Course Contents

ODY 101 ANATOMY (2 0 2 5)
Introduction to anatomy and anatomical terminology, anatomy of the upper extremity,
anatomy of lower extremity, anatomy of the head and neck region, anatomy of the thorax and
abdomen region, anatomy of the respiratory system, anatomy of the circulatory system,
anatomy of the digestive system, anatomy of the urinary system, anatomy of genital system,
anatomy of the central nervous system, anatomy of sensory organs and the endocrine system.
ODY103 PHYSIOLOGY (2 0 2 5)
Introduction to physiology, body fluid divisions, cell physiology, muscle physiology,
physiology of the circulatory system, digestive system physiology, physiology of the
excretory system, respiratory system physiology, physiology of the endocrine system,
physiology of the central nervous system-1, physiology of the central nervous system-2,
sensory physiology-1, sensory physiology-2, sensory physiology-3.
ODY 105 Principles of Audiology I ( 3 2 4 5 )
Anatomy of the ear, Sound and hearing physiology, Introduction to audiometry, The terms
and definitions related to Audiology, Tests used in Audiometric Evaluation, Acumetric Tests,
Diapozan tests a) Weber Test b) Rinne Test c) Schwabach Test, Purton Audiology assessment
(preparation of cases, audiology evaluation environment) a) Measured by air b) Measured by
bone, Masking (Definition, indications application) a) Masking by air b) Masking by bone,
Rainville Test, SAL Test, Recruitment (Definition and tests), Tone Decay Test, SISI Test,
MLB Test, ABLB Test, Bekesy Audiometry, Speech Audiometry
Temporal ear anatomy (Anatomy of the external ear, middle ear anatomy, anatomy of the
inner ear, auditory nerve, auditory pathways, hearing center), Physiology of hearing (Sound
frequency, sound intensity- How does auditory occur?), External ear disorders, Middle ear
infections (Non-suppurative otitis media- suppurative otitis media- specific otitis media),
Neurosensory hearing loss, Causes of hearing loss, Sudden hearing loss (Definition, causes,
symptoms, treatment), Tinnitus (definition, subjective tinnitus and objective tinnitus, its
causes), Transmission type of hearing loss, Otosclerosis (Definition, stages, symptoms,
audiologic findings, treatment), Meniere, Ear surgery, Epistaxis (Definition, Local causes,
common causes, prevention and treatment), Adenotonsillitis and adenotonsillectomy, Rhinitis
and sinusitis, Salivary gland diseases, Larynx diseases.
TÜR 181 Turkish Language I
(2 0 2 2)
The location and significance of language as a social institution in the nation’s lives, The
relationship between language and culture, Turkish language among world languages, The
development of the Turkish language and its historical periods, The current status and
spreading areas of the Turkish language, Sounds and their classification, Features of Turkish
sounds and rules of sound knowledge, Syllables, spelling rules and their applications,
Punctuation and applications.
YDL185 Foreign Language I ( 2 0 2 2 )
This course aims that students recognise accurate structures of Basic English grammatical and
linguistic point of view, actively use certain English words, readand understand English texts
encountered, define themselves in both written and verbal.
ODY 109 Medical Terminology ( V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Introduction, Basic Definitions and Concepts, Basic Definitions and Terms Related to Human
Nature, General Information on the diseases and classification of them, Elements that make
up the medical terms, Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes, Terms Related to Motion System, Terms
Related to the Respiratory System, Terms Related to Cardiovascular System, Terms Related
to the Digestive System, Terms of Blood and Blood-forming Organs, Terms Related to
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, Terms Related to Urogenital System, Terms Related to
Obstetrics and Gynecological Diseases, Terms Related to Diseases of the Skin and Breast,
Terms Related to Eyes and Ears
ODY 111 Basic Health (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Course Presentation; General Descriptions, Protection from Diseases, Protection from
Infections (Asepsis, Antisepsis, Sterilization, Disinfection), Common Infectious Diseases in
Society (Tbc, Hepatitis, AIDS, Acute Infections), Common Cronic Diseases in Society
(Diabetes, Asthma, Cancer, Hypertension, Chronic Heart Diseases), Women’s Health, Family
Planning, Children’s Health, General Nutrition, Mental Health and Anti-stress, Youth and
Drugs, Alcohol Addiction, Protection from Accidents, Evaluation of The Course.
