amp, and Antenna. Simple, huh? I think Stine was on to something. Sort of an elementary Hieronymus Machine to me WITHOUT all of the knobs and pad for rubbing. I hope to someday experiment with THAT machine too! Hope this helps. Email them if you like. Let me know what you think and what YOU come up with. Bye, Desertman S-560. from "DesertMan" regarding more "wishing machines" 637 From : DesertMan <> To : Sent : Tuesday, July 12, 2005 5:48 PM Subject : Just a few more web sites Hello, Just had a few more minutes to share some other interesting websites. Here is the hard-to-find publisher of Stine's Mind Machine book. I have sent off for it. I really liked your funny page {Humor.htm] "The Difference between Man and Woman". Ain't it the truth!!! Man -- uncomplicated. Woman -- FORGET IT / Impossible!!!!!!!!! Desertman S-561. from "DesertMan" regarding "Materializationn of Thought Forms" From : DesertMan <> To : StealthSkater <> Sent : Tuesday, July 12, 2005 7:41 PM Subject : Just ONE MORE TIME............"MODIFIED" Wishing Machine Style!!!!!! Hello, Just couldn't let this subject get passed up without telling you about just ONE more email from a Chat group that I REALLY found interesting -- See LuckyLouie (what a name!!!!!) I really like this one!!!!!!! AND they are really being creative with this one, too! Just to show us all how creative we can be AND possibly effective to create change in our lives, too. Lastly, this thing about the Amplifier that is talked about in many MANY Psionic devices of all types is something that is taken for granted! I think that the basic Amp REALLY does play a major part in this subject and in many more devices of its kind, too. Last night I was reading your website's description of "The Science of Materialization of the Thought Form"( ) and I was struck how many times the word AMPLIFIER was used in the second half. I started thinking about how an Amplifier is used in the construction of Stine's basic Wishing Machine and how it is used in other psionic and creative devices of its type, too. Maybe these people "AMPLIFYING" their intentions (electronically) just might work! Well, that's all I've got. I just wanted you to know how much I have enjoyed your website and hope that some of my ideas, or make that Stine's and other people's ideas might be added to your site. I'm 638 learning like the rest of the people out there, too. Pretty weird stuff on the web, HUH??? Got to love it!!!!!!! Stay in touch, Desertman, USA S-562. from "DesertMan" regarding misc. From : DesertMan <> To : StealthSkater <> Sent : Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:19 PM Subject : Re: another 'wishing machine' (dreamweaver) Hello again, StealthSkater I don't know what to call you. Is your name 'Mark'? Mine is 'JJ'. Great link you gave me at the bottom of your e-mail. I'll check it out more later. Yes, I know of Preston Nichols & company of the Montauk Project. David Mason in one of his emails mentioned him. Do you know about this website about Preston? Looks interesting, HUH? Now THAT'S a we site that has a lot of information on the paranormal! They sell tapes of him (Preston) and others, too. Lastly, I didn't mean to bog you down with lots of web pages on the Wishing Machine. Now you know that there was a man behind the concept that wrote a book on it back in about 1985. Stine, that is. It was originally titled something else. I just thought that you might like to get the whole scoop on it. REALLY fascinates me! But you can tell that. I'll make mine in the next week or so. Keep in touch, JJ USA---WAAaaa out West!!! S-563. from "DesertMan" regarding an "Erotic Wishing Machine" From : DesertMan <> To : Sent : Wednesday, July 13, 2005 3:42 PM Subject : The "LETS GET LAID MACHINE!!" Hello StealthSkater, I just couldn't let this one pass me and YOU by. I don't know if you are aware of this machine. It has QUITE a repetition!!! Well maybe? 639 alim.htm+%22Feraliminal+Lycanthropizer%22&hl=en I got it from a Google search: This one is written by David Woodard. He is the one that I emailed with a week-or-so ago. And he also knew Stine and a whole lot about the Wishing Machine, too. I wish that I had one back many years ago in Collage! I could have gotten laid every nite! I could have saved a lot of money on Booze and just turned on the "Machine"! Tell me what you think? See ya, Desertman S-564. from [deleted] regarding Montauk and Rome ADL From: [deleted by StealthSkater] To: Date: Fri, July 15, 2005 2:33 am Subject: Re: gravity doughnut promises time machine Hi Mark -Long time no hear. I just started to read the article -- it looks like it could be possible. I was just reviewing the and something hit a nerve. In the document, it says: "3) I think this is the place [Pine Gap, New Jersey] where I kept seeing in RV the pine trees last year. A pine forest. I kept seeing a red barn-like building next to a bend in a road surrounded by long grass. The road bends around to the right. And the building is close to some broad-leaf trees like oak trees. This road leads to some type of military enclosure close to a pine forest. The enclosure is overgrown with long grass. The site has aerials and shallow mounds. The road is blocked by a steel chain link gate. I also recall warning signs. And I saw yellow lines painted on the road turning around passing the building. You will cross a river over a bridge made of steel guiders. The bridge was rusty. And the river was slow moving but seems fairly wide. The banks slope down to the river. And there are tall reeds on both banks." My colleagues and I have been around this area enough to hazard an 'educated guess'. What Tom has described is the Rome ADL (Air Defense Lab) Antenna Analysis Annex located just outside of Tully, NY. And this sort of bridges with some of the accounts of the Montauk Project. Let me explain. On the site, there is a wide fresh water creek with an old I-beam bridge going over it. There is also a FPS-35 tower with complete machanics minus the "peel". Where you would expect to see a dish usually 640 had an aircraft wing attached to it. Down range from the tower are "sets" of measurement antennas set up in 360 degrees around the tower (some are on mounds) and up the sides of the hills on both sides. Security was usually very lax. It wasn't on the beaten path, so-to-say. It had some fences in some areas (most were wood). But for the most part, it was a sign hanging in the middle of a chain hanging across the entrance on 2 steel pipe/cement base fence posts. It also had the old rusty red, white, and blue "No Trespassing - U.S. Government Property" signs nailed to trees and fence posts and telephone poles in the area. We have been in that tower. The equipment used there was the latest/greatest (not seen by the public type). They also had a group of different "wings" on the ground that could be mounted to the FPS-35 mechanics to evaluate radio/antenna systems. They also had some "test dishes" that could be mounted also. But those were kept on the small hanger (large garage). It looks like a barn from a distance. And since it wasn't used on a continual basis, it always had the grass grown up to waist-high. Contractors went down range to whack the tall grass down (before the mower would come through) to do a compliance test (so the mower could see the antennas/transmitters and not run over them). The antennas in the 360-degree pattern could also transmit also. There are a lot of pine trees there. There are also private farms (with huge red barns) to the North and South of the annex. So, this sound more like what Tom was seeing. You should share this with Tom and see what he feels. S-565. from Tom Skeggs regarding remote-viewing Rome ADL (Montauk) From: "Thomas Skeggs" Date: Sat, July 16, 2005 9:00 am To: Subject: Re: forwarding e-mail from [deleted] regarding remote-viewing Montauk Hello Mark Thanks for the e-mails. Haven't been on the Internet for last few months. Interesting what [deleted] had to say about Rome ADL. That RV data was spontaneous so it's difficult for me to pinpoint my location when remote-viewing that site. It was a site that I was "drawn to" when searching for Montauk-related sites. So I am uncertain as to what part of the country. The Rome Lab -- in conjunction with the Mitre "think-tank" -- did a lot of development work in New York state on radar. There are Mitre test sites at: ● Roslyn AFS, NY ● Hancock AFS, ● Stewart AFB NY . And Montauk AFS is listed as one. There is also a Rome test site at Verona, NY. I did some searching on the net looking at maps. I found a real "Ong" on the Magnolia Ave near Pembleton, New Jersey. Not far from Fort Dix. In New Jersey, there is a large lake known as the "Great Egg". So there could some connection with the 641 Moorish Science Ashram at Ong's Hat and the Great Egg lake. "Ashram" means retreat where a Hindu lives. For over 2 years, I got RV data from Montauk about a teenager who may have started fires. But little else. Yet going over my notes, I reported a large triangular-shaped device located below ground in some sort of concrete structure where I reported seeing men in camo uniforms working. It maybe in a old missile silo. I attempted to make a model of it, displaying photos on the old Stargate website. Work along the lines of the Montauk story may have occurred in another location instead of Montauk itself. *Flight Test Article (FTA)* I built and test a small prototype set-up of the FTA propulsion system. It works -- photos are on my FTA website. I later tested it with a home-made electrolysis cell. It worked, but it produces a irregular flow of fuel. And it was difficult to photograph as I keep experiencing flameouts. The Air Augmented Rocket Engine works well, and I have combined it with an air compressor system so the rocket engine can make its own oxidizer. This results in smaller and lighter oxidizer tanks. I was thinking of filing a patent of the above FTA propulsion systems. But in the UK, this is very difficult. Disclosure in any form would prevent me from getting a patent. Also the construction of prototype could also prevent me from getting a patent because the UK Patent Office says the invention must be "New" and "Unique". The construction of a prototype before applying for a patent would render as not new or unique. In other countries, they may not be so strict. Must go now. I hope all is well your end … and that you're having a better time than I am. All the best for now Tom [StealthSkater note: Yeah … like anything 'good' ever happens to me!!!] S-566. from Tom Skeggs regarding an alternate design for the 'Star Chamber' From: "Thomas Skeggs" Date: Sun, July 17, 2005 11:36 am To: Subject: an alternate design for the Star Chamber? also more on Corso and Lazar -- wrote: >Tom -> >Since "exotic matter" is still theoretical (awaiting experimental confirmation), did you read the article about "Gravity DoughnutPromises Time Machine" ( )? It seemed to say that exotic matter is not needed for time travel but merely a unique geometrical distribution of energy. Although it has its drawbacks (seems to be limited to going no farther back in time than when the machine was created), I wonder if it would have any implications for the 'Star Chamber'. Just a thought ... 642 > > I dug up more of the Bob Lazar story and re-wrote the Lazar_15.doc that you have on the CD. The new one can be downloaded at . It is about 60 typewritten pages long. But it's easy reading, and also talks about Bill Uhouse and others. > > I archived some of Philip Corso's "The Day After Roswell" book at . It gives the strategic plan on how Corso was able to secretly "seed" industry with Roswellbased devices that led (according to Corso) to the 20th Century's most significant inventions. > > And of course, you know that if you lose the CD, you can always access your archived material at . The photos of the earlier FTA prototypes should be buried in those documents somewhere. > >Later ->Mark > *I was reading the article on "Gravity Doughnut Promises Time Machines" … This reminded me of a 'Tipler cylinder' where you have a cylinder with infinite length, made up of a heavy mass rotating at a very high RPM. The effect is that the mass of the cylinder would drag spacetime around with it caused by the gravity of the mass. This results in where the lines of time would flip over and cause closed time-like curves where particles or other objects would rotate around the cylinder. The paths of the particles would rotate in a circle or spiral creating a distorted region space-time around it, like a doughnut around the axis of the cylinder. I have been thinking of a prototype because some scientists now believe the cylinder does not have to be 'infinite'. Another drawback to using a Tipler cylinder as a time machine is the RPM, which would result in the cylinder collapsing under its own gravitational force. I was reading where the RPM can be lower. It just leaves the problem of using a very heavy mass. (All I have is a heavy bronze tube!) Another feature would to place the Tipler cylinder inside a tube with a cavity between the rotating cylinder and the stationary outer tube. The cavity would contain a vacuum and would be less then 1 mm. This is akin to the Casimir Effect where only particles of certain wavelength can fit between the rotating cylinder and stationary outer tube. The rotating cylinder would drag the particles around with it and hopefully the enclosed space-time as well. This design is also modeled on the Kutta-Joukowski Theorem. A rotating cylinder in space might not remain stationary. It would move as its pulls spacetime around it. I came across some details on the Kutta-Joukowski Lift Theorem on a NASA website for a cylinder. I wanted to investigate incorporating rotating cylinders inside some new lift engines for the FTA. Such a cylinder following the Theorem would create lift according to: *L=rGV* 643 where *L* is the lift, *r* is the density of the cylinder,*V* is the velocity, and *G* is the Vortex strength define as *G=2.0 π b Vr *. The *b* is the radius of the cylinder and *Vr* is the rotational speed. Where the rotational speed is * Vr = 2.0 π bs*. The *s* is the spin or revs a second. But lift would only be created in a atmosphere as the rotating cylinder would entrain or pull air molecules around the cylinder. This is why I placed the rotating cylinder inside a stationary tube to create a cavity with an artificial environment where only certain particles of a certain wavelength can fit. The effects of a very large prototype would mean it would create a measurable gravitational time dilation effect outside of the stationary outer casing as an observer walks around the prototype with a stop watch. Also if photons were fired into the top of the cavity, they should in theory spiral backwards in time towards the base of the cylinder. (If a sensor was located at the bottom of the cavity, the sensor would detect a photon before it was fired into the top). As the arrows of time would line up with the axis of the cylinder. (See page 494, Time Machines by Paul J.Nahin). > Also people in distant future could use lasers to project a hologram inside the device where its projected back into the past. But not to a time prior to the device was built? This idea only exists as a basic concept. And there is still a lot of equations to do on such a design. There is also the task of finding a suitable material for the cylinder. There was a recent article in British newspaper following the success of a popular time-travel sci-fi drama called "Dr Who". The newspaper article was about 2 scientists who had written a paper on timetravel stating that past directed time travel would be almost impossible to alter. So if we went back in time to change History, we would fail. According to them, the Past is set and you cannot change it. So any future time traveler would only be allowed to monitor events and not partake in historic events. It may explain why no time travelers turned up for a convention at MIT. The actual appearance of a genuine time traveler would cause a history to be changed -- and that's something that's almost impossible to do. Well that's all for now. Tom S-567. