Elections cites

Obama winning but it comes down to a handful of points
Boston Herald 9-12 ("Pollster: N.H. could lock up win for President Obama"
President Obamaís re-election chances could hinge on New Hampshire, which is why both the Obama and Romney campaigns are spending so much
time there, a national pollster told the Herald. ìFor Obama, where he stands right now, if he wins Florida, he just needs one more (swing) state,î said
John Zogby, who was visiting the Hub yesterday. He explained that as the likely
He suggested Obama would win if the election were held today, but GOP nominee Mitt Romney could still take
the race with strong performances in next monthís make-or-break debates.
Funding Transportation infrastructure unpopular with the public – they fear wasteful planning and
don’t see the upside.
Orski ‘12
Ken Orski is editor and publisher of Innovation NewsBriefs, an influential and widely read transportation newsletter, now in its 20th year of publication. Orski has
worked professionally in the field of transportation for close to 40 years. He served as Associate Administrator of the Urban Mass Transportation Administration
under President Nixon and President Ford. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard College and holds a J.D. degree from Harvard Law School. NewGeography –
02/05/2012 – http://www.newgeography.com/content/002662-why-pleas-increase-infrastructure-funding-fall-deaf-ears
Finding the resources to keep transportation infrastructure in good order is a more difficult challenge. Unlike traditional utilities,
roads and bridges have no rate payers to fall back on. Politicians and the public seem to attach a low priority to fixing aging
transportation infrastructure and this translates into a lack of support
Even tiny shifts matter – our link is low threshold and linear
Silver, 12 (Nate, 5/15, chief pollster for New York Times’ 538 election polling center. Regarded as top-level pollster based on distinct mathematical models
chief pollster for New York Times’ 538 election polling center. Regarded as top-level pollster based on distinct mathematical models –
it is also worth remembering that even a one-point shift in a president’s approval ratings, or a modest change in the economic
forecasts, can move a president’s re-election odds at the margin.
GOP win causes Iran strikes
Dilek 9-20-11 (Emine, addicting info, “All Republican Candidates Favor War with Iran”
http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/09/20/all-republican-candidates-favor-war-with-iran/, jj)
If you elect a Republican President in the 2012 elections, more than likely we will be at war with Iran before his or her
Presidency is over
Iran strikes causes multiple scenarios for nuclear war, CBW use and terrorist attacks.
Russell -09 (James A. Russell, managing editor of Strategic Insights, the quarterly ejournal published by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the Naval
Postgraduate School, Spring 2009, Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East, Security Studies Center)
The most likely regional state to be drawn into a conflict on Iran’s side in a wider regional war is Syria, which is widely
reported to have well developed missile and chemical warfare programs. Direct Syrian military involvement in an IsraeliU.S./Iranian war taking the form of missile strikes or chemical attacks on Israel could serve as another escalation trigger in a
nuclear-use scenario,