Representative American Writers

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Pikeville HS Academic Team’s
Big List of Authors
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Table of Contents
REPRESENTATIVE AMERICAN WRITERS................................................................... 3
COLONIAL TIMES IN AMERICA ................................................................................. 3
THE SHAPING OF A NEW NATION ............................................................................ 4
LITERATURE OF THE EARLY REPUBLIC.................................................................. 5
THE FLOWERING OF AMERICAN LITERATURE ....................................................... 6
TRANSITION TO THE MODERN AGE ........................................................................ 7
MODERN AMERICAN LITERATURE .......................................................................... 9
REPRESENTATIVE BRITISH WRITERS ..................................................................... 15
OLD ENGLISH PERIOD ............................................................................................ 15
MIDDLE ENGLISH PERIOD ...................................................................................... 15
THE RENAISSANCE ................................................................................................. 15
THE 17TH CENTURY................................................................................................ 17
THE 18TH CENTURY................................................................................................ 17
THE ROMANTIC MOVEMENT .................................................................................. 19
THE VICTORIAN AGE............................................................................................... 20
MODERN ENGLISH LITERATURE ........................................................................... 22
REPRESENTATIVE CANADIAN WRITERS ................................................................. 26
REPRESENTATIVE FRENCH WRITERS ..................................................................... 29
REPRESENTATIVE GERMAN WRITERS .................................................................... 33
REPRESENTATIVE ITALIAN WRITERS ...................................................................... 36
REPRESENTATIVE LATIN AMERICAN AUTHORS .................................................... 37
ARGENTINA ............................................................................................................. 37
BOLIVIA .................................................................................................................... 37
BRAZIL ..................................................................................................................... 38
CHILE ....................................................................................................................... 38
COLOMBIA ............................................................................................................... 39
COSTA RICA ............................................................................................................ 39
ECUADOR ................................................................................................................ 40
EL SALVADOR.......................................................................................................... 40
GUATEMALA ............................................................................................................ 40
HONDURAS .............................................................................................................. 41
NICARAGUA ............................................................................................................. 42
PANAMA ................................................................................................................... 42
PARAGUAY .............................................................................................................. 42
PERU ........................................................................................................................ 43
URUGUAY ................................................................................................................ 43
VENEZUELA ............................................................................................................. 43
REPRESENTATIVE RUSSIAN WRITERS .................................................................... 45
REPRESENTATIVE SPANISH WRITERS .................................................................... 48
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Representative American Writers
Between the founding of Jamestown (1607) and the signing of the Declaration of
Independence (1776), scattered English settlements grew into a group of colonies ready
to declare themselves a nation. The colonists changed from thinking and acting as
Englishmen to full awareness of themselves as Americans.
During this time almost all writing was devoted to spiritual concerns and to
practical matters of politics and promotion of settlements. In New England, fiction was
considered sinful and little poetry was written. A few interesting personal journals and
diaries survive.
Bradford, William (1590-1657), historian--'History of Plimoth Plantation'.
Bradstreet, Anne (1612?-72), poet--'The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America';
Byrd, William (1674-1744), historian and diarist--'History of the Dividing Line'; 'Secret
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-58), theologian--'Personal Narrative'; 'The Freedom of the
Knight, Sarah Kemble (1666-1727), diarist--'The Journal of Mme. Knight'.
Mather, Cotton (1663-1728), theologian--'Wonders of the Invisible World'; 'Magnalia
Christi Americana'.
Rowlandson, Mary (1635?-78?), essayist--'A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration
of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson'.
Sewall, Samuel (1652-1730), diarist--'Diary of Samuel Sewall 1674-1729'; 'The Selling
of Joseph'.
Smith, John (1580-1631), historian--'A Description of New England'; 'The General
History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles'.
Taylor, Edward (1642-1729), poet--'God's Determinations'; 'Sacramental Meditations'.
Ward, Nathaniel (1578?-1652), essayist--'The Simple Cobler of Aggawam'.
Wigglesworth, Michael (1631-1705), poet--'The Day of Doom'.
Williams, Roger (1603?-83), historian--'A Key into the Language of America'; 'The
Bloody Tenet of Persecution'.
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The great questions in the last years of the 18th century were political ones.
Should the colonists declare independence from England? Once they had done so, how,
they asked, should they govern themselves? The literature of political discussion and
debate in these years is of high quality. Immediately following independence, writers
also made efforts to develop a native literature. This is the period of beginning for poetry,
fiction, and drama in the United States.
Adams, Abigail (1744-1818), epistolist--'Letters of Mrs. Adams'.
Adams, John (1735-1826), president and epistolist--'Diary and Autobiography'; 'The
Adams-Jefferson Letters'.
Barlow, Joel (1754-1812), poet--'The Vision of Columbus' ('The Columbiad'); 'The Hasty
Brown, Charles Brockden (1771-1810), novelist--'Wieland'; 'Edgar Huntly'; 'Jane
Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume St. Jean de (1735-1813), essayist--'Letters from an
American Farmer'.
Equiano, Oloudah (Gustavus Vassa) (1745-1801), prose writer--'The Interesting
Narrative of the Life of Oloudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African'.
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-90), prose writer--'Autobiography'; 'Poor Richard's Almanack'.
Freneau, Philip (1752-1832), poet--'The Indian Burying-Ground'; 'The British Prison
Hamilton, Alexander (1755?-1804), essayist--'The Federalist' (coauthor).
Hopkinson, Francis (1737-91), poet--'The Battle of the Kegs'.
Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826), historian--'Notes on the State of Virginia'.
Paine, Thomas (1737-1809), political philosopher--'Common Sense'; 'The Crisis'; 'The
Rights of Man'.
Payne, John Howard (1791-1852), playwright--'Clari, or the Maid of Milan' (with song
'Home, Sweet Home').
Rowson, Susanna (Haswell) (1762-1824), novelist--'Charlotte Temple'; 'Rebecca'.
Tecumseh (1768-1813), orator--'We All Belong to One Family'.
Trumbull, John (1750-1831), poetic satirist--'M'Fingal'; 'Progress of Dullness'.
Webster, Noah (1758-1843), lexicographer--'Spelling Book'; 'American Dictionary of the
English Language'.
Wheatley, Phillis (1753?-84), poet--'Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral'.
Weems, Mason Locke (1759-1825), biographer--'The Life and Memorable Actions of
George Washington'.
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In the early years of the 19th century several full-fledged American writers
developed. The most notable among them were Bryant, Cooper, and Irving. These
writers were recognized even in England. In different ways each of them tried to make
his works American.
Bird, Robert M. (1806-54), novelist and playwright--'Nick of the Woods'; 'The Gladiator'.
Brackenridge, Hugh Henry (1748-1816), novelist--'Modern Chivalry'.
Bryant, William Cullen (1794-1878), poet--'Thanatopsis'; 'To a Waterfowl'; 'A Forest
Cooper, James Fenimore (1789-1851), novelist--'The Pilot'; 'The Last of the Mohicans';
'The Spy'; 'The Deerslayer'; 'The Pathfinder'; 'The Pioneers'.
Irving, Washington (1783-1859), essayist and short-story writer--'A History of New
York, by Diedrich Knickerbocker'; 'The Alhambra'; 'The Sketch Book'.
Kennedy, John Pendleton (1795-1870), novelist--'Swallow Barn'; 'Horse-Shoe
Simms, William Gilmore (1806-70), novelist and poet--'The Yemassee'; 'Atalantis'.
Thompson, Daniel Pierce (1795-1868), novelist--'The Green Mountain Boys'; 'The
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From 1836 to the Civil War was a period of rapid growth in the United States.
The nation was self-sufficient in agriculture, and the Eastern cities buzzed with
commerce. War with Mexico brought California into the Union just when gold was
discovered there. This event and the opening of Oregon sent thousands of pioneers
westward. However, slavery in the South and in new Western territories became a
fighting issue.
In the East the period was a golden age. Essays by Emerson and Thoreau vied
with tales by Poe. Novels were popular, and Longfellow's poems were best sellers.
Historians such as Parkman and Prescott added knowledge of the American past.
Bancroft, George (1800-91), historian--'History of the United States'.
Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. (1815-82), autobiographer--'Two Years Before the Mast'.
Douglass, Frederick (1817-95), orator and essayist--'The Life and Times of Frederick
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-82), poet and essayist--'Self-Reliance'; 'Compensation';
'Nature'; 'Poems'.
Fuller, Margaret (1810-50), sociological writer and critic--'Woman in the Nineteenth
Century'; 'Papers on Literature and Art'.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804-64), novelist and short-story writer--'The Scarlet Letter';
'The House of the Seven Gables'; 'Tanglewood Tales'.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-94), poet, essayist, novelist--'Old Ironsides'; 'The
Chambered Nautilus'; 'The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table'.
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-65), president and essayist--'First Inaugural Address';
'Gettysburg Address'; 'Second Inaugural Address'.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-82), poet--'The Song of Hiawatha'; 'Paul
Revere's Ride'; 'Evangeline'; 'The Courtship of Miles Standish'.
Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin (1790-1870), novelist--'Georgia Scenes'.
Lowell, James Russell (1819-91), poet, critic, essayist--'The Vision of Sir Launfal';
'Biglow Papers'; 'Among My Books'; 'My Study Windows'.
Melville, Herman (1819-91), novelist--'Moby-Dick'; 'Typee'; 'Omoo'; 'White-Jacket'; 'Billy
Motley, John Lothrop (1814-77), historian--'The Rise of the Dutch Republic'.
Parkman, Francis (1823-93), historian--'The Oregon Trail'; 'A Half-Century of Conflict'.
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-49), poet, critic, short-story writer--'The Raven'; 'The Poetic
Principle'; 'Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque'; 'The Bells'.
Prescott, William Hickling (1796-1859), historian--'Conquest of Mexico'; 'Conquest of
Thoreau, Henry David (1817-62), essayist--'Walden; or, Life in the Woods';
'Excursions'; 'Cape Cod'.
Whitman, Walt (1819-92), poet--'Leaves of Grass'; 'November Boughs'; 'Drum-Taps';
'Democratic Vistas'.
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-92), poet--'Snow-Bound'; 'The Barefoot Boy'; 'Barbara
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The Civil War scarred the United States for four bloody years. The North was
quick to recover; the South less so. As the nation revived, however, the pulse of
expansion and growth quickened. Cities boomed; industries expanded; and rail lines
stretched from coast to coast. The conquest of the wilderness was nearly complete.
Great fortunes were made, by a few individuals, and many social and economic
injustices arose from the ruthless competition of getting ahead.
Writers reacted in various ways. Some wrote of the lawless West, others of the
culture of the East. Many found subjects for fiction and poetry among their surroundings;
these were the first regional, or local-color, writers. A few protested against what they
considered the evils of the age.
Adams, Henry (1838-1918), historian--'The Education of Henry Adams'; 'Mont-SaintMichel and Chartres'.
Alcott, Louisa May (1832-88), novelist and short-story writer--'Little Women'; 'Little
Men'; 'Moods'.
Bierce, Ambrose (1842-1914?), short-story writer--'In the Midst of Life'; 'Can Such
Things Be?'; 'An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge'.
Cable, George Washington (1844-1925), novelist and short-story writer--'The
Grandissimes'; 'Old Creole Days'.
Chopin, Kate (1851-1904), novelist--'The Awakening'.
Crane, Stephen (1871-1900), novelist--'The Red Badge of Courage'; 'The Little
Regiment'; 'Maggie: A Girl of the Streets'.
De Forest, John William (1826-1906), novelist--'Miss Ravenel's Conversion from
Secession to Loyalty'.
Dickinson, Emily (1830-86), poet--'Poems'; 'Letters'.
Dreiser, Theodore (1871-1945), novelist--'Sister Carrie'; 'An American Tragedy'; 'The
Du Bois, W(illiam) E(dward) B(urghardt) (1868-1963), essayist--'The Souls of Black
Folk'; 'Dusk of Dawn'.
Eggleston, Edward (1837-1902), novelist and historian--'The Hoosier Schoolboy'; 'The
Hoosier Schoolmaster'; 'The Circuit Rider'.
Frederic, Harold (1856-98), novelist--'The Damnation of Theron Ware'; 'The
Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins (1852-1930), novelist and short-story writer--'A New England
Nun'; 'Madelon'.
Garland, Hamlin (1860-1940), novelist and short-story writer--'Main-Travelled Roads'; 'A
Son of the Middle Border'; 'Prairie Folks'.
Hale, Edward Everett (1822-1909), novelist--'The Man Without a Country'.
Harris, Joel Chandler (1848-1902), short-story writer--'Uncle Remus' stories; 'On the
Harte, (Francis) Bret(t) (1836-1902), short-story writer--'The Luck of Roaring Camp';
'The Outcasts of Poker Flat'; 'The Twins of Table Mountain'.
Hayne, Paul Hamilton (1830-86), poet--'Legends and Lyrics'; 'The Broken Battalions'.
Hearn, Lafcadio (1850-1904), essayist--'In Ghostly Japan'; 'Creole Sketches'; 'Chita'.
Howe, E(dgar) W(atson) (1853-1937), novelist, journalist--'The Story of a Country
Town; 'Plain People'.
Howells, William Dean (1837-1920), novelist--'A Modern Instance'; 'The Rise of Silas
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James, Henry (1843-1916), novelist--'Daisy Miller'; 'The American'; 'The Portrait of a
Lady'; 'The Turn of the Screw'; 'The Ambassadors'.
James, William (1842-1910), psychologist and philosopher--'Principles of Psychology';
'Pragmatism'; 'Varieties of Religious Experience'.
Jewett, Sarah Orne (1849-1909), novelist and short-story writer--'Tales of New
Kilmer, (Alfred) Joyce (1886-1918), poet--'Trees and Other Poems'; 'Rouge Bouquet'.
Lanier, Sidney (1842-81), poet--'The Marshes of Glynn'; 'The Song of the
London, Jack (1876-1916), novelist--'The Call of the Wild'; 'The Sea Wolf'; 'Martin
Miller, Joaquin (Cincinnatus Hiner Miller) (1841?-1913), poet--'Songs of the Sierras'.
Moody, William Vaughn (1869-1910), playwright and poet--'Gloucester Moors'; 'Ode in
Time of Hesitation'.
Norris, Frank (1870-1902), novelist--'The Octopus'; 'The Pit'; 'McTeague'.
O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) (1862-1910), short-story writer--'Cabbages and
Kings'; 'The Four Million'; 'Whirligigs'.
Page, Thomas Nelson (1853-1922), novelist and short-story writer--'In Ole Virginia'.
Riley, James Whitcomb (1849-1916), poet--'Rhymes of Childhood'; 'The Old Swimmin'
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811-96), novelist--'Uncle Tom's Cabin'; 'Oldtown Folks'; 'The
Minister’s Wooing'.
Twain, Mark (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (1835-1910), novelist and humorist--'The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer'; 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'; 'Life on the
Washington, Booker T. (1856-1915), orator and essayist--'Up From Slavery'; 'The
Future of the American Negro’.
Wister, Owen (1860-1938), novelist--'The Virginian'.
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The 20th century began quietly, but soon new forces brought profound changes.
Although science and technology enriched material life, two world wars and the prospect
of a third raised grave concern about the future. The federal government intervened
increasingly in the activities of the people. The nation also learned that it was involved in
the problems of peoples around the globe.
Literature reflected the various reactions to the new circumstances. Some writers
were deeply pessimistic; others viewed the same realities with hope for the future. One
literary school surveyed the American past in an attempt to find meaning for the present.
The writing that seemed most likely to survive emphasized enduring human values and
the unquenchable vitality of the human spirit.
Agee, James (1909-55), poet, novelist, critic--'Let Us Now Praise Famous Men'; 'A
Death in the Family'; 'The Morning Watch'; 'Agee on Film'.
Albee, Edward (Franklin) (born 1928), playwright--'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?';
'The Death of Bessie Smith'; 'A Delicate Balance'; 'Tiny Alice'.
Algren, Nelson (1909-81), novelist and short-story writer--'The Man with the Golden
Arm'; 'The Neon Wilderness'; 'A Walk on the Wild Side'.
Anderson, Maxwell (1888-1959), playwright--'Mary of Scotland'; 'Valley Forge';
'Winterset'; 'Key Largo'.
Anderson, Sherwood (1876-1941), novelist and short-story writer--'Poor White'; 'Dark
Laughter'; 'Winesburg, Ohio'; 'The Triumph of the Egg'.
Ashbery, John (born 1927), poet--'The Poems'; 'Rivers and Mountains'; 'Self-Portrait in
a Convex Mirror'; 'Shadow Train'.
Auden, W.H. (1907-73), poet--'The Age of Anxiety'; 'Paid on Both Sides'; 'Another Time';
'Nones'; 'City Without Walls'.
Baldwin, James (1924-87), novelist, essayist, playwright--'Go Tell It on the Mountain';
'Notes of a Native Son'; 'The Fire Next Time'; 'Giovanni's Room'.
Baraka, Imamu Amiri (LeRoi Jones) (born 1934), playwright, poet, essayist-'Dutchman'; 'Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note'; 'Blues People'; 'The Slave'.
Barry, Philip (1896-1949), playwright--'Holiday'; 'The Philadelphia Story'; 'The Animal
Barth, John (born 1930), novelist--'The Sot-Weed Factor'; 'Giles Goat-boy'; 'Lost in the
Barthelme, Donald (1931-89), short-story writer and novelist--'Snow White'; 'Come
Back, Dr. Caligari'.
