Laboratory Manual for Physiological Chemistry Spring 2009 Table of Contents Handling Emergencies ............................................................................................ 2 Safety Regulations ................................................................................................. 3 General Laboratory Procedures............................................................................... 4 Introduction to Organic Compounds ....................................................................... 7 Isolation of Chlorophyll and Carotenoid Pigments from Spinach ............................. 26 Chemical Properties of Aliphatic and Aromatic Alcohols .......................................... 34 Oxidation and Structure of Carbonyl Compounds................................................... 42 Optical Isomers.................................................................................................... 50 Carbohydrates ..................................................................................................... 58 Acid-Base Reactions with Carboxylic Acids and Esters ............................................ 63 Synthesis of Aspirin .............................................................................................. 67 Synthesis & properties of Soap ............................................................................. 75 Isolation and Characterization of Casein from Milk................................................. 79 Amylase: The Activity of an Enzyme ..................................................................... 85 Interaction of UV Light with Matter ....................................................................... 91 Page intentionally blank. 1 Laboratory Rules and Guidelines Handling Emergencies While we will do everything possible to ensure a safe environment, accidents can occur. In case of the following emergencies, always inform the instructor and do the following: Burns - Flush with cool tap water. Chemicals in the eye - CALL FOR HELP. Force the eye open, flush with water for at least 20 minutes. Chemicals on the skin - Flush with water. Rinse acid spill with sodium hydrogen carbonate solution; bases with boric acid. Chemicals on your clothes -REMOVE YOUR CLOTHES. You do not want the chemicals to reach your skin. Clothing on fire - STOP-DROP-ROLL. Use a fire blanket or shower only if you are standing within arm's reach. Cut in skin - Rinse immediately with water. Inspect for glass. Get medical attention. 2 Safety Regulations 1) Acceptable eye protection must be worn at all times. Wearing contact lenses in the lab is strongly discouraged and may be forbidden by your instructor. 2) Bare feet and sandals are not allowed in the lab. Spilled chemicals and broken glass on the floor can result in serious injuries. 3) Shorts and short skirts are not allowed. Neither midriff nor shoulders may be exposed whether standing straight, reaching, or bending over. 4) Each student must know the location of the safety equipment: fire extinguishers, eye washes, safety shower and the exit. 5) Horseplay and/or carelessness are prohibited. 6) No unauthorized experiments are to be performed. 7) Work is permitted only at the assigned time unless otherwise authorized by the instructor. In any case, NEVER work alone. 8) Chemicals and equipment are not to be removed from the laboratory. 9) Do not sit on bench tops. 10) Eating, drinking, smoking or chewing anything is not permitted in the laboratory. 11) Never pipet by mouth; always use a pipet bulb. 12) Be cautious when testing for odors. Always wave fumes towards your nose with your hand. NEVER smell a chemical directly. 13) Always add acid to the water or base, never do the opposite. 14) Never aim the opening of a test tube or flask at yourself or anyone else. 15) Never leave reactions unattended if they involve heating or rapid reactions. 16) Only the lab manual and lab notebook should be at lab counter. Book bags, outerwear, etc. are to be placed out-of-the-way in the location indication by your instructor. 17) Report any injury, however minor, to the instructor at once. 18) Always use tongs to handle hot objects. 19) Loose clothing must not be worn in the laboratory. Open sweaters/hoodies, loose sleeves, excessively “flowy” blouses. 20) Hair below chin must be tied back, while working in the laboratory. 21) Broken glass will be disposed of in the glass disposal boxes, not in the regular trash. 22) Dispose of waste properly, as directed by your instructor. 23) Clean up all spills immediately. 24) Always check glassware for chips and cracks. I realize that these RULES WILL BE ENFORCED for my safety and for the safety of my lab partners and that failure to observe these rules, in addition to resulting in unacceptable safety hazards and the loss of working time, will result in expulsion from the laboratory. I acknowledge that I have received a written copy of these regulations and have been given the opportunity to discuss them with the instructor. NAME __________________________________COURSE_______SECTION_____ SIGNATURE_____________________________________DATE_______________ 3 General Laboratory Procedures The following procedures are intended to prevent contamination of chemicals, and to promote safety, smooth laboratory operation and laboratory efficiency. Read labels carefully Some chemicals have very similar names. In the case of acids and bases, do not assume that the reagent bottles are in the correct places. Eyedroppers/ Pipets Never use an eye dropper or pipette in a reagent bottle unless there is a dropper with the bottle for use only with that bottle. Your seemingly clean eyedropper may actually be dirty, and end up contaminating an entire bottle of reagent. If you need to dispense a chemical with an eyedropper, pour a small amount into a beaker and use the eyedropper from there. Unused or excess reagents Never pour them back into a reagent bottle. Contamination of the contents may result. Dispose of the extra properly. Along with this, do not take large amounts of reagents, since excess amounts must be wasted. You can always get more if you need it. Obtaining solids Obtain solids using a spatula specified for the particular reagent, or by pouring the solid out by rotating the bottle back and forth until the solid works its way out of the bottle or vial. Cleaning Equipment Be sure your equipment is clean before use, and be sure to return borrowed equipment either as clean or cleaner than you found it. Wash glassware with soap and tap water. Rinse with tap water. Occasionally, some chemicals and glassware markers must be removed with acetone. Do a final rinse with a small amount of distilled water. Using litmus and other test papers Always do litmus paper or pH paper tests by placing the test paper on a clean watch glass and transferring a drop of the test solution to the litmus using a stirring rod. Vials and Jars Always recap vials, jars and bottles immediately after use. DO NOT LEAVE THEM UNCAPPED. Contamination of the contents may result, spillage could occur if the container is knocked over, and many solid chemicals absorb water from the air which makes them cake or become sticky making them unweighable. Using Balances The balances are expensive pieces of equipment and must be treated with respect. Please observe the following: a. Do not move the balance from its spot unless specifically asked to do so. b. Place objects on the pan gently. c. Never place chemicals directly on the pan. Always use a container. Clean spills on balances immediately. Ask your instructor for assistance. Waste Disposal Use designated waste container to dispose waste after the experiment. 4 Laboratory Notebooks A laboratory notebook is the most basic piece of equipment used in the laboratory. It is very necessary to develop a proper method of using a notebook, no matter what science one pursues. It is one of the goals of this laboratory experience to develop good notebook technique. Everyone has his or her own style of recording data, and different instructors may demand different things. The guidelines described here are to give you an idea of the minimum that is typically acceptable. Your laboratory notebook is for recording data and observations while performing experiments. Notes from class discussion may appear in the notebook, but they must be clearly distinguished from experimental data. (see below) The purpose of a laboratory notebook is to provide YOU OR ANYONE ELSE with an accurate record of what YOU DID in the laboratory, not necessarily what you were supposed to do. It should contain: 1) Title of the project/experiment performed 2) Brief descriptions of what you did. 2) Qualitative observations. 3) Numerical data which is well-labeled as to what it is, and which has the proper units of measurement. 4) Information of any reference material used for the work ALL data and observations are to be written in your notebook, NOT in the margins of reference materials, handouts, or laboratory manuals, and NOT on any other sheets of paper in the laboratory. You will not copy over anything into another notebook at any time. Your notebooks will be handed in from time to time for grading. Grading will be based in part on your adherence to these guidelines. Concerning (1) above, you should write down what you did without copying what the instructions said. Fragmentary sentences are fine, as long as they are clear. If you ask a question of your lab instructor, he or she will probably ask to see your notebook to see what you did. DO NOT present the instructions. That says what you should have done, not what you did. Remember... You or another person should be able to use your notebook and any sources you cite, and exactly reproduce what YOU DID in the laboratory. Guidelines 1. While in the lab write ONLY in your notebook. DO NOT write on scrap paper or anything else. DO NOT transcribe your notebook in any form. The original is the only legitimate copy. You may write in your notebook outside of lab as long as you properly date the entries and DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY ENTERED. 2. Write what you did. This may be different from what you were supposed to do. If you have a record of what you did, you may have a way of figuring out what went wrong if something does go wrong. 3. The first two pages of a notebook should be reserved for a Table of Contents, which is continually updated. Sometimes notebooks already have a table of contents section in them. 5 4. The pages must be numbered starting at 1 for the first page and continuing on each page (each side of the sheet) until the end of the notebook. Notebook pages are numbered just like book pages are. Some notebooks come with the pages prenumbered. 5. The date (including the month, day and year) must appear on each page of the notebook. The date must also appear whenever data is being taken on a new date. 6. The name of the experiment must be at the beginning of the notes for that experiment. This is usually, but not required to be, the name of the exercise. It could be your own title for what is being done. 7. The source of the experiment, that is, the full bibliographic citation of where your procedures are taken from, must appear at the beginning of an experiment. At any time if another source is used, it must also be properly cited. If any data are taken from reference or other books, these must be properly cited. Your instructor will give you an example. 8. Notebooks must be written in blue or black pen, NOT in pencil. Use only standard blue or black ink please. 9. NO erasures should ever be made. Also, no White-out is to be used. If you write something incorrectly, simply draw a SINGLE line through it and continue to write. Also, you should NEVER overwrite anything. Again, simply putting a single line through the error and rewriting is the best policy. 10. Pages must never be torn out of a notebook. The original pages must remain intact. 11. Everything must be labeled. That is, each procedure to be performed must be clearly identified. All data and observations must be clearly labeled as to what it is, what the units of measurement are, etc. For example, labeling the mass of an object, say a test tube, as "test tube 2.0 g" is insufficient. "Mass of test tube 2.0 g" would have a better label. Always label your data so that several days after recording it you will be able to know what it is. Be liberal with headings and subheadings. Headings such as "Part 1" and "Part 2" are not sufficient. What are you doing in Part 1? You must also explicitly distinguish between experimental data and observations, notes from group discussions, and your own conclusions or hypotheses. 12. If you use an instrument such as a balance or spectrophotometer, always include the brand name and model number (if available). Also, many of our instruments are numbered, for example "Spectronic 20 #5". This number should be included. This is especially important if you discover at a later time that the data you recorded do not make sense. Perhaps there was an instrument malfunction. If you know specifically which instrument you used, that possibility can be checked out. 13. Your notebook does not have to be so neat and orderly that it is ready to be published in "Notebooks Beautiful", but it should be sufficiently organized and legible so that you or someone else could use it to reproduce your experiment or write a report. 14. Do not use your lab notebook for any other course. 15. There should be only one notebook, no other copy. 6 Introduction to Organic Compounds Goals for the Student: Learn to identify organic functional groups Learn to classify organic compounds based upon their functional groups Learn to name organic compounds based upon their functional groups Construct models of alkanes to view three-dimensional structure of alkanes. Investigate the relationship between a structural formula and a three dimensional molecule using molecular models Construct models of isomers of alkanes with the same molecular formula. Identify isomers, structural formula, condensed structural formula and skeletal formulas. Introduction In this exercise we will be introduced to organic compounds. Organic chemistry is the study of compounds that are primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Other prominent elements in organic chemistry are oxygen, O, nitrogen, N, sulfur, S, and the halogens (fluorine, F, chlorine, Cl, bromine, Br, and iodine, I). Since all organic compounds contain some amount of carbon and hydrogen atoms, organic compounds are identified and classified by the functional groups they possess. A functional group is a group of atoms that react in a predictable way. Compounds with the same functional group are classified into a particular class of organic compounds and the name is derived from belonging to that class. Functional Groups Table 1: Organic Functional Groups Functional Group Class Characteristic Example C C Alkane Only carbon-carbon single bonds H3C CH3 C C Alkene Carbon-Carbon double bond H2C CH2 C C Alkyne Carbon-carbon triple bond HC CH 7 Aromatic H Six atom carbon ring with alternating double and single bonds H H H H H X X = F, Cl, Br, or I OH O SH O C Haloalkane Alcohol Hydroxyl group (-OH) Ether Oxygen atom bonded to two carbon atoms Thiol A –SH group bonded to a carbon atom Aldehyde Carbonyl group (carbonoxygen double bond) with –H H O One or more halogen atoms Ketone H3C OH H3C O Carboxylic Acid O O H Ester Carboxyl group (carbonoxygen double bond and –OH) SH O H3C C Nitrogen atom with one or more carbon groups N 8 C CH3 O H3C C O H O H3C Amine H O Carboxyl group with –H replaced by a carbon O CH3 H3C H3C O C Cl Carbonyl group between two carbon atoms C C H3C C H3C O NH2 CH3 O O C N Amide Carbonyl group bonded to a nitrogen atom H3C C NH2 Nomenclature Nomenclature of organic compound is governed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) system. The system is founded on two major principles; (1) determine the longest continuous carbon chain and (2) number, name, and alphabetize all substituents. These principles have been elaborated into the following set of nomenclature rules. 