ODY 113 Medical Biology and Genetics (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Introduction to Biology, Beginning of Life, The physical structure of the cell, Cell signaling
systems, Chemical structure of cell, General features of cell and organelles, Cell division,
The structure of the genetic material, Analysis methods of genetic factors, Mendelian
genetics and cytogenetics, Chromosomal abnormalities, Genetic diseases and genetic
counseling, Chromosome analysis and gene therapy.
ODY 115 PSYCHOLOGY (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Psychology and Methods, Sensation-Perception, Requirements, instincts, impulses,
Frustration, Conflict, emotion, learning, memory, Intelligence, Attention, Will,
Consciousness, Access Stages of Cognitive Theory, Psychoanalytic Theory and Defense
Mechanisms, Personality, Effect of Groups on Behavior.
ODY 102 Sound Physics and Principles of Acoustics ( 2 0 2 4)
Principles of sound physics, Acoustic structure of the quiet rooms used in audiometric
examination, Reverberation, Psychological characteristics of the sound, Calibration principles
between measuring instruments and the human ear, Acoustic and phonetic structure of the
ODY 104 Principles of Audiology II ( 3 2 4 5 )
1) Impedance audiometry (Definition- impedance physics- impedance audiometry- clinical
2) Impedance audiometric tests: a) Warning ear tests b) Witness ear tests
3) Simulation tests
TÜR 182 Turkish Language II
(2 022)
Turkish affixes and their applications, General information about composition, Types of
words, Elements of the sentence, Sentence analysis application, Expression and sentence
disorders, correction of them, Petition, report, letter and their types, The principles to be
followed in the preparation of scientific papers.
YDL186 Foreign Language II ( 2 0 2 2 )
This course aims application of various tutorial acitivities in order to consolidate basic
English knowledge obtained YDL 185 course, learning vocabulary, retention and developing
use of skills and strategies when necessary, reading texts encountered by using reading
strategies to be learned, obtaining English written skills in accordance with students’ needs
and levels.
Field studies and practical applications.
Definition of developmental psychology, Basic problems and concepts related to
development, Human development, Development issues, Individual differences in
development, Physical, sensory, cognitive, moral development, Prenatal development,
organization of behavior, childhood, childhood emotional development, childhood language,
development of conceptual and existential, hearing and speech impaired, Adolescence, The
first years of adulthood, psychological maturation during this period, family and work life,
social environment, development in the middle of the year, personality, physical and mental
changes in this period, the properties of next years, theories of aging, personality traits and
physical changes in this year.
ODY 110 Public Health ( V/E) (2 0 2 3)
The Concept of Public Health, General Concepts and health levels, Public health service
areas, The purpose of health services, Maternal and child health, Maternal and child health
statistics, Family planning, Adolescent health, elderly health, School health, Mental health,
Environmental health, Occupational health.
ODY 112 Information and Communication Technology (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Internet and Internet Browser, E-mail Management, Newsgroups / Forums, Web-Based
Learning, Preparing for Personal Website, Electronic Commerce, Word Processor, Biography,
Internet, and Career, Job interview preparation, Operation Table, Formulas and Functions,
Charts, Presentation Preparation, Introductory Material Preparation.
ODY 114 Health Management (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Work Organization, Patient Information System, Improving Working Environment, Archiving
of patient images, Monitoring the services provided in dental clinics, Professional
development activities, Professional duty and responsibility.
