UNIV112 Fall 2015 Syllabus TR

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UNIV 112 Focused Inquiry II: Fall 2015
Instructor: Dr. Joseph Schaub
Email: jschaub@vcu.edu
Office Location: Grace E. Harris Hall 5110
Office Hours: MWF 11:00-11:50 a.m., TR 2:00-3:00 p.m., and by appointment
Course Goals
As the second part of a two-semester course sequence, UNIV 112 (Focused Inquiry II) will help you to
improve your writing skills while continuing work on your critical thinking, ethical reasoning,
collaboration, oral communication, and information fluency skills. UNIV 112 is designed to provide you
with practice in multimodal analysis, textual analysis and synthesis, and argumentative writing supported
by ethical reasoning. This practice will prepare you for the types of writing you will encounter and be
expected to produce throughout your university career (and perhaps even beyond). Like UNIV 111,
UNIV 112 applies the notion of the "spiral curriculum" in that you build your skills by repeating key
concepts and adding to the complexity of those concepts with each subsequent unit.
Critical Thinking: continue to apply critical thinking to texts and ideas, with a specific focus on
analyzing and creating academic arguments that make sound claims and support conclusions
with appropriate evidence
Writing Proficiency: create formal and informal pieces of writing in a variety of genres, to
include timed, analytical, and ethical reasoning argument
Collaborative Learning: continue to work with peers on group assignments, projects and
classroom activities; practice peer response to writing assignments
Oral Communication: continue to build communication skills through active participation in
class discussions and formal presentations
Information Fluency: retrieve information through VCU Libraries, evaluate source reliability,
and critically read and respond to texts
Ethical and Civic Responsibility: consider multiple ethical points of view; apply methods of
ethical reasoning to texts and arguments
Quantitative Literacy: evaluate quantitative information when used as evidence
In UNIV 112, you will continue to develop your ability to interpret, analyze, evaluate, and infer based on
appropriate evidence. The course will emphasize writing, revising, and proofreading. By the end of the
class, you will produce work that reflects your ability to appropriately frame writing according to both
purpose and audience. More specifically, you will be equipped to narrow your topics to an academic
focus, analyze single texts, analyze and synthesize multiple texts, construct an argument based on ethical
reasoning and scholarly evidence which contends with counter-arguments, shape your ideas for an
academic audience, correct mechanical problems in your writing, and cite sources appropriately.
UNIV 112 is divided up into three theoretically and thematically connected units. These units are:
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Required Course Materials
You must have all of these materials to be successful in the class.
Hacker, Diana and Nancy Sommers. A Writer’s Reference, Eighth Edition with “Writing in the
Disciplines” and “Multimodal Projects” inserts.
Hayden McNeil Custom Reader: True Stories: Focused Inquiry, VCU 2015-2016 Edition
Lepore – The Secret History of Wonder Woman (2015 Summer Reading)
VCU email account/Blackboard account RamPages account/site, and reliable daily access to
those accounts.
Core Assignments
Writing: As in UNIV 111, students will produce one core writing assignment during each of the three
units of the course. Each piece of writing will be taken through a process of drafting, revision, and/or
reflection, which may include preliminary drafts, guided revision, peer review, and critical selfassessment. Core writing assignments in each unit will grow out of and evidence the critical thinking and
critical reading that occurs during the unit. When secondary research is involved, sources should be
properly documented with in-text citations and a Works Cited or References page. In addition to the core
writing assignments, students will also be expected to practice writing inside and outside of class through
various class activities, which may include blog posts and responses, critical responses to assigned
readings and ideas, peer review feedback, and other class activities.
Unit I: Students will produce a multimodal analysis - shaped to consider the needs of audience
and purpose - that includes a claim, reasons, and evidence.
Unit II: Students will produce a piece of analytical writing that summarizes, analyzes, and
synthesizes outside sources (minimum of 4 pages or 1000 words).
Unit III: Students will produce an Ethical Reasoning Argument (5-7 pages or 1250-1750 words)
Oral Communication: Each student will complete one formal (i.e. planned & rehearsed) individual
presentation and one formal collaborative oral presentation. These presentations may be subject to
specific parameters, such as time limits, use of audio/visual aids, delivery technique, etc. In addition to
these two formal presentations, students will also regularly be asked to orally share their ideas, written
work, summaries of readings or group discussions, and critical responses to readings, assignments, or
class activities.
