FastFax Tech Tips Is anything Happening? My users are reporting that their faxes are slow. I can never really tell what FastFax is doing, and if it is busy or not. Is there an easy way to figure out if anything is happening? Answer! Automatically let the customer know their fax was received. We receive our inbound faxes via FastFax. We have a particular customer that sends a fax, and right away starts calling and asks us "Did you get my fax?" It interrupts our workflow to drop what we're doing to check our faxes. In addition, since the customer has us on the line, he takes the opportunity to start talking about local sports. Is there any way that FastFax can automatically let the customer know we got the fax? Answer! Update the email server name with new hardware I have a new email server. Where do I update the email server name within FastFax? Answer! Saving our We need to start saving our outbound purchase orders. It would be ideal if outbound the files could be in PDF format. There's been some discussion that purchase orders in eventually we'll want the files to have a custom file name which includes the PDF format in document number and recipient company. These documents will eventually FastFax be picked up by our archiving system. Is there any way FastFax can handle this? Answer! Auto-Converting Documents in FastFax I have MS Word documents that I want to attach to FastFax ExtractorTemplates jobs, but I don't want to go through the process of converting them into a .TIF or .PCX image and then entering them into the FastFax Graphics Table. If I have to do this conversion every time we need to fax it's going to waste a lot of time. Is there any other way? Answer! Including Coversheets in Emails We acquired the FastFax Email Gateways module, and love the fact that we can send and receive faxes through our email client. However, when a document is emailed, the cover sheet fails to get attached, while the cover sheet notes appear in the body of the email. This is problematic since there is information on our cover sheets that our customers have to acknowledge, initial, and fax back to us. Is there any way to get the cover sheets included when we transmit via e-mail? Answer! I want to ensure that we have the latest FastFax version. How do I find out what version we currently have? I would like to start taking advantage of FastFax's advanced features and tools that later versions provide, such as the ability to manage faxes from the desktop using a windows-based application, and the ability to send and receive faxes directly from an email client. How do I find out what version I currently have, and how do I go about upgrading? Answer! Can the "Description" be We use FastFax Extractor to automatically fax and e-mail our purchase orders, invoices and acknowledgements. We think it's terrific since we didn't modified to select different - and more meaningful information? have to touch our applications to set it up, and non-programmers can maintain our Extractor templates. The one thing we wish would improve is the information that shows up under "Description" in Work with Fax Messages. This description also shows up in the subject line of our customer emails. It appears to be the UserData on the original spooled file. Can the "Description" be modified to select different - and more meaningful information? Answer! How do I use departments cover sheet instead of a generic one? We love FastFax's ability to send faxes, that are going to the same phone number, in batch. This speeds up the transmission time and makes efficient use of our telephone lines. The batch cover sheet feature is also very beneficial, since it clarifies who is sending and receiving what during a batch transmission. (As you know a batch job can have multiple senders and recipients.) However, when a batch cover sheet is used, we find that we have to use the same "one-size-fits-all" cover sheet for all of our departments. How can I create individual batch cover sheets for each department? Answer! Use "26.3" Filenames in FastFax Our application generates spooled files with the FastFax API commands embedded at the top of the first page of each document. We attach price sheets developed in Excel by embedding a *AP command. The ability to attach documents developed on PC's is a very useful tool. However& your "8.3" file name limitation (Ed Note: the maximum length of the attached file name is 8 characters plus the file extension) creates an extra step for us: we have to rename all of the files - and be careful in doing so - before saving them out on the iSeries' IFS. Can you help us out on this? Answer! Get FastFax Is there any way for FastFax to send a message to my e-mail inbox to notify System Messages me when my outbound faxes fail to transmit? Answer! Delivered To Your Email Inbox Increase FastFax Security & Continue To Use Auto-Logon Our IT department is becoming increasingly strict on rules relating to security. While we have a rule that no server can auto-logon we have continued to leave the FastFax processor/file-server as it has always been set up. That is, due to the operations on the processor/file-server – and it’s mission-critical role in our business – we want the unit to come back up to “active” status without someone having to go down to the server room and logon. We have used the screen-saver feature to place the processor into a lockedup status, but