AİT 281 Atatürk İ.İ.Tarihi I (2 0 2 2 )
İnkılap Tarihinin anlamı- Türk İnkılabının önemi – Türk İnkılabına yol açan nedenlere toplu
bakış - Birinci dünya savaşı- Osmanlı Devletinin parçalanmaya başlaması – İşgaller
karşısında memleketin durumu – Mustafa Kemal Paşa’nın tutumu – Kurtuluş için ilk adım –
Kongreler yolu ile teşkilatlanma – Cemiyetler, Kuvayı Milliye, Misak-ı Milli, Türkiye Büyük
Millet Meçlisinin açılışı- Ulusal ordunun kurulması – İki önemli olay: Sevres ve Gümrü
Barışı- Sakarya Savaşına kadar kurtuluş mücadelesi- Sakarya Savaşı- Büyük Taarruz,
Mudanya’dan Lozan’a siyasal alanda iki büyük inkılap- “Takrir-i Sükün “ dönemine geçiş
ODY 201 Clinical Audiometry I (2 8 6 10)
Audiometer usage and tests, Principles of audiometric examination, Audiometrist and patient
relationship, Airway, bone, hearing measurement techniques, Masking principles, Noiseinduced hearing loss, Audio Emergencies, Otoacoustic Emissions, Advanced
Electrophysiological Tests (BERA, ECOG), Speech Audiometry
ODY 203 Vestibular System and Studies (3 3 5 5)
Anatomy of the peripheral vestibular system, Physiology of the peripheral vestibular system,
Physiology of Balance, Balance examination, Nystagmus examination, Romlerg, Walking,
The sign test, Bi-thermal caloric test, Rotation test, Galvanic test, ENG.
ODY 205 Hearing Aids (2 2 3 4)
Definition and history of hearing aids, The technical characteristics of hearing aids, Mold,
features and care of hearing device, Acoustic warning hearing aids (description, features,
indications, and application), Electrical stimulation hearing aids, Indications for hearing aid,
Hearing aid systems, Hearing aid applications with children, Advice to people using the
ODY 209 First Aid (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Introduction to First Aid and Properties of First Aid; Assessment of Basic Life Functions;
Respiratory and Circulatory System; First Aid in Injuries; First Aid in Bleeding; Shock and
First Aid; Burns and First Aid; Poisonings and First Aid; First Aid in Fractures and Sprains;
Basic Life Support. Emergency response in clinic; Emergency response procedures and Drugs
used; It is given theoretical and practical knowledge about the bleeding and intervention.
ODY 211 Speech Development (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Normal speech development in children, The relationship between hearing loss and speech
development, Classification of impaired speeches resulting in hearing disorders, Place of
speech disorders in the differential diagnosis.
ODY 213 Hearing Loss (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Normal hearing, Transmission and mixed hearing losses, Sensorineural hearing loss,
Functional hearing loss, Central hearing loss, Etiological distributions of hearing losses,
Relationship between the various pathologies and hearing loss.
ODY 215 Research Methods and Techniques (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Selecting Research Topics, Making Resource Research, Evaluation of Research Results,
Making the presentation preparation, Making the presentation.
AİT 282 Atatürk İ.İ.Tarihi II
(2 02 2)
Türk İnkılâbının yürütülmesindeki özellikler- Hukuk sisteminin kurulması- Eğitim sisteminin
kurulması- Ekonomi ve Maliye alanında harcanan çabalar- Toplumsal yaşayışı düzenleyen
diğer yenilikler – Atatürk döneminde Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin iç siyaseti- Atatürk döneminde
Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin dış siyaseti – Ünite Eki: Atatürk’ün ölümü, Atatürk’ün döneminden
sonra Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin iç ve dış siyaseti- Atatürk ilkeleri genel olarak- Atatürk
ilkeleri, Cumhuriyetçilik
-Atatürk ilkeleri, Milliyetçilik- Atatürk ilkeleri ,Halkçılık ve Devletçilik- Atatürk ilkeleri,
Laiklik- Atatürk ilkeleri ,İnkılapçılık- Genel değerlendirme
ODY 202 Clinical Audiometry II (2 8 6 10)
BERA and ECOG indications, applications, Simulation tests, High-frequency audiometry,
Ototoxicity, Stapes reflex, Further examinations, Audiometric atlas.