Bellow, Saul (born 1915), novelist--'The Adventures of Augie March'; 'Herzog'; 'Mr.
Sammler's Planet'; 'Humboldt's Gift'; 'The Dean's December'.
Benet, Stephen Vincent (1898-1943), poet, novelist, short-story writer--'Five Men and
Pompey'; 'John Brown's Body'; 'The Devil and Daniel Webster'.
Berryman, John (1914-72), poet--'Homage to Mistress Bradstreet'; '77 Dream Songs';
'Love & Fame'.
Bishop, Elizabeth (1911-79), poet and short-story writer--'North and South'; 'The
Complete Poems'; 'Questions of Travel'.
Bradbury, Ray (Douglas) (born 1920), short-story writer and novelist--'The Martian
Chronicles'; 'Fahrenheit 451'; 'The Illustrated Man'; 'Dandelion Wine'; 'Something Wicked
This Way Comes'.
Brooks, Gwendolyn (born 1917), poet--'Annie Allen'; 'The Bean Eaters'; 'To
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Brooks, Van Wyck (1886-1963), critic--'America's Coming-of-Age'; 'The Flowering of
New England'.
Brown, Claude (born 1937), essayist--'Manchild in the Promised Land'.
Buck, Pearl S(ydenstricker) (1892-1973), novelist--'The Good Earth'; 'The Mother';
'The Patriot'.
Burroughs, William S(eward) (born 1914), novelist--'Naked Lunch'; 'The Soft Machine';
Caldwell, Erskine (1903-87), novelist, short-story writer, essayist--'Tobacco Road';
'God's Little Acre'; 'Jackpot'; 'You Have Seen Their Faces'.
Capote, Truman (1924-84), novelist, short-story writer, playwright--'Other Voices, Other
Rooms'; 'The Grass Harp'; 'In Cold Blood'; 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'.
Carver, Raymond (1938-88), poet and short-story writer--'Will You Please Be Quiet,
Please?'; 'Cathedral'; 'Where I'm Calling From'.
Cather, Willa (1873-1947), novelist and short-story writer--'O Pioneers!'; 'My Antonia'; 'A
Lost Lady'; 'Death Comes for the Archbishop'.
Cheever, John (1912-82), novelist and short-story writer--'The Wapshot Chronicle';
'Falconer'; 'The Wapshot Scandal'; 'Bullet Park'.
Coffin, Robert P(eter) Tristram (1892-1955), poet, novelist, essayist--'Strange
Holiness'; 'An Attic Room'.
Connelly, Marc(us) (1890-1980), playwright--'The Green Pastures'; 'Beggar on
Horseback' (coauthor).
Crane, (Harold) Hart (1899-1932), poet--'White Buildings'; 'The Bridge'.
Creeley, Robert (born 1926), poet--'For Love'; 'Pieces'.
Cullen, Countee (1903-46), poet--'Color'; 'Copper Sun'; 'The Ballad of the Brown Girl'.
Cummings, E(dward) E(stlin) (1894-1962), poet and novelist--'No Thanks'; 'The
Enormous Room'.
De Vries, Peter (1910-93), novelist and short-story writer--'The Blood of the Lamb'; 'I
Hear America Swinging'; 'Reuben, Reuben'; 'Madder Music'.
Dos Passos, John (1896-1970), novelist--'Manhattan Transfer'; 'U.S.A.' (trilogy).
Duncan, Robert (1919-88), poet--'The Opening of the Field'; 'Roots and Branches';
'Bending the Bow'; 'Ground Work'.
Dunne, Finley Peter (1867-1936), humorist--'Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War'; 'Mr.
Dooley's Philosophy'.
Durant, Will(iam James) (1885-1981), historian--'The Story of Philosophy'; 'The Story of
Edmonds, Walter D(umaux) (born 1903), novelist--'Drums Along the Mohawk'; 'The
Night Raider'.
Eliot, T(homas) S(tearns) (1888-1965), poet, critic, playwright--'Prufrock and Other
Observations'; 'The Waste Land'; 'Murder in the Cathedral'; 'The Cocktail Party'.
Ellison, Ralph (Waldo) (1914-94), novelist--'Invisible Man'.
Farrell, James T(homas) (1904-79), novelist--'Studs Lonigan' (trilogy); 'A World I Never
Faulkner, William (1897-1962), novelist--'The Sound and the Fury'; 'Light in August';
'Sanctuary'; 'Absalom, Absalom!'; 'The Town'; 'Intruder in the Dust'.
Ferber, Edna (1887-1968), short-story writer and novelist--'So Big'; 'Show Boat';
'Cimarron'; 'Giant'.
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence (born 1920), poet--'Pictures of the Gone World'; 'A Coney Island
of the Mind'.
Field, Rachel (1894-1942), novelist--'All This and Heaven Too'; 'Time Out of Mind'.
Fitzgerald, F(rancis) Scott (1896-1940), novelist and short-story writer--'The Great
Gatsby'; 'This Side of Paradise'; 'Tender Is the Night'; 'The Last Tycoon'.
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Freeman, Douglas Southall (1886-1953), biographer--'R.E. Lee'; 'George Washington'.
Friedman, Bruce Jay (born 1930), novelist and playwright--'Stern'; 'Scuba Duba'.
Frost, Robert (1874-1963), poet--'A Boy's Will'; 'North of Boston'; 'In the Clearing'.
Gale, Zona (1874-1938), novelist and short-story writer--'Miss Lulu Bett'; 'Friendship
Ginsberg, Allen (1926-97), poet--'Howl'; 'Kaddish'.
Giovanni, Nikki (born 1943), poet--'Black Feeling, Black Talk'; 'Black Judgement';
Glasgow, Ellen (1873-1945), novelist--'Barren Ground'; 'The Romantic Comedians';
'Vein of Iron'.
Green, Paul Eliot (1894-1981), novelist and playwright--'In Abraham's Bosom'; 'Johnny
Guthrie, A(lfred) B(ertram), Jr. (1901-91), novelist--'The Big Sky'; 'The Way West'.
Hart, Moss (1904-61), playwright--'You Can't Take It with You' (coauthor); 'Act One'
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) (1886-1961), poet--'Sea Garden'; 'Red Roses for Bronze'.
Heinlein, Robert A(nson) (1907-88), novelist--'Rocket Ship Galileo'; 'Stranger in a
Strange Land'.
Heller, Joseph (born 1923), novelist--'Catch-22'.
Hellman, Lillian (1905-84), playwright and essayist--'The Little Foxes'; 'Watch on the
Rhine'; 'Pentimento'.
Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961), novelist and short-story writer--'A Farewell to Arms';
'For Whom the Bell Tolls'.
Hersey, John (Richard) (1914-93), novelist and essayist--'Hiroshima'; 'A Bell for
Howard, Sidney (Coe) (1891-1939), playwright--'They Knew What They Wanted'; 'The
Silver Cord'.
Hughes, (James Mercer) Langston (1902-67), poet--'Crisis'; 'The Negro Mother'; 'A
New Song'.
Hurston, Zora Neale (1903-60), essayist, folklorist, and prose writer--'Their Eyes Were
Watching God'; 'Jonah's Gourd Vine'; 'Moses: Man of the Mountain'.
Inge, William (Motter) (1913-73), playwright--'Picnic'.
Irving, John (born 1942), novelist--'The World According to Garp'; 'The Hotel New
Jarrell, Randall (1914-65), poet and prose writer--'Little Friend, Little Friend'; 'Losses';
'The Lost World'.
Jeffers, (John) Robinson (1887-1962), poet--'Roan Stallion'; 'Boats in a Fog'; 'The
Torch-Bearers' Race'.
Jones, James (1921-77), novelist--'From Here to Eternity'; 'The Thin Red Line'.
Kaplan, Justin (born 1925), biographer--'Lincoln Steffens, A Biography'; 'Mr. Clemens
and Mark Twain'; 'Walt Whitman'.
Kaufman, George S(imon) (1889-1961), playwright--'You Can't Take It with You'
Kelley, William Melvin (born 1937), novelist--'dem'; 'A Different Drummer'; 'A Drop of
Kerouac, Jack (Jean-Louis) (1922-69), novelist and poet--'On the Road'; 'The Dharma
Bums'; 'The Subterraneans'.
Kingsley, Sidney (born 1906), playwright--'Dead End'.
Kopit, Arthur (born 1937), playwright--'Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama's Hung You in the
Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad'.
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Lardner, Ring(gold Wilmer) (1885-1933), humorist and short-story writer--'You Know
Me Al'.
Lash, Joseph P. (1909-87), biographer--'Eleanor and Franklin'; 'Helen and Teacher'.
Levertov, Denise (born 1923), poet--'Here and Now'; 'Relearning the Alphabet';
'Breathing the Water'.
Lewis, (Harry) Sinclair (1885-1951), novelist--'Main Street'; 'Babbitt'; 'Arrowsmith';
Lindsay, (Nicholas) Vachel (1879-1931), poet--'The Congo'; 'General William Booth
Enters into Heaven and Other Poems'.
Lowell, Amy (1874-1925), poet and critic--'Sword Blades and Poppy Seed'; 'John
Lowell, Robert (Traill Spence) Jr. (1917-77), poet--'Lord Weary's Castle'; 'Life Studies'.
McCarthy, Mary (Therese) (1912-89), novelist and critic--'The Group'; 'The Groves of
McCullers, (Lula) Carson (1917-67), novelist--'The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter'; 'The
Member of the Wedding'.
McGinley, Phyllis (1905-78), poet--'Times Three'.
MacLeish, Archibald (1892-1982), poet and playwright--'Conquistador'; 'Land of the
Free'; 'J.B.'.
Mailer, Norman (born 1923), novelist and essayist--'The Naked and the Dead'; 'The
Deer Park'; 'The Presidential Papers'; 'The Armies of the Night'; 'An American Dream'.
Malamud, Bernard (1914-86), novelist and short-story writer--'The Assistant'; 'The
Fixer'; 'The Magic Barrel'.
Mamet, David (born 1947), playwright--'Sexual Perversity in Chicago'; 'American
Buffalo'; 'Glengarry Glen Ross'; 'Speed-the-Plow'.
Markham, Edwin (1852-1940), poet--'The Man with the Hoe and Other Poems'.
Marquand, J(ohn) P(hillips) (1893-1960), novelist--'The Late George Apley'; 'Wickford
Masters, Edgar Lee (1869-1950), poet and novelist--'Spoon River Anthology';
'Domesday Book'.
Mencken, H(enry) L(ouis) (1880-1956), essayist and critic--'Prejudices'; 'The American
Michener, James A(lbert) (1907-97), novelist, short-story writer, essayist--'Tales of the
South Pacific'; 'Centennial'.
Millay, Edna St. Vincent (1892-1950), poet--'Renascence and Other Poems'; 'Second
Miller, Arthur (born 1915), playwright--'All My Sons'; 'Death of a Salesman'; 'The
Miller, Henry (1891-1980), novelist and essayist--'Tropic of Cancer'; 'Tropic of
Capricorn'; 'Black Spring'.
Miller, Merle (1919-86), novelist and biographer--'Reunion'; 'Plain Speaking'; 'Lyndon'.
Mitchell, Margaret (1900-49), novelist--'Gone with the Wind'.
Moore, Marianne (1887-1972), poet--'Poems'; 'Collected Poems'; 'What Are Years';
Morrison, Toni (born 1931), novelist--'Song of Solomon'; 'Sula'; 'Tar Baby'; 'Beloved';
'The Bluest Eye'.
Nemerov, Howard (1920-91), poet and novelist--'The Image and the Law'; 'Blue
Swallows'; 'Sentences'.
Oates, Joyce Carol (born 1938), novelist and short-story writer--'Them'; 'Do with Me
What You Will'.
-Page 13-
O'Connor, (Mary) Flannery (1925-64), novelist and short-story writer--'Wise Blood';
'Everything that Rises Must Converge'; 'A Good Man Is Hard to Find'.
O'Hara, Frank (1926-66), poet--'A City Winter, and Other Poems'; 'The Collected Poems
of Frank O'Hara'.
O'Hara, John (Henry) (1905-70), novelist and short-story writer--'Appointment in
Samarra'; 'Butterfield 8'.
Olson, Charles (John) (1910-70), poet--'The Maximus Poems'; 'The Distances';
'Projective Verse'.
O'Neill, Eugene (Gladstone) (1888-1953), playwright--'The Iceman Cometh'; 'Mourning
Becomes Electra'; 'Strange Interlude'; 'Long Day's Journey into Night'.
Parker, Dorothy (1893-1967), short-story writer and poet--'Collected Poems: Not So
Deep as a Well'; 'Here Lies'.
Percy, Walker (1916-90), novelist--'The Moviegoer'; 'Love in the Ruins'; 'The Thanatos
Plath, Sylvia (1932-63), poet and novelist--'Ariel'; 'The Bell Jar'.
Porter, Katherine Anne (1894-1980), short-story writer and novelist--'Flowering Judas';
'Ship of Fools'.
Pynchon, Thomas (born 1937), novelist--'V'; 'The Crying of Lot 49'; 'Gravity's Rainbow';
Rabe, David (born 1940), playwright--'Sticks and Bones'; 'The Basic Training of Pavlo
Hummel'; 'Streamers'.
Ransom, John Crowe (1888-1974), poet--'Chills and Fever'.
Rice, Elmer (1892-1967), playwright--'Street Scene'.
Roberts, Kenneth (Lewis) (1885-1957), novelist and essayist--'Northwest Passage';
'Oliver Wiswell'.
Robinson, Edwin Arlington (1869-1935), poet--'The Man Who Died Twice'; 'Tristram';
Roethke, Theodore (1908-63), poet--'The Waking'; 'Words for the Wind'.
Roth, Philip (Milton) (born 1933), novelist and short-story writer--'Goodbye, Columbus';
'When She Was Good'; 'Portnoy's Complaint'; 'My Life as a Man'.
Salinger, J(erome) D(avid) (born 1919), short-story writer and novelist--'Nine Stories';
'The Catcher in the Rye'; 'Franny and Zooey'.
Sandburg, Carl (1879-1967), poet and biographer--'The People, Yes'; 'Abraham
Lincoln: The Prairie Years'; 'Abraham Lincoln: The War Years'.
Saroyan, William (1908-81), short-story writer, novelist, playwright--'The Time of Your
Life'; 'The Human Comedy'.
Sexton, Anne (Harvey) (1928-74), poet--'Live or Die'; 'To Bedlam and Part Way Back';
'The Death Notebooks'.
Shapiro, Karl (Jay) (born 1913), poet--'V-Letter'.
Shaw, Irwin (1913-84), playwright, short-story writer, novelist--'Bury the Dead'; 'The
Young Lions'.
Sherwood, Robert E(mmet) (1896-1955), playwright--'Abe Lincoln in Illinois'; 'The
Petrified Forest'.
Simpson, Louis (Aston Marantz) (born 1923), poet and essayist--'Caviare at the
Funeral'; 'A Revolution in Taste'.
Sinclair, Upton (1878-1968), novelist--'The Jungle'.
Sontag, Susan (born 1933), novelist and essayist--'Against Interpretation'; 'Illness as a
Steinbeck, John (1902-68), novelist and short-story writer--'Of Mice and Men'; 'The
Grapes of Wrath'.
-Page 14-
Stribling, T(homas) S(igismund) (1881-1965), novelist--'The Forge'; 'The Store';
'Unfinished Cathedral'.
Stuart, Jesse (Hilton) (1907-84), novelist and poet--'Taps for Private Tussie'; 'Beyond
Dark Hills'.
Styron, William (born 1925), novelist--'The Confessions of Nat Turner'; 'Lie Down in
Darkness'; 'Sophie's Choice'.
Teasdale, Sara (1884-1933), poet--'Rivers to the Sea'.
Thurber, James (Grover) (1894-1961), humorist and essayist--'My Life and Hard
Tuchman, Barbara W(ertheim) (1912-89), historian--'The Guns of August'; 'A Distant
Mirror'; 'The First Salute'.
Updike, John (Hoyer) (born 1932), novelist and short-story writer--'Rabbit Run'; 'Rabbit
is Rich'; 'Rabbit Redux'; 'Rabbit at Rest'; 'The Centaur'; 'Couples'; 'Bech: A Book'.
Van Doren, Carl (1885-1950), critic and biographer--'American Literature'; 'Benjamin
Vidal, Gore (born 1925), novelist and playwright--'Julian'; 'Burr'; 'The Best Man';
'Washington, D.C.'.
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. (born 1922), novelist and short-story writer--'Cat's Cradle';
'Welcome to the Monkey House'; 'Slaughterhouse-Five'; 'Breakfast of Champions'.
Warren, Robert Penn (1905-89), poet and novelist--'All the King's Men'; 'Night Rider';
'Being Here'.
Welty, Eudora (born 1909), short-story writer and novelist--'A Curtain of Green'; 'The
Ponder Heart'.
West, Nathanael (Nathan Weinstein) (1903-40), novelist--'Miss Lonelyhearts'; 'The Day
of the Locust'.
Wharton, Edith (1862-1937), novelist and short-story writer--'Ethan Frome'; 'The Age of
Wilder, Thornton (Niven) (1897-1975), playwright and novelist--'The Bridge of San Luis
Rey'; 'Our Town'.
Williams, Tennessee (Thomas Lanier Williams) (1911-83), playwright--'The Glass
Menagerie'; 'A Streetcar Named Desire'; 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof'.