Course Grading
Weight of course components in final grade:
Core Assignments (core writing assignments and oral presentations): 60%
Other Course Work (can include process work for core assignments): 20%
Class Attendance and Active Class Participation: 20%
See the addendum under “Syllabus” for more specific assignment weights.
Students must earn a C or better in UNIV 112 to exit the course. Students who do not earn a C or
better must repeat the course.
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Course Policies
Focused Inquiry Program Attendance Policy: UNIV 112 requires prepared, active participation during
class sessions.
 While attendance is mandatory, students should not expect to do well simply by attending.
 Being absent from class does not relieve students of responsibility for completing all course work
by the scheduled due dates.
 The instructor has the right to lower a student's final course grade as the sole result of his or her
repeated absences and tardiness
 Students who miss more than 25% of the classes will automatically fail. In a TTH class, this is 8
or more absences.
 There are no “excused” or “unexcused” absences.
I keep and report daily attendance. You will receive an automated email each time you are absent. This
email is also sent to your advisor. If you receive an email in error, please let me know immediately.
Cell Phone and Laptop Policy: Cell phones and laptops can be put to good use, but for most students,
create significant distractions in an active-learning class such as ours. On most class days, you will be
engaged in doing and discussing things rather than taking notes or looking things up. Therefore, unless
instructed otherwise, please leave your laptops in their cases. Turn off your cell phone before entering the
classroom and put it away. If there are abuses to the cell phone policy, we’ll have to go to plan B, in
which there will be a storage box for everyone’s cell phone, to avoid temptation.
(Exceptions to the policy will be made only on an individual basis (For instance, if you have a job that
requires you to be on-call or you are a parent with a sick child; or you have a disability requiring notetaking via computer rather than handwriting. You’ll need to clear any of these exceptions with the
professor early).
Paper Acceptance Policy: Papers are due by the beginning of class on the due date. You will turn in
a paper copy in class; and in many cases, you will submit an electronic version to SafeAssign link in
Late papers will lose half a letter grade for each day they are late (including weekends). If a
situation arises in which you know in advance a paper will be late, please discuss this with me at least a
week before the paper is due in order to have an extended due date considered. Papers submitted via
email will not be accepted.
Blackboard: Course documents, schedules, assignments, discussion forums, communication, and secure
file storage in the Content System are available through the Blackboard learning management system or
through your VCU portal. You are required to check Blackboard on a regular basis and are completely
responsible for the consequences of not reading announcements, assignments, or other posts in a timely
fashion. The library has computers with Internet connections available for student use. If you have
technical difficulties with Blackboard, VCU email, or your computer, it is your responsibility to resolve
those difficulties through the appropriate channels in a timely manner. The technology help desk can be
reached at 828-2227 or online here.
Submission of online work and use of Rampages: Rampages is a VCU-wide platform for online and
connected learning across courses. The Focused Inquiry Department requires that all students create an
active Rampages account on which they will engage in online learning activities.
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VCU students have the opportunity to narrate, curate, and share the story of their learning and
achievements with the world. Universities such as Penn State, the University of Oklahoma, Emory
University, and the University of Mary Washington have offered this opportunity to their students with
great success, and we anticipate VCU’s experience will be just as beneficial.
While we encourage you to participate in the full experience of “connected learning,” we also want you to
know that you have rights and responsibilities when posting course work online:
 As part of this course, students must create Rampages sites that are accessible online. Rampages
allows students to control the visibility of their work (i.e., restricted to specific users, restricted to
the VCU community, or publicly accessible). At a minimum, students must allow their instructor
to view their work. Please consult with your instructor if you would like more information on
restricting the visibility of your Rampages site.
 Students must be in compliance with the end user licenses, platform policies, and applicable laws
for any open- or protected-access sites that they choose to use in support of their work for VCU.
This includes sites such as Blackboard, YouTube, Google Drive, Slideshare, or any cloud storage
students choose to use. Please familiarize yourself with any user licensing agreements and
applicable laws that may apply.
 Students have intellectual property rights to work they generate in support of their studies at VCU
as described in the VCU Intellectual Property Policy. If a class project offers use of a site that
requires users to waive intellectual property rights to posted content, students may utilize an
alternate platform for posting or submission of their materials. Please consult with your
instructor for more information.
 Students are responsible for the work they share online or in any manner. No group work may be
posted online or used in any manner other than submission to the course instructor without full
consent of all group members.
 VCU policies and regulations regarding the network and resources are also applicable.
University Policies
Campus emergency information: What to know and do to be prepared for emergencies at VCU.