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding "Gravity Dooughnut Promises Time machine" From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Sun, July 17, 2005 1:17 pm Subject: Re: gravity doughnut promises time machine --- wrote: > Maybe "exotic matter" and wormholes are not needed after all for MQT or time travel. This was just posted at : > "Gravity doughnut promises time machine" > The address is: > Is there a way of "concentrating" energy to make a pseudo-mass that could be employed by a UFO-like machine? 644 No. "Exotic matter" is still needed. The article is talking about metric time not linear time, which Einstein (and myself as well) believes to be nothing more than an illusion. Metric time will simply take you back to a past geometrodynamic state of the system -- it would never allow for anything like travel to 1969. Then again most physicists believe that even if you had exotic energy and wormholes, you still could not go back to 1969. Nothing of the article is truly new. I have already mentioned to you that a time machine can not go back to before it was created. The only interesting about the article is that it could allow for experimental testing of geometric time. I know you heard of E = mc2. That's like saying is there a way to turn co_2 into gasoline. It's just easier to use the gasoline you get noting the other way aside from wasted time money and resources. So the answer is a short NO. > I wonder if the stories about the circulating mercury plasma in the Black Triangles -- which you have often told me has no real physics basis -- could be alluding to something else? Perhaps disinformation. I dismiss Ed Fouche's claim regarding the mythical TR-3B. I find Lazar's story to be more plausible than his. (And I think the Lazar was lying through his teeth!). > Can mastery (forget about detecting it for the time being) of the Higgs field lead to such a controlled concentration of mass? Is this what UNITEL's "ponderomotive" force was about? There is nothing there to "master". That is why some have coined the mythical Higgs particle as the "God particle". It would be the Universe itself. The 'flaws' in the field would produce what we term matter. Hell, it's the one thing that I agree with Lazar about! Scientists can't explain certain things and have to make up fictitious particles. The ponderomotive force that I told Larry Maurer about is simply using the magnetic force to control the behavior of plasma. Nothing groundbreaking about that. (He was probably wanting to use it to control the inverse tractor beam). > I'm trying to track down Hermann Oberth's report that equated UFOs to more like "time machines" than the typical aerospace (albeit advanced) craft. To me, that is one hell of a load! How can one compare a spacecraft[?] to a machine that doesn't even exist? "Apples and oranges", I say! -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-568. from Paul Devine regarding Time Machine / Oberth / Corso From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Sun, July 17, 2005 4:34 pm Subject: Gravity donut and time machine messages/ Oberth / Corso 645 Mark, When I was just about to respond to your first message, the longer sending arrives. So I will respond last to first. (A). I do not know as much about time machines as do your other correspondents. For example, I know nothing about the Kutta-Joukowski Lift Theorem. Now about Ed's and Tom's response, except for Ed's comments on Lazar (about whom I do not know enough to have an opinion), I agree with the positive statements made by both men. For example, with Tom and concerning Frank Tipler's gadget. There is no such thing as an "infinitely long" anything. Any effect would be very local and would have no practical consequences at all. It is merely a "basic concept" as Tom said. (B). As concerns Ed Halerewicz regarding Oberth and Corso: (B1). I do not know of any such reference to Corso by Oberth. That having been said, I should also hasten to add that about all I do know about Hermann Julius Oberth (aside from his 1957 book (Man Into Space) and his work with Werner von Braun over here) is that he was a technical adviser (along with Willy Ley) to Fritz Lang in the making of Lang's 1928-1929 "Die Frau im Mond" (= "The Woman in the Moon" = "By Rocket to the Moon" = "The Girl in the Moon"). For help, Lang had approached the Institution of the recently-founded German Rocket Society of which Ley and Oberth were members. Oberth designed the rocket and the 3-person cabin. Oberth died in 1989, so his comments about Corso cannot have been very recent. Nor could Corso's "coming out" have been all that recent, either. [StealthSkater note: I must have confused Paul somewhere. It was Corso who referred to Oberth (an alleged spacecraft=time-machine report), not vice versa.] (B2). On the subject of Corso: (B2a). Not apropos of very much in particular. But if you want some interesting information on the background of Corso, then look at pages 347 and 411 of The Old Boys (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1992) by Mr. Berton Hersh. It makes for some interesting reading. Among other things, Corso would have been considered an extremist by some. Also one of Corso's Knights of Malta pals (CIA Herman Kimsey) was complicit in the Kennedy assassination, 40 years ago in Dallas (S. = Hugh C. McDonald, Appointment in Dallas, 1975). (B2b). I have not read Corso's book and know nothing about it. (B2c). As concerns Corso's theory that the aliens are time travelers: That seems to be common knowledge on Coast-2-Coast AM, Mark. ( I am writing from memory now). A few weeks ago, there was a guy named "Dean" on, interviewed by Art Bell himself (Sat., 25 June,'05). Dean and Bell were talking about just exactly that subject at one point in the program (if memory serves). That discussion may not have made it onto the "recap' of the show, however. You might have to try to get it on the streaming audio for that portion of the program, which means paying money. (I think Dean may have said that he had known Corso.) The subject may have come up also when Paola Harris was a guest on C2C. She had interviewed Corso before he died and had found him to be a convincing witness. (B2d). Now I would like to interject a personal point here about aliens as time travelers. I think there is a distinct possibility that Corso was being hood-winked here, Mark. As I understand these 646 things, one reason for alien-human cloning and in-breeding -- according to these alleged "aliens" themselves -- is to save either themselves, or us, or both. But another and alternative point-of-view has been put forward by the likes of a man named "Lash" on C2C (the show for III-19-'05, repeated on VII-02-'05). Lash claims to have studied ancient documents, according to which these aliens are envious and jealous of us. We can do things that they cannot. They want to be able to do what we can do. So they come to us with this sob story about a dire future in store for either us, or themselves, or both if we don't let them experiment with us. I would urge some consideration be given to Lash's claims here, Mark. (Again, this may not be on the "recap' for the interview. You may have to get it, either from the streaming audio of the interview, or else from Lash's book.) You can see that I am more than a little suspicious of these entities that are not-of-this-Earth. I take my stand more with the likes of : Karla Turner ; the "ufo art" man (whose name I don't recall); and Mike Heiser (all of whom have been C2C guests), & Co. (B2e). BTW, the "gravity donut" article from NATURE was archived as a "Hot Story" on C2C for (Friday, 15 July, 2005), in case you are interested. Ciao. (s) Paul. S-569. from Mike D'Agostino regarding "Gravity Dooughnut Promises Time machine" From: "" <> To: Date: Mon, July 18, 2005 11:38 am Hi Mark, Thanks for keeping me in the loop. The toroid shape is mathematically interesting. A few years ago, fascination with the toroid topology and possible axis of rotation inspired me to examine in more depth and write personal notes regarding the subject in regards to approaching super symmetry. Although on a supersymmetry model, 2 such toroid structures would be required -- each partially nested within each other and each exhibiting counter rotational qualities to each. Rotational values contained in such a system would be dynamic. For example, if you imagine a inflated tire tube and the entire tire construct was experiencing rotation -- for example clockwise -- in addition the surface area or skin of the tire tube exhibited motion at a 45o angle (observers reference from the side view) counterclockwise to the entire construct and undulating (expanding and contracting). At the same time you would observe a wide variety of rotational dynamics, especially if the entire construct was satisfied in multiple layers. In a similar fashion to a mobius function. Now if 2 such constructs exists partially nested in one another but preserving rotational parity -opposite to each other -- in theory the entire dual construct wouldn't exist. It would self cancel into -- or possibly be attached to -- higher and lower orders of symmetry. In such an imaginary construct, each stratifies layer would be codified in such a manner where spatial multiplexing would ensure an undefined number of reality systems may evolve. 647 Could such an imaginary construct exist in our frame of reference "world view"? The answer would be 'No'. Could such a construct exist in other higher orders of symmetry beyond the recognized 4 dimensions? My quesstimate would be 'Yes'. Mark, this type of example goes far beyond gravity manipulation. It in theory would be a type of field gateway not only in time but also in inter-, hyper-, and hypro-dimensional systems. Well that's my ridicules take on the toroid. Maybe I should seek a career in sci-fi writing. Have a good one, Mark. Best Regards Mike S-570. from [deleted] regarding UFO stories From: [deleted by StealthSkater] To: Date: Wed, July 20, 2005 11:02 pm Subject: gravity Subject: water displaced by field Mark, I came across something that I thought that you might find interesting. It deals with purported cases of “UFOs” emerging for the surface of watery bodies: I was also wondering if you knew of any reports of beams from UFOs. I’ve tried to look up any info related to what I saw when I was 13 and have been really unsuccessful. I find it rather amazing that I’ve seem to be the only person who has seen a FT (Flying Triangle) shine down beams of white light looking like the light sabers from Star Wars around my parents home and panning those beams backand-fourth at 45-degree angles for about a minute-or-so, since I never looked outside while that was happening (too shocked and scared to at the time). I was looking for an account of maybe someone who has seen something like that so I can a better feel for the physics behind that. The only reference I’ve come upon only seem to describe the "beams" as spotlights. But again nothing quite like what I saw. The best I’ve heard was maybe a single red laser looking like beam scanning the ground once from an old "Unsolved Mysteries" episode. But not the number and duration, which just strikes me as very odd. Since I was wanting some info so I can piece together what exactly it was that I saw that night, I thought I’d give you a few opinions on UFOs that I have. Again it’s not really professional interest, but I have an interest from my own “sighting”. What I have below is more-or-less a philosophy of mine on the subject. First, most of the crap out there is just crap. A lot of UFO reports that I’ve read, for example, at NUFORC regarding FTs are worthless reading. Like "a red light blinking in air hovering in place". 648 That’s exactly how I would describe a malfunctioning traffic light (which is like the problem with string theory -- they can’t even prove it's wrong!). The sad thing is that ufologists who allegedly believe in this crap don’t even catalog the info scientifically so that it's useful. The only time that it ever happens is if the witness in question is for example a retired airline pilot or police officer. And that’s only due to training and experience of the witness -- not the researcher. That’s also a reason that mainstream Science can easily reject most of this crap. Even if a lot of reports are true, they can’t be proved or disproved. The other reasoning is the strong-headed disbelief in the possibility of the existence extraterrestrial civilizations, which in itself is rather arrogant rather than scientific position to take. The reality is that Science today could explain UFOs. But scientists just choose not to and in some cases ignore evidence all together. How can anyone deny encounters involving radiation exposure, for example? It's not as if the World is littered with uranium mines. It defies the laws of chance and demands investigation. But the "clergy" of Science simply do not believe such “nonsense”. While these are my observations strangely, I find that they echo with those which Dr. Hynek had on the subject -- and is also the reason I largely avoid this subject as there is such a large pile a rubbish out there either by poor study or due to blatant lies. The Press doesn’t help the subject either. They quickly denounce cranks like Lazar (as they should) for using poor science. And yet they fail to uphold those same standards against so-called experts using shaking counter arguments when they contradict witness testimony and evidence of events which are not so easy to explain (in essence, "wagging the dog"). What scientists -- who speak of such things -- try to do is logically rule out why an ET could not come to Earth. Travel time between stars is to long, they say. Have they not heard of Albert Einstein? Or are they just too dumb to understand him? If so, then how could they be considered "experts"? I also find SETI to be a cosmic joke. If Voyager was a light-year out, we wouldn’t be able to detect it. And we would know it's there and transmitting. We certainly would never even noticed an active civilization hidden within a nebula or a few parsec behind a neutron star. NASA has plans to launch interstellar probes. So why wouldn’t a civilization with our level of development be able to do the same. One ahead of ours could certainly due better. So if SETI is worthwhile, why wouldn’t finding alien probes as in Arthur C. Clarke’s writings be worthwhile? Explaining aircraft is easy. Explaining natural phenomenon is what Science is about. So if all UFOs were of the last 2 categories, they would be dead issue along with leprechauns. So it clearly begs the question of why modern Science hasn’t solved the controversy yet! S-571. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Bearden, Lazar, UNITEL From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Subject: Re: the 'Man' versus the 'Science' … Date: Sat, July 23, 2005 2:56 am > I have find it convenient to "read the man" instead of "dotting all the I's and crossing all the T's". As in Larry Maurer's case, I find it hard to believe that he would perpetuate a "con" going into decade No. 3 without making the first dime. His business practices leave much to be desired, however. And if he knew all the answers, then he wouldn't be posting on so many forums soliciting opinions. But the same could be said of Tom Bearden. I just don't believe these guys are con-artists. Tom Mahood would label them "sincere crackpots". But 649 as Tom has admitted in an e-mail, a lot of truly great innovators -- like Tesla -- probably were "crazy". Beardon -- IMO as I've said before -- is intelligent but appears to goof things up so that people question him. UNITEL's Maurer probably is telling the truth (I don't doubt that) but probably is a bad business man. As for the other Tom [Mahood], I agree with his message about "throwing out bread crumbs out to Groom Lake fanatics". > Lazar's science surely is lacking. But that doesn't mean that a flying saucer doest exist somewhere at Area-51. Too many stories have been circulating about long before Lazar ever moved there. And Tom Skeggs said he remote-viewed such an object, but it appeared "fuzzy" and black in his scans. What I would ask is how much of the story that Lazar is telling -- I don't care if he personally worked there or not -- is true. That's the real issue. I think Mahood is right about Lazar lying. I had a photo sent to me by someone that looked a lot like Lazar around the time he was allegedly around Area-51. Remember that I sent that to you, asking does this guy look familiar? Surely there are amazing thing at Area-51, but probably none of the New Age crap one often here's about. > I just archived another of Carey Sublette's (I think he's one of the FAS members) nuke essays. This was explains the reasons and the outcomes of all the significant U.S. atmospheric nuclear detonations through 1963. It is easy-reading -- not like his other papers -- and every now-and-then one of these tests produced unexplainable results. Sometimes UFO-like lights were generated in the aftermath. UFO sightings and nukes go hand-in-hand. Decrease the latter and you decrease the former. I'm leaving my mind open to all sort of incredible possibilities -- even the creation of holographic portholes from a nuclear event of the type that Boylan said got Wen Ho Lee in trouble at Los Alamos. This 1.3-MB chronicle is downloadable at (also accessible at #13 at ). > I just archived parts of Timothy Good's "Above Top Secret" which purports to give the reason (from the CIA's viewpoint) of the continuing cover-up. It is at . > Later -> Mark -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-572. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding comparing FTs to the "British Roswell" and UNITEL From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Sat, July 23, 2005 10:52 pm Subject: Re: comparing FTs to the 'British Roswell' and UNITEL 650 Well, I heard all this stuff before. Just hoped perhaps that you've heard of sources that I had not. --- wrote: > Ed -> > Like I said yesterday, I don't know the reason for the lights (apparently all of the same color) at the corners of the FTs and the one big one (usually red) in the center. Other UFO sightings have multi-colored lights associated with them. But this seems to be caused by an interaction with the atmosphere, unlike the FTs' lights which are undoubtedly part of the propulsion mechanism. As with my article on the subject, I consider the lighting to be a secondary effect. Hill's book about UFOs says about the same as well. > Multi-colored lights were also observed in the 2 sightings of the December 1980 RAFUSAF Woodbridge/Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters incident. One encounter showed 2 objects merging into a completely different shape. The other involved a pyramid-shaped object maneuvering in the forest. Heard this story as well. It's hard to draw a line between fact and fiction, though. > In Clear Intent, the authors added a twist which seems to raise causality issues. The soldiers' shadows which were cast on the surface of the craft seem to be out-of-sync with their movements by a second-or-so -- almost as if the ship was able to "predict" their next action. You've seen this theme in movies like "Contact". I don't know if that purports to control travel by manipulating alternate histories (or timelines). Paul Devine is going to help me track down a paper written by Herman Oberth in which he allegedly says the UFOs behave more like "time machines" than aeronautical craft. Upon speculation, if you slowed down time then General Relativity would allow for a creation of a gravity well. Slowing down time doesn't seem like what Science can do presently. But in theory, it would seem more plausible than a wormhole. It would be interesting if the "shadow" story was true as my research on the Alcubierre Warp Drive shows that for that form of propulsion of time to work one would have to speed up time. But again, all the Bentwater case to me is a 'story'. > There definitely seems to be something "magic" about the triangle or pyramid shape. I have seen this time-after-time. And not just with UFOs, either. The legendary "Delta-T" antenna of Montauk fame was supposedly 2 pyramid structures placed so that they shared a common base. At this intersection sat the remote-viewer. And of course, everybody has heard about all the Egyptian folklore regarding "sacred geometry" in their pyramid structures. Well, math is full of so-called magic numbers. And math is universal, so coincidences are bound to occur. > Where else have I read about such a fantastic (albeit frightening) display of colors in a UFO sighting? None other than Larry Maurer himself in his "Flying Colors" UNITEL biographical book. 651 Seems though I'm just as much an expert about that as Mr. Miller [note: Mike Miller is UNITEL's scientific adviser]. > References and Supplemental: > > Timothy Good's ("Above Top Secret") account of the Woodbridge incident => > > Fawcett and Greenwood's ("Clear Intent") account at > > Woodbridge video documentaries (download and un-zip) can be found at . > > UNITEL's "Flying Colors" at > > Wild time-travel experiments using pyramid "shape power" (posted at KeelyNet): and Shape_2.doc . > Dan Sherman ("Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny") said that his ET "comms" said they didn't travel through time (which was impossible) but "evaded time" => > -- Mark -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-573. from "DesertMan" regarding misc. Psionics From : DesertMan <> Sent : Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:41 PM To : Subject : A REAL Interesting Psionics Web site!!!!!!!!!! Hello, I hope you liked my list of Wishing Machine web sites. Stine would turn over in his grave if he knew just how his little invention has spread. Since you and I like to research these weird mechanical mind machines, I thought I'd send you one of THE most interesting AND informative web sites on the origin and documented applications of these little "Black Boxes" (as they used to be called). I have just run through it once quickly, but some of the content is hair-raising! Like the mysterious deaths of many of the early researchers into Psionics and Radionics and the like! There is ANOTHER book mentioned in the first part of it, too. 652 Well, just thought you would like to read it. I found it doing a simple Google search. I do NOT know just who the author is, but he DAMN sure did his homework! Great research on their part! Hope you like it, and if you find anything interesting in it let me know. See ya, Desertman US of A.........WAAAAAAAAAA OUT WEST!!!!!!!! S-574. from Paul Devine regarding alleged expert consultations by Corso From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Tue, July 26, 2005 8:49 pm Subject: portions of Corso's book Mark, (1). Thank you for the e-mailings of last week. The Corso_03 document was especially welcome as it looks like your on-line site re-duplicates your Corso_02 document where the Corso_03 document should be [Document_List.htm]. (2). As usual, I "associated" many things with your relatively small number of sendings. I may not be able to list them all by way of response. But I'll do what I can. (3). Perhaps the easiest place for me to start is with the Tom Skeggs' e-mail, as part of your "portions of Corso's book" message . (What does "FTA" refer to, just out of idle curiosity?) (3a). [deleted by StealthSkater] (3b). I can only speculate about the significance of the reference to the French. The French have a reputation for being more open and receptive to UFO-related ideas than the Americans. Just recently, for example, some French scientists announced a solution to the problem of UFO propulsion. But the Americans won't even admit that the things exist. 2 other so-called "Catholic" countries --- Italy and Brazil --- have also just begun to become more open and forthright about the UFO phenomenon (See the recent long-form interview involving Paola Harris on C2CAM.) I would assume that this is the kind of thing that Tom is talking about. (4). And speaking about rocket propulsion leads naturally to your Corso_03.doc document. In that document, Von Braun is mentioned 4 times. The only specific reference is on p.58 (C.8) in the context of "rocket-propulsion". But that is as it should be because von Braun was a propulsion-system man all his life. It's just that his propulsion systems were all based on liquid fuels, under great pressures and at very low temperatures. And that kind of background is useless for dealing with the UFO phenomenon because the two technologies are so completely different. Therefore, von Braun will not have been able to help Corso. 653 (5). In the same way, Willy Ley is mentioned in your excerpt only once (C.5, p.42). Now when the War ended, Willy Ley was in science journalism. Again, Ley will not have been able to help decipher the extra-terrestrials because science journalism is useless here. (6). Oberth is mentioned 4 times between pages 50 and 53 in no context at all. But we know from Oberth's background in Germany that he worked in the design of the space-craft themselves and of the passenger cabins (cf. my remarks on the role he played in relation to Fritz Lang's silent science-fiction film classic). And the alleged Roswell "craft", as described, certainly presented many a challenge to reverse-engineering. Again, Oberth would not have been able to help because the bases for the 2 technologies would have been so completely different. (Just because Corso says he is going to consult these people does not mean that these consultations ever led anywhere!) But the space cabin in the Fritz Lang film held three -- as did the early astronaut capsules -- so perhaps Oberth might have been able to help them there. (7). That's all for now. To be continued… (s) Paul. S-575. from Paul Devine regarding the rumored government drug trade From: "paul devine" <> Date: Wed, July 27, 2005 4:43 pm To: Subject: Of the "long-rumored drug trade" from your Corso_03 doc. Mark, The reference in the "Subject" line comes from Reference 8 on p. 59 of your Corso_03.doc document. I think that this drug trade is a little more than just "rumored", Mark. Just look up what Stew Webb has to say on the subject at where he speaks of there having been 3 drug busts in as many weeks recently. And what do you think of the seizure of the $3 TRILLION dollars in counterfeit American notes at linked to on the earlier page? That's something you're not going to hear about on the nightly news! (Reminds me of "Operation Cicero" in which the Nazis used counterfeit money to pay off a spy they had planted in an embassy, after he had told them -- correctly! -- that D-Day was going to take place in Normandy!) This means that someone had to be able to have access to the Treasury in order to be able to steal not only the plates themselves, but also the paper on which the money is normally printed. There aren't very many people who have that kind of access. And the few who do are very high up in government. If all their attempted drug shipments into the country are being broken up, then they've got to find some way to pay off their partners-in-crime. Maybe the use of counterfeit money is "Plan B"! But then the head of a certain crime family in this country has gotten a reputation for not paying his criminals… on the grounds that a criminal should not profit from his crime! Maybe this new use of counterfeit money is his "homage" to "Operation Cicero" and to the Nazis, whom he seems to admire. 654 Well, enough. Gotta go! ' Til later. (s) Paul. S-576. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Donald Keyhoe's 1955 book From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Wed, July 27, 2005 7:41 pm Subject: Re: might be some useful <links> for you here ... --- wrote: > I always like reading books from the past when things were "simpler". I recently archived excerpts of famed Maj. Donald Keyhoe's book at . It was written in 1955, and I was surprised that he actually met Canadian radio-engineer Wilbert Smith and talked at length about Project Magnet. > > In a search, I came across the following <links> which may contain something useful for you. > > > > (mirror site: ) > > > The first one was from Hamilton's book. Nothing too new except he's lauding Witten and the other physicist for suggesting time may have more than one dimension. Not too long ago, Bill was critical of all the theories which required tensor calculus to solve. I haven't communicated with him since he jumped on me on your view that Baker (High-Frequency Gravitational Waves) didn't understand General Relativity. > > In the second <link>, compare the description of the fuzzy object with what Tom Skeggs emailed me regarding his remote-viewing scans of the S-51 area. Tom said that he detected a dark "fuzzy" object that appeared to be the UFO so often seen in that area. Well, actually I found the Keyhoe doc to be quite interesting. There is some flawed science in it. But if you take what they new from the 1950s and compared it to modern science, you can make some sense of it. As for the links regarding the so-called Nellis UFO, I just tend to disregard it. The idea that someone would and could sneak out a USAF tape, I find to be highly doubtful. Hamilton's a bit funny, huh? He would not accept GR, then lashes out against string theory; then accepts GR, but buys into HFGW. It's not that High-Frequency Gravitation Waves don't exist. It's like saying the only form of light is X-rays. Which is just nonsense. I had a short talk with him after my FT article came out. But so 655 far this message is longer than that conversation was. I told him that I thought he was retired. And he simply stated semi-retired. The Keyhoe's flawed science was that: (1) Space has a lot of energy in clouds. That might have seemed right about the time, but we simply associate these with cosmic ray particles today. I think that Plainter's theories in the article are pretty close to interpretations one would get from modern science. So that's one thing from the article that I could take at face value. (2) That Einstein had a Unified Field Theory. That is nonsense. It was a working idea that did not pan out. He tried to explain properties of EM with tensors that describe gravity but failed. So that is a complete myth. If it were fact, string theory would never have popped up -- there would be no need for it. (3) I tend to discount the "Moon bridges". If they ever existed, they would have been photographed. But there's a change someone thought they saw something like that as was the case with so called "canals" on Mars. I also wonder why if plasma theories were considered in the 1950s, then why the Condon report would have chosen to ignore such data? Unless say, they did no real research. A UFO using gravity for propulsion would not become invisible. You would only need about a 1-g field to move about the Earth. That is easily visible from space. (4) The Brown effect was/is related to EM -- not gravity! It seemed that some thought anti-gravity could have been made from the high energies associated with cosmic rays since gravity is just a force. I think that's how that was reasoned, so I see that as flawed but a best guess at that time. The gravity drag concept -- I about half-disagree with. But non-inertia concept was reasonable. And the modern warp drive concept in manner uses that idea. -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-577. from Paul Devine regarding Corso and Roswell From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Thu, July 28, 2005 10:01 pm Subject: Of Corso and Roswell : "both - and"? Mark, What the "Subject" bar means is this: There have been allegations that Roswell was a hoax. There have also been allegations that Roswell was the real thing. That's on the one hand. On the other hand, the alleged events were spread out over a period of days. Question : Why cannot BOTH statements be true? Why cannot we have had human rights violations on one day … and a real accident involving extra-terrestrials on another day? In other words : Roswell need not have been only an experiment-gone-wrong involving humans. Nor need it have been exclusively an encounter with aliens. 