Williams, William Carlos (1883-1963), poet and novelist--'The White Mule'; 'Paterson'.
Wilson, Lanford (born 1937), playwright--'Lemon Sky'; 'The Hot l Baltimore'; 'Burn This'.
Wolfe, Thomas (Clayton) (1900-38), novelist--'Look Homeward, Angel'; 'You Can't Go
Home Again'.
Wolfe, Tom (Thomas Kennerly Wolfe, Jr.) (born 1931), essayist and novelist--'The
Kandy-Kolored Tangerine Flake Streamline Baby'; 'The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test'; 'The
Right Stuff'; 'The Bonfire of the Vanities'.
Wright, Richard (1908-60), novelist and short-story writer--'Native Son'; 'Black Boy'.
Wylie, Elinor (1885-1928), poet and novelist--'Nets to Catch the Wind'; 'The Orphan
-Page 15-
Representative British Writers
Aelfric (955?-1020?), ecclesiastical biographer--'Lives of the Saints'.
Alfred the Great (848?-899), translator--Boethius' 'Consolation of Philosophy'.
Bede (673?-735), historian--'Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation'.
Caedmon (7th century), poet--'Paraphrases'.
Cynewulf (8th century), poet--'Christ'; 'Juliana'.
Chaucer, Geoffrey (1340?-1400), poet--'Canterbury Tales'.
Geoffrey of Monmouth (1100?-54), historian--'Historia Regum Britanniae'.
Langland, William (1330?-1400?), poet--'The Vision of William Concerning Piers the
Layamon (about 1200), metrical historian--'Brut'.
Lydgate, John (1370?-1451?), poet--'Troy Book'.
Malory, Sir Thomas (died 1470?), translator--'Morte d'Arthur'.
"Pearl Poet" (14th century), poet--'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'.
Bacon, Sir Francis (1561-1626), philosopher, essayist--'New Atlantis'; 'The
Advancement of Learning'; 'Essays'.
Beaumont, Francis (1584-1616), dramatist--with John Fletcher, 'The Knight of the
Burning Pestle'.
Chapman, George (1559?-1634), poet, dramatist, translator--Homer's 'Iliad' and
'Odyssey' (trans.).
Coverdale, Miles (1488?-1569), translator--Bible.
Daniel, Samuel (1562-1619), poet--'Defence of Ryme'.
Dekker, Thomas (1570?-1641), dramatist--'The Shoemaker's Holiday'.
Fletcher, John (1579-1625), dramatist--with Francis Beaumont, 'The Maid's Tragedy'.
Ford, John (1586-1640?), dramatist--'The Broken Heart'.
Heywood, Thomas (died 1641?), dramatist--'A Woman Killed with Kindness'.
Jonson, Ben (1573?-1637), poet, dramatist--'Volpone'; 'The Alchemist'; 'Song to Celia'.
Kyd, Thomas (1558-94), dramatist--'The Spanish Tragedy'.
Lodge, Thomas (1558?-1625), poet--'Rosalynde'.
Lyly, John (1554?-1606), novelist, dramatist--'Euphues: the Anatomy of Wit'; 'Euphues
and His England'.
Marlowe, Christopher (1564-93), dramatist--'Doctor Faustus'; 'The Jew of Malta';
Massinger, Philip (1583-1640), dramatist--'A New Way to Pay Old Debts'.
Middleton, Thomas (1570?-1627), dramatist--'The Changeling'; 'A Trick to Catch the
Old One'; 'Michaelmas Terne'.
More, Sir Thomas (1478-1535), prose writer--'Utopia'.
-Page 16-
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), dramatist, poet--'As You Like It'; 'Hamlet';
'Macbeth'; 'King Lear' 'The Tempest'; 'Sonnets'.
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-86), poet, novelist--'Astrophel and Stella'; 'Arcadia'.
Skelton, John (1460?-1529), poet--'Colyn Clout'.
Spenser, Edmund (1552?-99), poet--'The Faerie Queene'.
Tyndale, William (1492?-1536), translator, tract writer--New Testament (trans.).
Webster, John (1580?-1625?), dramatist--'The Duchess of Malfi'.
Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503-42), poet--'Certayne Psalmes'.
-Page 17-
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-82), prose writer--'Religio Medici'; 'Pseudodoxia
Bunyan, John (1628-88), prose writer--'The Pilgrim's Progress'.
Burton, Robert (1577-1640), prose writer--'The Anatomy of Melancholy'.
Butler, Samuel (1612-80), satirist, poet--'Hudibras'.
Carew, Thomas (1595?-1639), poet--'Poems'.
Donne, John (1573-1631), poet, preacher--'Poems'.
Dryden, John (1631-1700), poet, dramatist--'All for Love'; 'Alexander's Feast'; 'The Hind
and the Panther'.
Herbert, George (1593-1633), poet--'The Temple'.
Herrick, Robert (1591-1674), poet--'Hesperides'.
Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679), philosopher--'Leviathan'.
Locke, John (1632-1704), philosopher--'An Essay Concerning Human Understanding'.
Lovelace, Richard (1618-58), poet--'To Althea'.
Marvell, Andrew (1621-78), poet--'To His Coy Mistress'; 'Last Instructions to a Painter'.
Milton, John (1608-74), poet--'Paradise Lost'; 'L'Allegro'; 'Il Penseroso'; 'Lycidas';
'Samson Agonistes'.
Pepys, Samuel (1633-1703), diarist--'Diary'.
Suckling, Sir John (1609-42), poet--'Ballad upon a Wedding'.
Taylor, Jeremy (1613-67), theological writer--'Holy Living'; 'Holy Dying'.
Vaughan, Henry (1622-95), poet--'The Retreat'.
Walton, Izaak (1593-1683), essayist, biographer--'The Compleat Angler'.
Addison, Joseph (1672-1719), poet, essayist--Sir Roger de Coverley papers in The
Blair, Robert (1699-1746), poet--'The Grave'.
Boswell, James (1740-95), biographer--'The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.'.
Collins, William (1721-59), poet--'The Passions'; 'Ode to Liberty'; 'Ode to Evening'.
Cowper, William (1731-1800), poet--'The Task'.
Crabbe, George (1754-1832), poet--'The Village'.
Defoe, Daniel (1661?-1731), novelist, journalist--'Robinson Crusoe'; 'Moll Flanders'.
Fielding, Henry (1707-54), novelist--'Joseph Andrews'; 'Tom Jones'.
Gay, John (1685-1732), poet, dramatist--'The Shepherd's Week'; 'Fables'; 'The Beggar's
Gibbon, Edward (1737-94), historian--'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'.
Goldsmith, Oliver (1728-74), novelist, poet, dramatist--'The Vicar of Wakefield'; 'The
Deserted Village'; 'She Stoops to Conquer'.
Gray, Thomas (1716-71), poet, critic--'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard'; 'The
Progress of Poesy'.
Hume, David (1711-76), philosopher, historian--'An Enquiry Concerning Human
Johnson, Samuel (1709-84), lexicographer, novelist--'A Dictionary of the English
Language'; 'Rasselas'.
-Page 18-
Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), poet, critic--'The Rape of the Lock'; 'An Essay on
Criticism'; 'An Essay on Man'; 'The Dunciad'.
Richardson, Samuel (1689-1761), novelist--'Pamela'; 'Clarissa'.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816), dramatist--'The School for Scandal'; 'The
Smollett, Tobias (1721-71), novelist--'Roderick Random'.
Steele, Sir Richard (1672-1729), essayist, dramatist--essays in The Spectator and The
Sterne, Laurence (1713-68), novelist--'Tristram Shandy'; 'A Sentimental Journey'.
Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745), satirist--'Gulliver's Travels'; 'A Tale of a Tub'; 'Journal to
Thomson, James (1700-48), poet--'The Seasons'.
Young, Edward (1683-1765), poet--'The Complaint: or, Night Thoughts on Life, Death,
and Immortality'.
-Page 19-
Austen, Jane (1775-1817), novelist--'Pride and Prejudice'; 'Mansfield Park'; 'Sense and
Blake, William (1757-1827), poet--'Songs of Innocence'; 'Songs of Experience'.
Burns, Robert (1759-96), poet--'The Cotter's Saturday Night'; 'Tam o' Shanter'.
Byron, George Gordon (1788-1824), poet--'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage'; 'Don Juan';
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834), poet, critic--'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner';
'Kubla Khan'.
De Quincey, Thomas (1785-1859), essayist--'Confessions of an English Opium Eater'.
Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-97), essayist--'Vindication of the Rights of
Godwin, William (1756-1836), political writer, novelist--'Political Justice'.
Hazlitt, William (1778-1830), essayist, critic--'Table Talk'; 'Characters of Shakespeare's
Hunt, Leigh (1784-1859), essayist, poet--'Abou Ben Adhem'; 'The Story of Rimini';
Keats, John (1795-1821), poet--'The Eve of St. Agnes'; 'Ode on a Grecian Urn';
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834), poet, essayist--'Essays of Elia'; 'Tales from Shakespear'
(with Mary Lamb).
Landor, Walter Savage (1775-1864), poet, prose writer--'Imaginary Conversations';
Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818), novelist, dramatist, poet--'The Monk'; 'Romantic
Macpherson, James (1736-96), poet--'Temora'.
Moore, Thomas (1779-1852), poet, novelist, historian, biographer--'Irish Melodies'.
Percy, Thomas (1729-1811), anthologist--'Reliques of Ancient English Poetry'.
Radcliffe, Ann (1764-1823), novelist--'The Romance of the Forest'; 'The Mysteries of
Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832), poet, novelist--'The Lady of the Lake'; 'Waverley';
'Ivanhoe'; 'Kenilworth'.
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (1797-1851), novelist--'Frankenstein'.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822), poet--'Ode to the West Wind'; 'Prometheus
Unbound'; 'To a Skylark'; 'Adonais'.
Southey, Robert (1774-1843), poet, historian--'The Battle of Blenheim'; 'Life of Nelson'.
Walpole, Horace (1717-97), novelist, letter writer--'The Castle of Otranto'; 'Letters';
Wordsworth, William (1770-1850), poet--'Tintern Abbey'; 'Intimations of Immortality';
'The Prelude'.
-Page 20-
Arnold, Matthew (1822-88), poet, essayist--'The Scholar-Gypsy'; 'Sohrab and Rustum';
'Essays in Criticism'.
Bronte, Anne (1820-49), novelist--'Agnes Grey'.
Bronte, Charlotte (1816-55), novelist--'Jane Eyre'.
Bronte, Emily (1818-48), novelist--'Wuthering Heights'.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806-61), poet--'Sonnets from the Portuguese'; 'Aurora
Browning, Robert (1812-89), poet--'The Ring and the Book'; 'Pippa Passes'; 'Rabbi Ben
Ezra'; 'My Last Duchess'.
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward (1803-73), novelist--'The Last Days of Pompeii'; 'Harold'.
Butler, Samuel (1835-1902), novelist, critic--'The Way of All Flesh'; 'Erewhon';
Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881), historian, essayist--'Sartor Resartus'; 'French
Revolution'; 'On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History'.
Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) (1832-98), children's writer--'Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland'; 'Through the Looking Glass'.
Collins, Wilkie (1824-89), novelist--'The Woman in White'; 'The Moonstone'.
Davidson, John (1857-1909), poet--'Fleet Street Eclogues'.
Dickens, Charles (1812-70), novelist--'David Copperfield'; 'The Pickwick Papers'; 'Oliver
Disraeli, Benjamin (1804-81), novelist, statesman--'Vivian Grey'; 'Coningsby'.
Dowson, Ernest (1867-1900), poet--'Cynara'.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan (1859-1930), novelist--'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes';
'Sir Nigel'; 'A Study in Scarlet'.
Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans) (1819-80), novelist--'Middlemarch'; 'The Mill on the
Floss'; 'Silas Marner'.
Fitzgerald, Edward (1809-83), poet--'Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam'.
Gilbert, Sir William (1836-1911), librettist--'The Mikado'; 'The Yeoman of the Guard'.
Gissing, George (1857-1903), novelist--'The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft'; 'The
Whirlpool'; 'New Grub Street'.
Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928), novelist, poet--'Far from the Madding Crowd'; 'The Return
of the Native'; 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles'; 'The Mayor of Casterbridge'; 'Jude the
Obscure'; 'Wessex Poems'; 'The Dynasts'.
Henley, William Ernest (1849-1903), poet, critic, dramatist--'London Voluntaries';
Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-89), poet--'Wreck of the Deutschland'; 'Pied Beauty'.
Jones, Henry Arthur (1851-1929), dramatist--'Michael and His Lost Angel'; 'Mrs. Dane's
Kingsley, Charles (1819-75), novelist--'Westward Ho!'; 'Alton Locke'; 'Hereward the
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936), novelist, poet, short-story writer--'Kim'; 'Barrack Room
Ballads'; 'Plain Tales from the Hills'; 'Just So Stories'; 'The Jungle Books'.
Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800-59), historian, poet--'History of England'; 'Lays of
Ancient Rome'.
Meredith, George (1828-1909), novelist, poet--'The Egoist'; 'The Ordeal of Richard
Feverel'; 'Diana of the Crossways'; 'Evan Harrington'; 'Modern Love'.
-Page 21-
Mill, John Stuart (1806-73), philosopher, economist--'Principles of Political Economy';
'Autobiography'; 'Considerations on Representative Government'; 'On the Subjugation of
Moore, George (1852-1933), novelist--'Esther Waters'; 'Heloise and Abelard';
'Confessions of a Young Man'.
Morris, William (1834-96), poet--'The Defence of Guenevere'; 'The Earthly Paradise'.
Newman, John Henry (1801-90), theologian, essayist--'Idea of a University'; 'Apologia
pro Vita Sua'.
Pater, Walter (1839-94), essayist, novelist--'Imaginary Portraits'; 'Studies in the History
of the Renaissance'; 'Marius the Epicurean'.
Pinero, Arthur Wing (1855-1934), dramatist--'The Second Mrs. Tanqueray'; 'MidChannel'.
Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas (Q) (1863-1944), poet, critic, novelist--'On the Art of
Reading'; 'On the Art of Writing'.
Reade, Charles (1814-84), novelist--'The Cloister and the Hearth'; 'It Is Never Too Late
to Mend'.
Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-94), poet--'Sing-Song'; 'Goblin Market'.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-82), poet--'The Blessed Damozel'; 'The House of Life'.
Ruskin, John (1819-1900), art critic, essayist--'Modern Painters'; 'The Seven Lamps of
Architecture'; 'Sesame and Lilies'.
Saki (Hector Hugh Munro) (1870-1916), novelist, short-story writer--'Reginald'; 'The
Unbearable Basington'.
Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950), dramatist, essayist--'Saint Joan'; 'Pygmalion';
'Major Barbara'; 'Man and Superman'; 'The Devil's Disciple'; 'The Intelligent Woman's
Guide to Socialism and Capitalism'.
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-94), novelist, essayist, poet--'Treasure Island';
'Kidnapped'; 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'; 'Travels with a Donkey'; 'A
Child's Garden of Verses'.
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909), poet--'Atalanta in Calydon'; 'Songs Before
Sunrise'; 'Poems and Ballads'.
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (1809-92), poet--'Idylls of the King'; 'In Memoriam'; 'Locksley
Hall'; 'The Death of Oenone'; 'The Lotos-Eaters'.
Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811-63), novelist--'Vanity Fair'; 'Henry Esmond'; 'The
Thompson, Francis (1859-1907), poet--'The Hound of Heaven'.
Trollope, Anthony (1815-82), novelist--'Barchester Towers'; 'Framley Parsonage';
'Doctor Thorne'.
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900), poet, novelist, dramatist--'The Ballad of Reading Gaol'; 'The
Picture of Dorian Gray'; 'Lady Windermere's Fan'; 'The Importance of Being Earnest'.
-Page 22-
Amis, Kingsley (1922-95), novelist, poet--'Lucky Jim'; 'That Uncertain Feeling'; 'Girl, 20';
'Stanley and the Women'; 'The Old Devils'.
Amis, Martin (born 1949), novelist--'Success'; 'Other People'; 'Money'; 'London Fields';
'Time's Arrow'.
Auden, W(ystan) H(ugh) (1907-73), poet--'The Age of Anxiety'; 'Nones'; 'The Shield of
Barrie, James M(atthew) (1860-1937), novelist, dramatist--'The Little Minister'; 'Peter
Beckett, Samuel (1906-89), dramatist--'Waiting for Godot'; 'Endgame'.
Beerbohm, Max (1872-1956), essayist, novelist--'More'; 'Zuleika Dobson'; 'A Christmas
Belloc, Hilaire (1870-1953), essayist, historian, biographer--'On Nothing'; 'Danton';
'Richelieu'; 'Towns of Destiny'; 'Cautionary Tales'.
Bennett, Arnold (1867-1931), novelist, dramatist--'The Old Wives' Tale'; 'Clayhanger';
'Riceyman Steps'; 'Imperial Palace'.
Bowen, Elizabeth (1899-1973), novelist, short-story writer--'The House in Paris'; 'The
Death of the Heart'.
Braine, John (1922-86), novelist--'Room at the Top'; 'Life at the Top'; 'The Queen of a
Distant Country'.
Brooke, Rupert (1887-1915), poet--'Collected Poems'.
Brookner, Anita (born 1928), novelist--'A Start in Life'; 'Hotel du Lac'.
Buchan, John (1875-1940), novelist--'The Thirty-Nine Steps'.