1. Straight chain compounds with only carbon and hydrogen atoms (Alkanes) a. count the number of carbon atoms b. add the ending –ane to the prefix corresponding to the correct number of carbon atoms. Table 2: IUPAC Names for the First Ten Continuous-Chain Alkanes Number of Carbon Atoms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Prefix meth eth prop but pent hex hept oct non dec Name methane ethane propane butane pentane hexane heptanes octane nonane decane Molecular Formula CH4 C2H6 C3H8 C4H10 C5H12 C6H14 C7H16 C8H18 C9H20 C10H22 2. Alkanes with substituents a. write the name of the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms b. number the carbon atoms starting from the end nearest the first substituent to generate the lowest set of numbers c. give the location and name of each substituent as a prefix to the alkane name i. place a hyphen between the number and the substituent name ii. alphabetize the substituents iii. use a prefix (di-, tri-, tetra-, etc) if a substituent appears more than once and use commas to separate two or more numbers. Table 3: Common Substituent Names and Structures Substituent Structure methyl H3C H3C H3C Name ethyl CH2 CH2 propyl CH2 9 H3C H C isopropyl H3C H3C CH2 CH2 butyl CH2 H3C H C CH2 isobutyl H3C CH3 H3C C tert-butyl (tbutyl) CH3 X Cl H3C 1 CH 2 CH3 CH2 3 CH 4 CH2 5 CH3 Br CH2 CH CH CH3 4 3 2 1 Cl H3C C fluoro, chloro, bromo, iodo (X = F, Cl, Br, or I) 2-chloro-4-methylhexane CH3 6 2-bromo-5,5-dichloro-3-methylhexane Cl 6 5 3. Cycloalkanes a. count the carbon atoms in the ring and add the prefix cyclo to straight chain name b. substituent rules from above apply except the first substituent is always placed on carbon 1 c. alphabetize to determine substituent on carbon 1 H3C CH2CH3 1-ethyl-3-methylcyclopentane 4. Alkenes and Alkynes a. name the longest continuous carbon chain that contains the double or triple bond i. replace the –ane ending of the alkane with –ene for an alkene and –yne for an alkyne b. number the longest continuous carbon chain from the end nearest the double or triple bond c. give the location and name of each substituent as a prefix to the alkene or alkyne name 10 i. place a hyphen between the number and the substituent name ii. alphabetize the substituents iii. use a prefix (di-, tri-, tetra-, etc) if a substituent appears more than once and use commas to separate two or more numbers. CH3 H2C 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4 Cl Br 4-methyl-2-pentene CH3 5 HC C CH CH CH3 1 2 3 4 5 3-bromo-3-chloro-1-pentyne 5. Aromatics a. monosubstituted benzene rings are named as benzene derivatives using the substituent name Table 4: Common Monosubstited Aromatic Compuonds Structure IUPAC Name Common Name methylbenzene toluene NH2 benzeneamine aniline OH hydroxybenzene phenol CH3 b. disubstituted benzene rings are numbered to give the lowest number to the substituents i. common prefixes are often used (1,2 substitution is ortho, 1,3 substitution is meta, and 1,4 substitution is para) c. if a benzene ring is a substituent (longest chain is more than six carbons or contains a double or triple bond), then it is named a phenyl group Isopropylbenzene Cl 1,2-dichlorobenzene or orthochlorobenzene Cl 11 H3C 1 CH2 2 CH 3 CH2 4 CH2 5 CH2 6 CH3 7 3-phenylheptane 6. Alcohols & Thiols a. name the longest continuous carbon chain containing the hydroxyl group (-OH) i. replace the –ane ending of the alkane with –ol ending b. number the longest continuous carbon chain starting at the end closest to the hydroxyl group c. name and number other substituents relative to the hydroxyl group d. name a cyclic alcohol as a cycloalkanol with all cycloalkane rules applying for substituents e. apply aromatic naming rules for benzene rings containing a hydroxyl group. The base name is then phenol f. thiols are named by adding thiol to the alkane name of the longest continuous carbon chain bonded to the –SH group i. the location of the –SH group is indicated by numbering the main chain from the closest end H3C 1 OH CH3 CH 2 CH 3 SH CH 2 4-iodo-3-cyclohexanol OH I H3C 1 3-methyl-2-butanol CH3 4 CH3 CH2 3 CH 4 CH2 5 4-methyl-2-hexanethiol CH3 6 7. Ethers a. write the alkane name of the larger alkyl group as the main chain b. name the oxygen and smaller alkyl group as a substituent called an alkoxy group H3C H2C O CH2 O CH2 Ethoxypropane CH3 methoxybenzene CH3 8. Aldehydes & Ketones a. for an aldedyde, name the longest continuous carbon chain containing the carbonyl group by replacing the e in the alkane name with al i. name and number any substituents on the carbon chain by counting the carbonyl carbon as carbon 1 12 b. for a ketone, name the longest continuous carbon chain containing the carbonyl group by replacing the e in the alkane name with one i. number the main chain starting from the end nearest the carbonyl group ii. name and number any substituents on the carbon chain O H3C 4 CH2 3 H3C H2C 5 4 CH2 2 CH3 C 1 butanal H O CH CH2 C 3 2 1 3-methylpentanal H O H3C H2C C CH2 CH3 5 4 3 2 1 H3C H2C 6 5 3-pentanone O Cl CH2 C CH CH3 4 3 2 1 2-chloro-3-hexanone 9. Carboxylic Acids a. name the longest continuous carbon chain containing the carbonyl group and replace e of the alkane name with oic acid b. number the carbon chain beginning with the carboxyl group as carbon 1 c. give the location and names of substituents on the main chain d. for the aromatic benzoic acid, number the ring from the carboxyl group as carbon 1 O H3C 4 H3C H2C 3 H2C CH2 2 CH3 C CH2 C 1 butanoic acid OH O C OH 3,3-dimethylpentanoic acid CH3 5 4 3 2 1 10. Esters a. write the name of the carbon chain from the alcohol as an alkyl group b. write the name of the carboxylic group as carboxylate with an –oate ending 13 O H3C CH2 O ethyl propanoate C CH2 CH2 CH3 O H3C O methyl benzoate C 11. Amines & Amides a. for amines, name the longest continuous carbon chain bonded to the nitrogen atom and replace the e in the alkane name with amine i. number the carbon chain to show the position of the amine group and any other substituents ii. in secondary and tertiary amines, use the prefix N- to name smaller alkyl group attached to the N atom. b. amides are named by dropping the oic acid from the carboxylic acid name and adding amide H3C CH2 CH2 Propanamine NH2 CH3 H3C CH2 CH2 N-methyl propanamine NH O H3C H3C H2C H2C CH2 CH2 C butanamide O NH2 CH3 C N N,N-dimethyl butanamide CH3 Also, in this exercise we will study the three dimensional structure of some alkanes, using a molecular model kit to reinforce the nomenclature for alkanes and some of their’s derivatives. In each type of alkane each carbon has four valence electrons and must always have four single bonds to other carbon, hydrogen or halogen atoms. The bond arrangement of four single bonds used by carbon in alkane is shown as below. Bonding Pattern of Carbon Arrangement of Bonds around Carbon Spatial Structure and Bond Angles C Tetrahedral To understand the three dimensional structure of organic compounds, models can be build using a ball and stick model kit. In this kit, there are colored spheres which represent the atoms drilled to receive connecting bonds. Different color spheres, black for carbon and red for oxygen, are used to 14 represents different kinds of atoms and a color code for atoms will be included in the model kit. Each of the spheres (atoms) has the correct number of holes for bonds (wooden or plastic stick) that attach to other spheres. a) (c) (b) The three dimensional structure of the alkane models represents very closely resembles the approximate geometry (shape and angle) of the molecules they represent. Two structures are identical if they are superimposable-that is, if one structure can be place “on top” of another so that all colored spheres coincide. Methane is the first member of alkanes and three different structure of methane is shown above, which represents the structural formula (a), three dimensional structures (b) and ball and stick model (c). Compounds having the same molecular formula can be represented by more than one structure and each structure includes the same group of atoms but a different spatial arrangement of the atoms. These compounds are called isomers. Isomers have the same molecular formula but different three dimentional structures. One structure cannot be converted to the other without breaking and forming new bonds. The isomers have different physical and chemical properties. One of the reasons for the vast array of organic compounds is the phenomenon of isomerism. Many biological reactions are very specific and involve only one isomer. Isomers of C2H6O Isomers of C4H10 CH3 CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 n-butane CH3 CH CH3 H 2-methyl propane H H C C H H ethyl alcohol H O H H C H H O C H H dimethyl ether Experimental This is a two week exercise. In the first week you should complete and turn into your instructor the nomenclature report sheet. During the second week you will perform the structure portion of the experiment, completing and turning in the second report sheet. The model kit includes different colored spheres representing different atoms and grey connectors for representing bonds. Carbon atoms are black spheres and have four holes that represent the four 15 covalent bonds that carbon atoms always form. Hydrogen atoms are white spheres and only form one bond. The green sphere represents chlorine atom and oxygen atoms are red sphere. Halogen atoms form one bond and oxygen atoms form two bonds; spheres for these atoms will have the appropriate number of holes. Single covalent bonds are represented by grey connectors, which insert into holes of the atoms. To conserve time and depending upon the number of pieces in your model kit, you may use only the stick to represent the C- H bonding arrangement. You will be working in groups(two/three) to construct the models of different compounds(alkane, haloalkane, haloalcohol) using the model kits. Each model must be investigated for geometry (shape & angle) 16 Page intentionally blank. 17 REPORT SHEET-Introduction to Organic Compounds (Week 1) Name____________________________ Partner’name _________________________ Section______________ Date_________ Name the following compounds I. Alkanes Br ___________________________________ ___________________________________ II. Alkenes / Alkynes _________________________________ III. ___________________________________ Aromatics _________________________________ ___________________________________ 18 IV. Alcohols & Thiols HS OH _________________________________ ___________________________________ V. Ethers O O _________________________________ ___________________________________ VI. Aldehydes & Ketones O O H Br _________________________________ VII. ___________________________________ Carboxylic Acids O I O HO I HO _________________________________ I ___________________________________ 19 VIII. Esters O O O O _________________________________ ___________________________________ IX. Amines & Amides O NH2 N _________________________________ ___________________________________ 20 Page intentionally blank. 21 REPORT SHEET – Introduction to Organic Compounds (Week 2) I. Construct a model of methane, CH4 a) What is the geometry associated with this structure ? b) What is the value of the H─ C ─ H bond angles? ____________________________ _____________________________ II. Construct a model of chloromethane, CH3Cl a) Draw a wedge and hash mark to represent the three dimensional shape of the molecule. b) Is the geometry the same as methane? ___________________ c) Are the hydrogen atoms equivalent (i.e., do they have identical environments with respect to the other atoms adjacent to themselves)?__________________ III. Construct a model of chloromethanol, CH2Cl(OH) a) Is the geometry the same as the previous two structures? ____________________ b) Are the hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon atom equivalent? ________________ c) What part of the name indicates the alcohol group? ___________________ IV. Construct a model of ethane, C2H6 a) Draw a condensed structural formula of C2H6 ______________________________ b) Draw a structural formula of C2H6 c) Are the two carbon atoms of C2H6 equivalent? ___________________________ d) Are the six hydrogen atoms of C2H6 equivalent? ____________________________ 22 V. Construct a model for chloroethane, CH3CH2Cl a) Are the carbon atoms in CH3CH2Cl equivalent? ____________________ b) Are the hydrogen atoms in CH3CH2Cl equivalent? _____________________ VI. Construct all possible models for dichloroethanes, C2H4Cl2 a) How many structural isomer exist for C2H4Cl2 ? _______________________ b) Draw condensed structural formulas for each structural isomers of C2H4Cl2. VII. Construct all possible models for propane, C3H8 a) Draw a structural formula for C3H8 and using squares, triangles, and /or circles, indicate the carbon atoms that are equivalent to each other b) Are the eight hydrogen atoms of C3H8 are equivalent? ________________ c) Is there a relationship between equivalent carbons and equivalent hydrogens? If so, state the relationship. VIII. Construct all possible models for chloropropane, C3H7Cl a) How many structural isomers exist for C3H7Cl ? ________________________ 23 b) Draw condensed structural formula for each structural isomer of C3H7Cl IX. Construct all possible models for C4H10 (Hint: straight versus branched chain) a) How many structural isomers exist for C4H10 ? ________________________ b) Draw condensed structural formulas for each structural isomers of C4H10. Also, using squares, triangles, and /or circles, indicate the carbon atoms that are equivalent to each other 24 X. Using your C4H10 models from above, remove one hydrogen atom and replace it with a chlorine atom to make different structural isomers of C4H9Cl. a) How many structural isomers exist for C4H9Cl.? _______________________ b) Draw condensed structural formulas for each structural isomer of C4H9Cl. XI. Draw line-bond formulas for all possible structural isomers of C4H8Cl2, which are formed by replacing hydrogen atoms in the various isomers of C4H9Cl (exercise X. b) with a second chlorine atom. 25 Isolation of Chlorophyll and Carotenoid Pigments from Spinach Adapted from: Pavia, D. L.; Lampman, G. M.; Kriz G. S.; Engel, R. G. Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques: A Microscale Approach 3rd Edition Saunders College Publishing: New York, NY, 1999 and also Quach, H. T.; Steeper, R. L..; Griffin, G. W., J. Chem. Educ., 2004, 81, 385-387. Toni Bell (2004) Goals for the Student: Learn the techniques of extraction and purification of chemical compounds from natural products. Learn the technique of identification of different components in chemical compounds isolated from natural products Introduction Spinach, a green leafy vegetable usually can be grown as a spring and fall crop in the cooler North American climate. Spinach is a source of Vitamin A and it is rich in iron, and calcium. The leaves contain a number of colored pigments, generally falling into two categories: chlorophylls and carotenoids. Isoprene is the basic five-carbon building block of the terpene class of biological compounds. head end tail end Carotenoids are part of a larger collection of plant derived compounds called terpenes. These naturally occurring compounds contain 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 40 carbon atoms. Isoprene is the basic five-carbon building block of the terpene class of biological compounds. Also known as 2-methyl-1,3butadiene, these units are linked in a “head to tail” fashion to build the structure of terpenes. Two isoprenes are linked together to make one terpene unit. The branched end is the “head” and the unbranched end is the “tail”. Carotenoids are tetraterpenes (eight isoprene units). Spinach leaves contain chlorophyll a and b and β-carotene as well smaller amounts of other pigments such as xanthophylls which are oxidized versions of carotenes and pheophytins which look like chlorophyll except that the magnesium ion Mg+2 has been replaced by two hydrogen ions H+. Chlorophylls a and b are the pigments that make plants look green. The double bonds are conjugated, meaning they occur between every other pair of carbons, and allow capture the (nongreen) light energy used in photosynthesis. 26 β-Carotene is a carotenoid and it causes carrots and apricots to be orange. When ingested, βcarotene is cleaved to form two molecules of Vitamin A. Vitamin A, also called retinol, plays an important role in vision and serves as an anti-oxidant. Chlorophyll a (left) and chlorophyll b (right) are very similar molecules. Can you spot the differences? These small changes are enough to change their color. -Carotene (top), carotene (middle), and xanthophylls (example on bottom) have very similar structures. Can you spot the differences? These small changes are enough to change their color. Your body can only use -carotene to make Vitamin A. Why? 27 In this experiment we will isolate and use differences in polarity of the pigments to effect a separation. Chlorophylls and carotenoids are slightly different in polarity. Due to their lovely color, we will easily follow the separation visually. β-Carotene is a hydrocarbon and it is very nonpolar. Both chlorophylls contain C ─ O and C ─ N bonds which are polar and also contain magnesium bonded to nitrogen which is such polar bond that it is almost ionic. Both chlorophylls are much more polar than βCarotene. There is another structural difference in between the chlorophyll a and b, Chlorophyll a has a methyl group (─ CH3) in a position where chlorophyll b has an aldehyde group (─ CHO). This makes chlorophyll b slightly more polar than chlorophyll a. Since spinach also contains cellulose, iron, and water soluble vitamins in addition to chlorophylls and carotenes, we have to have a method of separating all these compounds. The most common approach to isolating these bioactive natural products is extraction. Chlorophylls and carotenes are relatively non-polar organic substances compared to other components; hence, they are more soluble in organic solvents like dichloromethane or acetone. Since ‘like dissolves like’, these solvents will be suitable to selectively extract these compounds into organic solvent and leave the other compounds behind. To do the extraction, you will first grind up the spinach in a little bit of acetone. The green acetone with spinach compounds is called extract. Unfortunately acetone will dissolve almost anything, including the stuff that you do not want. Chlorophylls and carotenes do not dissolve very well in water; they dissolve like crazy in hexane. The other compounds do not dissolve well in hexane, but dissolve well in water. Like water and oil, water and hexane are immiscible; they ‘do not mix’. The hexane will form a layer on top of the water (like oil does) because hexane is less dense than water. After vigorous shaking to mix the layers temporarily, you will allow them to separate. The lovely green chlorophylls and yellow carotenes will leave the water at the bottom to dissolve in the hexane layer at the top. After pipetting-off hexane layer, the different components in the pigment mixture will be analyzed by using thin layer chromatography. The number of compounds in the hexane extract can be quickly determined by a technique called thin layer chromatography, which is abbreviated “TLC.” You will put a little spot of your extract on a plastic plate coated with silica gel. Silica gel is a very polar substance. The plates are placed in a container with a mixture of solvents. In this case, the solvents will be quite non-polar. The solvents will begin to travel up the plate, like a wick. Some of the compounds in the hexane extract will be more polar and will stick to the spot on the silica. Other compounds in the hexane extract will be less-polar to differing degrees and will travel up with the solvent Since there are many levels between totally polar and totally non-polar, the compounds can be separated by polarity. The more affinity a compound has for the solvent, the farther up the plate it will travel. Different compounds should rise to different heights on your TLC plate; however the exact height a particular compound rises depends on how high the solvent is allowed to rise up the plate. If the solvent travels higher, then the spots all travel higher too. To correct for this difference and generate a number which can be compared to reported values or to other individual’s work, the retention fraction or Rf. value is calculated. The retention fraction is defined to be the fractional rise of the spot compared to the rise of the solvent. The Rf value for a compound will change if a different developing solvent or a different type of plate is used. After you have developed your TLC plate with your hexane extract you have to calculate Rf values for each spot on your plate. Spots with the same Rf values within experimental error and the same appearance should be the same compound. An example, if you had just two components in your original extract, this is what your results might look like: 28 Experimental Extraction of pigment from leaves: This is a VERY colorful experiment and you need to make note of the colors of things at each step. You should draw the centrifuge tube, for example, and label the layers and the colors. Keep in mind that the term “clear” refers to transparency while “colorless” refers to absence of color. You can have a clear green solution or an opaque green solution. Conversely, you can have a clear colorless solution or an opaque colorless solution. 1. Weigh about 1.5 g fresh spinach leaves (don’t use stems) and record the mass and observations about the color. Tear the leaves into confetti-sized pieces and place these pieces along with 0.5 g of anhydrous magnesium sulfate and 1.0 g of sand into a mortar (the bowl part of the mortar and pestle). 2. Grind with a pestle until a light green powder is obtained (about 5-10 minutes). 3. Transfer the powder mixture into a 15 mL plastic centrifuge tube with a cap. 4. Using the squeeze bottle, add roughly 1.0 mL of acetone to the mortar to rinse. 5. Transfer the rinse acetone to the centrifuge tube containing the powder with a Pasteur pipette. Your instructor will show you how to use a pipette properly as part of your pre-lab discussion. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5. 7. If the volume of acetone has evaporated to less than roughly 2.0 mL, as measured using the markings on the centrifuge tube, then add enough to make-up the volume. 8. Cap and shake the mixture. Be sure to vent the tube occasionally by pointing away from you and others and loosening the cap. Allow the tube to stand for a few minutes so the solid material may separate. 9. Transfer the liquid from centrifuge tube to a clean centrifuge tube with a Pasteur pipette. Write “extract” on the second tube, along with your initials. 10. Add about 2.0 mL of hexane and 2.0 mL distilled water to the extract. Cap and shake the mixture. Be sure to vent the tube occasionally by pointing away from you and others and loosening the cap. Allow the tube to stand for a few minutes so the layers may separate. Identify the hexane layer and the water layer (How can you do this if you don’t know?). Make a labeled sketch of the tube, contents, and colors in your notebook. 11. Remove the water layer with a Pasteur pipette and transfer it to a small beaker labeled “waste.” 12. Add another 2.0 mL of distilled water to the hexane layer in the centrifuge tube as a wash. Cap and shake the mixture. Be sure to vent the tube occasionally by pointing away from you and others and loosening the cap. Allow the tube to stand for a few minutes so the 29 layers may separate. Remove the water layer with a Pasteur pipette and transfer it to a small beaker labeled “waste.” 13. Although water and hexane ‘do not mix’…in reality a little bit of water will stay in the hexane. You can tell there is water in the hexane layer if it is a little cloudy. You must dry (remove water from) the hexane layer by adding a drying agent called anhydrous sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). Your instructor will show you how to use a drying agent. A couple of microspatula scoops is usually sufficient. 14. Allow the drying agent to settle and then transfer the hexane to a small vial with a cap. Label the vial and then proceed with thin layer chromatography. Thin Layer Chromatography: 1. Prepare the TLC chamber by placing one half of a filter paper into the jar. Then pour the solvent mixture, provided by instructor, over the filter paper into the beaker until it is about 0.5 cm deep. Place the lid on the chamber. This does two things: A. it keeps all the solvent from evaporating B. it allows the air inside the chamber to become saturated with solvent. ** Note: even slight changes in the composition or contamination of the developing solvent will lead to differences in Rf values. Don’t let the chamber sit for long periods of time between plates. If a chamber gets contaminated, prepare a fresh one.** 2. Obtain a TLC plate and VERY lightly draw a pencil line (NO INK) about 1 cm from the bottom. If you press too hard, the silica gel will come off… in which case you will to get a new TLC plate. Using a capillary tube, make a spot of your extract on the pencil line. You may have to let the spot to dry and then spot it again if it isn’t dark enough carefully place the spotted plate into the chamber and replace the lid. ** Note: if your spot goes under the solvent, it will not travel up the plate. Prepare a new plate if this happens.** 3. You will immediately see the solvent start to travel up the plate. The line of solvent moving up is called the ‘solvent front’. Once the solvent front is roughly 1 cm of the top of the plate, remove the plate and quickly mark the solvent front with a pencil. 4. Although most of the spots are easily visualized by the naked eye, use the UV lamp to insure that you are noting all possible spots. Lightly circle each spot in pencil. Lightly label each spot (A, B, C, etc.). 5. Determine Rf values for all of your spots. This will give you quantitative values for comparison. Measure the distance from the starting line to the solvent front. Then, measure to the center of each spot. Divide the center spot distance by the solvent front distance; this is the Rf value. The higher the Rf value, the less polar the compound 6. Try to match them to the compounds shown below (listed in order of decreasing Rf values): Carotenes Pheophytin A Pheophytin B Chlorophyll A Chlorophyll B Xanthophylls (1-2 yellow-orange spots) (gray intense) ( gray, may only be visible under UV) (blue-green, intense) (green) (as many 3 yellow spots) 30 Page intentionally blank. 31 REPORT SHEET-Isolation of Pigments from Spinach Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ 1. Mass of spinach __________________ 2. To the right sketch the layers in centrifuge tube and clearly label the water and hexane layers. 3. Why must you occasionally vent the tube during shaking? 4 Draw a sketch of your TLC plate, labeling the spots. Then, fill in the table Spot Rf TLC plate 32 Probable Identity 5. Were there any spots your that does not match with the probable compounds? 6. Which compound is the most polar? Which one is least polar? Explain the reason for your answer. 7. What do you think would happen if you used ink to mark the spotting line? 33 Chemical Properties of Aliphatic and Aromatic Alcohols Goals for the Student: Learn to identify the visible observations in a chemical reaction Learn the differences in reactivity of 1o, 2o, 3o alcohols with strong oxidizing reagent Learn the differences in reactivity of aliphatic and aromatic alcohol Learn the chemical reactions involve converting one functional group into another Introduction Subclass General formula Examples H Primary R C OH 2-methylpropan-1-ol H H Secondary R C OH R' butan-2-ol R'' Tertiary R C OH R' 2-methylpropan-2-ol H Phenol C H C H C C H C OH C H phenol Alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones, are three very important classes of oxygen containing organic compounds. Alcohols are classified into primary (1o), secondary (2o) and tertiary (3o) according to the presence of substituents in the carbon containing the hydroxyl group. Phenol is a 34 class of aromatic compounds containing a hydroxyl group attached to a benzene ring. Three subclasses of alcohols and phenol are shown on the preceding page. In first part of this experiment you will learn the difference between 1o, 2o, and 3o alcohols and aromatic alcohols with respect to their reactivity with the strong oxidizing reagent sodium dichromate. This can be easily demonstrated by noting a color change when the Cr in the +6 oxidation state of the orange colored dichromate ion, Cr2O72-, is reduced to the green colored chromium (III), Cr3+, ion. Simultaneously, an appropriate alcohol is oxidized to either an aldehyde (and subsequently to a carboxylic acid) or a ketone. Of course, if there is a no redox reaction there will be no observed color change. In general the following unbalanced reaction describes the redox reaction: Alcohol (colorless) + Cr2O72- Carboxylic acid (or ketone) (orange) + (colorless) Cr3+ (green) For the remaining parts of the experiment, the chemical properties of aliphatic alcohols will be examined. Here we will compare the solubility, acid/base properties and the reactivity with iron (III) chloride (ferric chloride) of a similar sized aliphatic alcohol with that of the aromatic alcohol (phenol). Experimental Oxidation with Acidic Dichromate 1. Obtain ~ 5 mL of acidic dichromate solution (prepared previously by mixing 3 mL of a 5% sodium dichromate and 1 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid) and place ~ 1 mL (~20 drops) into four separate, clean, dry small test tubes and note the color. Caution: the dichromate solution can potentially burn your skin or make holes in your clothes. If you spill any of this reagents report the spill immediately to your instructor so that it may be cleaned up in an appropriate manner. 2. To the separate test tubes add ~ 0.5 mL (~10 drops) of ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, t-butyl alcohol, or aqueous phenol. Mix by finger flicking the test tubes. 3. Observe and record the colors of the resultant solutions. Hint: A table of results may help you find things quickly during a lab quiz. 4. Dispose of the solutions in the special waste container for dichromate waste. Solubility 1. Using a spatula or forceps, place a pea sized amount of solid phenol crystals into two separate, clean, dry small test tubes. 