Sign up to receive VCU text messaging alerts. Keep your information up-to-date. Within the
classroom, the professor will keep his or her phone on to receive any emergency transmissions.
Know the safe evacuation route from each of your classrooms. Emergency evacuation routes are
posted in on-campus classrooms.
Listen for and follow instructions from VCU or other designated authorities. Within the
classroom, follow your professor's instructions.
Know where to go for additional emergency information.
Know the emergency phone number for the VCU Police (828-1234).
Report suspicious activities and objects.
Keep your permanent address and emergency contact information current in eServices.
Class registration required for attendance: Students may attend only those classes for which they have
registered. Faculty may not add students to class rosters or Blackboard. Therefore, if students are
attending a class for which they have not registered, they must stop attending.
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Extended Reading Days on the Monroe Park Campus – September 19-27: Regular classes will not be
held on the Monroe Park Campus from Sept. 21 through Sept. 25. Faculty and students in the Health
Sciences schools (Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Allied Health Professions) will need to
check with their academic program contact as each schedule will be managed separately. This schedule
accommodates the 2015 UCI Road World Championships that will be held in Richmond that week. For
more information on the race, visit richmond2015.vcu.edu.
Honor System: upholding academic integrity: The VCU Honor System policy describes the
responsibilities of students, faculty and administration in upholding academic integrity, while at the same
time respecting the rights of individuals to the due process offered by administrative hearings and appeals.
According to this policy, "Members of the academic community are required to conduct themselves in
accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity." In addition, "All members of
the VCU community are presumed to have an understanding of the VCU Honor System and are required
Agree to be bound by the Honor System policy and its procedures;
Report suspicion or knowledge of possible violations of the Honor System;
Support an environment that reflects a commitment to academic integrity;
Answer truthfully when called upon to do so regarding Honor System cases;
Maintain confidentiality regarding specific information in Honor System cases."
More information can be found at in the VCU policy library under the Education and Student Life tab.
In this class, because coursework will be at times collaborative, particular issues of integrity arise. You
should not copy or print another student’s work without permission. Any material (this includes ideas and
language) from another source must be credited, whether that material is quoted directly, summarized, or
paraphrased. In other words, you should respect the work of others and in no way present it as your own.
Important dates: You can view important dates for the semester in the academic calendar.
Mandatory responsibility of faculty members to report incidents of sexual misconduct: It is
important for students to know that all faculty members are mandated reporters of any incidents of sexual
misconduct/violence (e.g., sexual assault, sexual exploitation and partner or relationship violence). This
means that faculty cannot keep information about sexual misconduct/violence confidential if you share
that information with them and they must report this information immediately to the university's Title IX
Coordinator. In addition, department chairs, deans, and other unit administrators are required to report
incidents of sex or gender-based discrimination to the university's Title IX Coordinator.
Confidential reporting sources include staff in Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence at the Wellness
Resource Center, University Counseling Services and University Student Health Services. The Policy on
Sexual Misconduct/Violence and Sex/Gender Discrimination - Interim, can be found in the VCU Policy
Military short-term training or deployment: If military students receive orders for short-term training
or for deployment/mobilization, they should inform and present their orders to Military Student Services
and to their professor(s). For further information on policies and procedures contact Military Student
Services at 828-5993 or access the corresponding policies.
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Student conduct in the classroom: According to the Faculty Guide to Student Conduct in Instructional
Settings, "The university is a community of learners. Students, as well as faculty, have a responsibility for
creating and maintaining an environment that supports effective instruction. In order for faculty members
(including graduate teaching assistants) to provide and students to receive effective instruction in
classrooms, laboratories, studios, online courses, and other learning areas, the university expects students
to conduct themselves in an orderly and cooperative manner." Among other things, cell phones should be
turned off while in the classroom. The Student Code of Conduct also prohibits the possession of or
carrying of any weapon. For more information see http://register.dls.virginia.gov/details.aspx?id=3436.
Student email policy: Email is considered an official method for communication at VCU because it
delivers information in a convenient, timely, cost-effective, and environmentally aware manner. Students
are expected to check their official VCU email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to remain
informed of university-related communications. The university recommends checking email daily.
Students are responsible for the consequences of not reading, in a timely fashion, university-related
communications sent to their official VCU student email account. This policy ensures that all students
have access to this important form of communication. It ensures students can be reached through a
standardized channel by faculty and other staff of the university as needed. Mail sent to the VCU email
address may include notification of university-related actions, including disciplinary action. Please read
the policy in its entirety at the VCU Policy Library under the Education and Student Life tab.