Burgess, Anthony (1917-93), novelist, critic--'The Wanting Seed'; 'A Clockwork
Orange'; 'Earthly Powers'; 'Kingdom of the Wicked'.
Cary, Joyce (1888-1957), novelist, poet--'Herself Surprised'; 'To Be a Pilgrim'; 'The
Horse's Mouth'.
Chesterton, G(ilbert) K(eith) (1874-1936), poet, essayist, novelist, critic--'The Man Who
Was Thursday'; 'Heretics'; 'The Everlasting Man'.
Colum, Padraic (1881-1972), poet, writer of children's stories--'Wild Earth'; 'The
Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy'.
Compton-Burnett, Ivy (1892-1969), novelist--'The Present and the Past'; 'Mother and
Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924), novelist, short-story writer--'The Nigger of the Narcissus';
'Lord Jim'; 'Youth'; 'Victory'; 'Heart of Darkness'.
Coward, Noel (1899-1973), dramatist--'Private Lives'; 'Blithe Spirit'; 'Brief Encounter'.
Cronin, A(rchibald) J(oseph) (1896-1981), novelist--'The Green Years'; 'The Citadel';
'The Keys of the Kingdom'.
Davie, Donald (1922-95), poet, critic--'Brides of Reason'; 'A Winter Talent and Other
Poems'; 'In the Stopping Train'.
Day-Lewis, C(ecil) (1904-72), poet--'Short Is the Time'.
De la Mare, Walter (1873-1956), poet, novelist--'Memoirs of a Midget'; 'The Listeners';
'Peacock Pie'.
Drinkwater, John (1882-1937), poet, dramatist, critic, biographer--'Collected Poems';
'The Lyric'; 'Pepys'.
Durrell, Lawrence (1912-90), poet, novelist--'Justine'; 'Balthazar'; 'Mountolive'; 'Clea'.
Empson, William (1906-84), poet, critic--'Collected Poems'; 'Some Versions of
-Page 23-
Feinstein, Elaine (born 1930), poet, novelist--'In a Green Eye'; 'The Circle'; 'Some
Unease and Angels'.
Ford, Ford Madox (1873-1939), novelist, critic--'The Good Soldier'; 'Parade's End'.
Forster, E(dward) M(organ) (1879-1970), novelist--'Howards End'; 'A Passage to India'.
Fry, Christopher (born 1907), dramatist--'A Phoenix Too Frequent'; 'The Lady's Not for
Burning'; 'Venus Observed'; 'The Dark Is Light Enough'.
Galsworthy, John (1867-1933), novelist, short-story writer, dramatist--'The Forsyte
Saga'; 'Caravan'; 'Justice'; 'Strife'; 'The Skin Game'; 'Loyalties'.
Godden, Rumer (born 1907), novelist, dramatist, poet--'Black Narcissus'; 'An Episode of
Sparrows'; 'The River'.
Golding, William (1911-93), novelist--'Lord of the Flies'; 'Pincher Martin'.
Grahame, Kenneth (1859-1932), children's writer--'The Golden Age'; 'The Wind in the
Graves, Robert (1895-1985), novelist, poet, critic--'Goodbye to All That'; 'Fairies and
Fusiliers'; 'I, Claudius'; 'Claudius the God'.
Greene, Graham (1904-91), novelist, dramatist--'The Power and the Glory'; 'The Quiet
American'; 'The Heart of the Matter'; 'The End of the Affair'; 'A Burnt-Out Case'; 'The
Potting Shed'; 'The Human Factor'; 'Travels with My Aunt'; 'The Honorary Consul'.
Gunn, Thom (born 1929), poet--'Sense of Movement'; 'Garden of the Gods'; 'Passages
of Joy'.
Heaney, Seamus (born 1939), poet--'Room to Rhyme'; 'Night Drive'; 'Selected Poems'.
Hilton, James (1900-54), novelist--'Good-bye, Mr. Chips'; 'Lost Horizon'; 'Random
Holden, Molly (born 1927), poet--'Bright Cloud'; 'Air and Chill Earth'; 'The Country Over'.
Housman, A(lfred) E(dward) (1859-1936), poet--'A Shropshire Lad'; 'Last Poems';
'More Poems'.
Hudson, W(illiam) H(enry) (1841-1922), novelist, essayist--'The Purple Land'; 'Green
Mansions'; 'Far Away and Long Ago'.
Hughes, Richard (1900-76), novelist--'A High Wind in Jamaica'; 'The Fox in the Attic'.
Hughes, Ted (born 1930), poet--'Hawk in the Rain'; 'Burning of the Brothel'; 'Crow
Wakes: Poems'.
Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963), poet, novelist--'Antic Hay'; 'Point Counter Point'; 'Brave
New World'.
Isherwood, Christopher (1904-86), novelist, dramatist--'Prater Violet'; 'The Dog
Beneath the Skin' (with W.H. Auden); 'The World in the Evening'.
Ishiguro, Kazuo (born 1954), novelist--'A Pale View of Hills'; 'The Remains of the Day'.
Joyce, James (1882-1941), poet, novelist--'A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man';
'Dubliners'; 'Ulysses'; 'Finnegans Wake'.
Kennedy, Margaret (1896-1967), novelist--'The Constant Nymph'; The Ladies of
Lyndon'; 'Return I Dare Not'.
Kops, Bernard (born 1926), novelist, poet--'The Hamlet of Stepney Green'; 'Yes from
No Man's Land'; 'On Margate Sands'.
Larkin, Philip (1922-85), novelist, poet--'The North Ship: Poems'; 'The Whitsun
Weddings'; 'The Explosion'.
Lawrence, D(avid) H(erbert) (1885-1930), poet, novelist, essayist--'Sons and Lovers';
'Sea and Sardinia'; 'The Plumed Serpent'; 'Birds, Beasts and Flowers'.
Lawrence, T(homas) E(dward) (1888-1935), travel writer--'Seven Pillars of Wisdom'.
Lessing, Doris (born 1919), novelist, poet--'A Proper Marriage'; 'Fourteen Poems'; 'The
Golden Notebook'; 'Canopus in Argos: Archives' series.
Lewis, C(live) S(taples) (1898-1963), essayist, novelist--'The Screwtape Letters'; 'That
Hideous Strength'; 'Chronicles of Narnia'; 'Mere Christianity'; 'Allegory of Love'.
-Page 24-
Llewellyn, Richard (1907?-83), novelist--'How Green Was My Valley'; 'None but the
Lonely Heart'.
Lowry, Malcolm (1909-57), novelist--'Under the Volcano'; 'Dark as the Grave Wherein
My Friend Is Laid'.
MacNeice, Louis (1907-63), poet--'Springboard'; 'Holes in the Sky'.
Mansfield, Katherine (1888-1923), short-story writer--'The Garden Party'; 'Bliss'; 'The
Doves' Nest'.
Masefield, John (1878-1967), poet, novelist, dramatist--'Salt-Water Ballads'; 'The
Daffodil Fields'; 'Sard Harker'; 'Reynard the Fox'; 'So Long to Learn'.
Maugham, W(illiam) Somerset (1874-1965), novelist, short-story writer, dramatist--'Of
Human Bondage'; 'The Moon and Sixpence'; 'Cakes and Ale'; 'Our Betters'; 'The
Constant Wife'; 'The Razor's Edge'.
Milne, A(lan) A(lexander) (1882-1956), essayist, children's writer--'When We Were
Very Young'.
Mitford, Nancy (1904-73), novelist, biographer--'The Pursuit of Love'; 'Love in a Cold
Climate'; 'Don't Tell Alfred'; 'The Sun King'.
Muir, Edwin (1887-1959), poet--'The Voyage'; 'One Foot in Eden'; 'The Labyrinth'.
Murdoch, Iris (born 1919), novelist--'Under the Net'; 'The Red and the Green'; 'The Sea,
the Sea'; 'Nuns and Soldiers'.
Noyes, Alfred (1880-1958), poet--'Tales of the Mermaid Tavern'; 'The Wine-Press';
'Drake: An English Epic'.
O'Casey, Sean (1880-1964), dramatist--'Juno and the Paycock'; 'The Plough and the
O'Flaherty, Liam (1896-1984), novelist, short-story writer--'The Informer'; 'Two Lovely
Orwell, George (Eric Hugh Blair) (1903-50), novelist, essayist--'Nineteen Eighty-Four';
'Animal Farm'; 'Homage to Catalonia'.
Osborne, John (1929-94), dramatist--'Look Back in Anger'; 'Luther'; 'Epitaph for George
Powell, Anthony (born 1905), novelist--'A Dance to the Music of Time' series.
Powys, John Cowper (1872-1963), poet, novelist, critic--'Visions and Revisions'; 'The
Meaning of Culture'; 'Wolf Solent'.
Priestley, J(ohn) B(oynton) (1894-1984), novelist, dramatist--'The Good Companions';
'Dangerous Corner'.
Rattigan, Terence (1911-77), dramatist--'O Mistress Mine'; 'The Winslow Boy';
'Separate Tables'.
Richardson, Dorothy M. (1882-1957), novelist--'Pilgrimage' (12 novels).
Rushdie, Salman (born 1947), novelist--'Grimus'; 'Midnight's Children'; 'The Satanic
Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970), mathematician, philosopher--'Human Knowledge'; 'New
Hopes for a Changing World'; 'Satan in the Suburbs'.
Russell, George William (AE) (1867-1935), poet, essayist--'Gods of War'; 'The
Sansom, William (1912-76), novelist, short-story writer--'A Bed of Roses'; 'Something
Terrible, Something Lovely'.
Sassoon, Siegfried (1886-1967), poet, novelist--'Counter-Attack'; 'Memoirs of a FoxHunting Man'.
Silkin, Jon (born 1930), poet--'The Peaceable Kingdom'; 'Flower Poems'; 'The Lapidary
Sillitoe, Alan (born 1928), novelist, poet--'Without Beer or Bread'; 'Loneliness of the
Long Distance Runner'; 'A Tree on Fire'; 'Travels in Nihilon'; 'The Victory'.
-Page 25-
Sitwell, Edith (1887-1964), poet, critic--'The Mother'; 'Street Songs'; 'Green Song';
'Facade'; 'Victoria of England'; 'Poetry and Criticism'.
Sitwell, Osbert (1892-1969), poet, critic--'The Winstonburg Line'; 'Left Hand, Right
Snow, C(harles) P(ercy) (1905-80), novelist--'Strangers and Brothers'; 'The Masters'.
Spark, Muriel (born 1918), novelist--'The Ballad of Peckham Rye'; 'The Girls of Slender
Means'; 'Memento Mori'; 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie'; 'The Only Problem'.
Spender, Stephen (1909-95), poet, critic--'Ruins and Visions'; 'The Destructive
Stoppard, Tom (born 1937), dramatist--'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead';
'Jumpers'; 'The Real Thing'.
Strachey, Lytton (1880-1932), biographer--'Eminent Victorians'; 'Queen Victoria';
'Elizabeth and Essex'.
Synge, John Millington (1871-1909), dramatist--'Riders to the Sea'; 'The Playboy of the
Western World'; 'The Arran Islands'; 'The Well of the Saints'.
Thomas, D.M. (born 1935), novelist, poet--'The Granite Kingdom'; 'Love and Other
Deaths'; 'Birthstone'; 'Dreaming in Bronze'.
Thomas, Dylan (1914-53), poet--'Collected Poems'; 'Under Milk Wood' (radio play).
Thomas, R.S. (born 1913), poet--'Stones of the Field'; 'Frequencies'; 'Between Here and
Tolkien, J.R.R. (1892-1973), novelist--'Lord of the Rings' trilogy.
Tomlinson, Charles (born 1927), poet--'A Peopled Landscape'; 'Written on Water'; 'The
Toynbee, Arnold (1889-1975), historian--'A Study of History'; 'Civilization on Trial'.
Wain, John (born 1925), novelist--'Living in the Present'; 'The Smaller Sky'; 'Young
Walpole, Sir Hugh (1884-1941), novelist--'Fortitude'; 'Jeremy'; 'The Cathedral'; 'Rogue
Waugh, Evelyn (1903-66), novelist--'Decline and Fall'; 'A Handful of Dust'; 'Brideshead
Wells, H(erbert) G(eorge) (1866-1946), novelist, historian--'Tono-Bungay'; 'The Time
Machine'; 'The War of the Worlds'; 'The Outline of History'.
Wesker, Arnold (born 1932), dramatist--'Chicken Soup with Barley'; 'Their Very Own
Golden City'; 'The Old Ones'; 'The Journalists'.
West, Dame Rebecca (Cicily Fairfield) (1892-1983), novelist, journalist--'The Judge';
'Harriet Hume'; 'The Meaning of Treason'.
Wilson, Angus (1913-91), novelist--'Hemlock and After'; 'The Old Men at the Zoo'; 'Late
Call'; 'No Laughing Matter'; 'Setting the World on Fire'.
Woolf, Virginia (1882-1941), novelist, critic--'Mrs. Dalloway'; 'The Voyage Out'; 'Night
and Day'; 'To the Lighthouse'; 'The Waves'; 'The Common Reader'.
Yeats, William Butler (1865-1939), poet, essayist, dramatist--'The Wild Swans at
Coole'; 'Ideas of Good and Evil'; 'Cathleen ni Houlihan'; 'Deirdre'.
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Representative Canadian Writers
Allen, Charlotte Vale (born 1941). Novelist. 'Love Life'; 'The Marmalade Man'; 'Intimate
Aquin, Hubert (1929-77). Novelist. 'Prochain Episode'; 'Neige Noire'.
Archambault, Gilles (born 1933). Novelist. 'Le Voyageur distrait'.
Atwood, Margaret (born 1939). Poet and novelist. 'Lady Oracle'; 'Two-Headed Poems';
'Murder in the Dark'.
Aubert de Gaspe, Philippe-Joseph (1786-1871). Novelist. 'Les Anciens Canadiens'.
Avison, Margaret (born 1918). Poet. 'Winter Sun'.
Bailey, Alfred G. (born 1905). Poet. 'Thanks for a Drowned Island'; 'Miramichi
Bates, Ronald (born 1924). Poet. 'Northrop Frye'.
Beaulieu, Michel (born 1941). Poet and novelist. 'Desseins'.
Beresford-Howe, Constance (born 1922). Novelist. 'The Book of Eve'; 'A Population of
Blais, Marie-Claire (born 1939). Novelist. 'Vivre! Vivre!'; 'Les nuits de l'Underground'.
Bowering, George (born 1935). Poet and novelist. 'Points on the Grid'; 'A Short Sad
Brooke, Frances (1724-89). Novelist. 'The History of Emily Montague'.
Bruce, Charles (1906-71). Poet. 'The Mulgrave Road'.
Buckler, Ernest (born 1908). Novelist. 'The Mountain and the Valley'; 'Ox Bells and
Callaghan, Morley (1903-90). Novelist. 'The Loved and the Lost'; 'A Fine and Private
Carman, Bliss (1861-1929). Poet. 'Low Tide on Grand Pre'; 'Songs from Vagabondia';
'Selected Poems'.
Chamberland, Paul (born 1939). Poet. 'L'afficheur hurle'; 'Extreme survivance, extreme
Choquette, Robert (born 1905). Novelist. 'Les Velder'; 'Elise Velder'; 'Sous le regne
Cogswell, Frederick W. (born 1917). Poet. 'The Stunted Strong'; 'In Praise of Chastity'.
Cohen, Leonard (born 1934). Poet and novelist. 'Let Us Compare Mythologies'; 'Death
of a Lady's Man'.
Colombo, John R. (born 1936). Poet. 'The Great Wall of China'; 'The Sad Truths';
'Songs of the Indians'.
Currie, Robert (born 1937). Poet and novelist. 'Quarterback'; 'The Halls of Elsinore';
'Night Games'.
Davies, Robertson (born 1913). Novelist and playwright. Novels: 'Tempest-Tost';
'Leaven of Malice'; 'Fifth Business'. Dramas: 'Fortune, My Foe'; 'Eros at Breakfast'.
Dube, Marcel (born 1930). Playwright. 'Zone'; 'Les Beaux Dimanches'; 'L'ete s'appelle
Dudek, Louis (born 1918). Poet. 'East of the City'; 'Europe'; 'Cross-Section';
Duguay, Raoul (born 1939). Poet and playwright. 'Ruts'; 'Lapokalipso'; 'Musique de
Engel, Marian (born 1933). Novelist. 'No Clouds of Glory'; 'The Glassy Sea'; 'Lunatic
Fiamengo, Marya (born 1926). Poet. 'Overheard at the Oracle'; 'North of the Cold Star'.
-Page 27-
Findley, Timothy (born 1930). Novelist and playwright. 'The Last of the Crazy People';
'The Wars'; 'Famous Last Words'.
Frye, Northrop (born 1912). Critic. 'The Stubborn Structure'; 'The Bush Garden'; 'The
Secular Scripture'.
Gallant, Mavis (born 1922). Novelist. 'Green Water, Green Sky'; 'A Fairly Good Time';
'Home Truths'.
Galt, John (1779-1839). Novelist. 'Lawrie Todd'; 'Bogle Corbet'.
Geddes, Gary (born 1940). Poet. 'Letter of the Master of Horse'; 'War Measures and
Other Poems'.
Godbout, Jacques (born 1933). Novelist. 'L'Aquarium'; 'Salut Galarneau!'; 'Les Tetes a
Graham, Gwethalyn (1913-65). Novelist. 'Earth and High Heaven'.