2. To one add 1 mL (~20 drops) of distilled water and to the other add 1 mL (~20 drops) of 3M NaOH (sodium hydroxide). Swirl the test tubes equally and note the relative speed with which the crystals dissolve. Record your observations. 3. Repeat this procedure using 1 mL (20 drops) of cyclopentanol instead of the phenol. In this case you are adding a liquid to a liquid, thus solubility is noted by a single homogenous solution and insolubility by two layers. 4. Record your observation and dispose of these solutions as indicated by your instructor. Acid/Base Properties 1. Place 1 mL (~20 drops) of distilled water, ethyl alcohol and aqueous phenol into three separate, clean, dry test tubes. 35 2. To each sample add one drop of Universal Indicator solution and observe the color. Compare the solutions to the reference Universal Indicator color card and estimate the solution’s pH. 3. Record your observations and dispose of these solutions as indicated by your instructor. Reactivity with Iron (III) chloride (FeCl3) 1. Obtain and observe the color of the iron (III) chloride solution. Place 1 mL (~20 drops) of distilled water, cyclopentanol and aqueous phenol into three separate, clean, dry test tubes. 2. To each sample add one drop of the iron (III) chloride solution. Mix by finger flicking the test tubes. 3. Observe and record the colors of the resultant solutions and dispose of these solutions as indicated by your instructor. 36 Page intentionally blank. 37 REPORT SHEET-Chemical Properties of Alcohols Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ Oxidation with Acidic Dichromate 1. a. Draw condensed structural formulas of ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, t-butyl alcohol, and phenol. b. Classify each of the preceding alcohols as 1°, 2°, 3°, or aromatic. 2. What is the function of the acid solution of sodium dichromate? 3. a. What did you observe when the sodium dichromate solution was added to ethyl alcohol? b. What did you observe when sodium dichromate solution was added to isopropyl alcohol? c. What did you observe when the sodium dichromate solution was added to t-butyl alcohol? d. What did you observe when the sodium dichromate solution was added to the phenol solution? 38 4. Draw condensed structural formulas for the organic products of the above reactions that occur. If no reaction occurs, write NR. Solubility 1. a. Did the phenol crystals dissolve better in water or in the NaOH solution? b. Did the cyclopentanol dissolve better in water or in the NaOH solution? c. Based on the different behaviors of phenol and cyclopentanol, what generalizations can you make about the solubility of similar sized aliphatic and aromatic alcohols? d. Write a full chemical equation for the chemical reaction that occurred when NaOH was added to phenol. e. Write a net ionic equation for chemical reaction that occurred when NaOH was added to phenol. 39 Acid/Base Properties 1. Based on the Universal Indicator Color Chart, what is the approximate pH of: a. The distilled water? b. The ethyl alcohol? c. The aqueous phenol? 2. Write a full chemical equation for the chemical reaction that occurs when phenol is placed in water that explains the observed pH. Is phenol an acid or a base? Reactivity with Iron (III) chloride (FeCl3) 1. Can ferric chloride be used to distinguish aromatic alcohols from aliphatic alcohols? Explain. 40 Page intentionally blank. 41 Oxidation and Structure of Carbonyl Compounds Goals for the Student: Learn about the families of representative carbonyl compounds Study the behavior of representative carbonyl compounds toward oxidizing agents Learn about the different functional groups in carbonyl compounds and in oxygen containing organic compounds Introduction In organic chemistry, a carbonyl group is a functional group composed of a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom: C ═ O. There are several types of carbonyl compounds, depending upon what is attached to the carbon atom in C ═ O. The aldehyde group is often written as ─ CHO, CO the ketone group is written as and the carboxylic acid group is written as ─ COOH, ester group written as ─ COOR and the amide group written as ─ CONH2. A carbonyl, group characterizes the following types of common compounds, where CO denotes a C ═ O carbonyl group. Compound Aldehyde Ketone Carboxylic acid Ester Amide Structure General formula RCHO RCOR' RCOOH RCOOR' RCONHR' The aldehyde group occurs in molecules of most sugars, like glucose. The ketone group is occurs also in one common sugar, fructose. The amide group occurs in all amino acids, the building block of protein. Carbonyl compounds are very reactive due to the difference in electronegativity between the carbon and the oxygen atom. Oxygen is more electronegative than carbon, and thus pulls electron density away from carbon to increase the bond’s polarity. The oxygen is said to carry a partial 42 negative charge or “delta minus” and will be attracted to positive species in solution; for example, a proton in an acidified solution or the carbon of another carbonyl. The oxygen is a nucleophile. The carbon is said to carry a partial positive charge or “delta plus” and will be attracted to negative species in solution; for example, the oxygen of an alcohol or water. Therefore, the carbonyl carbon is an electrophile. In every carbonyl, the more electronegative oxygen atom pulls electron density away from the carbon atom. The oxygen is said to be “delta minus” and will be attracted to positive species in solution. The carbon is said to be “delta plus” and will be attracted to negative species in solution. In this experiment we are going to look at both the structure and the oxidation of some carbonyl compounds. In the first part the action of mild oxidizing agent will be examined. In the Tollen’s Test, we will use an oxidizing agent called the “Tollen’s Reagent.” Tollen’s Reagent contains silver diamine ion [Ag(NH3)2]+ which can oxidize some categories of carbonyl-containg compounds to carboxylic acids. The Ag+ is reduced to metallic silver producing a silver mirror on the glassware. The Tollen’s test reaction is shown in the following generic example: RCHO(aq) + 2Ag(NH3)2]+(aq) + 3OH-(aq) RCOO-(aq) + 4NH3(aq) + 2Ag(s) + 2 H2O In the second part of the experiment ball and stick models of oxygen containing compounds including carbonyl compounds distributed in the laboratory will be examined. From the models you will determine what functional group family (alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, hemiacetals, or acetals) it belongs to and draw its structure. Experimental Tollen’s Test 1. Obtain four small test tubes and clean thoroughly with detergent and a brush. Rinse well with tap water and finally with distilled water; shake out excess water. To each add 1 mL (20 drops) of 5% silver nitrate solution and 1 drop of 3M NaOH, mix well. 2. To each tube add 2% ammonium hydroxide drop by drop until the grey silver oxide (Ag2O) just dissolves forming the soluble Ag(NH3)2+ ion solution. Be careful not to add excess ammonium hydroxide as this decreases the sensitivity of the test. 3. To the first tube add 2 drops of 10% glucose, to the second tube add 2 drops of formaldehyde, to the third tube add 2 drops of acetone, and to the fourth tube add 2 drops of isopropyl alcohol; be sure to label each test tube so that you know which is which. Record your observations for each tube. Has a reaction already occurred? 4. Mix the contents of each tube and place them into a hot water bath. After several minutes remove the tubes and record your observations. 43 5. Pour the contents of the test tubes into a waste container designated by your instructor. Clean the tubes with detergent and a brush. To remove any silver adhering to the test tubes, add small of concentrated nitric acid (caution conc. HNO3 can burn skin and clothes). Add contents to the waste container and clean the tubes. Structures of Carbonyl Compounds Some ball and stick models of carbonyl compounds belonging to the families of aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, ester and other oxygen containing compounds, such as alcohol, acetal, hemiacetal and ether will be distributed in this experiment. For each model draw a line-bond formula, and give its functional group name (i.e., alcohol, ketone, hemiacetal, etc.). Using your results from the first part of the experiment, predict if the compound would react in the Tollen’s Test. The important pieces are: The white sphere represents hydrogen atom The black sphere with four holes represents carbon atom The red sphere represents oxygen atom The gray sticks are for connecting carbon atoms to one another and to connect the carbon atoms to hydrogen and oxygen atoms A stick (bond) attached to a carbon atom or an oxygen atom and not connected to anything else will represent the C─ H or O─ H bonding arrangement. 44 Page intentionally blank. 45 REPORT SHEET-Oxidation and Structure of Carbonyl Compounds Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ Tollen’s Test 1. Record your observations for the Tollen’s test: Glucose: Formaldehyde: Acetone: Isopropyl alcohol: 2. Draw the structures and give the names of the compounds that gave a positive Tollen’s Test. 3. Circle the functional group in the above structures that is responsible for the positive Tollen’s test. 46 4. What is the name of this functional group? Structure # 1 Line-bond Formula Functional Group(s) 2 3 4 5 6 47 Should React in Tollen’s Test? 7 8 9 10 48 Page intentionally blank. 49 Optical Isomers Goals for the Student: To investigate the use of three dimensional structures to identify different types of isomers To learn about stereoisomers, and optical isomers Introduction Stereoisomers are isomers that have same molecular and structural formulas but different spatial arrangement. Optical isomerism is one form of stereoisomerism. Optical isomers are named like this because of their effect on plane polarized light. All optical isomers contain a carbon atom joined to four different groups. The carbon atom of this isomers are called “asymmetric carbon atom or chiral center” and the molecule is called chiral. Only chiral molecules have optical isomers. Some examples of optical isomers are shown below. The chiral center is marked with a star. Butane-2-ol 2-Hydroxy propionic acid Or Lactic acid 2-Aminopropionic acid or Alanine A carbon atom with the four different groups attached which causes this lack of symmetry is described as a chiral center or as an asymmetric carbon atom. If you cannot find a plane of symmetry the molecule is chiral. Practice on the molecules on the next page. D-alanine, in a wedgeand-dash formula below-right, does not have a plane of symmetry and is chiral. Glycine on the left below has a plane of symmetry and is thus achiral. 50 Glycine-plane of symmetry Alanine-no plane of symmetry Chemist developed methods to facilitate the visualization of 3-dimensional spatial arrangements of atoms or groups of atoms in a 2-dimensional environment, i.e., the plane of this paper. The most common method for presenting 3-dimensional structures in a 2-dimensional plane is the Fischer projection. Fischer projections are formed when the observer orients a tetrahedral structure such that the atoms or group of atoms in the vertical plane are away from the observer (dashed wedges) while atoms or groups of atoms in the horizontal plane are towards the observer (solid wedges). Whenever a Fischer projection is seen it is meant to represent the orientation of atoms or groups of atoms attached to the central tetrahedral carbon atom, as shown in the figure at the left. It is important to mention that the cross in a Fischer projection represents chiral carbon. Using Fischer projection formula, 3-dimensional information of any molecule can be oriented in 2-dimensional surface. Stereoisomers can be classified into several different types of isomers. Enantiomers are stereoisomers that are two nonsuperimposable complete mirror images of each other much as one’s left and right hands are the same but opposite. Enantiomers have similar physical and chemical properties except for their ability to rotate the plane of polarized light in the same amount but in opposite direction. This property is called optical activity Other types of stereoisomers are diastereomers, which are two nonsuperimposable non mirror images, and mesoisomers, which contain more than one chiral carbon atom but are optically inactive because of the symmetry of the molecule; the mirror images of these compounds are superimposable Typically a meso compound can be identified by noting that it’s Fischer projection has a mirror plane, 51 i.e., the top and the bottom halves of Fischer projection are mirror images of each other. Diastereomers of glyceraldehydes of 2,3- dichlorobutane are shown below. CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 H Cl Cl H H Cl Cl H Cl H H Cl H Cl Cl H CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 Enantiomer (chiral) CH 3 Meso (Identical, achiral) Experimental Construct the 3-dimensional model for the following molecules using the ball and stick model kit containing black sphere as carbon atom, white sphere as hydrogen atom red sphere as oxygen atom and green sphere as nitrogen atom. Make the notes in your laboratory notebook. I. Build the structure of 2,3-dihydroxybutanal (D- and Lglyceraldehyde). a) Draw the Fischer projection of molecule with aldehyde groups are on the top of the structures. b) Label the two isomers with the type of stereoisomers, these structures represent. II. Build the structure of the four stereoisomers for 2,3,4,trihydroxybutanal (D- and L- threose and D- and L-erythrose). a) Draw the Fisher projection of the structures with aldehyde groups are at the top of the structure and hydrogens and hydroxyl groups attached to chiral carbon s point towards you. b) Using Fischer projections for D- and L- glyceraldehyde reference compound, label each of these Fischer projections using ,e.g., D1, L1,etc.Identify the relationships between various pairs of models. 52 III. Build the structure of all stereoisomers for Asparagine. a) Draw Fischer projections of all stereoisomers with carboxylic acid at the top of the structure. b) Label the isomers as D- or L- asparagine with reference to the Dor L- glyceraldehyde structure. Use carboxylic acid and the amino group of asparagin as analogous to the aldehyde and hydroxyl groups of the reference compound. IV. Build the structures of all of stereoisomers for Tartaric acid. a) Determine how many structure you can build and draw the corresponding Fischer projections for all the structures with a star mark for each chiral center. b) Circle the structure that would not be optically active V. Build the structure for 2,3,4,5,6- pentahydroxyhexanal (all are isomers of glucose) a) Construct the model so that the aldehyde group is at the top of the molecules and the hydroxyl group on the last chiral carbon (furthest from the aldehyde group) is pointing to the right, thus generating a D- structure for an aldohexose sugar. Also build your model such that the hydrogens and hydroxyl groups on each chiral carbon are oriented towards you. b) Draw the Fischer projection corresponding to your model. Designate each chiral carbon with an asterisk *. Determine how many chiral center in the whole molecule. Notice the molecule, whether it formed chain or coiled structure and how the last hydroxyl and the carboxylic group are positioned in the model. Predict the group formed and the structure of the molecule if the hydroxyl and the aldehyde group react together. Identify eight different stereoisomers can be formed with D-form, one of which is the very important monosaccharide, D-Glucose. Show your model and Fischer projection to instructor. Compare your Fischer projection with eight possible D-hexose to determine which sugar structure you have. 53 REPORT SHEET-Optical Isomers Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ I. Draw and label the Fischer projections for 2,3-dihydroxybutanal. II. Draw and label the Fischer projections for 2,3,4-trihydroxybutanal. a) How many chiral centers are there? _____________________________ b) How many total stereoisomers are there? ____________________________ c) How many pairs of enantiomers are there? ___________________________ d) How many pairs of diastereoisomers are there? __________________________ III. Draw and label the Fischer projections for asparagines. 