- ReddiNet Help and Support

This User Guide is a step-by-step guide to help you operate ReddiNet. It explains
how to use the features of the ReddiNet emergency medical communication system.
REPORTS: ReddiNet data is available in printable reports and can be downloaded in
to Excel spreadsheets for most data sets. Reports can be run from the Customer
Profile at www.reddinet.net. Some reports are available to print directly from the
ReddiNet live application screens. The following reports are available:
Alert Level Report - Displays Alert 1 and 2 data from the Status module.
Assessment Report – Displays the answers and the time of data entry for
each facility answering an assessment poll.
Bed Availability History Report-Hospital – Displays history of empty
staffed beds.
Bed Availability History Report-LTC – Displays history of empty staffed
Diversion History Report – Displays which hospitals were on diversion; the
diversion type with its duration; and the date/time the hospital went on
Facilities and Provider List – Displays a list of all facilities and providers by
county with addresses and phone numbers.
HAvBED History Report – Displays history of HAvBED and related surge
capacity data.
HAvBED History Report-State – Displays history of HAvBED reporting for
Statewide HAvBED drills according to State reporting format and data
collection requirements.
MCI Report – Displays the results of a specific multiple/mass casualty
incident including MCI description, type, location, estimated patients, initiator,
date/time initiated, and current status.
It also displays participating
hospitals, dispatched ambulances with destinations and reported patients.
Message History Report – Displays history of messages sent and received
for a specific facility.
Online Users/Facilities Report – Displays users and their facilities who are
currently signed in to ReddiNet via an internet connection. This report is only
available to EMS Agencies. Internet only users. r
Patient Census History Report-Hospital – Displays history of patient
census-patients in beds
Patient Census History Report-LTC- Displays history of patient censuspatients in beds
Patient Locator Report – Displays a Statewide listing by ReddiNet counties
of patients who were the victims of the most recent MCIs.
Transport Status History – Displays current availability of ground and
airship units on ReddiNet.
User Sign-In History Report – Displays history of users signed in to
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Locating Reports
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
1. Go to www.reddinet.net.
2. Enter your Username and Password.
3. Click on Customer Profile.
Step 4
4. Click on the REPORTS tab to open up the list of report choices.
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Step 5
5. Click on the name of the report you want to run.
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Alert Level Report
Alert Level Report - Displays Alert 1 and Alert 2 data from the Status module.
Step 3
Step 2.
Step 1
Step 6
Step 5
Step 4
1. Once you have selected your report, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
2. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only,
enter the same date in both From and To.
3. Click on Summary Only if you want a total by month for both Alerts 1 and 2.
4. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
5. If you want to download raw data, click on Download Excel. Follow normal
procedures to download data in to an Excel spreadsheet.
6. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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Assessment Report
Assessment Report – Displays the answers and the time of data entry for each
facility answering an assessment poll.
Step 1
1. Select and click on the Assessment Report link.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
2. Select one of the preferred sorting mechanisms for the Assessment
3. Select the name of the desired poll and click on it to highlight it.
4. Click on Next.
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Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
5. Once you have selected your poll, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
6. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only,
enter the same date in both From and To.
7. Select your hospital. You can only see your own facility’s response. The
EMS agency can see all facility responses.
Step 8
Step 10
Step 9
Step 11
8. Click the single arrow button to move your selection to the panel on the
9. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the
Print button on your toolbar.
10. If you want to download raw data, click on Download Excel. Follow normal
procedures to download data in to an Excel spreadsheet.
11. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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Bed Availability History Report-Hospital
Bed Availability History Report-Hospital – Displays history of empty staffed beds
excluding Emergency Department beds.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 6
Step 4
Step 5
1. Select and click on the Bed Availability History Report–Hospital link.
2. Once you have selected your report, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
3. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only,
enter the same date in both From and To.
4. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
5. If you want to download raw data, click on Download Excel. Follow Microsoft
procedures to download data in to an Excel spreadsheet.
6. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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Bed Availability History Report-LTC
Bed Availability History Report-LTC – Displays history of bed availability-empty
staffed beds. Data will only appear on the report if your facility is an LTC.
Step 1.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 6
Step 5
1. Select and click on the Bed Availability History Report–LTC link.
2. Once you have selected your report, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
3. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only,
enter the same date in both From and To.
4. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
5. If you want to download raw data, click on Download Excel. Follow Microsoft
procedures to download data in to an Excel spreadsheet.
6. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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Diversion History Report
Diversion History Report – Displays which hospitals were on diversion; the
diversion type with its duration; any comments entered; initials of person entering
the data and the date/time the hospital went on diversion.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 9
Step 7
Step 8
1. Select and click on the Diversion History Report link.
2. Once you have selected your report, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
3. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only, enter
the same date in both From and To.
4. Select the Summary Only box to see month by month totals.
5. Select the Show Comments box to see any comments documented to explain
the diversion and to see the authorization/operator name/initials.
6. Click on the diversion category or categories that you want in your report.
7. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
8. If you want to download raw data, click on Download Excel. Follow Microsoft
procedures to download data in to an Excel spreadsheet.
9. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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Facilities and Providers List
Facilities and Providers List–Displays facility names, addresses and phone
numbers by county
Step 1
Step 3
Step 2
Step 4
Step 5
1. Select and click on the Facilities and Providers List link.
2. Select one county or multiple counties. Select CALIFORNIA to select all.
3. Click on the single arrow and move the county name(s) to the panel on the
4. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
5. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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HAvBED History Report
HAvBED History Report – Displays history of HAvBED bed availability and related
to surge capacity data. A separate history report created specifically for State
HAvBED drills designed per their formatting and data collection requirements is
available as well. You access it the same way you access the regular HAvBED
History Report.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 6
Step 5
1. Select and click on the HAvBED History Report link.
2. Once you have selected your report, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
3. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only,
enter the same date in both From and To.
4. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
5. If you want to download raw data, click on Download Excel. Follow normal
procedures to download data in to an Excel spreadsheet.
6. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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MCI Report
MCI Report – Displays the results of a specific multiple/mass casualty incident
including description, type, location, estimated patients, initiator, date/time initiated,
and current status. It also displays participating hospitals, dispatched ambulance
with destinations and reported patients.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
1. Select and click on the MCI Report link.
2. Highlight the name of the MCI.
3. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
4. If you want to download raw data, click on Download Excel. Follow Microsoft
procedures to download data in to an Excel spreadsheet.
5. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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Messages Report
Message History Report – Displays history of messages sent and received for a
specific facility. A facility may only run a report for it’s own messages. EMS has the
ability to run Message Reports for all facilities within their county.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
step 4
Step 6
Step 5
1. Select and click on the Message History link.
2. Once you have selected your report, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
3. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only,
enter the same date in both From and To.
4. Click on the drop-down arrow to determine which types of messages you
want to appear on the report-All, Sent, or Received. NOTE: This report is
every message received during the From and To dates. If you choose All, be
prepared to have a large report!
5. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar. This report cannot be downloaded.
6. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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Online Users/Facilities Report
Online Users/Facility Report – This report is only available to the EMS Agency in
the county. This report shows all Users logged in real time.
Online Users/Facilities Report for San Luis Obispo
Displays users and their facilities who are currently signed in to
Printed from website on 4/10/2011 2:36:10 PM
User Name
Arroyo Grande Community Hospital
French Hospital Medical Center
Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center
SLO County EMS Agency
SLO Med Comm Central Point
Twin Cities Community Hospital
Twin Cities Community Hospital
Patient Census History Report-Hospital
Patient Census History Report-Hospital – Displays history of patient censuspatients in beds. Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 6
Step 4
Step 5
1. Select and click on the Patient Census History Report–Hospital link.
2. Once you have selected your report, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
3. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only,
enter the same date in both From and To.
4. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
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5. If you want to download raw data, click on Download Excel. Follow normal
procedures to download data in to an Excel spreadsheet.
6. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
Patient Census History Report-LTC
Patient Census History Report-LTC- Displays history of patient census-patients in
long term care beds. Data will only appear on the report if your facility is an LTC.
Step 1
Step 3
Step 2
Step 4
Step 6
Step 5
1. Select and click on the Patient Census History Report–LTC link.
2. Once you have selected your report, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
3. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only,
enter the same date in both From and To.
4. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
5. If you want to download raw data, click on Download Excel. Follow normal
procedures to download data in to an Excel spreadsheet.
6. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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Patient Locator Report
Patient Locator Report – Displays a Statewide listing by ReddiNet counties of
patients who were the victims of the most recent MCIs by multiple sorts. This report
will only show patients involved in actual and drill MCIs within ReddiNet counties.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
1. Select and click on the Patient Locator Report link.
2. Select one county or multiple counties. Select CALIFORNIA if you want to
view all.
3. Click on the single arrow button and move the county name(s) to the panel to
the right.
4. Sort the report by clicking on the dropdown arrow. Sort choices are: Last
Name, First Name, Hospital, Age, Gender, Disposition, Triage Tag,
Last Update and MCI Status (open or ended).
5. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
6. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
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Transport Status History Report
Transport Status History Report– Displays availability of ground and airship units
on ReddiNet. This data is only seen by the individual Provider and the EMS agency
or pre-designated agency.
This report can only be downloaded to an Excel
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 5
Step 4
Step 6
Step 7
1. Select and click on the Transport Status History Report link.
2. Once you have selected your report, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
3. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only,
enter the same date in both From and To.
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4. If you want to download raw data, click on Download Excel. Follow normal
procedures to download data in to an Excel spreadsheet.
5. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
User Sign-In History Report
User Sign-In History Report – Displays history of Users signed in to ReddiNet on
different computers.
Step 1
Step 3
Step 2
Step 4
Step 5
1. Select and click on User Sign-In History Report link.
2. Once you have selected your report, enter the From and To dates. You may
type in the actual dates, or
3. Click on the calendars to pick the From and To Dates. For one day only,
enter the same date in both From and To.
4. If you want to view or print your report, click on the View Report link. See
sample below. Print the report as you do any other document using the Print
button on your toolbar.
5. If you do not want to open or save this file, click on Cancel.
NOTE: Asterisk
denotes that User
is still logged into
the system.
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