Graves, Warren (born 1933). Playwright. 'Beauty and the Beast'; 'Yes, Dear'; 'The Last
Real Summer'.
Gustafson, Ralph Barker (born 1909). Poet. 'The Golden Chalice'; 'Rocky Mountain
Poems'; 'Themes and Variations for Sounding Brass'; 'The Vivid Air'.
Hailey, Arthur (born 1920). Novelist. 'Hotel'; 'The Moneychangers'; 'Overload'.
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler (1796-1865). Essayist and humorist. 'The Clockmaker;
or, The Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville'.
Hauser, Gwen (born 1944). Poet. 'The Ordinary Invisible Woman'; 'Danger, Women at
Hebert, Anne (born 1916). Poet. 'Le Tombeau des rois'; 'Kamouraska'; 'Les Fous de
Hine, Daryl (born 1936). Poet. 'The Carnal and the Crane'; 'Daylight Saving'.
Hodgins, Jack (born 1938). Novelist. 'Spit Delaney's Island'; 'The Invention of the
World'; 'The Resurrection of Joseph Bourne'.
Irwin, Grace Lilian (born 1907). Novelist. 'Least of All Saints'; 'Servant of Slaves'.
Johnston, George (born 1913). Poet. 'The Cruising Auk'; 'Home Free'; 'Auk Redivivus'.
Jones, D.G. (born 1929). Poet. 'Frost on the Sun'; 'Phrases from Orpheus'; 'A Throw of
Kinsella, William P. (born 1935). Novelist. 'Dance Me Outside'; 'The Ballad of the
Public Trustee'.
Kroetsch, Robert (born 1927). Novelist. 'The Studhorse Man'; 'The Sad Phoenician';
Lampman, Archibald (1861-99). Poet. 'Lyrics of Earth'.
Layton, Irving (born 1912). Poet. 'The Bull Calf'; 'A Red Carpet for the Sun'; 'The
Swinging Flesh'.
Leacock, Stephen (1869-1944). Humorist. 'Literary Lapses'; 'Sunshine Sketches of a
Little Town'.
Lemelin, Roger (born 1919). Novelist. 'Au pied de la pente douce'; 'Les Plouffe'; 'Pierre
le magnifique'.
Le Pan, Douglas (born 1914). Poet. 'The Wounded Prince'; 'The Net and the Sword';
'The Deserter'.
Livesay, Dorothy (born 1909). Poet. 'Day and Night'.
McCourt, Edward Alexander (1907-72). Novelist. 'Music at the Close'.
McCulloch, Thomas (1776-1843). Essayist and humorist. 'The Stepsure Letters'.
MacDonald, Wilson (1880-1967). Poet. 'A Flagon of Beauty'.
MacKay, Louis Alexander (born 1901). Poet. 'The Ill-Tempered Lover'.
MacLennan, Hugh (1907-90). Novelist. 'Barometer Rising'; 'Two Solitudes'; 'The Watch
that Ends the Night'.
Mandel, Eli (born 1922). Poet. 'Fuseli Poems'.
-Page 28-
Marriott, Anne (born 1913). Poet. 'The Wind Our Enemy'.
Moodie, Susanna (1803-85). Novelist. 'Roughing It in the Bush'.
Moore, Brian (born 1921). Novelist. 'The Luck of Ginger Coffey'.
Munro, Alice (born 1931). Short-story writer. 'Who Do You Think You Are?'; 'The Moons
of Jupiter'.
Nelligan, Emile (1879-1941). Poet. 'Selected Poems' (trans. by P.F. Widdows).
Page, Patricia Kathleen (born 1916). Poet. 'As Ten As Twenty'; 'The Metal and the
Pickthall, Marjorie Lowry Christie (1883-1922). Poet. 'Complete Poems'.
Pratt, Edwin J. (1883-1964). Poet. 'Collected Poems'.
Raddall, Thomas H. (born 1903). Novelist. 'The Nymph and the Lamp'; 'At the Tide's
Reaney, James (born 1926). Poet and playwright. Poetry: 'The Red Heart'. Drama: 'The
Richler, Mordecai (born 1931). Novelist. 'Son of a Smaller Hero'.
"Ringuet" (Philippe Panneton) (1895-1960). Novelist. '30 Arpents' (trans. as 'Thirty
Roberts, Charles G.D. (1860-1943). Poet and novelist. Poetry: 'Selected Poems'.
Novels: 'The Last Barrier'.
Ross, Sinclair (born 1908). Novelist. 'As for Me and My House'.
Roy, Gabrielle (1909-83). Novelist. 'Bonheur d'occasion' (trans. as 'The Tin Flute').
Salverson, Laura (1890-1970). Novelist. 'The Viking Heart'; 'Confessions of an
Immigrant's Daughter'.
Saunders, Marshall (1861-1947). Novelist. 'Beautiful Joe'.
Scott, Francis R. (1899-1985). Poet. 'Overture'; 'Events and Signals'; 'The Eye of the
Service, Robert William (1874-1958). Poet. 'Songs of a Sourdough'.
Seton, Ernest Thompson (1860-1946). Nature essayist. 'Wild Animals I Have Known'.
Smith, A.J.M. (1902-80). Poet. 'News of the Phoenix'.
Smith, Kay (born 1911). Poet. 'Footnote to the Lord's Prayer'.
Souster, Raymond (born 1921). Poet. 'Selected Poems'.
Waddington, Miriam (born 1917). Poet. 'Green World'.
Walker, David (born 1911). Novelist. 'Geordie'.
Watson, Wilfred (born 1911). Poet. 'Friday's Child'.
Webb, Phyllis (born 1927). Poet. 'Even Your Right Eye'.
Wilkinson, Anne (1910-61). Poet. 'Counterpoint to Sleep'.
Wilson, Ethel (1888-1980). Novelist. 'Hetty Dorval'.
Wiseman, Adele (born 1928). Novelist. 'The Sacrifice'.
-Page 29-
Representative French Writers
Anouilh, Jean (1910-87)--'Antigone'; 'The Lark'.
Aragon, Louis (1897-1982)--'The Bells of Basel'; 'Residential Quarters'.
Augier, (Guillaume-Victor-) Emile (1820-89)--'Madame Caverlet'; 'Lions and Foxes'.
Balzac, Honore de (1799-1850)--'The Human Comedy' (more than 90 novels, including
'The Insurgents'; 'Eugenie Grandet'; 'Old Goriot'; 'Cousin Betty').
Barbusse, Henri (1873-1935)--'Under Fire'; 'The Inferno'; 'I Saw It Myself'.
Barres, Maurice (1862-1923)--'The Faith of France'; 'Colette Baudoche'; 'The Sacred
Baudelaire, Charles (1821-67)--'Flowers of Evil'; 'The Artificial Paradise'.
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de (1732-99)--'The Barber of Seville'; 'The
Marriage of Figaro'.
Beauvoir, Simone de (1908-86)--'She Came to Stay'; 'The Mandarins'; 'The Second
Sex'; 'A Very Easy Death'.
Beckett, Samuel (1906-89)--'Molloy'; 'Waiting for Godot'; 'Endgame'.
Becque, Henri-Francois (1837-99)--'The Crows'; 'The Woman of Paris'.
Bergson, Henri-Louis (1859-1941)--'Matter and Memory'; 'Creative Evolution'.
Bernanos, Georges (1888-1948)--'The Star of Satan'; 'The Diary of a Country Priest';
'Open Mind'; 'The Fearless Heart'.
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri (1737-1814)--'Studies of Nature', including
'Paul and Virginia'.
Bloch, Jean-Richard (1884-1947)--'A Night in Kurdistan'.
Boileau-Despreaux, Nicolas (1636-1711)--'Satires'; 'Epistles'; 'The Art of Poetry'.
Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne (1627-1704)--'Discourse on World History'.
Bourget, Paul-Charles-Joseph (1852-1935)--'A Cruel Enigma'; 'The Disciple'; 'A
Woman's Heart'.
Braudel, Fernand (1902-85)--'The Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II';
'Civilization and Capitalism'.
Breton, Andre (1896-1966)--'Poemes'; 'What Is Surrealism?'; 'Yves Tanguy'.
Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte de (1707-88)--'Natural History'.
Camus, Albert (1913-60)--'The Stranger'; 'The Plague'; 'The Fall'; 'Caligula'; 'The
Rebel'; 'The First Men'.
Chateaubriand, Francois-Auguste-Rene, vicomte de (1768-1848)--'The Genius of
Chretien de Troyes (12th century)--Arthurian romances.
Claudel, Paul-Louis-Charles (1868-1955)--'The Tidings Brought to Mary'; 'The City';
'The Eye Listens'.
Cocteau, Jean (1889-1963)--'Enfants Terribles'; 'The Infernal Machine'; 'The Eagle Has
Two Heads'.
Constant de Rebecque, Henri-Benjamin (1767-1830)--'Adolphe'; 'The Red Notebook'.
Corneille, Pierre (1606-84)--'Medee'; 'The Cid'; 'Polyeucte'; 'Oedipe'.
Daudet, Alphonse (1840-97)--'Letters from My Mill'; 'Monday Tales'.
Descartes, Rene (1596-1650)--'Discourse on Method'; 'Passions of the Soul';
'Principles of Philosophy'.
Diderot, Denis (1713-84)--'L'Encyclopedie'; 'Rameau's Nephew'.
Duhamel, Georges (1884-1966)--'In Defense of Letters'; 'Scenes from the Life of the
-Page 30-
Dumas, Alexandre, the Elder (1802-70)--'The Three Musketeers'; 'Twenty Years
After'; 'The Count of Monte Cristo'; 'Ten Years Later, or The Viscount Bragelonne'; 'The
Black Tulip'.
Dumas, Alexandre, the Younger (1824-95)--'The Lady of the Camellias'.
Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe (1651-1715)--'Telemaque'.
Flaubert, Gustave (1821-80)--'Bouvard et Pecuchet'; 'Madame Bovary'; 'Salammbo'; 'A
Sentimental Education'; 'The Temptation of St. Anthony'.
France, Anatole (Jacques-Anatole Thibault) (1844-1924)--'The Crime of Sylvestre
Bonnard'; 'Penguin Island'; 'Mother of Pearl'; 'Thais'.
Froissart, Jean (1337?-1410?)--'Chronicles'.
Gautier, Theophile (1811-72)--'Poesies'; 'Mademoiselle de Maupin'; 'Le Capitaine
Genet, Jean (1910-86)--'The Maids'; 'Deathwatch'; 'The Blacks'.
Gide, Andre-Paul-Guillaume (1869-1951)--'Fruits of the Earth'; 'If It Die'; 'The
Immoralist'; 'The Pastoral Symphony'; 'The Counterfeiters'.
Giono, Jean (1895-1970)--'Hill of Destiny'; 'The Song of the World'; 'The Horseman on
the Roof'; 'To the Slaughterhouse'; 'Two Riders of the Storm'.
Giraudoux, Jean (1882-1944)--'Amphitryon 38'; 'Tiger at the Gates'; 'The Madwoman
of Chaillot'.
Goncourt, Edmond (1822-96) and Jules de (1830-70)--'Madame Gervaisais'.
Guillaume de Lorris (13th century)--'Romance of the Rose'.
Hugo, Victor (1802-85)--'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'; 'Hernani'; 'Les Miserables';
'Toilers of the Sea'; 'The King's Diversion'.
Huysmans, Joris-Karl (1848-1907)--'Down There'; 'Against the Grain'; 'The Crowds of
Ionesco, Eugene (1912-94)--'The Bald Soprano'; 'Rhinoceros'; 'Journeys to the Homes
of the Dead.'
Jean de Meung (or Meun) (13th century)--'Romance of the Rose'.
Joinville, Jean de (1224?-1317?)--'History of St. Louis'.
La Bruyere, Jean de (1645-96)--'Caracteres'.
La Chaussee, Pierre-Claude Nivelle de (1692-1754)--'Melanide'; 'Pamela'.
La Fayette, Marie-Madeleine (1634-93)--'The Princess of Cleves'.
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621-95)--'Fables'.
Lamartine, Alphonse de (1790-1869)--'Meditations'; 'Confidences'.
La Rochefoucauld, Francois, duc de (1613-80)--'Maxims'; 'Memoires'.
Loti, Pierre (Louis-Marie-Julien Viaud) (1850-1923)--'An Iceland Fisherman';
'Madame Chrysantheme'; 'The Disenchanted'.
Louys, Pierre (Pierre Louis) (1870-1925)--'The Songs of Bilitis'; 'Aphrodite'; 'Satyrs
and Women'.
Maeterlinck, Maurice (1862-1949)--'Pelleas et Melisande'; 'The Blue Bird'.
Malherbe, Francois de (1555-1628)--Poems; translations.
Mallarme, Stephane (1842-98)--'Poesies'.
Malraux, Andre (1901-76)--'The Royal Way'; 'Man's Fate'; 'Days of Wrath'; 'Man's
Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de (1688-1763)--'The Game of Love and
Marot, Clement (1495?-1544)--'Adolescence Clementine'; 'Epigrams'.
Martin du Gard, Roger (1881-1958)--'The World of the Thibaults'; 'The Postman'.
Maupassant, Guy de (1850-93)--"The Piece of String"; "The Necklace"; 'A Woman's
-Page 31-
Mauriac, Francois (1885-1970)--'The Kiss of the Leper'; 'Genitrix'; 'The Vipers' Tangle';
Maurois, Andre (Emile Herzog) (1885-1967)--'Ariel: The Life of Shelley'; 'The
Atmosphere of Love'.
Merimee, Prosper (1803-70)--'Colomba'; 'Carmen'.
Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) (1622-73)--'Tartuffe'; 'The Bourgeois Gentleman';
'The Misanthrope'; 'The Miser'; 'The Imaginary Invalid'.
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533-92)--'Essays'.
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de (1689-1755)--'Persian Letters';
'The Spirit of Laws'.
Montherlant, Henry de (1896-1972)--'The Bullfighters'; 'The Bachelors'.
Musset, (Louis-Charles) Alfred de (1810-57)--'Confessions of a Child of the Century';
'The Nights'; 'One Can Never Tell'; 'Andre del Sarto'.
Pascal, Blaise (1623-62)--'Pensees'.
Prevost d'Exiles, Antoine-Francois (Abbe Prevost) (1697-763)--'Manon Lescaut'.
Rabelais, Francois (1493?-1553)--'Gargantua'; 'Pantagruel'.
Racine, Jean Baptiste (1639-99)--'La Thebaide'; 'Andromaque'; 'Berenice'; 'Iphigenie';
Regnier, Henri-Francois-Joseph de (1864-1936)--'The Escapade'.
Renan, (Joseph) Ernest (1823-92)--'History of the Origins of Christianity'.
Rimbaud, (Jean Nicholas) Arthur (1854-91)--'A Season in Hell'; 'Illuminations'.
Rolland, Romain (1866-1944)--'Jean-Christophe'; 'The Soul Enchanted'; 'Mahatma
Gandhi'; 'The Wolves'.
Romains, Jules (Louis Farigoule) (1885-1972)--'Men of Good Will' (27 vols.); 'The
Death of a Nobody'.
Ronsard, Pierre de (1524-85)--'Odes'; 'Hymnes'; 'Amours'.
Rostand, Edmond (1868-1918)--'Cyrano de Bergerac'; 'The Eaglet'; 'Chantecler'.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-78)--'The New Heloise'; 'Discourse on Inequality'; 'The
Social Contract'; 'Emile'; 'Confessions'; 'Dialogues'.
Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin (1804-69)--'Monday Chats'; 'Harvest Thoughts'.
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de (1900-44)--'Night Flight'; 'Wind, Sand, and Stars'; 'The Little
Sand, George (Baroness Dudevant, christened Aurore Dupin) (1804-76)--'Jacques';
'The Devil's Pool'.
Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905-1980)--'Nausea'; 'The Flies'; 'Being and Nothingness'; 'The Age
of Reason'; 'Troubled Sleep'; 'No Exit'; 'Words'.
Sevigne, Madame de (1626-96)--Letters.
Stael, Madame de (1766-1817)--'Delphine'; 'Corinne'.
Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) (1783-1842)--'The Red and the Black'; 'The
Charterhouse of Parma'.
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe (1828-93)--'History of English Literature'; 'The Origins of
Contemporary France'.
Valery, Paul (1871-1945)--'The Serpent'; 'An Evening with Mr. Teste'; 'The Graveyard of
the Sea'.
Verlaine, Paul (1844-96)--'Confessions of a Poet'.
Verne, Jules (1828-1905)--'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea'; 'Around the
World in Eighty Days'.
Vigny, Alfred de (1797-1863)--'Cinq-Mars'; 'Chatterton'.
Villon, Francois (1431-?)--'Little Testament'; 'Great Testament'.
Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet) (1694-1778)--'The Henriade'; 'Candide'; 'Dictionary of
-Page 32-
Zola, Emile (1840-1902)--'Rougon-Macquart' (20 novels, including 'The Dramshop';
'Germinal'; 'The Earth').
-Page 33-
Representative German Writers
Bachmann, Ingeborg (1926-73), novelist--'Malina'.
Boll, Heinrich (1917-85), novelist and short-story writer--'Adam, Where Art Thou?';
'Acquainted with the Night'; 'The Train Was on Time'; 'Billiards at Half-Past Nine'; 'The
Clown'; 'Absent Without Leave'.