656 It could have been a case of "both-and", could it not? Comment? (s) Paul. S-578. from Paul Devine regarding Corso and other conspiracies From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Sun, July 31, 2005 4:46 pm Subject: More on your Corso_03 document Mark, (1). Page 53 (ex Chapter 8) of your Corso_03 document has Corso being described as being on a CIA "Most Wanted" List and how the CIA was the enemy of the Pentagon. (2). You might assume that it was said in jest. But perhaps it wasn't entirely in jest. For example: (3). Your excerpt mentioned that Corso managed to get 10,000 Jews out of Italy and into Palestine after the Italian campaign. (I want to thank you for that information. I had not known that). But there is an anti-Semitic, CIA-related element that quite arguably would not have liked that development. (4). Even in connection with Dallas, the Pentagon put a MATS aircraft at the service of Johnny Rosselli (the Mafia's link with the CIA) in a failed attempt to stop the assassination. The source for this is the confession of "Files" on the "jfk murder solved -dot-com" WS, page 21 and (Appendix A) page 41, with note 39 on page 77 (out of 81 pages). (5). In addition --- and again in connection with Dallas --- it is said to have been Corso who "outed" Oswald (the alleged murderer of President Kennedy!) as having been an FBI asset! (6). And so it is not hard at all to imagine that Corso may have been on the "Wanted List" of someone in the Intelligence Community. (7). And in relation to the "errors" in Corso's book, Who put them there? Who might be perceived as having something to gain by making Corso seem delusional? (8). Corso cannot have been completely delusional --- since he was right about the Jews, and about Oswald --- especially if I am right, and Roswell was a "both-and" case (cf. my earlier e-mail). In addition, other self-proclaimed witnesses have repeated some of Corso's claims. (9). And so it is easy to see why Corso might have seen the Intelligence Community as having been the enemy of the Pentagon (although Corso may have had his own, totally unrelated and different reasons for seeing the CIA in this light). (10). Another point: You needn't defend Corso, Knight of Malta just because I mentioned that a fellow Knight of Malta turned traitor and helped murder President Kennedy. I realize full well that Corso might not have agreed with what Herman Kimsey did. I don't know Corso's reaction to what happened 657 in Dallas. Both being Knights of Malta doesn't make them both murderers. Free will has not been repealed. The errors in Corso's book -- as I recall them (vaguely, faintly) -- did not have anything to do with Dallas. Kennedy was killed (at least in part) because he wanted to tell a different kind of truth about UFOology, namely that aliens -- although they exist -- are also being used as an excuse to cover up crimes committed by the Government. I am writing from memory now in what I say. But Kennedy is supposed to have had the rough draft of such a speech -- somewhat along those lines, already prepared -when he was murdered. Indeed, a MAJ-12 man was allegedly involved with Lee Oswald in some way, in connection with his famous trip to Mexico City before the assassination. (s) Paul. S-579. from Paul Devine regarding 2-dimensional Time From: "paul devine" <> Date: Sun, July 31, 2005 4:48 pm To: Subject: Corso_03 and "evade time" -- in a spatial time of 2 dimensions? Mark, (1). In a note of yours in red on p.57 (of 59) to Chapter 8 of your Corso_03.doc document, you associate the idea to "fold space" (in connection with the ability to "evade time" ) as a means of "alien" travel. (2). I associate the idea of time as occupying space -- the idea of time as having a planar dimensionality to itself -- the idea of time as having two parameters, and as being a 2-dimensional, complex number -with the ability to "evade" time. (3). This idea -- that time was "2-dimensional", in some way -- was discussed in the non-technical, novelistic, literature in the first half of +XX. (4). One of the purposes of the discussion was to try to find a mechanism by which it is possible to know the future. In their dreams, many people have knowledge of the Future. How is this possible? (5). Eventually, people realized that the presence of a second time-dimension would theoretically allow a knowledge of the Future without leaving the Present time or the real world. (6). Time could be imagined as a 2-dimensional plane, a "complex" plane with its 2 perpendicular axes: a horizontal "X" axis (ordinary time as we know it); and then a perpendicular, vertical, imaginary "Y" axis that corresponds to who-knows-what physically. And so, time t = X + iY in a sense. (7). Stephen Hawking may have used this idea in some of his own technical work, as illustrated in his book A Brief History of Time. The idea is to avoid 'singularities' (infinite values for physical quantities) -- as at the Big Bang -- that can come about by having to divide by something which is zero when time is zero --- since real, ordinary, time, is usually thought of as being zero at the Big Bang. 658 You can avoid this difficulty since ordinary "X" time can be zero (as at the Big Bang) without "Y" time necessarily having to be zero as well. Therefore, time 't' needn't be zero because t=X+iY needn't be zero. Therefore you don't have to worry about dividing by zero. And, therefore, you avoid singularities. Some people think they find this to be a desirable option to have available in their researches. (8). As you know, I am getting rid of my stuff. It's first come, first served. But, I should still have -- for a little while longer, before I move -- the novelistic literature in which the idea of time as 2-dimensional is adumbrated. There's not much of it. It never led anywhere at the time. It doesn't solve anything, but it can make for some interesting reading. (9). If you would like me to share the references with you, then let me know. (s) Paul. S-580. from Paul Devine regarding the alien agenda From: "paul devine" <> Date: Sun, July 31, 2005 4:51 pm To: Subject: The aliens as time-travellers : Is it possible? Are their announced motives believable? Mark, I(1). It was difficult to know how to title this sending. I(2). It goes back to your comment about Corso and the belief that at least some extraterrestrial entities are time-travelers. I(3). I wrote back that I thought that this view of Corso's was "well-known" on the Art Bell show. I(4). You then wrote back that there were contentions I(4a). that time-travel is not even possible ; and I(4b). concerning the motives of these entities for being here, something having to do with the male Y- chromosome. II. I have begun to deal elsewhere with the contentions about the possibility of time-travel (see my recent email regarding "time as 2-dimensional". III. This leaves only contentions about the motives of these entities to be discussed. IV. Some of what follows will repeat some of what I have written before … but it bears repeating. V. I will lay on the line what are some of my concerns about these entities. Basically to me, the point is whether-or-not these entities are telling the truth. It's not assured that they are! Can they be trusted? VI. I am not alone in this view. The late Karla Turner was highly suspicious of the aliens. 659 VII. A number of C2C guests have shared the same concerns. (In what follows, the easiest way to access guests on C2C is to go the "Navigation" bar on the left side of the main screen; then go down to "Show Info"; then open the "Guests" link.) VII(a). A recent guest named "Dean" (he's the only guest with "Dean" for a name) seemed to be saying that at least part of the Roswell story was false. (This is why I sent the message, querying whether the Roswell story could be a composite of different events that all happened in about the same place at about the same time.) VII(b). Michael Heiser agrees with that view. VII(c). Now we come to Mr. William Louis McDonald ( ). This man has been on C2C several times at the following sub-domains of ... .../2003/06/04.html ; .../2004/11/07.html ; ... /2005/06/10.html . In these interviews (as summarized on C2C), Mr. McDonald takes the position you mentioned that the aliens have something wrong with their male Y-chromosomes and are coming back here into the Past to fix it. BUT there is also something else I have heard McDonald say -- something that has NOT been included in the C2C summaries. And that something is (as I recall) that these entities are not to be trusted (and why). VIII. I am sure that the above names do not exhaust the list. IX. To continue … The entities make allegations about our A-Bomb activity which they claim represents a threat to us. Well, that is certainly true up to a point. But it is also true -- if Mr. Phil Schneider in his (May, 1995)) lecture is to be believed -- that many "flying saucers" (and other such things) were seen leaving the Bikini Atoll region in droves in advance of our atomic tests there in the immediate aftermath of WWII. (General McArthur picked the place for the A-Bomb test -- according to Schneider -- because the natives had been complaining that the place was infested with the things). X. And so : There are many things about these aliens against which we terrestrians have no defense. But it also looks as if we may have at least one weapon against which at least some of these aliens may have no defenses. And so why should we give up that weapon? XI. In other words, when these entities come to us and say "Give up your weapons", are they telling us the truth when they claim to be disinterested bystanders who are only interested in our own good? Or do they have another motive? And if they have another motive, then what could it be? XII. And this brings us to another C2C guest -- a man named "John Lash". I think I have written of him before. He claims to have studied ancient texts which reveal to him another motive for alien interference with our genes and chromosomes and DNA, etc. According to Lash, the aliens want to be able to do some of the things we can do, but that they cannot as they are. In other words, they don't care about us at all. They are simply envious and jealous of us. And they tell us whatever to get us to be agreeable, passive, cooperative, non-resisting, etc. XIII. And so, all I am saying is Do not be quick to accept -- uncritically and at face value -- everything that these entities say. I personally think that Corso may have been taken in by them. In any event, "Make haste slowly" as the old saying goes. XIV. These entities may come in the beginning bearing free gifts. But will there be a price to be paid later on? And so, "Have a care" is all I am saying. 660 XV. And, finally --- I almost forgot --- concerning this business about the decay of the male Ychromosome. I know nothing about this subject. However, there is a man who has been on C2C a few times who does discuss it. His name is Bryan Sykes. You won't get anything out of his WS. But his bio is written up at . His most recent appearance (Sat., 9 July, 2005) was really just a re-broadcast of his earlier appearance at . That's the interview you want to study. I have no idea whether-or-not he knows what he is talking about. Ciao. (s) Paul. S-581. from Paul Devine regarding Hermann Oberth and the G-Field From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Wed, August 3, 2005 11:11 pm Subject: Oberth & G-Fields Mark, The name of Oberth -- in connection with the phrase "G-Field" -- has come up several times recently. There is no inconsistency with the earlier Oberth here: The Oberth of the Fritz Lang silent film classic was interested in safe space vehicles. What good is a spaceship design if the ship is torn apart by the G-forces inflicted by the gyrations of a typical flying saucer. This so-called "G-force" is simply an hypothesis or speculation on Oberth's part concerning a way to keep said space vehicle -- once designed and built by Oberth -- from disintegrating in space provided that the G-force itself could be provided. Oberth never claimed to have generated such a force. He never said that such a force even could be generated. He never identified the source for such a force. He never claimed certain knowledge that such a G-force even existed. It is quite possible that some entirely different, unknown mechanism holds the ships together in flight. (s) Paul. S-582. from Paul Devine regarding Walter R. Dornberger From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Wed, August 3, 2005 11:29 pm Subject: Walter R. Dornberger Mark, 661 (1). Chapter 7 in your Keyhoe_01.doc document mentions Walter R. Dornberger as someone who worked (1963) in the (Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas) Bell Helicopter works. (2). He was almost-certainly involved in the assassination of JFK -- and the attempt by ODESSA to exploit the assassination -- in order to destroy Israel. (3). One of his subordinates was Michael Paine who together with his wife were apparent friends to Lee Oswald and his wife Marina. (4). The first 'phone call "fingering" Lee Oswald (falsely) as the assassin came in -- almost immediately after the assassination -- from those Bell System helicopter works. (5). A Nazi front group -- the Bunge Group in Argentina -- sold short and collected a cool $500,000,000 in connection with the assassination. (Many Nazis after WWII went to southern Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina). (6). One of the excuses given -- in the immediate aftermath of the assassination -- for making a "scapegoat" out of Lee Oswald was that pursuit of the real truth would lead back to Russia and produce a Third World War. (7). Now, you should also know that the British told us not to let Dornberger into the country after World War II, because he was so intent on trying to start World War III between the United States and Russia. FYI. (s) Paul. S-583. from Ed Halerewicz regarding Pentagon Plans for Hollywood From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Thu, August 4, 2005 5:29 pm Subject: Pentagon Plans for Hollywood on CSPAN I caught something on CSPAN this morning that you might find highly interesting. On the Washington Journal program, there was a guest from talking about the space shuttle. During the interview, an article from a newspaper was shown (don't which