
-majority of energy used (99%) results in heat
-outer shell electrons are temporarily excited
-as fall back into orbit, release energy as infrared radiation (heat)
-heat is directly related to mAs and kVp
-heat units calculated as mVp x mA (single phase only) x 1.35 for HF
-if release too much heat, can crack or melt the anode ($5000 repair bill)
-you buy anodes based on their heat ratings
(typical anode holds 150,000 heat units (HU)
(larger anodes hold up to 400,000 HU)
X-ray production
-characteristic radiation (sometimes)
-Bremsstrahlung radiation (always)
Characteristic radiation
-radiation produced is characteristic for anode material (usually Tungsten (W)~69.5keV)
-depends on electron binding energies for target material
-cannot use tungsten for mammograms (to get soft tissue contrast-use molybdenum (Mb)) 28kV
-special tubes &targets for breasts vs bones
-projectile electron ionizes a K shell electron
-electrons from higher orbits fill the "hole"
-change in electron binding energies results in photons w/that keV value
(from l,m,n,o,p shells falling to k shells etc.)
-at 69.5keV-no characteristic radiation (tungsten)-just Bremsstrahlung
-get a spectrum of energies-useful energies are outer shell electron dropping into a K shell
Bremsstrahlung radiation
-braking (slowing,decelerating) radiation
-projectile electron (negative charge) comes under the influence of the nucleus (electron Coulomb force)
-projectile electron changes direction, variably
-change in direction causes Bremsstrahlung x-ray photon production (conservation of momentum)
-get lots of tiny photons due to lots of minute changes in direction
-max energy an electron can give up (depends on kVp)
the ones that have to do almost a complete u-turn, give up energy almost equal to their kVp
# photons
70 kV
-lots of low kV photons produced-bad for people, gets absorbed by skin, etc.
-if kVp >70, ~15% is characteristic, rest is Bremsstrahlung
-use filters to get rid of low kV stuff
Filtered peak kV >70
graph of filtered xray output where peak kV <70
AC (alternating current)
half-wave rectification-only keep positive halves
-in past-took long time to do an x-ray-irradiate,wait,irradiate some more
rectification-full wave
-convert negative halves to positive
unnecessary waiting (“ripple”)
-gives 2x the x-rays in same amount of time
-peaks of arches should be equal to what you set on the console
-but still have dead time in valleys (ripple factor)
3-phase,full wave rectified waveform
-keeps average energy in beam higher
-ripple only 10%
-PROBLEM-3 phase is expensive (wiring to get 3 phase into your building is $$$$$$)
6 kHz Medium Frequency electrical waveform (1965-Gendex)
-cheaper than 3 phase
Switch creates the jagged portion
-“Universal” xray- single phase source (subsidiary of Gendex
100 kHx (1994)
-field effect transistor(can switch 100k times per sec)
-very fine control-ripple ~1%
(forgive the drawing)
-but Gendex/Universal gave lighter xray than Bennett-50% due to ripple
-added more time (by trial & error)
Question-Does the patient pay a burden in dose to get comparable xray densities?
Answer- YES-20% more (50%of problem is due to ripple)
Neuro-electrical way to measure dose
TLD badges-chemical way to measure dose
Gendex threatened to sue to keep results from being published.
Xray emissions spectrum of filtered beam:
# of xrays
-the fact that the part after the spike exists means beam >70
Ripple Factor
Single phase-100%
3 phase-10%
Gendex med. Freq-10%
Bennett high freq-1%
-both Universal & Bennett advertise as high freq.
-other countries call Universal med freq. (only high freq. If >40 kHz)
-list price the same for Universal & Bennett
-bidding war, Universal will go lower (NOTE: Bennett-welded joints/Universal-soldered joints)
-Bennett- better quality control-checks table material for bubbles & cut them out(bubbles effect exposure)
-ripple factor also affects correction factor (directly proportional)
*read instructions for SuperTech before lab.
# xrays
400 mA
200 mA can create 2x as many photons if double the mA
xray energy (keV)
same kVp (same intersection)
-use amount of mAs to darken/lighten the xray
-if change kVp:
90 kVp
80 kVp
xray energy (keV)
-peak fo80 kVp is to left of peak for 90 kVp graph
-so-if increased kVp, also increased # of higher energy photons
-so harder to control darkening or lightening of image
effect of filtration
2mm Al
-more highly filtered beam
-peak shifted slightly to R
4 mm Al
-why-filter out lower energy photons(fewer photons,but higher energy/higher avg. energy)
3 24 = 8 avg.
30= 6 avg
mR=milli Roentgens (measure of output)
mR per mAs
mR per mAs
single phase
high freq.
U.S. – single phase systems no longer allowed for mammograms
-single phase already outlawed in some countries
-SO- don’tbuy single phase machines when grad.