Borchert, Wolfgang (1921-47), dramatist and writer of sketches and stories--'The Man
Outside'; 'The Dandelion'; 'On That Tuesday'.
Brecht, Bertolt (1898-1956), dramatist and poet--'The Threepenny Opera'; 'The Private
Life of the Master Race'; 'Mother Courage'; 'The Good Woman of Setzuan'; 'A Home and
Family Breviary'.
Broch, Hermann (1886-1951), novelist--'The Sleepwalkers', a trilogy; 'The Death of
Buchner, Georg (1813-37), dramatist--'Danton's Death'; 'Leonce and Lena'; 'Wozzeck'.
Canetti, Elias (born 1905), novelist and playwright--'Auto-da-Fe'; 'Crowds and Power';
'The Wedding'; 'Comedy of Vanity'; 'The Numbered'.
Durrenmatt, Friedrich (born 1921-90), dramatist and novelist--'It Is Written'; 'An Angel
Comes to Babylon'; 'The Visit'; 'Traps'; 'The Judge and His Hangman'.
Frisch, Max (1911-91), dramatist and novelist--'Now They're Singing Again'; 'The
Chinese Wall'; 'Mr. Humdrum and the Arsonists'; 'A Man Named Stiller'.
George, Stefan (1868-1933), poet--'Hymns'; 'The Year of the Soul'; 'The Seventh Ring';
'The Star of the Order'; 'The New Reich'.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832), poet, dramatist, and novelist--'Hermann
and Dorothea'; 'Faust'; 'Iphigenia in Taurus'; 'Torquato Tasso'; 'The Sorrows of Young
Werther'; 'Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship'; 'Wilhelm Meister's Travels'.
Gottfried von Strassburg (13th century), writer of an epic--'Tristan and Isolde'.
Grass, Gunter (born 1927), novelist and playwright--'The Tin Drum'; 'Cat and Mouse';
'Dog Years'; 'The Flounder'; 'From the Diary of a Snail'; 'Local Anesthetic'.
Grillparzer, Franz (1791-1872), dramatist and short-story writer--'Sappho'; 'The Waves
of the Sea and of Love'; 'Thou Shalt Not Lie'; 'The Poor Musician'.
Hardenberg, Friedrich L. von (Novalis) (1772-1801), poet and novelist--'Hymns to the
Night'; 'Henry of Ofterdingen'.
Hartmann von Aue (1170?-1215?), writer of epics and religious legends--'Erec'; 'Iwein';
'Gregorius'; 'Henry the Leper'.
Hauptmann, Gerhart (1862-1946), dramatist, novelist, and short-story writer--'Before
Dawn'; 'The Weavers'; 'The Beaver Coat'; 'Hannele, a Dream Poem'; 'The Sunken Bell';
'The Fool in Christ, Emanuel Quint'; 'Flagman Thiel'.
Hebbel, Friedrich (1813-63), dramatist--'Judith'; 'Maria Magdalene'; 'Herodes and
Marianne'; 'Agnes Bernauer'; 'Gyges and His Ring'.
Heine, Heinrich (1797-1856), poet and prose writer--'The Book of Songs'; 'Romancero';
'Trip to the Harz'; 'Travel-Pictures'.
Herder, Johann Gottfried von (1744-1803), critic and philosopher of history-'Fragments on Recent German Literature'; 'Outlines of a Philosophy of the History of
Man'; 'Voices of Nations in Songs'.
Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962), novelist and poet--'Demian'; 'Steppenwolf'; 'Magister
Hoffmann, E.T.A. (1776-1822), novelist and short-story writer--'The Devil's Elixir'; 'Weird
-Page 34-
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von (1874-1929), poetic dramatist and librettist (for Richard
Strauss)--'The Death of Titian'; 'Death and the Fool'; 'The Play of Everyman'; 'Ariadne on
Naxos'; 'The Rose Cavalier' (Der Rosenkavalier).
Holderlin, Friedrich (1770-1843), poet and novelist--'Hyperion'.
Johnson, Uwe (1934-84), novelist--'Anniversaries' (tetralogy); 'Speculations About
Jakob'; 'The Third Book About Achim'; 'Two Views'.
Junger, Ernst (1895-1998), novelist--'Storm of Steel'; 'The Working Man'; 'On the
Marble Cliffs'.
Kafka, Franz (1883-1924), novelist and short-story writer--'America'; 'The Castle'; 'The
Trial'; 'The Metamorphosis'.
Kaiser, Georg (1878-1945), dramatist--'The Citizens of Calais'; 'From Morn to Midnight';
'The Coral'; 'Gas'; 'Gas II'; 'The Soldier Tanaka'.
Keller, Gottfried (1819-90), novelist and short-story writer--'Green Henry'; 'A Village
Romeo and Juliet'; 'Clothes Make the Man'; 'The Dance Legend'.
Kleist, Heinrich von (1777-1811), dramatist and short-story writer--'Kitty of Heilbronn';
'The Prince of Homburg'; 'The Earthquake in Chile'.
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb (1724-1803), poet and dramatist--'The Messiah'; 'Odes
of Klopstock'; 'The Death of Adam'; 'The Battle of Hermann'.
Koeppen, Wolfgang (born 1906), novelist--'Pigeons in the Grass'; 'The Greenhouse';
'Death in Rome'; 'An Unhappy Love'; 'The Wall Sways'.
La Motte-Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Karl (1777-1843), short-story writer, novelist,
and dramatist--'Undine'; 'The Magic Ring'; 'The Hero of the North'.
Langgasser, Elisabeth (1889-1950), novelist--'The Indelible Seal'; 'The Quest'.
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729-81), critic and dramatist--'Laocoon'; 'Nathan the
Ludwig, Otto (1813-65), novelist, dramatist, and critic--'Between Heaven and Earth';
'The Forest Warden'.
Luther, Martin (1483-1546), translator of the Bible and writer of religious tracts and
hymns--'To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation'; 'On the Liberty of a Christian'.
Mann, Thomas (1875-1955), novelist and short-story writer--'Buddenbrooks'; 'The Magic
Mountain'; 'Joseph and His Brothers'; 'Doctor Faustus'; 'Tonio Kroger'; 'Death in Venice'.
Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand (1825-98), novelist and short-story writer--'The Saint'; 'The
Amulet'; 'Plantus in the Nunnery'; 'The Monk's Wedding'.
Morike, Eduard Friedrich (1804-75), poet, novelist, and short-story writer--'Painter
Nolten'; 'Mozart on the Way to Prague'.
Musil, Robert (1880-1942), novelist--'The Man Without Qualities'; 'Young Torless'.
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844-1900), philosopher and poet--'The Birth of
Tragedy'; 'Thus Spake Zarathustra'; 'Beyond Good and Evil'; 'On the Genealogy of
Morals'; 'The Case of Wagner'; 'Ecce Homo'.
Nossack, Hans Erich (1901-78), novelist--'Nekyia'; 'The Stolen Melody'; 'The
Impossible Proof'; 'Spiral. Novel of a Sleepless Night'; 'The Younger Brother'; 'The
D'Arthez Case'.
Otfrid von Weissenburg (800?-870?), writer of a religious epic--'Book of the Gospels'.
Remarque, Erich Maria (1898-1970), novelist--'All Quiet on the Western Front'; 'The
Road Back'; 'Arch of Triumph'; 'The Night in Lisbon'.
Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926), poet and letter writer--'The Book of Hours'; 'The Book
of Pictures'; 'Duino Elegies'; 'Sonnets to Orpheus'.
Sachs, Hans (1494-1576), dramatist and poet--'The Children of Eve'; 'The Wandering
Scholar'; 'The Nightingale of Wittenberg'.
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von (1759-1805), dramatist, poet, and critic-'The Robbers'; 'Mary Stuart'; 'The Maid of Orleans'; 'William Tell'.
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Schnitzler, Arthur (1862-1931), dramatist, novelist, and short-story writer--'Anatol';
'Hands Around'; 'The Lonely Way'; 'The Road to the Open'; 'Daybreak'; 'Rhapsody';
Flight into Darkness'.
Storm, Theodor (1817-88), short-story writer, novelist, and poet--'Immensee'; 'The
Rider of the White Horse'.
Sudermann, Hermann (1857-1928), dramatist and novelist--'The Joy of Living';
'Magda'; 'Dame Care'.
Tieck, Johann Ludwig (1773-1853), short-story writer, novelist, and dramatist--'Blond
Eckbert'; 'Trusty Eckart'; 'The Story of Mr. William Lovell'; 'The Wanderings of Franz
Sternbald'; 'Puss in Boots'.
Toller, Ernst (1893-1939), dramatist--'Man and the Masses'; 'The Machine-Wreckers';
'Draw the Fires!'
Walser, Martin (born 1927), novelist--'The Fall'; 'Half Time'; 'Marriage in Philippsburg';
'The Unicorn'.
Wassermann, Jakob (1873-1934), novelist--'Caspar Hauser'; 'The World's Illusion'; 'The
Triumph of Youth'.
Wedekind, Frank (1864-1918), dramatist--'The Awakening of Spring'; 'Earth-Spirit';
'Pandora's Box'.
Werfel, Franz (1890-1945), novelist, dramatist, and poet--'Class Reunion'; 'The Forty
Days of Musa Dagh'; 'Embezzled Heaven'; 'The Song of Bernadette'.
Wolf, Christa (born 1929), novelist--'Divided Heaven'; 'The Quest for Christa T.'
Wolfram von Eschenbach (1170-1220?), writer of epics--'Parzival'; 'Willehalm'.
Zweig, Arnold (1887-1968), novelist--'The Great War of the White Men'; 'The Case of
Sergeant Grischa'.
Zweig, Stefan (1881-1942), biographer, poet, and dramatist--'Three Masters'; 'Master
Builders'; 'The Tide of Fortune'; 'Beware of Pity'; 'The Royal Game and Other Stories';
'The Story of Magellan'; 'The World of Yesterday'.
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Representative Italian Writers
Alfieri, Vittorio (1749-1803), dramatist--'Saul', 'Oreste'.
Ariosto, Ludovico (1474-1533), epic poet--'Orlando Furioso'.
Barzini, Luigi (born 1908), essayist--'The Italians'.
Bassani, Giorgio (born 1916), novelist, short-story writer--'The Garden of the FinziContinis', 'A Prospect of Ferrara', 'The Smell of Hay'.
Berto, Giuseppe (1914-78), novelist, playwright--'The Works of God', 'The Sky Is Red',
Betti, Ugo (1892--1953), poet, playwright--'The Thoughtful King', 'Corruption in the
Palace of Justice'.
Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313-75), short-story writer, poet--'The Decameron'.
Carducci, Giosue (1835-1907), poet--'Barbaric Odes'.
Castiglione, Baldassare (1478-1529), diplomat, political philosopher--'The Courtier'.
Croce, Benedetto (1866-1952), philosopher, literary critic, historian--'On History'.
D'Annunzio, Gabriele (1863-1938), poet, dramatist, novelist--'The Child of Pleasure',
'The Flame of Life'.
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), epic poet--'The Divine Comedy'.
Deledda, Grazia (1871-1936), novelist, short-story writer--'The Mother'.
Eco, Umberto (born 1932), linguist and novelist--'The Name of the Rose', 'Foucault's
Foscolo, Ugo (1778-1827), novelist and poet--'Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis', 'On
Gentile, Giovanni (1875-1944), philosopher--'Discorsi di Religione'.
Goldoni, Carlo (1707-93), dramatist--'The Coffee House'.
Leopardi, Giacomo (1798-1837), poet--'Canzoni', 'Pensieri', 'Canti'.
Levi, Carlo (1902-75), writer of memoirs--'Christ Stopped at Eboli', 'Quaderno a
Machiavelli, Niccolo (1469-1527), statesman, political philosopher--'The Prince'.
Manzoni, Alessandro (1785-1873), poet, dramatist, novelist--'The Betrothed', "The Fifth
of May."
Marino, Giambattista (1569-1625), poet--'Adone'.
Montale, Eugenio (1896-1981), poet--'La Bufera e altro'.
Moravia, Alberto (1907-90), novelist and short-story writer--'The Time of Indifference',
'Mistaken Ambitions', 'The Conformist', 'Two Women'.
Pavese, Cesare (1908-50), novelist and translator--'The Moon and the Bonfires', 'Fuoco
Petrarch, Francesco (1304-74), poet--'Sonnets'.
Pirandello, Luigi (1867-1936), dramatist, novelist, short-story writer--'Six Characters in
Search of an Author', 'Enrico IV', 'Tonight We Improvise'.
Silone, Ignazio (1900-78), novelist--'Fontamara', 'Bread and Wine', 'The Fox and the
Svevo, Italo (1861-1928), novelist--'The Confessions of Zeno'.
Tasso, Torquato (1544-95), epic poet--'Jerusalem Delivered'.
Verga, Giovanni (1840-1922), novelist--'The House by the Medlar Tree'.
Vico, Giambattista (1668-1744), philosopher--'New Science'.
Vittorini, Elio (1908-66), novelist, critic, translator--'Conversation in Sicily'.
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Representative Latin American Authors
The great names in the literature of Argentina are mainly those of the 19th and
20th centuries. After the ousting of the dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas in 1852, the
republic was strongly united with centralized authority that encouraged a rapid advance
in education, political stability, and art. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, educator, politician,
and writer, was one of the great creators of modern Argentina. Argentina's chief
contribution to Latin American literature was the gaucho theme, used in both poetry and
prose fiction. Some of Argentina's finest writers are:
Andrade, Olegario Victor (1841-82)--'Song to the Future of the Latin Race in America'.
Borges, Jorge Luis (1899-1986)--'Ficciones'.
Cortazar, Julio (1914-84)--'Hopscotch'.
Echeverria, Esteban (1805-51)--'Rhymes'.
Galvez, Manuel (1882-1962)--'Nacha Regules'.
Guiraldes, Ricardo (1886-1927)--'Shadows on the Pampas'.
Hernandez, Jose (1834-86)--'The Gaucho Martin Fierro'.
Larreta, Enrique (1875-1961)--'The Glory of Don Ramiro'.
Lugones, Leopoldo (1874-1938)--'Golden Mountains'.
Lynch, Benito (1885?-1951)--'The Englishman of the Bones'.
Marmol, Jose (1818-71)--'Amalia'.
Obligado, Rafael (1851-1920)--'Argentine Legends'.
Ocantos, Carlos Maria (1860-1949)--'Leon Zaldivar'.
Payro, Roberto J. (1867-1928)--'Upon These Ruins'.
Puig, Manuel (1932-90)--'The Buenos Aires Affair'.
Rojas, Ricardo (1882-1957)--'Ollantay'.
Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino (1811-88)--'Facundo'.
Storni, Alfonsina (1892-1938)--'The Rosebush's Restlessness'.
Valenzuela, Luisa (born 1938)--'Strange Things Happen Here'.
Bolivia, in spite of its chronic economic difficulties, its large number of
unassimilated Indians, many of whom do not speak Spanish, and its relative isolation
from major cultural centers of the world, has produced some important literature.
The greatest of Bolivia's poets, Ricardo Jaimes Freyre, spent much of his life in
Argentina. Some contemporary writers, especially Alcides Arguedas, are interested in
presenting the problems of the lower economic classes. Some notable Bolivian writers
Arguedes, Alcides (1879-1946)--'The Bronze Race'.
Calvo, Daniel (1832-80)--'Rhymes'.
Cerruto, Oscar (born 1907)--'Rain of Fire'.
Chirveches, Armando (1883-1926)--'The Rojas Candidacy'.
Galindo, Nestor (1830-65)--'Tears'.
Jaimes Freyre, Ricardo (1870-1933)--'The Conquistadores'.
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Lenz, Benjamin (1836-78)--'Poems'.
Brazil holds a unique place among the countries of the New World--it is the only
one in which Portuguese is the official language. The literature of Brazil, like that of
Mexico, Peru, and Chile, started in colonial times. Although the primary inspiration for
writing came from a well-developed motherland literature, the influence of French letters
also was felt at the outset.
Jose de Anchieta, one of the earliest Brazilian writers, set the tone and spirit still
to be found in the nation. His description of the beauties of the country and his
recognition of the white man's responsibility for the Indian's welfare make him truly
Brazilian though he was born in Europe.
Antonio Jose da Silva worked to keep the drama alive in the 18th century, while
Tomas Antonio Gonzaga in his 'Chilean Letters' shows the influence of Rousseau.
Literature soon became more realistic, and even pessimistic, with Brazil's greatest writer,
Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis. Stories dealing with the socioeconomic problems
continue to be of primary importance among Brazilians writing today. Brazil's best writers
Amado, Jorge (born 1912)--'Limitless Lands'; 'Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon';
Anchieta, Jose de (1534-97)--'Poems'.
Azevedo, Aluisio (1857-1913)--'The Mulatto'.
Castro Alves, Antonio de (1847-71)--'Poems'.
Da Cunha, Euclydes (1866-1909)--'Rebellion in the Backlands'.
Da Silva, Antonio Jose (1705-39)--'Life of the Great Don Quixote'.
Escragnolle Tounay, Alfredo de (1843-99)--'Innocence'.
Goncalves Dias, Antonio (1823-64)--'American Poems'.
Gonzaga, Tomas Antonio (1744-1807?)--'Chilean Letters'.
Graca Aranha, Jose Pereira da (1868-1931)--'Canaan'.
Guimaraes Rosa, Joao (1908-67)--'The Devil to Pay in the Backlands'.
Lima, Jorge de (1893-1953)--'Poems'.
Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria (1839-1908)--'Posthumous Memoirs of Braz
Martiniano de Alencar, Jose (1829-77)--'The Guarani Indian'.
Monteiro Lobato, Jose Bento (1883-1948)--'Light Tales'.
Oliveira, Antonio Mariano Alberto de (1859-1937)--'Sonnets and Poems'.
Verissimo, Erico (1905-75)--'Night'.
Chile's literature is most significant. It began in the colonial period with 'The
Araucanian' by Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga. Two Chilean poets have received the Nobel
prize for literature--Gabriela Mistral, in 1945, and Pablo Neruda, in 1971. Alberto Blest
Gana, called the Balzac of Chile, wrote for nearly 70 years. A few of the outstanding
writers are:
Alegria, Fernando (born 1918)--'Four White Feet'.
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Barrios, Eduardo (1884-1963)--'The Men Within the Man'.
Blest Gana, Alberto (1831-1920)--'Martin Rivas'.
Bombal, Maria Luisa (1910-80)--'Islands and Other Stories'.
Donoso, Jose (born 1924)--'The Obscene Bird of Night'.
Ercilla y Zuniga, Alonso de (1533-94)--'The Araucanian'.
Lillo, Baldomero (1867-1923)--'The Devil's Pit and Other Stories'.
Medina, Jose Toribio (1852-1930)--Bibliographical and historical works.
Mistral, Gabriela (Lucila Godoy Alcayaga) (1889-1957)--'Desolation'.
Neruda, Pablo (Neftali Ricardo Reyes) (1904-73)--'Twenty Love Poems and a Song of
Prado, Pedro (1886-1952)--'Alsino'.
Subercaseaux, Benjamin (born 1902)--'Jemmy Button'.
Vicuna Mackenna, Benjamin (1831-86)--Histories, biographies.
Colombians--especially in the three main cities of Bogota, Cali, and Medellin-have always prided themselves on a tradition of culture. Colonial traditions and customs
are strong in 'Maria', by Jorge Isaacs. 'The Vortex', by Jose Eustacio Rivera, pictures life
in the dense tropical jungles. In Jose Asuncion Silva is found a source of the Modernism
of the great Nicaraguan Ruben Dario. Gabriel Garcia Marquez received the Nobel prize
for literature in 1982. Best known writers of Colombia include:
Alvarez Lleras, Antonio (1892-1956)--'The Claw'.
Arboleda, Julio (1817-61)--'Poems'.
Caro, Jose Eusebio (1817-53)--'Poems'.
Carrasquilla, Tomas (1858-1940)--'The Marquise of Yolombo'.
Garcia Marquez, Gabriel (born 1928)--'One Hundred Years of Solitude'; 'Chronicle of a
Death Foretold'.
Gutierrez Gonzalez, Gregorio (1826-72)--'Poems'.
Isaacs, Jorge (1837-95)--'Maria'.
Palacios, Eustaquio (1830-98)--'The Royal Ensign'.
Rivera, Jose Eustacio (1889-1928)--'The Vortex'.
Sanin Cano, Baldomero (1861-1957)--'Literary and Philological Disquisitions'.
Silva, Jose Asuncion (1865-96)--'Poems'.
Tablanca, Luis (Enrique Pardo y Farelo) (born 1883)--'The Country Girl'.
Valencia, Guillermo (1873-1943)--'Poems'.
Costa Rica is one of the most progressive Central American countries. Several
Costa Rican intellectuals have been leaders in the advancement of education-particularly Roberto Brenes Mesen and Joaquin Garcia Monje. Some notable Costa
Rican writers are:
Brenes Mesen, Roberto (1874-1947)--'The Gods Return'.
Echeverria, Aquileo (1866-1909)--'Rustic Rhymes'.
Fallas, Carlos Luis (1910-66)--'Mother United'.
Fernandez Guardia, Ricardo (1867-1950)--'Tican Stories'.
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Garcia Monje, Joaquin (1881-1958)--'Daughters of the Soil'; editor, Repertorio
Lyra, Carmen (Maria Isabel Carvajal) (1888-1949)--'Stories of My Aunt Panchita'.
Pacheco Cooper, Emilio (1865-1906)--'Poetry'.
Sotela, Rogelio (1894-1943)--'Writers and Poets of Costa Rica'.
Ecuador has contributed significantly to Latin American literature. The first poet
to eulogize the independence of Latin America in epic style was Jose Joaquin de
Olmedo. The high percentage of Indians in the population has helped make racial
themes popular. Some of the writers are:
Carrera Andrade, Jorge (born 1903)--'Place of Origin'.
Gil Gilbert, Enrique (born 1912)--'Our Daily Bread'.
Icaza, Jorge (1906-78)--'Huasipungo'.
Mera, Juan Leon (1832-94)--'Cumanda or a Drama Among Savages'.
Montalvo, Juan (1832-89)--'Chapters Cervantes Forgot to Write'.
Olmedo, Jose Joaquin de (1780-1847)--'The Victory of Junin, Song to Bolivar'.
Zaldumbide, Gonzalo (1885-1965)--'Bitter Fruits'.
The small, densely populated republic of El Salvador claims with Guatemala a
pre-Columbian literary work. This is the 'Popol-Vuh', the history or mythology of the
Quiche Indians. It is said to have been written in the 17th century in Latin characters,
reproducing in part a pre-Columbian original in Mayan hieroglyphics. A few of El
Salvador's writers are:
Avila, Julio Enrique (born 1892)--'The World of My Garden'.
Canas, Juan Jose (1826-1918)--'Departure of the Ship Gold Hunter'.
Lars, Claudia (Carmen Brannon de Samayoa) (1899-1974)--'Stars in the Pool'.
Quijano Hernandez, Manuel (born 1871)--'Stories of My Country'.
Salazar Arrue, Salvador (1899-1975)--'That and More'.
Ulloa, Juan (born 1898)--'Humble Lives'.
Guatemala has begun to lead the Central American republics in publishing. The
educational system has been reorganized. Many people believe that a real literary
renaissance has emerged. Miguel Angel Asturias received the Nobel prize for literature
in 1967. A few of the writers worthy of mention are:
Arevalo Martinez, Rafael (1884-1975)--'Depths'.
Asturias, Miguel Angel (1899-1974)--'The President'.
Batres y Montufar, Jose de (1809-44)--'Traditions of Guatemala'.
Dieguez, Juan (1813-66)--'April Afternoons'.
Irisarri, Antonio Jose de (1786-1868)--'Satirical and Burlesque Poems'.
Jil, Salom (Jose Milla y Vidaurre) (1827-82)--'Don Bonifacio'.
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The literature of Honduras had early beginnings, but the country's output was not
large. Since the second half of the 19th century a real awakening has been noted. Some
of the best known writers are:
Carcoma, Jacob (1914-59)--'Pines of Honduras'.
Castro, Jesus (born 1906)--'Fragrance of Spring'.
Diaz Lozano, Argentina (born 1909)--'Pearls from My Rosary'.
Duron, Jorge Fidel (born 1902)--'American Stories'.
Molina, Juan Ramon (1875-1908)--'Song to the Rio Grande'.
Reyes, Jose Trinidad (1797-1855)--'Pastorals'.
Turcios, Froilan (1875-1943)--'Almond Blossoms'.
Mexico, with the largest population of the Spanish-speaking countries of the New
World, has one of the richest literatures of Latin America. From the earliest times, even
during the days of the conquistadores, important writing was done. Cortez's 'Letters' and
Bernal Diaz del Castillo's 'True History of the Conquest of New Spain' are two interesting
works produced by the conquistadores. The Spanish Golden Age was enriched by the
Mexican-born dramatist Juan Ruiz de Alarcon y Mendoza. The 17th-century nun Juana
Ines de la Cruz produced great love poems. The best picaresque novel of the New
World, 'The Itching Parrot', was written by a Mexican, Jose Joaquin Fernandez de
During the 19th century several Mexican poets contributed significantly to
Modernism. It is probable, however, that in the novel of the Mexican Revolution Mexico
developed a new type of fiction. Octavio Paz won a Nobel prize for literature in 1990.
Notable Mexican writers include:
Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel (1834-93)--'Christmas in the Mountains'.
Azuela, Mariano (1873-1952)--'The Underdogs'.
Delgado, Rafael (1853-1914)--'La Calandria'.
Diaz Miron, Salvador (1853-1928)--'Poems'.
Fernandez de Lizardi, Jose Joaquin (1776-1827)--'The Itching Parrot'.
Fuentes, Carlos (born 1928)--'The Death of Artemio Cruz'.
Gamboa, Federico (1864-1939)--'The Highest Law'.
Gorostiza, Manuel Eduardo de (1789-1851)--'The Clown's Daughter'.
Gutierrez Najera, Manuel (1859-95)--'Poems'.
Guzman, Martin Luis (1887-1976)--'The Eagle and the Serpent'.
Juana Ines de la Cruz (1651-95)--'Poems'.
Lopez y Fuentes, Gregorio (1897-1966)--'The Indian'.
Nervo, Amado (1870-1919)--'The Moment That You'll Love Me'.
Paz, Octavio (1914-98)--'The Labyrinth of Solitude'.
Reyes, Alfonso (1889-1959)--'Sea Gulls'.
Romero, Jose Ruben (1890-1952)--'The Useless Life of Pito Perez'.
Ruiz de Alarcon y Mendoza, Juan (1580?-1639)--'The Truth Suspected'.
Rulfo, Juan (1918-86)--'Pedro Paramo'.
Sierra, Justo (1814-61)--'The Jew's Daughter'.
Torres Bodet, Jaime (1902-74)--'Poems'.
-Page 42-
Usigli, Rodolfo (1905-79)--'The Apostle'.
Vasconcelos, Jose (1882-1959)--'Ulises Criollo'.
Ruben Dario was the leader, if not the founder, of Modernism. Because of his
international acceptance and reputation, he has overshadowed the other writers of this
turbulent and interesting country.
The several invasions of Nicaragua have been the subject of hundreds of poems,
essays, and works of fiction. The fear of Yankee imperialism was expressed by Ruben
Dario in his famous poem 'To Roosevelt'. A few of the outstanding writers of Nicaragua
Aguilar Cortes, Jeronimo (born 1890)--'The Necklace of False Pearls'.
Calero Orozco, Adolfo (born 1899)--'Rustic Tales'.
Cuadra, Pablo Antonio (born 1912)--'Nicaraguan Poems, 1930-1933'.
Dario, Ruben (1867-1916)--'Azure'.
Robleto, Hernan (born 1895)--'Blood in the Tropics'.
Panama has been an independent country only since 1903. As the youngest of
the Spanish American republics, it is often given scant recognition by literary historians.
Even before its independence, however, Panama's writers were showing characteristics
distinct from those of authors in Colombia. A marked trend toward cosmopolitanism was
noteworthy. A few outstanding writers are:
Fabrega, Jose Isaac (born 1900)--'The Crucible'.
Geenzier, Enrique (1888-1943)--'Dusk and Shadows'.
Mendez Pereira, Octavio (1887-1954)--'The Treasure of the Dabaibe'.
Miro, Ricardo (1883-1940)--'Silent Paths'.
Obaldia, Maria Olimpia de (born 1891)--'Orchids'.
Sinan, Rogelio (Bernardo Dominguez Alba) (born 1904)--'Holy Week in the Mist'.
Paraguay has passed through very difficult times. It has been engaged in an
almost continuous series of wars since it became independent. Now it has emerged into
a period of enlightenment.
Paraguay is virtually bilingual. The Guarani Indian language has reached the
status of a literary language. Writers of note include:
Alsina, Arturo (born 1897)--'The Brand'.
Barrett, Rafael (1877-1910)--'Short Stories'.
Casaccia, Gabriel (1907-80)--'La Babosa'.
Pla, Josefina (born 1909)--'Here Nothing Has Happened'.
Ramos Gimenez, Leopoldo (born 1896)--'Eros'.
Roa Bastos, Augusto Antonio (born 1918)--'Nightingale of Dawn'.
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Several evidences of pre-Columbian literature are found in Latin America.
Perhaps the most interesting is an Inca drama, 'Ollantay', first set down by a Peruvian
priest in the 18th century. Early literature in Spanish is represented by the historical
writings of "El Inca" Garcilaso de la Vega and the poet Juan del Valle y Caviedes.
A famous Peruvian prose writer of the modern period was Ricardo Palma. His
nine-volume 'Peruvian Traditions' is a mixture of history and fiction. The stories are
amusing and delightfully written tales and anecdotes from Peruvian history. Jose Santos
Chocano was second to Ruben Dario among the great Modernists. A few of the many
Peruvian writers are:
Alegria, Ciro (1909-67)--'Broad and Alien Is the World'; 'The Golden Serpent'.
Chocano, Jose Santos (1875-1934)--'Song to the Future'.
Garcia Calderon, Ventura (1886-1959)--'Worth a Peru'.
Garcilaso de la Vega, "El Inca" (1540?-1616)--'Florida of the Inca'.
Gonzalez Prada, Manuel (1848-1918)--'Peruvian Ballads'.
Matto de Turner, Clorinda (1852-1909)--'Birds Without a Nest'.
Palma, Ricardo (1833-1919)--'Peruvian Traditions'.
Valle y Caviedes, Juan del (1652-92)--'Poems'.
Vargas Llosa, Mario (born 1936)--'Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter'.
The small country of Uruguay is one of the most literate and progressive of the
Latin American nations. It has a rich literature. Its best known poet is Juan Zorilla de San
Martin. The novelist Carlos Reyles was both an escapist and a psychological analyst.
Many Uruguayan writers are claimed both by their home country and by
Argentina. Florencio Sanchez and Horacio Quiroga were born in Uruguay and moved to
Argentina. Quiroga wrote of the Argentine Chaco and Misiones. Sanchez became a
newspaperman and a playwright in Buenos Aires. A few of Uruguay's notable writers
Acevedo Diaz, Eduardo (1851-1924)--'Soledad'.
Agustini, Delmira (1886-1914)--'Poems'.
Herrera y Reissig, Julio (1875-1910)--'Lyrical Anthology'; 'Twilight Pianos'.
Ibarbourou, Juana de (honorary name: Juana de America) (1895-1979)--'The Hour'.
Quiroga, Horacio (1879-1937)--'Stories of Love, Madness and Death'.
Reyles, Carlos (1868-1938)--'The Spell of Seville'.
Rodo, Jose Enrique (1872-1917)--'Ariel'.
Sanchez, Florencio (1875-1910)--'My Son the Doctor'.
Viana, Javier de (1868-1926)--'Yuyos'.
Zorilla de San Martin, Juan (1855-1931)--'Tabare: Novel in Verse'.
Venezuela was influential in the Latin American movement for intellectual and
political emancipation from Spain. One of its leaders, Andres Bello, was notable in the
fields of journalism, poetry, law, history, philology, and literary criticism. Today fiction is
more accepted than poetry and drama. A distinguished contemporary novelist, Romulo
-Page 44-
Gallegos, was a former president of the republic. Rufino Blanco-Fombona was a poet,
critic, and novelist. Among the best known writers are:
Bello, Andres (1781-1865)--'Eulogy to the Agriculture of the Torrid Zone'.
Blanco-Fombona, Rufino (1874-1944)--'Man of Gold'.
Gallegos, Romulo (1884-1969)--'Dona Barbara'.
Padron, Julian (1910-54)--'Spring Nights'.
Parra, Teresa de la (1895-1936)--'Mama Blanca's Souvenirs'.
Picon-Febres, Gonzalo (1860-1918)--'Sergeant Phillip'.
Rosales, Julio (born 1885)--'Under the Golden Skies'.
Uslar Pietri, Arturo (born 1906)--'Red Lances'.
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Representative Russian Writers
Aksyonov, Vasili (born 1932). Novelist. 'Colleagues'; 'A Starry Ticket'; 'The Island
Crimea'; 'The Burn'; 'Our Golden Ironburg'.
Aldanov, Mark (M.A. Landau) (1888-1957). Novelist. 'The Devil's Bridge'; 'The Ninth
Thermidor'; 'The Fifth Seal'; 'Escape'; 'Before the Deluge'.
Andreev, Leonid (1871-1919). Dramatist and short-story writer. 'The Seven That Were
Hanged'; 'He Who Gets Slapped'; 'Dilemma'; 'King Hunger'.
Babel, Isaac (1894-1941). Short-story writer. 'Stories of the Red Cavalry'; 'Tales'.
Baklanov, Grigori (born 1923). Novelist. 'South of the Main Offensive'; 'The Foothold';
'July 1941'.
Belov, Vasili (born 1932). Novelist. 'On the Eve'; 'That's How It Is'.
Bely, Andrei (Boris Bugaev) (1880-1934). Poet and novelist. 'The Silver Dove';
'Moscow'; 'Petersburg'.
Blok, Aleksandr (1880-1921). Poet. 'Verses About the Beautiful Lady'; 'The Scythians';
'The Twelve'.
Bondarev, Yuri (born 1924). Novelist. 'The Battalions Are Asking for Fire'; 'The Last
Shots'; 'The Hot Snow'.
Bryusov, Valeri (1873-1924). Poet and short-story writer. 'The Republic of the Southern
Bulgakov, Mikhail (1891-1940). Dramatist, novelist, and short-story writer. 'The Master
and Margarita'.
Bunin, Ivan (1870-1953). Novelist, short-story writer, poet, and Nobel prizewinner.
'Gentleman from San Francisco'; 'The Village'; 'Dark Avenues'.