54 a) How many chiral centers are there? ____________________________ b) How many total stereoisomers are there? _________________________ c) What would be general formula for determining the maximum number of stereoisomers when n is the number of chiral center IV. Draw and label the Fischer projections for tartaric acid. Mark all the chiral with an *. Circle the Fischer projection and draw its mirror plane for the meso compound. a) How many chiral centers are there? ____________________________ b) How many total stereoisomers are there _________________________ c) How many pairs of enantiomers are there? ____________________________ d) How many pairs diastereomers are there? _______________________________ V. Draw the Fischer projection for your 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- pentahydroxyhexanal and label all chiral centers with an *. 55 a) How many chiral centers are there? ___________________________ b) How many total stereoisomers are possible based on general formula for isomers? _____________ c) Show your Fischer projection to your instructor, which D-aldohexose did you construct? d) is the structure is straight or coiled? ___________________________ e) What class of compounds would be made if the hydroxyl group on carbon 5 reacts with the aldehyde group? ________________________________ f) How many atoms are in the ring of the resulting cyclic structure?________________________ 56 Page intentionally blank. 57 Carbohydrates Goals for the Student: Learn the qualitative tests to identify organic functional groups in carbohydrates Learn the use of specific qualitative tests to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones Learn the qualitative test for complex carbohydrate Introduction Carbohydrates which comprise one of the three basic classes of foodstuffs, contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. They are an important class of biological macromolecules, which are found in nature both in isolation as mono-, di-, and polysaccharides and in association with other biological macromolecules, e.g., as glycolipids and glycoproteins. They are involved in a diverse range of physiological roles, such as molecular recognition, energy storage enzyme regulation. Carbohydrates in our diet are our major source of energy. * * D-glucose D-fructose Sucrose (table sugar) Carbohydrates are classified as polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones. Therefore, they will exhibit chemical properties associated with both alcohols and carbonyl compounds. Some examples of carbohydrates are shown above. Carbohydrates easily cyclize to form hemiacetals and hemiketals. Indeed, they spend most of their time in a cyclic form. When cyclized, the carbon that was the carbonyl carbon becomes part of the ring and is called the anomeric carbon. You can easily find the anomeric carbon on any cyclic saccharide by locating the ONLY carbon with two oxygen atoms directly attached. Sucrose has two anomeric carbons, as indicated with asterisks in the diagram above. If at least one of the anomeric carbons has a hydroxyl group directly attached, it can reverse the cyclization process and form the linear aldehyde or ketone again. In the linear aldehyde or ketone 58 form, the molecule can participate in any aldehyde or ketone reaction. Does sucrose have a hydroxyl group directly attached to either anomeric carbon? We are going to do series of analyses to examine the reactivity of some monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Tests similar to these may be used clinically to test for glucose in urine and blood. In the Benedict’s test a reducing sugar (a sugar with a hydroxyl directly attached to an anomeric carbon) reacts with the blue-colored Cu2+ ion in the presence of base. The copper (II) ion is reduced to form copper (I) in a red-orange Cu2O precipitate whereas the aldehyde group is oxidized to the carboxylic acid functional group. In addition to all aldose monosaccharides giving a positive Benedict’s test, ketose monosaccharides, though lacking an aldehyde group, react due to the presence of a hydroxyl group next to the ketone group. Thus hydroxyl ketones give positive tests. The Barfoed’s Test is a variation of the redox reaction mentioned previously. Copper(II) acetate in acetic acid is not as reactive as the Cu2+ Benedict s reagent. Thus, one can distinguish monosaccharides from disaccharides based on how fast the red-orange precipitate forms. Typically, monosaccharides react within 2-3 minutes, whereas disaccharides take longer. The Seliwanoff’s Test is used to distinguish from aldoses using the aromatic alcohol in the presence of concentrated hydrochloric acid. This is useful for both monosaccharide ketose as well as disaccharides ketose. A positive test is noted by a red colored solution; a yellow straw or apricot color is not indicative of positive test. To distinguish pentoses from hexoses one can use the Bial’s Test. Pentoses react with orcinol in the presence of FeCl3 and conc. HCl to give a characteristic blue-green color. Non-reacting sugars may produce a brown precipitate but the solution usually remains the yellow color of the FeCl3. Starch is a complex carbohydrate that interacts in the Iodine Test. It is composed of two fractions; the linear, helical fraction n and the branched amylopectine fraction. When I 2 inserted into the interior of the amylase fraction, a dark blue color is observed. Experimental You will find the following carbohydrate test solutions on your bench: glucose, galactose, fructose, arabinose, maltose, lactose, sucrose and starch. These tests are very colorful and therefore your notebook should be full of observations! Benedict’s Test: 1. Prepare a boiling water bath and label eight clean small test tubes. 2. In separate test tubes add 1 mL of the Benedict’s reagent. To each test tube add 5 drops of the test carbohydrate solution. Mix the samples. 3. Place all the test tubes at the same time into the boiling water bath. 4. Note and record the how long it takes for the red Cu2O precipitate to form; also note if the blue Benedict’s reagent color disappears. 5. After 10 minutes remove all the tubes and keep the boiling water bath going for the remaining three experiments. Did any sugars not produce the red precipitate? Which are reducing sugar? Which are not? 59 Barfoed’s Test: 1. Use the boiling water bath from before and label a new set of 8 clean small test tubes. 2. In separate test tubes add 1 mL of the Barfoed’s reagent. To each test tube add 10 drops of the test carbohydrate solution. Mix the samples. 3. Place all of the test tubes at the same time into the boiling water bath. 4. Note and record the long it takes for the red Cu2O precipitate to form. 5. After 10 minutes remove all the tubes. Determine which are monosaccharides, which are disaccharides Seliwanoff’s Test: 1. Use the boiling water bath from before and label a new set of 8 clean small test tubes. 2. In separate test tubes add Seliwanoff’’s reagent. To each test tube add 3 drops of the test carbohydrate solution. Mix the samples 3. Place all of the test tubes at the same time into the boiling water bath. Note and record how long it takes for the first clear red colored solution to form. 4. Remove all of the test tubes as soon as the first positive test is seen as prolong heating (in excess of 5 minutes) may cause spurious results. Which sugar solution(s) contain a ketose? Bial’s Test: 1. Use the boiling water bath from before and label anew set of 8 clean test tubes. 2. In separate test tubes add 1 mL of the Bial’s reagent. To each test tubes add 10 drops of the carbohydrate solution. 3. Place all the test tubes at the same time into the boiling water bath. 4. Note and record how long it takes for the first clear blue-green solution to form 5. Remove all the test tubes as soon the first positive test is seen as prolonged heating may cause spurious results. Which sugar solution(s) contain pentose? Iodine test: 1. Place 3 drops of each test carbohydrate solution in separate wells of a clean spot plate. 2. Add 1 drop of the iodine solution to each test carbohydrate solution. Note and record the color of each sample. 3. Did any other solutions besides the starch solution give a positive test? Page intentionally blank. 60 REPORT SHEET-Carbohydrates Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ 61 Starch Sucrose Lactose Maltose Arabinose Fructose Galactose Glucose Carbohydrate Benedict’s Test Barfoed’s Test Seliwanoff’s Test Bial’s Test Iodine Test 1. Complete the table of results. Be sure to include color!: 2. Suppose you saw no sign of a color change in Benedict’s test, no sign of a red precipitate after 10 minutes with Barfoed’s test, and a dark red colored solution with the Seliwanoff’s test. What sugar(s) could you have? 3. Suppose you saw a red precipitate with the Benedict’s test, a red precipitate after 2 minutes with the Barfoed’s test, and straw-colored solution after more than 5 minutes with the Seliwanoff’s test. What sugar(s) could you have? 4. Suppose you saw a red precipitate with Benedict’s test, no sign of red precipitate after 10 minutes with Barfoed’s test, and a straw-colored solution after more than 5 minutes with Seliwanoff’s test. What sugar(s) could you have? 62 Acid-Base Reactions with Carboxylic Acids and Esters Goals for the Student: Learn about two very important functional groups, carboxylic acids and esters Learn about the hydrolysis reaction of ester, and it’s product Learn about the industrial application of saponification Introduction Salicylic acid Methyl benzoate In the first part of this experiment you are going to evaluate the solubility of salicylic acid in cool water and hot water. Then, the reactivity of salicylic acid with aqueous NaOH will be investigated. As you would expect carboxylic acids should react with water to form a water-soluble carboxylate anion. In general the following acid-base reaction occurs: R-COOH + H2O R-COO- (aq) + H3O+ Take care: solubility is also dependent of the size of the alkyl or aryl group attached to the carboxylic acid functional group. Additionally, carboxylic acids react with bases to form water soluble salts as shown below: RCOOH + NaOH (aq) RCOO-(aq) + Na+(aq) + H2O Note: salicylic acid contains, in addition to the carboxylic acid functional group, a phenol group hydrogen that can also react with the base. The resultant sodium carboxylate/phenolate salt can further react with strong acids to reform the free acid and phenol as shown below: R-COO- + HCl (aq) Ph-COO- + HCl R-COOH (aq) Ph-COOH 63 The use of bases and acids serves as “solubility switches” to convert an insoluble form of a compound to a soluble form and vice versa. Observing the solubility or insolubility of reactants and /or products serves as a means to monitor acid base reactions. Saponification is the lysis of an ester with a strong base to form an alcohol and the salt of a carboxylic acid. Saponification is commonly used to refer to the reaction of a metallic alkali (base) with a fat or oil to form soap. The concept of a solubility switch will also serve as the basis for following the base (NaOH) catalyzed hydrolysis (specification) reaction of an ester (methyl benzoate) to the subsequent water soluble carboxylate salt (sodium benzoate) and alcohol (methanol). The resultant mixture containing the sodium benzoate is then reacted with acid to form benzoic acid. Experimental Solubility and Acid-Base Reactions of Salicylic Acid: 1. Set up a boiling water bath with a 250mL beaker on a hot plate and an ice water bath in a beaker. 2. Place a small amount of salicylic acid (pea size amount) into a clean small test tube and add a 5mL of distilled water. Stir well and record your observations in your notebook. 3. Carefully place the test tube into the boiling water bath. Record your observations. 4. Remove the test tube and cool the solution in the ice water bath. Note that you may have to scratch the inside o surface of the test tube with a glass rod. Your instructor will demonstrate this technique. Record your observations. 5. Add 3M NaOH to the mixture drop by drop and agitate by finger flicking three test tubes after each drop. Be sure to keep track of the number of drops that you add. Record your observations and write the overall equation for this reaction. 6. Finally, add to the solution as many drops of 3M HCl as you used for the 3M NaOH. Then add several more drops of the 3M HCl. Record your observations and write the overall equation for this reaction. Acid-Base Reactions of Methyl Benzoate: 1. Place 3 drops of methyl benzoate into a clean test tube and add 2 mL of distilled water. Record your observations in your notebook. 2. Add 12 drops of 2.5 M or 3M NaOH and mix the contents of the test tube. Place the test tube into the boiling water bath for 30 minutes (or longer) and every 5 minutes stir the contents vigorously with a clean glass rod, replacing the test tube back into the boiling water bath. Stop the reaction when you judge the solution to be homogeneous. Record your observations and write the overall equation for this reaction. 3. Cool the mixture to room temperature by running cold tap water along the outside of the test tube. 4. Add 15 drops of 3M HCl mixing by finger flicking the test tube after each addition. Record your observations and write the overall equation for this reaction. 64 REPORT SHEET-Acid-Base Rxns with Carboxylic Acids and Esters Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ Solubility and Acid-Base Reactions of Salicylic Acid: 1. Does salicylic acid dissolve in the cold water? 2. Does salicylic acid dissolve in hot water? 3. Does salicylic acid dissolve in aqueous sodium hydroxide? 4. Write an overall equation for the reaction of salicylic acid with aqueous sodium hydroxide. 5. What did you observe when hydrochloric acid was added to the test tube during step 6? 6. Write an overall equation for the chemical reaction that occurs in step 6. Acid-Base Reactions of Methyl Benzoate: 1. Write an overall chemical equation for the saponification of methyl benzoate. 65 2. Are the initial products of the saponication of methyl benzoate soluble or insoluble in water? 3. What did you observe when hydrochloric acid in step 4? 4. Write an overall chemical equation for the reaction for step 4. 