ODY 204 Children's Audiology (2 4 4 8)
Fundamentals of pediatric audiometry, Children deafnesses, Screening tests, Behavioral
audiometry, Condition-based tests, Vocal audiometry in Children, Objective audiometric
tests, Rehabilitation of children with hearing-speech disabilities, Pediatric vestibular tests.
Atypical children's psycho definitions and terms, Children with hearing loss, Speech
disorders, Children with mental disabilities, Gifted children, children with incompatible,
Children in need of protection, Visually handicapped children, Children with learning
disabilities, Orthopedically handicapped children (It’s evaluated in terms of definition, terms,
types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and rehabilitation).
ODY 208 Professional Ethics (V/E) ( 2 0 2 3 )
Concepts of ethics and morality, Ethical systems, factors that play a role in the formation of
morality, Review of professional ethics, Corruption and results of unethical behavior in
professional life, The concept of social responsibility.
ODY 210 Biophysics (V/E) ( 2 0 2 3 )
Hydrostatic, blood pressure, flow rate - Hydrodynamics, Bernoulli's law, The law of
Poiseuille - Linear and angular motion, Newton's laws - Centrifuges and sedimentation
analysis - Protein purification methods, electrophoresis- Electrostatic, electric charge, electric
area, the electric potential- Electrical current and its basic concepts- Spectrophotometer,
bridge circuits, transducers- Biopotentials, ECG, EEG, EMG- Sound, sound intensity, db
scale and hearing - Ultrasound and its medical applications 1- Ultrasound and its medical
applications 2- Medical imaging methods, radiography, computed tomography- Medical
imaging methods, magnetic resonance imaging, PET.
ODY 212 Microbiology (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
“Classification and general characteristics of microorganisms”, “Cell structure, nutrition,
proliferation, genetics of bacteria”, “Relationship between microbes and micro-organisms”,
“The normal flora of the human body”, “Microbiology of private circles”, “Infection and
transmission routes”, “Effects of antibiotics on bacteria and bacterial resistance mechanisms
to antibiotics”, “Sterilization, disinfection”, “Antigens, antibodies, allergy and
hypersensitivity”, “Vaccines and serums”, “Staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus,
neisserialar, gram-positive aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, mycobacteria”, “Small gramnegative bacteria”, “Haemophilus bacteria”, “Enteric bacteria”, “Spiral microorganisms”,
“General information about fungi, shallow and deep fungi”, “General information about
mycoplasma, rickettsia, chlamydia, and viruses”, “Pikorna, ortomikso, paramyxoviruses,
rabies, herpes, hepatitis, poks and other viruses”.
ODY 214 Infectious Diseases (V/E) (2 0 2 3)
Bodies of infection, Signs and symptoms of infection, Respiratory Transmitted Diseases,
Blood-borne diseases, Fecal-oral Transmitted Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Diseases,
Hospital Infections, Infections in Intensive Care Unit, Disinfection and Sterilization, Methods
of Personal Protection, Isolation Methods, Hospital Infection Control Committee.
ODY 901 Sound Physics (2 0 2 3)
Principles of sound physics, Acoustic structure of the quiet rooms used in audiometric
examination, Reverberation, Psychological characteristics of the sound, Calibration principles
between measuring instruments and the human ear, Acoustic and phonetic structure of the
ODY 902 Speech Development (2 0 2 3)
Normal speech development in children, The relationship between hearing loss and speech
development, Classification of impaired speeches resulting in hearing disorders, Place of
speech disorders in the differential diagnosis.