Student financial responsibility: Students assume the responsibility of full payment of tuition and fees
generated from their registration and all charges for housing and dining services, and other applicable
miscellaneous charges. Students are ultimately responsible for any unpaid balance on their account as a
result of the University Financial Aid Office or their third party sponsor canceling or reducing their
Students representing the university – excused absences: Students who represent the university
(athletes and others) do not choose their schedules. Student athletes are required to attend games and/or
meets. All student athletes should provide their schedules to their instructors at the beginning of the
semester. The Intercollegiate Athletic Council strongly encourages faculty to treat missed classes or
exams (because of a scheduling conflict) as excused absences and urges faculty to work with the students
to make up the work or exam.
Students with disabilities: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, require that VCU provide "academic adjustments" or "reasonable
accommodations" to any student who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a
major life activity. To receive accommodations, students must register with the Disability Support
Services Office on the Monroe Park Campus (828-2253) or the Division for Academic Success on the
MCV campus (828-9782). Please also visit the Disability Support Services website and/or the Division
for Academic Success website for additional information.
Once students have completed the DSS registration process, they should schedule a meeting with their
instructor (s) and provide their instructor (s) with an official DSS accommodation letter. Accommodation
letters will outline the required classroom accommodations. Additionally, if coursework requires the
student to work in a lab environment, the student should advise the instructor or a department chairperson
of any concerns that the student may have regarding safety issues related to a disability. Students should
follow this procedure for all courses in the academic semester.
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VCU Mobile: The VCU Mobile application is a valuable tool to get the latest VCU information on the
go. The application contains helpful information including the VCU directory, events, course schedules,
campus maps, athletics and general VCU news, emergency information, library resources, Blackboard
and more. To download the application on your smart phone or for more information, please
visit http://m.vcu.edu.
Withdrawal from classes: Before withdrawing from classes, students should consult their instructor as
well as other appropriate university offices. Withdrawing from classes may negatively impact a student’s
financial aid award and his or her semester charges. To discuss financial aid and the student bill, visit
the Student Services Center at 1015 Floyd Avenue (Harris Hall) and/or contact your financial aid
counselor regarding the impact on your financial aid.
Make a Commitment to Community Learning
Your learning here at VCU is not limited to what goes on in your classrooms; in fact, part of a full and
rich college experience is tapping into as many different kinds of learning as possible. Learning happens
as a result of being exposed to different ideas and different experiences, both in the classroom and
beyond, in the larger University community. It often takes other peoples’ perspectives and opinions to
spark in us new and deeper ways of seeing something. Think, for example, when you listen to other
people in class or in general conversation, how many times you have said to yourself, “Gee. I never
thought of it that way before.” Thus, we learn and think through social exchange. Be a social learner
while you are here. There are a number of social learning communities that should be of particular interest
to you as a first-year student.
Campus Learning Center
Hibbs Hall, 1st Floor
VCU Libraries
Cabell Library Research &
Instructional Services for UNIV
111 and UNIV 112
Focused Inquiry Guides
Academic Advising
Hibbs Hall, 1st Floor
827-8648 (UNIV)
The Writing Center
Academic Learning Commons,
4th Floor, Room 4203
The University College Campus Learning Center offers a variety of
community learning opportunities to support your work in most 100
and 200 level courses. You can receive one-on-one or group based
learning support at no charge. Study skills assistance is also available.
Check out the CLC website for complete information.
VCU Libraries are one of the largest research libraries in Virginia –
with nearly two million volumes; almost 24,000 journal and other serial
titles; more than 3.18 million microforms; film, video, sound, comic,
manuscript and book art collections; and the largest health sciences
library in Virginia. James Branch Cabell Library is the university’s
center for study and research in the arts, humanities, social sciences,
and physical sciences.
The University College provides academic advising for all first-year
students and for those who are not yet admitted into a professional
school or academic program. Your advisor can help you find your way
around the university, especially in helping you understand academic
requirements and policies, choosing an appropriate program of study,
and identifying educational and career goals.
The University College Writing Center offers support for currently
enrolled VCU students and faculty. Services for students include oneon-one consultations and workshops on a wide variety of topics
associated with academic writing, reading, and critical thinking. As you
work on your writing assignments, you will benefit the most if you plan
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multiple visits to the Writing Center – for brainstorming and planning,
for developing and organizing, and then for revising.
Students are now able to schedule appointments online. They can do
this via UCMe, or they can also click "Advising Appointments" in the
VCU portal.