66 Synthesis of Aspirin Goals for the Student: Learn to do the organic synthesis of an ester from an alcohol and an anhydride Learn how to purify the product in the organic synthesis Learn how to calculate the % yield of a product Learn different techniques to compare the purity of a synthesized product with commercial product. Introduction Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), commonly called aspirin, is widely used as medicine to reduce fever (an antipyretic), to reduce pain (an analgesic), to reduce swelling (anti-inflammatory), and to prevent platelet aggregation that initializes thrombosis or hemostasis (anti-clotting). Aspirin inhibits the enzymes necessary for the formation of prostaglandins and thromboxanes (hormones) that are associated with pain, fever, inflammation, and blood-clotting in the human body. It has been also suggested that aspirin small amount as, 80-100mg for daily ingestion can lower the risk of stroke and heart attack in at-risk adults. Aspirin is an ester of acetic acid and salicylic acid. Salicylic acid, is acting as the alcohol, because this also has a hydroxyl group attached to the benzene ring besides a carboxylic acid. Though esters can be produced from the direct esterification of an alcohol and a carboxylic acid in the presence of an acid catalyst, typically sulfuric acid, the present method to prepare aspirin uses acetic anhydride a derivative of acetic acid to form more quickly an acetate ester with salicylic acid. Acetic anhydride, as a substitute acetylating agent reacts with salicylic acid as follows: In the first week of a two-week experiment you will synthesis aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid). The following week you will determine the percent yield of your synthesized aspirin. Then you will analyze the purity of your product by thin layer chromatography and by a melting point determination. 67 CHARACTERIZATION OF SYNTHESIZED ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID (ASA, aspirin): The second week you will determine the percent yield of the synthesized product, aspirin and perform different techniques to determine the purity of the product. Of course, this aspirin is not suitable for oral admission or any physiological test because reagents used for this synthesis are not of sufficient purity for ingestion. Determination of Percent Yield: Percent yield is defined as follows: % yield = mass of acetylsalicylic acid(actual yield of ASA in experiment) x 100 Theoretical yield of ASA (calculated from stoichiometric relationship) The actual yield is the number of grams of acetyl salicylic acid that you actually made in the laboratory. The theoretical yield is the number of grams of acetylsalicylic acid you should get based on the stoichiometry of the chemical equation. The theoretical yield is based on the number of grams of salicylic acid you used. First convert the number grams of salicylic acid to moles by dividing the grams of salicylic acid by the molecular weight of salicylic acid (138 g/mol). One mole of acetylsalicylic acid is formed for each mole of salicylic acid used. Therefore, the number of moles of acetylsalicylic acid is the same as the number of moles of salicylic acid. To convert to grams of acetyl salicylic acid, multiply the number of moles you calculated by the molecular weight of acetylsalicylic acid (180 g/mol) Thin Layer Chromatography: One way of determining the purity of your product is to do thin layer chromatography using your product, one of the reactant (salicylic acid) and an authentic aspirin sample. This is the same procedure you completed when you analyzed chlorophyll and carotenoids from spinach. Review that experiment if you have forgotten. Determination of the melting point: You should use the Meltemp apparatus to determine the melting point of your acetylsalicylic acid. Carefully place a thermometer in the slot on the Meltemp device. These are mercury thermometers and are quite fragile, so handle the thermometer with care. If you break the thermometer, notify the instructor immediately so the mercury spill can be cleaned up. Before measuring the melting point of your product, look up the true melting point of acetylsalicylic acid in The Handbook of Chemistry and physics. This will give you an idea of about where your product should melt. Ferric chloride test: Dissolve a small amount of your product in water and test it with ferric chloride. A purple color indicates the presence of a phenol (unreacted salicylic acid) in your product. Compare your results with those obtained from a sample of authentic aspirin. Acid hydrolysis of acetylsalicylic acid: Esters can be hydrolyzed by heating them in the presence of an acid. The original alcohol and carboxylic are generated from the acid hydrolysis. 68 Experimental Synthesis: 1. Place ~ 50 mL of distilled water into a 250 mL beaker, add a couple of boiling chips and heat to boiling. Also put ~20 mL of distilled water in a 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask into an ice water bath using another 250 mL beaker (Fig. A, Note: use of hot plate will be more safe than using burner). 2. Write your group number in pencil on a piece of filter paper. Tare the balance and weigh the filter paper to the nearest 0.001 g; record this value in your notebook. Obtain ~ 1 g of salicylic acid and place it into a tarred plastic weigh boat. Weigh the salicylic acid to the nearest 0.001 g and record this value in your notebook. 3. Place the salicylic acid into a clean dry medium test tube. Add 2 mL of acetic anhydride and 2 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid (caution: acetic anhydride produces irritation and necrosis of tissues in liquid or in vapor state). Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do this addition in the hood. 4. Place the test tube containing the reaction mixture into the boiling water bath. Stir the mixture vigorously with a clean glass rod while in the boiling water bath. Be careful not to break the test tube. 5. After the entire solid has dissolved, remove the test tube into the ice water bath. If the crystals do not form, induce crystallization by scratching the inside of the test tube with a glass rod. When crystallization is complete add 10 mL of the ice cold water. 6. Fold your weighed, initialed filter paper so that it is fluted (your instructor will demonstrate this) and place it into a short stem funnel. 7. Collect the solid on the filter paper in the funnel. Rinse the solid with 2 or 3 small (5 mL) portions of ice cold water. Be sure to let the water drain through the filter between additions of the rinses. 8. Carefully remove the filter paper from the funnel and spread it out on a piece of paper towel. Set the paper towel with the filter paper in a drawer and allow it to dry until the next laboratory period. 9. Determine the gram formula weight for salicylic acid. Using the mass of your salicylic acid, determine the number of moles in the reaction. Determine the gram formula weight for the acetyl salicylic acid product. Finally, calculate the mass of product expected if all of the salicylic acid is converted to acetyl salicylic acid. 10. Your instructor will demonstrate how to prepare a sample for a melting point apparatus. Practice taking melting points using the salicylic acid. 11. The following week carefully remove the filter paper containing the aspirin from the drawer and weigh it to the nearest 0.001 g. Record this value in your notebook. 12. Determine the percent of the of yield of the product aspirin. Save aspirin for further analysis. Thin layer chromatography: 69 1. Obtain ~ 1 mL of methanol to three separate clean and dry test tubes. Into these separate test tubes, add a small amount of your synthesized aspirin, commercial aspirin and salicylic acid, which you have used for the synthesis. Be sure label each test tube so that you know which is contained in each test tube. To aid in dissolving the crush the solid gently with a clean dry glass rod. Be sure to clean the glass rod prior to using for the next sample. 2. Obtain 7 cm × 14 cm fluorescent silica gel TLC plate for your group., Follow the procedure in pages 24, 25, and 26 to spot (4 µL) your product, authentic aspirin and salicylic acid. Be sure to mark care fully the spot line at the bottom and label for the spots at the top. Be sure to keep at least (10 mm) space between the spots. Your product’s spot should be on the left most position, then the spot of authentic aspirin on the middle position and salicylic acid spot on the right most position. Try to keep the diameter of the spot less than 2 mm. Several quick small applications will be better than one large application. 3. Prepare a TLC developing tank similar to what you used previously. Pleace one half of a filter paper into the jar, then add 10 mL of the TLC solvent provided by your instructor. Make sure the filter paper is completely saturated with the developing solvent. When the three samples have been applied, carefully place the TLC plate into the developing chamber. Make sure that the solvent level is below your original spots. 4. After the solvent front reaches 1 cm from the top of the TLC plate, remove the plate from the beaker. Allow it to dry under the hood. Use a UV lamp to view the spots. Carefully, mark the spots with a pencil. Compare the spots with one another. Draw a reproduction of your developed chromatogram in your lab notebook. Melting point determination: 1. Place a small amount of your product into a melting point capillary tube as demonstrated by your instructor. Place the capillary tube into the capillary slot on the Meltemp apparatus. 2. To obtain an accurate melting point it is necessary to heat the sample slowly. For the melting point of your product, the meltemp should be set at about 40V. Turn on the power and watch the crystals through the magnifying glass of the Meltemp device. 3. As soon as the crystals start to melt, record the temperature as precisely as possible; Keep watching the crystals. Record a second temperature as soon as all of the crystals have melted. 4. If your product is pure, the melting range (the difference between the two recorded temperatures) will be small-perhaps a degree or two. If your product is not pure, you will have a wider melting point range. If your product is pure, the melting point should be similar to the true value for acetylsalicylic acid. If it is impure, your will have melting point lower than the true value. Ferric chloride test: Dissolve a small amount of your product in ~ 1 mL of water. Add two drops of ferric chloride solution and note the color. Repeat with an authentic aspirin sample of aspirin and with the salicylic acid that you have used. Record your observations in your lab notebook. Acid hydrolysis of acetylsalicylic acid: 70 Dissolve a small amount of your product in ~ 1 mL of water. Add five drops of conc. Sulfuric acid and heat the test tube in a boiling water bath for 10-15 minutes. Remove the test tube, cool to room temperature and test for the presence of a phenol by adding two drops of ferric chloride. 71 Page intentionally blank. 72 REPORT SHEET-Synthesis of Aspirin Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ Synthesis: 1. Mass of filter paper____________________________ 2. Mass of filter paper plus product________________________________ 3. Mass of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)________________________________ 4. Mass of salicylic acid used__________________________________ 5. Moles of salicylic acid used___________________________________ 6. Moles of acetylsalicylic acid expected (show theoretical yield)(refer to the equation) 7. % yield of acetylsalicylic acid (show calculation) 8. Write full chemical equation (line-bond formulas for both reactants and products) for the synthesis of aspirin. 9. After filtering your reaction mixture, what was the purpose of rinsing the product with water? 10. Why it is important for the water to be ice cold? 73 Characterization: 1. Write the literature value for the melting point of acetylsalicylic acid._______________oC 2. Write the melting point range of your product? ____________oC to ___________oC 3. Draw a reproduction of your developed chromatogram. Show the position of all spots, the solvent front and spotting line. What conclusions can be drawn about the purity of your product from this chromatogram? 4. What conclusion can be drawn about the purity of your product from this chromatogram? 5. What did you observe when FeCl3 was added to your product? 6. What did you observe when FeCl3 was added to authentic aspirin? 7. What did you observe when FeCl3 was added to salicylic acid? 8. Write the full chemical equation (line-bond formulas for both reactants and products) for the hydrolysis of your acetylsalicylic acid. 9. What did you observe when FeCl3 was added to the aspirin hydrolysis solution? 10. Using all experimental data, compare the purity of your aspirin with that of the authentic aspirin sample. 74 Synthesis & properties of Soap Goals for the Student: Learn about the process of soap making Learn the procedure for purifying and testing the of properties of a soap Introduction A natural soap is the sodium or potassium salt of long chain fatty acids produced by the base catalyzed hydrolysis of triacylglycerol (the fat storage molecule in plants and animals, known clinically as “triglycerides”). In the first part of this experiment you will prepare soap by a saponification reaction of a small sample of oil or fat. A generalized saponification reaction is shown below: In the second part of this experiment some of the properties (pH and solubility) in solutions of your soap will be examined. Experimental Synthesis: 1. Caution must be observed as the concentrated sodium hydroxide (lye) is corrosive and can cause burns to skin, destruction of clothing and irreversible cornea damage to the eye. At no time are your safety glasses/goggles to be removed during this experiment. 2. Prepare boiling water bath in a 600 mL beaker; be sure to add a couple of boiling chips. Place 12 mL of oil or 10 g of fat into a 250 Erlenmeyer flask. Also prepare an ice water bath using another 600 mL beaker. 3. Add 10 mL of ethanol (ethylalcohol) and 12 ml of 6M sodium hydroxide to the vegetable oil. **You may add a small piece of wax crayon now, if you want your soap to have a color. Many dyes used in crayons will be altered due to the change in pH. The proper color should return when you rinse your soap later. Someone in your group needs to leave theirs white for the 75 tests 4. Stir the mixture with a glass stirring rod. Using a ring stand and a clamp secure the flask and heat it in the boiling water bath. Continuously stir the mixture during the heating process to preventing the mixture from foaming up the sides of the flask. 5. Heat the mixture in the water bath, with stirring until the odor of ethyl alcohol is no longer detected. This may take 15 to 30 minutes. Remove the flask from bath. 6. Place the flask into the ice bath. Cool the soap solution for 10 minutes. 7. To the contents of the flask add 20 mL of a concentrated sodium chloride solution. Using a spatula, break up the lumps of soap as completely as possible to permit contact between the solid and the sodium chloride wash solution. Carefully decant the solution to remove the wash solution while retaining the solid in the flask. 8. Repeat the washing and decanting step two more times. After the washing remove the last traces of liquid by dumping the solid into the paper towels and carefully blotting the soap with additional paper towels. Avoid touching the soap with your skin. Analysis: 1. Dissolve a small pea sized of your soap in a small test tube containing 5 mL of distilled water. Add 3 to 4 drops of Universal indicator. Note the color appeared. Using the Universal indicator reference card, determine the approximate pH of your soap solution. Repeat this experiment using a purified commercial soap (e.g., Ivory). Record color and pH value in your notebook. 