one though) discussing the Pentagon's interest in essentially writing sci-fi scripts with a focus on science and technology. I guess this stems from the fact of the low number of physicists and engineers in the US today and perhaps because of television programs like Star Trek inspired people who work at places like NASA today. I've been trying to hunt down the article on the Net, but haven't been very successful as of this moment. -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher 662 S-584. from Paul Devine regarding Field Unification Theory a la Einstein From: "paul devine" <> Date: Thu, August 4, 2005 10:31 pm To: Subject: FUT a la Einstein in Keyhoe and Ed's comments Mark, Regarding the Keyhoe_01 document, Ed Halerewicz, Jr. made a beautiful point that "2) 'Einstein had a Unified Field Theory'. That is nonsense! It was a working idea that did not pan out. He tried to explain properties of EM with tensors that describe gravity but failed. So that is a complete myth. If it were fact, string theory would never have popped up -- there would be no need for it." COMMENTS : (1) I could hardly have said it better myself. (2). Actually, I looked up the original text that Ed was commenting on. What the Keyhoe text actually said was that Einstein "PUBLISHED his " unified field theories -- emphasis on "published". That is quite true. Einstein published his first attempt at a unified field theory before the year 1920 right after he published his famous static, positively curved model Universe. And he had been publishing them ever since up to -and-including 1955 -- the year of his death. (3). But after all, if any of them had been successful, then there would have been no further need for any of the later, subsequent theories. (4). He kept publishing because -- in effect -- none of them were able to explain the motion of an electron in a time-varying electromagnetic field. (Remember my earlier e-mailings on "P3" and from Kraus to you?) (5). If any one of his theories had been complete, then none of the subsequent theories would have popped up. (6). And Ed is right … String theory, etc. are attempts to succeed where Einstein failed. Had he reached his goal in his own lifetime, then there would have been no need for string theory. (7). To what can you liken the failure of Einstein & Co. in the search for a Unified Field Theory (UFT a way to unify gravitation with electro-magnetism)? (8). First of all, I would liken the search for such a UFT to the search for a way to trisect an angle. (Do you remember that old problem -- from your days of school math -- to trisect the angle and to double the cube?) (9). Some of the ancients (Plato, Euclid, and Co.) -- but not all of them -- arbitrarily imposed the condition on the problem that you had to trisect the angle using straightedge and compass alone. (A 'straightedge' is an unmarked ruler, something straight with no unit of length or of measure marked on it. Or to put it differently, a 'ruler' is a straightedge with a unit of length or of measure marked on it). 663 Geometrically, a straightedge corresponds to -- or graphs as -- a straight line. A compass produces a circle, corresponding algebraically to a quadratic equation (think X2 + Y2 = R2 here). This is the classical formulation of the problem. It turned out to be impossible to trisect the general angle using straightedge and compass alone. (You may remember having heard that from your school days). Thus, you cannot trisect an angle using quadratic equations alone. But Archimedes (you have a document about him on your WS -- Archimedes_01.doc ) came along and discovered that the general angle could be trisected if you changed the straightedge into a ruler. This corresponded to converting the quadratic equation into a cubic equation. Thus, you can trisect the general angle using cubic equations -- polynomials of degree 3 -- denoted generally by the symbol P3. (Do you remember the "P3" materials that I sent you earlier?) (10). So, I would analogize the search for a UFT to include EM -- starting with gravity (as Ed says) -- to the search for a way to trisect the general angle. (11). The search for such a UFT to include electricity and magnetism -- but limited to the techniques that worked for gravity alone -- I would analogize to the attempt to trisect the general angle using straightedge and compass alone. (12). And thus the failure of all those attempts at FUT up to-and-including the year 1955 -- the year in which Albert Einstein died. (13). And so --- just as introducing cubic equations solved the problem of trisecting the general angle -by analogy, I would argue, does the introduction of cubic equations into FUT work (a la Ed Witten -- as I understand his work -- and myself), allow at least the possibility of making headway in the problem of FUT if not of solving the problem outright. (14). The search for the 'Equation of Motion of a Charged Particle in a Plasma' presented the opportunity for the introduction of such cubic equations into the proceedings. (15). And thus, the material from Kraus and the P3-related materials that I sent you earlier. (s) Paul. NOT : I would also analogize the introduction of cubic equations into FUT work to the introduction of the famous cosmological constant "lambda" into cosmologocial research. For the real part of the square root of the reciprocal of the cosmical constant "lambda" can be made to have the physical dimensions of length. Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (whom I associate with "The Edinburgh School of Cosmology", as I call it) was the first person to point this out. (s) Paul . S-585. from "Stephen" regarding Tesla and Ramanujan From: To: Date: Fri, August 5, 2005 3:15 am Subject: Re: Tesla had his "Ramanujan moments" On Thu, 4 Aug 2005 22:01:18 -0400 (EDT), wrote: 664 > Stephen -> > Just came across this as I was editing another archived document from Dr. Velimir Abramovic of the "Institute for the Science of Time" in Serbia. > > Ramanujan always claimed that his powerful mathematical theorems came to him in his dreams by a Buddhist goddess (Namagiri). In his biography on Nikola Tesla, Dr. Abramovic revealed that Tesla always had spells of multi-colored light flashes in his mind that preceded an important thought. That fact is buried along with others in the . > Other documents written by Velimir are at . > > This gives some insight into what Tom Bearden has been preaching about the time scalar domain and, I'm guessing, problems with measuring the unseeable. In my own imagination, I extrapolate the "consciousness as a quantum wave" theory to creating physical realities "from the ether" (something that Tom wrote about in the "Science behind the Materialization of Thought Forms" (archived at ). That would explain why some UFOs can split apart and recombine into totally different shapes, and why they only appear to certain witnesses and not others. Assuming physical reality is no illusion, the key to it all would be how do they transfigure into something "solid". Maybe this is where Dan Burisch's "Ganesh Particle" stuff comes in ( ... > > -- Mark Mark, I've always had a deep interest in UFOs, and I have considered building a site on the subject. Are you saying in your last e-mail that the UFO phenomenon is a product of the human consciousness or subconscious? I'm not sure. It could be possible. I believe the psychic phenomenon exists and the US Government has spent quite a bit of time studying it, though they don't mention it publicly. I read about the "dreams" and "flashes" that Tesla had in a biography on his life. Could it be that he and Ramanujan were given hidden knowledge from unknown entities? Even Tesla at one point during his research in Colorado Springs claimed he received messages from outerspace. I'm not sure. In 1991, there was a UFO sighting over Mexico City and about 100,000 people saw it simultaneously. I believe the UFO phenomenon is physical and the evidence shows aliens or the "greys" are very real. The question that I ask myself is if these beings are real -- and evidence from around the globe shows they are -- what is their purpose? Are they friends of the human race or enemies? I believe they may even come from another reality. One thing is for sure: without men like Tesla and Ramanujan, our society as we know it today would not exist. Stephen 665 PS: Did you see the movie "War of The Worlds" with Tom Cruise? Such an inaccurate depiction of aliens in my view. They are smart enough to come to the Earth and conquer humans, yet dumb enough to kill themselves by drinking our water and food. S-586. from Paul Devine regarding Dornberger/Bunge Group/Mesmer/Mozart From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Fri, August 5, 2005 10:11 pm Subject: Cannon/Dornberger/BungeGroup(Argentina)/Mesmer/Mozart(Cosi fanTutti) Mark, I just finished reading the three Martin Cannon documents you mentioned to me earlier. And here are some of my reactions: (1). In the "Dornberger" e-mail that I sent you earlier, I mentioned that a Nazi front (the Bunge Group from Argentina ) had sold short -- through insider trading, based on advance knowledge of Dallas -- in order to reap about $500,000,000 in profits at the expense of the life of Pres. Kennedy. (The profits were undoubtedly invested in a continuation of Odessa's on-going plotting against Israel that eventually resulted in the famous Six Day's War of 1967). The book I got that information from is Were We Controlled? by "Lawrence Lincoln" ( pseudonym). That same book is mentioned in your first Cannon_1.doc document in the section with "Naval Intelligence" as heading. I had not known that the real man behind "Lawrence Lincoln" was an FBI agent. (The title "Naval Intelligence" for that section is ironic for : Lee Oswald was alleged by his mother to have worked for ONI, the Office of Naval Intelligence; documents allegedly surfaced -- after the death of a Dallas P.D. officer -- implicating ONI in the massive series of cover-up murders that followed the Dallas ambush; the ONI had become involved in drug smuggling during WWII -- a story too long to enter into here -- the fact of which seems to have played a role in motivating the Dallas ambush.). (2). In your Cannon_2.doc document, Cannon mentions Mesmer, the acting out of an episode of whose "Mesmerism" was humorously satirized in the opera "Cosi fan Tutti" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The Mozart family and Mesmer had crossed paths socially during Wolfi's younger days. So it could be claimed that Wolfi and Mesmer knew each other. So Mozart could get away with the spoof. The music of Mozart is one of the glories of the human race. Gotta go. Cheers. (s) Paul. S-587. from "A.D.A.M." regarding Preston Nichols and the Delta-T antenna From: "A.D.A.M." To: Date: Sat, August 6, 2005 3:19 pm 666 I've worked for a few (mostly small companies) that had me handle some of their larger system upgrades/servicing. I'm mainly a "nuts and bolts" guy. I've been told that I don't just make computers talk to each other -- I can make them sing! It's like anything else. I don't really enjoy working with them, but I do enjoy working on them. I just have a knack for fixing/making equipment do things. That's what brought me to the Delta-T antenna. I read the Montauk books (at least 2 then), and wanted to see if the Delta-T was capable of producing a rotating magnetic field. I had built two of them even before I visited Preston. It was funny. When I got to see his "lab", I saw the small Delta-T antenna he had built to use with his psychic demonstrations. Mine wasn't as polished as his. But I had built a functional Delta-T that looked like his small portable one. One of these days, I will document how to make a Delta-t antenna. That way, anyone that wants to can "play". "A.D.A.M." S-588. from Paul Devine regarding Ramanujan's "goddess" From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Wed, August 10, 2005 10:15 pm Subject: Of Tesla's Ramanujan Moments and of Ramanujan's goddess Mark, The goddess in question was "Namagiri" (consort of the lion goddess Narasimha), whom Ramanujan had been raised to worship as a kind of a family goddess. Ramanujan's mother had become pregnant (she believed) because of Namagiri after his grandmother had had an experience of Namagiri. Two sources for this material are: and . The Public Television science series ("Nova", I believe it was), had a program on this not so many years ago (NFI). Apparently, Namagiri was always right. (s) Paul. S-589. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Scalar Wave theories From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> Date: Thu, August 11, 2005 8:42 pm To: Subject: Re: a (partial) light at the end of the tunnel ??? > Ed -> 667 > I may have found a partial answer to some of this stuff by re-reading Tom Bearden. I posted the following at the EaglesDisobey site. > > When you examined UNITEL, you said there were some "interesting" results but the rest was not mathematically-validated "unless the laws of physics change". I'm guessing a similar treatment on Bearden's stuff might be more complex. If it were that easy, we wouldn't have so much debating going on among the scalar proponents. And Bearden himself said that if it were as easy as building prototypes on a lab bench, every university would have built these over-unity device long ago. But is there anything in his stuff worth "patching up"? > >-- Mark >> Years ago as I began archiving essays on various paranormal topics, I began to sense that there might be a "common denominator" among all these seemingly unrelated topics (UFOs, the Philadelphia Experiment, remote-viewing, time-travel, etc.). I thought it may reside in the extra dimensions postulated by the new superstring and M-brane theories. It wasn't a very logical answer, though. More of a "grasping at straws". Now I've possibly discovered some stuff that ties these phenomena a bit more strongly together. > > I was editing the Tom Bearden essays on scalar waves and the time domain which I had archived long ago in their original writings. Tom has been promoting these for well over 3 decades now. I stored some of his material at (as always, in MS-Word format). There are many alt-science proponents who agree with Tom in general, but nevertheless find fault with the "nitty-gritties" of his derivations. Tom himself admitted that he wished that he was in his younger days when he would be more up to the challenge of fixing the mathematical faults in his theories. (As an example, read some debates in the file.) Well, from what little I scanned of your archived articles, it would seem that Bearden himself is more than educated enough to fix his own faults in mathematics. One of the problems I find is that all those alt-sci people get everything all "ass backwards". Yes, EM was originally written in quarterion/ Clifford Algebra form. But the vector/scalar concept is a new idea, not an old one. > The good news is that many well-educated researchers strongly feel that there is something MORE than the touted superstring theory, which isn't the "Theory of Everything" (as the media/Press has labeled it) because it doesn't include some phenomena (like consciousness). The bad news is that these time-domain waves can't be detected by conventional instruments nor can their experimental results be reliably duplicated. Then there are some wild claims about Soviet Tesla-based weapons (e.g., the Challenger was brought down by an accidental test as well as the nuclear submarine Thresher) that can't be authenticated. Of course there is more than string theory! All that it is supposed to do is unify gravity/EM/weak and strong nuclear forces. That's it! The only respectable