there still is a small period of time where the auto-logon has occurred and the desktop appears. Eventually we’re going to be required to disable the auto-logon feature, but this will be very inconvenient for those of us in IT. Any suggestions? Answer! Batch Faxing: Increase Efficiency & Throughput while Saving Money! There are times when we generate a lot of fax jobs and our outbound faxes queue gets pretty backed up. Someone in our office thought they heard that FastFax can send more than one fax in a single phone call. Is this true? If so how does it work and where do I turn the feature on? Thanks for your help. Answer! Auto-Routing FastFax Documents We use FastFax for receiving inbound faxes and then having them forwarded automatically to specific users (i.e. FastFax automatically sends the inbound fax to the user’s e-mail inbox). Within one of our departments, we want a copy of all of these inbound faxes sent to the department’s manager. The only way we can think to do this is to have each user forward a copy of the inbound to the manager. For a variety of reasons this doesn't always get accomplished, and sometimes it’s a burden on the users. Is there anything in FastFax that can help us out? Answer! FastFax API: Including Messages with Fax & Email Jobs We use the FastFax API to automate the creation of our fax / e-mail jobs (we have FastFax eDocMail). I want to send a message along with the faxes and e-mails. How do we do this and how will they appear? Answer! Auto-Converting Documents in FastFax I have MS Word documents that I want to attach to FastFax ExtractorTemplates jobs, but I don’t want to go through the process of converting them into a .TIF or .PCX image and then entering them into the FastFax Graphics Table. If I have to do this conversion every time we need to fax it's going to waste a lot of time. Is there any other way? Answer! Optimize Line Is there a way to determine if my allocation of lines among the *SEND, Allocation In Four *RECEIVE and *BOTH groups is optimal? For example, I've dedicated three Easy Steps lines for receive, and would like to know if they are frequently going unused when I could be using them for sending. However, I don't want to have a system that can't receive any faxes at all because all lines are being used for outbound. I've looked at the statistics that are now available through the system status screen, and they don't tell me what I want to know. [Ed. Note: This customer utilizes a 16-channel, fractional T1 circuit-type PRI. The T1 is connected from the FastFax processor to a PBX.] Answer! Taking Scanning Out of the Equation with FastFax / Enterprise I know that graphics files to be uploaded into FastFax need to be PCX or TIF, 200 x 200 dpi, and two-color (black and white). The problem for us is that it's very cumbersome to get the scanning done. Do you have any suggestions? Answer! How To Only Send System Message To The FastFax Administrator I’m the Administrator of our FastFax system and I find it helpful to receive the system messages that FastFax sends to my message queue. However, in order to get those messages I also seem to have to receive a lot of additional messages that I’d rather not get in my queue. I have the "Default Message Type" set to *ERR. Is there any way to set FastFax to send me only the system messages? Answer! Use Partial ANI Entries for More Our FastFax system uses a T1-type PRI telephone circuit along with ANI service to route inbound faxes using the sender's fax telephone number. Flexible Routing Rules Automatically directing faxes from a particular sender fax numbers to particular FastFax users, printers, email inboxes, and paths works out very well for us. However, all incoming faxes from numbers that haven't been previously entered into FastFax inbound routing table get sent to the general Inbox for manual routing (or entry into the routing table). We'd like to cut down on tracking and entering individual sender numbers by automatically routing all faxes originating from a particular state/province to a particular person/location. Any way to accomplish this? Answer Using Auto-Purge To Clean Out Old Faxes & Records I understand that FastFax can automatically clean out old and no longer wanted faxes/e-mails, but I'm unsure how to set up this clean-up feature. Where is it, and can you explain how it works? Answer Save Time When Changing the Default Cover Sheet We have a lot of FastFax users in our system. I'd like to change the default cover sheets from time, but I'm reluctant to do so – it takes a considerable amount of time to go into each User’s FastFax Profile and change the default cover sheet. Any way to make this simpler, easier, and faster? Answer Quickly Find Old I frequently need to locate old faxes on FastFax's "Inbound Fax" screen. Faxes Using a" Here's the catch: all I usually have is a printed copy that was produced from Unique Identifier" FastFax several days ago. How do I pull this off without wasting a lot of time? Answer New Processing Is there a way that FastFax will generate API commands into my spool file Options in FastFax without doing any programming? Answer Extractor Save Time! Directly Attach Documents to Faxes & Emails! Is there some way that I can directly attach files to an outgoing fax or email without going through the process of converting everything to TIF or PCX? It would be a real time-saver if I can. Answer