2. In three separate clean test tubes place 5 mL each of distilled water, tap water and 10% CaCl2 (calcium chloride ) . Add a small pea sized pieces of your soap to each separate test solution. Make sure that you use equal sized amounts. Stopper each tube and shake them vigorously. Describe the relative amounts of lather and foam that appear in each tube. Record your observations in your notebook. 3. Dissolve a small amount of your soap in a minimum amount of distilled water; estimate the volume of water you used. To the dissolved soap solution add an equal volume of concentrated sodium chloride solution. Describe and record in your note book what happens. 4. Visit other groups and compare the texture of soaps made from different fat sources. 76 REPORT SHEET-Synthesis and Properties of Soap Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ 1. Write a chemical equation for the saponification of a triglycerol that contains palmitic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid as the three fatty acid moieties. 2. What was the purpose of adding the concentrated salt solution to your soap preparation? 3. a). What was the pH of your soap solution? b). Was your soap solution acidic, basic or neutral? c) What was the pH of the commercial soap solution? d) Was the commercial soap solution acidic, basic or neutral? e) Based on your result to parts 3a-3d above is it possible to have a neutral solution of a pure soap in distilled water? 4. Described the observed behavior when your soap was added to each of the following and shaken up: a) Distilled water: 77 b) Tap water: c) Calcium chloride solution: 5. Write a net equation for the reaction of calcium ions with the anion of palmitic acid. 6. What did you observed when concentrated sodium chloride solution was added to dissolved soap? 7. What does the observation in 6, suggest about the effectiveness of ordinary soap in seawater? 8. Were there any differences in texture in soap from different fat sources? Does this agree with your knowledge about saturated versus unsaturated fats? 78 Isolation and Characterization of Casein from Milk Adopted from: “Isolation of Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat from Milk”, Mohr. S. C., Griffin, S. F., and Gensler, W.J., in Laboratory Manual for Fundamentals of Organic and Biological Chemistry John McMurry and Mary E. Castellion, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1994 Wayne P. Anderson (4/2002) Goals for the Student: Learn the about the protein present in milk, and cheese Learn the procedure to isolate the protein from the milk Learn the techniques used to characterize the protein Introduction You may recall the Mother Goose nursery rhyme, “Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey…..” When milk is acidified, it is transformed into a solid component, called curd, and a liquid component called whey. This method is used to make cottage cheese. The curds contain butterfat and a protein called casein, which contain all of the common amino acids and is particularly rich in the essential ones. Casein exist in the milk as a soluble calcium salt, that precipitates at pH values below 4.6. So milk can be curdled by acids such as lactic acid that forms during natural souring of milk. The carbohydrate, lactose, is present in the whey. In this experiment you will also isolate casein from milk and carry out some qualitative tests for protein. The Biuret test is generally used for protein. When the pale blue Cu2+ ion forms a complex with adjacent amide nitrogen of the peptide backbone, a very deep violet blue color results. The Xantoperoteic acid test is on the other is a general test for the presence of the aromatic amino acids, tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine, in proteins. Aromatic groups that have an 79 amino group (tryptophan) or a hydroxyl group (tyrosine) are easily nitrated by concentrated nitric acid to form yellow (xantho, Greek for yellow) colored aromatic nitro compounds. Experimental 1. Determine the mass of a 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add 50 mL of milk to the flask and re-weigh the flask to determine the mass of the milk. Check the label on the milk container and record the amount of protein per serving in your notebook. 2. Prepare a water bath by placing 200mL of water in a 600 mL beaker. Heat the water bath to 40oC; as the temperature is critical for this experiment monitor the temperature with a thermometer. Place the flask containing the milk into the water bath. 3. Slowly add 10 drops of glacial acetic acid to the milk while stirring with a glass rod. Continue to add drops of glacial acetic acid drop wise until no more precipitate is formed when a drop of acid is added. Allow the mixture to cool. 4. Filter the mixture into a 250 mL beaker by pouring it through cheese cloth that has been fastened to the beaker with a rubber band. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible from the solid. Then scrape the solid into a 100 mL beaker. 5. To remove any fat from the curd (do you expect any for skim milk?), add 25 mL of ethanol to the solid in the 100 mL beaker. Stir the mixture for about 5 minutes; then let the solid settle. The fat will dissolve in the alcohol. Decant the liquid into another beaker. 6. Under a hood, add 25 ml of a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of diethyl ether and ethanol to residue. Be sure that that there is no flames or sparks present as the diethyl ether is extremely flammable. Stir the mixture for about 5 minutes. Let the protein solid dry in your drawer for a week, then weigh your solid and determine the % yield during the next class period. BIURET TEST: 1. Add a pea sized amount of your casein to a small test tube and dissolve it in 4 mL of distilled water. Divide this protein solution into two 2 mL portions. Save one portion for the next test. 2. Thoroughly mix 2mL of the protein solution with 2 mL of 3M sodium hydroxide solution. Add 1 drop of 1% of copper sulfate solution. Note the color and record your observations in your notebook. 3. Continue to add the copper sulfate solution one drop at a time, note and record your observations. Stop after adding 10 drops of the copper sulfate solution. 4. Repeat this test with a 1% casein solution. XANTHOPROTEIC TEST: 1. To the second 2 mL protein solution carefully add 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid. Mix and note the appearance of any heavy white precipitate. 2. Warm the mixture carefully in a hot water bath noting any change to a yellow colored solution. 80 3. Cool the mixture in a stream of cold tap water and carefully add a few drops of 3M sodium hydroxide. A positive test is indicated by the yellow color changing into orange color. The entire tube does not have to turn to orange. Look for the color as the sodium hydroxide is added to the solution or on a piece of precipitate on the wall of the test tube. 4. Repeat this test with 1% casein solution. 81 Page intentionally blank. 82 REPORT SHEET-Isolation and Characterization of Casein from Milk Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ Isolation: 1. Mass of 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask __________________________________ 2. Mass of 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask +milk _________________________________ 3. Mass of milk ______________________________ 4. Mass of crude casein (may not be totally dry) _______________________________ 5. Calculate % yield (show your calculation): 6. Determine the amount of protein in a serving of milk (use the mass of crude casein) (show your calculation) Biuret test: 7. Color of 0.1% of copper sulfate solution: 8. Color of your casein + sodium hydroxide solution: 9. Color of your casein solution after addition of one drop of copper sulfate: 10. Color changes observed after adding additional drops of copper sulfate: 11. Color of 1% casein + sodium hydroxide solution: 83 12. Color of your 1% provided casein solution after addition of one drop of copper sulfate: 13. Color changes observed after adding additional drops of copper sulfate: Xanthoproteic acid test: 14. Observation for your casein mixed with concentrated nitric acid: 15. Observation for your casein mixed with concentrated nitric acid after heating: 16. Observation for your casein after adding 3M sodium hydroxide: 17. Observation for 1% casein mixed with concentrated nitric acid: 18. Observation for 1% casein with concentrated nitric acid after heating: 19. Observation for 1% casein after adding 3M sodium hydroxide: Milk comparison: Did one of the varieties of milk have a higher percentage by weight of protein? 84 Amylase: The Activity of an Enzyme Adapted from: “Factor’s Affecting Enzymatic Activity” in John R. Holum and Sandra L. Olmstead, Laboratorty manual for Fundamentals of General, Organic and Biological Chemistry, 5th Ed., New York: Wiley, 1994. Michael E. Pugh and Wayne P. Anderson (Rev. 3/2004) Goals for the Student: Learn about enzymes that catalyze biological reactions Learn about the factors that influence the activity of enzymes Introduction Amylase, an enzyme that is found in saliva, catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch (amylase). Since enzymes are proteins, their secondary and tertiary structures are effected by temperature, pH, and the presence of heavy metal ions. Enzyme activity is closely associated with the structure of an enzyme. So any change in the secondary or tertiary structure leads to a change in enzymatic activity. In this experiment you will examine the effect of temperature and pH on the activity of amylase. Molecular iodine forms a complex with starch that has a characteristic deep blue color. As starch undergoes hydrolysis to form oligosaccharides and glucose, the characteristics color of the starch – iodine complex disappears. Therefore, loss of the deep blue color can be used to measure of the extent of hydrolysis of starch. A second test for hydrolysis is the occurrence of a positive Benedict’s test for the solution. Starch is not a reducing sugar, but glucose formed upon hydrolysis is a reducing sugar. Experimental PART I. Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity In order to make sure that the concentration s of enzyme and starch remain reasonably constant in different parts of the experiment, use an eye dropper to measure quantities of solutions. Assume that 20 drops represent 1.0 mL. 1. Label three medium test tubes as “0”, “rt” and “100”. Into each test tube place buffered solution and 2.5 mL of distilled water. Place the test tube marked “0” into the ice bath, the one marked “rt” into room temperature and “100” into a beaker of boiling water. 85 2. Place 1 mL of freshly prepared amylase solution (100 mg/100 mL) into each of three small test tubes. Put one of these into the ice bath, another into the thermostated water bath, and the third into the beaker of boiling water. 3. Allow the solutions to remain in the temperature baths for about 5-10 minutes to equilibrate. Carry out the following steps in sequence for the solutions in the 0o, rt, and 100o temperature baths. 4. Remove the test tube containing the starch and the test tube containing the enzyme from the bath and pour the enzyme solution into the starch solution. Record the time to the nearest second, and call this starting time 0. 5. Quickly place a piece of parafilm over the end of the test tube, mix thoroughly, remove the parafilm and remove a small amount of the solution from the test tube using a disposable pipette. Place the remaining solution back into the temperature bath. Place 4 drops of the solution onto a spot plate that contain 1 drop of the iodine solution, record the color. Put any excess starch/enzyme solution in the pipette back into the test tube in the temperature bath. 6. Take a sample from the solution using the disposable pipette exactly 1 minute following time 0. Place 4 drops onto a second spot of the spot plate containing 1 drop of iodine solution, record the color. Return any excess starch/enzyme solution in the pipette to test tube in the temperature bath. 7. Repeat the procedure in at the following time intervals until the color of the solution following addition of the iodine is yellow: 2 min, 4 min, 6 min, 8 min, and 10 min. If the color of the solution in the spot plate remains yellow for successive trials. It is not necessary to continue the run. Part II. Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity 1. Label three medium test tubes as “5”, “7” and “9”. 2. Into the test tube marked “5”, place 2.5 mL of unbuffered starch solution and 2.5 mL of pH 5 buffer solution. Into the test tube marked “7” place 2.5 mL of unbuffered starch solution and 2.5 mL of pH 7 buffer solution. Into the test tube marked “9” place 2.5 mL of unbuffered starch solution and 2.5 mL of pH 9 buffer solution. Place these into either the room temperature bath or the ice bath, depending on which temperature gave the better results in part I. 3. Place 1 mL of the amylase solution into each of three small test tubes. Put these into the temperature bath containing the starch solutions from step 2. 4. Allow the solutions to remain in the temperature bath for about 5-10 minutes to equilibrate. 5. Carry out the steps 4-7 in PART I in sequence for the solutions that buffered at pH 5, 7, 9. 86 PART III. Effect of Metal Ions on Enzyme Activity In this part you will test the effect of a metal ion on enzyme activity, Cu2+, Fe3+, Zn2+ or other transition metal ions or heavy metal ions may be tested. 1. Label a test tube with the identity of the metal ion in the salt solution you will use for this part. 2. Into each test tube, place 2.5 mL of buffered starch solution and 2.5 mL of the metal ion solution. Place these into room temperature bath or the ice bath, depending on which one gave better results in part I. 3. Place 1mL of the amylase solution into each of two small test tubes. Put them into the temperature bath containing the metal ion solution. 4. Allow the solutions to remain in the temperature bath for about 5-10 minutes to equilibrate. 5. Carry out the steps 4-7 in PART I in sequence for the solutions containing the metal ion. 87 Page intentionally blank. 88 REPORT SHEET-Amylase: The Activity of an Enzyme Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ For each section, record the colors of the starch/enzyme solution in the presence of iodine. PART I. Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity TIME (minutes) 0 0oC Room Temperature 100oC pH =7 pH=9 1 2 4 6 8 10 Part II. Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity Temperature __________________ Time (minutes) pH =5 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 89 PART III. Effect of Metal Ions on Enzyme Activity Temperature ______________________ Metal Ion = _____________ Time (minutes) 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 CONCLUSIONS 1. Give a clear explanation of the effect of temperature on the activity of amylase. Consult yoir class notes ideas. 2. Give a clear explanation of the effect of pH on the activity of amylase. Consult your class notes for ideas. 3. Give a clear explanation of the effect of the metal ion on the activity of amylase. 