figure to tackle 'Consciousness' seriously was Roger Penrose. > One of the keys to these theories is how we erroneously perceive events that are timerelated. We can't help it -- our brains and senses are built that way. A new way of looking at time -- -- has reinvigorated these alternative hypotheses. > 668 > What I found particularly interesting about Bearden's credentials is that he is a member of MUFON (UFO). Tom has talked to celebrated electronics engineer Bob Beckwith, whom I first became aware in Chica Bruce's Philadelphia Experiment book (see Others have also seen Bob at UFO conferences ( ). (Note that Beckwith also talked to Col. Philip Corso as did the Roswell mortician Glen Dennis. Interesting how these independent personalities eventually "home in" on one another. They almost seem to be drawn by an irresistible force like in the "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" movie.) > > deals with the science behind remote-viewing. And this document may offer a solution to the morphing phenomena so often seen in UFO events where different craft seem to combine or a single craft "soundlessly explodes" into many differently-shaped others. Bearden's time domain concepts seem to solve the wave-particle duality riddle. For some of those cases, I wonder if 'morphing' is just an optical illusion of a force field. Even if not, it wouldn't be magical -- just advanced. Hollywood has all ready imagined this stuff with the "liquid Terminator" (Terminator 2). Not magic or hard-to-explain …morphing just requires advanced technology. > If you have the time, download (2,400-KB). If you don't, download (same file but without the graphics and images -- 400-KB). Part of this correlates UFO sightings with "Earth stresses" (tests of scalar interferometer devices). So what we may be seeing as UFOs may be a phenomenon attributed to the scalar time domain (check Persinger's theory). Scalar time? So wait… time stops? I thought the saying goes time stops for no man. Such poor understandings these people must have. Ball lightning, though, can be attributed to Earth Stresses. > Jack Sarfatti endorses geologist Dr. Bruce Cornett and his UFO investigations. Cornett had placed ground sensors at multiple locations and correlated them with UFO sightings (see ). The only thing that "bugged" me about Cornet were his experiences about being "transported through solid walls" and "sexual experiments". I guess these could have been false memory implants -- but that's stretching it a bit. Dr. Sarfatti is usually pretty conservative about who he accredits (and I'm not one of them!), so there must be something I'm missing here. I've read some of Cornet's stuff. I think he is a bit nutty. But what data he has collected is very good likely because he is a scientist by training. I too have problems with going through walls and is why I tend to doubt abduction stories. But all things being equal, atoms are largely empty space and if you could workaround electrostatic fields, then there's a chance for it. > Remember when I read there was a "secret" part of the "Q-clearance" that outsiders didn't know? Couple that with the fact that UFO sightings go hand-in-hand with nuclear weapon tests. Some of the effects from the Japanese atomic blasts have always been classified. And I don't think these were things like biological or blast damage. I'm referring to atmospheric "lightning bolts" seen 50-200 miles away from the center of the blast. The "green fireballs" 669 in 1947-8 New Mexico may have been "ball lightning" produced by these Tesla scalar machines. There have even been rumors (which I find hard to believe) that Earth nuke tests affect conditions on the Sun. But I do know that NASA is always sending up satellites to monitor the Sun and Earth's magnetic field -- both of which one would think should be moreor-less static in the short run. > > I'm not discounting the alien stories -- merely offering that many "UFOs" might be due to this other phenomena and perhaps engineered by our own scientists when causing Earth stresses by these machines. (Shades of Dan Burisch and the Iran earthquake! ) "Telsa scalar waves" -- that gives me a laugh. I once had a boss that bought that crap from reading it online, and I was explaining how dead wrong it is. An MRI puts out more energy than alleged Tesla scalar waves, and it doesn't produce electricity and don't produce global quakes. I don't buy A-bombs blowing a hole into another dimensions unlike you. Simply because I know how they work. To paraphrase a professor of mine, it only takes a few minutes of calculations to figure out. [StealthSkater note: That's just the point, Ed. Like the rest of us without Q-clearances, we think we know all the physics behind nuclear detonations and can model shock waves, etc. I think there's something else that's privy to only those with clearances. They've almost proved it by the sudden moratorium on ALL nuke detonations. Doesn't have a thing to do with proliferation -- the nations that already have the weapons just aren't testing anything anymore.] Now weird lightning my be possible as a new theory published in Discover Magazine hints at the idea that cosmic rays may help to induce lightning. The solar and global magnetic fields are not static. Hell! that's what my geology paper that I was asking about covered. Both fields are very very dynamic!!!! > Finally, repeated mention is made in many of these archived documents about "reality engineering". Wasn't that what the legendary Montauk Project was all about? Also mention is made (in either Bearden_23.doc or _24.doc) of the scalar time domain and the Philadelphia Experiment. The author of one of the MP/PX books told me that during the course of her research, she was almost killed for something she had stumbled upon. But she didn't elaborate further. The file seems to imply that something other than what is popularly believed occurred at Montauk. This seems to agree with what inventor/remote-viewer Tom Skeggs "viewed" ( ). > > I still don't know what "reality engineering" means. Montauk's Preston Nichols talked about creating an "artificial reality" in UFOs ( Obviously I'm not living in my own choice of "realities". What I'm offering here are some new clues (Bearden & co.) that might give new insight to some of these frustrating enigmas. 'Engineered Reality' should stand out to you very easily by reading in between the lines. It's also used in Star Trek by the name of a "Holodeck". That's what that means and should explain that concept to you very easily. Watching Trek, it always bothered me they could make a 3-D video game with real matter. I would think for the sci-fi thing to work it would be needed to be powered by the warp engines because of all the energy needed. And when you look at like that, those statement put together actually makes perfect sense. 670 Heck! that STAIF paper that mentions my name brought up the larger "inside the UFO thing", which is actually something that Kaku mentions in either Beyond Einstein or Hyperspace where he talks about a 6-dimensional house that unfolds in our dimension like a terasec. And how rooms in the house could lead to other Universes, etc. The idea is quite simple: Kaku's 6d terasec string house + star trek holodeck = 'reality engineering'. So to me, the general concept makes sense -- it's just about the how. Correction: the term terrasec that I just wrote should be tesseract. Sorry about that. It's also in Kaku's book Hyperspace. Sorry that concept has alluded you. It always stood out so easily to me. When I've read those things, I'm kind of surprised that no one else has realized it. The only problem for me would be the energy requirements for such "engineered realities" truly do exist. Again holodoc + tesseract = 'engineered reality'. That is, if you choose to take such reports at face value. -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-590. from Paul Devine regarding Alien Abductions From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Mon, August 15, 2005 9:17 pm Subject: First-hand abductee contact data Mark, A while ago, I came upon the following WS -- . The "Worley" in question is "Donald Worley". And the (un-dated) paper is entitled "Characteristics of an Alien Abduction". I have it listed in my own holdings under the "A Prayer for Affected Abductees" title. But the reason I want to offer you a knowledge of it is based on the quote "The conclusions listed below are based on 250 abduction cases occurring in the last 39 years. This is not armchair data but personal contact information gathered right from the experiencer ..." It occurred to me that you might want to know about this (in case you don't already) since you seem to be interested in first-hand data. (s) Paul. S-591. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Tom Bearden From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Tue, August 16, 2005 12:47 am Subject: Bearden not worth my time In response to an earlier question -- no, Tom Bearden is not worth my time. The introduction to Energy from the Vacuum which you download is rubbish. It's completely devoid of any science. In fact, it seems more of an attack against Science if anything at all. I can't believe he bought into that 671 MEG crap when I could tell it was bogus even without an engineering background. The only math present is cut-and-paste math placed only to give an illusion of understanding of the topics at hand. I found one site where a physicist describes him much as I have in the past to you -- "you have to read Bearden backwards and in code". It would be one thing IF Bearden had experimental results of his own to report. But he doesn't. There is a letter of his at claiming that lifters use new science -- not known science -- which is such B.S! There's a reason it works for lightweight models and not for anything like a UAV. Even if there were transverse EM waves as he claims, the normal EM would still be valid just as Newton's theories are still valid after Einstein's theories. It seems that he believes in this alt-energy crap as it were real, but doesn't understand the science behind in a way just like Nick Cook's book the Hunt for Zero Point which is also full of the same kind of crap. -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-592. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding removing Bearden's archived material from my site From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Tue, August 16, 2005 8:52 pm Subject: Re: Bearden tells me to remove his material from my site! --- wrote: <Ed -> > I've been archiving publicly-posted documents on my site for years, always giving the original URL and other author-related information. If it was a "subscriber"-type document, then I don't post it. Plus I've been sending him (via Tony Craddock) periodic updates and even backup CD copies. The only time I ever hear from them is regarding one of their book sales. > > Now out-of-the-blue I get the following. Talk about "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!" I don't know why they're objecting after so many years of silence. > > -- Mark > ---------------------------- Original Message --------------------------->> Subject: Re: a hint at a break in the 'mainstream' camp ... >> From: "Anthony Craddock" <ANTHONYCRADDOCK@COX.NET> >> Date: Mon, August 15, 2005 10:13 pm >> To: >> Cc: "Tom Bearden" <> >> "" >> <> >> 672 >> You have a large amount of Copyrighted Tom Bearden material on your Website posted without permission. Please remove it immediately and confirm receipt of this email. >> >> Thanking you for your anticipated cooperation. >> >> Tony Craddock >> Web Administrator >> The Tom Bearden Website That's sad. But based on his writings on the web that I recently read, it does not surprise me. I had the feeling if that I read and reviewed his book, he might behave in the matter that he just did to you. So that further shows to me that Bearden's writings are not worthy of my time. Hell, even Larry [Maurer of UNITEL] could take my critiques! Every once in a while, you can even debate Jack Sarfatti and review his equations. But this is not the case with Bearden. I also found it interesting that the reviews of Bearden's book only seem to say "thanks for the book" but say nothing of its contents. It now seems clear to me that the conventional science he understands is from schooling. But his goofs are intentional because of disrespect of the scientific method because it rejects over unity and not that he might be "holding something back" (as I once thought). -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-593. from Paul Devine regarding "2012" From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Sun, August 21, 2005 6:41 pm Subject: 2012 Mark, (1). In your "Spy Satellite to Mars" e-mail, you mentioned the year "2012" in the context of the end of the Universe. Forget it, Mark! 2012 is just a number. The Universe is not going to come to an end in 2012! It's just another "Y2K" scam. See with special reference to the sections with "Long Count" and "End of the World?" headings. [StealthSkater: The point of the e-mail was that it seemed too much of a coincidence to launch this satellite to beam back pictures of alien artifacts (if in fact that is its mission). If so, are we getting indoctrinated into something if the End of the World (not Universe) is approaching in 2012 (as remote-viewers have reported) via a Solar eruption.] (2). The Mayans also have a cycle that repeats about every 52 years. One such period ended in-or-about the year 1952 when Arbenz set in motion his land-reform scheme in Guatemala. (That is exactly why he picked that year, in fact.) The rest of the Universe is still here although admittedly the world of the Guatemalans was pretty much destroyed by American revenge (instigated by, inter alia, the Dulles brothers, some people involved in the Bay of Pigs, and people involved later on not only in Watergate but also even in Dallas!) in the aftermath of the Arbenz land-reform scheme. 673 (3). Also, 1952+52=2004, not 2012. You would think that if the Universe was going to come to an end, then the calendars would at least have the courtesy to come to an end at the same time! (4). All of which goes to show that even though the Universe will not be coming to an end, nevertheless, the world as we know it -- our world -- could come to an end in-or-about 2012. We could destroy ourselves even if we could not make any of the cosmological red-shifts of cosmological objects to change to blue-shifts. (This is very easy to show using relativistic cosmology. I know because I have done it.) (5). Just look at the so-called Malachi prophecies, the list of Popes for the Catholic Church. This present Pope -- Benedict XVI -- appears to be the second-to-the-last pope on the list, to be followed by "Peter the Roman" who is the last entry in the list. If this list really does represent "history foretold before its time" (as the saying goes), then all of us on planet Earth -- or at least the people living in the city of Rome -- could be in for real trouble in the not-too-distant-future since most popes have very short reigns. (The recent pope -- John Paul II, with his 28 years -- was an exception.) (6). But, certainly, these "Rapture" prophecies can be dangerous : (a) We spend more on weapons of war than the next eleven (11) countries put together ; (b) ABC MWD really could pretty well put an end to "our world as we know it" --- especially if the people who have their fingers on the triggers really believe themselves to have some kind of divine mission --- or at least impowerment from on high -- to bring about such a calamity. (7). But, even if in fact some calamity is to befall us soon, still, it is not likely that we will go through two popes in the next seven years. (8). And so, the UNIVERSE will see New Year's Day, 2013, Mark McWilliams, even if you and I may not be around to enjoy too many more of them! (s) Paul. S-594. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding "2012" From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Wed, August 24, 2005 1:24 am Subject: Re: Fred Alan Wolf / latest from Bearden / spy satellite to Mars --- wrote: > Ed -> > Did you get the news blurb I sent you regarding the NASA satellite just sent to Mars? Particularly note that it was characterized as a military-style SPY satellite. > > Near the end of the 2000 Presidential race, V-P Gore was supposedly briefed on what they had discovered on Mars. I'm guessing it was some of the artifacts and evidence of artificial structures that Hoagland has written about (especially the glass-like "tubes"). Now they just sent up a military-type spy satellite to orbit Mars for 4 years with the "standard" 674 mission. One of the NASA spokesman said on television that it will return science that "will knock your socks off". > > Could it be that some sort of *Disclosue* is forthcoming? If true, the timing of it worries me as it's getting closer to the legendary 2012 date. > > I received the following from out-of-the-blue. Don't know if this guy's legitimate since you led me to believe that nearly all of the stuff archived at my site is well-known -- as well as probably "incorrect" -- to most established physicists. Larry was in semi-contact with Wolf, who seemed more interested in the quantum computer part of UNITEL than the aerospace. Apparently, Wolf was one of the 3 college physics friends of Sarfatti's. The four of them hang out together. Jack is now accusing Fred of having "too big of an ego". Coming from the self-proclaimed "theatrical physicist", I thought that was kind of funny. > > Marshall Barnes claims to have met Wolf several times regarding consciousness and parallel universes. This was on his old "Bolt" site which I archived. Check out -and . >> >> From: "Tracey Hess" <> >>To: >> Date: Sun, August 21, 2005 1:17 pm >> Subject: Documents. >> >> Wow! You have quite the collection going there. Jesus, who are you anyway?! These are some of my questions. I'm impressed. And curious. I guess you've read them all since you put the collection together. >> >> I'm interested in quantum physics and consciousness. Fred Alan Wolf was on my dissertation committee. I asked Brian Josephson, but he refused. I'm a depth psychologist working basically on my own from vision. In fact, from Rumi (a sufi mystic) -- don't laugh. My tudor in superstring theory is a fellow by the name of Ted Erler. He is David Gross' assistant. You have come clearly into my viewfinder, so I think it only polite that I introduce myself. What is most interesting about your collection of documents is its breadth. Are you an Engineer? Did I read that somewhere? >> >> Regards, >> Tracey. > > ** In my reply, I told him that my physics guru was Ed Halerewicz, Jr. and pointed to the several in-depth critiques of UNITEL that are archived. > > Lastly regarding Bearden, apparently Craddock & Co. have a way of detecting documents on my site even if I move them to a another folder. Robert Collins was another. I didn't want to have to go through all of the uploading via modem if they reconsidered and gave me "permission" to post these public (albeit copyrighted) documents. But I still keep getting emails from them regarding updates on his website as well a book&DVD offers. If I wanted to be "hard-nosed", I could reply that I never gave them permission to be put on any such solicitation(spam) or notification lists. I beginning to think more like you. For 675 whatever reason, these guys have another agenda. "These" includes Bearden, Collins, Bill Hamilton, Linda Howe, etc. And it's not just about making money. From the university Physics class, I finally know why Einstein skipped his lectures and went all out on the labs because I feel like doing the exact same thing! Day 1 was worthless crap about hair and hotels that had no logic. I thought it would come clear at the end. But the conclusion was illogical...ergh. Something a friend told me about those who can do and those who can't teach -- she was so right! Mars satellite … yes, but I tend not too pay to much attention as NASA has been sending an armada of spacecraft to Mars lately. A military type, I think, to get better resolution. Military satellites get better resolution than the Hubble, so little surprise there. "Knock your socks off" -- that's good PR. It wouldn't be smart if NASA said "It's more waste of taxpayer money. One probe is suppose to land and launch a Mars sample back to Earth." So it could be that too, but I didn't see that blurb. Gore getting classified data on Mars "discoveries" sounds like a joke. Why would the VP need to know that. VPs are just tie-breakers, after all. 2012 … I wonder if that's just Y2K II. A lot of hoopla … then the World goes on as normal. But if you're into that, there was some alt pub junk on a newsstand a while back that suggested that something like that might happen of 2 ways. First, there will be a Persian Gulf war. I thought that funny because of 1991. But hmmm … the U.S. is back there again. It said something like the next step would either have something about ET/UFO disclosure or a lead-in with something like an asteroid threat. So that might be something you would like to look into further. I think it was in something like "Atlantis Rising" or something like that. If there was such a disclosure, people like me could do some serious breakthrough work with hard data rather than take guesses like I did with the UNITEL stuff (which they do happen to read as it turns out) etc. etc. So I find that somewhat hard to believe. Jack thinking someone has a bigger ego than him -- now that is funny! Regarding Wolf, I don't think I've read anything of his because none looked important to me. He is probably more conventional than Sarfatti but is still "out there" nonetheless. When I was kid, Wolf was on a show called "the Know Zone" on the Discovery Channel. So I knew of him way before Jack. Don't know why I was mentioned to Tracy, did he read something I said and agreed with on string theory or something because I don't get why I was brought up. I do not know about Bill Hamliton etc. and what their motivations are. I didn't get any vibes from Bill with my brief conversation with him. I remember someone trying to suggest I was abducted after that Flying Triangle article after I said NO! He didn't seem interested, so I guess he was looking for a story and nothing else. I kind of find it odd that my FT encounter seems to have been ignored (though that means I can still carry out my conventional research). I guess that putting scientific and engineering math in (unlike what they do) makes you "less credible". Or do they just hate scientists because most of them disagree with them. Or perhaps I'm just not as crazy as them. Who knows! Or maybe I did my article for free unlike their books. Maybe that irks them too -- a free educational investigation done far better than what loose notes they charge for $$$$! -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher 676 S-595. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding nuke tests and environmental effects From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Thu, August 25, 2005 12:16 am Subject: Re: Hydrogen-5 isotope??? --- wrote: > I was rereading . It was from Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk ("Ark" of ). He is Bearden's chief critic and a wannabe supporter of Jack (though Jack makes it difficult at times). I get the impression that Ark aligns himself more with Martin Cannon's position of clever memory implants rather than actual existing UFOs. Anyway, I got this from the above document. It doesn't make sense to me because one would think with as much solar wind intercepted by the atmosphere all the time, what could a few nuke detonations possibly do to the ionosphere that hasn't been done a zillion times over by the Sun? But then, I still don't know why the knee-jerk (almost panic) suppression of all nuke tests worldwide. >> >> 1958 >> >> (A) Project Argus >> >> Between August and September 1958, the U.S. Navy exploded 3 fission-type nuclear bombs 480 km above the South Atlantic Ocean in the part of the lower Van Allen Belt closest to the Earth's surface. In addition, 2 hydrogen bombs were detonated 160 km over Johnston Island in the Pacific. The military called this "the biggest scientific experiment ever undertaken". It was designed by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, under the code name 'Project Argus'. The purpose appears to be to assess the impact of highaltitude nuclear explosions on radio transmission and radar operations because of the electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and to increase understanding of the geomagnetic field and the behavior of the charged particles in it. >> >> This gigantic experiment created new (inner) magnetic radiation belts encompassing almost the whole Earth and injected sufficient electrons and other energetic particles into the ionosphere to cause worldwide effects. The electrons traveled back-and-forth along magnetic force lines, causing an artificial "aurora" when striking the atmosphere near the North Pole. >> >> (B) The U.S. Military planned to create a "telecommunications shield" in the ionosphere, reported in 13-20 August 1961, Keesings Historisch Archief (K.H.A.). This shield would be created "in the ionosphere at 3,000 km height by bringing into orbit 350,000 million copper needles, each 2-4 cm long [total weight 16 kg], forming a belt 10 km thick and 40 km wide, the needles spaced about 100 m apart." This was designed to replace the ionosphere "because telecommunications are impaired by magnetic storms and solar flares." The U.S. planned to add to the number of copper needles if the experiment proved to be successful. This plan was strongly opposed by the Intentional Union of Astronomers. >> 677 >> 1962 >> >> (A) The Esalen Institute was founded in 1964 by Mike Murphy and Dick Price out of Murphy's family resort. Murphy and Price had been running seminars at the resort beginning in 1962 with speakers gathered through an expanding network of contacts, beginning with Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley, George Bateson, Gerald Heard, and others. [see Anderson, Walter Truett, The Upstart Spring, AddisonWesley Publishing, 1983 for an expansive history of Esalen] >> >> While an engineering professor at Stanford University, Harman led a 1962 conference on human potentiality at the Esalen Institute called "The Expanding Vision". Harman went on later to head IONS with Astronaut Edgar Mitchell. >> >> (B) Project Starfish >> On July 9, 1962, the US began a further series of experiments with the ionosphere. From their description: "one kiloton device at a height of 60 km, and one megaton and one multi-megaton at several hundred kilometers height" (K.H.A., 29 June 1962). These tests seriously disturbed the lower Van Allen Belt, substantially altering its shape and intensity. >> >> "In this experiment, the inner Van Allen Belt will be practically destroyed for a period of time. Particles from the Belt will be transported to the atmosphere. It is anticipated that the Earth's magnetic field will be disturbed over long distances for several hours, preventing radio communication. The explosion in the inner radiation belt will create an artificial dome of polar light that will be visible from Los Angeles" (K.H.A. May 11, 1962). >> >> "A Fijian Sailor -- present at this nuclear explosion -- told me that "the whole sky was on fire" and he thought it would be the End of the World. This was the experiment which called forth the strong protest of the Queen's Astronomer, Sir Martin Ryle in the UK. >> >> "The ionosphere [according to the under-standing at that time] -- that part of the atmosphere between 65 and 80 km and 280-320 km height -- will be disrupted by mechanical forces caused by the pressure wave following the explosion. At the same time, large quantities of ionizing radiation will be released, further ionizing the gaseous components of the atmosphere at this height. This ionization effect is strengthened by the radiation from the fission products... >> >> "The lower Van Allen Belt, consisting of charged particles that move along the geomagnetic field lines... will similarly be disrupted. As a result of the explosion, this field will be locally destroyed while countless new electrons will be introduced into the lower belt" (K.H.A. 11 May 1962). >> >> "On July 19... NASA announced that as a consequence of the high altitude nuclear test of July 9, a new radiation belt had been formed, stretching from a height of about 400 km to 1600 km; it can be seen as a temporary extension of the lower Van Allen Belt" (K.H.A. August 5,1962). >> >> As explained in the Encyclopedia Britannica: 678 >> >> "... Starfish made a much wider belt [than Project Argus] that extends from low altitude out past L=3 [i.e. three Earth radiuses or about 13,000 km above the surface of the Earth]." >> >> (B) Later in 1962, the USSR undertook similar planetary experiments, creating 3 new radiation belts between 7,000 and 13,000 km above the Earth. According to the Encyclopedia, the electron fluxes in the lower Van Allen Belt have changed markedly since the 1962 high-altitude nuclear explosions by the US and USSR -never returning to their former state. According to American scientists, it could take many hundreds of years for the Van Allen Belts to destabilize at their normal levels. (Research done by: Nigel Harle, Borderland Archives, Cortenbachstraat 32, 6136 C.H. Sittard, Netherlands.) >> === message truncated === Mark, OK, so it was like why ask Wolf for a knee-jerk answer for $300/hr if I'll do a much better job if it's something that interests me. Or something to that affect. As for the high-altitude test, what comments I've scanned have seemed very true. One, there was portion of a show on TLC a few years back called "Trinity and Beyond the Atomic Bomb" movie a small part deals with that (and there's extra footage in the DVD). The same producer who has done some SE/FX work for Star Wars put out another DVD called "Nukes in Space" which deals solely with that issue. A quick Google search should give some info on that. Also in the Geology paper of mine that I keep going to, I made mention of atomic EMP bursts to explain the environmental effects of the next pole flip. So I wish that I would have put that on a CD or printed 2 copies. Damn viruses!!!! I have to look at my Geo textbook again, but I do believe the most dangerous radiation around the Earth is in the Van Allan belts. So that if it would lower to ground level, it would be vary bad (to say the least). And that's a bit of an understatement. Another thing, the Sun pretty much sends out H ions. If that's all that hit, it would not be good. But H is nowhere near as radioactive as say Uranium. So there's a problem. The Van Allan belt also contains high-energy particles from deep space and not just the Sun's energy. So there's a huge potential danger messing with any of that stuff. Relatively speaking, the Sun is just a dim light that is up close. There are much brighter things out there. They may be less dense, but they do way more damage. -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher S-596. from Paul Devine regarding "growing pains" in new science From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Thu, August 25, 2005 10:29 