English Language Resources
@ the Writing Center
Academic Learning Commons,
4th Floor, Room 4203
English Language Resources @ the Writing Center provides
specialized support to English Language Learners at VCU. This service
encourages success by helping students develop their vocabulary and
reading comprehension, fluency in composition, oral communication,
and understanding of American academic rhetorical expectations. Stop
by the Writing Center or call to ask for an ELR consultation!
Overview of the Course Schedule
Unit I
Experience/Culture/Text: In addition to reading, discussing, and analyzing The Secret History
of Wonder Woman, you will produce a multimodal analysis.
You will also think carefully about best practices for shaping ideas to meet audience expectations
and how to offer reasoning and evidence to support a claim, particularly in a multimodal work.
You will begin to identify and assess ethical questions and problems. You will reflect on your
writing practices and revise your writing in light of written and oral responses.
Inquiry Questions: How do we approach a text in assessing not only its meaning, but also its
methods? What kinds of support do writers need to offer for the assertions they make? What can
one learn from a text about writerly choices and the craft of writing? How do shared
understandings affect ethical choices? How does the writing/thinking situation change when the
medium or mode changes?
Core Assignments:
Multimodal Analysis
Unit II
Text/Context: You will examine narratives within a cultural, political, ethical, or historical
context by posing a research question and engaging in the research process. You will attend an
intensive library instruction session to further learn about academic research in the VCU library
system. You will also think critically about expert sources, their credibility, and their sources of
knowledge. You will continue to reflect on your writing practices and revise your writing in light
of written and oral responses. You will also practice generating ideas for larger writing projects,
working to improve your ability in determining how sources relate to each other, how you discern
and explain that relationship, and what meaning emerges from it.
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Inquiry Questions: How does considering the “larger” (i.e. social, political, historical, etc.)
contexts of a topic lead to greater critical understanding? How can exploring “expert” sources
help one understand these larger contexts? How are the larger questions that characterize the
human experience changing over time or from culture to culture? How does organizing a topic
and synthesizing sources for an academic audience lead to more substantive analysis?
Core Assignments:
 Writing: Analytical writing which summarizes, analyzes, and synthesizes outside sources
(minimum of 4 pages or 1000 words)
 Collaborative Presentation: [this core assignment can be placed in any unit, at
Instructor’s discretion]
Unit III
Context/Argument: In this unit, you will utilize the research methods and writing strategies you
learned about in Unit II to produce research questions that will lead to additional research and
writing. The culminating product will be an ethical reasoning argument—a piece of writing that
takes a position and/or makes a claim and supports that position through ethical reasoning and
other forms of academic evidence. You will continue to reflect on your writing practices and
revise your writing in light of written and oral responses.
Inquiry Questions: How does one navigate thinking and research when writing for an academic
audience? How does starting the research process with a question change the process itself?
What kinds of questions lend themselves to ethical reasoning and academic research? How can
different answers, and even different kinds of answers, to research questions, help form more
complex claims? How can one maintain one’s “voice” within a more formal piece of writing?
How do we begin to understand our place and represent our ideas in the larger academic
Core Assignments:
 Individual Writing: Ethical Reasoning Argument (5-7 pages or 1250-1750 words)
 Individual Presentation [this core assignment can be placed in any unit, at Instructor’s
UNIV 112 Calendar: Fall 2015
(Calendar subject to revision at professor’s discretion)
Reading assignments (in blue) are listed on the day they are DUE—so finish reading them before that
class day.
Writing Assignments (in red) are due the day and time they’re listed.
Quizzes missed due to absence must be made up online (in Blackboard) prior to the next class period.
Textbook abbreviations:
FITS= Focused Inquiry: True Stories
WR=A Writer’s Reference
WW=The Secret History of Wonder Woman
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If we are scheduled to discuss a particular text on a given day, you must bring your copy of that text to
class that day.
August 20
Introduction to the Course, introduction of people in
class; critical thinking exercise; introduction to
Blackboard and RamPages course site; coverage of
essay 1, first part
Jamie Whyte “The Right to Your Opinion” (FITS,
p. 384+)
Read individual presentations instructions (Course
Documents in Blackboard)
Bring your laptop to class
Reading/Review Quiz: on reading and key points
from last Thursday’s class
Discussion of ethical argumentation, critical
inquiry, with exercises
Lesson on using RamPages and instructions for
first blog post
Essay 1, part 1 due
Phillip Lopate, “The Essay, An Exercise in Doubt”
(FITS 231+);
Reading/Review Quiz: on today’s reading and key
points from Tuesday;
Exercise/response based on the FITS reading topic
Coverage of essay 1, 2nd part;
Activity: “How not to do a presentation”
Write and post your first RamPages blog entry
before end of Friday the 28th (#classcommunity).