Roentgen-got Nobel Prize for discovering xrays
-didn’t want Germans to get his medal, so he dissolved it in nitric acid
Properties of xray
-no mass
-no electrical charge
-travel at speed of light
-can penetrate most matter
-travel in straight line until interact w/matter (then can be scattered)
-if run into a big atom can get absorbed
-capable of making certain chemical compounds flouresce
-capable of exposing photographic film
-can change biologic matter by ionization (messes up DNA)
Edison- at turn of century-calcium tungstate produced brightest light-invented fluorescope
Note- early radiologists discovered early radiation produced diseases (cancer,thyroid,etc.)
-baggage checks-hard on film (heavy ionizers)
-part of electromagnetic spectrum
-avg. wavelength of 10 to the minus ninth cm
-avg. freq of 10 th the 18th hertz
-avg. energy of 60,000 eV
-EM spectrum includes-IR, visable light, microwaves, UV, radio waves, TV waves
Xray quantity
-# of xray photons in an exposure beam
-quantity = output intensity = radiation exposure
-measured in roentgens ® or mR
-international community uses Gray (Gy) (pt. Dose) Sieverts (occupational)
-US diagnostic xray- 1 rad=1 rem = 1R (rad= radiation absorbed dose, rem=radiation equivalent for man)
-final measure is in terms of mR/mAs
-70 kVp is usually 3-6 mR/mAs
-mAs- quantity directly proportional
-kVp-15% rule (16-20%)
-affects both # of photons and their average energy
-increase in kVp by 15% must be balanced by a 50% decrease in mAs
-conversely, a decrease in kVp by 15% must be balanced by a doubling of mAs
-result, in either case, are two films of equivalent average density but a change in contrast
-if increase kVp, will darken film, so need to decrease mAs to compensate
-contrast- amount of difference (ex- black vs white)
-do not leave it in a closed car
-70kVp gives reasonable contrast in C spine
-80kVp gives reasonable contrast in T spine
-90kVp gives reasonable contrast in L spine
-80 for obliques & 90 for lateral views
lower kVp setting--more black & white
higher kVp settingless contrast
morbidly obese people-takes more kVp-hard on machine, could damage it
inverse square law
-to maintain the density (photons/in squared) of the film, if FFD is increase 100%,
you need to quadruple the mAs
-conversely, if you cut the FFD by 50%, you would need ¼ the mAs
-if you increased distance by 50% you would double the mAs
density translates to dose but at 80” you get a sharper film (not as magnified)
-do not want to take standing xrays where have to expose for more than 1 sec.
-if calculated out to >1 sec.,revise your parameters (ex. MAs, distance.)
I(1) = D(2)
I(2) D(1)
need to know 3 variables to solve for the other one.
Xray quality- refers to penetrating power of the beam.
-hard vs soft xrays
-hard xrays have higher kVp values
-soft xrays have lower kVp values (more damaging because get absorbed by soft tissues
because can’t penetrate as well)
-measured by half value layers (HVL)
-the thickness of an absorbing maaterial necessary to increase intensity by ½ of its
original value (ex- lead, concrete, aluminum, etc.)
-useful if trying to duplicate experiments.
Factors affecting quality
-filtration(inherent, added, compensating)
-inherent to construction of tube-glass, oil, plug (plastic)
-added to meet safety standards
-compensating- to adjust for size of different body parts
Filters- ($500)- help you produce higher quality films for your practice
5 Interactions
-Classical scattering
-Compton effect
-photoelectric effect
-pair production
-photodisintergration (the last two occur at high energies)
Classical scattering
-aka coherent or Thompson scattering
-between low energy photons & atoms
-photon does minimal change of direction w/o loss of energy
-filter out most of these before leave tube
-no ionization
-most scatter forward
-may contribute to film fogging (but not our biggest problem)
Compton effect
-between moderate energy xray photons & an outer shell electron ( in pt., bucky, etc.)
-photon changes direction, loses energy & ionizes atom, creating a Compton effect
X-ray Fun.
-have to adjust accommodation for angulation and distance from tube.
-common mistake-order rails too short-want tubes to go closer than 40”
to allow for effects of tube tilt(which effectively lengthens the distance).
Wall Chart
{TCF Values}
ex.-30 degree tube tilt makes a 40” distance effectively 46”
{this leads to a decrease in intensity of image}
-do not see a significant intensity difference for 5-10 degree tilt{1-2 inches difference}.
-do see a significant intensity difference at 15 degrees.
Differential Absorption
-Compton scattered xrays contribute no useful information.
Compton Effect
-between moderate energy xray photons and an outer shell electron.
-xray photon changes direction, loses energy, ionizes atom creating a Compton effect.
{electron binding energies involved}
-scattered photon may ionize another atom{leave at the speed of light, 1 photon can do multiple
-may cause backscatter{180 degrees}{why operator stands behind barrier}
-adds to film fog {layer of grayness}
-increases with increaseing kVp
{note-fat is more easily penetrated than water or bone, so don’t ned to crank up the kVp for an
obease person}
Photoelectric Effect
-between moderate energy xray photons and an inner shell electron.