pm Subject: I don't know how to title this 679 Mark, (1). Concerning the Andersen-Bearden "debate" (as I will call it, for lack of any better a phrase), I recall Ed's words about Bearden's having enough mathematical knowledge himself to fix the mathematical "faults" in his own work. This was in response to a phrase used by yourself to describe (I take it) an aspect of what Rick Andersen put into his article (posted on your WS) about the 7 different types, definitions, aspects, etc. of scalar (waves, potentials, etc.). (2). I have a different viewpoint on the sequence shown by Andersen in his paper. (3). I would like to share it with you, to the best of my abilities. It might come in useful in any further exchanges on this subject. (4). I see Bearden's efforts as a work-in-progress. He had a vision. And often -- especially at the beginning -- one's reach exceeds one's grasp. With time, one can do better. (5). I see the sequence of definitions (given by Andersen in the article) simply as "growing pains" on the part of Bearden. They represent the development in time of Bearden's grasp of different aspects of his subject. (6). By the time he found Whittaker's 1903-1904 papers, he felt that he had come home. (7). I don't see this at all as a matter of fixing "faults" in mathematics. FYI. Ciao. (s) Paul. P.S.: This is a difficult subject to grasp. It is hard to write about. I hope this helps. If not, then drop me a line, and I will try further. -- PJD. S-597. from Paul Devine regarding Montauk, remote-viewing, 2012, etc. From: "paul devine" <> To: Date: Thu, August 25, 2005 10:30 pm Subject: RE "I got the 2012 date from Montauk" Mark -(1). In your "I got the 2012 Date from Montauk" e-mail, you mentioned "remote-viewing" in relation to the Montauk Project. (2). I would like to share with you what I have heard about remote-viewing. The source (whose name I no longer remember) was (to the best of my recollection) a guest on C2C-AM. The man's message (as paraphrased, to the best of my ability by myself) was that remote-viewing takes place when an "elemental spirit of the air" (PJD's quotes) takes something (your soul?) out of your body and does something to the something taken out of your body. This something done is usually perceived as being 680 taken someplace else by the spirit. The remote-viewer is under the control of this spirit. The viewer cannot control the actions of this spirit. They cannot control which spirit takes control of them. (And not all spirits are benign and have our best interest at heart). There is no guarantee that the appearances are the reality. Also, since the elemental spirit is created, it itself is subject to law. In other words, the spirit can be made to do what some higher force or power wants it to do. Conversely, the spirit can be kept from knowing things. It can be kept from guiding the viewer to a given place in space or time. So the would-be viewer can be kept in the dark as to events at a given place or time. (3). What does this have to do with the Montauk Project and the year 2012? Simply this, that it sounds to me from your description in your e-mail as if viewers -- and the elemental spirits guiding them -- have been denied access to events ca. 2012. (This is assuming that events happened as described, that the spirits are honest, that they have the best interest of mankind at heart, etc.) (4). Something like this may already have happened in the case of Dannion Brinkley. He would say that he had no foreknowledge of anything after 2004. Before 2004, he interpreted this as meaning that he would not be alive in 2005. But to the best of my knowledge, he is still alive. (5). But that does not speak to the issue of why the year 2012 is so important. In other words, how did the year "2012" enter into the proceedings anyway? Depending on the year when 2012 entered into remote-viewing forecasts, the year 2012 itself could have been of human origin in the viewings. That is to say, the knowledge of the year 2012 as the year (in the Gregorian calendar corresponding to the end of a cycle in a Mayan calendar) has been known for DECADES. For example : (6). Many years ago, I read in a book (written many decades before I read it) about the year 2012 as being APPROXIMATELY the year (in the Gregorian calendar) marking the end of a Mayan calendar cycle -- and of the difficulties involved in determining exactly the actual year in the Gregorian calendar (i.e., there is more than one way to compute the date). (7). This book was written so long ago that its knowledge could unconsciously have penetrated into the subconscious mind of some remote-viewer. Then, the inexactness in the forecast concerning the events from ca. 2010 on could be simply a reflection of the human origins, on this plane, of that date in the remote forecast. This vagueness could show that the forecast had merely human origins. The lack of detail could show that the "elemental spirits of the air" (my phrase for the words (which I do not remember] used by the C2C guest) had nothing to do with the forecast. WHY they had nothing to do with the forecast would -- on this scenario -- be anybody's guess. (8). In case you are interested, the book in question in (6) above was written by (Sir) John Eric Sidney Thompson (1898-1975). This man was one of the giants of Mayan studies. He wrote very many books, and I do not remember the exact book in question. If you want to learn more about him, you can do so via the entry on him in Wikipedia at . (9). And here's another point of direct relevance and interest here concerning the antiquity of knowledge of the Mayan calendar cycles. This knowledge has been around for centuries! (In what follows, I write from memory). In the case of the conquest of Central America by the Spaniards, a Spanish victory was won over hold-out Mayans not any later than about the year 1600, not much more than a century after Columbus and much less than that amount of time since Cortez landed in Mexico. And do you know how the Spaniards did it? They did it by taking advantage of their knowledge of the Mayan calendar cycles! And the Mayans -- done in by their cyclical view of history -- proved to be easy pickings for the Spaniards. The Mayans -- anticipating a disaster to coincide with the end of the calendar -- were psychologically ill-prepared to resist the Spanish assault when it came. And the Spaniards delivered to the Mayans the catastrophe that they had been conditioned not to be able to resist because they confused 681 a number on a calendar with the end of the Universe. And the Spaniards gave them the end of their universe! True story! (10). 50 years ago, Arbenz in Guatemala scheduled the beginning of his land-reform program to coincide with the beginning of a new cycle in the Mayan calendar. And we saw what happened to that initiative at the hands of the Americans. Arbenz was overthrown in a CIA-inspired coup (instigated by the Dulles brothers, evidently). And Guatemala had decades of civil war thereafter. Furthermore, some of the "players" in that "game" (on the American side) were involved in Dallas 10 years later and then again in Watergate (10 years after Dallas). (11). Just some food for thought. Comment? Cheerio. (s) Paul. S-598. from StealthSkater regarding math models vs. reality From: To: "paul devine" <> Date: Sat, August 27, 2005 11:44 am Subject: it's not the math ... it's the MODEL Paul ----paul devine wrote: > (1). Concerning the Andersen-Bearden debate (as I will call it, for lack of any better a phrase), I recall Ed's words about Bearden's having enough mathematical knowledge himself to fix the mathematical "faults" in his own work. This was in response to a phrase used by yourself to describe (I take it) an aspect of what Rick Andersen put into his article (posted on your WS) about the 7 different types, definitions, aspects, etc. of scalar (waves, potentials, etc.). Actually, Tom himself said the very same thing in one of his letters in his "Recent Corresondence" section. He was lamenting the fact that over time, his mathematical skills had eroded to the point where he could no longer engage others (I'm assuming he meant "Ark") in rigorously-mathematical debates. To Bearden's credit, at his website in an article devoted to Tom and Richard Hoagland, "Ark" admitted that Tom does know his math (unlike Hoagland) although "Ark" took severe issue with his models. > (3). I would like to share it with you to the best of my abilities. It might come in useful in any further exchanges on this subject. > > (4). I see Bearden's efforts as a work-in-progress. He had a vision. And often --- especially at the beginning --- one's reach exceeds one's grasp. With time, one can do better. I agree. In fact, I would like to think that people would know I support those (like Tom Bearden, Larry Maurer, Tom Skeggs) with uncommon "visions" or else I wouldn't have put so much time into archiving their material. UNITEL's site has gone away multiple times; Skeggs' sites disappear or dump past essays; and even Tom's site has been inaccessible at times. This is not to say that I'm the side of anyone 682 who claims to have a "vision". The afore-mentioned examples seem to ring true to me, and they have done as much to validate their claims scientifically as they have the personal financial means to do so. > (5). I see the sequence of definitions (given by Andersen in the article) simply as "growing pains" on the part of Bearden. They represent the development in time of Bearden's grasp of different aspects of his subject. > > (6). By the time he found Whittaker's 1903-1904 papers, he felt that he had come home. The good thing about this is that others in the "alt" community share the same same GENERAL ideas about scalar waves although they nit-pick at the nitty-gritties of each other's models. So I view Andersen's debate with Tom as constructive (like Halerewicz's with Maurer). In that KeelyNet document, it portrayed Tom as not wanting to take part in any debate despite his words to the contrary. (For what it's worth, Tom Skeggs displayed a similar attitude at times. It's "all or nothing".) In the end, what dooms all of the visionaries is what conservative engineer-physicist Tom Mahood wrote me (you have his e-mail on the CD): "... make extraordinary claims, BETTER have extraordinary proof!" > (7). I don't see this at all as a matter of fixing "faults" in mathematics. A good percentage of physicists are in the 'theoretical' category. They make their livings on the blackboard, not in the shop or lab. Finding mathematical mistakes is their "bread-and-butter". Personally, I was never one to care what math model was used to simulate a process. As long as the model yielded results that were observable, reproducible, and "scale-up"able, that was the ONE to use. Many times, model inaccuracies (note this is not the math per se, but the model -- remember what "Ark" said about Tom's math vs. his models) can be conveniently eliminated by "empiricalizing" (sp?) using "fudge factors". Hence the name, "semi-empirical" (i.e., part-theory, part curve-fitting). So it may be more of fixing flaws in the MODEL rather than the math. When I started archiving documents, I did it in a hurry. The first pass was just converting the .htm pages into .doc files. Then I started the same on the "Doc Savage" material. After I was done, I noticed that the original material was hard-to-read in many spots. So I began an editing effort to make the material easier-to-read. I see now that I have to do the SAME thing for all these science documents as well. I started in alphabetical order (although some of them -- which I suspect to contain a lot of disinformation -- I'm skipping until later). I have finished through "DelaWarr_2.doc". I finished making all of Tom's essays more readable. But since "Tony" requested that they be taken offline, I can only send these to you on an updated CD. (I still use a modem. Sending those via email or even uploading them to my site would take too long. Plus uploading would cost me additional bandwidth on my monthly plan.) So I hope Tony & Co, know what they're doing and keep the URLs (listed on my Bearden page) up-to-date because I'm not going to. That's why I started doing all this archiving in the first place!!! While they're at it, they should get a layperson to edit those essays. They're hard enough to understand without all the huge paragraphs etc. Check out the edited from Ark's site. It mentions Tom Bearden -- as well as Jack Sarfatti -- in a number of places. "Ark" seems to veer toward the convictions of Martin Cannon as he suspects that most UFO incidents are deliberate memory implants through sophisticated mind-control experiments directed at those who are more "susceptible" 683 than others (through some anomaly at birth or an accident later in life). Hence the interest in people like Tom who have long argued for increased mainstream investigations into what is termed the "paranormal". An argument is also made that to turn public attention away from what was being done to the Van Allen radiation belts via the nuke tests, the UFO phenomena was invented. Along-the-way, it appears that perhaps the governments were "blind-sided" and one-or-two what-appear-to-be UFOs actually came here. I also edited the length William Cooper maifesto at . I think some of this must have come from his "... Rider on a Pale Horse" book. Some people reported that he later retracted many of the allegations in that book. The fact that his personal drinking problem led him into confrontations with other researchers probably has overshadowed his accomplishments. I would like to be able to organize a convention of all "middle-of-the-road" paranormal researchers to come up with a basic "bible" of what should be believed. From my college theology classes, I remember that's how the Christian Bible came into being from the leading authorities of that day examining what books should be included and what should be discarded. It will take me a while. But I will complete editing all these archived articles and upload them as I do. Since I don't have the necessary physics background, this is my own small contribution (remember the Christmas song "Little Drummer Boy"). S-599. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding conspiracy theories From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <> To: Date: Sat, August 27, 2005 11:46 pm Subject: Re: more *mind-manipulation* than bona fide sightings??? "Mind manipulation" -- I do not buy, although I do think people often tend to see what they want and there is a lot of fooling ones self. That alone would explain things. Then there is of course the fact that witness testimony is not always reliable as a number of court cases have shown. There are plenty of people like Tesla, Wells, Newton, Aristotle, Archimedes, Henry Ford, Edison. History just doesn't always focus on them, but they are there if you look. As for "bonafied UFOs", how is that done? Now if only 10 people in the U.S. sought something of merit, you would agree that is not a lot. But put that with 120 U.N. nations over 50 years and it gives 60,000 cases worth looking at. It's all how you use the numbers (though it seems you have your own theory). [StealthSkater note: nope … just bringing some stuff to your attention in the role of the "Devil's Advocate"] -- Edward Halerewicz, Jr. Truss Technician/Independent Researcher <= previous E-mails 500-549 next E-mails 600-649 => 684 if on the Internet, press <BACK> on your browser to return to the previous page (or go to else if accessing these files from the CD in a MS-Word session, simply <CLOSE> this file's window-session; the previous window-session should still remain 'active' 685