Chekhov, Anton (1860-1904). Dramatist and short-story writer. 'The Darling'; 'The
Steppe'; 'Uncle Vanya'; 'Three Sisters'; 'The Cherry Orchard'; 'The Bear'; 'The Sea Gull';
'The House with the Mezzanine'.
Chukovskaya, Lidia (1907-96). Novelist. 'The Process of Expulsion'; 'The Deserted
Derzhavin, Gavrila (1743-1816). Poet, dramatist, and satirist. 'Odes'.
Dombrovski, Yuri (1919-78). Novelist. 'The Keeper of Antiquities'; 'The Department of
Unnecessary Things'.
Dostoevski, Fedor (1821-81). Novelist. 'Notes from the Underground'; 'Crime and
Punishment'; 'The Idiot'; 'The Possessed'; 'The Brothers Karamazov'; 'The Insulted and
Injured'; 'The House of the Dead'; 'The Friend of the Family'; 'The Eternal Husband'; 'A
Raw Youth'.
Ehrenburg, Ilya (1891-1967). Novelist and journalist. 'The Fall of Paris'; 'The Storm';
'The Ninth Wave'.
Esenin, Sergei (1895-1925). Poet and dramatist. 'Confessions of a Hooligan'; 'The
Black Man'.
Fadeev, Aleksandr (1901-56). Novelist. 'The Nineteen'; 'The Rout'; 'Last of the Udegs'.
Fedin, Konstantin (1892-1977). Novelist. 'Cities and Years'; 'Brothers'; 'No Ordinary
Fonvizin, Denis (1744-92). Satirist and dramatist. 'The Brigadier-General'; 'The Minor';
'The Choice of a Tutor'.
Gladilin, Anatoli (born 1935). Novelist. 'The First Day of the New Year'; 'Forecast for
Tomorrow'; 'A Big Racing Day'.
Gladkov, Fedor (1883-1958). Novelist. 'Cement'; 'Energy'; 'Restless Youth'.
-Page 46-
Gogol, Nikolai (1809-52). Novelist and dramatist. 'Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka';
'Taras Bulba'; 'The Inspector General'; 'The Greatcoat'; 'Dead Souls'.
Goncharov, Ivan (1812-91). Novelist. 'A Common Story'; 'Oblomov'; 'The Precipice'.
Gorki, Maksim (Aleksei Peshkov) (1868-1936). Novelist, short-story writer, and
dramatist. 'Chelkash'; 'The Lower Depths'; 'Mother'; 'The Artamanovs'; 'The Magnet';
'Childhood'; 'The Bystander'.
Ilf, Ilya (1897-1937). Novelist and humorist, wrote with Evgeni Petrov (1903-42). 'The
Little Golden Calf'.
Ivanov, Vsevolod (1895-1963). Short-story writer and novelist. 'I Live a Queer Life'.
Karamzin, Nikolai (1765-1826). Poet, critic, and historian. 'Poor Liza'; 'History of the
Russian State'; 'Letters of a Russian Traveler'.
Kataev, Valentin (1897-1986). Dramatist and novelist . 'The Embezzlers'; 'Time,
Forward'; 'Lonely White Sail'; 'Squaring the Circle'.
Krasnov, Peter (1882-1947). Novelist. 'From the Two-Headed Eagle to the Red Flag'.
Krylov, Ivan (1768-1844). Satirist and fabulist. 'Krylov's Fables'.
Kuprin, Aleksandr (1870-1938). Short-story writer and novelist. 'The Duel'; 'The
Bracelet of Garnets'; 'A Legend'; 'Yama'.
Kuznetsov, Anatoli (1929-79). Novelist. 'Babi Yar'.
Leonov, Leonid (born 1899). Novelist and dramatist. 'Road to the Ocean'; 'Chariot of
Wrath'; 'Soviet River'; 'The Thief'; 'The Badgers'.
Lermontov, Mikhail (1814-41). Poet and novelist. 'The Demon'; 'A Hero of Our Time'.
Leskov, Nikolai (1831-95). Short-story writer and novelist. 'The Amazon'; 'The
Enchanted Wanderer'; 'The Cathedral Folk'; 'The Steel Flea'.
Lomonosov, Mikhail (1711-65). Poet, grammarian, scientist, and historian, "father of
Russian literature."
Lvov, Arkadi (born 1927). Novelist. 'The Courtyard'.
Maksimov, Vladimir (born 1932). Novelist. 'Seven Days of Creation'.
Mandelstam, Osip (1891-1938). Poet. 'Stone'; 'Tristia'; 'Voronezh Notebooks'.
Mayakovski, Vladimir (1893-1930). Poet and dramatist. 'The Cloud'; 'Left March';
'Mysteria-Bouffe'; 'Lenin'.
Merezhkovski, Dmitri (1865-1941). Novelist. 'The Acropolis'; 'The Birth of the Gods';
'Christ and Antichrist'; 'The Death of the Gods'; 'Dante'.
Mozhaev, Boris (born 1932). Novelist. 'Womenfolk and Menfolk'; 'From the Life of Fedor
Nilin, Pavel F. (born 1908). Novelist and short-story writer. 'Comrade Venko' ('Cruelty').
Ostrovski, Aleksandr (1823-86). Dramatist. 'The Storm'; 'The Diary of a Scoundrel';
'Easy Money'; 'The Forest'.
Pasternak, Boris (1890-1960). Poet, novelist, translator, and Nobel prizewinner. 'My
Sister, Life'; 'Doctor Zhivago'.
Pushkin, Aleksandr (1799-1837). Poet, dramatist, and novelist. 'Eugene Onegin'; 'Boris
Godunov'; 'Queen of Spades'; 'Poltava'; 'The Bronze Horseman'.
Remizov, Aleksei (1877-1957). Short-story writer and novelist. 'The Clock'; 'The Fifth
Romanov, Panteleimon (1884-1936). Short-story writer and novelist. 'Russia'; 'Diary of
a Soviet Marriage'; 'Three Pairs of Silk Stockings'; 'Without Cherry Blossom'.
Saltykov (Shchedrin), Mikhail (1826-89). Satirist and novelist. 'The Golovlev Family';
Shalamov, Varlam (1907-82). Novelist. 'Kolyma Tales'; 'Graphite'.
Sholokhov, Mikhail (1905-84). Novelist and Nobel prizewinner. 'And Quiet Flows the
Don'; 'Seeds of Tomorrow'; 'The Don Flows Home to the Sea'; 'Hate'.
-Page 47-
Simonov, Konstantin (1915-75). Journalist, poet, dramatist, and novelist. 'Days and
Soloviev, Vladimir (1853-1900). Philosopher and poet. 'The Justification of the Good'.
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander (born 1918). Novelist, short-story writer, dramatist, and Nobel
prizewinner. 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich'; 'The Cancer Ward'; 'The First
Circle'; 'Gulag Archipelago'.
Tolstoi, Aleksei N. (1882-1945). Novelist. 'Peter the Great'; 'Road to Calvary';
'Darkness and Dawn'.
Tolstoi, Leo (1828-1910). Novelist, dramatist, and philosopher. 'War and Peace'; 'Anna
Karenina'; 'A Confession'; 'Kreutzer Sonata'; 'Death of Ivan Ilyich'; 'Resurrection';
'Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth'; 'The Cossacks'; 'Notes of a Madman and Other
Trofonov, Yuri (1925-81). Novelist. 'The Old Man'; 'The House on the Embankment';
'Students'; 'Quenching a Thirst'.
Turgenev, Ivan (1818-83). Novelist, dramatist, and short-story writer. 'A Sportsman's
Sketches'; 'Fathers and Sons'; 'Virgin Soil'; 'First Love'; 'On the Eve'; 'Rudin'; 'Smoke'; 'A
Month in the Country'.
Voznesenski, Andrei (born 1933). Poet. 'The Masters'; 'Parabola'.
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny (born 1933). Poet, novelist. 'Zima Junction'; 'Baby Yar'; 'Wild
Zinovev, Aleksandr (born 1922). Novelist. 'The Yawning Heights', 'The Radiant Future',
'Homo Sovieticus'.
Zoshchenko, Mikhail (1895-1958). Short-story writer and humorist. 'Russia Laughs';
'The Woman Who Could Not Read'; 'The Wonderful Dog'.
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Representative Spanish Writers
'Abencerraje, The' or 'The History of the Abencerraje and the Beautiful Jarifa'
Alarcon y Ariza, Pedro Antonio de (1833-91). 'Diary of a Witness of the African War';
'The Three-Cornered Hat'.
Aleman, Mateo (1547?-1614). 'The Rogue'.
Alfonso the Wise (1221-84). 'Songs to the Virgin'.
Alvarez Quintero, Joaquin (1873-1944), and Alvarez Quintero, Serafin (1871-1938).
'Without Words'; 'Malvaloca'.
Baroja y Nessi, Pio (1872-1956). 'King Paradox'; 'Tree of Knowledge'.
Becquer, Gustavo Adolfo (1836-70). 'Rhymes'.
Benavente, Jacinto (1866-1954). 'The Passion Flower'; 'The Bonds of Interest'; 'The
Best People'.
Benet, Juan (1927-93). 'Return to Region'; 'Meditation'; 'A Winter Journey'; 'Rusty
Berceo, Gonzalo de (1198?-1268?). 'Keep Watch'.
Blasco Ibanez, Vicente (1867-1928). 'The Cabin'; 'The Four Horsemen of the
Bousono, Carlos (born 1923). 'Spring of Death'.
Brines, Francisco (born 1934). 'Rehearsal for a Departure'.
Buero Vallejo, Antonio (born 1916). 'Words in the Sand'.
Caballero, Fernan (Cecilia Bohl de Faber) (1796-1877). 'The Seagull'; 'The Family of
Calderon de la Barca, Pedro (1600-81). 'Life Is a Dream'; 'The Alcalde of Zalamea'.
Casona, Alejandro (Alejandro Rodriguez Alvarez) (1903-65). 'The Lady of Dawn'.
Cela, Camilo Jose (born 1916). 'The Family of Pascual Duarte'; 'The Hive'; 'Mazurka for
Two Dead Bodies'.
'Celestina, La' (1499). Attributed to Fernando de Rojas.
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616). 'Don Quixote'; 'Interludes'; 'The Little
Gypsy Girl'.
Cruz Cano y Olmedilla, Ramon de la (1731-94). 'Farces'.
Cueva, Juan de la (1550?-1610?). 'Poetic Art'.
Delibes, Miguel (born 1920). 'The Path'; 'The Cypress' Shadow Lengthens'.
Dicenta, Joaquin (1863-1917). 'Juan Jose'.
Echegaray, Jose (1832-1916). 'The Great Slanderer'.
Encina, Juan del (1468?-1529?). 'Eclogue of Placida and Vitoriano'; 'Hair Pulling
Espronceda, Jose de (1808-42). 'Student of Salamanca'.
Estebanez Calderon, Serafin (1799-1867). 'Andalusian Scenes'.
Feijoo y Montenegro, Benito Jeronimo (1676-1764). 'Universal Critical Theatre'.
Fernandez de Moratin, Leandro (1760-1828). 'When a Girl Says Yes'; 'The New
Ganivet, Angel (1865-98). 'Spanish Ideology'; 'Pio Cid'.
Garcia Gutierrez, Antonio (1813-84). 'The Troubadour'.
Garcia Lorca, Federico (1898-1936). 'The Blood Wedding', drama; 'First Gypsy
Ballads', poetry.
Garcilaso de la Vega (1503-36). 'Eclogues'.
Gil y Carrasco, Enrique (1815-46). 'The Lord of Bembibre'.
-Page 49-
Gimferrer, Pere (born 1945). 'Poesia'; 'Arde el Mar'.
Giner de los Rios, Francisco (1839-1915). 'Studies Concerning Education'.
Gironella, Jose Maria (born 1917). 'The Cypresses Believe in God'.
Gongora y Argote, Luis de (1561-1627). 'The Most Beautiful Girl'; 'Learn, Flowers,
from Me'.
Goytisolo, Juan (born 1931). 'The Young Assassins'; 'Trilogy of Treason'; 'Landscape
After a Battle'; 'Hunting Preserve'.
Grau, Jacinto (1877-1958). 'Mister Pygmalion'.
Guillen, Jorge (1893-1984). 'Canticle'.
Hernandez, Miguel (1910-42). 'Village Breezes'.
Iriarte, Tomas de (1750-91). 'Literary Fables'.
Isla, Francisco Jose de (1703-81). 'Brother Gerund'.
Jimenez, Juan Ramon (1881-1958). 'Platero and I'.
Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de (1744-1811). 'The Honorable Delinquent'.
Juan de la Cruz, San (1542-91). 'The Soul's Dark Night'.
Laforet, Carmen (born 1921). 'The New Woman'; 'Nothing'.
Larra, Mariano Jose de (1809-37). 'The Doncel of Henry the Ailing'; 'Come Back
'Lazarillo de Tormes' (1554).
Leon, Fray Luis de (1527-91). 'The Rustic Life'.
Linares Rivas, Manuel (1867-1944). 'Family Pride'.
Llamazares, Julio (born 1955). 'Memory of Snow'.
Lopez de Mendoza, Inigo, marques de Santillana (1398- 1458). 'Sonnets Done in the
Italian Style'.
Lopez Rubio, Jose (born 1901). 'On the Other Shore'.
Madariaga, Salvador de (1886-1978). 'The Genius of Spain'.
Manrique, Jorge (1440?-79). 'Stanzas on the Death of Master Rodrigo, His Father'.
Marquina, Eduardo (1879-1946). 'Sunset in Flanders'.
Martin Gaite, Carmen (born 1925). 'At the Spa'; 'The Back Room'.
Martinez de la Rosa, Francisco (1787-1862). 'The Conspiracy of Venice'.
Martinez Sierra, Gregorio (1881-1947). 'Cradle Song'; 'The Mistress of the House'.
Matute, Ana Maria (born 1926). 'On this Earth'; 'The Lost Children'; 'Soldiers Cry in the
Night'; 'The Trap'.
Menendez y Pelayo, Marcelino (1856-1912). 'History of Aesthetic Ideas in Spain'.
Mesonero Romanos, Ramon de (1803-82). 'Madrilenian Scenes'.
Montemayor, Jorge de (1520?-61). 'Diana'.
'Mystery of the Magi' (1150?).
Ortega y Gasset, Jose (1883-1955). 'Invertebrate Spain'.
Otero, Blas de (1916-79). 'Twenty Poems'.
Palacio Valdes, Armando (1853-1938). 'Jose'; 'Martha and Mary'.
Panero, Leopoldo (1909-62). 'Spanish to the Bones'.
Pardo Bazan, Emilia (1852-1921). 'Mother Nature'.
Pereda y Sanchez de Porrua, Jose Maria de (1833-1905) . 'Sotileza'.
Perez de Ayala, Ramon (1880-1962). 'Belarmino and Apolomis'; 'Tiger John'.
Perez Galdos, Benito (1843-1920). 'Fortunata and Jacinta'; 'The Family of Leon Roch'.
'Poem of the Cid' (1140).
Quevedo, Francisco (1580-1645). 'The Great Sharper'.
Quiroga, Elena (born 1921). 'North Wind'.
Rodriguez, Claudio (born 1934). 'Poems'; 'Flight of Celebration'.
Rodriguez de Montalvo, Garci (1475?-1541?). 'Amadis of Gaul'.
Rojas Vila, Carlos (born 1928). 'Auto da Fe'; 'Azana'.
-Page 50-
Rueda, Lope de (1510?-65). 'The Olives'.
Ruiz, Juan (1300?-51?). 'The Book of Good Love'.
Salinas, Pedro (1892-1951). 'Complete Poems'.
Samaniego, Felix Maria (1745-1801). Fables in verse.
Sastre, Alfonso (born 1926). 'The Outpost'.
Sender, Ramon Jose (1902-82). 'The Night of One Hundred Heads'; 'Counterattack'.
Teresa de Jesus, Santa (1515-82). 'Let Nothing Disturb Thee'.
'Tirant the White' (1490?).
Tirso de Molina (Fray Gabriel Tellez) (1584?-1648). 'The Deceiver of Seville'.
Torrente Ballester, Gonzalo (born 1910). 'J.B.'s Saga/Flight'; 'Fragments of an
Apocalypse'; 'The Island Where Hyacinths Are Cut'.
Torres Naharro, Bartolome de (1476?-1531?). 'First Fruits'.
Torres Villarroel, Diego de (1693-1770). 'Life . . . and Adventures of Doctor Diego de
Torres Villarroel'.
Unamuno, Miguel de (1864-1936). 'The Tragic Sense of Life'; 'The Christ of Velasquez'.
Valdes, Juan de (1490?-1541). 'Dialogue Concerning the Language'.
Valera y Alcala Galiano, Juan (1824-1905). 'Pepita Jimenez'.
Valle-Inclan, Ramon del (1866-1936). 'The Pleasant Memoirs of the Marquis of
Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de (1562-1635). 'The Sheep Fountain'.
Vicente, Gil (1469?-1536?). 'Amadis of Gaul', drama.
Vizcaino Casas, Fernando (born 1926). 'Gate of the Sun'; 'Daughters of Mary'; 'Letter
of Exchange'; 'One Hundred Years of Honor'.
Zorrilla, Jose (1817-93). 'Don Juan Tenorio'.
Zunzunegui, Juan Antonio de (born 1902). 'Ship of Death'.