-photon loses all of its energy, ionizes the atom creating a photoelectron {characteristic electron}
{pt. briefly becomes an xray generator}
-produces characteristic xrays {secondary radiation} in the object being xrayed.
-secondary xrays behave like scattered xrays.
Differential Absorption
-Compton scattered xrays contribute no useful information{ex- rib reflection doesn’t add to spinal
-adds radiographic density, results in film fog {“plus”density}
-structures that absorb a great amount of xray are radiopaque{show up white on xray} ex. - outer
-structures that allow xrays to pass through are radiolucent {ex.-soft tissue, air spaces}
-the main difference is the atomic # of the structures.
-generally <5% of xrays that hit the pt. reach the film.
-less than ½ of those interact w/film to form an image.
-therefore approx. 1% of xrays emitted from the tube reaches the film.
-maximal DA results from lower kVp values[-kVp is tied to contrast, mAs is tied to density]
{more contrast at lower kVp, but may not show all the structures}
-but as kVp is lowered, pt. dose increases{pt. pays for contrast-healthwise}
[note-some states regulate this more tightly than MO does {ex. Il., Ca.}]
-at lower energies{kVp}, the percentage of photoelectric interactions increases{relativ to Compton}
at 40kVp, ~ equal
60kVp, more Compton
{Logan- ~ 85% Compton, 15% photoelectric}
-to image small differences in soft tissue {renal stones} use low kVp technique {for maximal
differential absorption} note-if pt. says he can’t find a way to decrease the pain, the cause is
probably not biomechanical.
-ex.-renal stones- take abdominal pictures at 60 kVp {instead of higher}
-cracked ribs-hard to find
[-take proper rib series {3 views}, put sore side closest to film, 2 oblique views, pt. can point to
-if radiating pain down arm-need oblique views of neck so can see size of foramen.
-You can “see” 4 things radiographically.
*Fat-larger atoms, so absorb more xrays-looks lighter than air, darker than water.
-water density- kidney, etc.
-have to create different densities to tell water from water {ex. Pneumonia xrays -hard to tell lung
-the interaction of xrays & tissue is proportional to the density {specific gravity} of the tissue.
-attenuation is the reduction in the # of xrays as they penetrate matter. Xrays are attenuated
Beam Restriction
-2 types of photons interact with the film to form image : those which don’t interact and Compton
-remnant xrays- photons that exit pt. and interact w/the film.
-Collimation reduces pt. dose by 1} limiting the volume if tissue irradiated & 2} reducing the
amount of
scatter {also reduces fogging}.
-federal law- xray beam shall not be larger than the film being exposed.
Factors affecting scatter radiation
-as kVp increases, the relative # of Compton interactions increases.
-in general, high {optimal} kVp technique is preferred to low kVp technique due to pt. dose
-field size- as area of beam enlarges, scatter increases. Seen more on small film sizes.
-pt. thickness, the thicker the part, the more scatter. Pt. thickness is under your control.{Deciding
perform lumbar spine & abdominal films in the recumbent vs upright positions.}Compression
may also be
used. {compression band should appear as part of room drawing. $50-200}
-xray tables- useful for paraplegics, babies, broken legs, etc.
Control of scatter radiation
-use beam reduction & grids
-beam restriction
-aperture diaphragm
-cones or cylinders
-variable aperture collimator
-aperture diaphragms are generally not suitable for general practice.
-cones used primarily by dentists
-general practice requires variable aperture collimator.
-variable aperture collimators {positive beam limitation}
-off-focus radiation may be decreased by a first stage entrance shuttering device.{ off -focus
is why gonad shields are a good idea even when doing an xray of the neck}
stage collimator shutter leaves are made of lead { at least 3 mm thick}, work in pairs,
yielding square or rectangular fields which compliment the film size being used.
-light localization by lamp & mirror{ place rheostat on xray room lights, collimator bulbs are
handle with tissue when installing or their life will be shortened and crack.
-light must coincide with the xray beam. Can get bumped & get out of adjustment.
-by law- need to collimate on 3 sides {white border}- esp. for females.
-open mouth xrays-limit to 3”-4” tall and cheek to cheek
-if equipment properly installed and maintained, the resulting film will show evidence of 4 sides of
-collimation adds ~ 1mm of aluminum filtration equivalent.
X-ray Fun. Lab.
-thick part of arm goes at cathode end.
-collimate the beam
-protect pt. with lead apron
1}turn on machine & console {all except compressor}
2}measure part to be xrayed
3}calculate mAs & set console {if <12cm, use NB}
4}position part – thick part at cathode end {stronger part of beam}
-centered at beam
-collimated to decrease area exposed
-machine at 40” from table
different room- diff correction factor, so have to recalculate the Mas
big room is single phase {TCF = -2}
end room is full wave therefore more exposure at same mAs. {TCF = -4}