90 Interaction of UV Light with Matter Goals for the Student: To understand the factors that affect how certain types of matter interact with UV light To gain a rough understanding of how a spectrophotometer works. To be able to draw conclusions about protecting one’s body from UV exposure. Introduction Recalling what we have learned about light: Figure 1- We can think energy as a wave. The distance between two equivalent points on the wave is the wavelength (. Our sun emits the energy that sustains life on earth as we know it. If we think about the energy as a wave, as illustrated in Figure 1, we can relate the wave and its associated energy, as shown in Equation 1: (1) E = hc / E stands for energy. The energy is proportional to Planck’s constant (h) and the speed of light (c, also a constant), while it is inversely proportional to the wavelength (, lambda is the symbol for wavelength) of the energy. When the wavelength increases, the energy decreases, and vice versa. Figure 2 shows a common diagram of an electromagnetic spectrum. You can see that radio and TV waves are made-up of relatively long wavelengths, and so their energy is relatively low. They pass harmlessly around us all the time. Microwaves have shorter wavelengths and have higher energy. Microwaves make water molecules move, heating up the food you place in the microwave oven. Infrared waves can be felt as heat, with still greater energy. We commonly think of visible 91 waves as “light.” Visible waves cause molecules in your retina to change energy states. The change gets transmitted through your optic nerve by chemical signals to your brain, where it is interpreted as vision. Visible waves have wavelength of roughly 700-400 nm, or about the size of a living cell; hence, you are able to see cells in a light microscope due to visible light passing through or bouncing off them. X-rays are smaller still; one the order of the size of atoms. A wave with a wavelength this small is very high energy! X-rays pass right through most organic molecules. This is why we can use them medically to see bones and other structures that contain metals. At the same time, great care must be taken to avoid unnecessary exposure or the DNA in cells can be damaged and cause tumors. Gamma-rays (rays) have the shortest wavelength, and highest energy, of all. Short-term -ray exposure is used to treat pre-packaged meats. The energy passes through into the meat and kills microbes, thereby extending the shelf life of the product. What can kill microbes can kill any cell, thus -rays are very dangerous. Fortunately, we have a protective magnetic field around our planet. Without it, life as we know it could not exist. Figure 2- Comparing wavelengths (of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. 92 Our experiments will focus on ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light (UV light) has wavelengths from about 400 nm, down to about a nanometer. UV light is subcategorized by wavelength, as shown in Table 1. This size of these wavelenghts is on the order of that of molecules, and so it can interact with certain functional groups of organic molecules. If the organic molecule is in a living organism, changes in the molecule can take place so that it no longer functions properly. When UV light hits the DNA in our skin cells, changes can take place in the chemical structure such that it no longer base pairs properly. During replication, improper base-pairing can cause a mutation. If the mutation is in a region needed for cell survival, the cell can die prematurely. If that mutation is in one of the many genes that control cell growth, a cancerous tumor can form. Cells have built-in mechanisms that protect us from UV-induced tumor formation. There are repair enzymes that constantly scan our Name Wavelength Range (nm) DNA for changes in molecular structure. When UVA (black light) 400-320 found, the damaged piece of DNA is cut out and UVB 300-280 replaced with a good piece. At the same time, UVC (germicidal) Below 280 when cell damage due to UV light exposure occurs, our bodies produce a natural sun block called melanin. It is the brown pigment in our skin that shows-up as a ‘tan.’ So, a suntan is the body’s response to cell damage in order to try to prevent cancer. Premature cell death also causes the skin to thicken and wrinkle. Obviously, these mechanisms do not always work. Liberal use of sun block is essential for people of all skin types to prevent cell death and cancer. Table 1- Subcategories of UV light. Light in the laboratory: (this section is adapted from experiments written by Dr. Emeric Schultz for the Chemistry for the Sciences 2 lab manual) Matter that appears colored is preferentially absorbing different wavelengths of visible light. Your eyes detect the compilation of all of the reflected and/or transmitted colors – the observed color. As laboratory scientists, we are interested in the color absorbed, which is the complement of the color observed. Table 1 shows the correlation between absorbed and observed visible light. For example, tree leaves that appear green to our eyes do so because red and purple light is absorbed; the green bounces off the leaves, enters our eyes, and triggers the chemicals in the retina to signify “green” to the brain. Table 1: Colors of Visible Light Wavelength of Light Absorbed (nm) red purple blue-green green 780 orange 680 blue 630 yellow 590 violet-blue 560 greenyellow 530 green 500 bluegreen 470 blue 440 violetblue 420 violet 380 violet purple red orange yellow greenyellow Absorbed Color Observed Color A spectrophotometer is an instrument that can measure the amount of light “absorbed” by matter that is dissolved in solution. A bare-boned schematic is shown in Figure 3. Our eyes only detects 93 a very limited range of wavelengths. A spectrophotometer can detect any wavelengths it is designed to detect. There are UV-Visible spectrophotometers that detect from 190-800 nm. There are IR spectrometers, and so forth. In a spectrometer, the light source emits waves that are selected by a monochometer. The chosen range of light passes through the sample. Some of the light is absorbed and does not reach the detector. The instrument knows how much light was sent into the sample and compares that to the amount that is transmitted. The difference is the absorbance. A substance will have a different absorbance, depending upon the wavelength. Light source Sam sample wavelength selector (monochromator) Light detector Figure 3- The set-up for a spectrophotometer. A scanning spectrometer, as the name suggests, can scan through lots of wavelengths and produces what is called a spectrum (Figure 2). [spectra is plural for spectrum]. There are two important numbers that you will get from the scans of your samples. The first number is called the absorbance maximum and is given the symbol max. The symbol (lambda) is universal in science as a designation for wavelength; max is therefore the wavelength at which a dissolved species interacts best with light (as shown by a peak in absorbance); max in Figure 4 is about 525 nm. A word about units for wavelength. Wavelengths of different kinds of electromagnetic radiation (everything form radio waves to X-rays) can go from being very short to very long. The most convenient units to use for electromagnetic radiation in the visible and the surrounding ultraviolet and infrared regions are in nanometers (10-9m). It is important for you to distinguish between what type of light interacts with matter (wavelength) and how much light interacts with matter (absorbance). Take a look the Figure 3 below and its labels (Note: although this is a spectrum of visible wavelengths whereas we will be looking at UV wavelengths, the spectra are interpreted the same way). Figure 4- An absorbance spectrum for a sample with color. The second number is called the absorbance. This is the quantity that we have been studying. It is a measure of the intensity of the color. You know the factors that affect this value. Absorbance by definition has no units. This means that the units selected for the factors that determine absorbance have to cancel. Matter has a wavelength or wavelengths of light that it interacts with (absorbs) best. These wavelengths are called absorbance maxima and are labeled as max.(“lambda max”). One wavelength can be the very best but the wavelengths around this maximum are also absorbed quite well by the molecule. We call this set of wavelengths an absorbance band. 94 Pre-Lab Assignment Scientists have discovered many molecules that absorb UV light and are essentially harmless when applied to human skin. Before you come to lab, use the internet (Wikipedia is fairly trustworthy in this case or you can use an image search in Google) to look-up and record the structures of each of these compounds in your lab notebook: p-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA) Avobenzone Cinoxate Dioxybenzone Homosalate Methyl anthranilate Octocrylene Octyl methoxycinnamate (Octinoxate) Octyl salicylate (Octisalate) Oxybenzone Padimate O Phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid (Ensulizole) Sulisobenzone Titanium dioxide Trolamine salicylate Zinc oxide Experimental Your instructor will have set-up the Genesys spectrophotometer so that it will scan from 200-400 nm. Baseline scan of air: the purpose of this part of the experiment is to make a control scan so that atmospheric conditions do not affect your results. 1. Ensure the instrument sample compartment is empty. 2. Shut the door and press the “new baseline” key. The instrument will make all kinds of rude noises, move up to the first position, then begin to scan. 3. Do not open the sample compartment until the baseline is completed. 4. Once the baseline is completed, the instrument will return the sample holder to the #2 position. UV scan of quartz: 1. Record your visual observations about the quartz cuvet. (A cuvet is a container to hold liquid samples for spectrometry. We can only use it is it does not interfere by absorbing the light we are studying.) Clean it with a Kimwipe. We do not want fingerprints scattering the light! 2. Place the cuvet in the #2 position of the sample holder. 3. Shut the door, then make sure the sample position indicator in on “2.” 4. Press the “new scan” or “scan” key. 5. Do not open the sample compartment until the scan is completed. 6. Print a copy of the scan for each lab partner to tape in his or her book. Take care to not tape over the print or the adhesive in the tape will dissolve it. 7. Describe the shape of the spectrum in your notebook. For example we can describe Figure 4: At 700 nm, the absorbance is zero and then it increases to a maximum at around 525 nm. Finally, the absorbance decreases to around 0.1 at 400 nm. 95 Does the quartz absorb any wavelengths of UV light? If so, what is the max? Is this UVA, UVB, UVC, or all three? If the quartz does not absorb UV light, it is said to be “UV transparent.” If the quartz is UV transparent, we could use it as a holder for liquid samples and it would not interfere with our spectra. UV scan of glass: 1. Record your visual observations about the piece of window glass. Clean it with a Kimwipe. We do not want fingerprints scattering the light! 2. Secure the piece of glass into the #2 position of the sample holder. 3. Shut the door, then make sure the sample position indicator in on “2.” 4. Press the “new scan” or “scan” key. 5. Do not open the sample compartment until the scan is completed. 6. Print a copy of the scan for each lab partner to tape in his or her book. Take care to not tape over the print or the adhesive in the tape will dissolve it 7. Describe the shape of the spectrum in your notebook. Does the glass absorb any wavelengths of UV light? If so, what is the max? Is this UVA, UVB, UVC, or all three? UV scan of water: 1. Fill the quartz cuvet with distilled water. Take care to prevent air bubbles in your sample. 2. Record your visual observations. Clean it with a Kimwipe. We do not want fingerprints scattering the light! 3. Place the cuvet in the #2 position of the sample holder. 4. Shut the door, then make sure the sample position indicator in on “2.” 5. Press the “new scan” or “scan” key. 6. Do not open the sample compartment until the scan is completed. 7. Print a copy of the scan for each lab partner to tape in his or her book. Take care to not tape over the print or the adhesive in the tape will dissolve it 8. Describe the shape of the spectrum in your notebook. Does the water absorb any wavelengths of UV light? If so, what is the max? Is this UVA, UVB, UVC, or all three? UV scan of DNA: 1. Fill one quartz cuvet with distilled water and one quartz cuvet with DNA solution. Take care to prevent air bubbles in your samples. 2. Record your visual observations about the DNA solution in the cuvet. Clean each with a Kimwipe. We do not want fingerprints scattering the light! 3. Put the cuvet with water in the first position and the cuvet with DNA solution in the second position. 4. Shut the door and press the “new baseline” key. The instrument will make all kinds of rude noises, move up to the first position, then begin to scan. 5. Do not open the sample compartment until the baseline is completed. 6. Once the baseline is completed, the instrument will return the sample holder to the original position. 7. Make sure the sample position indicator in on “2.” 8. Press the “new scan” or “scan” key. 9. Do not open the sample compartment until the scan is completed. 96 10. Print a copy of the scan for each lab partner to tape in his or her book. Take care to not tape over the print or the adhesive in the tape will dissolve it 11. Describe the shape of the spectrum in your notebook. Does the DNA absorb any wavelengths of UV light? If so, what is the max? Is this UVA, UVB, UVC, or all three? UV scan of sunscreen: 1. Dry the quartz cuvets. Near the top of one of them, write a small letter ‘S’ so that you can distinguish the cuvets. 2. Record your visual observations. Clean it with a Kimwipe. We do not want fingerprints scattering the light! 3. Place the cuvet in the #2 position of the sample holder. 4. Shut the door, then make sure the sample position indicator in on “2.” 5. Press the “new scan” or “scan” key. 6. Do not open the sample compartment until the scan is completed. 7. Print a copy of the scan for each lab partner to tape in his or her book. Take care to not tape over the print or the adhesive in the tape will dissolve it 8. Describe the shape of the spectrum in your notebook. Does the sunscreen absorb any wavelengths of UV light? If so, what is the max? Is this UVA, UVB, UVC, or all three? 97 Page intentionally blank. 98 REPORT SHEET-Interaction of UV Light with Matter Name____________________________ Partner’s name __________________________ Section______________ Date_________ I. Complete the table of results. Indicate if the substance tested absorbs UVA, UVB, or UVC. For the sunscreen, list the name of the active ingredient. Gather a few results from your labmates. Substance Absorbs UVA? Absorbs UVB? Absorbs UVC? Quartz Glass Water DNA Answer the following. Include your scientific evidence to support your answer where appropriate. II. If the windows of your home or car were made of quartz, would they protect your from UV light? III. Do standard glass windows protect your from UV light? IV. Does being under water (as when swimming) protect you from UV light? 99 V. What common functional group is found in the active ingredients of sunscreens? VI. Based upon your findings for question V, what functional group of DNA is likely to interact with UV light? VII. What purpose does this functional group in DNA serve? VIII. How could UV damage to this functional group cause cancer? 100