Read and respond thoughtfully to others’ posts prior
to next Tuesday’s class (don’t wait until Monday
night to do this—spread discussion over the next few
Note: Wednesday the 26th is the last day to
add/drop classes.
September 1
Bring your essay 1, part 2 plans to class
Review Quiz on last Thursday’s key points;
Coverage of essay 1, part 2 process, with
exercises and peer feedback;
Individual presentations on “heroes” concept;
As time allows: #classcommunity class rules
Essay 1, part 2 due
(Reading of Wonder Woman should be
completed before today’s class)
Reading quiz;
Stephanie Wildman and Adrienne Davis, “Making
Systems of Privilege Visible” (FITS, 389+)
Quiz on today’s reading and Tuesday’s key points;
Field Trip and critical discussion, using worksheet
(check Blackboard/RamPages for field trip location)
with focus on claims, reasons, warrants, and
Individual presentations on “heroes” concept;
Intro to the Focused Inquiry Learning Lounge
Note: Friday, September 4th is the deadline for
students to provide advance written notification
to observe religious holidays.
Bring laptop to class
Critical discussion of WW;
RamPages tutorial, Q&A
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Critical discussion of WW;
Individual presentation(s) on “heroes” concept
Read peer review instructions (Writing
Assignments folder)
Bring a copy—printed or electronic—of your
essay 1 draft to class
Review quiz of Wonder Woman text and
Peer review of essay 1;
Local issues Q&A on essay 1;
Individual presentation(s) on “heroes” concept
Reading Days – No classes
Reflective blog entry on essay 1 process and
product due before today’s class.
Read the essay 2 instructions;
Be familiarizing yourself with the possible
readings from FITS to choose
Reading quiz;
Explanation/discussion of research narratives and
Synthesis matrix (Writing Assignments, unit 2
Student-chosen FITS reading
Critical reading for synthesis; introduction to the
synthesis matrix
Blog post with short list of your own research
questions due before class today
Model research source reading (course
documents): take care to note common aspects,
points of overlap with previous 2 readings
Fill out the synthesis matrix
Bring your short list of research questions, with
explanations, to class
Critical reading for synthesis;
Group feedback on research questions
Meet in Cabell Library
In library research day
Discovery draft of essay 2: submit to SafeAssign,
Unit 1 essay due (Include all 3 parts. Bring a printed
form to be handed in and send an electronic copy to
the SafeAssign link on Blackboard, under Writing
Assignments)—all due by beginning of class.
Bring laptop to class
Read reflective blog assignment sheet, perform in
class blogging;
Individual presentation(s) on “heroes” concept
Reading Days – No classes
October 1
WR: logical argumentation
Individual presentations: reading proposals
WR: research
Meet in Cabell Library
Library research instruction
Your chosen research question due to RamPages
before today’s class.
Critical reading/argument lesson;
Identifying common aspects, synthesizing using the
synthesis matrix;
Critical reading/argument lesson
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bring a copy to class
Writing lesson;
Peer discussion of the draft
November 3
Submit an electronic copy of your “tight” essay 2
draft to SafeAssign (and use the report to check
your draft). Bring a copy to class.
Writing lesson;
Local peer review
FITS reading
Argument lesson from FITS reading
Bring discovery draft for essay 3 to class
Peer response to discovery draft of essay 3
Submit essay 3 draft to SafeAssign, and bring
copy to class
Peer review of essay 3 draft
December 1
Essay 3 due (to SafeAssign, and bring printed
copy to class)
Group presentations
If you are aiming for previous essay grade
improvement, you should post your reflective
blog entry on the essay 3 process and product by
the end of the calendar day.
Writing lesson
The 30th is the last day to withdraw from class
with a “W.” Consult with your professor and
academic advisor before dropping a class
Essay 2 due (submit to SafeAssign and bring printed
copy to class)
Read essay 3 instructions
Moving from inquiry to argument
Reflective blog entry on essay 2 process and product
due before end of Monday, Nov. 9.
Argument lesson; class collaboration on model
Blog entry on essay 3 discovery points due before
today’s class
In class time for group presentation preparation
University Closed
Reflective blog entry on essay 3 process and product
due before class time (for those not aiming for
previous essay grade improvement).
Group presentations
Last day of classes